Check out scientifically researched facts and solutions for the age-old questions - how to protect your hair from chlorine after a fun day out in the poolside.
Melasma is a skin condition where dark, brown, grey, and discolored patches show up commonly around the cheeks, nose, forehead, upper lip, and chin area due to excessive sun exposure, hormonal imbalances, and also during pregnancy. But the most common culprit is sun exposure which can trigger excessive melanin production, so wearing a sunscreen is a must because melasma relapses and flares up when guards are lowered since it is a chronic condition. Though laser and cosmetic procedures promise permanent removal of melasma, the truth is that, relapses do happen, and that’s why maintenance is your best option. Rather than opting for expensive laser treatments, here are some home remedies that youc an try to reduce melasma and dark spots.