Darius Jermaine Ned Thomas Jr. was driving west on the Florida parkway in Jacksonville that runs along the St. Johns River, listening to music on a Friday afternoon in August
Darius Jermaine Ned Thomas Jr. was driving west on the Florida parkway in Jacksonville that runs along the St. Johns River, listening to music on a Friday afternoon in August
come up against many situations where, just seeing it as it is, the mere fact of his colour has denied him access to certain things. it s that simple. know, there s not things. it s that simple. know, there s not that things. it s that simple. know, there s not that many - things. it s that simple. know, there s not that many people | there s not that many people that there s not that many people that look like me, at all, in the that look like me, at all, in the sport that look like me, at all, in the sport- that look like me, at all, in the sport. even some races i was disqualified the sport. even some races i was disqualified from - the sport. even some races i was disqualified from being l the sport. even some races i i was disqualified from being too quick, so they accuse me of cheating. they checked the car, they checked everything. everything was clean. we never cheated. we even had a slower cut than most people. i feel, personally, it was to do with my race. i can t