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The injuries. Thankfully they were nonlifethreatening. Et reporter now, not waiting for d. C. Ambulances to arrive, those Police Officers were rushed to miceedstaredr Washington Hospital center inn police cruisers. Poli we know that one had surgery,ur, the other treated for those th gunshot wounds. Outside medstar Washington Hospital center adread ofen police cars and fellow. Fl mayor bowser arrived later and acting police chief newsham. Both of the officers are inare stable condition right now. On rg live in northeast, im melanie e alnwick, fox5 local news. All right, mel, thank you very much. Mu. Even before the policee pole shootings it was a violentiolent night in washington, d. C. D there were three shootings ingsn less than two hours with fourit separate victims. Separate vic they happened withitin a halfh mile from each other along wheel erode in the congressco the first call came in justjst past 6 oclock and the last t call just before 8 oclock. Paul transom spoke about theaboe need for d. C. Police to do do more. More chief newsham should be shoue right over here tonight to see s exactly what all of us are re saying about this violence and d the shooting in southeast. Out im going to ask chief newshamnw to either get the nationalna guards, if they cant put out ou a special group of folks out out here to saturate this area tois get these guns and the last three days we done had shootings and basically in the e same vicinity. All three victims sufferedfee nonlifethreatening injuries. G u no arrests have been made. D at this point police arentarent saying if the shootings arear connected. The officers being shotoffie and the violence in southeast su all happening on the same daymey that mayor bowser named peter be newsham as Permanent Police chief. F. Newsham had been serving asvinga interim chief since september. He still faces confirmation byan the d. C. Council. Ou Peter Newsham wil us for his first morningornin interview as acting chief. 4 32 and today president ay trump will be heading to the te National Harbor for the te conservative political actionctn Conference Also known as cpac. Sc hes expected to speak atpeak a 10 00 a. M. This morning. Rning. Yesterday Vice President mikevi pence spceoke. Ppoke. He compared President Trump to mr. Trumps inspirations inspi president reagan. Ra pence told the crowd that he believes President Trump has h given voice to the aspirationtoe and frustrations of asp the he American People like no leaderer since reagan. Reaga also white house chief of f staff Reince Priebus is askingkg top fbi officials to dispute media reports that President Trumps Campaign Advisers weredr frequently in touch with wit russian intelligence agentsag during the election. Ectio a white house official saysicial the request was made after there fbi told the white house ite it believed a new york timestim report last week describingescig those contacts was not accurate. U. S. Homeland security secretary john kelly is tryingr to ease down the tension between the u. S. And latin tis wont enlist its militarymy to enforce immigration lawsgra and there will be no mass mass deportations. Only hours earlier President Donald Trump suggested the opposite. Posite. He told cos at the white houseio the deportation push was a military operation. Turning to the growinggrow number affected by faulty zika testing in the district. Distri more than 400 patients were tested. In dietz lab that did the testti noticed a problem and startedted retesting. Rete new results show one of them ofm in positive for seek k. Another eight are and positivepe for what could be zika or de fda fever. Fda fe outer loop scientists andd department of forensics areics r working night and day to makedae sure we have the testinges correct and if there are anyny problems identified, to haved, e them fixed but we wanted to bete the ones to let the providerproi Community Know that weow thae identified a problem, arem, e going to review it and then ten well let them know. He there are still dozens ofensf retested. Re the cdc says they expect toect o have all results within two weeks. Weeks. A. M. A Prince William county momnm wants her kids to have more mo recess time. Im. They attend lake ridgend lake re Elementary School where recesscs is 15 minutes daily. Aiy. She created a petition thatitiot has more than 800 signatures. Ig. Tonight shell be hosting ati town hall meeting with the Prince William county schoolam board chairman. Board ch it will be held in woodbridgeooe at 6 30. 6 i wo uld like more recess on a a nice warm day like this. Ts. Nothing wrong with that. Ng wa if you can get outside andide enjoy the nice weather like wee have been having all winter winr long. Pretty much wisdom you got thatmuch w right. Right today sal great day foror outdoor recess for everybody. Er back to sunscreen even. Eve. I walked the dog yesterday andyt it didnt feel warm, it felt flt hot yesterday afternoon undereru the sunshine. E sunshine. It will be right back there later on this afternoon reagania national 57 degrees,ft dulles ds 58, bwi is at 49. 49 so, a chilly start up towardstos baltimore but later thislater afternoon temperatures aretempea oa satellite and radar out there te right now, mostly clear skieski across the d. C. Region but outu to the west we have some we have clouds. Well call it partly cloudyly skies later on this afternoon. O. 66 degrees by 10 00 a. M. A. By 1 oclock were alreadyalr well into the 70s wrappings w things up about 3, 4 oclocko this afternoon with wi temperatures near record near rd levels. All right, thats a check of the fore thacast. Tf erin comoor is back this morninm with a check of your traffic. Tr. 4 36 and right now werew already dealing with problemsg h on the roads. This is aon look at the inner t loop out by gw parkway. Pa you can see several lanes are blocked by an active accidentact investigation. Inve just the left lane getting by. N. If youre making your way from f 66 through tysons anticipateante getting to those delays onceelae you hit gw parkway. Paray. Traffic on the inner loop andhei outer loop movinnng but thatut h inner loop crash is causing caug problems. Pr another view of that crash youoc can see were dealing withrashdh other problems this morning. Th. So, well keep you updated onn that. Right now Metro Service isservi picking up at 5 00 a. M. Andm. Ad their service is on time ti except for the blue line affected by safe track surgey sa 12. Well keep you posted onurge tht one. D. C. On twitter but it is friday morning. Afrrt tostat tod safn etwit st your ride. Your rid 4 36 is the time. The time. Coming up on fox5 news morningo Caitlyn Jenner responds toer ret President Trumps transgender tr policy. And now you have less thans h 24 hours to get a flight to to europe for less than a hundred d dollars. Well tell you how when wen we return. Were going to break rightbrh now with a live look acrossacss the dmv. Time is 4 37, 57 degrees. Degre. Fox5 news morning is backs right after this. I didnt even wear a jacketat today. Y. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. In the last 10 years, we have received 6 times more awards than cable, only fios has the fastest internet, on the most awarded network. Get this amazing offer 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month for the first year. Cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. Did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. And add phone and tv for only 34. 90 more a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. All right. Time now is 4 39. Tis s take a look at the stories youreta keeng aa lgingg the most this morning onmo social mediast. Social lets check out whats hot ce on theck web. First up Stephen Bannon tooknonk send stage at cpac yesterday. Yey he used his first speakingsp appearance thins president ance trump took officers to vowers President Trump would honoronor all his campaign. He also talked about making aking changes to the economy and u. S. Trade pol. He also attacked tthe media saying Media Outlets arets are portraying the administrationmit wrongly. Wngly. The white house is hintings that the justice departmentdertt will step up enforcement laws against Recreational Use of marijuana. President trump is for medicalal marijuana. This news comes as polls showls a majority of americansf ame believe marijuana both medicalru and recreational should bee legal. Legal transgender advocatea Caitlyn Jenner breaks herbreaksr silence on President Trumps t decision reverse federalsion ree guidance on protections for transgender students against discrimination. She called the move aa disaster. In the video she posted ontedon twitter to address President Trump, jenner said from onefr republican to another you madeu a promise to protect the lgbtq community. Jenner invited President Trumpe to speak with her. R beyonce wont be performingeg at co her doct wor advised her to takk it easy. She promised her fans shellns perform at coachella next yearaa and i told everybody that that wasnt going to happen maureenpe and hollily. N an you told them to sell their r ticket if they had them and hade they wanted to see beyonce. Yone. Get ready to take flightflit from nyc to the uk for aboutaout 87. The fare is only one way and waa you have until 11 00 p. M. Tonight to purchase yourgh ticket. Also, there are only a veryt toy limited number of seats atse at this price flying between july 2017 and february 2018. Bru get your ticket, whiz. Cke all right. Rght. Little vacay. Vacay. Coming up, the search for a a missing teenager comes top atopa happy ending in northern virginia. Virg Iraqi Forces Retake mosulsm airport in an ongoing againstagt isis. As we head to break wellak w take a live look across therossh d. C. Region. D. C. Regi time is 4 41. 4 well be back on this friday frd morning on this warm start to so the weekend almost. A i would say friday is almostlmot the [ alarm clock beeping ] weather. [ laughter ] cartoons. Wait for it. [ cat screech ] [ laughter ] [ screaming ] [ laughter ] make everyday awesome with the power of xfinity x1. Hi grandma and the fastest internet. [ girl screaming ] [ laughter ] this is fox5 news morning. Mn today on fox5 news morning,mi a violent night in thet in th district ends with two d. C. Od. Police officers being rushedr to the hospital afterafter returning fire on an armedrmed suspect. Live look outside right outst now. Were enjoying a fantastic february, the best february in r the hi mike thomas is going to tell t us about a warm trend thatsthas going to continue into the intoh weekend. First we say good morning and thanks for joininge saus. N. Im erin como. Com. And im wisdom martin iisdomt today. Is friday february 24th. Ebr4th. Mike thomas we just mentioned mn him, hes going to talk about tt weather in a moment, youre, yoe going to talk about traffic asrf well coming up in just ajusta moment. We want to cont inue to follow fw developing news out of and washington, d. C. Washington but we want to get to mike thomas first. Mike i almost ran right offof and left that you. That yo thats okay you know, todayay is one of those days where the e weather guy is really, im not t going to lie, not that tha important. Its going to be a quiet dayda today. Dont sell yourself short,f , mike. We love your forecastlo your today. Itsuleautiful. Sunny and beautiful, thatst kind of all you need to know,kno okay. Full disclosure. 6 00 a. M. Today, loftsoay sunshine out there, even into e the afternoon, lots of sun. Un. The one time you will need meedm is for tomorrow. We do have some thunderstormshu in the forecast. Ecast. Clouds will build overnight. Ve sometime between 2 oclock andon 5 oclock tomorrow wellck tomo probably have a line ofably hav showers and thunderstormse a rolling through the ds. Anc. And baltimore regions. Re some of those stronger side with a couple ofuo sty winds. S. So, well keep an eye on that tt and keep you up with thep latest as we go through thethroe day today. Day toda 77 your y. Daytime high heregh today. One more day of 70s tomorrowtom before we cool it down. Down thats the weather. Ats the weh back over to eriner como now for traffic. C. 4 46. Unfortunately already a busyelyd start to this friday morning. Hid thats a live aylook at theook e beltway, the inner loope inneop dealing with those flashinglaing lights where the headlights are coming towards to ushe ireta crash by gw parkway. Ark watch for a tap of the brakes th as you pass that area. Ea. Coming from 66 its not that tt bad. Ba crash cleared to the shouldero 95 northbound. Ure takg a youre taking a look at now as you traveltrave through lorton light volume building but since that crashcrh scene cleared thingshings improving. Improv southbound side towardshbound frederick looking sid good. O any questions at erin fox5stio d. C. Onns twitter. Tw all right, 4 46 is the e time. Follow folowo developing news out of theng nee district where two policect officers are recovering whe aftf being shot late last night in in northeast. Northe now, they were shot just shot j before 10 45 along morse andrsed hole brook streets. Hole both are said to be in stable ba condition this morning. Ition th. The suspecwa later died. Later died. But it is still unclear what wht led to the shooting. Without getting toot specific it was mostly in thelye lower portion of the body,od, both of the injuries. Thankfully, they were nonlifethreatening. Ife the shooting came amidth anin already violent night in d. C. D. In just hours after chief newsham was named actingacng police chief. Ch one Council Member is is calling it a state ofst emergency t annie yu is live outside d. C. Headquarters withqh the very latest in this story. Es reporter good morning, erin and wisdom. T it was anter otherer violent nit in ward eight southeast d. C. Ght we had a total of three shootings, four separate separae victims and the d. C. Police tell fox5 thanad tth all of the victims are expected topec recover from their injuries. That is the good news. Is th n but take a look at this video. Vi our fox5 cameras were there capturing two of these thes shooting locations and the the scene thats unfortunately tooou familiar to the residents thatst live in this section of town. To. Now, the shootings happened inpn a two hour time span about apan wheeler road in the congresson heights area, the first callirsl coming in at 6 oclock in theoo evening and the last one just before 8 00 p. M. It was a very active scenebe as you can see. Can see. The mpd chopper was up up multiple units arriving asr well as k9 units searchingarchg for evidence and suspects. Usp as of this morning d. C. Policed arent saying whether theseg whe shootings are connected but weue do know police have made nomadeo arrests so far in any of these shtings. S. We spoke to Council Memberl memb white following the multiplemule shootings and he tells us onus wednesday night there were awer total six shootings in thatotin same area. Insame ar. Take a listen. Isten. The city is pretty much in a state of emergency with theemr crime. I think we had at least sixwe people h at shot in ward eightt yesterday. We have begun this safe way home act and an initiative toto get the community moremmunity mr involved and its just at ajusta level of Critical Mass right now. Reporter so, you have ave a total of nine shootingsotings happened in the same sectionectn of ward eight over the last la tw this all coming, of course, around the same time as mayore bowser named Peter Newsham as the police chief of thef of district of columbia. We asked the chief what are you doing to protect thatote section of town. To he says they will be b redeploying officers to thatt section for increased patrol. P. Thats the latest from d. C. D. Police headquarters annie yudqua fox5 localrt nerews. Thank you annie. Annie. Later this morning wellrnie speak with Peter Newsham whoham will be joining us as 8 00 a. M. Who will be joining using s for his first morningorin interview as acting chief. Chie. Police charged four men including a 17yearold withyeh the motor of christian rivas. Ri. His pedestrian was found last lt month on the banks of thehe banh Potomac River neare dumfries du virginia. Police believe the murder was m the result of an internaln in power struggle within the gang ms13. Two women ages 18 and 19 also a face conspiracy charges in this case. Police say the murder is andnspa t connected toheder is athe murd 15yearold damaris reyesre rivas of gaithersburg. Th her pedestrian was that foundrin this month in springfield. Wth i 10 pe case. In another update police pole found a missing Prince Williaml county teenager Makayla Mattei was reported missing a week a. W police found her in harrisonha burg virginia. G she was discovered with ath a 21yearold man. Ma hes facing felony charges. Harg the girls mother told fox5 fox5 their family is focused on on healing their daughter. G th President Trump scheduled to sit down with annt t opponent of his America First agenda. Age. And a number of people out o west are returning home to severely damaged and floodedflod homes. As we go to break rightto brg now, a live look outsideut across the dmv. Ss the dmv. The time right now is 4 50. Fox5 news morning coming back bk after this. Real does feel like the middle of maydoes outside. Utide. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we wired the wagners house th 150 meg internet. Which means that in the time it takes mr. Wagner to pour a 20oz. Cup of coffee, tommy can download 40 songs, and jan can upload 180 photos. Get 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month for the first year. Cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. Only fios can. Back now at agaifinst isis ingh iraq where u. S. And iraqi forces arere cautiously celebrating anbratinn attack taking back control ofk o the runway at the citys airport. Three prong attack begane prg aa yesterday with iraqi forcesy w joining federal police as partit of an assault to drive isis from the western part of pr mosul. Officials say the attackta broke the first line of isis defense ing of opingused of open fire at a kansas city bar thatat killed one man and injured twouo others has been charged withed murder and attempted murder. Mu witnesses say the shooting wastw racially motivated. Otiated. Authorities however have noties called it a hohate crime. C a bartend who witnessed theesset shooting says the gunman usedmau racial slurs before shooting. Ho. California officials andifor farmers are workinofg around thr clock to keep levies from blooding in the northern pastort state. Hundreds of workers ares are scrambling again yesterday toyes lay down more rock and earthk ar on levies where flood waterere was threatening to burstteni through saturated berms. Once the this summer californiaifnia lawmakers will look at using 500 million to patch up andnd upgrade the states flood fod control system. Ntrol sy are you a passionatepassonae sports fan. F yes, sir. For this weeks fox beat bt free friday you can enter totero seat Washington Wizards takeizar on the Orlando Magic live. Live i like the sound of that. T one viewer could win fouriewe tickets to the wizards game on n march fifth at the verizonve center. The prize has an approximatean p retail value of 320 and is is provided by monumental sportspor and field entertainment. Ertamen go to the fox5 d. C. Web siteb se or fox5 d. C. Facebook page. Facg starting now through 11 59 p. M. For a chance toance o enter and win. And wi. One winner will be selected byly random drawing on february 27th. All entrants mustru be 18 orb older. Complete rules can be found at fox5dc. Com contests. Om that sounds like a really funfun win. Yup. Going to see the wizards asee tz they get readyar to make theirt playoff run. What do you think. Do you thi. Theyre good. Theyre good to go. Theod to o. Theyre not going to beat eat cleveland but theyre good togoo go. Words of wisdom. Wor thats my take. That i dont know anything, though. Ng i do know that were going to gn mike tho mas. Mike thomas i also know that its Cherry Blossom weather basically outside. Outide. Yeah, trees are blooming. Bi. Tucker posted a picture of theue trees in downtown d. C. N d. C i saw that. Tt. Blooming beautifully inauifui this crazily well call itl warm weather that were having here in late february. Ebruary. Temperatures yesterday midatur 70s in washington and well anl be right back there later onlate this afternoon. Is a for the bus stop and the kidsthd getting off to school today,day, chilly in spots ill say. Sy. But really compared to where wee we should be, nothing, you know nothing cold on theon te weather map p46 to 57 degrees,dg mild to start the day da especially here in d. C. Te in d after school, 69 to 79. 9. Shorts and t shorts t shorts tshirts weather once ahgain. Gain. 77 degrees your daytime hightimh today. Thats just shy of a record. Ust well see if we dont break itrt if we get enough sun. Su tomorrow briefly in the 70s ins before a cold front will bring g some thunderstorms during thendt afternoon,or msprobably about 34 oclock in the afternoon hererno in washington. Onsh that will cool us down brieflyby for sunday but then we start str climbi next week. 68 degrees by next wednesday. Dn thats a check of the weather. Fh erin como is back with a look at traffic. You know it. Eand wer its 4 55 taking a look outside. Outs were still tracking thiscking h crash. Its the inner loop at gw parkway. Several lanes blocked. Nes bloc now, because the left lane isaul getting by you can see those the headlights coming toward us. Ing. Traffic from 66 across the gwe w parkway looking pretty goodty gd despite that crash scene but as more folks wake up thise morning that could start to cause problems. Ro outer loop smooth sailing. Loop heres a look at our maps. A l you can see all the oogreenk atn around the beltway aside from ad that crash. Were seeing nthice conditionsnd bottom of the beltway through tu oxonill. L. 95 northbound a crash isd a crhs blocking the right shoulder at t lorton road but minor delaysde past that scene. You can see nice quiet quie conditions through woodbridge. O and as we madke our way out onon the top of the beltway through E College Park youre lookingourg good. Od. 95 and southbound from the icc on down is flowing. Is if you happen to have an early y flight to catch getting to bwi i wont be a problem. Prem also looking good on the wayhe y to Reagan National as well as dulles. Du any questions at erin fox5es d. C. On twitter. Ti and coming ud. C. P on fox5 news morning pmaryland lawmakers law advance a bill which wouldil make every worker in the stateie eligible for a benefit weefit we often take for granted. Grated debate about the future offut the preakness stakes ise expected to heat up toprdayea. Po as we head to break, go ad, d had and take a live lookeook across the d. C. Region. Reg time right now is 4 57. 4 57. Fox5 news morning is back is bac right after this on this veryvey springlike friday morning. If you could only see coulde wisdom dancing right now. Ancingr go f it. T. You got it. T. This is fox5 news morning. Or. Today on fox5 news morning,o, a violent night in the in he district ends with two d. C. O Police Officers being rushedicer to the hospital shot aftert ater returning fire on an on an orthopedic suspect. Orth this morning we have an update on the officers conditions. Op and theres w e nicoer neeso about the weather. Ab all you needou tot know are tht two words, 70 degrees. Degrees. Say what now . Good morning tono you. Thank you for joining us. Us. Im maureen umeh. Ureen ume and im holly morris. Morris. Today is friday, february 24. Br mike thomas is going to talk about this weather. Wa glorious weather i should say. Tr erin como has got traffic. Tra thats all coming up on theup 5s. First lets tell you whatstells happening in the news ating in 5 oclock straight up thisk strg morning. We continue to follow developing news outof

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