The Aquinnah select board unanimously approved establishing a Aquinnah Cliff lease committee during its Tuesday afternoon meeting. During a previous meeting, the board reached a consensus to have a final draft for Cliff lot leases by January after a discussion with leaseholders. Currently, there are two types of leases: one directly from the town, and […]
The Aquinnah select board reached a consensus to have a final draft of the leases for lots on Aquinnah Cliffs by January during a Tuesday afternoon meeting. The board had two leases, one for the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) and another for individual leaseholders, who are also tribal members. However, a tribe council […]
The Aquinnah select board unanimously approved a shared-use agreement for Vern Welch’s Menemsha dock lease with the Martha’s Vineyard Shellfish Group during a Thursday afternoon meeting. After the vote, The Times questioned whether board chair Juli Vanderhoop should have disclosed her relationship with the shellfish group before voting. Vanderhoop is listed as vice president of […]
The Aquinnah select board wants more information before they support a shared-use agreement for a Menemsha dock lease. Vern Welch, a Menemsha dock leaseholder, met with the board on Thursday and informed them that he has been in discussion with the Martha’s Vineyard Shellfish Group about the possibility of raising some of their shellfish seeds […]