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City hall and b announcements of Electronic Devices please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones, of cell phones, Electronic Devices are prohibited at this meeting. Please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room meeting room responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar soundproducing Electronic Devices. K announcements of time allotment for Public Comment. Please be advised a member of the public has up to 3 minutes to address the commission unless the commission the commission wishes to address the commission fill out a speaker card and submit it to the commission secretary. The next order of business is item 3 reports on actions taken at a previously closed session meeting if any no reportable actions the the next order of business is item 4 matters of Unfinished Business no matters of Unfinished Business pursue the next order of business is item 5 matters of new business with content and regular agenda first, the content no content items the the next order of business is 5 a authorizing the Second Amendment to the memorandum of understanding for environmental and Design Review services with the city and county of San Francisco acting through the San Francisco Planning Department to extend the term if fiscal year ru78 to 2018 and to increase the budget not to exceed 450,000 a total ago gait not to exceed one Million Dollars plus discussion and possible action resolution number 352016 madam director. Thank you, madam secretary good afternoon to the commissioner and the members of the public thank you for joining us commissioners as needed as you may know we enter so into mou or other agreements with City Departments or consultants to help us complete our work this is a mou with the citys Planning Department with campos the occ planning and the design the manager of planning and review for occ pardon me will be presenting this item thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners inaudibl inaudible . Claudia check the mike please. Yeah. Good afternoon chair and commissioner rosales and director bohe im the manager the design and review for occ today, we have before you the item were asking you to authorize a Second Amendment to occs existing memorandum of understanding with the San Francisco Planning Department extending two fiscal years for the fiscal year 2018 as an overview this original memorandum of understanding or mou was adopted and authorized in august of 2013 it is its purpose twofold to summit the occ staff for Design Review and services and provides a fraction in which the staff at the occ confer with the planning dependent on the matters the original mou was for two fiscal years focusing 2014 and fiscal year 2015 during the term of the original mou we began to work on the Golden State Warriors project that project presented a large body of work beyond anticipated in the mou so in september of 2014 the commission authorized the first amendments of mou to allow us to work with the Golden State Warriors using the Planning Department and Environmental Services and extending the term one fiscal year to 2016 now were requesting the Second Amendment which will allow continued assistance on the Golden State Warriors and extend the terms to 2018 to give you goodic context of the area those are redevelopment project areas on this map that shows you where encouraging occ has land use for the right the areas where occ is responsible for be agreements and permits and they include im sorry to take you from north to south at the top the transbay the zone one of transbay that is a portion of redevelopment project around fulsome boulevard and main and beal streets there is rincon hill being that area in orange adjacent to transbay zone one the embarcadero in the south beach surrounding the ball park to the south in purple youll see mission bay north and south and further in the bayview Hunters Point and red called the bay area industrial triangle this area expires in 2020 and is an area along the third street corridor in the northern portion of Hunters Point we have land use jurisdiction and finally to the for the southeast portion of Hunters Point phase one phase two redevelopment project areas and Little Candle stick point that is actually zone one of the Hunters Point project area within those areas the development controls and standards are regulated by project area design for development documents not the planning code however, the planning code often applies we often confer with the Planning Department on the implementation of those areas i also wanted to show you areas that are designated by the city as Priority Areas the enar circled areas on the map pursuant to the coordination within the City Department theyre required to produce expeditious processes of approvals those areas to the north the first red transbay zone one that is mission bay north and south and Hunters Point and candle stick they does not conduct the rincon hill south beach project area nor the bayview Triangle Project area with respect to the memorandum of understanding dwiftsd into two areas of discipline the Design Review and Environmental Impact when respect to the design the agreement calls up to 0. 5 staff to assist the Design Review that we are required to do and these as your familiar are basic concept and schematic and after the approved schematic we have more work to do in the construction documents it includes justice a general land use and urban design policy assistance and basically Technical Services from the planning code i mean, the Planning Department related to the planning code and general plan the section portion is the Environmental Reviews up to one and 50 staff hours to support occ on the Environmental Review project areas they include basically our requires requirements and the sort of of the documents we are obligated to prepare in the California Environmental quality act they include the surexemption and negative declarations and reports as well as possibly an Environmental Impact report or as youve seen before you addendum to the Environmental Impact reporters i wanted to show the history of budget of this mou from its beginning in fiscal year 2014 to what were proposing in the 1e789 through 2018 those are 5 years of collaboration and use of Planning Department Staff Services and as you can see every year we loot the same amount of money under the vieira one and 50 sthoidz for the Environmental Review and point review 75 thousands an amount of 200 plus for the next years to authorized that extension the 450,000 and little full amount will think an aggregate not to exceed one Million Dollars plus one thing to keep in mind those budget amounts are top told her weve not expended this much but prefer to be prepared in case of the additional workload i want to touch a little bit more on how we are managing the Golden State Warriors scope of work you should not in the mou we didnt include the amount of staff time and budget in the actual be agreements to be paid out of occ or as a pass through occ instead we facilitated an arrangement within is groundbreaking so the Planning Department can bill directly to the Golden State Warriors and pays directly to the Planning Department without going through occ for that reason the amount of the Golden State Warriors are not included in the table i showed you before the dbis e Golden State Warriors has been approved and moving forward with the Design Development and ultimately the construction documents so we anticipate within the next two years within the term of this extended mou this project will begin construction and during the construction period what is crucial that we insure proper tracking monitoring and reporting of the required mitigation measures pursuant to the eir so the Planning Department agreed to offer 0. One 5 hours for the passion or prejudice of the monitoring of the hours during that construction phase this is that slide. Now as far as staff recommendation that concludes my presentation we recommend you authorize the Second Amendment it will will extend through 2018 it will increase the budget amount to an amount not to exceed 4 hundred plus aggregate one Million Dollars plus im here to answer any questions thank you very much. Thank you. We will take Public Comment first is there anyone from the public that would like to comment. Tom curious weve god got a sinking building on Market Street downtown one. 5 point one 57 quality hours what does that mean were increasing the Environmental Review to 4 hundred and 50,000 its obvious we have a sinking building downtown a highrise i dont think we want to continue to push that along all the other agencies just is that for the transfor downtown or transbay or is that all of these Development Areas thank you enemy that would like to come and speak . Okay commissioners any questions or comments for staff. Commissioner singh. Yeah. Yeah. I just want to know that lots of things going on against the Golden State Warriors how is it looks now we see the other people. Counsel might want to say and approximately 2 and a half weeks ago the superior court ruled against those petitioning and challenging the arena and the complex on all accounts and that was 2, 3, 4 two cases against occ and case against the city substantially the petitioners had 5 days to appeal with the court of appeals and if not file the briefs due within a month that will be an, an expedited basis we expect to prevail on this. Was there any problem you know any kind of you know how long it will take to come forward. Well Start Building that. Sure as you recall this project was certified by the governor an as an environmental stuarty provision under ceqa that requires the litigation to be complete essentially within a year less than a year both the trial court and the appeals finished between 200 and 70 days after certification of the record so were in the middle of that period and have several months then until the courts have to resolve understanding inexclusively all the matters with that litigation so the warriors understand have take a look at it and have a commencement and schedule that one shumz well prevail as well and occur after the 200 and 70 day period when it is complete. Thank you. Any questions. What is the breakdown monthly of hours for staff out of one and 50 thousand . Commissioner pimentel are you referring to the one and 50,000 for Environmental Impact Environmental Review fulltime staff 22nd weve not needed that much work yet. I have a couple of questions want to make sure that i understood why 9 so is in the this is the Golden State Warriors project the point one 5 fulltime equivalent hours will be reimbursed directly paid by the warriors thats not in our mou just a component of their direct payment to claim. Jeff commissioner rosales it is we causality it out as something under our purview but something that the Planning Department has budgeted and agreed to provide as far as services. Separately. Yeah. However, not paid throw us. Right i get it. Through the Golden State Warriors and to answer the gentlemans question it was 6 hours a week. Okay. Okay. Then the other question i had was i have it here somewhere we talked when we approved the block 4 in transbay the transbay block 4 partied up others parcel f the transaction through the executive director well ask the Planning Department of education to moonlight to make sure that parcel f process was expedited and so im wondering a did we do that and b did he respond laughter in transbay a declaration for the transbay project area that incorporates two zone one one on the map and the portions that includes block 4 and the portion to the north up to the Transbay Transit Center that includes where parcel f it is zone two we separated it zone two administrative code by the c3 downtown zoning and zone one is a different animal at occ ocii administers in house through a declaration agreement Planning Department to be responsible for land use permits and Land Use Authority in zone two of the declaration agreement requires a john updyke and staff meets currently once a month to discuss the permits in both areas perhaps we can future our collaboration on block 4. Through the chair the planning director was aware of the development off parcel f under the planning jurisdiction and land use jurisdiction as mr. Campos and block 4 land use and proprietary overview their tied together in addition not working group we have our transbay project marry that is part of likely each and every meeting the staff has with the project sponsor for parcel f on the planning side i believe there was a meeting at the end of july the planning director first meeting with the project sponsor to kickoff their plans and projects and our staff was present and an ongoing presence those two are tied together and as to what our program will be on block 4 and the expedited review the faster parcel f goes the faster for the project. Great i dont have those are any questions. Any members of the commission have a motion commissioner singh has made a motion commissioner pimentel as seconded it call the roll. Xhoibd commissioner pimentel commissioner bustos is absent commissioner singh commissioner mondejar is absent commissioner rosales i have 3 is and two absent. The item is approved. The next order of business agenda items 7b b and c related to the contracts for bonds will be heard but acted separately 5 b authorizing the contract with the lumbars for the Counsel Services not to exceed 50,000 related to the issuance of the Successor Agency of the city and county of San Francisco tax exempt tax allocation revenue bond discussion and possible action 20165 c authorizing a legal contract with bartley a professional allow corporation for the services not to exceed one hundred and one thousand dollars related to the issuance of successor action to the redevelopments agency of the city and county of San Francisco taxable tax allocation revenue and refunding the revenue bond the multiple project easier and discussion and possible action 2016 and 57 d authorizing a Service Contract with a professional Law Corporation for bond Counsel Services not to exceed 200 and 7,000 related to the issuance felt Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the city and county of San Francisco taxable and tax exempt allocation revenue bond in multi series and discussion and possible action resolution number 382016 madam director. Thank you, madam secretary commissioners that is very exciting to bring forgot this set of Legal Services contracts before you as you recall gopher signed a law in the bill a special San Francisco only provision that we needed to complete broad scale of our enforceable candle stick Point Shipyard in go transbay and in mission bay awhile that was clear the infrastructure components for Hunters Point and mission bay we have issue in the post world not clear for our Affordable Housing obligations and we had no such authority in transbay for the Neighborhood Service infrastructure so the budget you approved this past fiscal year really relies on that special San Francisco only provision that you supported the mayor and certainly this office had a hand in providing inform that special San Francisco only provision in sb one 07 before you housing bonds and infrastructure and transbay under that sb one 07 and bonds for housing we need a series of consultant to complete the work program that is the cash that provides the aggressive work program with that introduction john our senior final analyst for ocii will present overseeing items youll act on separately. Good afternoon commissioner rosales and director bohe im john the senior financial analyst for ocii items 5 b c and d before you as director bohe pointed out are resolutions for the Legal Services contract or Services Related to our 2017 capital. Can you speak closer to the mike for the members of the public. Sorry those are the first steps in bringing on the Financial Team to allow the fiscal year 2017 capital Bonding Program to go forward. Yeah. So the ill grow with a quick summary on the bonds the 3 classes we intend to issue this year first 23 million in new money taxable housing money bonds 4 projects in mission bay 30 projects in Hunters Point shipyard and two projects in candle stick point so next there is 90 million taxable refunding housing bond a number of candidates ive listed them on the slide but spare you reading them this expands or contracts the Market Conditions the 99 is an estimate we dont know it could get bigger or smaller. Last but not least we have a 37 million in taxexempt infrastructure bonds for transbay these are needed to fund the fulsome streetscape, the dollar ramp park are the transbay park and another park. So bring the recommendations for tree contracts one important bond counsel and two for bartley and the law offices of alex chiu the johns hall contract covers all 3 bond issues the amount is 200 and 7,000 and broke down into you know a base fee of 45 million for the 23 million and taxable housing bonds and 55 thousand dollars for the 90 million taxable rotunda and 65 thousand for the 37 tax exempt transbay infrastructure bonds expenses are invited 3 for a total of 9,000 and contingency amount of 33,000 roughly 20 percent this is subject to executive director approval the contingency is there to allow for six driven changes in scope so we dont get setback to square one and that example that will be a change in size a dramatic size in the change of refunding in scope of one of the other bonds the term with all the contracts will be in effect fill the financing are complete id like to introduce representing joan steve our lead counsel. Secondly, we have recommendation of Charles Bartley our counsel for the take into considerationable housing and taxable refunding bond the total amount is one and one thousand 8 hundred not to exceed amount that is come Property Line of a base fee of 30,000 for the 23 housing bonds and 44,090,000,000 refunding bonds and expenses not to exceed one thousand and contingency amount of 16 thousand 8 hundred subject to the executive director approval the term of the contract to remain in effect until the financing is complete id like to introduce erica and welcome her back. Finally we have a recommendation of the law office of alex chow for a Disclosure Services for the take into consideration exempt transbay infrastructure bonds invited is 50,000 comprised of a base rate of 4 thousand nine hundred and also an allowance for alleyway compensation not to exceed 6 thousand for the participation and credit discussions for the taxable housing bonds the reason as we go forward with our new Bonding Authority certain elements that are unclear theyll be and i applicable to the bonds more efficient to have mr. Chiu participate in the early discussions the first bonds for 23 million housing bond rather than the whole Financial Team back to square one hell have compute with the definition of the disclosure items well get to that and the contract allows for expenses not to exceed 25 hundreds and a contingency of 7 thousand subject to the approval the executive director and as with the other contracts remain in effect and welcome back alex chow alex has worked with us not in recent years but in the past on bond issues at this time, id like to conclude by recommending the approval of those items and welcome any questions. Thank you we need to take Public Comment first. Is there anyone interest the public that would like to make Public Comment . A question on the back on this disclosure counsel al legislation chow disclosure Council Services for tax exempt transbay the dash under 50,000 is 37 million taxable transbay funds i dont how those funds were tax exempt and going for taxable transbay infrastructure bonds. Ill be happy to answer thats a typo their tax exempt bonds. Great, thank you. Any other Public Comment . No any questions commissioners. I have. Commissioner singh. What is the interest in all this for the taxable bond and nontaxable exempt. It is, of course, early to say but you know perhaps 6 months from now if it were done it would be favorable for the high 3s that would be my i would say in the high 3s or 4 percentage. In all the areas. Typically the bonds are 3 years but maybe shorter because it may follow the life of the bonds it is funding. Has this firm worked with us before or new. We have worked with every one of those law firms alex worked with us for the disillusion and crows bartley and continues to work with us and john halls worked with us on most of bond issues. Many years. Thank you. Any questions. Okay excellent so well i have no questions this is important work we need the money laughter we need the lawyers to get the money so, yeah and the plain english response we need to go each one but commissioner singh a hundred moved each one of those items and commissioner pimentel was seconded and we can take them individually for item 5 b. Okay. Xhoibd for item 5 b. Commissioner pimentel. Commissioner bustos is absent commissioner singh commissioner mondejar is absent pursue commissioner rosales. Madam chair 3 is and two absent okay the contract with the law offices of alex chow is approved the agenda item 5 c. Commissioner pimentel ms. Houston is absent commissioner singh commissioner mondejar is absent and commissioner rosales madam chair, i have 3 is and two absent the Legal Services contract with Charles Bartley is approved. 5 d commissioner pimentel commissioner bustos a absent commissioner singh commissioner mondejar is absent and commissioner rosales. Madam chair, i have 3 is and two absent the Legal Services contract with the jones hall is also approved thank you. Thank you. So next item. The next order of business is 5 example working group by the city of San Francisco office of Economic Workforce Development welcome to the peoples palace on the southern bay front Central Waterfront and bayview candle stick point areas and interagency for the citywide investment and bayview Hunters Point and Hunters Point shipyard and Mission Bay South and north discussions madam director the suffice office of Economic Workforce Development is under a taking a Strategic Planning process for the southern bay front and the Hunters Point shipyard and senior project manager will provide a brief introduction and im going to turn it over to representatives from oewd. Thank you executive director bohe and good afternoon senior project for the candle stick point im joined by ken rich and others from the office of Economic Workforce Development they have been working with various City Departments on the strategy in the working group and the southern bay front is run from south of Mission Creek by the ball park to the candle stick point and obviously that covers two ocii project areas mission bay Hunters Point shipyard and candle stick point it also covers several untitled sites where development is not approved including on southeast pier 70 and into the abstinence the goal of the working group is to create a negotiation framework for those untitled sites in order to leverage investment and Community Benefits for those untitled sites and then in terms of ocii project areas we obviously have Robust Development plans and Community Benefits program that are established the goal to coordinate the goals with our city colleagues to provide and deliver those communities infrastructure with that, ill introduce ken rich director of oewd. Good afternoon, commissioners im ken rich what oewd nice to see you thank you for the opportunity for this so though weve worked on as a partnership with the oewd into producing the best results for the city for a number of unique large developments permitted in the areas of the city we started to call the southern bay front so to get context lets setback on the slide and look at the entire waterfront we suggest that one, think about four zones moving clockwise the first two zones in the red and green are primarily under federal control with a little bit of city rec and park ownership and those well see little hang in the future the third shown in blue we youll classical think about when we imagine the San Francisco waterfront this Ferry Building and the photographers and amount of that in all likelihood changes in the future the last limousine in joel stretching in at t park to the southern board of the city that is part of waterfront with that we believe well see the change we believe many if not all observers will welcome the change as it transitioned out of heavy industry as long as the change is for the benefit of surrounding neighbors the remainder of the presentation focuses on the changes in the right way. So sdoem on that yellow area the key point this is a place where people live and work and at the same time we building will be the most growth in the residential and commercial growth how do we shape this growth the city sorry shape that growth for the good of the city and good of the adjacent neighborhoods. So the fact is most of largescale Development Well see in the southern bay front is on the horizon in some form whether many implements such the project area Hunters Point and candle stick point in the middle of the project like the port pier 70 and mission rock or more in early stages like the baseline and pg e and Hunters Point and power plant just to underscore the importance of getting this right take into account the statistics on the slide well see 20 though now e new Housing Units in the project area created in the southern bay front and 6 seven hundred had been affordable we expect 35 thousand new jobs of various kinds and in some cases the most exist 5 hundreds and 20 acres of open space that is virtually all the new open space well see in the for seeable future. So what ive done on the next slide faded back the projects that are approved in the prelims like yours that leaves 56 large proposed project to be approved ass all of the proposed are seeking to transform from the industrial land with open space and commercial activities while the investment with, of course, beneficial for the city were focused on claiming as much of that value for the residents and neighborhoods surrounding it all of the projects will be in variance commissions and the board of supervisors in the next couple of years as negotiated Development Agreement that gives us the opportunity to do what were here to side to propose to all of the Decision Makersers is negotiating framework for the projects so as question negotiate the Public Benefits around the transportation and open space and affordability were better late than never all the projects at once and not bringing drooishgz e Decision Makers one at a time im going to turn it over to my colleague that will take you through the benefit categories we hope to create the framework for. Thanks ken and hi, im with oewd. So as ken discussed the negotiation framework will coordinate from the proposed project into a number of key areas as you can see those are summarized on the slide and the next well grow those in detail so for the most part Affordable Housing is a critical area where we want to direct the investments in order to achieve our goal of 33 percent affordability on average across all the projects over 65 hundred units of new Affordable Housing which have of the shipyard well directly benefit the local residents and existing communities through the neighborhoods Preference Program that is 40 percent of the units for existing residents and, of course, as per city law the certificate of preference holders and ellis act adapted tenants will get the First Priority for all of the units on Sea Level Rise the city is commit to protect the Vulnerable Community and on the slides as you can see from the mayors Sea Level Rise action plan that was published earlier this year those developments will play a collaborative roll in the citywide effort and transforming by adapt and raising the grades to protect against Sea Level Rise how supporting future district wide through long term adaptation and through Financial Resources that those projects my provide on transportation we know that transportation investment a critical component for existing and future residents along the southern bay front the city is working to meet the demand with a host of projects online as early as next year in the slide as you can see the new projects under implementation and will be delivered between 2016 and 2020 and on the next slide as you can see the next set of projects between 2020 and 2030 i wont name each of them putting them together and including some future projects as you can see the significant package of transportation need in this district so how did those proposed projects fit in through collaboration with each and everyone and through negotiations with the city we aim to channel the transportation obligation from those together so they can have a collective go impact than otherwise individual from each were focusing to our efforts on 3 categories the first is on localized infrastructure so this means bike paths, streetscape and especially to coordinate for example, at the 4 pier 70 and the n r g adjacent to one another we need to make sure the Opening Statements o improvements are cohesive the second to invest in the proclamations this is how to booster the light rail fleet and bus fleet to make sure we have the service we need the mta is able to keep up with demand and the third is planning for the future so this means how can we think about how the projects contribute or fit into a long terms picture of planning for a second transbay crossing or helping the city think about core capacity improvements on open space ken mentioned we have the creation of over nine Hundred Acres of new and renovated open space and this is in shipyard so were going to organize those projects 0 through a couple of ideals one making sure that the new open space that is created in our promoted projects and connectivity with new communities this is going to create a waterfront that is pubically assessable as you may know part of waterfront not pubically assessable in the past we want to make sure that access is defining carved out in the design and in the implementation of open spaces we also want to make sure those open spaces have connected through the Blue Green Network of the plan and finally we want to make sure we have an open space sometime that creates a cohesion of programming that this understand, of course, those open spaces will be managed in a different way maybe maintained in a different way those decisions are going to be made down the road but make sure that the public knows that all of the open spaces are assessable and used in concerto with one another. On sustainability our proposed project will achieve a highlevel of sustainability through the revitalization of formally industrial spaces improving those to residential unit through the use of resource and utility design and new technology and most exciting the approaches to infrastructure to provide long term benefits to the border district on Community Facilities this really means Public Safety like Police Station but other facilities like Grocery Stores and schools those kinds of elements because were not doing a major, major neighborhood area plan those kinds of elements awhile important we need to make sure we include them in the better late than never the growth of this district and through the leadership of the Planning Department to look at the resources and facilities that to help us plan over the long term to make sure people have access and make sure the communities have assess those too important facilities and then last but not least we have Workforce Development to contribute to the Employment Opportunities to the provision of new office space, pdr and railway opportunities they go also make candidates to the professional Service Fields through the partnership of oewd Citywide Program and while the projects are not far enough long for the candidates to distinguish we have been working with city build to build accomplish plans for organizing the workforce across the projects for example, the pier 70 forest city and the giant project both pagers and similar soundproducing Electronic Devices are prohibited at this meeting. Lands have committed to the local hire demand and implementation those projects are also going to comment to 50 percent first hiring goal and in the construction environment and in addition to the candidates the port has explored how to support the city build for the office and the pdrs employments sectors because both of the uses will be fined on the project and make sure we have people properly trained for the jobs on the Construction Side thinking about how to work with city build to have a Training Program specifically for construction pile drivers this is on identified need for both the projects with a lot of use for pile drivers and identified there is a lack of skilled workers in the trade those are the kinds of ideas to target the workforce candidates with that, im going to turn it over to ken to finish the presentation thank you. Thank you were almost finished can i have the shied one of the things were most modifications about the ability to use various forms of Public Finance to stretch the dollars we can ask for from the developers as we negotiate as you may know the project out of the areas dont have access to the poufrlt tools tax increments but building there are tools out there and icon fesz i normally dont do this slide laughter so we have the ability to assess Community Facility districts and other sorts of ways of targeting the way we spend our impact fees and different forms of tax increments to make those things stretch so one of the things that in fact, we are existed about is as we fund the near term infrastructure and other things through the Public Finance for example, for a melloroos you can establish it for thirty or 40 or 50 years pass the first set of bonds after thirty years and still have the income we need to focus on Sea Level Rise infrastructure experiencing so can we fought something the first bopdz gets us the road and whatever and in the future bans that income stream that is continuing get us whatever infrastructure we know what what it is to help not only those projects but the surrounding neighborhoods were excited about that and really trying to focus on the Public Finance opportunities here. This is just concluding to remind you how important to focus on an area with 20 though new units and open space all of those things in terms of a schedule as you can see that of the projects coming forward the 5 projects that are not approved necessary cluster in the next year or two mostly in 2017 a couple of them into 2018 that is when we expect the approvals i cant have a vacation or the staff thats when were approving all the work this is a a joke i wanted to take the opportunity before concluding to reminded you that nothing were doing changes anything in terms of the redevelopment the formal Redevelopment Area it is all about corresponding around transportation and other things like that were not in must way revisiting the long years of work it took to get the shipyard and candle stick point going far from that and just to remind everyone the list of agencies if i can have the slide back for one second with that, were finished and enjoy any questions you have. Great, thank you. Before we take any questions from the commission do we have any comment cards. I dont mr. Oscar james. Mr. Oscar james mr. Oscar james mr. Oscar james all present one thing city build with the developers and others have done a tremendous job i want to applaud one problem i have one of the first jobs i had was working on a pile driver you know youre going to train someone i was holding the rope doing the project and that concrete broke off thats the day i quite so if you train someone train them to run the pile driver not hold that rope that is 50 years ago pretty much and i had put Better Safety factors and the other problem we im talking about e2 in the Hunters Point shipyard i went to a meeting Hunters Point power plant did a tremendous job in cleaning up but e2 and yosemite has Hazardous Materials youre talking about putting housing i want to o these two areas 100 percent clean and it behoves this commissions to make sure that happens this is 100 percent a lot of things in the yosemite and all of the areas i know my grandfather knew when they were dump sites we talk about housing and what have you in those areas im hoping this commission and the city do some Homeless Housing we have a lot of homeless families 2, 3, 4 bayview Hunters Point and potrero hill people are losing their homes their apartments you need to get overseeing part times for homeless families a priority open there and homeless seniors doctor davis housed quite a few of the homeless seniors in their project but it will behove the commission that the shipyard was free property from the government just Like Mission Bay was free property build some housing for homeless families im begging this commission 0 do that and thank you very much. Thank you mr. Gold. Tom exactly where i was going to start off with it is well, not exactly preference 40 percent preference preference is nice but mandatory is better those housing for local people and for x amount of years and find in the area that means if you dont find somebody that is from the area to more often you cant rent or sell them your price has to drop to a good price in the area. Then i was going to go to exactly with that gentleman said what about the 20 percent of our people that are living that are seniors are running out of their ability to find a home the veterans just on shaky ground or the homeless that live there it is a nice rosy picture but there is nobody in our backyard you know we dont want them and other backyards but here we are creating new backyards and those people are already there their surrounding the area we need to incorporate that of the negotiations need to say you have homeless on our site we dont we want to get away from the site theyll pay into a fund we want each building to have Homeless Veterans and graduated fosters kids and section 8 people and a community of what San Francisco is all about climatic change were putting 0 off climatic change that is the second the time im glad we are negotiating and collaboratively with the private sector that means we dont have to insure their property we dont have to be on hold for the damages when Climate Change goes whoops we donna didnt plan or wide enough we have a building downtown in the news that settled 10 inches before they dug a shovel at the transbay the other thing is transbay do we know how many people the 20 percent that are less fortunate on this site there will be there i think thats where we need to go seniors and young folks thank you i have 30 seconds and the other thing is kids and i want kids to grow i was good morning to say for the section Affordable Housing needs to be rent control also thank you. Thank you. Any more speaker cards okay. Thank you this is a workshop so questions. How long does it take to complete that how many years. A little bit difficult but how will it take us to get the projects approved i think by 2019 with luck well have all the entitled pg e project is probably the last one in terms of how long it takes for them to be built out it is speculation and depended on the parking ticket kiegz but certainly quite a bit longer than that in the 2020s before we see them built out i cant be more accurate. Is and im sorry. Is it 2020 a well not have all the units by 2020 in the 2020s more like the latter of that decade. Other things i see this year next in 5 minutes is the buses on page 12 and they run every 5 minutes thats pretty good. laughter . You see this item. Thats. 5 minutes. Thats what i like to see when im waiting ill say when the central subway opens in 2019 the head ways on the t are expected to Visitacion Valley through bayview Hunters Point to go down to 6 to 7 minute head ways. Far important frequent trains thats part of investment. Thats give you a little bit of background thank you. Commissioner cohen. I have a couple of questions the first one on page 16 and it talks about city build the allotment we had a meeting they mentioned the barriers in terms of getting people on with a project mobility a day or something that is long term but getting those individuals into management they absolutely can have a career and others barriers are licenses if someone has a suspected also that pays the thousand dollars for the Redevelopment Program but you mentioned work with city build how to do you plan to address those barriers but also reach a wide variety of the Community Members thats my first question and two more. Thank you weve specifically been in connect with city build he mentioned he gave you a presentation were aware of barriers i think that the city build folks are spearheading the areas to the one thing i can say the earlier, you start training and Pricilla Chan people and making sure that people understand what the barriers are to get over the barriers by addressing this now for the future projects those jobs will start not for a number of years but byg about them well address those and were thinking how to possibly use some of the resources up front or at least during the implementation to help he specifically help city build and not just supporting this program. The gentleman from the public mentioned work with homeless families are you guys worked with for example, the Prenatal Program they had a couple of families and sunnyvale to make sure they have access. Ill say first of all, the mayors focus is heavily on dealing with all sorts of issues we have new homeless czar for a lack of a better term so we dont pretend to be experts but certainly as we shall happen even the areas and reaching out to jazz and making sure we im not going to try to answer and question im an expert but this is what the mayor wants us working on. Definitely reach out for example, if you organization wanted to understand their barriers to make is the information and the other gentleman said about preference it will be great to see on a Grassroots Level and findings out with the local communities and the local Grocery Stores you didnt i dont run two 5 people that are leerlz oftentimes the mailings and the emails are not getting to those individuals their mailbox is blogged and their workingclass people and tight schedules. Thank you for that i understand from various ours i can it is a southern of supervisor cowen that even if you setback units if people dont know theyre available it wont do people good i appreciate were learning as we go forward but again with so much unit coming online that will be preferred to the surrounding neighborhood we have to figure out how to do the outreach and a lot of times people are not understanding they are qualified i came across a companies didnt realize she quality and recommended looking at the city family to see who qualified all types of parents and kids next door is a way to engage with the community as well and stay safe. Thank you yes. Any other questions. Those are Great Questions or comments i had a few also that followed that mine are more in this vein of the coordination so start with the City Departments so in the last slide all the City Departments and maybe it is two earlier to know what is the coordination continue and among the departments but perhaps some idea. Well, no not two early in the past year our office has monthly meetings with all the departments and really getting ahead too often i think when youre doing a big project you wait to reach out to mta at the end not the way to be doing it all the departments you saw are sitting in meetings monthly at the Department Head or the Department Head level the staff is working with each other and happening more than a year. How does our agency fit informing and all that so weve been at many and sally at some and director bohe at some i dont know all of your staff has been there and that is a little bit different you have an approved project were not negotiating but where the rubber hits the road on the transportation improvements that cross between the india base project north of your project and a lot of back and forth and on the open space we definitely want to work with our staff and have bang to make sure that the open space reads to any average citizen they dont need to go to a different website for a picnic table but to the citizens of the city it should be open space and designed to make sure it welcomes the existing neighborhood and not look at it is for the condo owners or the developers in the new developments those are the things weve talked with our staff i dont know if you guys want to add anything but around the transportation and open space. Okay. Good i was going to ask about the rec and Park Department and how that over laptops with the jurisdiction part. Rec and park has been engaged in this project what were doing is twofold number one started to develop an idea when it is appropriate for them to manage open space and applies to some of the private projects and some of the newer projects that are planned so to speak of specifically purchased nine hundred units in the park in concert with the bay area project their directly involved in ownership of a new park and managing that park i think the odds of the coin we talked about earlier which is how to make sure those open spaces feel public and draw on the resources that rec and park really inheritedly has to do Community Programming and summer camps and all the great programs and how we we reflect on the other parks especially in the two port projects o parks will be owned by the port so what roll in rec and park bringing they expertise in recreation to the new open spaces and so this i think we have not in the shipyards the port project and the private projects nothing has been decided yet but were trying to create a framework so we kind of have various options we did this really well, how can we help to activate those spaces. That sounds like great okay. The other question about the developers youve mentioned a numerous times ive noted when i was reviewing the package about developer negotiations and so clearly some developers that have been selected but not all; right . Well, almost know who they are the two port projects have sleshthd their developers thats the process the Mission Creek across the channel from at t and pier 70 for the forest city theyre the developer and going south from there the former potrero power plant that is on for some time by a company n r g their currently out in public looking for either a Capital Partner or an out right buyer that 20 acres we dont know that is this a piece of land a local developer in hayes valley were negotiating with them thats their land and south from there pg e ounces the pg e power plant and intent to dispose we dont know an alternative developer with the exemption of the n r g folks when they put the property on the market we wanted to see what was buying it we know who wore working with. With regards to Affordable Housing obviously marketrate housing is easy but with respect to Affordable Housing and the comment i agree with making sure that we benefit i will start with the neighborhood weve been talking about the certificate of Preference Program and you know my question really is how or what can we do or might you be thinking to insure we know that commissioner pimentel question as well who is in the neighborhood that essentially, if you will, the target population for the affordable units or folks if not affordable the marketrate folks and what is in process. Let me talk about with we know we dont know everything to be honest but working on that we have made it clear i think the shedding candle stick point is hitting 32 percent right in there the port projects have already nailed down mission rock the pier 70 is hitting thirty percent weve made it clear to the remaining one we need our average 33 based on what we told be around thirty something in there we imagined to be into well and moderate income we want that those are great opportunities we will be working with our private developers theyre all getting up zoning and things we ask asked him about we kick in Public Resources well ask them and push them in the limitations of their performa the neighborhoods preference legislation that was passed by the board so we what are your grandkids know what. Guys did to make this a better place we were talking about these museums and what have i worried the kids and those School District not to go to the museums and see what the historical ill say the mexican museums and the nativeamerican i get upset when i hear about donald trump talking about people coming both to country theyve been in the country we should let the young people know who facilitated for them and who was hear and the pride that they should have for the nativeamericans for the mexicanamerican and the people that have been here and doing things and the museums didnt if we dont have programs in the school i remember in Grammar School we are went to the zoo what have you and some kids thats the original time ive been there and maybe as old as i am and not been interest since we need to get the young kids to see the Afghanistan Museum and the Jewish Museum and have replacement for each culture sorry for taking much of your time thank you. Thank you. Tom last time i spoke the last time i was here commissioner rosales said i was to finish my thought i hadnt heard of that that was a stunner and appreciate that in letting people have finish their thoughts i said before i entered it over here he want 20 percent of new 0 housing for the less in and of itself and mandatory and i said it ill go to the other microphone for the overhead thank you i said before that South Beach Marina apartments was a cavity the overhead over there. Oh, i have to turn around. It is an 80yearold woman on the last day in her apartment she got a 600 rent increase 7 thousand 200 rent theres a year so admiral for the israel couldnt more often this is the south beach apartments; right . A woman when they brought they are child home from the hospital when she was born she went back to the hospital shes been here shes had her baby here then cack and obvious and tells you telegraphy pregnant we held our breath until we saw her push a baby carriage i wasnt able to see her second rent increase the first year was 4 hundred and 96 rent control needs to be here is the second officer in the management at the south Bay Apartments now 20 down the peninsula with santa clara and this past christmas the rob are south bay we didnt have any kids friends he asked his mother did i have any friends i was 20 years old he couldnt remember restore building apartments and i mean you he couldnt remember any childhood friends this is eight and market do we know the information of who is moving into those apartments again are we helping our locals and glad youre hitting on that thank you. Thank you were in Public Comment would you like to comment please. My name is silvia johnson. These apartments that are supposed to be security with the agencies for commission on you know out to say 7 and i do you know admit that i had asked for these people that ranld rajd that the Police Department should be making money off of an those progresses and this is where a lot of our organizations have been really confused in a lot of areas and we need to you know maintain you know this ordinance so that with we can you know make more procedures and businesses in our ordinance because confusion and massive productions is not you know helping many of the businesses here in San Francisco and city hall to maintain you know different progresses in different amounts of money in privilege and our you know economy conversation this is what i was talking about i think that the legal procedures do not you know coordinate right in this department of ours i was talking about with the Police Department. Maam, maam, this is the commission on Investment Infrastructure is this the commission. This is the commission ill talking about. Okay. Okay. I have asked about the you know investigations on my cameras that were preceding in my rural apartments there was postpone everywhere in my room and that day theyve not preceded on that i want to get it as soon as possible thirty minutes and thirty days so the film to the Police Department. Im talking about investigate this. Thank you. Okay. I think we dont have any other cards. Cack information. Call the next item. The next order of business is item 7 report of chair. Madam chair. I dont i dont have a report. The next order of Business Report the report of madam director. Just an amazement as you may know Mission Bay Kids Park is accepted by the city through the department of puc the motorbike families are organizing and Opening Celebration as of july one but were really a Community Celebration hoisted by the motorbike families and the neighborhood is kind of a neighborhood event and commissioners families, and the like are all invited on august 13th from 10 to one that concludes my report. Since a public announcement do i need to ask for Public Comment okay. Thank you next item. Item 9 commissioners questions and matters madam chair. Yes. Commissioner singh has a question of matter. No, i just want to thank oscar james for his comments and i think i agree with him and were just we should be krntd and sit in i dont know, you saw the newspaper this sunday about the amenity of believes that are sinking 18 inch and the roofs to my comments on that. Through the chair the building is within planning jurisdiction not park just as backyard the Planning Department provided the land use approvals for the rezoning district approvals in the Building Department and provided the permitted and immediately adjacent to the Transbay Joint Powers Authority that was the first time ive heard of the matter we certainly will reach out to the colleagues of the Transbay Joint Powers Authority so just some backyard information we have nourther information other than the news article. I think that lots of lawsuits before we approve all that how many stories ago and how should she can built theyre built with a you know steam around the concrete would have been better. I dont know. I dont know anything but you know, i just wanted to i saw in the newspaper you know. That was one of my questions as well do you have a question commissioner. I agree i mean as information just understand the backya background facts or results Going Forward we understand the risks that are potentially available the office of the city administrator only question he had was on a convections policy or concessions person weve talked about a Public Relations office but make sure the conversation are pub communicated ive not in the very good articles on the legal wind on the warriors project and the superior court that was a comment by the warriors understandably and the city were the main defendants and coming from our office emotionally what we shout u thought one example what ive seen so do we have selected or. We have been the approved budget a room for a limited term assignment for a kind of Program Society to help with communications we certainly about go out for a solicitation for a firm for a targeted as needed weve done some initial review and terms the firms are acquit. Large. Yes. So for the needs of organization will be important and opportunity and challenge but we certainly agree that concessions of the successes of this commission and furtherance of the mayors goals are goals your implement on the ground through the long term projects is very important. Were doing excellent work and we have i dont know. I cant comment on this item but for instance, on the cop policy one way of dismatt information people are tracking more id like hood that folks will be informed and engaged exactly. Next order of business item 10 closed session no closed session items and the next order of business is item 11 adjournment madam chair. Yes. The the meeting is adjourned at 2 56 p. M. Thank you. On election day, when you to vote at your local polling place, in San Francisco, the workers, that greet you, check the roster, and give you your boll lot, might a little young, like they could be in high school, this is part of the poll worker program, this provides, every election, with thoun poll workers, how did they become a poll workers, and what is it like being a poll worker as such a young age . Lets meet some poll workers. Hello, i have been a poll worker for about poll workers for 13 years now. Hello, this would bymy my 7th year now. My name is eddie, im 20, im a senior, i will be graduating this may. [music] students dont just show up on election day, theyre recruited and trained by the department of election. [music] we visit to almost all San Francisco high schools, talk to students, in government class, and talk to them about being a poll workers. Students play an important part in poll workers in San Francisco, were going to hire about 1,000 this year, its a great opportunity for them to learn about the democratic process, they also earn a stipend in work, and earn credits. I was excited to see at my high school, to work for the department of elections, we can get extra credit for one of our classes. I was like, i need money, i want to do something for her, my city. I said, hey, why not, it might be cool, i have been an active community person. [music] it gives a real experience that takes the concepts im teaching in class, its real life, its not something that is just in a textbook, its representative of democracy, and direct democracy, all in one day, for the students to interact with the public, it is complicated, there are problems you have to you know deal with these issues as they arise immediately, and come up with a resolution. It was really crazy, and hectic, there were a lot of voters. It gives me experience with helping people and getting to know people, and how to treat people. Being a poll workers, its a cool way to see what life is about beyond school. [music] students must be 16 years of age, get permission from their parents and school, and have a 2. 5 student gpa, to become a poll workers, they also have a two hour training session. Im glad they had training, i had all my questions clarified, so i really prepare you for election day. San francisco is a multicultural, city, with many languages, spoken every day, more than 80 of the precincts. I know spanish, i want to help them. In addition to english, they proviet student voters with spanish, japanese, vietnamese. It does look grade on a resume, theyre interacting with the public, theyre problem volume ving. You have to be responsible what you are doing, you got to work with a partner, team work, its not just about me, its about us. Its kind of a precareer experience, and it can open up doors later in the future to job tunts. You feel more connected to our government for the participation in this program. I see the impact in my students work, i see it in their writing, in group discussions. I just really like the sense of going out there, doing something for the community and being part of the community, helping others voice their opinions, work as a student and be a part of their democratic process of San Francisco. I feel that i did something for my community. When you are a high school poll workers, you are excused in class, you gain so much knowledge in skipping school, its probably one of the best experience i had had, im glad i had it all throw high school. They recruit new student poll workers, through every election, for more information, go to sf elections. Org. [music] [gavel] i will call the world. Commissioner pating, here. Singer, here. Chung be present sanchez, present. Karshmer, present. Second item on the agenda is approval of the minutes of the Health Commission heating of july 6, 2016. Motion to approve second any discussion . Comments . If not, all those in favor say, aye [chorus of ayes]. [closed session] all right, thank you. Item 3 directors report good afternoon commissioners. In your Commission Report today there is a article on the california rate increase in premiums with Health Coverage uncovered California Health Insurance Exchange is vital 13. 2 next. In San Francisco the average increase is about 14. 8 higher than the statewide average. While rates for kaiser, which is largest proportion of San Francisco increase approximately 5. 3 . All other Insurance Plan 12 total doubledigit increase. As you know will be bringing forth to you regarding a project were working on in trying to assist some residence in providing some subsidies to them. Does seek to update the total of eight San Francisco residence of tested positive for the z got by this as of july 20 i would want to diagnose and the last week and just to note all patients contacted the by chris while traveling in countries with the z got virus is circulating. Theyre also continuing to provide information to providers and to the general public regarding the z got update. I want to talk a little bit about arts assisted outpatient treatment update. This is an active program. This is what some people call [inaudible]. Its been a very active program and for the first year of implementation we got 80 referrals to the program. Many of them do not meet the strict Eligibility Criteria outlined in the law but we committed them anyone calling would get a service. We have engaged 19 individuals in voluntary services and filed for court petitions. Most of these referrals made by Family Members in treatment providers which was the real focus for this program was really for Family Members. One Success Story is a case referred by a Family Member in this individual had extensive history of psychiatric crisis in attempting to engage in services. Prior to the referral, mr. White was homeless struggling with Substance Abuse and in 2015 at over 50 context of psychiatric emergency services. With extensive outreach and engagement by a program and extensive intensive Case Management team, i checked on this number is 634 and i checked it twice because i was pretty i just did not know it was true but basically he had one contact in that whole time. So 634 . Decrease in prices contact. Hes currently housed an independent house and i continues to be engaged with Mental Health providers. So, just want to and there. Any other questions you may have around the rest of the report. Any questions . Commissioners, there is a Public Comment request for this item. We can take that first. Because we can take that first. Yes, please be six dr. Kerr . Good afternoon commission. Dr. Derek kerr. Your july 19 meeting was canceled and today dir. Garcias report omits the log of medical staff appointments at laguna honda hospital at that was present in her july canceled reports. In the past this information would be shared at the Laguna Hondas joint conference committee, but no longer. Instead, it is only distributed here far away from the laguna honda community. Unless it vanishes when a meeting is canceled. What is remarkable about the missing laguna honda data is that two members of the medical staff were suspended in july. That is the kind of information that laguna honda administration should disclose to their approximate community to which they are accountable. Laguna honda relevant information should be shared at the laguna honda joint conference committee. Not doing so is a type of concealment that degrades and trivializes the joint conference committee. Thank you very much. Thank you. Any questions or comments on the directors report . Two questions . First of all, thank you for report. Certainly come i read it on paper around the rise in california rates and are alarming so i am concerned. However, i like to ask your thoughts on the impact with with regards to the rising rates on two populations,. One is our own Employee Base in the San Francisco county do dhhs and the second would be if theres any impact on the Health Network or managed medical enrollment. Would this increase in enrollment lower enrollment . Is there any prediction about these rates on those two populations . Some of the network probably can talk on this but weve not seen an impact on this increase could this is on covered california and presently we do not have a contract uncovered california so that has not impacted us did i know it is going to impact the city overall in terms of their negotiations because of these increases. We do not see that until october coming this year. So, thats for december start productive i have not heard ofi know the impact but i have not heard how to impact the budget on that thank you very much. The second thing with regards to the aot the outpatient treatment, i mean the rise of the one client reduction in services six and 30 is quite remarkable. Probably a person that did not want to seek treatment could i hope that we can take let some of the Lessons Learned what i hope will be a narrative of the Lessons Learned and applying some of our other populations that we are having difficulty engaging. Not just those with persistent Mental Health issues that are ending up in services but maybe some of our persistent street base substance users or maybe some of our Homeless Services as were looking at engaging in out reach. I mean theres something audience we are doing right and the aot program. It would be nice to see we can replicate that in some of the other highrisk groups yes. We replicated the work were doing in the department into the aot as well. In terms of looking at our how to utilize this wraparound services. As soon as we do that and we get a Background Service for high users, the costs go down exactly like this individual. Its a matter of the ability to have all the intensive services but it is something we are looking at and you have eight 1150 waiver whole person care model will, and share with you in the next coming months that i think that its the same model as well. But i think absolutely, youre absolutely right in terms of looking at the success. We just have to give a little bit more numbers to see what the real data looks like good right now its been 80 people we have seen. But the tricki mean the real commitment we make to having Family Members to be able to in the past they never have the ability because the status of their child and adult child. With this, this provides them an opportunity to engage in the system to call on their needs they have for their child and were able to respond to that. So, totally agree with you dr. Pating that we can learn from this program and see how this that applicable to other programs i like the idea of learning from the extension of services and wraparound but actually think there may be some subtle lessons in terms of the balance and care to encourage people to use the services so in terms of as much as the aot has some judicial force behind it, you know, what is it about how thats expressed that helps people to engage that previously with the same services and the same outreach maybe did not get engaged . I didnt i hope you will learn lessons how to balance those two ends of the pope absolutely. One program somewhat like that is our Collaborative Court when individuals needing jail and has an opportunity to come into our collaborative crooked as you know proposition 47 has taken that part of it from us in terms of people being arrested for drug use and so it is making a little bit more difficult in our court system but we do have sections for individuals that they come to our court system. It does play out in that manner as well. I had an opportunity to go and spend several hours in a Mental Health court last couple weeks and i was very impressed with the way the judge, the public er, and the District Attorney and our clinicians were working well together for some of our most needy clients. So, i think we can learn from all of these programs that look at are mostly diagnosed individuals in our system and hardtoreach populations. That might be something i like to hear at a later time as an update in breaking. Particularly as one look at the Navigator Centers coming online and perhaps it is those that have someone court involvement. You know the second vehicle quarter extension of the behavioral courts. So, i didnt we are to be looking at an extension of the conservative ship court and were looking with the courts right now on that. We can give you an update in a couple months where we are with that development. We do have some staffing already budgeted that we be happy to provide that update. Great. Thank you very much any other questions . I had one. Dir. Garcia, how many people in San Francisco are getting insurance on covered california . Covered california i do not have that number in front of me. We certainly can follow up with you commissioner on that. I think this we interesting and we should give it some transparency at this level for everyone because this is a very complex situation. With the rate rises. We dont want a community where we have insurers pulling out. Thats not a good answer. We dont have community we can afford insurance. Thats not a good answer. Theres a large proportion of the population thats on covered california. It subsidized. So trying to figure out the exact impact of the rates on which populations other nontrivial exercise but i do think we ought to try and do it to get a handle on what is the impact here of that absolutely. Were working with you shortly on the new program we have outlook set help subsidize some these individual so we could certainly get that data point for you and ill make sure staff gets that when im actually worried about people be around from and to plan as you fall the lowest cost what providers that you go from one provider in one system but next year in changes because of those cost structures and they go to another provider and so you creating this discontinuity because of the changes in funding and fanning thing. It sounds like its going to be affecting less Health Network whether we are affecting us we are community and certainly around the margins we see people moving in and out of medical, into plans come out of plants. So youre going to see a lot of flux i mean to but the thing i know that i think in the past who knows what will be in the future, people tend not to choose the bronze land. They tend to choose the solar plan. And the tension on the one hand, theres this tension of people having it move around planned because the plans change. On the other its engaging the population in their health care in ways which previously people were unengaged. So, i mean, try and balance out the positives and negatives of that. I think it is early in this experiment. We will definitely calendar an update on that for you. All right. Were probably ready for the next agenda item. Sure. Item 4, general Public Comments. Im not received any request for general public, to get other any at this time . We can move on to item 5 which is a report back in the finance and Planning Committee meeting from today. Commissioner chung good afternoon commissioners. The finance and Planning Committee met earlier this afternoon and it was a short meeting

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