ENERGY expert and chairman of the TT Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (TTEITI), Gregory McGuire, said there are positives to be taken from the shallow-water competitive bid round.
UNC MPs David Lee and Barry Padarath are questioning the rationale behind the Government's seeking a $2.3 billlion supplementation to the 2023/2023 budget.
SIX bids were made on five shallow-water blocks during the closing ceremony of the shallow water competitive bid round 2023, held at Tower C of the Waterfront Complex, Port of Spain.
SIX bids were made on five shallow-water blocks during the closing ceremony of the shallow water competitive bid round 2023, held at Tower C of the Waterfront Complex, Port of Spain.
Here’s a roundup of the latest E&P headlines including first gas from an Oman field and new contract awards from the past week in the upstream oil and gas industry.