so i want a tax bill that will help the economy. i want to reform healthcare and n. a way that s better than obamacare. i don t have a guideline other than gettin getting it right. ainsley: american people do have a deadline with all due respect. people are wondering why you are taking so much time off. time off? ainsley: yeah. a lot of people are glad we are not in session. ainsley: we are hearing tax reform might not happen by august. now we are hearing it might not be august. it doesn t matter whether it s august this year or next year. ainsley: it does to the american people and taxpayers. what matters is do we improve the tax code at home. are your taxes lower. do you have have more wages coming into your paycheck? is there more money in your pocket are the costs going down or going up? this is the big stuff to president trump. take your time. ed: big stuff on world stage. big national security challenges. north korea, syria. now iran under the radar last night. yeah. ed