ConsUmer confIdence has slUmped. Is the Doom And Gloom laboUr Is sellIng sappIng all enthUsIasm for the brItIsh economy . The governments crItIcs say, It Is tIme for a new message . Reform say they wIll transform the party to pUt NIgel Farage In nUmber 10. Its a bIg pledge for a party wIth fIve mps. How are they goIng to do It . Good EvenIng And Welcome to newsnIght the home of InsIght and IntevIews. On oUr panel tonIght, The PromInent LaboUr Donor and champIon of Green Energy dale vInce, the former BrexIt Party mep, now talk presenter, alex phIllIps. And the Uk DIrector of more In common lUke tryl. For weeks now the government has been tellIng Us the coUntrys fInances are In a rIght old mess. Prepare yoUrself for some paIn, saId the PrIme MInIster. Well, It seems the coUntry has taken hIm at hIs word. ConsUmer sentIment, whIch powers the economy, has dropped lIke a stone In september. We are less wIllIng to spend, whIch means small and medIUm sIzed bUsInesses are not InvestIng eIther.
The governments of our modern world . I was able to go to an ancient race as they referred to. They are an extraterrestrial group that has ever been involved with humanity. They take a genetic approach to health and manage this experiment. The cia has been classified the document that describes a cataclysmic series of events. The main message from these eighties is for us to prepare ourselves. You know, i had no idea. I thought i knew. I thought i knew about these things. I did not know. The eighties . The aliens . What they did . I didnt know. Theyre preparing for us for the end of the world. They are, i think, going to cause the end of the world . I dont know if thats supposed to be good. The aliens, these cute little liked evaded polls very dough boy white aliens theyre kind of good but its also the end of the world, turns out its all hidden right on the open. That was a movie . That was a film that was released in 2019 at least 2019 when it was posted online. The same filmmaker als
The governments of our modern world . I was able to go to an ancient race as they referred to. They are an extraterrestrial group that has ever been involved with humanity. They take a genetic approach to health and manage this experiment. The cia has been classified the document that describes a cataclysmic series of events. The main message from these eighties is for us to prepare ourselves. You know, i had no idea. I thought i knew. I thought i knew about these things. I did not know. The eighties . The aliens . What they did . I didnt know. Theyre preparing for us for the end of the world. They are, i think, going to cause the end of the world . I dont know if thats supposed to be good. The aliens, these cute little liked evaded polls very dough boy white aliens theyre kind of good but its also the end of the world, turns out its all hidden right on the open. That was a movie . That was a film that was released in 2019 at least 2019 when it was posted online. The same filmmaker als
The governments of our modern world . I was able to go to an ancient race as they referred to. They are an extraterrestrial group that has ever been involved with humanity. They take a genetic approach to health and manage this experiment. The cia has been classified the document that describes a cataclysmic series of events. The main message from these eighties is for us to prepare ourselves. You know, i had no idea. I thought i knew. I thought i knew about these things. I did not know. The eighties . The aliens . What they did . I didnt know. Theyre preparing for us for the end of the world. They are, i think, going to cause the end of the world . I dont know if thats supposed to be good. The aliens, these cute little liked evaded polls very dough boy white aliens theyre kind of good but its also the end of the world, turns out its all hidden right on the open. That was a movie . That was a film that was released in 2019 at least 2019 when it was posted online. The same filmmaker als
The governments of our modern world . I was able to go to an ancient race as they referred to. They are an extraterrestrial group that has ever been involved with humanity. They take a genetic approach to health and manage this experiment. The cia has been classified the document that describes a cataclysmic series of events. The main message from these eighties is for us to prepare ourselves. You know, i had no idea. I thought i knew. I thought i knew about these things. I did not know. The eighties . The aliens . What they did . I didnt know. Theyre preparing for us for the end of the world. They are, i think, going to cause the end of the world . I dont know if thats supposed to be good. The aliens, these cute little liked evaded polls very dough boy white aliens theyre kind of good but its also the end of the world, turns out its all hidden right on the open. That was a movie . That was a film that was released in 2019 at least 2019 when it was posted online. The same filmmaker als