the average family home, cory practices her violin, christian plays with his cars and mike and carol worry over the bills. we went in with pretty much the same technology that s been in place for a couple of decades. typewriter. calculators. tv. oven. a car. you listen to music on a big old stereo system with a turntable. maybe you had a digital watch and that was the only thing that was going to be digital that you actually owned. hello? i m not here now but my faithful machine is. there was a handful of technology at that time. one was the telephone answering machine. you would be driving home and you would say i can t wait to check my messages. you know, it becomes part of the day. honey, i m checking my messages. from the noisy streets of new york to the laid-back tranquility of california, americans are tuning out and tuning in. when i think of technology in the 1980s, i think of the walkman. the walkman was huge. it s the latest fad. tiny stereo casset
january 86 was the 25th flight of the space shuttle but it was an especially notable one because hundreds of thousands, if not millions of school kids around the country were tuned into the launch. it was the first mission i wasn t in the mission control center. i was outside standing next to the families. t-minus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. liftoff of the 25th space shuttle mission and it has cleared the tower. roger roll, challenger. good roll, flight. my responsibilities for that flight was i was spacecraft communicator. i was actually communicating with the crew. engine s throttling up. challenger go with throttle up.
lift-off of the 25th space shuttle mission and it has cleared the tower. all the communications between the shuttle and mission control indicated everything was going fine. there was a sense of relief that the much delayed flight was finally under way. engines at 65%. three engines running normally. three good fuel cells, three good apus. engines throttling up. challenger go with throttle up. it happened just over one minute into flight. velocity 2900 feet per second. altitude 9 nautical miles. all seven people aboard challenger died that day including a teacher from new hampshire who would have been the first civilian in space. on february 1st, 2003 the space shuttle columbia broke up as it returned to earth, also killing all seven people on board. nasa suspended space shuttle flights for two years as it investigated the tragedy.
an especially notable one because hundreds of thousands, if not millions of school kids around the country were tuned into the launch. it was the first mission i wasn t in the mission control center. i was outside standing next to the families. t-minus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. liftoff of the 25th space shuttle mission and it has cleared the tower. roger roll, challenger. good roll, flight. my responsibilities for that flight was i was spacecraft communicator. i was actually communicating with the crew. engine s throttling up. challenger go with throttle up.
an especially notable one because hundreds of thousands, if not millions of school kids around the country were tuned into the launch. it was the first mission i wasn t in the mission control center. i was outside standing next to the families. t-minus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. liftoff of the 25th space shuttle mission and it has cleared the tower. roger roll, challenger. good roll, flight. my responsibilities for that flight was i was spacecraft communicator. i was actually communicating with the crew. engine s throttling up. challenger go with throttle up. i was looking at my screen