about, you know, failed presidents who want to be commissioners, remember george bush wanted to be the baseball commissioner at one point, clearly the job that trump is angling for leaving the white house early and demonstrates the obsession of things he thinks he can control through narrative and bullying opposed to policy, deal making and negotiation. you would think that a president who s accomplished as little as trump accomplished, as unpopular as he is, would be talking more about the iran deal instead of one question, would be talking about how he s going to work with congress. he wants to focus on football abe something he thinks he thinks he can win and given up on being a legislator and running the country. ana marie, just for the constitutional record, whenever i hear the president and people like him saying, you cannot disrespect the flag, the united states supreme court has held that you can. you can burn it. you can use it for toilet paper. you can do whatever you want
it got for donald trump during his interview with sean hannity tonight on fox news. during president trump s interview with sean hannity before that large audience waiting for the president s speech today, mention of senator john mccain brought boos from that crowd and here s what happened when sean hannity asked a very good question. most important question of the night. what is the calm before the storm? calm before the storm, you re not going to talk about that eater? no. i don t talk about it. joining us now, ann marie cox, contributor to the new york times magazine and podcast and with us on david frum and david johnson. to be fair with sean hannity, not the phrase you hear every night on this show, he went at the calm before the storm thing a couple of times and was right on the verge obviously as you saw there of giving up when he said you re obviously not going
with congress. he wants to focus on football abe something he thinks he thinks he can win and given up on being a legislator and running the country. ana marie, just for the constitutional record, whenever i hear the president and people like him saying, you cannot disrespect the flag, the united states supreme court has held that you can. you can burn it. you can use it for toilet paper. you can do whatever you want with it. that s the first amendment allows you to do with it. whether you should or not is a matter of opinion. but whether you can is not. no. it s not. also, you don t have to stand for the national anthem or the pledge of allegiance. when i was a young punk rocker i took great pride in the fact i had that right because i was kind of a little jerk. i probably wouldn t do that today except, except it s to great effect. we are talking more about the causes that colin kaepernick wanted us to talk about than before he started and still are
okay. has anyone seen his ratings? what you are doing to your competition is incredible. thank you. number one and very proud of you and an honor to be on your show. i have to tell you, that sean. that is just about how rough it got for donald trump during his interview with sean hannity tonight on fox news. during president trump s interview with sean hannity before that large audience waiting for the president s speech today, mention of senator john mccain brought boos from that crowd and here s what happened when sean hannity asked a very good question. most important question of the night. what is the calm before the storm? calm before the storm, you re not going to talk about that eater? no. i don t talk about it. joining us now, ann marie cox, contributor to the new york times magazine and podcast and with us on david frum and david johnson. to be fair with sean hannity, not the phrase you hear every night on this show, he went at
all at once i started getting emails from all these people telling me that i was a racist, that i was a sobero path, that i should kill myself. day yeah view. current t fires keith olbermann for missing work, and he suggests owner al gore is unethical, and his replacement? eliot spitzer. plus what speemp did you listen to? just right here. stop lying. would you guys quit distorting what i m saying? rick santorum curses out a new york times reporter. what did jeb zellany do to deserve this? i m hourt kurtz, and this is reliable sources. reporters dug up new information this week in the killing of trayvon martin. renee of the orlando sentinel obtained the controversial account of what george zimmerman told police in florida that he had been accosted by the teenager. the two exchanged words that trayvon struck a blow, punched george zimmerman in the nose, and that floored mr. zimmerman. but that account and one of the miami herald ahead, seen only to harden