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Thats right, phoebe died in the bronx. Marcus said the shooters car was abandoned in bridgeport, and thats also odd, isnt it . Someone stealing a car in connecticut to commit a murder in new york, only to drive it all the way back to connecticut. You have a copy of the lab report that places keith in the car . Yeah, its right there. I retract my earlier theory. I dont think anyone planted evidence in either case. If im right, the killer didnt have to. She can create any evidence she desires. Oh, honey. No. Was the first capital. If im right, the killer didnt have to. Wait, did you just have that on your phone . Its time to mix it up. Do it, dad yeah, do it there are thousands of ways into the complex health care system. It was frozen. Can help make it simpler by letting you know when your claim has been processed. Yo, adrian. Still not funny. Unitedhealthcare drop at beat. Yea we rocking right now. One time. Two times. What to look at relapsing way multiple sclerosis . 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And one was a definitive match for your suspect. Were there any alleles missing . It was a complete match. How many loci . Thirteen. And was it a match for hair or skin samples . Hair. Yes, cause according to our records, there were nine strands of hair found in the vehicle. But none of them with the root attached. That would make it very, very hard to get an exact match, wouldnt it . Sorry, i meant skin. It was a skin match. The samples didnt actually match. Did they, ms. Mercado . Im sorry . Watson weve studied your record. Youre very fast. And youve had an unusually high rate of results that support the state. Im good at my job. But we dont think you actually do your job at all. We think you rely on drylabbing. You write false reports. Which conform to the wishes of the authorities, instead of actually testing the samples that youre given. Bell its not like this kind of thing hasnt happened before. Theyve had the same problem in massachusetts, north carolina; even the fbis lab has made thousands of questionable hair matches over the last 20 years, including 32 in Death Penalty cases. Holmes mmhmm. Sometimes its inexperience. Sometimes its just incompetence, but you youre a supervisor. I think you know what youre doing. So perhaps youre just driven by a desire to feel important, to be the hero, to be the key witness putting bad guys away am i right . I have an excellent reputation. Ask anyone i am an asset to Law Enforcement. Yes, but youre not supposed to be an asset, are you . Sed to be a scientist. Youre supposed to be an impartial seeker of truth. But youre not, youre a charlatan and youve sent at least one innocent man to prison louis bowman i stand by my work. Bell then you wont mind if we retest all the evidence in the Phoebe Elliot case at another facility . Because if were right about whats going on here, the person who had the best motive to kill her was you. Youre police. You know how things work. In most cases, even high profile ones, detectives figure out who did it by talking to the right people, following their gut. Its finding proof thats tough. You used to be able to get convictions with witness statements or circumstantial evidence, but these days juries want something physical. They want dna. And you give it to them. Im on your side. You know that dna can be more subjective than people think. It can be hard to find an uncontaminated sample. Ive. So when the police are sure who did it, but the tests arent clear, i give Law Enforcement the benefit of the doubt. You frame people. You corrupt the justice process from the inside. I help get convictions. Louis bowman got a life sentence thanks to you. Only its looking more and more like he didnt kill Marissa Kagan three years ago. Gregson we think that when Phoebe Elliot realized she had a picture that could exonerate him, she told someone. Maybe it was you. Maybe it was the lab to confirm whether the dna was accurate. Holmes if that was the case, you wouldve realized how much was at stake. An audit would uncover the same pattern that we found. You were in danger of going to jail. And having every conviction that youd engineered overturned. Killing phoebe would stop that from happening. I told you i didnt do that. I never even met the woman. Phoebe was shot in the bronx. But her killer drove a car full of evidence all the way to bridgeport. And the only reason to do that that car was processed at the Connecticut Forensics Lab your lab where you could implicate whoever you wanted. Phoebes brother was the lowest hanging fruit. Holmes you said yourself Good Police Work usually reveals the killer. In this case, you have means and motive. And unless you can provide us with an alibi, you also have opportunity. I was home alone that night. But i can prove i didnt kill her. Recheck the dna evidence from the stolen car in your own lab. Or a private lab. Or any lab you want. Youll see that none of it belongs to me. What would that prove . Youre an expert. You couldve removed your dna. Or worn protective gear to make sure it never ended up in that car in the first place. I couldve removed all the dna from that car, sure. But to remove only my own, that would be a neat trick. As far as protective gear goes, why would i risk getting pulled over for driving around in a hazmat suit . In your version of the story, i knew that id be processing the evidence, so i wouldnt have needed to keep my dna out of the car, because i never wouldve reported a match to myself. Right . I didnt kill anyone. Do the tests. Do them right. Youll see im innocent. Every piece of evidence she ever handled, every lab report with her name on it, its all got to be reexamined, which means hundreds of cases getting reopened in connecticut. Of course, in the meantime, we got our own problems. Im not convinced that she killed Phoebe Elliot. Nor am i. You have to appreciate the irony. Were someone like ms. Mercado to process the evidence they would happily provide the false match needed for a conviction, but an honest test would likely exonerate her. Still, whoever killed phoebe had to have known about her, right . Why else would they drive the car all the way to connecticut . They were counting on her doing what she did. They knew that no matter what the test revealed, her report would confirm the polices initial suspect. Her ability to produce evidence on demand cant have gone completely unnoticed by connecticuts entire criminal justice system. Which means were probably looking for someone in Law Enforcement. knocking could we talk . door closes more detective stuff . A technicians been falsifying evidence at a crime lab. We think someone knew and took advantage. I was going through all of her cases and making lists of the people who were in the habit of steering work her way. No sherlock . Hes talking to a suspect we already know about. I dont do this very often, so i may suck at it, but i came to apologize. Obviously, i have a lot of unresolved anger over my father. Our father. I lied when i said he hated you. He never came back to us, and as far as i know, he never even knew your mom remarried. So im sorry. Well, i had a feeling that you. Might get angry after you found out that i called your mother, so im sorry, too. Ive never really been good at taking no for an answer. chuckles pretty sure thats a yun family trait. Not knowing when to quit. When in doubt, charge ahead. You have the right to be curious about dad. Like you said, for you, hes a mystery. But for me. I remember him giving me piggyback rides and calling me silly nicknames. And i remember him getting angry and confused, and then he was gone. He was someone that i had and i lost, and it hurts to think about that. Anyway, um, i talked to mom, you want to call her again. I appreciate that. Good luck with all this. I already told you i didnt have anything to do with marissas case three years ago. Thats not exactly true, is it . By now, youve heard about the arrest of the Crime Lab Supervisor who processed the evidence in marissas murder. It turns out that you made quite a few calls to her while she was working the case. So . So your cousin bailey neal is in narcotics. Over the last few years, hes sent a lot of cases zoes way. Maybe thats just a coincidence, or maybe he knew how she worked. Maybe he told you about his secret weapon. Okay. First, thats bs. Bailey is a good cop, the best. Second, the only reason i called zoe as much as i did was because i felt guilty. About . Marissa was my friend. If i didnt drop out, i dont know, maybe louis wouldnt have stopped obsessing over me and started obsessing over her. So did i encourage zoe to make sure he wouldnt get away with it . Yes. Absolutely. But i was like that with everyone on the case. Well, there could be another reason that you wanted to point zoe at louis. You killed marissa. What . You say that you and louis werent a couple. He says that you were. What if hes telling the truth . He grew interested in your friend. You got jealous. chuckles something funny . Yeah. Uh, marissa and i never would have fought over a guy. You were that close . No, she was that gay. Her family is super religis. She never got around to telling them. The only people who knew were me and phoebe and a couple of other friends. Ill give you their names. You can talk to them. Theyll tell you. After she was killed, we decided it wasnt our place to say anything. Plus we knew it wasnt relevant because we knew louis was the one who did it. Lets say we believe you. Is there any other irrelevant information youve been keeping to yourself . You say louis is innocent, i say youre wrong, but marissa was seeing somebody, a married woman. She never told me who, but she did say she was pushing her to get a divorce. Watson howd it go with amanda neal . I dont believe shes our killer. Hows it going with the case files of zoe mercado . Well, from the looks of things, there were at least a few dozen people in connecticut Law Enforcement who knew what she was up to. Theyd either specifically request her to process evidence, or they would ask her to repeat a test done by a subordinate to get a better result. You already know who were looking for, dont you . As a matter of fact, i believe i do. Thats nice. I got there 20 minutes ago. Thats nice. It was always just a hobby. Something you did for fun. Until the day it became something much more. And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. Td ameritrade. Hereswith iphone forevert a newfrom sprint. Y year heres how it feels to get 50 off most National Carrier rates too. 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Marissas murder was solved years ago. It was that stalker, that boy she went to school with. We now think louis bowman was framed and that the person who did it also recently shot and killed a young woman in the bronx. Thats horrible. To christa about this . Shell be home in a few hours. Watson we will. Weve recently become aware of a suspect that the police never pursued, a married woman with whom marissa was having an affair. A witness reports seeing marissas lover wearing a very distinctive greenandwhite baja sweater. Any idea who that might be . Christa has a sweater like that. Did you know about the affair . I found out. Bell your wifes failure to disclose her relationship to the victim at trial is gonna be enough for avon pd to get a warrant. Someones gonna be here shortly to collect samples of her dna. Her toothbrush, her hairbrush should do. They can take whatever they need. But first. Theres Something Else you should know. My personal attorney is on her way over. Im not going to discuss any of this until she gets here. Thats all right. Your wife already confessed to everything. What . Gregson please. Sit. We know that you and marissa were having an affair and that your wife, teri, found out. She confronted marissa over your infidelity, and that confrontation ended in marissas murder. Watson when teri got home, she told you what she had done. She was ready to face the consequences and turn herself in, but you told her not to, that you would take care of everything. Gregson and you did, you made sure that zoe mercado was the one who tested the saliva on marissas body, and, like you expected, she matched it to louis bowman. You thought that was the end of it. But then, a few weeks ago, Phoebe Elliot contacted you. She told you what shed seen in that blownup selfie in ephraim hills gallery. She said it seemed to corroborate bowmans alibi. Holmes you shared this with your wife, u once again promised to handle everything. You tried to convince phoebe, as you did me, that the photograph wasnt reliable. When that failed, teri says she took matters into her own hands. First, you replaced phoebes selfie with a forgery. Then, the next night, she went to a restaurant near your home in avon and stole a car out of the valet lot. Then she drove to phoebes gym in thenx bro, waited for her and shot her. Gregson weve got a signed confession from your wife admitting to the burglary at the gallery and to the murders of Marissa Kagan and Phoebe Elliot. No. No, you coerced this. I can get this thrown out. Your wifes confession was entirely voluntary. Weve got it in writing and on tape. There was a time when that would have been the end of the matter, but exlab supervisor zoe mercado is right about one thing juries do not like to convict these days without dna evidence, so we retested the saliva found on marissas shirt three years ago just to be certain. She killed marissa, but Phoebe Elliot . Thats another story. Bell we compared teris dna to skin cells recovered from the car used in phoebes murder. If exlab supervisor zoe mercado or anyone of her ilk had performed those tests, they would have rightly come back a match. But in this case, we didnt inform the lab which dna belonged to our suspect. We provided several samples from your home, samples from other suspects, like keith elliot, ephraim hill. Even threw in a sample from my tortoise just to keep them on their toes. And imagine our surprise when the lab revealed that the dna in the car didnt belong to your wife, it beld ongeto you. You knew phoebes hebrotr had a record. With his history, it was a matter of time before we zeroed in on him. And with a little nudge, zoe would attribute any physical evidence found to him and not you. Watson teri felt responsible for the whole chain of events. So to protect you and to leave your children with at least one parent not in prison, she tried to take the blame for both crimes. Fortunately for them, we understand they have very loving grandparents. Unfortunately for you, when lab work is done right, without bias, without assumption, it really does tend to convince a jury of a killers guilt. Lin this is gonna sell quickly, so let me know if youre interested. Looking for a place of your own . Cant beat the location. Your office said youd be here. I called your mother today, and we spoke for a while. Your mandarin must be good. No, she seems nice. Shes the best. She invited me to tea. Im not surprised. I took a rain check. Look, i know this has been a lot for you. Its been a lot for me, too. And i just thought, why rush it . Ill have tea with your mother when youre ready to join us. Why . Because youre my sister. Captioning sponsored by cbs and ford. We go further, so you can. Captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org its not about how wpretty you areso you can. Its about what youre saying and how youre saying it. 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So america, lets go. Know. Ahh and take control of your health. Cigna. Together, all the way. The final push for the law made after county Police Officer was mowed down by the drunk driver. Hello im debra alfarone. The clock is ticking until midnight monday to get that antidrunk driving law named for the officer noah passed. They made one more push to today. Stephanie ramirez has the dads words. The drunk driver is still out there. Reporter noahs law may also not go anywhere. A bill to curb drunk driving by installing interlocks. But they cannot agree on two different versions of the bill passed by the senate and the house and the father of the slain montgomery officer. They will be killing more people in the state of maryland if the law does not pass. Reporter theyve been on the crusade to get noahs law passed ever since the young officer on the dusi was struck and killed by a drunk driver last october. The interlock device stops you from doing this if you fail a breathalyzer test. Police want it. And because of the drunk driver. Reporter 50 Montgomery County Police Officers were struck by the drunk driver last year according to the Police Traffic division director. Noahs law supporters would criticize the house bill saying that certain changes made it weaker on sunday. They argued that some are trying to add provisions that werent even a part of the original bill discussion. Its changed one more time at the last minute. Reporter supporters believe that a punitive damages provision was purposely added to stop the bill from being passed. If they pass it, it will be as if his son is still patrolling the roadways. Its an interlock system that will go on these cars that they could live their life normally. They cannot drive drunk. Reporter Stephanie Ramirez wusa9. We asked you on the wusa9 Facebook Page if you think that the law should pass and the overwhelming majority, yes. Weve got some breaking news tonight. The sheriff has been arrested by the Police Department. The sheriff was arrested earlier this evening and at this time that the Police Department is not saying why that sheriff has been taken into custody. Well a sad scene shut down a busy road in springfield today. Fairfax county Police Responded to a call after 10 00 this morning from a woman scared because her 67yearold husband was threatening her with a gun. This is all in the 7000 block of leewood forest drive. Police shut down busy roads for about two hours and told residence to stay inside. The woman got out and then her gun shots were heard from inside the home. Later they found the husband inside dead from a self inflicted gunshot wound. It took just one guy to break into a five guys restaurant in columbia heights. Police say that the Early Morning burglar made himself a meal before taking off. Now tonight dc police ar calling a pe orsone man is seen here on the Surveillance Video slipping in after the delivery person rather left. The man apparently tossed some buns and a burglar on the grill. Took a call on the cell phone and eventually left with the bottled water as they are offering a reward of up to 1,000 for information leading to the arrest of this socalled hamburglar. Someone made a mistake in this asian carryout in river dale, maryland for the drive thru. One person inside, they were slightly hurt when that car came crashing through the front window on the building. This all happened just after 4 00. No word on what caused that driver to crash into that restaurant. Former new Orleans Saints and super bowl winner will smith was shot and killed in an apparent road rage incident. The 28yearold suspect is in jail charged with murder. But now it seems that the incident may have been a little more complicated. Bowl defensive end will smith and his wife were in new orleans heading back from dinner when a hummer hit them from behind. Smiths mercedes hit the car in front of them. Police say thats when smith and the other driver 28year old suspects cardel hayes got into an argument. Hayes went back to his hummer, pulled a gun, and started shooting. One life is over and another life is ruined. Reporter smith died in his car his wife was shot in the leg. Police booked hayes on Second Degree murder. New orleans superintendent of Police Michael harrison. At this time we do not have any information to suggest that they knew one another or that this is anything other than an accident that turned into a disbutte, disturbance that turn dispute, disturbance that turned violent. Reporter in 2005 hayes father was shot and killed by police. Hayes won a civil lawsuit against the city. Just before the accident smith had dined with one of the officers involved in

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