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Second stop overseas. The new peace effort that he is pushing for as investigations into his Campaign Connections to russia , heat up at home. And breaking his silence, billy bush, speaks out after that now infamous access hollywood interview, with donald trump. They let you do it. You can do anything, whatever you want. The conversation he had with his daughters, plus, his come back plans, plus how many times did he look at that video . And Pippa Middleton is a married woman from the dress, to the guest list to the reception, the decadent details from the wedding of the year. We are inspired, maybe you didnt know him before saturday night but you know him. Yes. Yes. Well, we will explain that, if you dont know what backpack boy is all about, you better tell somebody. You better act like you know. Yes. You look like you have to go to the bathroom there i can do that. I got to go. Good dade morning work out. Yes. Well, get work out with your rain gear, because it is going to be raining on and off all day. Number is five out of 10. Bus stop buddy is all dressed for rain and jumping in puddles, by the end of the day there should be some and bob said earlier indoor recess today. Showers are around, most of the heavier rain is to the south of us, and, delaware and in new jersey, but it is damp outside right now, rainy owe cakesly with 56 degrees in the city and, after that perfect sunday with a high of 73. So beautiful. Today still on the cool side but 70 degrees is our high with on and off showers, all day long. More on that, coming up in the seven day forecast. In the meantime bob kelly, got you covered. Yes, 7 03. Good morning. Puddle jumping kind of morning out there. Kid to have wear their new rain outfits maybe. A live look traffic just starting to move again on the southbound side of route one. We had an earlier accident approaching neshaminy so expect delays westbound on the schuylkill expressway jammo from conshohocken all the way out to henderson road. An accident in the left lane so there is only one lane opened, heading out toward the king of prussia interchange. The crash i just showed you a few moments ago on route one traffic moving again but expect delays. There are delays every where this morning. It will be ayuky morning, first one out the door gets that best umbrella, northbound 295 a crash right here near 541 Burlington Mount Holly and expect upward of 20 minute delays on septas wilmington line, all due to amtrak, track work, mike and alex, back to you. Who doesnt know bill cosby jury selection begins this morning in, a few hours in the Sexual Assault trial of the bill cosby. That seems to be what the attorneys will be asking who doesnt know bill cosby, or, just want to be associated with him in anyway. The selection will happen in pittsburgh, and once the jury is seated, they will then travel to Montgomery County for the trial. So, because it is in pittsburgh our Chris Oconnell had to travel to the western part of the state and they is, hi there, chris. Reporter good morning, guys. Yes, big question over next couple days what kind of jury will decide the fate of bill cosby. Bill cosby and his legal team expect to arrive here at Allegheny County courthouse over next 90 minutes. Let me paint the scene for you lots of extra security could be brought in. This could be one of the bigger celebrity trials since o. J. Simpson. You you see our friend from fox news, all of the satellite news has been moved in. This is where building is where those 12 jurors will decide his fate, that is Allegheny County courthouse. Now 100 to 125 potential jurors today, all residents of the Allegheny County will be asked to fill out a jury questionnaire. They will then be asked a series of questions by the defense, then the prosecution. Among it doesens of women hoff come forward accusing the comedian of Sexual Assault, this case, this case, is about a single allegation of drug ging and molestation from a former Temple University employee andrea constand. This all happened apparently allegedly in cosbys elkins park mansion 13 years ago. Now cosbys told me his client is emotionally exhausted. Cosby has taken a major hit with his career and his family now interestingly enough, a legal professor a local Duquesne University said look for defense to target a younger jury pool with a more, maybe more contemporary views on Sexual Assault and look for the defense, to target, maybe older jurors, possibly, celebrity worshipers. So as we bring you back out here live, and maybe asked on that questionnaire. And, do you know the character of, doctor heathcliff, the cosby shows those are the things jurors will be asked today. Now once those jurors are pick and most likely it will take two days, those jurors will then be brought to Montgomery County in a see gust toward jury, those 12 potential jurors, six alternates they will spend two weeks plus in Montgomery County and then decide fate of bill cosby. That trial starts in Montgomery County, guys, on june. I dont know how you do that in two days how do you find anybody that doesnt know bill cosby. Or anything that he has didnt from fat albert, pudding pops, little bill. Reporter well, guys, what they are trying to do is, everyone knows bill cosby. Everybody knows the cosby show it is whether you can take those, that and use the evidence in the facts of the case. So they know everyone will know about this case, it is just how much they know and how much emotionally invested they are in this case. I got you. Okay. All right. Speak with you next hour. We will bring in someone who will talk about what the jury Selection Process will be like. Shes an expert. Developing out of New Castle County delaware and offduty state trooper is involved in the shooting overnight. Police believe that she fired her Service Weapon, during a fight, domestic altercation inside of her own home there. Steve keeley on the scene, what else have you learn. Troopers are allowed to drive their vehicles home even though they are mark. That is you why see a big delaware state suv nationally backed in right before the steps of 3257 where this female trooper in her 40s lives. If you will notice on that second deck balcony a table for two and neighbors say she was often out there with her boyfriend, i guess, semi long time boyfriend who happened to live in maryland and right in that parking spot there if we have video ready to run there was a lexus. That is birth friends vehicle that was towed just about 5 00 d just after 11 00, it was female troop shore got on the phone and somehow was able to call 911 and talk even though she was beaten so badly in the face they had to carry her out of here. About 11 or 12 00 last night we received a 911 call from the residents. They were state ago this there was a physical altercation, that was occurring between an offduty trooper, and her boy friend. This physical all the case occurred. She was being severely beaten by the boyfriend which led to the trooper who was offduty, grabbing her Service Weapon and firing one shot at birth friend striking him in the upper torso. Both of the individual were transported to christiana hospital where they are currently being treated. I just saw a ton of police car outside the neighborhood, would i say at least 20 of them, cops were just every where. I saw a lady getting, put on a stretcher. Reporter master corporal fornier were not able to tell us conditions, he didnt that have information, both alive. That is good news. She only fired one shot. She showed some restraint to resist, just enough to get her from being beaten anymore in the face and that is birth friends car you see there in the video tagged we have there being towed away. But the detectives, just left here moments ago. They filled up a couple vehicles with lots of evidence things they took out of the house. We dont know. That is story for now. We have no identification. No idea. How bad or well they are doing at christiana hospital, guys. Okay, steve. Officials are investigating a suspicious fire that claimed the life of the pregnant woman in north philadelphia on sunday that was yesterday. Lauren johnson is near the scene because thinks considered a suspicious fire at this point, lauren. Reporter that is right, alex. That is why police are still here guarding this scene making sure that nothing happens, to what is left of the evidence that is still here. So black car in front of the Police Cruiser belongs to a man police say is the boyfriend of the now deceased pregnant woman who was visiting him from maryland. They say that she drove this newer model, black car, with maryland tags, here to philadelphia, and it is still parked a ross the street from his car and from the home where her body was found. The fire started just before 8 00 a. M. Yesterday, here at the home on sus question hand a3 hours later fire marshall calling it suspect a because her body the 35 yearold woman was found inside a second floor bedroom, fire investigators say would the man was five months pregnant and she was pronounced dead at the scene. So was the fire set to cover up her death . Or did she die in the fire . At this time investigators do not have the answer to that question. They are unsure if there is something a little sinister behind all of this . The fire marshall is checking it out as a possible arson but that is pretty routine in these cases. There has been no names released in this case and at this point no one ways being questioned but the fire does remain under investigation. Once investigators found out how this pregnant woman died that will speed things up in exactly who they are looking for in connection to all of this, mike and alex. Berth believe that. President trump is in israel just landed a couple hours ago on the second stop of his overseas trip, as president. Now this is a live shot, you are not seeing anything, just a garden there but the president is supposed to show up here in a little bit. He is pushing a new peace effort as investigationness to his campaigns connections to russia heat up at home. These are very big, big things to do today. He had met with Benjamin Netanyahu. Another live look here. Hey doug we are looking at live pictures, i dont know if we can see this or not, we see the two flags right there we see a lot of secret service. It looks like they are getting ready. This guy is scurrying. He seems concern. They will speak soon. We are waiting for him to come out. Reporter maybe so. They are pulling out all of the stops this was a grand entrance, longest red carpet i have seen in a while as president makes his arrival to israel today, and what the white house is hoping is kind of hit a reset with news of this Big International trip, that first big trip, for the president , as these investigations are kind of churning in the background here in to possible ties between the Trump Campaign and individual in russia. The President Trump arrives in israel early this morning, part of the long, overseas trip. Five stops over eight days, taking him from the middle east, object to three stops in europe meeting with the pope, and nato partners along the way. But that stop in israel today will be critical. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke of promoting peace. Mr. President , we will look forward tour visit. Citizens of israel will receive with you open arms. Reporter this will get complicated beyond pushing a Peace Process president has to smooth over relations over reports that he pass add long Israeli Intelligence about ice toys russian diplomates but through this trip so far, the president has tried to strike a maryland rate tone, calling on muslim nation toss help ramp up the fight against terrorist. Drive them out of your places of worship. Drive them out of your communities. Drive them out of your holy land and drive them out of this area. While the president carries out this delicate diplomatic dance, back home investigations are churning forward into any possible connections between the Trump Campaign and kremlin. Next step for congress, hearing from now former fbi director james comey, trump fired him almost two weeks ago , but democrats contend it may have been to stop the russia probe. We need to flush that out, we need to, see what the response is, and it has got to come from director comey him self. Lets get back to this live shot of oranges. Are those lemons. Those seem to be a garden. We showed earlier. Is that sean spicer. Stop it. We saw President Trump first arrived in israel. It looks like he will have the immediating in the president ial residence. We are looking outside and surrounding gardens because we are expecting to see him soon. We also saw they were preparing a podium. Im sure there will be a speech. Nice pad. It business 3 00 oclock in the afternoon. What are they doing inside. Okay. This is like their oval office basically. Of course, this must be the president s visit. Jason, do you love israel so much . That he left a very, very substantial job to be able to help, on peace treaty. You would love to see that. Yes. Some in the Muslim Community for. That we will keep an eye on that. He has six or seven more days. Wow. He apologized for interrupting his speech but we will give you more. Should i have not done that were you listening. This is a big trippy understand. He said his trip to saudi arabia where he is coming from gave him a lot of hope. He is hoping to get this peace deal moving. Not a lot of woman in the room there. All that weekend full of deal making, dancing, and a meetings caught up with our commerce secretary, wilbur ross. Drop that lower third. You see him in the left corner there. Yes. He is nodding off. So he was having a little nap live on television during the president s speech to lead ers in saudi arabia. Yeah. He was probably jet lagged. How long was that flight, 14 hours, Something Like that . This guy is 80 years old. Not that it means anything. What is the war in the meeting and you are paying attention but you are so tired i was sleeping in the meet ing. You were. Somebody told on me. Dozed off. Same davis, junior, kept him alive, cat naps. Yes. Some tenth minutes at a time. You werent on live tv when falling asleep. I was not. That is different. It wasnt me, by the way. No. You said someone squealed. I think i know who did it. Okay. We got some weise also among us. They are called moles. Yes. They need to be lanced. So, what happened, during the inauguration of the Global Center for combating extreme idealology what are they touching there. This picture went every where, yesterday. So they touched a brightly lit globe with the saudi king, egypt, the internet started to go over. Look at his face. So it became memes, jokes, and it got so intense at one point that i think the church of sat an tweeted out and said in, we can confirm this is not part of any of our rituals. You follow the church of satan. No, it came up in my time line. Your time line. On twitter they show you the round up what they are saying about certain events. Yes. It was part of the round up , it was a big deal, church of satan, i didnt know it existed. Did they tag you. No. Your little red dress on. Yes. Satan. Im kidding. I thought it was interesting. If you go back to the picture, i dont know fit is religious thing a pol guys right now. Exactly. Yes. Sue, do you remember woody allen movie. Yes. The history of sex or Something Like that. Yes. Okay. I wont even get into it then. Shes looking at you like this, dont do it. I thought sue when you go to the Science Museum and you put your hand on that ball and your hand would stand up. Sorry, just trying to talk. We may be stepping on some very sensitive ground here. Anybody that doesnt like to step on sensitive ground, it wouldnt be me. Yes. Sue, just take it. We have unsettled weather, here we go. Yes. And, is there a Holiday Weekend warm up on the way. Lets jump in to that seven day forecast. Seventys for rest of the workweek and a chance, at least a chance, im saying a chance of rain each day through thursday. Position built of a pop up on sunday but it does warm up, bob kelly, just in time for the Holiday Weekend. I should mention when you get in the car, turn on the radio, tune on 101. 1 more fm, your forecast and more music. More, more, more. 7 20. Good morning everybody. A live look at blue route ramps to the schuylkill expressway. Yes, just walk in front of me, sue. Pardon us here. Yes. Ramp to the schuylkill, one car crash, jammo in northeast philadelphia, south on i95, Poor Visibility and slow go because of the rain this morning, cottman into girard. The Early Morning accident on the schuylkill this guy smacked in the concrete barrier and knocked that barrier out of whack here. Penndot crews got to put it back together to make it safe enough for rest of the morning rush hour and expect delays, both directions, on the schuylkill, near montgomery. Alex, back over to you. Thanks, bob. 7 20. Check your fridge, a recall, could ruin the start of the grilling season, what was found inside of these hot dogs , and were talking, nathans that could make you sick or worse, could hurt you. Tires have a new home. Midas now sells great brands at great prices. Get 100 off instantly on select goodyear and cooper tires through may 31st. Find your tires online. Trust the midas touch. Does bill cosby have to show up, at jury selection, in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. I think if i was on trial, would i like to be there for the jury selection. We believe that bill cosby may be in this suv that is just pulled under the over hang there at the courthouse in pittsburgh. We shall see. Remember this is expected to be a two day process but could be longer. They have 100, 125 potential jurors to choose from. They will be asking questions trying to figure out if this will be the right juror to be on the panel. Okay. We will have to bring in an expert to talk about this more okay. Do we have Chris Oconnell, can he hear us talking . We dont have him. Somebody contact him and ask if that is the case that if bill cosby has to be there or choose to be there for jury selection. I should have asked him that when we had him at 7 00. Certainly someone in the back seat there. Can you hear me. It looks like it could be bill, but we dont see his face. We have getting in our ear that it is bill, reporter person, camera person there. Im ready guys. Chris, are you ready to go. I can hear you satisfaction you are ready. So that is bill cosby. Reporter hey, guys, suv just pulled up here, a little while ago. In the back seat is bill cosby and they have not yet gotten out of the suv. We assume that they are waiting for security, to escort him into the courthouse , and let me paint the scene. Look at the media here. Take a look everyone waiting, waiting for him to, get out of his suv at Allegheny County courthouse. Jury selection is scheduled to begin at 9 00 oclock. This is where 100, 120 potential jurors will be questioned, they will be answering a jury questionnaire made up of dozens of questions , and both side of the prosecution and defense will ask those jurors what they know about bill cosby, what they know about the case, and if they can separate themselves from that celebrity to understand then just base this matter on the facts of the case. Right now it is just, were just waiting, he is sitting in there with his entourage, his legal team might already been upstairs in court. This is the people he usually travels with in his entourage. Is he coming out . I can tell you, real quick, security here is very tight, and unlike in Montgomery County where you have pretty unfeathered access to the courtroom and what not. They are only allowing a certain number of journalist in the courtroom, and transmission in there, those tweets, any any of these reporters start tweeting or releasing information before a break, they are subject to jail time. What . Wow. The judge is very serious about that. So right now is about a couple dozen, were waiting as well for bill cosby. If i know my good day philadelphia odd, if we go to break right now he will immediately come out of the car. Why dont we go to the break. You can videotape it. We will show it when we come right back when were done. Ill let you know from here okay. Quin was crazy about curls. But it took a twist of fate to find a highend curler at such a head turning price. And thats the beauty of a store full of surprises. You never know what youre gonna find, but you know youre gonna love it. You have been hearing we have been covering the fact that bill cosby is in this car , officials, right here in pittsburgh where they will be doing jury selection. Thinks first normally here on good day philadelphia when we go to commercial, whatever will happen, happen. It didnt. He is still in the car. Yes. He is until the car. Chris was talking about how tight security is trying to make sure security and everything in place before he gets out of the car and head toward the courtroom. They will pick jurors who will be sitting on the trial in the assault case. We will leave this picture up, our Chris Oconnell is here. Do you want to make one quick comment, chris. Reporter yeah, guys, bill cosby still, hold on. Can you clear this and then we can bring him in. All right. It looks like they will bring him. Security is telling me if we can clear the media. It looks like he is coming out of that suv. Do you want to stick with us. I was going to say, i bet they were stunned that the media was waiting, basically, blocking them from coming in. So, security may be tight but that was kind of a mix up, i think on the securitys part. So now they have to walk in. Mike, what you are talking about when they get him in there you wont see much inside the courthouse but just like any other defendant in the criminal case you have to get to the courthouse one way or the other. They typically wont, do that kind of thing. They will offer some sort of courtesy for security and what not but you have to get in there somehow. Some you can get in through a basement, underground garage but not the case here. We will see some movement. We will bring in a fascinating person to me, her name is melissa gomez. Her job is to pick jury members. Nationally known jury consultant and president of the mmg jury consulting, right here in philadelphia area. Chestnut hill. Chestnut hill. Good morning. Good morning. As we wait for bill cosby to come out of the suv. Here he comes he is coming out right now. This is interesting. We have seen him do these walks in Montgomery County but little different because right now he is in pits burning. It is interesting to go see what happens. Would you bring this up, his fragility. He is frail. Eye sight. Would that be brought up with jurors. Most likely. What would they say. It is whether or not that would cause them to be able to be fair and impartial. If this would have sympathy or they feel lick they wouldnt be able to prosecute someone. Someone his age. Or is in his condition. Well, would he be in the same room . He wont be in the same room. Yes, he will. If they see him, if they know of him wont they think there is bill cosby right there. You want to know that if someone has that reaction you want to necessity that before the trial starts. Because they will be bounced. Exactly. Who makes decision, the judge. Is that it. It depend. So what happens is first the panel of 125 jurors. Hold on, lets see if we can get him. Christmas a microphone there. He smiled. Anything to say to your fans, sticking up for you. Do you think youll get a fair and honest trial. Fair jury. Please move away, guys. Im sure his attorneys have told him do not speak. I wonder, chris, can you hear us. Can chris hear us at all. I guess not. He asked him something. Cosby smiled in response. We werent sure what he said though. Hopefully when we get him he will tell us what his first question was. Chris had to unplug from his location there. Okay. So maybe we will hear from him. Sorry, if i lost communication with you we are still hot as we can see the 79 yearold comedian walking in the allegheny courthouse, without offering any comment. In different from any of the other dozens of times he has walk in the courtroom in Montgomery County. Only difference, it is Allegheny County where 12 jurors and six alternates will begin deciding his fate today. Jury selection in that process we will bring you updates as bill cosby arrives for what we see his day of reckoning starting june 5th when trial begins in Montgomery County guys, back to you. I know you said he didnt have a official comment or say anything but when you first approached him you asked him something, he smiled and response. What did you ask him. Im sorry, guys, what difficult ask him . I asked him if i had anything to is a to his fans. He still has legions of fans who are still supporting this man. I asked him how he is feeling. This has been two and a half years since these criminal charges have been filed against him and only comment he has offered was that radio interview just about a week ago, and he did give some insight as to what may happen in this trial and one of the things he said he will not be testifying. He will not open his mouth during this trial so that little insight as to the defense on the strategy going in to this. Lets play that clip right now. Your ear piece is all screw up heres bill cosby saying yes wont testify. Dont you want to testify and tell your story . No. Why not. Once again, i go back to lawyers. There is more than. When you have to deal with examination, crossexamination, et cetera, et cetera, more than two side to every story. Sometimes its four or five. So that is him in the interview we played this last week. It was pretty shocking. We nod heard from him since this had all happened. We want to bring back in melissa. We wanted to get him in the courtroom. Nationally known jury consultant. President of the mmg jury consultant. You can speak to why he wont be testifying. Correct. In a criminal case, the defense actually doesnt have to prove anything. The prosecution is the one who has to prove. So, what the prosecution is going to want to focus on is the lack of proof, and that the prosecution is able to or what the defense will want to focus on is lack of proof that the prosecution has. So by putting mr. Cosby on, if there is anything that he says that may cast doubt that may cause jurors to doubt his credibility, that could actually negatively impact the defense. It is safer if he doesnt get on the stan. Yes. Focus of our interview is jury selection, that is happening in a matter of minutes now. So would you look for somebody that looks like bill cosby an africanamerican, an older person. Potentially. The issue is that they are going from Allegheny County which is 80 percent white. So, it is very Different Community then the philadelphia community, a lot less diversity there you may not find as many people who will be able to relate to bill cosby that way. What is significance for looking for a black male, older, why would we want that . It depend on the black male it is not necessarily demographics, themselves that can determine how a person will perceive a litigant or will perceive a case. Maybe Justice System isnt fair too for the black man. Yes, there is obviously a Historical Perspective on that which is relevant. What could you say to get bounced off the jury i love cosby show and i eat pudding pops. Those two things went get you bounced. Nope. Saying i loved the cosby show and i eat pudding pops and judge said okay but can you put that aside and judge the case on this fact. Apart and aside from the show, and from your delicious, summer treats. Yes. And if the juror says oh, yes i love the show but that i see this case as a separate, entity from that, then that person is not automatically disqualified. They have to show an actual bias not just familiarity. Someone on the defense team , or the prosecution saying you love this show, you love it, how do i know you will be able to put that aside aloft people see bill cosby as , americas dad, bill cosby. There are two kind of strikes. The first kind of strike is a strike that the judge makes it is called a cause strike. That is when judge determines this person for one reason or another cannot be fair and impartial whether they say they can be biased, whether they have had a relevant experience of boost or say they cannot put that aside. It is too vel rant to them. Judge might say that may not be possible. When you say strike you are out. Yes. Three strikes, you are out. One strike you are out. Yes, exactly. Then once the juror determines the pool of jurors eligible that didnt qualify for cause. Judge decide that. Then the attorney candy side whether or not, because this person loves the show, even though the judge says they are qualified, im going to strike that person. And the attorney can strike a juror for any reason, except for demographic. Wow dont mean hit, we mean remove. Exactly. Great book jury trials outside, you have been involved in a lot of jury selection. I have you are based here. Im based here but im always on airplanes but happy to be here in philadelphia. We appreciate it. We will talk to you more as we move forward. They say it will take two days this sound unbelievable. The trial may take a year. Probably not a year, just weeks. It will take a while. Depend on the amount of evidencey thought o. J. s trial was quick, it was a year and a half. We will get to see you for sure. Break. That is not rain falling, in the poconos but in the poconos mountains good morning everybody, lots of rain coming down, it will feel like the falls at some point today as that heavy rain moves through. We have had a couple band rolling across roadways this morning. Live look at 422 slow go as you work your way from collegeville, kop, Poor Visibility here, got a crane across the vine street expressway, all part of that 19th street bridge closure, downtown, the Atlantic City expressway westbound an accident right here near 42 freeway, north on 295 a crash at route 541, everything slower than normal because of the weather conditions, south on the northeast extension down to one lane, near the lansdale interchange and there is your travel times how long it will take from here to there and how long will this rain hang around . Sue has tonight 15. For us around the city, it is a nuisance rain and light here in philadelphia and to the north of us. Heavier rain in dover, delaware where it has been all morning and across the river parts of the new jersey like gala way township and down at jersey shore we have seen our share of rain this morning as well. So heading to the seven day forecast is there at least a little rain in the forecast today, tomorrow, wednesday and thursday, temperatures staying in the 70s but just in time for Holiday Weekend it seems like things will warm up, a bit. Speaking of getting ready, heres jen to give us a glow. Yeah, we will, because we know it is right here and you are thinking, were here back with salon rose, we have the dos and donts of self tan ning what are you doing wrong how can you do it better we will go through tonight a minute. Chris christie addiction is a disease. It can happen to anyone. Help is within reach. All you need to do is ask. Vanessa i was a fullblown heroin addict, selling my soul to get high. But i got help, and you can too. James i just know i didnt want to feel that pain anymore. I got help. You can too. Aj most people think addicts are beyond help. When i see an addict, i see hope. Chris christie dont suffer. Dont wait. Call 844 reach nj or visit reachnj. Gov. Wewe got the keys ys to our new house ahhh wooo this is exciting weve got our own house yeah im sorry do you like it here maddie . I love you. I love you too. What are you going to do this weekend. Eat hot dogs and ice cream but did you see this massive hot dog recall, over the weekend, 200,000pound of nathans, beef master hot dogs. Apparently there is little shavings of metal in some of these hot dogs. They include 14ounce packages of nathans beef franks with the used by date of august 2017. It includes 16ounce packages of curtis beef master franks with used by day june 2017. For more information, get this all down head to fox 29. Com and look under the scene on tv tab. Just eat dietz and watson. Listen to this. Okay. We will keep going. Time to get ready for summer, it doesnt feel like witt all this rain. Sue, we dont to have go to the tanning salon but we have key tips to self tan at home and, make light good thank god , jen, tell me more. Okay. You know im the worlds war self taken. My tv guy is never happy when i self tan. So, we called in the experts. Good morning. Good morningy hate it is yucky outside but so nice in here. Lets talk with the dos and donts. One thing i do, do is use a mint and that is a must. You use to use a mit because it does not get on your hand and even application you put the tough on the m it and squeeze in you do this and squeeze it in but even. So it gives it an even application, once you put it on the and it stays there and it is softly verse if you dont do that it would be pastie. You keep adding more. We need to exfoliate before absolutely. Oil based. You dont want oil based because it kind of leaves a oil residue and self tan wont absorb. Okay. Another one of your dos and donts, very confuse forgo me, cold water, you should use after a hot shower. I always put the stuff on after a hot shower. After a hot shower your pours are opened, so, you dont want to do that. That is why some people hate them, because you see spot. So passing ice cube or splash of cold water will close the pours, and kind of close those pours. We want to do it out of the shower but we dont want our body to be warm. You dont want pours to be openedy know you have products thaw like. You like a muse better than a gel. I like a mose because it gives more even application and gels try quicker. I want gel because it is quick tore dry but it streaks easier you want something because it is more movable you know how it is, it is rainy. Might get a call, hey come down meet me at the shore for one day. That kind of a thing you like the stuff that is just a one day. There is a lot of companies that sell one day and then the won with the lotion. They are the won with the lotion and one day to wash out but nice kind of tan and that is what were doing on them today. Just one day nice little bronze. You can do it after a base tan you want more umpf use that one tan tan. Tan towel yes or no. Yes, for face only. Okay. You said in your notes some kind of a crazy situation with the back scrubber and i didnt know what the heck that was. What do you mean. So for the back because it is so hard because we cannot all go all back there, so i put on one of these, back scratches, use a little hair tie to tie it up, and then you can use that for your back so you can use this to get the hard to reach places. You are a genius. Now that we have your body under control we will self tan the legs. Rosa will get us ready for hair. At 8 00 we will dot hair. We will be ready for the beach , and shore before you guys know it. Yes i have already learn 17 things. Thank you. So luckily, jen, gets my back for me when i put self tanner on. I dont need the louvre handle very sweet. Yes. More than would i do. We will do it this afternoon. Good. Shes speechless. Yes. Dj pauley g to questlove, well, supposed to be quest love and dj pauley d. But then were talking about the pennsbury prom, it is consider the best prom in america but they certainly had a lot of drama this year, we will recap and give you inside look, this promise better than your prom ill tell you. I have never seen anything like this. Is this footage. Yes. Was this supposed to happen we wont. Yes, we will. Perfect pippa, Pippa Middleton is a married woman from the dress to the guest list to the reception decadent details from the wedding of the year. She can use some wedding cake. For years, fios has been promising fast internet to small businesses. But for many businesses, its out of reach. Why promise something you cant deliver . Comcast business is different. We deliver superfast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. We do business where you do business. Eagles invited me out last weekend to learn more about football and celebrating the fact that they are eagles fans if i go to think will make sure im up on my knowledge of football. Sure. And the eagles. I started to think about something we have some guys coming in and lagarrette blount. Yes. People are excited about him. I found out i would be interviewing head coach Doug Pederson. I want to ask this guy, because mike. Yes. We had a disagreement when it comes lagarrette. You say his last name is. Blount. I said it is blount you said alex, everybody says blount, that is what it is. There is no way i will be right if you are showcasing this right now. Dont say that. He doesnt know what business to come up. But i have Doug Pederson here i will ask him and we will figure this out. He will say. I know the outcome already. Yes. This whole segment is to shame me. Let me have my moment. We will say his name a lot. We need to say it. It is lagarrette, lets ask coach. I need to know, settle something first in our news room. We have been happy low garrett is here. I say it is blount. Mike jerrick says it is blount i thought i heard you mention speaking earlier blount. Can you settle this for everybody and tell us how to say his last name. Lagarrette blount. Boom, i told you, i knew it do i blake blount because you say blount force. You can use his last name in many ways and that is exciting thing bit. It is. So blount, we have settled that. So, it is boom, blount baby. It is spelled blount. Yes, that is why it makes sense. Yes. But you know around here it can be spelled one thing, and something different. True, tell your friend if they are saying blunt. You cannot say blunt. And, sometime for the season to start. There are the woman. They are here. It is here. Yes. It is going to be great. And so much fun. And what i will show you guys, in the 7 00 oclock hour, i will look is philly. I dont want to be blount, but. Yes. And here, and so im wrong again. Good day, everybody. May the 22nd, another day that ill be wrong. Bill cosby sex assault trial, how attorneys will have who it takes. And his faith. It is best prom in america. We take you, inside the Pennsbury High School prom. Pippa got hitched, pippa tied the not over the weekend, from the dress, did you see the get list, the big moments, from pippas big day. The best of the Billboard Music a ward. Cher. Yes, cher. Seventyone years old and still, here. Yes. Plus backstage moment when celine dion, proves shes a cher fan just like you. What did drake say that caused a big reaction from nicki minaj. Yes. I cannot figure out drake but i love him. I love his music. He goes from one, his heart, his love, it just switches from woman to woman to woman, from hour to hour to hour and if you say anything right now. I saw, she was motioning. Yesy dont have anything say. Posturing. Yes. I know where you are going. Dont be trying to project on me, honey, i have no thoughts. Did you just call me honey im from the south, honey. Yes. Yes. I dont want sugar in it you dont need sugar tonight. Ized tea without sugar is like muddy water. It is muddy water. Yes. You got to have my sugar. Yes. All right, sugar. Sugar and i need weather. Speaking of mud, it is going to be raining a lot this week, honey. Every single day we have rain in the forecast, it is five out of 10 in weather by the numbers. Bus stop buddy is addressed appropriately for the forecast we have today, there is cloud, showers around, heaviest rain, still is south and east of philadelphia, we will go into more detail about that coming up, just damp in the city, right now 57 degrees, and 7 miles an hour breezes out of the east. Yesterday was just perfect, 73 h of around zero seven with scattered showers maybe a few downpours here and there, all day long, bob kelly. You got it, sue. 8 03 exactly on a monday morning, live look at i95 southbound as we see a rough go, we have heavy rain, scattered showers, all throughout the morning. It will be ayuky morning rush hour, philly International Said be ready for delays as well, coming from new jersey, north on the freeway bumper to bumper from the expressway all the way up to the walt whitman bridge, rough go for septas Regional Rail lines, paoli thorndale, norristown, Chestnut Hill west running with delays and new project begins in wilmington, amtrak, making some track repairs, between wilmington and claymont, which will leave the wilmington Regional Rail line running with about a 20 minute delay. Accident north on 295 right here near route 541, mike and alex, back over to you. Jury selection begins in a few minutes here, in the Sexual Assault case begins bill cosby. So, just a few minutes ago we saw him get out of the suv, walk in the courthouse, again, in pittsburgh. Jurors are expected to be asked some hard questions about how much they know about the case, and also bill cosby s tv characters from the cosby show, fat fat albert, little bill. Chris oconnell is live with what this process will be like heres chris. Good morning, mike and alex bill cosby just arrived to the allegheny courthouse about a half an hour ago. He was met with reporters and photographers here. Right here in thal gain county courthouse. We did speak with brian mcmonigal, he tells me he is hoping they can find an impartial jury here in western pennsylvania he says he is confident that can happen. Now, cosby arrived here, wearing sunglasses, he was walking with a kaine. He came out of the suv, to a lot of people asking questions , reporters, photographers. I asked him if he had any comment at all i asked if he wanted to address the fans still sticking by him. Cosby did not say a word as he was ushered into court. Now what will happen today . A pool of hundreds of potential jurors will be asked if they could separate themselves from the celebrity of the bill cosby. Separate themselves from being a fan of the cosby show. They will be asked to base their decision on the facts and testimony of this case. Now that process could take a couple days. Lets bring you back out here live where all of the players are coming in and out of. Separate door has been, opened for jurors, so no jurors will be seen walking in here. One thing here, one thing we are concerned about is the fact that they are concerned about having potential jurors who are too anxious to want to serve on this case saying maybe they want to sell their story as an incentive after this. They will be looking for people who want to serve on this jury, again, 12 jurors, six alternate will be chosen over next couple days. They will be bused to Montgomery County. They will be sequestered from their families for at least a couple weeks maybe more for trial Opening Statements begin on june 5th, guys. All right. 300 miles. 300 miles away. Once jury gets a weighed they are all coming back to Montgomery County so they will be closer. Well, no they wont. They will ab way from pittsburgh. Limited tv, little bit limited cell phone usage. Interesting couple weeks or whoever long it takes for those jurors. So lets get down in delaware now. Offduty state trooper is involve in the shooting in, delaware overnight. Police received the call around 11 00 p. M. For a shooting on the 3200 block of champions drive. They say her boyfriend was severely beating her but they were able to get Service Weapon and fired a shot hitting them in the chest. Both trooper and boyfriend were taken to the hospital and their conditions have not been released. Officials are investigating after a suspicious fire claims the life of a, five month pregnant woman. This is in north philadelphia, yesterday, and it happened on the 2100 block of, susquehanna avenue. Thirtyfive yearold woman. Five months pregnant was found on the second floor, in a bedroom, there is no word object the cause and no arrest has been made but people say, the Officials Say it is quite suspicious, was she did before the fire . Was it a cover up. They are investigating that right now. And former fox news boss roger ailescalade to rest in florida on saturday. Funeral was held at for the 77 yearold at Saint Edward Roman Catholic Church in palm beach, florida where the ailes had a home. His casket was draped with an American Flag you would see that in a bit there roger died earlier this week from injuries, suffered, in a fall, at his home, in florida. Not his home, in new york. Coming up on 8 08. A mother from oregon is sending a warning to parents out there. Amanda lewis shared this video of her daughter, struggling to stand after getting bit by a t ic. They said her daughter evelyn could barely walk or crawl and could hardly use her arms. Doctors found the tic in her hair and diagnosed her with ti c paralysis. Thankfully she has since recovered. That is where they hang out they bury in your hair. There is a big story that came out yesterday, billy bush , is breaking his silence. He is saying and talking. That was a huge story right before the election, lot of people were talking bit. He has not said much. Well, he horrifiedly embarrassed about this tape but he did get close to 10 milliondollar to go away. Were talking about the tape of the access hollywood bus where there was a hot mike we first saw, i first saw it, billy knew it existed for years, seven months ago so access hollywood bus rolled up , you could hear him interviewing donald trump. It wasnt an interview. They were talking. Yes. They were getting ready to do an interview and bus rolled up they didnt know their mikes were hot. Automatically attracted to beautiful woman. Just start touching them like a magnet. When you are a star they let you do it. You can do everything you want grab them by the bleep. You can do anything. That was the part everybody is laughing about it. It was with the Hollywood Reporter and told them he cant believe his career was destroyed while President Trump, well, became president. He told them that he doesnt buy trumps excuse of the comments were just locker room talk. He said he went through soul searching and says seven days on the spiritual retreat, spending time with his family and three daughters. He apologized to his daughters , now one of the hardest moments he went through. He has a deep understanding of how women feel they have to fight harder foreign playing field. Like mike mentioned he was aware have the tape. He only heard it three times. He is not spoken to donald trump since this cape came out donald trump has not reached out to him at all. Very interesting. He is ready to get back in television. Im sure he misses television work. Very good on the air. There were three things trump liked to talk about, golf, tv ratings, very competitive. And women. He said that happened, right before the golf, when we talk about golf. When he first was appointed to be one of the host of access hollywood he was trying to get a relationship with the celebrities. Trying to start conversations, warm them up, have a good time i try to put myself in his position. You are on the bus, you are talking to this guy. Trying to get him to warm up. Yes. And talking about stuff. You know you have a microphone on but you dont realize that the camera person has activate that had mike as you are rolling through parking lot of the bus but you know you have to Start Talking when you get off the bus. That is all plans. They were redty talk to the camera person to have this actress walk up. He says he wished that he had more sense, strength of character in that moment and change the subject, and not laugh and encourage it. Sometimes as people laugh when they dont think it is funny, when you in an uncomfortable position. I dont know. I say he makes it back to tv. It is best prom in america, right kid. Young people. From the dj drama to the dance floor and the dresses we will take you inside, thinks one of the first times i have ever seen inside the Pennsbury High School prom. Is this secret video . Who wasnt there. Look at that iconic red swimsuits are back, alex. Im slipping into mine right now. Were not just talking about the new bay watch movie, but were talking about a big wardrobe change for the film as opposed to the tv show. Are you ready to see me in a red speedo. No. Youre not. No. Well, get ready. We have from the boulevard all the way out to belmont. Road are wet and snow. We have rain drops on the camera lens here north on i95 , grass will be growing goodbye the end of the week with all this rain. Delays on the couple of septa s Regional Rail lines and amtrak project kick n expect 20 minute delays between wilmington and claymont. Great day in west chester saturday morning. Lets take a look. I have two very important word, to say right now play ball. I had a chance to mc Little League challenge game on saturday at west chester high school, it was a great day for boys and girls with physical and mental challenges to engage, enjoy, in the game of baseball. Great time had by all, there in west chester. Sueby has the forecast for rest of the day coming up in 15. Heres one piece of good news, that started to day and will continue through most of the week the pollen counts are low, low, low, medium, maybe on wednesday, we will have less rain, but maybe your allergies will get a break over the next couple of days, meanwhile, heres the rain, it is still around but as we mentioned earlier heaviest rain has been and continues to be to the south of us, so as we zoom into philadelphia just a few scattered showers we have umbrellas up here in olde city but not heavy rain like it has been all morning in dover, delaware and heartly and felt on, kent county and parts of the new jersey, like Galloway Township and hammington and all along ac expressway it has been a rainy one all morning licensing with temperatures in the 50s only getting to 07 degrees today. Phillies play colorado tonight at 7 05, better bring puncho with you and it is iffy in the middle of the workweek. But by week end we should end up to around 80 degrees, by sunday. Nicely donee dont know why im fascinate by this next segment and im exited to meet these kid. It is called best prom in america. You can see why. Were talking about a prom. Yes. Pennsbury High School Senior prom was this past saturday and youll probably recognize entertainment. Think about what your prom was like and then look at this seriously. Most promised dont have dj pauley d from the jersey shore and questlove from the roots, spinning, i mean seriously. We wanted to know, we need insight. You cant go to the prom. They wouldnt let me in. We have pennsbury seniors and juniors here. Hi there folks. Hi. We have mikayla. Billy. Caroline. Caroline. And ryan. You went as couples. Yes. How long have you two been together. Three years. For the love, three years, what are you 17, 16. Eighteen. Okay. How long have you been together. Six months. Fresh, new, new love. Where did you meet. We had gym class together. Yes. So did you make the move. Were we get into what happened how did you ask her to prom. We have mini thon and i got a couple buddies to hold up the prom letters, i had a big p, r, o and m and flowers at end there and sweet caroline. Yes. We are looking at your prom pictures. Very sweet. Love the dresses. Yes. How did you ask her. I wrote prom in the sand and held up a poster. Prom proposal. Is what the deal, lets start with you, why is pennsbury considered the best prom not in the state but in the country. Not only do we have the best prom but we have work that is done within the promise incredible. I dont know if you had a chance to see decorations within the gym a jumbo tron was held. This might be a good place to roll role that. The team this year was all things philly mountain gym. Yes, literally everything. Mostly sports. Yes. What about the arrival, they had my favorite parties arrival look at the dresses. Yes. You guys, just dont walk up is there floats. Yes. Yes, really. We talk about the floats. It is the whole community, they come out, all along the path and then we all decorate our floats. It probably takes a good month or so, all hard work and then, everyone just arrives, one by one. How do you pick hoist on who is float just a group of friend or sit organizations. People ask do you want to be on our float. So mostly groups together. You have to get in with the good, do the popular kid have the best floats. Thing about my prom there wasnt a red carpet at my prom i dont even think we had carpet. We were talking about this friday afternoon is there always big performers. Yes. Looking at red carpet and all that. Yes. Celebrities, seriously. Look at this. So questlove was supposed to be the dj, right. Yes. But then what happened. I guess two days before his agent sent an email saying he could not make it. You are in the on the official planning committee. I have a friend on the committee so they sent me a picture of pennsbury sent out an email you paid him to be there. Yes. How much. I wish i knew. I heard it was 30 grand. It is all secretive. A lot of money. Yes. Were you upset. We thought we were not going to have a performer and you cannot have a performer for prom, you got to have somebody. Then dj pauley d how did he come in the picture. Someone e mailed him and called him. Yes. We dont have a performer, can you come and pennsbury prom. He said should i save the day. And then everybody almost, either tried to follow him or tweeted him back he was ready to step n questlove says okay, ill show, so they both showed yes. It ended up working out. Who was the better dj. I would say, i liked quest love, great way to start it off. Plus he is a musician, too. Yes. During a commercial break. We said pauley d. Why. He just stepped up, and everybody celebrating for him. Questlove was good too. I have a question, are you prepped for this since you were children, toddlers, going to pennsbury high eventually, the best prom in the world. We all knew. Starting in middle School Everyone talks bit and once you get to high school where once we are seniors that is a big day. Is there pressure. Slightly. From the float to the prom. Notice most stressful making it a lot of time and effort. Really cool. Yes. I want to go back to prom. I have a question were you invited to your junior prom. We only had a senior prom i didnt get to go as a senior. Nobody asked you. I went as a senior, but i didnt go myselfy wish you would have known that because would you have invite heard to the pennsbury prom. Sure. I web on your float. Dont push it. I might not make the float. Trying to get in the gym. Congratulations. Very cool, guys. Thank you. Are you still going to date off go to college and she is left as a senior. Im not going far. Penn state abington. That works. What about you guys. Not too far. Im going to Eastern Kentucky university. You. Chestnut hill college. Long distance lovers. They will be apart. Well, good luck. Good luck. Yes. Do you know Pippa Middleton do you know who that is . Just say yes. Her parents were talking about. Im old. Pippa got married. We will talk about the dress, the guest list big moments from pippas big gay. I want to know if megan markel got to go. She ace tracktive. Yes. She looked great. Keep running. Look at pippa man does she look great or what. She married Hedge Fund Manager partner James Matthews over the weekend. Yes. It is said to have cost 900,000. What . It is married matthews, i feel like i have to say his name like this. Matthews. And 150 gets such as saint marks church. Yes. Yes. She wore a gown designed by a question is where who was harry dating. Megan markel she was not there. I heard she was. Yes. She was not at wedding but she got a ticket to the reception. The reception was feign but you are not coming to the wedding. Um, um, um. We will talk details. You are supposed to be married. Wasnt that the case. Yes. We have to go. We have, somebody from, yahoo, we will talk to them live. And then go to scarpeta in Rittenhouse Square. Yes. Try goat. Greatest of all time. No, a actual goat. Bah. Tires have a new home. Midas now sells great brands at great prices. Get 100 off instantly on select goodyear and cooper tires through may 31st. Find your tires online. Trust the midas touch. So, looking out window or been outside we know split is very damp, drippy, dressed for rain today because even if you are getting a break, north and west of the city, you are you will see larger area have rain starting to move toward us, so it wont be just south ande of philadelphia over next couple hours but we will get heavier rain and new just drippy, 57 degrees at the moment with easterly wind at 6 miles an hour. Heading in the rest of the day on and off rain all day long 70 degrees our high, some downpours could be heavier at times, how long will this rain last . What about the Holiday Weekend can we get it out in town. We will let you know coming up heading out the door, your radio in the town bob kill toy more fm101. 1. 8 33 we will call it own a monday morning. Wet road. Heres the 30 bypass for gang coming in from coatsville, downingtown heading toward king of prussia rain drops on the camera lens here north on i95. Everything is slower than normal because of the rain. Even trains are running slower than normal. Septa running with delays on the couple Regional Rail lines heres your travel times for both i95, and the 42 freeway. Mike and alex, back over to you. Bob kelly. Yes, sir you know i like to hoe every monday a segment we like to call, ya got ta try this where i go to different restaurants. I was kind of double booked on a shoot last week and i could not go over to one of my Favorite Places scarpeta in the rittenhouse how tell. I asked, alex, can do you this she said of course. Difficult not know, or tell her what i had asked to try. Shes not exactly miss adventurous when it comes to food. It was goat. Well, i had to take over this segment because i have heard so much about scarpeta1 of the new restaurant in town. Right now we have someone to show me bit. Some people call him mayor of philadelphia but others call you. Drew carpulla you own this place. I am, im the general manager here. How do you describe it here very modern Italian Restaurant but also an every day restaurant. It is a great location here in philadelphia. Im here, as well born and raised very exciting to be part of this on Rittenhouse Square and great views, great dining room and great foody hear great flavors. You guys are doing a different take with italian. It is more modern italian. Very robust, powerful flavors which, philadelphians love. You know, like myself. It is a very good mix. Is what name of this dish. This is cabreta. It is goat, artichokes, spring peas and very Old School Italian traditional dish, usually find tonight a high end restaurant this would be found in a very Traditional Home in italy. Someone, like me i have never had goat in my italian food so what kind of experience am i in for. Just is a very robust flavor. Here we go. Someone says it remind them of brisket. I would say in a way, it is hard to describe it until you experienced it but being such a traditional dish you found tonight a household it is a very warm, great gesture when you eat witt. Very homey as well. That is what is great about us not only are we high end restaurant but we are an every day restaurant. It is great. I like this. I told you, would you love it. As mike would say not baddd scarpeta means taking the boot of the bled and getting all of the last great flavors of the dish and all of the sauce and scoop it up with the bread inn enjoy it whether someone breaks out the bread and scoop seven juice. That is what i will do. We usually to have eat everything first im jumping the gun here. No pressure. Thanks very much. Thank you for having us. Yes. So, did you like it . Oh, yeah, it taste like brisket a little bit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like goat and ox tail and stuff like that. Yes. You like jamaican food. Fcc requires when you do a segment that has goat or lamb in it you have to say not badd dd. And you got that. Necessity judge greatest of all time. Yes, i did mention i said when mike said i will send you to have goat, you know, i thought war of all time. But you meant actual goat. Yes. Billboard muse ache ward last night and im getting ready to go to sleep and then something happened that kept me awake. It was that. We will play this whole performance for you, by the way. You have something to say about share and i dont know how i feel about this. I realize why she didnt have anything on, celine dion, had taken all of the fabric in the vegas area for her dress, i will show you her dress, after the break. You brush your teeth diligently. Two times a day right . But 80 of bacteria arent even on teeth. Eughty purschunt . colgate totals different. It fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. Protecting 100 of your mouths surfaces. Colgate total for whole mouth health. You know, it was one of the highest rated saturday night lives ever for a finally. Yes. And so katie perry came out i bet she looked like miley cyrus but that is katie perry. Hoist backpack boy. I love him. I necessity who that is. He has gone viral. He has got moves he is 15 years old, his name is russell corning. You may remember him. Yes. When he said, this dance, i could not stop watching. It his pants, everything was perfect. My goodness. So apparently katie saw him , and look at that move. Yes. He lives in georgia, doing this in his bedroom. Then went all over the world. Yes. Yes. Never had a expression on his face. Yes. So she asked him to come out on stage and perform, and that is exactly what they did. You know, still got the moves. But immediately after saturday night live people started posting all sorts of different videos that they did we had to. So i guess im the one in the casket you are the one in the basket. Stop it didnt miley cyrus have an outfit like that. Probably, i wouldnt be surprised. So that is the new song, switch and it is a disk jogging, but, it is. Yes. Official dance, they are out in the club or whatever, that is how we are supposed to dance. I dont think so. That is strictly backpack boy. Yes. He is now forever known as backpack boy. When drake hot line bling and they do that. Yes. Did you see drakes performance at fountain in vegas last night. You have to see this. I went to bed he is still dancing like bling. He made history last night. I know, he won more award then just about everybody. I need my hair done for summer. We need it ready for the summer, jen, tell us what we need to do. I want to be a stunner. Okay, that was hilarious. He need his hair done for summer. We are here for the rescue. We will tell you some dos and some donts, and you will tell us bit. We will look good. Even though it is raining. It will be summer. Promise. Youbusted tail. Rd. And impressed the boss. Maybe, its time to be your own. Transform your career with strayer universitys mba program today. Lets get it, america. Just in time for week toned end we have a new weather pattern but nothing seems to change much at bush kill falls. Still looks beautiful unless it is middle of the winter and frozen but we will talk about the rain that we have, going on right now and again, most of the heavier rain, still, south and east of philadelphia , but you watched this batch coming in off of the Lancaster County there, and we do have heavier rain on the way here in philadelphia we are getting a break right now, lighter rain to the south of us, and delaware county, and even heavier rain down around little creek, delaware, cedarville, upper deerfield in new jersey and ocean county is very heavy rain a lock the new jersey shore, it is raining in cape may and lewis, delaware. By the time all is said and done by wednesday, morning we could have 2 inches of rain in the books. We have rain in the forecast every single day at least through thursday. We do see a warm up in time for the weekend, maybe a pop up thunderstorm once it gets hotter and more humid on sunday. You know that means . Summertime. And bad hair. Yes. So what we need to does waterproof our hair, sue. Im ready for it. How do you do that. Well, lets ask jen she knows. Hi, jen. I know everything about hair. Just kidding. What i do need you node to come to salon rosa m. Good morning. So, we have just talking about sue, sue has hair you are talking about that really gorgeous wave hair that could be meticulously uncontrollable in the summer. Yes your first tip i have a piece of paper two parts conditioner, one part shampoo. In the hot summer we tend to shampoo our hair more. With doing that it strips out all of the natural oil from your hair. So most of the shampoos are just even professional lines in the salon have too many in them. You want to have stuff that is sulfate free. Parafon free and protects the hair from color stripping or dough hydration. You would use this concoction, to wash your hair over the summer. Yes, exactly. So bile sole bright. Yes. Okay. Well, clearly the whole effect with color is still around but the traditional hom bres every hair dark to light. Sun break is some of the highlights coming in. Sort of like how my hair color is. Just with keeping the natural color and what the sun will do that is what you want to do. Summer is coming. I want to go lighter. Just frame the face with highlights. Nothing too crazy. Frame, frame, frame, halo braid and we all sat here and watched how you got this started. How do you get a braid like this started. With finer hairy started a little bit like over that left eye and come around. Dawn do it, do it yourself go in any direction you want but i started here so her friend can balance it. It is all about balance. No matter how tight the brake is make sure you ball it. You will show us how to get started. You are done with us with our bad pony tails and you say thinks better option. Yes, definitely, it doesnt stress the hair as much. Ill get Party Started in the break. With diana she has a lot of hair. Very thick. If you start here your hand are doing your own braid it gets tied. Would i start back here so the thicker part of the braid is in the front. It becomes a head band. Dont worry about a perfect line you want it to not be so perfect so it can look more distressed than natural. Take three strand of hair and just sort of go underneath it. Yep. And just keep grabbing hair and going this way completely across and not perfect, you want not perfect. As you keep grabbing three more of the braid will show. This is what we want. Yes you are a genius. She figured it out for us. Yes. Thank you so much. You look amazing. Youre welcome. I may or may not be afraid because do i pony tails a lot. I know. We will see you next shore hour. People worry about their appearance and how they look. Unaudible. Lets try it again. Did anybody notice. It is there. I woke up yesterday, and there is this thing growing on my lower lip. I did cut myself shaving on friday and i think it got infected because it keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Is that what happened . Yes. Is that what you are saying happened. Really. I dont know what it is, and it hurts and do you ever get something on your lip and feel your heartbeat threw it. It is tingling and it has its own beat, its own pulse. You say you dont see it, then im fine. Appreciate, people in the control room not pointing it out because maybe it is a cold sore. Well, yeah they are not pointing it out at all. Yes. No. It is all right. What will you do, put some ointment. I put ice on it. Okay. Get the man some ice. It hurts. People are tweeting me bit. Curt tweeted when i said would i put on a red speedo, please, there are children watching and we dont want to traumatize them. We dont want that to happen. That is why i have a big cold sore just keep your eyes on my face and my not abs. Iconic red swimsuits are back and im not just talk about the new bay watch movie, no. I think i have a wardrobe change in my immediate future, karen hepp i believe will don one of these red outfits. Are you up for it. Yes. Protip for making ribs dont go it alone. Get these great smoked ribs. Thanks. Sure. Twenty minutes on the grill. And theyre done. You think he cares if i smoke ribs for six hours . What . What . Summer made easy at amazing prices. Only at giant. I aint that high but i can get up higher. Ready to go. Motown monday that is you why are here. Motown monday. Like the show, musical in town, it will be playing different musical scenes, very exciting. I believe it starts next week, i want to go. I will take both to motown. I have seen it. I love it, too. More about that, yeah. Lets see. Who Chris Christie addiction is a disease. It can happen to anyone. Help is within reach. All you need to do is ask. Vanessa i was a fullblown heroin addict, selling my soul to get high. But i got help, and you can too. James i just know i didnt want to feel that pain anymore. I got help. You can too. Aj most people think addicts are beyond help. When i see an addict, i see hope. Chris christie dont suffer. Dont wait. Call 844 reach nj or visit reachnj. Gov. Well, we are calling this motown monday because motown the musical is coming to philadelphia next week. That is exactly why. So we will be playing more, motown songs because there are so many. There are. That we remember. We will play different won throughout the show. It

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