BJP veteran Santosh Gangwar has been dropped from the party’s ticket in Bareilly, causing resentment among the Kurmi community. This decision, in favor of a former state minister who lost the Assembly polls, has thrown the party’s re-election prospects into uncertainty. PM Modi’s roadshow and public meeting have made the contest between the BJP and […]
The BJP’s decision to replace seasoned MP Santosh Gangwar with a former MLA in its bastion has angered the influential OBC Kurmi community and exposed an internal rift.
Know Your Candidates: Bareilly Full Candidate List 2022 for UP Elections : #RashtraNews #Candidates #Bareilly #Full #Candidate #List #Elections The Bareilly seat will vote in Phase 2 of Uttar Pradesh elections 2022 on February 14. The Bareilly Assembly election result will be declared on March 10. Voting is scheduled to take place on February 14