- you know what? that looks like fire! - comedy without black people would be like the nba without black players. (kevin screaming) - your biggest, biggest superstars in comedy have been black. (eddie yelling) - just genius and hilarious. - yeah, i said it. (audience cheering) - the chappelle show redefined sketch comedy. - i m rick james, bitch. (audience laughing) - in living color set up a platform for black comedians blowing up. - i don t think so. homie don t play that. (audience laughing) - arsenio hall was, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo. it was groundbreaking. - [audience] woo, woo, woo, woo, woo. - you had a black man willing to fight the power. - nice being out of jail. (audience laughing) - laughter is healing, laughter purifies the air. actually i don t like to talk about the races, because i m white. - and we, as black people, have been doing it forever. - i am, this is a freckle. (audience laughing) - all black comedians discuss race. - it s harder being gay than i
- one of the most iconic sketches on key & peele involved barack obama and his alter ego, luther. - a lot of folks say that i haven t done a good job at communicating my accomplishments to the public. - because y all mother (beep) don t listen! - and it was so popular that obama himself invited luther to come up on stage with him during a white house correspondent s dinner. so funny. - we won t always see eye-to-eye. - oh, and cnn, thank you so much for the wall-to-wall ebola coverage. for two whole weeks we were one step away from the walking dead! - key & peele proved that an all-black sketch show could be something that was bankable, and the best thing about it is that it paved the way for the next one. - kevin was a good boyfriend, okay? now he stole my car one time, but he brought that shit back. - uh-huh, with a girl in it! - the creator of a black lady sketch show robin thede, packed that show with so many talented black women,