be a lot more eating and drinking today and you want to be ready. by 2:00 p.m., he s made his way back uphill to mom s place. zack: every day i come here for lunch. maria: beer. eh? [ laughs ] zack: and i walk in and she says, get us two beers. so i ll get two beers from the fridge and watch her cook. [ maria speaking spanish ] [ zack speaking spanish ] maria: salud. anthony: everybody s home for easter. maria jose, zack s soon-to-be mother-in-law, and eloy, that s dad, plus alejandro and pedro, the soon-to-be brothers-in-law, who you ve already met. what this nice family doesn t realize is they aren t just gaining a son, but also an annoying half-drunk and extremely hungry uncle tony. and i know what happens here. zack: yeah, so let s okay. [ laughter ] anthony: jamon, sitting there ready to be carved.
here. anthony: that sort of begs the question, then. while i m busy hating you for your life, how often are you getting drunk a day? zack: twice. anthony: right. zack: one and a half. fuen: i don t get drunk in a day. zack: but the point of this is is the eloy no. [ eloy speaking spanish ] zack: that is so spanish, by the way, to be like everybody have a very distinct opinion and it be completely different. anthony: exactly. exactly. yeah. zack: it s like eloy: it s typical. alejandro: and no one s saying no one s saying, whatever. i don t know. [ laughter ] anthony: when my time comes, i pretty much want to die at a table like this. good work, zamboni. good work. so, zack, you happy with the show? zack: hope i don t suck on television. anthony: dude, i think i m setting a pretty low bar. i m going to tell you, this relaxed lifestyle, you know,
[ eloy speaking spanish ] alejandro: but you know that zack had to prove us that he was able to cut the ham before he proposed to my sister. anthony: i think that s a completely reasonable policy. [ laughter ] anthony: eventually, the appropriate hour for lunch approaches. so, not to embarrass you publicly [ maria speaking spanish ] anthony: but the maine is not exactly the mediterranean of america. [ laughter ] let s put it that way. how is he adapting to the spanish lifestyle? i mean, let s face it. he s a maine boy. fuen: he s more spanish than me. anthony: really? fuen: yeah. and, i mean, in the first week he was like, ah, i don t understand how you guys can take siesta. the week after, i need a siesta. [ laughs ] anthony: it s interesting to see how you ve made the transition. cheers. pedro: cheers. alejandro: cheers. [ maria speaking spanish ] anthony: first up, this, bacalao salad salt cod, egg, black olives, oranges, tomatoes, dressed in
masculinity, male beauty, and grace. that runs deep. like it or not, you should probably know this before dating a spanish guy. me, i d happily see an end to it tomorrow. but there is no denying the terrible beauty of a very complex tradition. it s not about winning. it s not about killing the bull. it and it and nor is it about being just skillful. uh, you have to look good doing it, too. alejandro: yeah, exactly. anthony: are there any, like, really ugly-ass bullfighters? anthony: like, a really out-of-shape, a matador with a muffin top. how do you call a muffin top? [ alejandro speaking spanish ] [ men speaking spanish ] alejandro: we ve seen just a little bit, yeah. there s a little of everything. anthony: interesting. well, it was an education today and a great meal. thank you. alejandro: cheers. anthony: cheers. , covering virtually every part of your retail business.
that was really good. and, um, yeah, that s it. anthony: hey, it s time for stew. bull stew. our friend went to a better place after all, like a big pot, where he simmered slowly for hours with local herbs, onions, and potatoes. nothing like a roaring fire and a spread of iberico ham, homemade chorizo, spanish cheeses, bread, and good olive oil to take the sting out of a near genital mutilation. nice. alejandro: looks good, huh? [ el fandi speaking spanish ] alejandro: it s not a bad place to come, right? anthony: no. now, you started, uh, at age 19? [ el fandi speaking spanish ] anthony: when you were a little boy, growing up alejandro: yeah. anthony: you aspired to be alejandro: exactly. anthony: a bullfighter. the matadors were the original rock stars, the very ideal of