The Pew Charitable Trusts encourages Congress to address this issue now, and lawmakers can start with a smart update of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act of 2015, the premier program for developing and repairing the nation’s transportation infrastructure. The program, which is updated every five years through legislation, is set to expire Sept. 30. Proposed updates include funding for wildlife crossings to help relieve states, tribes, and localities from some of the costs of constructing and rehabilitating structures such as bridges and tunnels to enable wildlife to avoid vehicle traffic, increasing safety to both humans and wildlife. Pew believes the transportation reauthorization legislation should, among other things, provide competitive matching grants for states, municipalities, and tribes to undertake projects and strategies to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions. Because new technology reliably shows hot spots where many animals cross highways and roads, these infrastructure investments could be very successful in reducing collisions, improving motorists’ safety, and enhancing habitat connectivity.