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Released. Outrage tonight. Police beating a man who was simply a bystander and not the driver they have been pursuing. And america strong. The boy, the flag and his words when no one was looking. Announcer this is a special edition of abc world news tonight with david muir. Reporting tonight from washington. And good evening even from washington. We begin with the blockbuster testimony on capitol hill. The most anticipated hearing in many years here. Fired fbi director james comey and his stunning claims, in his word against the president s. Under oath, comey revealed he began taking notes after his first meeting with President Trump. He took those notes because he feared trump could later lie about their meets. He did skriebd their dinner at the white house. When the president asked everyone else to leave the room and the request about retired general Michael Flynn that followed. We begin with abcs Pierre Thomas leading us off. Reporter today, with the eyes of the nation upon him, former fbi director james comey emerged from seclusion to tell his story. Director comey, you are now under oath. Reporter in his first public appearance since being fired by President Trump, comey describes his reaction to his abrupt dismissal. The shifting explanations confused me and increasingly concerned me. He had repeatedly told me i was doing a great job and he hoped i would stay. Reporter comey accused the white house of smearing his name. The administration then chose to defame me, and more importantly the fbi, by saying that the organization was in disarray. That it was poorly led. That the workforce had lost confidence in its leader. Those were lies, plain and simple. Reporter comey describes his growing unease with the president , starting with their first oneonone meeting at trump tower. As soon as it was over, comey got into his fbi vehicle parked outside and began taking notes on his laptop. What was it about that meeting that led you to determine that you needed to start putting down a written record . A combination of things. I think the circumstances, the subject matter and the person i was interacting with, i was honestly concerned that he might lie about the nature of our meeting and so i thought it really important to document. Reporter from comeys perspective, his oneonone interactions with the president only grew more troublesome. Oh, and theres james hes become more famous than me. Youve seen the picture of me walking across the blue room. And what the president whispered in my ear was i really look forward to working with you. Reporter one week after the inauguration, a private dinner at the white house, the president has said before that comey wanted it. That dinner was arranged. I think he asked for that dinner. Did you in any way initiate that dinner . No. He called me at my desk at lunchtime and asked me was i free for dinner that night. He said how about 6 30 . I said whatever works for you, sir. Then i hung up and i had to call my wife and break a date with her, i was supposed to take her out to dinner that night. Thats one of the alltime greatest excuses for breaking a dinner date. In retrospect, i love spending time with my wife. I wish i had been there that night. Reporter it was at that dinner that comey claims the president told him i need loyalty. I expect loyalty. Comey said he promised only to be honest. The president said honest loyalty. Thats where they left it. And then, what was to comey the most troubling interaction of all. A february 14th meeting in the oval office, with comey, the president and his top advisers. At the end, the president tells comey to stay, ordering everyone else out of the room, including attorney general Jeff Sessions and jared kushner. My impression was Something Big is about to happen. I need to remember every single word that is spoken. My sense was the attorney general knew he shouldnt be leaving, which is why he was lingering. And i dont know mr. Kushner well. But i think he picked up on the same thing. So i knew something was about to happen that i needed to pay very close attention to. Reporter when they were alone, comey claims the president asked him to back off the investigation into fired National Security adviser Michael Flynn, saying he is a good guy and has been through a lot, i hope you can let this go. Senators on both sides asked about that wording, the president saying i hope you can let this go. I took it as a direction. Hes the president of the United States with me alone, saying i hope this. I took it as this is what he wants me to do. I didnt obey that, but thats the way i took it. But why didnt you stop and say, mr. President , this is wrong. I can not discuss this with you . Thats a great question. Maybe if i were stronger, i would have. I was so stunned by the conversation that i just took it in. Look, ive seen the tweet about tapes. Lordy, i hope there are tapes. Reporter three months later, comey was fired. He says he quickly wanted to get his side of the story out, and he mrand to use those detailed memos of those oneonone conversations with trump. I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter. I didnt do it myself for a variety of reasons. But i asked him to because i thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel. Do you believe this will rise to the obstruction of justice . I dont know. Thats bob muellers job to sort that out. Reporter but theres no question in comeys mind about one thing why lost his job. Youre summarily fired. Without any explanation or anything else . Theres an explanation. I just dont buy it. Its my judgment that i was fired because of the russia investigation. I was fired in some way to change or the endeavor was to change the way the russia investigation was being conducted. That is a very big deal. Pierre thomas live with us here at the capitol tonight. James comey reveals he has given those memos about his private meetings with the president over to special counsel robert mueller. Is he investigating those nature of those meeting and mueller has the memos and is assessing them. Comey was making the case that mueller should investigate the encounters with the president to see if a crime was committed. President trump was watching james comeys testimony. His team declaring victory. The white house today saying the president is not aa liar. Remember, the president once threatened in a tweet, there could be tapes. After comey said, if there are tapes he welcomes them. The white house was then asked, do they exist . Abcs Jonathan Karl tonight. Reporter toward the end of comeys testimony, the president took the stage at event with christian conservatives, no mention of comey, but he did level some of the same charges at his political opponents as they level at him. They will lie, they will obstruct, they will spread their hatred and their prejudice. But we will not back down from doing what is right. Reporter later, at the white house we tried to ask him about the big hearing. Thank you all very much, thank you. Mr. President , any reaction to comeys testimony . Thank you very much. Any reaction at all . Do you think he told the truth . Reporter but while the president was mum, his personal lawyer, Marc Kasowitz was not. Mr. Comey has now finally confirmed publicly what he repeatedly told President Trump privately. That is, that the president was not under investigation as part of any probe into russian interference. Reporter its something the president had been asking comey to say publicly for months. Today he finally did. The president of the United States was not under investigation, is that a fair statement . Thats correct. So thats a fact we can rely on. Yes, sir. Reporter although, he could not say whether the president is now, or will be under investigation. But kasowitz hotly disputed almost Everything Else comey had to say, effectively accusing him of lying about his conversations with the president. The president never suggested that mr. Comey, quote, let flynn go, closed quote. The president also never told mr. Comey, quote, i need loyalty. I expect loyalty, closed quote. He never said it in form, and he never said it in substance. Kasowitz also keyed in on comeys admission that he asked a friend to leak the memos he wrote about his conversations to the new york times. Mr. Comey has now admitted that hes one of these leakers. Reporter tapes which would show definitively whos telling the truth. If he did my feelings arent hurt, release all the tapes. Im good with it. Jonathan karl joins us from the white house. Jon, back to that threat the president s tweet saying james comey better hope there are no tapes. Tonight, comeys memos have been turned over the special counsel. Is there pressure at the white house to do the same with these tapes. Reporter at least answer definitively the question, whether or not the president taped his conversations. That was a question that came up at todays white house briefing. The answer from the Deputy Press Secretary was, i have no idea. A question that she and sean spicer will get over and over again in the coming days. Jon, our thanks to you. Two more legal questions tonight. One about the president and one about james comey as well. I want to bring in dan abrams. On this issue of Michael Flynn, the alleged request we heard about in the oval office. Saying to comey, i hope you can let it go. Comey pressed on that today. The president saying i hope, not i order you let it go. Heres the moment comey was pressed on that point. How do you take it, dan. Well, look, i think the way james comey took it is fairly clear, he took it as a dire directive, an order from the president and its an order that he said that he would ignore. Why didnt he do something about it . He didnt want to derail the russia investigation. A bit of a bombshell, they specifically left open the possibility of investigating the president himself for that comment down the road. On the issue of james comey leaking his own memos, it happened. The white house now targeting comey about the leak, does he face anything for this . Well, certainly face criticism from some, secretly leaking to someone. Its not a crime that it wasnt classified. He specifically wrote these memos that they would be unclassified in case he ended up in this exact situation in front of which exact committee. Dan, thank you here on capitol hill, reaction pouring in at this hour. Senators on both sides, who say after comeys testimony theyre now demanding answers from President Trump. Heres abcs mary bruce. Reporter comey, theyre saying it vindicated the president. Retreating their partisan quarters. Democrats saying they heard evidence that the president tried to torpedo the russia investigation. That certainly sounds like obstruction of justice to me. Reporter but republicans disagree. Did you see any evidence of that. No. Mr. Comey was very careful to say there were awkward conversations, conversation that were uncomfortable and inappropriate. Reporter defending those interactions the speaker of the house. The president s new at this, hes new to government so he probably want steeped in the longrunning protocols. Reporter tonight one thing both parties can agree on this is far from over. This is not where near the end of our investigation. Mary bruce live with us. On the issue of these tapes, has congress yet tried to subpoena or request these tapes . David, at least one committee has already asked for any tapes, but the white house has said they need more tape to respond to their requests. If any tapes do exist, lawmakers will want to hear them especially after comeys testimony today. They need more time to respond whether or not the tapes exist. Exactly. Mary bruce with us. We continue here on this issue and you heard james comey say hes convinced he was fired because of the russia investigation. Comey said the way he was handling it was irritating to the president and putting pressure on the president. Should americans be worried . Did the president ever ask james comey what more could be done to protect americans from russia med ling . Do you have ever doubt that russia attempted to interfere in the 2016 elections . None. Do you have any doubt that the russia government was behind the cyber intrusion in the state voter files . No. Do you have any doubt that officials of the russian government were fully aware of these activity and no doubt. Did the president in any of those interactions that youve shared with us, today, ask you what you should be doing or what our government should be doing or the Intelligence Community to protect america against russia interference in our election system. I dont recall a conversation like that. Never . No. Lets get to our chief investigative correspondent, brian ross. He said he doesnt recall the president ever asking him about what the government should do to protect the americans from russia intrusion. It has left them stunned tonight. More than a year and half since the u. S. Realized what the russians were up to and more troubling for them, the russians will be back for the 2018 and the 2020 elections with a vengeance and so far, no sign the white house is doing anything to stop them. Brian, thank you. Overaes tonight from iran, new and stunning images from the terror attack in tehran. Gunmen armed with pistols running after them. 12 People Killed in the attack there. Isis claiming responsibility theres still much more ahead on world news this thursday from washington a young father, officers accused of burning and kicking him. Not realizing he wasnt the man they were chasing the new developments in the young lear, what she was planning. A Deadly Church bus crash, the bus overturning, the highway backed up. Lot more news ahead here. Plaque. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. 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A tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors offices for deep penetrating relief at the source. Aleve direct therapy. Sfx engine revving silence next tonight here, Police Accuse of beating an nint bystander by accident. Instead of the driver they were pursuing. Abcs eva pilgrim with their explanation tonight. Reporter tonight, disturbing new video, a man escaping from a fiery car wreck, engulfed in flames, ripping off his clothes. A car on fire. New Jersey Police approach, guns drawn. One officer kicks him, then another, before the group of officers drags him into the street. Police were in a highspeed chase, but the man they repeatedly kicked, 28yearold miguel feliz, turns out was not the suspect they were pursuing. That man was 48yearold leo pinkston, he had slammed into felizs car. A Police Union Representative says the video shows the officers putting out the flames. Those did not look like helpful hands and well go through the process for a termination. David, tonight feliz, a young father, is in Critical Condition. Prosecutors are investigating possible criminal charges against the officers. David. Eva, thank you. When we come back the major headline involving the former nsa contractor involved with leaks. And the news coming in, the Deadly Church bus crash, emergency cruews on the scene a this hour. King about what to av, where to go, and how to work around your uc. Thats how i thought it had to be. But then i talked to my doctor about humira, and learned humira can help get and keep uc under control. When certain medications havent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. 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Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. A farmers market. Ieve whats in this kiester. A fire truck. Even a marching band. And if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. For any sort of discomfort in yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. To new allegations against that nsa contractor accused of leaking a topsecret documents about russians looking to hack Election Software here. Reality winner appearing in federal court today. They claim she coaxed her family the Deadly Church bus crash near atlanta tonight, at least one person is dead after the bus collided with another vehicle, landing on top of a car, at least 21 people hurt. Several in Critical Condition tonight. The cause is under investigation. On a lighter note, happy birthday barbara bush, turning 29 today. President bush turns 93 on monday. Theyve been married for 72 years. When we come back ear tonight the little boy. The american flag. 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Flag, is whats warming the hearts of millions of americans online. I pledge the allegiance to flag, of the United States of america. I thought about all the people who died for our country reporter even his mistake is precious. When i was saying the pledge, i said with liberty and school because we usually said it so much in school. Reporter he going into the third grade and tells us hes a proud american. One nation, under god, indivisible and justice for all. We hope to see you right back here tomorrow night. This is jeopardy please welcome todays contestants a claims adjudicator from westerville, ohio. A Business Development manager from norwalk, connecticut. And our returning champion, a lawyer from pittsburgh, pennsylvania. Whose 1day cash winnings total. And now here is the host of jeopardy alex trebek [ cheers and applause ] thanks, johnny. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Bala, as you just heard, is a good champion. 33,000. Didnt happen by accident. Scott and sarah, youve got your work cut out for you. But good luck to all three. Here we go into the jeopardy round. One daily double. Were looking for it in one of these categories

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