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President obama pardoned two turkeys for thanksgiving today. Thanks, man, said the turkeys. [ light laughter ] donald trump yesterday formally offered ben carson the position of secretary of the department of housing and urban development, which is the first time trump has ever tried to get a black person in to housing. [ light laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] the macys thanksgiving day parade balloons were inflated this afternoon. Said one macys employee. [ breathing heavy ] [ light laughter ] can i go home now . [ laughter ] thats right, tomorrow is the macys thanksgiving day parade, and if theres one thing that can cheer hillary up right now, [ laughter and applause ] one of tomorrows thanksgiving nfl games will feature the redskins taking on the cowboys, in a rematch of a rivalry that dates all the way back to the original thanksgiving. [ light laughter ] according to a new poll president obamas Approval Rating is at its highest in seven years. Also at its highest in seven years, joe bidens collar. [ light laughter ] and finally, cheerleaders at the university of kansas were suspended yesterday, after sending a snapchat spelling kkk with their sweaters with the caption kkk go trump. However theyve been hired as the cheerleaders for the kkk Basketball Team which is currently 037. [ light laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show for you tonight. [ cheers and applause ] curtis 50 cent jackson, is back on the show. [ cheers and applause ] she is an nbc news correspondent for my money and nobody worked harder during this election, katy tur is joining us. [ cheers and applause ] and we have a fantastic genre defying musician with us tonight, k. Flay will be playing some music for you. [ cheers and applause ] very, very excited about tomorrow night. Its our thanksging show. Its our third annual thanw, aksgivi just ke our previous two thankin shows, the only guest on the show will be my brother josh, and my parents hillary and larry. And we figure it will be late on thanksgiving night. You will have been home, youll have been with your family, youll have been talking politics all day probably, so the other promise to you is we will not mention politics at all tomorrow night. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] it will just be me and my family, welcoming you and your family. But thats tomorrow. [ light laughter ] as he prepares to take office, president elect donald trump is appointing a cabinet, but at the same time hes also deflecting questions about his Business Empire. For more on this its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] . . Seth trump has already received criticism for some of his cabinet picks, like his nominee for attorney general, alabama senator jeff sessions. Sessions was actually rejected the senate once before. He was turned down for federal judgeship in 1986, over comments he made that were seen as racist. And mind you, this was 3 ago, when we were all okayit this. Oh, sexy gi. [ laughter ] bonsai seth s30 years a, that wasnt considered racist, but seions was. Why . Sessions has been accused of calling civil Rights Groups unamerican and communist inspired. Criticizing the Voting Rights act and its impact on southern states. He once said he was fine with smoked pot. [ light laughter ] seth and you can always tell whos high at a kkk meeting. [ light laughter ] now sessions has said he was making a joke, and also to be fair that was 30 years ago, but sessions recent record is also troubling. Hes been a hardliner in everything from immigration to Voting Rights. And along with his picks for chief strategist and National Security advisor, trumps early personal personnel choices have received glowing reviews from white nationalists, who are psyched. White nationalists are cheering trumps choices, calling them a dream team and exactly what they want. Seth its the dream team, or if youre going by skin tone, the cream team. [ light laughter ] in their defense, it is kind of like christmas. The day that a middle eastern family was denied access to a hotel and basic health care. [ light laughter ] but trump still has more positions to fill, and on monday he met with former Texas Governor rick perry, who is reportedly being considered for energy secretary. Energy was actually one of the three federal agencies perry wanted to eliminate when he went in for president in 2012. But famously, he could not remember it when asked at a debate. The third agency of government. I would i would do away with the education, the um commerce. Commerce, and lets see i cant. The third one i cant, sorry. Oops. Seth thats right. Trump wants to put perry in charge of the department, that he couldnt even r [ light laughter ] and he had notes. [ laughter ] every day is going to be like 50 first dates with him. [ light laughter ] oh, man, department of energy. I hate this place. Wait, i work here . [ laughter ] really the best part of rick perry being considered for a cabinet post, is that he was also a contestant this season, on dancing with the stars. And on tuesday, the same man who might run our department of . . Rick perry . . [ cheers and applause ] . . What was more surreal . Performing with vanilla ice here tonight, or your big meeting in new york yesterday . Oh, can i take no comment on that one at the moment. No, you can say performing here right now. Being with vanilla ice is always number one. [ cheers ] [ light laughter ] look its vanilla twice. [ laughter ] rick perry looks like he should be secretary of energy drinks. [ light laughter ] and then there are those who took themselves out of consideratn for cabinet post, before even being offered one, like former president ial candidate ben carson. Whose spokesperson issued this statement when it was rumored that carson was being considered for the department of health and Human Services. Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience. Hes never run a federal agency. The last thing he would want to seth aw, poor ben. No one has the heart to tell him he ran for president. [ laughter ] lets at least give carson credit for knowing hes not qualified to run the department of health and Human Services. That was the end of that right . Mr. Trump has reportedly offered the post of secretary of housing and urban development to ben carson. Seth ben, youre a neurosurgeon, would you like to run department of health and Human Services . No, im not qualified. What about housing secretary . Well, i do have a ho [ light laughter ] while trump continues to assemble a cabinet, hes also facing a barrage of questions over his foreign business ties and the conflicts of interests they could pose during his presidency. For example, trump promised throughout the campaign to get tough on china, but a Major Chinese bank currently pays for office space in trump tower. Meaning that, the president of the United States will be pocketing rent checks from a state run megabank, owned by the and economic rival. Now, to be fair to trump, he might not have realized the bank is actually owned by china. Whats the banks name . The bank of china. [ light laughter ] i thought it was the plate kind of china. [ light laughter ] you know, like a bank for your plates. [ light laughter ] you would deposit plates, and then if you had a dinner party, you would take out the number of plates for the guests you had. And then if you didnt have room for the plates at your house, at the end of the meal, you deposit the plates. I cant believe this. Theyre a chinese bank. So we keep getting more reasons to worry that trump could use his office to benefit himself, and yet, in spite of all this mounting evidence, that trumps sprawling Business Empire could pose a massive problem for his presidency, he continues to insist everything is fine. Donald trump told the New York Times the law is on my side. The president cant have a conflict of interest. Seth the president cant have a conflict of interest. Echoed the words of a previous famously corrupt president. So what in a sense, youre saying is that, there are certain situations and the houston plan or that part of it was one of them, where the president can decide that its in the best interest of the nation, or something, and do something illegal. Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal. [ laughter ] seth trump and nixon, just a couple of tricky dicks. This has been a closer look. . . [ cheers and applause ] guys, give it up for the 8g band right over there. [ cheers and applause ] also very excited our band leader, fred armisen, is back with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] ive been so happy to have fred here this week. Weve been friends for so many years, and as any of you know, friendship is hard work, and frankly fred and i have some and when we come back, fred and i are going to clear the air. So stick around for that. [ cheers and applause ] . . vo its the holidays at verizon, and the best deals are on the best network. b yeoth vo with no surprise overages, you can use your data worry free ry over the data you dont use. And right now get four lines and 20 gigs for only 40 per line. And, just for the holidays, get the motoz play droid absolutely free. No tradein required. I love you in that, no, i love you in that. No, i love you in that vo hurry, these offers end soon. Get the best deals and the best network, only on verizon. You wanna see something intense . Strong is beautiful. Mmm. I cant believe its so delicious. 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Fred thats true and you dont always have time to stop and say youre sorry. Eth so i thought with the time we have together right now, we would make amends for any past indiscretions weve committed a segment were calling, seth and fred clear the air. [ applause ] i will start, fred. Fred yes seth. [ light laughter ] seth im sorry that things have been so busy this week that we didnt get to go out to dinner even though i said we would. Do you forgive me . [ light laughter ] fred i hear you. I understand. Im angry, im hurt. Im insulted. But seth, you are forgiven. Okay. My turn, seth. Seth yes, fred. Setim sorry that instead of baby sitting your newborn son ash and taking frisbie to the dogpark, i baby sat frisbie and took ash to the dog park. [ laughter ] seth that was bad. Bad. [ light laughter ] also i didnt tell you i took ash to the vet, okay . [ light laughter ] so, everything is fine. He has worms. [ laughter ] probably contracted from that pomeranian he was playing with at the dog park. Seth my baby has worms . [ light laughter ] its fine, okay . Were going to get him on some new kibble and its going to be fine, okay . Do you fgive me . Seth fred, you are forgiven. F . P y seth im sorry that when i was in l. A. Last month i didnt give you a call. I was only there for two days. Fred wow [ laughter ] i actually wish you wouldnt have told me this. Seth i was in town real fast for a wedding. Fred will you give me a second to process this. [ light laughter ] you know, you caught me completely off guard, seth. Seth im i didnt think you would take this so hard. Fred you need to back off and give people the space they need to deal. [ light laughter ] seth okay, take all the time you need. Fred youre forgiven. [ laughter ] my turn seth. Seth yes, fred. Sometimes i just feel like i feel like its not really a feeling. Its a sense. And i get a sense thisense that there is an underlying its not me. Its not just me, you know. Its how one would i think everyone, theres not, look its not [ light laughter ] its not the chewing. Its bigger. Its bigger than that. Its like, overall. Im trying to say i dont know, but i do know. And i want to know. I really do. You know what i mean . [ light laughter ] seth no. Fred im talking about. Seth well, ill try to be better. Fred i guess thats all you can do. [ light laughter ] seth, you are forgiven. Seth fred. Fred yes, seth. Seth a little while back when we were both at snl, you asked me for help on a sketch. Fred oh, seth, i dont think its your turn. Seth no, its my turn. Fred didnt you just go . Seth no, you just went on a really long one. [ light laughter ] fred i went on a really long one and then you went and now seth no. Thats not what happened. [ laughter ] fred i disagree. I just really disagree, man. Seth well, im sorry about this misunderstanding. Fred well, seth, you are forgiven. [ light laughter ] seth oh, well, i feel like i didnt get one. Fred my turn. [ laughter ] seth. Seth yes, fred. Fred seth, i am really sorry for that time that i broke into your apartment and i trashed everything. I set all your b o stole your tv. Seth oh, fred, that wasnt me. Fred that wasnt you . Seth no, my apartment is fine. Fred oh, who did i do that to, then . [ light laughter ] seth i dont know. Fred youre right. It wasnt you. It was angela lansbury. [ laughter ] seth the woman from murder she wrote . Fred yes, and mrs. Pots from beauty in the beast. Seth oh, she is so great. Fred shes great. An american treasure. Anyway, do you forgive me for burning down herpartment . Fred it is your place. So, do you forgive me . Seth sure, fred. Youre forgiven. My turn. Fred seth, stop, stop, stop. Theres an elephant in the room here. Seth okay. Fred okay, and i dont think its that big of a secret that i havent been here as much as i would have liked. Seth oh, fred, its okay, really. Fred no, no, not really. I want to apologize and i want to tell you that i am here now. I am present. And [ phone buzzing ] ive been expecting this. [ light laughter ] seth thats fine. Fred hey. Im not really doing anything right now. [ light laughter ] a dennys commercial, okay . It pays little money, okay. Where do i travel . Omaha . Okay. [ light laughter ] tonight, now. Okay. Wow, thank you very much. Very exciting. Okay. Ill be there very soon. Oh, seth, that was my uncle. [ laughter ] i got some very, very sad news and i really have to go. Seth fred, i was here for the entire call. [ laughter ] youre lying to my face. Fred and i apologize for that. [ light laughter ] do you forgive me . Seth fred,ou and even though youre not always around, fred, i am so happy that you have been here this week. Nevermind. [ laughter ] this has been seth and fred clear the air. Well be right back with curtis 50 cent jackson. [ cheers and applause ] don and i met because im a volunteer for meals on wheels. We had an instant connection. What was that . I said, delivering to you is always a special treat. Oh. Company, companionship, food. We all need those things. When we get in that spot in life, its kind of nice to have em there. avo through the subaru share the love event, weve helped deliver over one point four million meals to those in need. Get a new subaru, and well donate two hundred and fifty dollars more. This year at tmobile, the holidays are on us switch your family of four to tmobile, get unlimited everything, and well give you 800. Thats right 800 to spend anywhere you want. Plus, all season long, get awesome deals on smartphones, tablets, and accessories. Nothinseafood celebration. Lf like red lobsters holiday so try new dishes like the new grand seafood feast, and the new wildcaught lobster shrimp trio, with a lobster macandcheese topped lobster tail. Come treat yourself to feast fit for the season before it ends. Energy is a complex challenge. People want power. And power plants account for more than a third of energyrelated carbon emissions. Exxonmobil is a leader in carbon capture. Our team is working to make this technology better, more affordable so it can reduce emissions around the world. Thats what were working on right now. . . Energy lives here. . . 3,2,1. Lumi . Re, action . . Wow you look so cute and you are all welcome. Look at these old navy pajamas. Homemade hors doeuvres . Uh nobody cares. As i was saying, before my sister rudely interrupted, i dont know why im so disgustingly generous. I dont want to make you feel bad but i was like. You told me that the entire store was up to 60 off at old navy. Shut your mouth. Those pants were seven bucks. New game truth or dare should i crawl around like a cat . . . [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back to the show. Our first guest tonight is a grammy Award Winning rapper, as well as an entrepreneur and actor you know from the hit series power. His limited edition line of mens undergarments frigo crown is available through iwearfrigo. Com and at Neiman Marcus starting in december. Please welcome back to the show curtis 50 cent jackson. . . . . Seth welcome back. Im happy to be back, seth. Seth and im happy to have you. I forgot to ask you this last time you were here. Which is, you sold over 30 million albums. Youre known worldwide. When you walk into a club, how soon into your entrance do they like a song like the song is playing like a song or two after and they realize im there, theyll start to play the music. And ill be having conversations, like me and you. Seth yeah. And the song will just go, go shawty, its your birthday. [ light laughter ] seth yeah. And ill be like, just trying to stay focused on you. You know . And people are like, so he doesnt dance to his own song . [ laughter ] whats the matter with him, you know . Seth yeah. I think it would be bad if you dance to your own songs. And if we were having a conversation and your song came on and you said ill be right back. That would be weird. Seth, if i just broke off into a move, like hey. [ light laughter ] in the middle of the conversation. Youre in the middle like seth and then does that, i mean i would imagine that anyone who missed the fact that you entered, now everyone knows youre there. Yeah. Thats the thing that kind of queues everyone. He is here. Seth yeah. Do people then approach you at the club . Da club. Unfortunately [ light laughter ] recently, the weirdest thing happened to me. Like, a guy, like asked to take a picture, like at the urinal. Seth no. Communicate through photographs now. Seth sure. So hes like, you know so you, can i get this selfie . And im like, yo, a what . [ light laughter ] like im looking and im like, you dont see what im doing . [ light laughter ] seth thats one of the last locations where a selfie doesnt mean that. Thats not a selfie. Seth yeah. Thats inappropriate. Seth there you go. Im glad youre able to be honest with people in those places like that. I said i was going to come out here and stop you and tell you, seth. Seth what . You got to give trump a little break. Seth i got to give trump a break . Yeaec like, be on him. Seth i have been on m for a while. What do i have to youre just busng him up. Im just saying now hes the president and e dothr the block messing up traffic. Seth oh yeah. And they will come get you. Im surprised. [ laughter ] seth oh, iee. Listen. Seth i see. I thought i was going to come to your show in toronto. [ light laughter ] seth well keep checking. Because i would just check every month. Next time we have you on, make sure, if we say bring a passport youre probably right. [ light laughter ] so i want to ask about obviously, we know you as 50 cent now. Yeah. Seth and i know its thanksgiving and this is a time around family and sometimes you hear old family nicknames, you had one before 50 cent. Yeah, my aunt, may aunt geraldine, she came to the door and she just was like, boo boo [ laughter ] seth yeah. And it was like haunting. Seth did it stick . It stuck for like, all my life. Even when i started to write music it was, like you know, boo boo raps. He calls himself 50 cent. [ light laughter ] like, it stayed there for awhile. Seth oh, no. And and theres people theres the people that go, no, i dont know 50. I know boo boo. Seth oh, yeah. You dont want that and i boo boo, it seems to me, that because you were pretty hard when it came to be a rapper. Youd have to be a lot harder to carry off boo boo. [ light laughter ] yeah, you gotta kind of have this like, this got to be your permanent face, seth. [ light laughter ] seth you have a son. Your son,sire. Yeah. Seth 4 years old . Yeah. Seth and you posted an instagram that i want to ask about. He seems to be pretty convincing when he wants something from you. He thinks everythings a negotiation. Seth okay, gotcha. So hes like, can i go to like he says i did good in school. Can we go to chuck e. Cheese . Like hell Say Something he did that was right, when he asks you something. Seth so, he wants to go to chuck e. Cheese just because he went to school that day . Yeah. [ laughter ] i did good in school. I did, good. You told me to do good, right . Can we go to chuck e. Cheese . [ laughter ] seth well now the instagram here shows, he wants where is it that he wants to go . The apple store . Yeah. He wanted to go to seth and the apple store and its very its a great negotiation because alwa asking, and youre a vermean fatherwaing. Go in o leke attaook. [ inaudible ] to the where . No, to the app stor just r one minute. The app store . Just for one minute. What you want to do . You want to buy stuff out at the app store . [ laughter ] seth hes cute. Just for one minute. [ applause ] seth id take him. Id take him to the apple store, just for one minute. All right. To i wantlk to you about your line of underwear. Frigo crown. These are 150 pairs of underwear. Yeah, yeah. Seth yeah. How much can you buy underwear for a woman . Seth thats true, its pretty expensive. Like you can buy it instead of cars, you can buy those. [ light laughter ] seth right, yep. You know seth so this is finally a man has a way to splash some money out for his undergarments. Or the woman has a way to splash some of his money out for him. [ light laughter ] seth so this is what you you would recommend this is a good Christmas Present then. It is, its excellent. Seth what are the times where you would wear the frigos . You should be past the im not sure this is going to happen stage into the im almost certain tonight. [ light laughter ] seth i see. Where the next time your pants come off is at your house. Not a regular night. She sees you when you bent over, you wear those all the time. Seth yeah, so these are the special ones. Yeah, these are the special, look what i got for you, girl. [ light laughter ] seth and, yeah i get it. Look, at this ones got a lion. I dont know if people can tell thats a lion with a crown on it. That is crown, thats right. I used the hierarchy of living for the design inspiration. [ light laughter ] seth and you actually, you model these so youre on the cover of muscle and fitness. Seth so, you obviously got in shape for i mean, youre in shape. A little bit. Seth but this is i mean, just bravo. I mean [ cheers and applause ] that is that is, i wouldnt call him boo boo. [ laughter ] i would imagine though, as youre talking about this underwear, it must be tricky because you had all of these other jobs. Youve been an actor, youve been a producer, but when we talk about underwear, certainly on tv, theres a lot of words you cant use. Yeah, yeah, like look. I say like, man apples or like seth yep. The plums. [ laughter ] seth the plums . Because you say look you say genitals or you say balls and women start to go like, did you just say that . [ light laughter ] like, why did you have to say that, that way . Like, your tone of voice is off or something. Seth but they are okay women are okay with plums . [ light laughter ] its a little better. Seth yeah. Like they go, wait, wait, wait, what is he talking about . That split second that they dont know exactly what youre talking about, saves you. Seth you come home with a girl and she says i want to go to the farmers market. Seth so, we had gayle king was on the show last night and i heard, is this true . That you had a dog named oprah and cat named gayle. Cat named gayle, yeah. Seth so youre obviously a fan of oprah and gayle. Oh you know, at first i didnt like i didnt like her, because every time oprah would make reference to what was wrong with hip hop culture. Seth yeah. It was something that was like on my cd. Seth yeah. It was like the largest largest debut in hip hop album. I said, im never gonna go there. On her couch. Seth right. So i was like, if we cant be friends at least lets be enemies. Seth sure. Right, exactly. Thats the second one. You know, so the fans dont feel like youre laughed at for not being able to be there when the a listers are. Seth right, of course. You know, so when we did come around finally and i was on the show i was like, hey, you know, all that stuff i was saying, i didnt mean that. [ light laughter ] so, you know seth so you got on well when you met. Yeah. Seth and you guys are in a good place right now. You and oprah. And i met gayle at, strange enough, i met her at a i met seth so you met i would not have gussed that. Yeah. [ light laughter ] seth how did 50 cent meet gayle, bette midler would have been my millionth choice. Yeah. [ light laughter ] her organization, nypr, like they kind of are responsible all the green in the city. Seth right. So i redid a park in my neighborhood, because i did it, she had me come to like a banquet and it was really interesting because they give you they gave me tables for free. Seth uh huh. But the tables were like really expensive. Seth they are, at those charity events. At the banquets, like youd be there like, how much . [ light laht and then, they she had a spotlight. She knew what she was doing. Like there was a spotlight, up there. Boom, like a big batlight. And it was like, so how much are you how many cherry trees are you going to buy . [ light laughter ] seth right. And then the cherry trees are like 2,500 a piece. I was like, wait. I want to know where my trees are so i can go carve my name in each one of these. Seth yeah, ill give you a cherry. [ light laughter ] and so and then did you tell gayle . Does gayle know that you have a feline gayle in your home . Yeah, she had already heard. Seth okay. Did you take it as a compliment. Well no, but she was like well, what is he doing here . When bette said seth oh, when she saw you at the she was like, what is he doing here . Like you know a gangster rapper, at the banquet for trees. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] and then she found out you built a park, and she was probably pretty happy. She was like, oh he built a park . So what else dont i know about him . Seth there you go. And then this is what opened the doors for the communications between me and oprah. Because she went back and she told her. Seth thats great. Well, everything comes full circle. Well, its always so wonderful to have you here. Can i keep these as a Christmas Present for myself . Yeah, yeah, yeah. Youre supposed to use tho. Them. When you feel like somethings gonna happen. Seth okay, great. [ laughter ] i might like call you and say, alright, 50 heres how the nights going. Does it sound good . Listen, listen, i think shes ready. [ light laughter ] seth curtis 50 cent jackson, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] frigo crown underwear is available through iwearfrigo. Com and at Nieman Marcus starting in december. Well be right back with katy tur. . . . . Remember 2007 . Smartphones . O m g ten years later, nothings really changed. Its time to snap out of it. Hello moto. Snap on a jbl speaker. Put a 70 screen on a wall. Get a 10x optical zoom. Get excited world. Hello moto. Moto is here. Save up to 400 when you trade in your old phone and switch to verizon. At planters we know how to throw a remarkable holiday party. Atter who shows up. [cricket sound] richard. Didnt think you were going to make it. Hey sorry about last weekend, i dont know what got into me. Well forgive andt. Nd of. I dont think so do you like nuts . This piece is so you. I saw it and i was just like oh, i have to have it. State farm knows that every one those moments, theres one of these. 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Not to be focusing on my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. So i made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. Humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults taking Humira Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Series fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. The 1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. Clearer skin is possible. . . [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Our next guest is an nbc news correspondent who also contributes to msnbc. She traveled to more than 40 states covering the donald trump president ial campaign. Please welcome to the show, katy tur. [ cheers and applause ] seth thank you so much for being here. Thanks for having me. This is very exciting. Seth congratulations on a fantastic job covering one of the most unique president ial campaign. I appreciate it, unique. Seth i think its safe to say this never happened. You travelled on a press plane for over a year basically . Well, no. Seth okay. Because he didnt have a press plane for quite awhile. Seth many months. Yes. Seth and theres something glamorous about being on a plane with all of your colleagues and you celebrated your birthday on a plane. I did. Seth and here you are with a little champagne. And it looks fairly glamorous, plastic cups, but still. [ laughter ] yeah, it was i think the best champagne they could provide. Seth there you, go but then is this the food you ate for your birthday . Yes. Seth that is less glamorous. [ laughter ] that i think shows us the underbelly of when we see press loading onto a plane. Thats about as far as i got into my meal. [ laughter ] seth so part of covering donald trump the way you did, is you were actually on the scene. You were at the rallies with these incredibly passionate supporters and because you were so close to it, did that make you less surprised than the rest of the media at the outcome of this election . I was not surprised at all. Seth not surprised at all . No. Seth okay. I mean when you went to his rallies and saw the excitement that was there and the enthusiasm that was there, you just knew that every Single Person that went there because going to go to the polls and pull the lever for donald trump. He just had this momentum behind him. They werent listening to the day in and day out of some of the more controversial things he said. They were taking him seriously but they werent taking him literally like the media was taking him so as it came in, i certainly wasnt surprised. We thought maybe like my producer and i thought maybe we had stockholm syndrome because we kept saying, no, we think hes going to win because the polls didnt agree with our opinions. Seth this does this idea that there are people inside a you guys did go outside of the bubble and is that a Fair Assessment that you i mean if you consider the bubble to be new york city, washington d. C. , and maybe the coastal cities and the more urban areas, then yeah, i mean we definitely did go outside of the bubble. The rest of the country would say, well, you know, youre not in our bubble. Seth right. And what we saw was a lot of frustration. And a lot of frustration not only with the news media. There was a ton of that, but also frustration with washington and what was going on there and a feeling like they hadnt been represented. They hadnt been taken care of and they wanted to find somebody that would go in and change things. And donald trump, even though he isnt a perfect messenger, he was a perfect messenger because he was imperfect. Seth and you mention sort of the negative attitudes toward the media. Donald trump did as much to stoke that as anyone. And he would he called you out by name a few times at his little katy. Seth wheree called you and he told you to be quiet, i believe, at one point. He did, yes. Seth and did were people how did people treat you at his rallies . And did they know who you were right away or did they find out when he called you out . Well they knew who i was i think from early on. The people that would go to the rallies often times they would come up and say, god, i saw you on msnbc with chris matthews, great job. And then as it kept going and he kept calling me out, then more and more people started to know who i was and there would be a lot of jeering, but oneonone a lot of the supporters would come back and take selfies and were excited to meet a lot of the members of the media. Some of them. Others would go by the press pen and yell at us and call us liars. Someone actually help you before a rally with your hair . I did. This is a good story. Seth so is what happened . So we were in grand rapids, michigan. This was late december no, early december. It was right before christmas. And were at this basketball arena and im in the bathroom of this basketball arena. I am curling my hair for nightly news over a trash can and a dirty sink and theres just like woman after woman is coming in to use the bathroom and im just trying to mind my own business. Dont mind me, im curling my hair, its totally normal. And a lovely lady stopped me and said, you know, im a i said, sure, of course you can help me. So she curled my hair honestly, its the best my hair ever looked. [ laughter ] i looked great on nightly news, then donald trump took the stage and this was around the time that people were starting to notice his relationship with Vladimir Putin and his affinity toward Vladimir Putin and they were bringing up the accusations that are out there against putin, that he had something to do with the murdering of journalists. Seth uhhuh. Those are the accusations that are out there and donald trump started talking about it on stage and started joking about killing journalists. He was saying, oh, no, no, i wouldnt do that. But hes joking about it and the entire arena, remember the press pen is like the tiny little, you know, enclave in the middle, this circle in the middle. The entire arena starts booing and cheering at the idea of us dying and in that crowd is that woman who was curling my hair. [ laughter ] i didnt think that was very nice at all. I mean seth she has beautiful hair, but she got to go. Yeah, get rid of her. [ laughter ] seth so i want to ask, because you mentioned his message and that he was the perfect messenger for this time. Where will his support be if he fails to follow through on some of the bigger, maybe sort of harder to achieve things, like a wall and like a sort of Muslim Registry . How patient do you think his supporters will be . Thats a really good question. Its a question were not going to have an answer to until that stuff actually happens. But what i can say is when we he started to waffle on these things, waffle on the idea of a muslim ban. Waffle on a wall even, talking about fencing or a cyber wall. We thought maybe his supporters would take issue with that because they were the core issues of his campaign. And so we would ask them, you know, what do you think . Is this is going to change your support . Are you going to get upset if he doesnt follow through with this. And 99 times out of 100, they would say, oh, no, no, its okay, we give him the benefit of the doubt. We believe that hes going to do whats right and if he feels then were okay with it or they would assume somebody is trying to stop him. So they gave him the benefit of the doubt in a way that no other politician has enjoyed and im sure every other politician wishes they had. Seth yes. But if he goes on and say these policies arent as affectual as he wants them to be, say he doesnt bring as many jobs back as he has promised, were going to find out if the support that he has cracks but as of now it seems like the people that voted for him voted for the person rather than the poli. Seth now, i wanted to give you credit, something that we really appreciated from you is obviously we have been looking to you guys for clips throughout this campaign. And i know, ive watched. [ light laughter ] seth you youve covered this Incredible Campaign that was like nothing youve ever seen and we always spoke of you as someone who always kept her cool and one of our favorite clips from the entire campaign, you were giving basically a report in a Hotel Ballroom and this happened behind you and we were so impressed at how you reported it. Take a look. Hillary clinton has given and the stage is falling apart behind us, if you can see this. Seth ice cold. [ laughter and applause ] you missed the best part though when i kind of rolled my eyes and said, anyway. Seth yeah. As if we couldnt see anything else. Nothing is going to phase you. Seth well, thank you so much. And youre working on a book about covering this campaign. Im working on a book. Yeah, a memoir that documents the wild ride i had in this campaign and everything that i saw and it hel h help illuminate why donald trump was as popular as he was and also i might be entertaining along the way, i hope. Seth we were lucky to have you there covering this campaign and were very lucky youre writing a book about it. Thank you so much for being here. [ laughter ] thank you for having me. [ cheers and applause ] seth katy tur, everybody. Well be right back everybody with music from k. Flay. Liberty mutual stood with me a repair estimate. Liberty did what . Yeah, with Liberty Mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila voila sigh i wish my Insurance Company had that. Wait hold it. Hold it boys. Theres supposed to be three of you. Wheres your brother . Wheres your brother . Hey, wheres charlie . Charlie . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. Liberty stands with you . my hero zero by lemonheads zero really can be a hero. Zero due at signing, and zero first months payment on select volkswagen models. Right now at the volkswagen sign then drive event. Mmm. I cant believe its so delicious. 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The boy i loves got another girl he might be up with her right now . . I dont have an apartment but if i was smart id make it far . . But im still at the start guess im contagious itd be safest if you ran . . Thats what they all just end up doing in the end take my car and paint it black take my arm . . Break it in half . Say something, do it soon i need noise . . I need the buzz of a sub need the crack of a whip need some blood in the cut i need noise . . I need the buzz of a sub need the crack of a whip need some blood in the cut i need blood in the cut . . I need blood in the cut met back up with the boy i love . . Cried on of San Francisco i dont have an agenda . . All i do is pretend to be ok so my friends cant see my heart in the blender . . Lately ive been killing all my time reading through your messages my favorite way to die . . Take my head and kick it in break some bread for all my sins . . Say a word do it soon its too quiet in this room i need noise . Need the crack of a whip need some blood in the cut i need noise . . I need the buzz of a sub need the crack of a whip need some blood in the cut . . I need blood in the cut i need blood in the t . . . . . . . . . . Blood in the cut cut cut cut . . . . . . . . I need noise i need the buzz of a sub need the crack of a whip need some blood in the cut . . I need noise i need the buzz of a sub need the crack of a whip need some blood in the cut . . I need blood in the cut i need blood in the cut . [ cheers and applause ] seth k. Flay, everyone. The crush me ep is out now. Well be right back. Hows your cafe au lait . Oh, its actually. Sfx short balloon squeal its ver. Sfx balloon squeals ok can we. Sfx balloon squeals goodbye oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Good right . Yeah. Lactaid. The milk that doesnt mess with you. 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