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Nay, kim aye, peskin aye, ronen aye, safai nay, sheehy aye, tang nay, yee gentoo breed nay there are four twin one and 710 to nay. Okay. The motion fails. [gavel] with that would someone like to make an alternative motion . Supervisor tending thank you ill make a motion to move forward item 14 and file item 15 and 16. Supervisor tang has made a motion to approve item 14 and table 15 and six and is there a second . Seconded by supervisor farrell. Mme. Clerk, on the motion, please, roll call cohen aye farrell aye fewer aye kim nay peskin nay ronen nay safai aye sheehy nay, tang aye yee aye breed aye. There are seven aye and for nay. Item 14 is approved and i am 15 in 16 our table. [gavel] mme. Clerk lets go to item 22 yes. Item 22 is a resolution to urge the office of the treas. And Tax Collector to convene a Municipal Public Bank task force to increase transparency and equity across the cities financial functions. Supervisor trenton San Francisco thank you very much pretty quickly the item before us as the office of the treasure to convene a Task Force Six point a possibility of pulling together a Municipal Public Bank. The task force will of course be committed to the public process. It is going to be bringing the city, the treasure, the San Francisco residents together to have a substantive conversation about finances and towards implementation developing an Implementation Plan for financial transparency empowerment and innovation. In our city. Ive done a little bit of work with the office of the city treasure as well as a host of advocates in particular, to the cityoffice of the treasure, we will be leaning on some of their insights as well as Financial Experts and the public that we can glean from it we want to push our city not justour city to not just talk about ideals and principles but to ensure were putting our money where our mouth is. So colleagues, i have circulated a amendment to the initial resolution to reflect very thoughtful impact, very thoughtful input, from one of my cosponsors legal sponsor, supervisor fewer to ensure that our task force strikes the right balance ensuring we are incorporating the citizens advocacy and that voice innovation and the demands of its be fans making an investment program. The a moment can be found on page 3, line 2325 and page 4, line 712. I believe that supervisor fewer has a few remarks i think she may have a few questions as well she like to raise. Thank you supervisor cohen before we move forward with the mm and, by the substantive or nonsupportive amendments . Spews of their nonsubstantive armaments okay. Supervisor trenton has made a motion to amend and its the second circulated copy. Supervisor cohen has made a motion to amend. Is there a second . Seconded by supervisor gentry. Supervisor trenton thank you. I also want to knowledge the cosponsors on this initiative. Supervisor fewer, supervisor Brandon Ronen Entergy spews college, take that without objection . Without objection humans passed unanimously [gavel] supervisor fewer its my pleasure to work closely with my colleague supervisor leah cohen to advance idea of a public bank in San Francisco and aligned with cities like Oakland Santa Fe and so many others do we know the situation of San Francisco Municipal Bank is a significant undertaking but we are ready for the challenge. As we San Francisco policymakers discuss issues of Affordable Housing relevant and financing divestment from corporate banks, financing pipelines and fossil fuels, addressing the cannabis industry unmet banking needs, while ensuring low income communities and committees of color have access to capital, all roads point to the creation of a Municipal Bank. There is no social Justice Without economic justice. I know that the taxpayers of San Francisco want to see their tax dollars invested in ways that reflect their vows could a public bank has been discussed for many years in San Francisco. But the time is now to act. I look forward to continuing to work with supervisor cohens office the Treasures Office and others as we pass force gets off the ground and im hopeful the budget and legislative analyst updated Municipal Banking report completed next month can help inform the initial task force discussion. Thank you very much thank you. Seeing no other names on the roster mme. Clerk on the item please call roll call item number 22 as amended cohen aye, farrell 21 fewer 10 one, kim kim tran 110 peskin absent, ronen, aye safai aye sheehy aye, tang aye, yee aye breed aye. There are 10 aye the resolution as amended is adopted unanimously [gavel] mme. Clerk please, read the in memoriam. I have no in the mornings to report okay. Colleagues this brings us to the end of our agenda. Adam clerk is there any further business before us today . That concludes our business for today. We are adjourned. Thank you everyone. [gavel] [adjournment] good morning. This is the budget and finance subcommittee meeting for april 27, and it is 1005. The chair malia cohen, is on her way. She said lets get started so im the vice chair norman yee and to my left is supervisor tang. So, todays clerk is john carol and linda wong, and i want to thank sfgtv for airing or recording this and which will be made available to had public, and want to thank the staff there jesa larsson and leo deosis. Any announcements . Yest. Please silence all cell phones and electronic devices. Speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items will appear on the may 9 board of supervisors ajendsa unless otherwise stated. Okay, could you call item 1 mpt item 1 is resolution authorizing department of Public Health and expend a gift in proxly 664,567 from San Francisco General Hospital foundation to par tis pace in Public Health Community Outreach cam page from february 1, 2017 through january 31, 2019. Okay, thank you. Come on up, and good morning superriser yee and tang. Im rachel caigen and director of communications from Health Department and here to request approval for the 664,567 thousand gift to support Public Health Community Outreach campaign by funding two positions in the Health Department for two years. The positions are patient communication manager and Web Communications manager. Both positions are essential to improve 664567000 gift to support Public Health Community Outreach campaign by funding two positions in the Health Department for two years. The positions are patient communication manager and Web Communications manager. Both positions are essential to improve zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital to attract and retain patients and for patient tooz understand it is part of the San Francisco Health Network and arare of Services Available to them. The San Francisco Health Network is a community oaf top rated clinics and health programs. We connect san franciscans to quality healthcare. My i describe each position briefly, would that be helpful . Yes. The communication manager is responsible for communication and straj ate for network. We serve more than 100 thundershower people such as castro, miz, xhinea tune and Southeast Health sent. The Network Serves about 40 percent the medical market and uninsured jun documented residents. As the city public helt system we provide emergency, trauma, Mental Health and Substance Use care to any san franciscan who needs it. The manager will support the goal squz build a foundation to communicate with current patient squz medical irks medicare and uninsured population and other patients. The manager wim execute methods to help the network find, enroll and serve patients throughout the life time including in primary, specialty and hospital care. Retention of current patients squu traction of new patients are key Network Goals that this position will help to achieve. Reaching these goals allow the network to be a self sustaining as possible. This position the patient communication manager follow oz an year long assignment of [inaudible] who helped to identify the need and to develop the required components of the job. Good morning, supervisor cohen. Thats the first position. The second position that we request support for is sth web communication manager. That position is responsible for developing the overall website and social media vision for the Health Department servicess including network and hospital servicess and manage the implementitation improvement and coordination of these sites. The web communication manager implements project starting with user needs asaysment, design and analysis and moving to testing, marketing implementitation and measurement. Coordinate the strategy of web service in support thf Health Department communication and outreach strategy and Health Network business goal. I do want to point out this position fills a key gap to have a staff member with overall responsibility for the departments internet presence. That would include maintenance, strategy and coordinationment we dont have such a person now, which makes it difficult to be effective in this increasingly important area. So, those are the two positions and i wanted to just make a very brief remark about the Public Healthmunity Outreach Campaign which you may not be familiar with. That campaign is funded by 8 million of a larger 75 million gift from prusilla chan and Mark Zuckerberg to San Francisco zeneral hospital foundation. That gift, the whole 75 million is in a Gift Agreement of february 6, 2015 and within that agreement the 8 million designation for the Public Health outreachsorry, public helths Community Outreach campaign is described. Im happy to read the exert, but one of the goals is feature the high quality and caliber of patient care that zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital provides in order to attract new patient tooz the San Francisco Health Network. So, that is what we believe that these two positions will be slsh essential to help us accomplish and thats what we are asking support for today. A quick question. In regards to the patient Communication Network team i guess, are there sort of bilingual capacity . Yes, all our materials are being produced in english, spanish, chinese and tugolic and provide Language Access in more than 20 languages throughout the network so where additional language servicess are needed in terms of marketing or patient communication we work with that location to insure that is provideds a well. Thank you. I guess ill turn it back over to the chair at this point for Public Comment. Great, thank you for the presentation and thorough. We will go to Public Comment at this time. Ladies and gentlemen, Public Comment is two minutes. You hear a shoft chime indicating 30 seconds remaining. Public comment is open if anyone would like to speak on item one. Public comment is closed. Thank you. Colleagues what would you like to do . Is there a motion . Make a motion to send forth item 1 to full board with positive recommendation. We take that without objection. Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Item 2. Item 2 is ordinance authorizing the Fire Department to accept a grant in 8. 5 million from the federal Emergency Agency for staffing and fire and Emergency Response Grant Program and amending the salary ordinance to reflect flee 6 grant funded Fire Fighters. Today we have mark coursey in the chamber presenting on behalf of the Fire Department. After we hear from you we will hear from the bla. Good morning madam chair, supervisors. Mark corso. We are excited to present the next item which is acceptance of 8. 5 million feema grant. This is second year the dp apartment is awarded the grant, which is great for the department. It coferbs the salary and benefits of 36 mew fire fighter hires including the training cost which is 20 week training academy. Upon graduation from the fire academy, these positions enter our operational staffing workforce and reduce over time. There is no matching requirement what so ever for the grant. The department was able to add to the hiring plan aproouv 3w50id the Mayors Office and the board. The department in the current fiscal year graduated 2 h 2 fire fight Academy Classes and began one last week in april. At the end of the two year grant period, these positions will be absorbed in into our operational staffing model replacing retirements and other pgdss lost to attrition or separation. There were a couple of as noted in the budget Analyst Report, there is a modification submitted changing the performance period from december 2016december 2018. With that, there ulfsest was also due to administrative delays thrfs ret roactive language being inrorpicated into the resolution. This academy was brought on board in december and renely graduated in april. Happy to answer any question youz may have. Thank you, just for clarification observe we get into bla report, this grant funds do not cover Academy Classes, is that right . It covers the cost of the salaries and benefits for the recruits in the class but does not cover equipment, uniform health exam, correct. Thank you. Well pivot to mr. Harvey rose. Madam chair and members of the committee. On page three of our report, the 8 8,533,872 pays for salaries and benefits for 36 h 2 Fire Fighters over a two year period and that is shown in table one. We do recommend you mends the proposed ordinance to reflect the grant award period. December 19, 2016december 18, 2018. And that you approve the proposed ordinance as amended. Thank you. We will take that under advisement. We have a couple questions. Supervisor yee. Thank you, chair cohen. Just curious in regards to the 36 individuals that would be part of the department, was there salary budgeted for this year . It was not, these are additional hires from what was budgeted in the current year. Okay. So, if we had not received a grant then we couldnt hire them . Correct. Okay. Thank you. Thank you, we will go to Public Comment. Ladies and gentlemen, if you like to come and speak on item 2, please come forward. Seeing none recollect Public Comment is closed. Thank you very much. A motion for this item . Ill make a motion to accept the amendments the bla suggested and pass it out with positive recommendation to the full board. Thank you. Well take that without objection. Thank you. Next item. Item 3, resolution authorizing the recreation and Park Department to accept and expand grant in approximately 217 from different Park Alliance to Fund Community events, staff developmenter recreation for fiscal year 2015 and 16. Thank you very much. Supervisor sheehy is the sponsor of the legislation and today we have nathan st. Claire from rec and park to present ft nathan [inaudible] with rec and Park Department Partnership Division and here to present approval of grant from the San Francisco Parks Alliance to Fund Community events, staff development, recreation programming and other activities from fiscal year 2015 16. Over 40 years the San Francisco Park Alliance and predecessor organization supported the rec and Park Department including serving as a fiscal agent. This resolution representings ret roactive approval of the grant made from the department in fiscal year 15 16. These grants supported a variety of programs including Community Events like the four annual seasonal events, activation of civic center plaza, Natural Areas Program including trail restoration. Park volunteer programs, adaptive recreation and much more. The Parks Alliance continues to be a crit clael important partner to the department providing support for many programs. We are very grateful for the Ongoing Partnership and hope you will support approval of the resolution. Thank you. Thank you. Alright. Letsthere is no budget legislative Analyst Report so well go to Public Comment. Anyone like to speak on item 3 . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. A motion . Ill make a motion to send forth had item 3 to full board with positive recommendation. Thank you very much and take that motion without object 6789 item 4 is resolution authorizing the general manager of public utility position to execute 1 planning and Engineering Design agreement between the city and brown and caldwell for total amount not to exceed 154 thousand and extended the term to december 31, 2025. One of my favorite topics, bio solids. Good morning chair colon and supervisors tang and yee. Im cathy how the agistant general manager for infrastructure at pu c. The item you have before you is a vital part of the sewer System Improvement Program. Sewer System Improvement Program is upgrade the infrastructure. Brf i move into the reyested aamendment i want to give backgrounds ochb the bio solid facility at the southeast plant in the bayview. This red line shows the proposed location of the new bio solid facility with the digesters will bebuild built along the raised cal train tracks as far away from the resident as possible and the maintenance buildings will be along gerold avenue. The objectives 06 the project are address aging infrastructure, outidated technology and provide operational reliability. We spent the last few years selecting and kzineing the processes with modern technologies including energy, recovery and odor control in aidation to laying out the facilities that take synchronize to consideration operational maintenance and neighborhoods impacts. The new bio solid facility apply the best available technologies, more efficient and effective treatment processes. For example, well be able it reduce the number of digesters while having the capacity to meet future neesds of the population. The treatment will be improved to allow for more options for use such as land application. Additionally, generate enough Renewable Energy to power the new biosolids facility and lastly, we are most excited achieving the level of Services Goal of limiting odors to within the plants fence line. The bio solids team is work wg the Arts Commission and civic Design Review and this is the conceptualroundering the project designed to bring indust raerks community and environment together in a integrated urban campus the community and sfpu c can take pride in. Here is a high level schedule. A draft eir will be out next month, next week to be specific and we are scheduled to Start Construction august 2018. The 2013 rfp for the project identified two phases of the contract. Phase one consisted of preliminary engineering, which was clearly defined and funded in the contract. Phase two consisted of Detailed Design procurement and Engineering Construction support. For phase two, the rfp stated, the scope of work in phase 2 should be considered as needed until project dlivy methods are select jd performance of the proposer in phase one is evaluated. The 2013 crauckt agreement stated this team would carry design through the 35 percent design phase, help development rfp documents for separate design builder to come on board, and the design builder would finish design and construct the project. And then the consultant would serve as owners representative during construction. Once we reached 35 percent design drawings, the sfpu c analyzed the options for project delivery and concluded the best option formoving forward in the most Cost Effective and time sensitive manner was the cmcg approach. This approach allows the design to proceed semilously without suspension as we wait for certification the Environmental Impact report and acquisition of the proposed project sites while maintaining the same design team for efficiency and continuity. We ask for amendment to had c3isting contract to increase by 73,500,000. For Contract Value of 153,500,000. We are also asking to extend had contract for two years to include support for start up and testing the bio solids facility. The sfpu c apruchb the budget and schedule in fr the project in 2016 and this extension does not change or increase that budget or schedule. If anything, it insures we stay on this approved budget and schedule. The bio solid digester facility project is a flag ship project for the sewer System Improvement Program which is why approving the amendment is critical to the project success. Construction of this project is slated to begin in 2018. Staff is in agreement with the budget Analyst Report and recommendation to approve the proposed rez lose. With that, happy to answer question. Thank you, i appreciate your presentation. I do have a question. I needmy question i heard in the presentation but need you to translate it into every day terms. So, one of the key things you are asking us to do is acknowledge the pu c selected a contract management and general contractor as dlivy method june 2016, i want to know why the original contract amount was based on design and engineering rather than Construction Management and general contractor methodfelt at that time we thought the environmental veview process would go faster so with design brild we could have gotten a contractor and design going sooner, but because the Environmental Review process and Land Acquisition took time, the advantage having design build went away and so we still wanted the contractor on board earlier and then we have worked well with our Design Consultant and so we wanted to also have that continuity. I understand. What is the benefit of having the contractor on early . So, the contractor can help inform us on their means and methods. How they would construct based on the design as the design is progresser so they can interact with the contractor and if the designererize not sure about sequencing of which structure is built first or which equipment is brought in first, the contractor check with the contractor. Okay. And so the additional funds requires the resolution required in the resolution is included in the digester budget, is that correct . Yes, the is included in the budget. It is included in the sewer System Improvement Program, the project budget and also matches the 10 year capital plan. Alright. Thauchck very much for your presentation, we will goat to the budget legislative analyst and hear his thoughts. Yes, madam chair and members of the committee. As the department indicated on page 7 of the report, the contract not to exside amount under the First Amendment increases by 73,500,000. From 80 million to 153,500,000 and the reason for that is because brown and caldwell will provide as the department is indicated more design and engineering to the biosolids digester facility project under the construction manager delivery method rather than the previously anticipated design build project delivery method. These Services Include Design Services up to 100 percent of design completion, rather than 35 percent design completion. Increased engineer support during construct and assist wns the facility start up, testing and commissioning. It wasnt cont plated under the ariblginal contract the scope of work performed would depends on the project delivery method. Table one on page 8 of our report shows the difference in the original brown and caldwell contract of 80 million the pu c selected design build contractor to construct the biosolid digester facility project and that is compare today the proposed First Amendment amount of 153,500,000 in which the sfpu c selects the construction manager general contract to construct the project. We recommend you approve the resolution. Thank you very much. With that, well go to Public Comment. Any member like to talk on item 4, please come up. No one wants to talk about bio solids . Planning, engineering. No, okay Public Comment is closed. Thank you very 34u67. Colleagues, how about a positive recommendation 250 full board. I will make that motion. Motion by made supervisor yee and take that without objection. Thank you. item 5 is resolution declaring intent of the city to reimburse expenditures from boned indebtedness and oughterizing mayor office och housing to debts lim Allocation Committee to permit bonds not to exceed 90 million for 1150 third street. Good morning. Benjamin branen with Community Investment and infrafruc structure. The resolution aul u authorize the application for bond proceeds to pay for construction and Development Cost frz Mission Bay South block 3 east. Affordable housing at 1150 third street in mission bay. China Community Development center and [inaudible] project cosponsors. When completed the project will be a 119 Unit Development housing formally homeless veteran jz low income families. Comprised of 12 studios, 551 bedrooms, 3, 2 bedrooms. Earning no more than 30 percent area income medium or21, 200. Low income are earning no more than 60 percent or 69, 200 for family of 94. Mission bay sauth is a midriseu development on thirfd street between mission rock street to the south and private street to the north. Market Rate Development occupies the western portion of the block 3. The Development Team of cddc request for proposal issued of Community Infrastructure and investment. Thee transactions are conduit finance. We anticipate submitting the application to the california debt limit Allocation Committee this coming may. If awarded the allocation we return to the board of supervisors to approve issuance of bonds. The project is slated to begin construction the fall of the year and complete construction by october 2019 and appreciate your support and look forward seeing you at the Ground Breaking event. This concludes my report and available for questions you may have. Thank you very much. Look forward seeing you at the party too but until then we have work to do. Colleagues, any questions . We will go to Public Comment and see what the public has to say. Any member like to speak on item 5 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Is there a motion . Make a motion to send forward to the full board with positive recommendation. Take that motion without objection. Next item. Item 6 is resolution authing the exercise of option to extend the lease at 1449 webster street with wcpi commercial for economic and Workforce Development Western Addition employment assistance prament for 3 13,000 monthly with increase between 2 and 5 percent with maximum of 157,300 in the first year and adding 1 option to extend the term with the same terms and conditions for additional three year term. President breed is the author of this item we have claudia gorem representing department of real estate and the floor is years. Good morning madam chair, pr visor yee and supervisor tang. The resolution before you extend had existing lease for 3 years at 1449 webster street for the oewd Western Addition neighborhood access point job training center. The three year term coincides with granted funding for the program. This city will continue to have the right to terminate the lease without penalty with 6 months prior notice. The city has leased the property since 2008 for one of the several job training sites across the itisy. It is approximately 3900 square feet of the grund floor space in the multistory apartment building. Rents adjusted to 95 percent of the Fair Market Rent value based on compareable rental spaces, however, since it was below 45 square foot no appraisal was conducted. Theerant will be approximately 40 square foot up from 28 and the city will also continue to may about 2500 in monthly charges mpt the landlord pays water sewer and ref eug. If you have questions regard thg program itself rkts cat daniel is here from the department. Thank you, supervisor tank. Tang. Thank you, i wanted to ask about shrecktive impact and get a understanding how many people go through the organization each year. Obviously it is very Important Service and just wanted to get a sense of that. Thank you supervisor. Success center is operating the neighborhood access point right now and as of 15 16 enrolled 430 participant in Adult Services and 58 in young adult transitional age youth services. That was 143 percent and 97 percent of their target respectively. They placed 231 adults and 28 transitional age youth into unsubsidized employment rbs which was 132 percent and 112 percent of their respective goals. As of the Third Quarter of this program year, they have enrolled 293 adult participants and 72 transitional age youth which is abovethey are meeting more than their targets. Thank you. That is nice to hear. Supervisor yee. In regards to theit is great they are reaching the target, but just curious in term thofz percentage of those that enroll and then versus those that are placed in jobs. It seems like about 50 percent of the other people . The services they offer are very focused on job placement and also placement into training and education pathways particularly with regards to the youth and so many of their participants are also placed into education pathways. Do we have those numbers . No. We didnt bring the numbers of the participants placed into training and education pathways so we only have the job placement numbers today. For those that are placed in education or job training, are they tracked at all to see what happens to them later . They are, yes. So, we track them over a year. All of our neighborhood Access Points are very connected to our sector academies and we track their placements into sectors academies as well as any Training Programs that are offered outside of the workforce system that we procure and fund and we track their credential attainment as well as the skills gain based on assessment prior to that inromment and training and then post to for a year afterwards. And what has the tracking shown in rar to regards to success or is there something you learn from the tracking . So, most but not all of the participants complete training, which is good. I think that ouri can get you the specific numbers. I believe that our overall training complation rate is around between 70 and 80 percent of participants, and generally that does translate into employment post training. We would have to dig into those numbers. I would love to see those numbers. If it is that successful we should need to brag about it. Absolutely. Thank you. Thank you very much. Lets go to the budget legislative analyst to hear his thoughts. Yes, madam chair and members. On page 12 of our report, the red does go up by approximately 35. 2 percent but as the Real Estate Division indicated, it is fair market value and therefore we do recommend that you approve this legislation. I would also opponent out that the on table 2 on page 13 of our report shows the total estimatederant and operating cost of the lease extension by fiscal year and assuming the maximum allowederant increase of 5 percent per year the total rent to be made by the office of economic and Workforce Development is 495, 88 and there is additional operating cost, 93, 191 so a total cost of 589, 079 is over the three year lease extension and recommend approval the resolution. Thank you very much for the recommendation. Well go to Public Comment. Any member like to speak on item 6 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Ill make a motion to pass this item out with positive recommendation to full board. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, next item. Without objection the motion passes. Item 7 is ordinance aminding the administrative code to trandsfer the mu cono Center Garage and perfornling artss garage from Parking Authority to mta. Alright. Thank you. Do we haverafe. The intent behind this is the city identified these two properties as potential sites for development for housing and commercial use, is that right . And yes, that is correct. The two property said under consideration mu conny garage and performing arts garage are property ies already oined by the sfmta that has the benefit and burden of the properties from revenue and cost standpoint but techtually own bide the parking thote of city and county of San Francisco quh is a state agency created in the 1940s. Effective the operation of the Parking Authority and sfmta are merge for the past 30 years but state law precludes the Parking Authority persooging Development Opportunity aside from 100 percent parking use on the property so effectively it is a semantic change flaum ownership of the Parking Authority to the sfmta that allows to explore Development Opportunity on the properties. We are not presenting a specific development at the point. We started to do Due Diligence on the properties but will be consulting with the board of supervisors and with mta 3w0erd as the concepterize finalized. It is prudent to be saccharifiesing a parking garage for housing . Such as pronounced demand for parking . Thats certainly some the balance that we will be evaluating since we dont have a specific Development Concept in mind now. We dont know how that is going to work out at those two praurnt properties. We are looking at parking impacts at mu scono garage and have a consultant looking at parking scenarios 23 we pursue redevelopment at that property. What the impact and parking occupancy and parking performance will be. Do knroi how many unit we are talking about . The mu scony garage is 73,500,0002 space garage and and look at 4 different parking scenarios at decreasing increments. Maximum of 732 to evaluate a potential parking process . That is correct. Both of these projects once we get more fnlized development in place we have to come back before the board for the required revuz. What is the process for this project to go through on the mta commission side . We would bringonce we have the results of the mu scony parking study we will go in front of the policy and guver nns committee and mta board to flnt results of the study. Once it is finalized at the mta it knhs to this body . My understanding is that when we have a Development Concept in place and when we are going through all the discretionary approvals for entitlement and Environmental Review and lease terms we go back before the board of supervise rbs. In the mean time does the garage remain open 1234 absolutely. This doesnt effect garage operation what so ever until we have a Development Concept in place and at that point it is at any potential groundbreaking we would effect garage operation. I should say at the performing arts garage it is a Small Surface lot that we are looking at on the same parcel as the garage ifself but that is at the corner of gough and grove and that is the only portion of the praurnt. Im familiar with that. Supervisor yee and then supervisor tang. So, just going to follow supervisor cohens line of questioning. Once you have Development Concept that would probably include housing, is it to plan for mta to build housing orwhat was the next steps . Essentially what we have done is look at the projects we are working already in the predevelopment phase and work wg partners in the city family. Two projects well into the predevelopment phase one is at the corner of 4th and folsom near the mu scony and the other is upper yard site near balboa park bart station. Thoest projects wree work wg with the Mayors Office of housing and community gement to pursue Development Projects so signed a memorandum of understanding with them, they have a process and routine for procuring development entities, so essentially we are working collaboratively so wree not cutting teeth on projects we havent done but leverage the experience and the expertise of other partners in the city family. With Mayors Office of housing or other departments that might development or work in getting contractors to develop the housing piece of it, is there a necessity to for mta to sell i kness guess sell the building or sell the rights of the building . Im thinking in terms of otherit seems when we transfer things within city departments like pu c we have to pay for the land balboa reservoir. Is that similar to what might happen, or isi guess what imhave anxiety about is okay, we need to transfer it and by the way, now real estate has to pay for it and since mta got it for free, how does it work . Well, essentially we look at this on case by case basis. So we are cognisant it is essentially balancing act. We want to retain val fruthe mta. At mu scony garage it is a praurnt we own so not get thg property for free, it is own bide the mta in all but name only so that property generated about 2. 5 million in revenue that goes back to the the mta so if we pursue a Development Project there and determine 2que789 is feasible we have to be cog nisant of the 2. 5 million generated so want to get something in the same ball park in terms of value back to the property. At the same time we are cognisant of city policy goals and goals for Affordable Housing. That is a reason we are doing this. Two projects we are pursuing currently that i mentioned the upperer yard project, that is a good example where that project was transferred orwill be transferred to the mayors oufs of howing below market. So, woo retrying to work as collaboratively as possible to balance the value and imperative we have as a agency for the property jz balancing the poles goals of the city to make sure we are not adding undo cost to the project. Appreciate your answer. Supervirez tang. Thank you, can you clarify mot sure what you meant by what might potentially be the development portion forper forming arts garage . Sure. That garage is comprised of several parcels. So there is the garage itself, which is 4 or 5 story garage and then at the corner of the north east corner of gough and grove is a Small Surface lot. So any development will have minimal impact on that property because that lot is occupied by 2 hand icapped van spaces and car sharing. Just that little portion that is what we are looking at for this point. Is there thoughts around maybe redoing the existing lot itself, the 4 story . We can look into that. We havent thought through how that would work and how that would interface with this project, but we can certainly talk to your office if you have concerns or thoughts how we can make improvement there. The only thing i observe is because it is in a Civic Center Area with all theit is called the performing arts garage, people from the symphony and ballot and opera and jazz center it is heavily used and congestion in the area so recommend whatever you think about may want to think about the broader impact to the Community Even if you only gep one particular site. In terms of traffic flow. Absolutely. On thatd lot there is ingress and egress and what we heard fraump the Parking Group is we want to preserve that intrns and exist to the parking garage so can take that into consideration. Last question, how did mta decide which garages they want to potentially seek future development on . We are lookingt at a number of properties so not just these. There were are properties who city is city and county of San Francisco and under the mta and that process started with a comprehensive inventory of the Real Estate Holdings done in 2013, the real estate vision report which identified as part the scope of services of that study the property said that were suitable for development or that could be suitable for development. That is a combination of factors ft, it is location, the size of the property, zoning, it is the allowable height in that particular area, it is effecting the current use the property so all those things in combination directed us to the properties we are looking at not just these 2 but the other ones in the predevelopment phase. Thank you. Perhaps im getting ahead of myself but who manages the unit . We would work with the private developer so put the project out to rerequest for proseal and have a private Development Build and manage the property. In the case of Affordable Development that is done in tan 2c78 with mayor afs offense housing. They have subsidy dollars so play role in construction and procurement and management role to make sure the developererizeliving up to their obligations providing Affordable Housing and service and delivery. Im away the sfmta board kw Parking Authority recommended 7 different sites to be transferred but today you bring 2. What was the policy rational to bring 2 . These are the only 2 we are looking rep. Joe atkins this point so it seemed premature to look at the other 5 sites. Those are not really again for all the reasons that i mentioned reasons of zoning and location, the size of the property, those are not seen as particularly promises as potential Development Sites, so really for simplicity sake just to present two at this point as the two in the cohort, the ones that have the greatest potential to be developed. For the folks listening at home, the total list of 7 sites enema cono performing arts, also north beach, polk and bush intersection, General Hospital, surface lot at 2450 california street and lombard street. But you are only recommending the transfer of two and those are the ones before us today. Thank you for your presentation. I think we will go to the budgetsorry, no, we will go to Public Comment. Thank you. Public comment . Yes. Mr. Doug block. Thank you chair cohen and supervisors tang and yee and my apologies i was not prepared to speak on this item today, but i do want to flag that theim representing Teamsters Joint Council 7 and teamsters local 665 represents the parking lot attendance at the Moscone Center where we had staff cuts last year down to about 8 members, but i will say that seeing as we do represent all the workers in all the mtas parking garages and all the citys including most of the private sector ones that we do work very cooperatively with the mta as they select operators to manage the parking garages who are members work for and we look forward in the event that the transfer happens to a very thoughtful process with the mta to make sure that our members come out okay on the other side. Thank you. Thank you very much. Seeing no other member of the public, Public Comment is closed. I have one more question if you could come up. Could you talk about the timeline for the transfer of the remaining properties . The other properties 5. It isnt cont plated atprint. I think if we essentially have a pretty full cohort of potential Development Sites currently so once some of those projects get under Way Developers are selected and Broken Ground on seberal projects we could pivot to other properties under sfmta jurisdiction or Parking Authority ownership to determine whether those are potential Development Sites. But atprint we really dont have timeline for the transfer of those properties so they remain under sfmta ownership and management and technically under Parking Authority ownership. Got it. Thank you very much for answering the questions. Seeing there are no other names on the roster how about a motion . Make a motion to send item 7 to full board with positive recommendation. We take that without objection. Thank you. Next item, please. Item 8 amending the administrative code to create a gift fund fl construction and furnishing of the new Animal Shelter. I know our director of acc will be coming up shortly, but in a nutshet item ailth is establish a new category 8 fund. Thank you Controllers Office for helping administer this new fund mostly to help with construction reconstruction restoring, repairing or improving furnish and equipping a new Animal Shelter that we will be building and very excited about. I will bring director dawn hew to come up and speak to it. But this is pretty basic and gives our Animal Control Department the authority to accept and expend any donations without further action by the board of supervisors. Thank you. Virj virj dawn hew executive director of animal care and control. Supervisor tang explained what it would do but as back ground, now we are in the design phase for the new shelter and expect to begin construction the summer of 2018 assuming the mta is able to move out of the facility on that timeline and this gives us a opportunity to create a environment that is safe, effective and enrich frg the animals and their people. We believe allowing to accept contributions from the community would help insure that the new facility meets all those goals. Do you have any question . Thank you. No. Supervisor tang, any last minute remarks . Just one last remark, there will be a reporting comment so annually the acc will report to the board all the donations received and how they were expended. Those will occur in the first 2 weeks of july. Thank you. We will go to Public Comment. I have 4 cards. First is marybeth [inaudible] ian murray, doug block and dr. Robin hanson. Welcome to you all. Im marybeth [inaudible] resident of ingleicide and support in the acc gift fund. I think we share the goal that the building be safe and dependable thmpt gift fund seems to be a step in the direction of the goal and ask you to support it. Thank you. Ian murphy or doug. Cut the queue. Thank you, deg rr block with Teamsters Joint Council safety representing 100 thousand teamsters in Northern California and 12,000 in city and county of San Francisco including animal care officers at the animal care and control shelter. I want to thank supervisor tang for coming to the aid of teamsters 856 twice in the last year. First for our members at edgewood and now for the gift fund which we strongly support at the shelter. Our members have done a very good job working in the current facility, yet we need to know they are protected and the animals they work with are protected in the event of a emergency a catastrophic earthquake and we know the citys ownerating system said this building is not going to withstand it. So, im here to urge your aye vote and thank you for your support for our members and for the animals and for San Francisco. Thank you, next speaker. Ian murphy is officer animal control officer for animal care and control and also a member of teamsters 856 and shop steward. Thank you for introducing this legislation and being a great advocate for animal jz people who care for them. The integrity of the current shulter is out of date. At risk of personal injury. The building is below acceptable for a city agency. The building rates a 3 on the scoring system of 1 to 3. The building is not seismically safe. In thevent of a disaster it 1 our department insuring the animal population is protected. As it stands the brick and mortar facility and popeal who work will not sur vive a moderate sized earthquake. That you thank you. Im vet in San Francisco. A commissioner on the animal control and Welfare Commission but here on my behalf today. I support any kind of improvements to the animal sholeters and animal control. I see it as a important factor for health and safety keeping animals off the streets that may be carriers for round worm and giardia. Any improvement on that front im in support of. Thank you. Thank you. At this time public is closed. Supervisor tang, any last minute remark snz no, thank you. Thank you for avenue wn coming out and just want to make a motion to send forth the ord noons full board with positive recommendation. Thank you, we take that without objection. Any other business before the body . There is no other business. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned]. Working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change weve been on the edge after all were at the meeting of land and sea worldclass style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the citys Information Technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at San Francisco General Hospital our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support the house Senate Regional wearout system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of San Francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the citys future but for considering a career with the city and county of San Francisco all right, everyone. Starting. The mayor has joined us here. Im excited. Look at all these wonderful advocates here. Thank you forthank you for being here today because we got a groundbreaking earth shattering announcements. Weve got apartment announcements were going to be unveiling. Im honored to stand alongside maj. Ed lee and vice mayor Eddie Campbell washington from oakland. I am also delighted to have my colleague supervisor safai we are one big family. I also want to recognize the leading Public Health experts from ucsf and the Committee Organization and advocates joined us here today. My name is melia cohen member of the board of supervisors to represent southeastern neighbors of bayview Hunters Point potrero hill and visitation valley and today im introducing legislation that prohibits the sale of flavored Tobacco Products in San Francisco. [applause] i am so glad youre just as excited as i am. Now, these products also include all Tobacco Products. Really be clear whether their cigarettes, smokeless, eproducts were anything that is marketed to having added flavor and that does include Menthol Cigarettes. [applause] so needless to say, for too many years Tobacco Industry has got a pass as they have selectively targeted our young adults in the africanamerican community, in the asianpacific Islander Community in the Lgbt Q Community, with products that have deceptively associated with fruit mints and candy. So today, big tobacco loves vulnerable populations. Nationwide, the ever ties 10 times more in black neighborhoods. Thank you. They target marketing of things like gummy bears and cotton candy flavored products near schools to children as well as in the Lgbt Q Community where they experience high levels of stress and discrimination, related to homophobia, they spoke at a rate two times that of straight populations. R. J. Reynolds, you may not know this, rj reynolds was even recently busted for a program called project scum. Let me tell you what scum stands for. Its a horrifying acronym. It means, subculture urban marketing. Where they are systematically and strategically targeting our brothers and sisters in the Lgbt Q Community. Here in San Francisco right here in, in the castro neighborhood. They are also targeting homeless people. There also targeting communities of color. As i mentioned earlier. Big tobacco is a predator and they are guilty of profiling always looking for new customers to backfill the ones that their products have killed. Many of you have seen the commercials with childrenmisidentifying Tobacco Products as candy. Everything from labels to flavors, that these Companies Choose for their products is done with intent and malice. They want to protect their bottom line which can only be maintained by constantly cultivating new users. So big tobacco achieves their bottom line i pushing would be new smokers of flavored products. So flavored Tobacco Products are widely considered to be starter products. Because they taste good. They mask the flavor of tobacco. They make it easier for people topeople experiment with tobacco, to become lifelong users. Now, menthol the main culprit, in particular,cools and numbs the throat making the smoke feel smoother. Making the outcome that this product will be moremaking the outcome more harmful to our health and to the health of anyone that is smoking because we know that Secondhand Smoke kills. Sowe have gathered today to stand up and say that it is time for us to focus on flavor. Restricting the sale of flavored tobacco is vital to ensuring that we give the next generation of fighting chance. A fighting chance of living a healthy full life otherwise cut short by preventable diseases. So lets be clear. Smoking hurts poor people most. Theres no disputing that. People who are below the Poverty Level are also more likely to smoke. They pay a disproportionate amount of their income for the product. They pay exorbitant rates for health care expenses. They get sick and have to pay with a deteriorating quality of life that ultimately ends in a premature death. Like many other people standing up here today, i personally have been affected by this Tobacco Industry i lost my grandmother prematurely to a stage iv emphysema. She smoked for years, cools long Menthol Cigarettes. I remember as a young adult going to the store to buy cartons of cigarettes for her. Because the addiction was so strong. One of her last parting words as she was dying in the hospital was, to remind me of my sisters, never to start smoking. So, needless to say, this legislation is incredibly personal to me. And to every person that stands up here with me. This is a time we are going to stand up and fight for the future generations and stand up and say, no more. Youre not going to let them be victims to predatory marketing. No more will big tobacco[applause]no more will big tobacco be able to sell their flavored products. No more was selling flavored Tobacco Products at a suppressed low price incomes in neighborhoods,. Were not letting them do this anymore. Before i invite up our beloved mayor, ed lee, theres a few people i really want to thank you first, i want to represent and think my staff britney jakarta pulled all of us here together. [applause] that was instrumental in bringing the issue to my attention and offering the legislation and i cant thank her enough. As want to think my Community Partners. Phenomenal professional Healthcare Providers and educators and researchers at the ucsf helendiller family conference of cancer center. Sf initiative for their partnership. Ladies and gentlemen, sfhas been using over a year to educate the public about the imports of ending the sale at all and other flavored Tobacco Products in San Francisco. I am particularly grateful to have dr. Valerie yeager, right here. Basically grateful to have dr. Valerie yeager sister Carol Mcgruder and dr. Phil gardiner for their leadership on this specific issue. Theyve educated me and they let me through this entire process and so its a privilege to stand and carry this legislation today. Without further ado, you will hear from mayor ed lee by supervisor safai representing district 11 kit will hear from the oakland vice mayor and district 4 Councilmember Andy campbell washington followed by dr. Valerie yeager, dr. Thomasdr. Stan glenn, dr. Jonathan butler, Carol Mcgruder, and last but not least we will hear a voice from our future latosha turner. A. K. A. The 6 foot poet whose going to close out our event. So, stay with us. [applause] thank you. Please, put your hands together and welcome mayor lee. [applause] thank you. Isnt she a wonderful leader . Supervisor melia cohen. [applause] thank you for sharing again with us not only personal stories but facts. I am glad again to join supervisor cohen and safai and the rest of the good natured and goodhearted factually based supervisors [laughing] who are joining our Health Experts and other advocates to make sure that this really bad word, it really is. Its addiction. Thats what supervisor cohen is talking about. Its addiction to Tobacco Products and that is why they flavor it. They are getting to the kids. They are trying to get vulnerable populations hooked. Its not one cigarette like somebody might say, or trying something out. It is being hooked that brings in the prophet that continues the deep advertisements into vulnerable communities. I want to sing about these doctors these medical professionals with us. Either you listen to them now where you listen to them later when they are treating you at 10 times the expense with your life at stake. Listen to them now. Because they can have the foresight of many cases that we already know to be the truth. If you are hooked, if you are are addicted, its going to be too late. All of us family loving resident loving people of San Francisco and the bay area one our communities to be healthier. You are the heroes because youre pointing out something before it happens. You are helping us look around the obvious corner that if we dont do something for ourselves, to keep our communities and families safer and healthier, it will be too late. We dont want that too late to be our mantra. We want to have a attack this thing that we already know it happens that we dont want it to happen to anybody else. So weve got to tell the stories. As horrible and wrenching as they are, are not open to the truth, were not going to ever get to the truth. This is about piercing the menthol veil, the candy veil, the false avail of advertising and i will be really glad when this approaches my desk. Ill be signing it with eager, eager anticipation it thank you for all your work here. [applause] thank you mayor. Thank you mr. Mayor. What a wonderful morning it is for the sky to part and the sun to shine on us on such a wonderful piece of legislation. I am really really truly honored and humbled to be here this morning. Im not only a colleague of supervisor cohen but i consider a dear friend ive known her for 14 years. Her leadership on this issue is phenomenally important. I just say to you, and i know we said this on the day we were sworn in, what a difference it makes when we have a female lead female majority board of supervisors its these kind of issues that come to the forefront. So lets not that be mistaken. [applause] i am happy to stan here in solidarity with her and cosponsor this piece of legislation. But i want to add a couple of little facts i think are really important to think about. The flavored Tobacco Products that are meant to attract our youth, and disproportionally target communities of color and African Americans in particular, as it pertains to the menthol industry, and the thing is, they must think we are stupid. Because they try to deny the facts. Every piece of marketing, every piece of positioning, where it is sold, the proximity it is always targeting youth and communities of color. And low income kidneys. So lets be clear about that. In San Francisco,our california retailers and here in the city, 70 of our retailers that sell tobacco are located within 1000 feet of schools. Thats not a coincidence. Let me say that again. 70 are within 1000 feet of our schools. So they know what they were doing when they sell flavor and bubblegumand all the Different Things like that and then the disproportionate marketing of menthol to africanamericans and one study in the findings of the legislation that supervisor cohen put forward, 82 of users that identified using mental or africanamericans. That is a travesty. That is a travesty. So we know that the flavored tobacco is considered a graduation strategy is way to hook our youth. Bring them into addiction and then their consumerbased grows. As much as they like to talk about saying that theyre trying to be more helpful in marketing and letting people know about the bad effects of this product and the other hand committed to an aggressive marketing to youth and committees of color. So im just going to be brief. I would just say this personally, supervisor cohen said, i grew up in a household that every other day i was going to the store to buy cigarettes. Finally, when i was 12 years old i said to my mother, i said, mom, i dont believe in tobacco. Im going to tellsteve was my stepfatherim going to tell steve im not going to the store to buy tobacco anymore. She said well i support you on that. But i still had to sit there as many families do, breathing in smoke and Secondhand Smoke this is even before we knew about that for me it is personal, too. Because children disproportionally bear the brunt of the Tobacco Industry. So ive two young kids here today. Im proud to say that im a cosponsor on this and i stand by supervisor cohen and mayor lee every step of the way. Tank you very much. [applause] thank you very much. I want to introduce next the speaker, the city of oakland vice mayor district 4 Annie Campbell washington whos been an incredible resource and inspiration to work with her. Not only on this issue, incredibly important issue, but you may recall we were successful last november with passing the sugary beverage tax measure. This was the woman that held it down in the city of oakland who is going to be discussing legislation that similar legislation she would bring forward in oakland. [applause] thank you so much supervisor melia tran and im honored to be here with you today with a dynamic duo. We first took on big soda in succeeded in our take on big tobacco together. I coauthored legislation that will bring in ford on may 9 to the Life Enrichment Committee with City Council President in Oakland Larry b. You talk about a personal story. He will have his own personal story to share when we bring it forward in oakland. This touches us all deeply. As a mother, of a former school board member, i feel its unconscionable for us to not act as adults when we know that there is a product killing our children being targeted to our children, being targeted to our africanamerican committees animals of honorable communities. We have allowed big tobacco to target our most vulnerable communities with impunity. With today, that will stop. Open demands the big tobacco sees it decade of profiling africanamerican and low income communities. Our open legislation does the same. It focuses on the products that are specifically manufactured and marketed to appeal to young people. Flavor, with candy, with fruit flavors. Specifically, we are banning Menthol Cigarettes in oakland. [applause]. Although the manufacturing and distribution of flavored cigarettes is been by federal law, neither federal nor California Law restrict sales of flavored noncigarette Tobacco Products and our legislation is groundbreaking for this reason. We are banning Menthol Cigarettes. I just had to say it again. [laughing]. I want to say to to facts about oakland. Because im here to speak about the legislation were bringing 40 in oakland. Among Oakland Unified School district students, 70 of 11th grade tobacco smokers reported starting between the ages of 11 and 17. Ecigarette use tripled nationwide among High School Youth from 20132014 and now has reached 27 among Oakland Unified School district 11th graders. According to our California Health kidshealthy kids survey in 2015, over half of 11th graders at Oakland Unified School district believe it is very easy to obtain cigarettes. In a survey of 300 stores in alameda county, 87 sold candy mint and liquor flavored Tobacco Products and were located within 1000 feet of a school. I am thrilled to be here today. I am thrilled thank you so much meliacohen and mayor ed lee for allowing me to be and i want to thank valerie eager for your leadership your expertise and most of all i want to thank [inaudible] for my office who has just been amazing and putting this legislation together. It served as a model to other cities. I am thrilled that we can join this movement of cities working to stop big tobacco from targeting her most of honorable communities. Cities must lead when the federal government is silent and complicit. Thank you. [applause] thank you mdm. Vice mayor. The next speaker will be dr. Valerie yoder from ucsf. Yeager. I know there is a lot of excitement about San Franciscos citywide menthol and flavor ordinance and believe me, this has been a long time coming. I want to thank melia cohen, wonderful supervisor here in the city of San Francisco. Mayor ed lee for his leadership as well and i also want to thank and you will have a chance to hear from my colleagues at uc San Francisco, they are the reason we are able to do this work here in San Francisco so thank you San Francisco. You know as the fda had already taken action to protect some of the countries youth by banning candy and fruit flavored cigarettes africanamerican children and other children of color benefit from no such protection. As Menthol Cigarettes, which are smoked, by up to 95 of black adolescent smokers, received the protected status. For almost a decade some of us have been working really hard to repair this morally wrong and inequity. That was done at the federal level where only some children are the beneficiaries of a federal policy intended to protect all. Though the prevalence of smoking in the United States has decreased, smoking rates among some of San Franciscos most vulnerable populations remain high. This is why San Francisco ordinance is local, Public Health policy at its best. It is responsive to the Scientific Evidence that has been accumulating for over a decade against the Tobacco Industrys Menthol Cigarettes. Evidence showing that menthol plays an Important Role in Youth Smoking initiation and keeping an established smoker smoking and making it extremely difficult for smoker who wants to quit to do so. This evidence is documented in peerreviewed studies published in prestigious journals. Such as tobaccottobacco addiction nicotine and tobacco research, the american journal of Public Health and the journal of the American Medical Association to name just a few. We have major reports from the fda on Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory committee, from the California Medical Association and from the world health organization, all of which, call attention to the critical concern that Menthol Cigarettes threaten Public Health. Menthol is not just about taste. As the Tobacco Industry would have us believe. Menthol has an intimate relationship with nicotine making Tobacco Products both attractive to youth and addictive at the same time. Maybe not everyone, every group, has a problem with menthol but the most socially and economically vulnerable of us do. In california where we have some of the lowest smoking rates in the nation we find disparities in the use of Menthol Cigarettes and other flavored Tobacco Products. The Tobacco Industrys aggressive menthol wars where Big Tobacco Companies fought to completeto compete for the menthol market to place in low income africanamerican neighborhoods where menthol advertisements have become part of the norm of every day living for children. Whereas, the proportion of black students in a school rises so does the proportion of menthol advertisements in schoolin stores near the schools. Finally, we have an ordinance that is responsive to the community. Where major black organizations such as Delta Sigma Theta sorority inc. And the National Association for the advancement of colored people, who at their National Level have adopted resolutions against again calling for action against flavored Tobacco Products and or Menthol Cigarettes. [applause] thank god, the city and county of San Francisco have the heart, the soul, and the guts to take a bold innovative step towards regulating Menthol Cigarettes and other flavored Tobacco Products by restricting the sale of these product citywide. Finally,we can put the lives of our children, especially our children who are already struggling with social economic and environmental challenges, above the prophets that are going into the pockets of a industry of adjudicative racketeers. [applause] thank you. One of our Community Partners i want to recognize also is the chief of police. Chief bill scott, right here. [applause] he is leading and organizing the San Francisco Police Department thats conducted numerous sting operations that are found retailers guilty of selling Tobacco Products to underage youth. Thank you very much for being a partner in crime. [laughing] our partner in solving crimes. [laughing] thank you. You know what i meant. [laughing] okay, with that said, i like to bring up another friend of ours in the Health Community dr. Thomas aragonfrom the cps Health Office of dr. Aragon, thank you. [applause] good morning everyone. So for me this is a day of a lot of pride. I was born and raised in San Francisco, grew up here and you see the city to be the first one to do this, thank you so much. Im so excited. [applause] i want to tell you quickly a story. One thing to realize is that this affects all of us. My parents immigrated from Central America in the 1950s. I remember like it was yesterday, the day that my mom said she felt some lumps in her neck. I touch those lumps. By the time i had already completed half of my Residency Training at ucsf and i knew those lumps in her neck were not good news. What i did not realize is that it turned out to be lung cancer. The only exposure she had was Secondhand Smoke. Okay . So one thing to realizeis this affects all of us. Whether it is directly or Secondhand Smoke. We know today that nine out of 10 lung cancers are caused by tobacco. We know that three out ofthree out of 10 all of all cancers are related to tobacco. We know that eight out of 10 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is emphysema, is caused by tobacco. We know that three out of every 10 that of a heart attack are caused by tobacco. So we are surrounded by the burden of disease from tobacco. While we have made a lot of progress in reducing the prevalence of the use of tobacco, we still have a long way to go. We have scientists on the industry side to engineer, who design, these products to be addictive. Because they lose their markets through people like my mom who passed away, they have to recruit a new generation and so these products are engineered and designed to make people addicted and they start with the youngest because they know that if you reap the developing brain and start early those can be lifelong addictions. Now, the last point i want to make it where weve made progress in San Francisco and we want to continue to make progress, one of our tools in Public Health is not just protecting clean air but also preserving the social norms that we built over decades about making smoking uncool. The thing not to do. We have to continue to maintain clean air and the social norm. Because other industries are going to come along and be promoting it. We dont want that to change. So thats what Public Health is really about. Public health is about preventing this. So that we dont spend all this money on treatment on people who are addicted and its very hard to get them off. Again, i want to thank supervisor melia cohen mayor lee,uc San Francisco, everybody San Francisco tobacco free coalition, derek smith, all the youth thats actually out there doing all this incredible work. Thank you. [applause] next, will hear from dr. Stan glantz from ucsf. [applause] well its a real pleasure to be here. For the tv cameras, make sure you get a picture of that. The basket is not candy. Its addictive poisonous Tobacco Products. Thats what this ordinance is about. I have been at this for a very long time. I remember being here in 1983 when San Francisco passed its Clean Indoor Air law. Tobacco company sued. They forced a referendum on it and it stood. San francisco, again, is moving into a huge position of leadership with supervisor cohens ordinance. This the first place in the country that is putting in an absolute bombproof ban on flavored Tobacco Products. [applause] and, as valerie your gutter said, this is something the fda should have done a long time ago and hasnt. Just like Everything Else in tobacco the leadership has always come from the Community Level and its often come from San Franciscoand it is really gratifying to see that happen again. I am also very gratified to work with my colleagues at ucsf been working actively to our San Francisco cancer center, sfcans program to take all the research which has been done which often can just sit off in an ivory tower somewhere and take it to the community, and take it to the streets, educate people about what we know and that built the Foundation Upon which this tremendously important piece of legislation sets. I can pledge to you that we are going to be here doing everything we canto help you with this science for as long as you need it. Thank you for doing this. [applause] next, will hear from dr. Jonathan butler a medical professional at ucsf as well as a representative from the naacp. [applause] good morning. Today the naacps mission is to make sure the political education social and economic equality of all persons in aluminate hatred and dissemination and the foundation and enjoyment of all such rights begins with healthy individuals and healthy communities. [applause]. So the naacp is committed to the health and wellbeing of africanamericans in particular, concernedabout preventing tobacco use among youth. As a social epidemiologist, i know that tobacco related deaths continue to be the number one preventable cause of death claiming 47,000 africanamerican lives a year. Tobacco related deaths continue to claim more lives than violence, car accidents, and nontobacco related cancers combined. The Tobacco Industry has a welldocumented history of developing and marketing brands targeted to africanamericans and their use and the Tobacco Industry manipulated the manufacturing of cigarettes to ensure the uptake and continued use of tobacco. Especially, by africanamericansafricanameric an young people and other vulnerable populations. The Tobacco Industry has perniciously targeted africanamericans with mentholated products and as a result, nearly 83 of africanamerican smokers smoke Menthol Cigarettes compared to 24 of white smokers. Again, let me reiterate, the foundationand enjoyment of all political Educational Social and economic equality rights, of all persons, begins with healthy individuals and healthy communities. Thus, the naacp is in support of efforts to restrict the sale of Menthol Cigarettes and other flavored Tobacco Products because it impacts our africanamerican community. Thank you. [applause] thank you dr. Butler. The next woman i would like to bring up any juice to you is ms. Carol mcgruder. She is a representative from the africanamerican Tobacco Control Leadership Council. [applause]. Good morning i am so overwhelmingly happy and excited to reach this date. Im Carol Mcgruder africanamerican Leadership Council and myself along with dr. Philip gardner, who cannot be with us today, and dr. Valerie your guard, weve been crisscrossing this country ever since the fda was given the authority tobut done nothing about menthol in flavored Tobacco Products. I want to say,i am a proud daughter of bayview Hunters Point. I no longer live in the city, but i grew up there. [applause]. Growing up there was not easy. I voluntarily bust myself with a phony address to George Washington high schooltaking an hour and have bus ride each way to go to a good high school. I walked past Liquor Stores and my grandmother was when the first africanamericans to buy in bayview so i remember command to visit as a child clean it was. Adaline stone the building hurt my eyes because they were so sparkly. Seen, over the years, things like redlining, which prevents businesses from getting business loans, seeing the Safeway Stores and all their expired to be sold at the safeway that was on williams, thats what i grew up with at bayview. So what does that have to do with tobacco . It has everything to do with tobacco because while we try to send our children to get them home and back safe every day, the Tobacco Industry is there. Beating that drum. While we are worried about our boys killing each other or being killed by the police, the Tobacco Industries there beating a drum. Its our number one killer. Killing more than Everything Else and ive worked on every issue but i worked on a few to work on black infant mortality but tobacco remains the number one killer black people in the Tobacco Industries but the silence hereto for our leaders but that its a new day with the National Association for the advancement of colored people coming on board. Our oldest and boldest Civil Rights Organization in the United States of america with Delta Sigma Theta. So the Tobacco Industry is no longer able to manipulate our leadership the way that it has. Theyre no longer able to buy our press the way it has. We stand with you proudly melia. This is going to be a fight and we are ready for it because we will not have another generationof our children succumbing to the addiction addiction is about access and its about brain chemistry theres no race of people who are more susceptible to become addicts. Its about this industry having access to our children to our community for decades of giving away free Tobacco Products on newport like they did to marie evans in boston when she was nine years old addicting or 13. Then at 54would be what my age right now if she had left. Its what we are standing up to them that the police chief is here. Please, come. Sorry to put you on the spot. [applause]. There are entities in this country who are being paid for by American Tobacco formally the makers of newport cigarettes were claiming what were doing is criminalizing our people. The criminals are the Tobacco Industry. Federally adjudicated racketeers. Will be working with our Police Across this country. This is not about criminalizing black men who are smoking a cigarette at the bus stop as ive been told. This about getting in the income stream of the 3. 3 billion that black people in this country spend with something that kills half of the people who use it. So im so happy to see you. I will be getting to know you better and we will be working this together and setting as a model of enforcement of how it works. So that these products are out of our neighborhoods. Thank you. [applause] all right. As we close out our speaking program ive a treat for you. I want to introduce to you a woman by the name of latosha turner. She is also known as the 6 foot poet who comes and closeout. Please, put your hands together and welcome latosha. [applause] how are you doing . Okay. So this letter is for the ceo. [inaudible] the doctor of tobacco. Thank you. Thank you for taking my mother away from me. Thank you for diminishing her time with me. Thank you for creatingthe cancercausing lung collapsing aging in a box of a disease. Thank you. No, you do not physically killer you killed my time with her. Are you created this disease, this cancer in a stick that caused her to get hooked to it, so thank you. As a child i do not understand why my mother would rather stand outside with a cigarette in her hand and set it inside with meplaying candyland. See, my mother always had a smoke in her hand instead of holding my hand so, thank you. Thank you mr. Ceo the [inaudible] of the brain the doctor of tobacco. How could you say that tobacco doesnt kill . Also that you can make a dollar bill. How could you say that tobacco does not kill when it contains things like ammonia and Carbon Monoxide . See, i can play my mother because you created her lover and ever since she got in bed with it her life has been over with. But now i must speak up. I must be her voice. Mr. Ceo, my mother also died both of her lungs collapsed and the doctor thought that was going to be able to bring her back. But my god, a greater plans then back. See, i spent many nights beside her hospital bed where i tried all because you like it how could you say that tobacco doesnt kill . Then youre not caring because you said its our free will. But in my neighborhood, ive seen to find more billboards, marketing towards my kind. To me, thats a sign because there are 10 times more signs targeting my kind and how come you not see this unless youre legally blind, but i can see quite find it i see that you are trying to kill off my kind. See, my mothers lungs are clear and by the grace of god, she is still here. After being a chain smoker for almost 20 years, she has not touched a cigarette in about four years. Two strokes and two heart attacks i have you to thank for that. See, my mother will never be the same and i you to blame. But i will love her either way but now i must speak up yet i must be her voice and i must say, no thank you mr. Ceo. The doctor of tobacco. I will pass because tobacco kills could it kills about 1300 people a day targeting our teens at an alarming rate. The most preventable expense of death in an alarming rate and determining our teens fate. And giving them an early expiration date. So, the doctor, mr. Ceo, i will continue to educate and speak up for my people and we say, no. To tobacco. Because tobacco can kill you. Thank you. [applause] with that, ladies and gentlemen, thank you. All right. [applause] gentlemen good afternoon i want to welcome you back to the committee and this is the regular meeting of the budget and finance committee. This is supervisor cohen i am the chair of the

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