Keith Hufnagel Remembered
Keith Hufnagel’s influence almost can’t be overstated. In his short-but-momentous life, he conquered both coasts, became an icon of the streets and opened shops on multiple continents with his eponymous HUF brand. Three letters, all caps, the name itself blends simplicity and power in a way that perfectly mirrors the way he lived. Read from his closest friends to fully appreciate Keith s everlasting impact as seen in our January, 2021 mag.
Left: Varial flip at the Brooklyn Banks for every skater on the East Coast Photo: Wallacavage
RIght: Twin Towers X Raw Power Photo: Yelland
One time Keith and I were skating the Brooklyn Banks in early 1990. We were going to go there and then head to Midtown to meet up with a bunch of other people. Right before we were supposed to leave I snapped my board in half. I was so bummed that I‘d have to head back to Brooklyn instead of skating with all of our friends. But Keith told me straigh