Artists experiment with all kinds of materials like metal, glass, and wood. So how about soil, living things, or whole ecosystems? Cincinnati curator Sue Spaid has been at the forefront of the Eco-Art movement for over 20 years. Producer Susan Byrnes meets with her in Cincinnati’s Madisonville neighborhood to learn more about the art form.
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Wellesley Historical Society
This Father s Day, please consider giving the gift of membership to the Wellesley Historical Society (
We have enjoyed many virtual events over the past year, including two virtual tastings (Jack’s Abby and Bully Boy), a virtual cooking class with Amy Lipton of Joyful Kitchen Cooking School, and lectures. Staff also incorporated collections into social media, strengthening our presence on Facebook (@wellesleyhistoricalsociety) and Instagram (@wellesleyhistorical).
While we are grateful for our many social media followers, we look forward to in-person interactions.
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December 31, 2020 11:30 am
Shari Urquhart,
Wedding Portrait (J. Van Eyck), 1998, Persian wool, mohair, metallic acrylic & silk fibers, 79.5 x 67.75 inches
Lamentable deaths occur every year, but in 2020 Covid-19 has made for an especially grim atmosphere of loss. In the art world, painter Jackie Saccoccio and art historian Barbara Rose are the most recent to be mourned across social media and in thoughtful obituaries in the New York Times
. Artnet has compiled a list of other notable art figures who have passed away, including Beverly Pepper, Emily Mason, William Bailey, Richard Anuszkiewicz, Susan Rothenberg, Ron Gorchov, and Luchita Hurtado. ArtForum
‘s list includes Ulay, John Baldessari, Christo, Suh Se-ok, and May Stevens. At artcritical