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Maryland bureau chief brad bell in frederick surveying the winter whiplash. Hi, brad. Brad hey, alison. Yeah, this was supposed to be the bulls eye. It got an awful lot of snow. They have been digging out all day in downtown frederick. A lot of businesses did not open. You can see closed signs across the street. They feared the conditions wouldnt be good enough to get people out and about. Frankly, this morning they were right. Trying to get to work when it happened southbound on i270 after sunup. He made a mistake and ended up in a ditch. Youre okay . Im okay. Brad at the time, most roadways were snowcovered but with light traffic. The 2,600 plows deployed across maryland got down to pavement quic like a lot of people looking for the pavement at the house with the snow blower on his long and very steep driveway. You get used to it. Good exercise. He had five inches on the property. 15 miles to the north was snowier. The snow total here just about seven inches. Deep enough to give rob reed and his sons a workout. Heavy, wet. A pain to move. Brad a pain to move but just fine for a snow board. Perfect for a walk were the bred for the snow dogs. Im enjoying it. Havent had enough this year. Brad the temperature is dropping and it will freeze up tonight. We heard from the maryland state governmen plans for the area. They will have 1,600 trucks out tonight salting the trouble spots to try to get tomorrow morning rush hour flowing smoothly. We will move around and see if we can find evidence of the work and more evidence of the problems. We will be back with you at 6 00. In frederick, brad bell, abc7 news. Larry we will see you then. Between stuck cars and the frozen sidewalks today we saw a lot of people helping other people. Now the question is what the crews will do overnight to help us all in the morning. Jeff goldberg is live in snowtrack 7 with the answers. Jeff that is the big question. 20 minutes ago, vdot issuing a warning saying all the snow that melted on the pavement, so we had five inches out here in leesburg. They are saying snow that melted on the pavement just like that could very easily refreeze and turn into black ice as the temperatures continue to drop tonight. The snow has stopped the sun is out. But the threat of the storm has yet to pass. The day started out as a struggle for some, others like Kevin Quisenberry were pushing through fine. Not as bad as what we thought it would. He started to plow parking lots in leesburg at 5 30 this morning. Last week we figured winter would end with no snow. I was hoping we would have a year without it. We had enough last year. The same goes for pedro martinez, firing up the snow blower for the first time this year. All over leesburg the digging out began early. Plows and tractors on the move everywhere. Along with people working hard to shovel the snows themselves. It wasnt as bad as last year. Last year we were completely snowed in. We couldnt get out at all. I thought it was going to dump a foot. I thought we were going to be snowed in for days. Find the four to six inches that did fall were plowed away in a hurry. If main roads are good. Be careful. Slush in the middle. Otherwise its good. The Road Conditions dont mean much to kids enjoying a snow day. Sledding conditions are more important. What is the best part of the snow day . Sledding. No school. Sledding. No school. Sleeping all day. A lot of differing opinions on what makes a good snow day. All of them good. Vdot will still have 4,000 pieces oaf quipment on the road in Northern Virginia tonight. They will focus on eliminating the danger of the black ice. They will put the salt and the sand on the main roads. They are saying if you are out on the road, use caution. Be ready for a cautious commute. Live in leesburg, jeff goldberg, abc7 news. Larry i love the answers. Good reasons there to have a snow day. We checked in with the d. C. Department of transportation in m highway as well. Ddot will fight are refreeze overnight. Metro says the buses start on a moderate snow service plan until after sunrise. Alison does that sound familiar . Its something we heard today. Sam ford picks up our Team Coverage. Live in d. C. Sam at schools like walker jones they cleared the walk for the children. In the other areas the walks werent cleared, the snow wasnt that high. They were slippery but passible. The on and off snow that fell was happily for many. Nothing like up north. D. C. Had to shovel out. The city workers were busy on three of the four corners in north capital in florida and residents across the city. My son usually helps me. But his job requires him to go in on snow days to shovel g. W. Sam there was a fall that took them to the e. R. D. C. Was the one jurisdiction in the metro area that did not close schools because of the inclement weather. They opened with a twohour delay. Parents were split on the matter. Some didnt like it. D. C. Does this every year. Im not bad at all. They can walk in this. We walked in worse. Sam the mayor who made the decisions. We didnt have the roads cleared. Thats when you look to shut down the operations. We open the schools when it is safe to do that. We ran into shovel boys that seem to have given themselves the day quick cash. How many shovels have you done . Four houses. Sam okay. All right. I did two. Zach they made about 20 a house. Another group that didnt like the schools were open today was a Washington Teachers Union that issued a statement complaining that 2,000 d. C. Teachers live outside the city. It was difficult for them. They said most d. C. Teachers didnt come to work today. That was their statement. They would be complaining directly to the mayor and to the chancellor of the d. C. Public schools. Reporting live, sam ford, abc7 news. Larry thank you, sam. How long do you have to clear the sidewalks after a storm . 7 on your side with Stephen Tschida live in arlington. A look at the local regulations. A lot of people headed to work and the snow was coming down. They didnt have time to clear the side you have. Here you go. In arlington, Property Owners have 24 hours by the time the snow stopped falling to remove snow and ice from the sidewalk s. If you dont shovel, the county can do it for you. Then charge you for the work. In alexandria its different. Homeowners must shovel in the next 24 hours after a storm like we just had. In Prince Georges County they dont mess around. They have 24 hours to shovel or get a warning. If they dont clear a path in 48 hours they can get a 100 fine. You have to shovel enough wide enough for a wheelchair or face 50 fine. Fairfax county is a little more vague. If you want more information alison you can customize texts for the schools that you need to know about. If we get closings or delays tomorrow well let you know right away. Coming up at abc7 news at 5 00 three words you dont want to hear in one sentence. Gas station explosion. We show you how it happened. Congressional review of the healthcare plan. Scott thuman has cit cat developments. Alison later, stranded and sleeping in the airport. A look at what it takes to get the airlines back on schedule. Oh, how waso good en house . Look. 800 square feet, 1 bedroom, hardwood floors, 15 minute ride to work. Dude dude i know your credit score must be amazing. My credit score . How do i check . Credit karma. Its free. Thats great thats super easy. Um hm. Thats a credit score. Just whip bam boom, its done. Check out credit karma today. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Eyes over there, dude. This apartments hers. Mine. Thank you. Alison we are back now. Take a look at this. This is a time lapse video of the snow piling up in new york. Ron murphy started the time lapse at 2 00 a. M. In west of binghamton. They are expecting two feet of snow. By the time the storm is done. That is cool. That gives you a great idea what they are dealing with. Larry how cool is that . Alison i love it. Larry neat. New york city is getting slammed by the storm. Maggie is live from manhattan. We are talking about how things look here but how does it look there right now . Reporter right now im getting pelted by the freezing rain and the high winds. But the snow is less than we were anticipating. The storm moved slightly west of s. Some of the visuals you were showing about the two feet of snow that is happening more in upstate new york. I have the numbers of the snowfall coming in. Right here in new york city, we had seven inches less than expected. Boston though, five to 15 inches. It is still snowing there. Upstate new york, upward of 20 inches. Some places getting hit hard. Just the snow totals. The blizzard conditions are still under a threat here. We have high winds. Wind gusts. 50 Miles Per Hour. 60 Miles Per Hour recorded in some places on long island and boston. So definitely still cautious. The mayor here in new york city telling people not to go out on the roads if you dont have to. Take a snow day. Let us clean up. Get the show back on the road and get the city back up and running. Larry right now in the d. M. V. We are talking about the refreeze and being concerned about the roads tomorrow. Same situation up there tonight and going into wednesday . Reporter they are trying to clean up the roads as fast as they can. Here in new york city, also in boston. Thousands of vehicles on the road. Schools so far in new york city are on for tomorrow. Boston canceled schools tomorrow, due to the high volume of snow. A lot of this is just a precaution. So people stay off the roads to clean them up. Here in new york, if you see getting clear. The cars are back on the roads. I was able to uber here this afternoon. The broadway shows are still open. Larry wow reporter it takes a lot to shut us down. Larry good litmus test. Thank you so much. Reporting life from new york. Alison all right. Thanks to both of you. The storm is bringing coastal flooding to parts of new england. Look at this video. We are hearing reports that strong winds toppled a went turbine on a road wind turbine on a rhode island beach. And governor suggested that people who could should stay home and bake cookies or brownies. Then he actually sent a try of homemade brownies to members of the media who still had to work. That was thoughtful. Larry my kind of guy. Yeah. As the snow began to hit full stride in boston, the maryland native dan guzman snapping this picture of the wiener mobile outside of a hotel in cambridge. The caption, things are going to be okay. Alison funny. Larry time to look. Blackburg, virginia, behind us. That look like a drone shot of the snow there. Doug its widespread. The whole effect and maggie pointed out in new york city the fact that the storm was so big and close to the coast. Now they are getting sleet and freezing rain and the whole mess but its almost done. Northern new england crushed with the heavy snow. Steve rudin out in the snowtrak7. Checking in on the concerns we have now that the snow and the sleet and the rain is finished. What do we worry about next . I have a hunch it has to do with the temperatures. Steve exactly. Its cold here. Good news for what it looks like in fairfax. A lot of the sidewalks are cleared out for the most part. And some of the sidewalks are treated with salt. A little bit of salt can go a long, long way. The problem is look at the parking lot. Its totally cle. They plowed it out today. The temperatures falling below freezing. We look for the puddles to refreeze and likely cause problem for the Early Morning rush hour commute tomorrow. If you have to get outdoors in the morning and walk your dog or get the newspaper, the sidewalks and the porches are extra slick. Another story if you have anywhere to go, bundle up. Hat, i dont have one. Gloves, i left mine at home but you will need them. The winds are kicking up. We have the wind chill factors in the 20s. Everybody the teens in winchester. In elkins, West Virginia it feels like 8 degrees. We stalk about everything is expected to refreeze overnight, causing the problems come early tomorrow morning. We head back inside to the chief meteorologist doug hill with more on that. Doug i have told you a hundred time dont go out without your hat and gloves or you will catch your death of cold. Cmon steve i know. Talk to you next hour. Life look at the capitol. Breaks in the overcast and the patches of blue. Can you make out the flags . Out of the north northwest. The winds, clearing. Cold air descending on the nations capital. Its 39 at Reagan National. West northwest at 24. Higher gusts. Imagine that the same winds tonight when the air temperatures are 22 degrees. That is going to drive wind chills to the single digit and teens. There will be a guarantee we have the icy issues tonight. 31 in hagerstown now. 35 in baltimore. 42 at quantico. Fredericksburg at 45 degrees. The wind speeds are brisk. 33mileperhour sustained winds in leesburg with higher gusts. That will be a feature tonight. In fact, it may be gustier around hear tomorrow. Look at the feels like 17 for winchester and hagerstown. Cold night. Cold air and the refreeze. Another snowshower on the back edge of the system now is still moving across northern suburbs through montgomery county, new Carroll County and Frederick County to anne arundel. Some is flurries. In the darker shades those are the area where we see steadier snowshower that may brighten the ground. The intrusion of the warm air. We have a passing flurry or two. The great lakes are below temperatures tomorrow and only a bit of a warmup by the end of the week. The hourbyhour shows the air temperature falling. Shave another ten tomorrow 35 with a passing flurry. The weekend will start on st. Patricks day. Get to the upper 40s. Late night showers to saturday morning. And then as we look forward to saturday and sunday we will get all excited about the saturday warmth in upper 50s. Turning cooler on sunday. Steve will be back in a little bit and he will take a fresh look at the tenday outlook to see if there are signs of the spring weather. Spring begins on monday. It doesnt mane we have spring weather. Alison right. Well, will he have gloves this time . Doug you know that rodent in pennsylvania may have the last laugh on all of us. Your friend. Maybe so. You are right, actually. Larry thanks. A tough question. What do you do when an unwanted guest outside stays for a full year . Alison you will see an entire communitys answer to that coming up. Mike im mike carterconneen. We braved the snow to celebrate the pi day wedding. Larry but first a look at what is coming up tonight. Alison and now Autria Godfrey on what to expect tomorrow on good morning washington. Thanks, alison. Tomorrow on good morning washington, we are live across the d. M. V. With continuous coverage on the aftermath of this latewinter whiplash. Our team keeping an eye on slick Road Conditions and how your commute is shaping up for the morning rush. Stay with us for traffic and weather every ten minutes starting at 4 25 on good morning washington. Larry the statue where the little girl standing up to the bull is meant to illustrate lack of women on corporate boards in america. Alison she is not afraid snow either. Larry despite the snow, some couples tieing the not did not get cold feet. Alison 3 14 is a poll lar day for wedding popular day for wedding and its also pi day. 3. 14 and so on. Larry mike carterconneen was there when several couples brave the storm to exchange vows at a pizza parlor turned wedding chapel. Imagine a snow arrives right before you are saying i do. The weddings could go on. In the luck than rain. Pizza in chinatown continued the pi day tradition hosting several ceremonying. Celebrating never ending love and commitment. We like nontraditional experience of it. It was memorable. Mike as soon as they exchanged their vows and rings they were treated to pizzas out of the oven, custom made. They dont care about the wedding. They just want to have pizza. They had photographer, wedding cake and a pie. The restaurant c. E. O. Officiated some of the ceremonies. A few guests were unable to attend because of the weather and the icy roads had som couples arriving late. But like the famous song, when the snow hits your eye like a big pizza pie, thats amore. In northwest washington, mike carterconneen, abc7 news. Alison i dont know that version. The snow hits your eye. Larry exactly. Alison close enough. Great idea. Larry neat. Good luck. Eternal love. Congratulations. Still ahead tonight it looks like something out of a movie. It was anything but. The chain of events have ended in a fiery crash. Then a little bit later famous Cherry Blossom trees were supposed to hit the peak this week. But instead do they meet their demise . A huge game of catchup at the area airports cleaning off the tarmacs now. What does it mean for you the traveler . Ja crews worked all night to keep the taxi ways clear at dulles. One of the airports around the country that is canceling or delays thousands of flights. This right here is flight aware misery map right now. New york and boston are at a standstill. Richard reeve live at the reagan normal airport as it works to get on track after the winter whiplash. They had a cancellations, too. That is right. Huge came of catchup here. On the tarmac the jets are firing up. Dry pavement. There are cancellations and the theys for the passengers. Snow squalls, long line and frustration. They said 18 inches of snow. They canceled that. Thaw tried to get on 6 30 p. M. Flight yesterday. So the children did a roadtrip. Two daughters and the two husbands rented a car and drove from here, Washington National airport to boston logan airport. 444 miles by car. They didnt get home until 2 30 a. M. Smiths wife had flights in new york and charlotte and both canceled. Maybe the third time i hope so. The authority says the tarmac crews working overnight cleared most major runways here. Running on time. At least for those in the texas choir group. Its not so surprising. Heading south is a good plan. Yes. Despite the travel hassles they have a tale to tell. Its a blanket of while to make everything beautiful. We were inside the board. More cancellations. Good idea to check with the airline. Some of the cancellations are expected to continue in tomorrow. From Reagan National airport, richard reeve. Thank you. Part of clopper road in gaithersburg was closed for much of the morning after an accident knocked down the pole. Kevin lewis picks up the coverage from the shady grove metro station in rockville. Kevin . Kevin the often lucky few who had to work today are trickling out of the red line station. This as trucks continue to treat roadways. The next concern overnight freezing temps that could lead to black ice. Snow blowers replace the sound of the school buses in many neighborhoods. Chris was forced to clear his driveway by shovel after the machine gave out. Its wet and heavy. The roads were mostly clear. In gaithersburg a truck managed to slam into this traffic light. The main drag in poolesville shut down. Crews and cherry pickers worked diligently in the wind and cold. Metrorail on saturday schedule. Two women visiting from kentucky took the red line to the National Museum of African American history and culture in lieu of Cherry Blossoms. Its n but we will make the best of it. Now the parking lot home to the snow to melt snow mountains. Vibrant budding trees muted by the 11th hour cameo. Official start of spring less than a week away. From white to brown. I hope the Cherry Blossoms in d. C. Fare better than here. If the snow blower wasnt bad enough, chris lost power overnight. Dropping down to 61 before the electricity was restored. Roadways clear here. 30 miles north is where we join tom roussey in mobiletrak7. How is it looking there . Tom i got to tell you, downtown frederick is looking good. Let me show you as we get a gree the roads look good. We got an update that all roads throughout the county are now open. Show you from behind. The traffic is moving behind. The sidewalk, they did a great job clearing the sidewalk as well. A lot of businesses here so a lot are open. The sidewalks are clear and roads are as well in downtown. Reporting live in frederick, tom roussey, abc7 news. Alison that. Ice from the storm forced them to shut down indein thely. Metro will resume the Access Service tomorrow. Stay with abc7 and wjla. Com. We will have full coverage after the storm for you. Right now Anne Arundel Co delay tomorrow. We will let you know as soon as we hear from any others. All of that at the website wjla. Com. Larry s. U. V. Zooms through a gas station and hits a gas pump. The pump burst into flames. Witnesses say the driver sped past them, clipped the side of a car and ran off the road. They missed two other pumps and hit the third one. They hit a tree and split the vehicle. The driver was badly hurt. Alison did you see how fast he was going . Larry really fast. Alison amazing. It has been a good run but say goodbye to the goodyear blimps. The company deflated the last one today right in front of the spirit of innovation in california. That is what you will see. The new models are faster and quieter, larger and easier to fly. Larry residents of the city in california throwing a bit Day Celebration for something a real thorn in their side. It has been one year since a sinkhole opened up in maraga, california, and the government has yet to fix it. While people find humor in the situation its having real life consequences. Larry public works says the city almost finished with paperwork. It needs to be reviewed. Ho Second Birthday Party next year. Goodness. They are patient. Coming up on abc7 news at 5 00, the debate over the startling numbers about how many people could stand to lose their healthcare under a new plan. Larry update on the eagle nest. With the two eggs that could steve Prince William county schools are closed for the day tomorrow. Stay with abc7. We will keep you updated on the latest school closures. Lets talk about the weekend. A little bit of sunshine on the way. A few morning showers on saturday. It should not amount to a lot. We are talking daytime highs in the middle to the upper 50s. Cooling down to 50 on sunday. Abc7 news at 5 00 continues after this. Alison we are back with this. This is an image from nasa. We want to thank all of you who took time to submit your photos and the videos of burst. Com wjla site. Amy aubert . The newsroom with a few of pictures today. We have a lot of good ones. There are so many good ones. Take a look at the photos still coming in right now. Looks like so many people really enjoyed celebrating that snow day off today. Take a closer look. How sweet is this. Excited to play for the first time in this snow. Check out this. I think i found big foot. We have seen so many pictures in the snow. I cant get enough of this. He looks like he is smiling and laughing running through the snow. This one. Dont forget about the birds. Blue birds are eating in annapolis, montana. We will keep monitoring the pictures and the videos as they use the abc7snow. They could end up right here on abc7 news and the online gallery that you can check out at wjla. Com. Back to you. Q jack frost isnt taking it easy on the Cherry Blossoms. How the freezing temperatures could impact a full bloom next. Alison two george mason wrestlers forged a bond well be prodders, shuckersers, and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. Farm, crate, and store. Were focusing on fresh. So you dont have to guess. My giant. Alison take a look. We are keeping a close eye on this. The bald eagle eggs near the m. P. D. Police academy. They made it through the storm okay. One of the eggs could hatch any minute now. An hour ago one of our producers saw what could be a crack in the egg. And there is a dead fish in the nest. That could mean well see an eaglet soon. This is fantastic to play out live on the eagle cam. So much fun, isnt it . That is not the only nest we are watching in the district. There are two eggs at the national arboretum. The famed bald eagle, the first lady protecting the eggs in the winter storm while mr. President was away. The eggs are set to hatch near the end of the month. Alison the sleet and the snow could spell disaster for those plants that started blossoming early. What will it mean for the prized Cherry Blossoms . That is the big question along the title basin. Q mccray got an update of the trees that should have hit their peak this week. Q you are looking at them. Cherry blossoms next to the jefferson memorial. The trees probably dont know what to think. It wasnt long ago i was talking about the warm weather and that the trees are going to blossom earlier than normal. Now today is snowing and freezing cold outside. The blossoms, trees, they ar really taking a beating. A lot of them have brown spots on them. Thats sign of damage done by jack frost who isnt letting up today. The magic temperature is 27 degrees. 27 degrees. We can start to see the damage to the blossoms and start to see some of them dying off. 27 degrees we see 10 loss on the blossoms. If it gets to 24 degrees it could jump to 90 loss of blossoms. Q that being said, the National Park Service Still expects a full bloom that would mean 70 of the treas to blossom next week. That is the good news here. If it gets any colder, though, a lot of the flowers could fall off and fall to the ground. They are keeping a close eye on it. So will we. We will keep you updated on the famous Cherry Blossoms in d. C. In southwest, im q mccray. Back to you. Alison thank you. We have 360degree tour of the blossoms at the tidal basin today. If you want to take a closer look at that. You can see the snow on the ground. You can explore it at wjla. Com. Larry hold on, little buddies. Hold on time for a check of the roads. Trenice bishop is on traffic watch. Hey, trenice. Trenice this afternoon we are in decent shape for most folks making it around the area. Volume is light for most of the afternoon. There is an incident on the beltway in Prince Georges County. Look at the big picture map. The screen is mostly green. Delay free, which is crazy to think about at this hour on tuesday in the d. M. V. But on branch avenue or near the branch avenue exit, outer loop 495. We have report of an accident to the right shoulder. You can see the activity here. Folks in the camera view. Its not slowing too many folks down. The volume is nice and light. Southbound with a crash on east capital lane. We are still cruising at speed. Elsewhere is 495. Also lacking good for you on looking good for virginia side of the beltway. Accident on braddock road at 123. For riverdale section we have a fallen utility pole blocking left lane southbound kenilworth avenue from 410. Doug, you may see crews out later tonight putting salt down for refreeze for this evening. Doug that is a good idea. The temperatures will get so cold. A we had melting and the puddling of water and everything else. Show you a view from ocean city, maryland. Big waves, when the storm was winding up we had great fears that the maryland delaware beaches would take a beating. They roughed a bit but not much. We havent heard report of erosion. Its a good deal. Still nasty, 37 with the strong gusty winds. If you are just coming in, just joining us, a couple of snow totals that we measured. Frederick and cum leesburg is five. Damascus 4. 2. Most north northwest of the metro area. Everybody else with less snow. Some areas the freezing rain was a big story. East and southeast of the city. We had melting. 389 in annapolis. 35 is the report from baltimore. 30 in winchester. It will get cold and stay windy tonight. In in fact, right now we have the Winds Continuing 20, 25, 28 Miles Per Hour with the higher gusts. That will combine with falling temperatures tonight. So by midnight it will feel 11 to 15 degrees in the metro area. By early in the morning wind chills 2 in luray, 11 in washington and annapolis. Bitterly cold with the icy patches. We stay in teens for wind chills tomorrow. Through the afternoon and the evening we will do it again with more bitterly cold air coming our way. Travel impa tomorrow, still concern. Thursday not as much on friday. Lets talk sports. Erin hawksworth . Erin thank you, doug. Well, two george mason wrestlers qualified for the ncaa tournament that kicks off on thursday. The two developed an ever lasting friendship. Here is Scott Abraham with todays rising star. Friendship that stretches beyond the wrestling mat. To me, having a family bond is more than buddies. The two wrestlers are teammates, roommates and the closest thing to being called brothers. The one thing, he is always in his room playing his guitar. I can hear it from my room. Im like gosh, are you kidding me . Both have roots in sierra leone, a country devastated by a civil war in the 1990s. Their backgrounds brought them together. Wrestling solidified their bond. We loved it. Thats why we kept at it. We have a love of it. Scott both have made incredible progress in the sport. Neither won a state title in high school but now they have become cornerstone of the george mason wrestling program. They bring out the best from one another before the match. They go together and they know how to pushve other. They have been doing it for a long time. Had a great feel for what they need on a big day. In charge of their own journey on and off the mat. It doesnt matter you come from or where you start. At the end of the day, any destination is up to you. The right attitude on the path to success. Im Scott Abraham with the rising stars. Erin well root for them on thursday. Alison great story. Thank you. Congressional Budget Office says millions could lose healthcare coverage under the revamp of the Affordable Care act. When we come back, while the numbers say the numrs larry the republican obamacare replacement facing renewed opposition on capitol hill after they found 24 million fewer americans will have Health Insurance in the next decade if the plan passes. I will not rest until every Single Person in america can afford to get decent healthcare. Scott eight years ago obama took the healthcare rate on tour. You will see the rate goes down and plans go up, up, up. Scott wednesday is president trumps turn in tennessee. He will do so in wake of congressional Budget Office numbers indicating while it may reduce the deficit by 337 billion over ten years, it could also mean 52 million americans will be uninsured by then. The current estimates. If the c. B. O. Figures are accurate is it worth the tradeoff . I want to see what the final product is before i make a decision. Premiums would continue to rise. Go up next year and the year after that. That is failing to solve the problem. Scott paul ryan trying to persuade the party it will eventually drive down premiums by estimated 10 . But democrats say it will be damaging, especially for seniors are demanding a pause. They should just pull the plug on this bill. Pull the bill. Scott a plea seen by some republicans as avoiding to any changes of a system in need of improving. If slowing down means we need more analysis before moving forward, im okay with this. If it that is phraseology i dont want to do this, i dont accept that. Republicans refuting the numbers pointing out back when obamacare first went the c. B. O. Estimated 22 Million People in reality it was closer to 12 million. On capitol hill, scott thuman, abc7 news. Doug first the snow. Then the sleet. Now the refreeze. The problem is the ice. Doug schools closed except for d. C. Make sure the sidewalks are clear in front of the homes or businesses. Doug its fun for some people but not for others. Stormwatch7s Team Coverage of the winter whiplash starts now. Now, abc7 news at 6 00. On your side. Jonathan first at 6 00, treacherous Road Conditions, slights torn down in crashes, cars spinning the wheels. Desperate for any traction. That is not going anywhere. As the conditions improve we are headed for a refreeze. Michelle abc7 has Team Coverage of the new troubles headed this way. We begin with stormwatch7 chief meteorologist doug hill. We are headed for a really cold night. Midtoupper 30s. Tomorrow morning they will take the polar plunge as we like to call it. Here is our concern going forward. A massive refreeze tonight. Slick roads and the sidewalks. Gusty winds, bitter wind chills by tomorrow. It will feel like early january in northern minnesota tomorrow. These are the numbers on the future cast. As far as the wind chills. We see by tomorrow morning like after midnight, the low teens. It will feel that cold. As we get to the Early Morning the wind chills are Single Digits to 11 degrees in annapolis. Five at hagerstown. Five in frederick. It wont warm up that much. Air temperatures in the mid30s. Chills in the teens and the 20s. Tomorrow night we do it over again with another bitter night and another bout of refreeze of whatever melts tomorrow. Is there hope of this thawing out and drying up and going away . Sure there is. Just not sure when. We will talk more in a

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