BISHOPS HULL 05/20/0057: Installation of roof mounted solar PV panels on former coach house at Elm Farm, Rumwell Park Lane, Rumwell
BISHOPS LYDEARD 06/20/0060: Erection of a storage building for machinery to replace previously demolished garage building at Wombat Cricket Club, Watts Lane, Bishops Lydeard 06/20/0062: Replacement of porch with the erection of a two storey extension to the front of Oakdene, Dene Road, Bishops Lydeard 06/20/0063: Conversion of cottage into 2 No. dwellings with erection of first floor extension over garage and replacement of porch at The Mews, Dene Road, Bishops Lydeard 06/20/0064: Erection of Photovoltaic Solar Panels and associated works at Land at Sandhill Park, Bishops Lydeard - Variation of Condition No.03 of planning permission 06/10/0044 (to extend the time limit restriction of operational life of the solar farm)