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Mark cuban, now Warren Buffett is taking his best shots at trump, even issuing him a challenge, manno a mano. And home groan zika infections on the rise. A Health Warning for pregnant women in south florida and across the nation. It is 5 00 a. M. On the west coast, 2 00 a. M. Out west, this is way too early. Good morning, it is tuesday, august 2nd. Im chris jansing. The president ial nominees have launched a turf war over the same territory as donald trump steered his campaign back to the midwest yesterday, doing his best to sidestep controversy stirred when he said the father of a killed in action u. S. Army captain had no right to criticize him. Trump campaigned in ohio and pennsylvania, where he focused his attack on Hillary Clinton. Worried over election tampering, and promised to restore manufacturing jobs. They call it the rust belt for a reason. Because everythings rusting and rotting. You lost your jobs. Theyre moving to mexico. And were going to renegotiate. If you want, unless you dont want to do this, were going to renegotiate nafta. The other day i saw Hillary Clinton saying, First Time Ever we are going to start renegotiating our trade deals. Thats been me for years. Thats been me. Im afraid the elections going to be rigged, i have to be honest. Because i think my side was rigged if i didnt win by massive landslides, i mean think of what we won in new york and indiana, california, 78 . When they showed bernie very angry, theyre talking about bernie, because he made a bad deal. He should have nominated once he made that deal and believe me he has buyers remorse, you know. This guy has buyers remorse. He looked at that and he was so angry when they were talking about him, and his people are angry at him, and they should be. If he would have just not done anything, just go home, go to sleep, relax, he would have been a hero. But he made a deal with the devil. Shes the devil. He made a deal with the devil. Really. Trump continues to face growing back lash after criticizing the parents of a u. S. Soldier killed in iraq. According to Reuters Trump campaign sent an email to senator senate aides yesterday with talking points that lawmakers could use to try to tamp down the controversy. But at this point a number of republican lawmakers and veterans groups have already condemned trumps attacks against khizr and ghazala khan. And trump, once again, isnt offering any apologies. I was very viciously attacked, as you know, on the stage, and i was surprised to see it, and so all i did, i have great honor and great feeling for his son, mr. Khans son, but and you know as far as im concerned hes a hero, but horrible things were said about me. I think it was, frankly, very tough. So all i did is respond. And i will always respond. You did call this mans son a hero, did you not . Yes, i did, absolutely. Whenever you have the gold star families, whenever you have, you know, what you and i have discussed in the past, i mean, these are great people, great families, frankly. I can say this, if i was president , because his son died twelve years ago, if i were president his son wouldnt have died because i wouldnt have been in the war if i was president back then. There would have been no war for iraq i can tell you that because i think its ridiculous, the whole thing. Trumps Vice President ial running mate mike pence was also dragged into the controversy. During an event in nevada last night he was asked this question by the mother of an active air force staff sergeant. Time and time again, trump has disrespected our Nations Armed forces and veterans, and has disrespect for mr. Khan and his family is just an example of that. Will there ever be a point in time when youre able to look at trump in the eye and tell him enough is enough. Do you have a son in the military its okay. How do you tolerate his disrespect . Well, i thank you for the question. Its all right. Its all right. Folks, thats what freedom looks like, and thats what freedom sounds like. After quieting the jeers, pence went on to call captain khan on american hero. Meanwhile South Carolina governor nikki haley jumped to the khan familys defense yesterday saying they have the standing to say whatever they want in the political process and should not face criticism for it. Arizona senator john mccain also rebuked trumps comments, but mccain, like many others, has not drawn his support withdrawn his support of trump. I still support the nominee of the party. And ill tell you what, when any time from now on, when that question is asked, if i change my mind, ill let you know. Okay . President obama also weighed in on the controversy, albeit indirectly, while addressing the convention of disabled american veterans, the commander in chief praised the strength of the u. S. Military while defending the honor of those who have lost loved once in war. As commander in chief im pretty tired of some folks trash talking americas military and troops. No one, no one has given more for our freedom and our security than our gold star families. Michelle and i have spent countless hours with them. We have grieved with them. Theres a reason why last week in philadelphia i was humbled to be introduced by sharon belcafor from ohio a gold star mom whose son tom, a Lieutenant Colonel in the army, gave his life in afghanistan. I requested sharon to introduce me. Because i understood that our gold star families have made a sacrifice that most of us cannot even begin to imagine. They represent the very best of our country. They continue to inspire us every day, every moment. They serve as a powerful reminder of the true strength of america. We have to do everything we can for those families. And honor them. And be humbled by them. Billionaire investor Warren Buffett is throwing his two cents into the controversy. Before introducing Hillary Clinton at a Campaign Rally in omaha, nebraska, yesterday, buffett invoked joseph welchs question during the 1954 mccarthy hearings when discussing trumps claims of sacrifice. Weve both done extremely well during this period, and our families havent sacrificed anything, and donald trump and i havent sacrificed anything. But how in the world can you stand up to a couple of parents whove lost a son, and talk about sacrificing because you were building a bunch of buildings . I ask donald trump, have you no sense of decency, sir . Buffett also criticized trump for his refusal to release his tax returns because, as trump claims, theyre being audited. Now ive got news for him, im under audit, too. And i would be delighted to meet him any place, any time, between now and election, ill bring my tax returns, he can bring his tax return, nobodys going to arrest us, it is not there are no rules against showing your tax returns, and just let people ask us questions about the items that are on there. While donald trump avoided the topic of the khans on the trail it still came up on Others Campaign trails. Republican paul nehlen challenging paul ryan next week slammed the speaker for allegedly misrepresenting trumps position. He also took to his campaign reb scythe to contend that captain khans parents chose to politicize the death of their son, and that Trumps Solutions are commonsense. The republican nominee tweeted his thanks to nehlen for your kind words yesterday with nehlen responding, my pleasure, sir, just want to make America Great again. A spokesman for speaker ryan replied, quote, rather than engage in a back and forth the speaker is going to remain focused entirely on ensuring we deliver strong republican majorities this fall. Meanwhile wisconsin media is reporting that the Trump Campaign is planning a rally in green bay on friday, just four days before that primary. And trump is taking more swipes at his latest political target local fire marshals. Speaking to reporters yesterday before his rally in columbus, ohio, trump accused the city of turning away thousands without cause. I just want to tell you weve had thousands of people outside, thousands, they were turned away by for political reasons, purely for political reasons, they said in this massive building youre not allowed to have any more than 1,000 people. And thats nonsense. We could have had four, five, 6,000 people. Theyve all been turned away. You saw them, thats a disgrace. Thats for political reasons. They were turned away, and thats too bad. So we have 1,000 people in there. They wont allow any more. The fire marshal said hes not allowed to allow any more, even though the building holds many thousands of people. So i just want to tell you that. Thats politics at its lowest. You ought to check it out. But its really politics at its lowest. Now those comments echo trumps criticism of Colorado Springs fire marshal who also said he turned away people from an event on friday due to capacity restrictions. We have thousands of people in a room next door. We have plenty of space here. We have thousands of people outside trying to get in, and we have a fire marshal that said oh, we cant allow more people. The reason they wont let them is because they dont know what the hell theyre doing, thats why. Too bad. Thats why our country has from hey, maybe theyre a hillary person. Could that be possible . Probably. Now by the time the republican nominee took the stage last night in pennsylvania, trump barely able to hold back a grin, praise the fire marshal there. And let me give you a Little Something else. They sent away and this is sad, they sent away over 5,000 people outside. And look at this place. I want to thank the fire marshal because obviously we have a great fire marshal here. By the way, the Colorado Springs fire marshal has responded saying it is unfortunate that Trumps Campaign would question our judgment, expect us to break the law, or waiver from our commission to protect our community. Meantime zika is spreading in southern florida and now Health Officials are warning pregnant women there to avoid the hardest hit area. According to the cdc women of the area expecting should sheer clear of that area just north of downtown miami. There have been 14 cases of zika spread by mosquitoes. Its linked to devastating birth defects across latin america. Now federal Health Officials say all pregnant women across the u. S. Should be assessed for possible exposure during each prenatal appointment. There are new details this morning about the man who was piloting a hot air balloon that crashed in texas over the weekend. Killing himself and 15 others on board. According to Court Documents, Alfred Nichols had a record that included arrest for dui and drug, however an exgirlfriend said he had been sober for years. One Court Documents says nichols drivers license was suspended until 20 to. It appears none of this may have been disclosed to the faa because of a loophole in balloon pilot licensing rules. Officials have not determined if pilot error was involved. But are now working to piece together what happened through cell phones recovered from the scene. A preliminary report by the ntsb says the balloon appeared to be preparing to land when it hit those high tension power lines, caught fire, and crashed to the ground. Yesterday, family members of the victims visited the crash site to pay their respects. Leaving behind a makeshift memorial. Saturdays crash was the deadliest hot air balloon accident in u. S. History. Still to come on way too early, former new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg just endorsed the democrat for president but well tell you which republican hes also backing in the 2016 election. Plus it looked like a wave of water that came out of nowhere and was up to the doors on the car and started pushing the car away. And my sister screamed, we need to get out of here now a maryland man who lost his sister in that deadly flooding over the weekend talking about the moment disaster struck. Well have the latest on the recovery, and a check of the forecast ahead. When way too early comes right back. Be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Most people using stelara® saw 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. vonutritional needs. Dogs all in one. Purina one. Healthy energy, and a taste he loves. Purina one smartblend is expertly blended. With always real meat 1. All in one. Purina one. Try cool mint zantac. Hey, need fast heartburn relief . It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. Welcome back to way too early. The flash flooding in maryland we showed you yesterday is being called a one in a thousand year event. The cleanup, daunting. But officials and the people who live in Ellicott City are vowing to rebuild. A catastrophic storm turned the downtown into a rushing river this weekend, leaving two people dead, cars overturned, streets ripped apart, and businesses destroyed. The way they banded together with their wits and their brains and so on, each neighbor helping the other neighbor to get out of the way, or to get to higher landing. So, with their bravery and determination, and our will to help, well be able to help rebuild Ellicott City. On monday some business and homeowners were allowed to survey the damage. Tens of millions of dollars worth, all tolled. Maryland officials are seeking federal funding to help with the recovery effort. Now lets get a check on your weather with nbc meteorologist bill karins. Good morning. Good morning, chris. Yesterday was a report that an suv in that flood was found a mile downstream. Thats how intense how strong the water was throughout maryland. So this morning were dealing with some rain in much needed rain in areas of central new england right now. We want to drift this over towards boston. It hasnt rained hardly at all in the last lont in this region. I know its going to be a slower morning commute than people would like but this is a good, soaking Early Morning rain here. One Flash Flood Warning near albany, new york last night. Also some showers over the new york state throughway around newburgh. We have any really bad flooding ongoing, once again marketing missouri. We watched this yesterday morning at the same time. These thunderstorms are training over interstate 70 and 44 just to the east here of columbia, so well have to wait and see if these begin to dissipate. Theyve already dropped as much as three to five inches of rain and river levels and the grounds saturated. Not a fun morning around omaha, either. Not a lot of lightning strikes. Heavy rains for your morning commute and scattered rains for kansas. The heat is going to be back on. Kind of peaked a week and a half ago. Heat advisories, shreveport, st. Louis under an excessive heat watch. Looks like as we go throughout really wednesday through friday will be the hottest period. Today, 102 in tulsa. Dallas 102. Thats one of your hottest temperatures of the summer. Then it will begin to build. Little rock 101 today. Then st. Louis your temperature jumps over the next couple of days up to 95 on thursday chicago not bad pretty enjoyable for you and the heat index, this is how it will feel when you add in the humidity. Dallas will feel like 106 all week, tulsa almost like 110 by the time we get to thursday. So the heats on where youd expect it to be in the middle of the country. New england is kind of cool and the southeast dodging the afternoon thunderstorm. All in all not a bad summer day. Bill karins, thank you. Just days after speaking at the Democratic National convention, Mike Bloomberg is endorsing an embattled republican for u. S. Senate. The former new york city mayor backing pat toomey in his reelection bid in pennsylvania. Bloomberg who is independent praised senator toomeys push for background checks for gun buyers. He also endorsed two democrats in statewide races. Pennsylvania is one of a handful of races that could determine the balance of power on capitol hill and could play a Critical Role in the 2016 president ial election. Still ahead the big winners after yesterdays mlb trade deadline plus the latest in the fight against isis as that war expands with new airstrikes in libya. Way too early is back in a moment. I work as a professional mountain guide and the surface pro 4 allows me to actually operate my business from everest. I help clients achieve their dreams. Being able to go between having a laptop and having a tablet is really important to me. I couldnt do that with my mac. I love that we as humans can go to the top of the world. Its the durability. The reliability. Its incredible. Using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework. Wire. 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Soon, hell take notes en espanol. Get back to great with the right gear. From the place with the experts. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Legalzoom has your back. For your business, our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. Visit legalzoom today. The legal help you can count on. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Welcome back to way too early, time now for sports. For that we bring in louis burgdorf. Good morning, chris. Lets begin with yesterdays mlb trade deadline where the new york yankees have emerged as the big winners. The yanks dealt two players for several prospects. New york sent 39yearold outfielder Carlos Beltran to the Texas Rangers in exchange for three minor league pitchers. Including dillon tate the fourth overall pick in the 2015 draft. They also dealt struggling pitcher ivan nova to the Pittsburgh Pirates for two players to be named later on. Nova follows relievers chapman and Andrew Miller out of new york. After the deadline the yanks took a short trip across town to citi field for the first of a four game subway series with the mets. John mcenroe on the mound set to toss out the ceremonial first pitch mcenroe brings the heat. Looks like hes trying out for a spot in the bull pen there. The yankees snap a four game slide plating two runs in the eighth inning to tie the contest which goes to extra innings and in the tenth a sacrifice fly hit by starling castro brings in the go ahead run. The first save of the season, and the bombers take a 65 win im sure theyre happy about that. All right lets go to st. Petersburg, florida, where lefty pitcher danny duffy set the royals single game record for strikeouts retiring a career high 16 batters against the rays. Kansas city wins it 30. All right lets turn now to some olympic competition where in houston, team usa basketball played its final exhibition game before heading to rio. Some fancy play from the team usa here in the win against nigeria including a few rim rockers, the final score was 11066. And legendary sports caster craig sager visited team usa in the locker room after the win. Sager unfortunately wont be joining them in rio as he has begun a new round of treatment in his ongoing battle with cancer we wish him the best of luck. All right to nfl Training Camp where the chiefs had a familiar looking guest in practice in missouri yesterday. Thats right a doppelganger for head coach andy reid who even fielded some questions from the press. Really no injuries to report. Teams looking pretty great out there. So with that being said, time is yours. Come on, beautiful. I guess andy reid wasnt that unhappy about that. Finally move over omaha minnesota cornerback teddy bridgewater is honoring the late twin city music icon prince. Reports the vikings qb has been using the words purple rain in his cadence at the line of scrimmage. I like the way that sounds, chris. Purple rain, purple rain. Ultimately well see how it works out on the field. Thats right. Thank you so much, louis. Still ahead, donald trump tries to clarify his stance on crimea. Plus if this Congressional District has the highest percentage of votes in any Congressional District and of course if i win, heres what well do. I will shortly after i become president , sometime as soon as i can arrange it, come back here and warren and i will dance in the streets of omaha together and maybe, maybe if were really lucky hell wear his elvis costume again. The oracle of omaha, Warren Buffett, joins Hillary Clinton on the trail. Well talk about that and other top business headlines when way too early comes back in a moment. Why weigh yourself down . Try aveeno® sheer hydration. Its active naturals® oat formula. Goes on feather light. Absorbs in seconds. Keeps skin healthy looking and soft. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results. Hey kevin. Hey, fancy seeing you here. Uh, i live right over there actually. Youve been to my place. No, i wasnt. Oh look, you dropped something. Its your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. Thats weird. You want to work for ge too. Hahaha, what . Well were always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. Why dont you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. Oh, i dont hire people. Im a developer. Im gonna need monday off. Again, not my call. Gilman go get it, marcus. Go get it. Coach gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1 cash back everywhere, every time. At places like the batting cages. [ crowd cheers ] 2 back at Grocery Stores and now at wholesale clubs. And 3 back on gas. Which helped him give his players something extra. The cash rewards credit card from bank of america. More cash back for the things you buy most. The cash rewards credit card from bank of america. Right. In. Your. Stomach watch this . Yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. Yesterday trump sat down for an interview with George Stephanopoulos where he compared his own campaign with Hillary Clinton. But it seems like he got his facts a little mixed up. Check this out. I honestly believe if she told the truth, because she made some reference to my campaigning. Ive had a beautiful ive had a flawless campaign. Youll be writing books about this campaign and yet shes criticizing my campaign. Now her campaign she couldnt beat bernie. Well, she did beat him. Jimmy fallon getting laughs at Donald Trumps expense. The frontrunner under fire for his response to the family of a fallen soldier, and he is still not backing down. Plus the state of the race now that the conventions are behind us. Well have new numbers that show quite a bounce for Hillary Clinton coming out of philly. And clintons running mate, senator tim kaine, gives what he calls, quote, the hardest speech he will give in the entire campaign. It is 5 30 on the east coast. 2 30 out west. This is way too early. Best soundtrack in morning television. Good morning it is tuesday, august 2nd, im chris jansing. Donald trump continues to face growing backlash after criticizing the parents of a u. S. Soldier killed in iraq. According to reuters, Trumps Campaign sent an email to senior senator aides yesterday, with talking points that lawmakers could use to try to tamp down the controversy. But at this point a number of republican lawmakers and veterans groups have already condemned trumps attacks against khizr and ghazala khan and trump once again isnt offering any apology. I was very viciously attacked, as you know, on the stage, and i was surprised to see it, so all i did, i have great honor and great feeling for his son, mr. Khans son, but and you know, as far as im concerned hes a hero. But, horrible things were said about me. I think it was, frankly, very tough. So all i did is respond. And i will always respond. You did call this mans son a hero, did you not . Yes, i did. Absolutely. Whenever you have the gold star families, whenever you have, you know, what you and i have discussed in the past, i mean, these are great people, great families, frankly. I can say this, if i was president , because his son died twelve years ago, if i were president his son wouldnt have died because i wouldnt have been in the wore. If i was president back then. There would have been no war for iraq. I can tell you that, because i think its ridiculous the whole thing. Trumps Vice President ial running mate, mike pence, was also dragged into the controversy. During an event in nevada last night he was asked this question by the mother of an active air force staff sergeant. Time and time again, trump has disrespected our Nations Armed forces, and veterans, and his disrespect for mr. Khan and his family just an example of that. Will there ever be will there ever be a point in time when youre able to look at trump in the eye and tell him enough is enough hold on. You have a son in the military its okay. How do you tolerate his disrespect . Well, i thank you for the question. Its all right. Its all right. Folks, thats what freedom looks like and thats what freedom sounds like. After quieting the jeers, pence went on to call captain khan an american hero. Meanwhile South Carolinas governor nikki haley jumped to the khan familys defense yesterday saying they have the standing to say whatever they want in the political process and should not face criticism for it. And the senator from arizona has both rebuked trumps comments but senator john mccain stopped short of withdrawing his support. I will support the nominee of the party, and i tell you what, when any time from now on, when that question is asked, if i change my mind, ill let you know. Okay . Were just minutes away, by the way, from the release of new polling data on the white house. Already two new pose show Hillary Clinton came out of the Democratic Convention with a significant bounce. A cnn orc poll finds clinton has opened up a ninepoint lead on donald trump, 52 to 43 for support jumping seven points since before the convention while his dropped five. Meanwhile the new cbs poll shows clinton leading by seven points. 46 to 39 . But last night trump said he is not concerned. You know, its always embarrassing to me, they say, and its been proven in the primaries, i go into a primary that said its going to be close i win by a landslide. Its a little embarrassing. People dont want to say theyre going to vote for me but then they get in the booth they say, is anybody looking . Is anybody boom. Im taking trump. Going to bring back our jobs and trump took offense to suggestions yesterday that he did not know that russia had sent troops into crimea in 2014. On twitter he wrote, quote, when i said in an interview that putin is not going in to ukraine, you can mark it down, i am saying, if i am president. Already in crimea so with all of the obama tough talk on russia and ukraine, they have already taken crimea and continued to push thats what i said. And then he said more on the trail. The press is very dishonest, okay . As an example i gave a very good answer over the weekend to one of the shows on russia. Going in to the ukraine. I said very simply, theyre not going to do it on my watch. Essentially. I said russia will not go in to the ukraine. But a couple of papers said, donald trump doesnt realize that the crimea was already taken. I know two years ago approximately. Okay, approximately. It was taken during obamas watch. So when i said, believe me, russias not going in to ukraine. All right . Theyre not going in to ukraine. The person said but theyre already in ukraine. I said yeah well that was two years ago. Thats i mean, do you want to go back . You want to have world war iii to get it back . On the stump yesterday, trump also went after the New York Times suggesting he might revoke their credentials to his events as he does done recently after Critical Coverage from the Washington Post. The New York Times is totally dishonest. Totally dishonest. The Washington Post gotten a little bit better lately. I took away their press credentials. I should do it with the times. Problem is you get more publicity, just let them rot. Every story they write is a hit job. I could do the greatest thing in the history of the world. I could come up with a cure for the most horrible disease in the world, and theyd give me a front page horrible, horrible story. I call it the failing New York Times because it wont be in business for another probably more than a few years. But the New York Times is so unfair. I mean they write three, four articles about me a day. No matter how good i do on something theyll never write good. I mean they dont write good. They have people over there like Maggie Haberman and others. They dont know how to write good. At the top of their front page this morning the times has a story on trumps five draft deferments that kept him out of military service during vietnam. Four for college, one medical deferment for bone spurs in his heels. Despite a near perfect medical record and actively participating in football, tennis, squash and golf. In an interview trump told the times that the bone spurs had been temporary and minor. Quote i had a doctor that gave me a letter, a very strong letter on the heels. The newspaper claims he did not provide a copy of that letter after repeated requests. Billionaire ceo and Hillary Clinton supporter Warren Buffett took to the campaign trail in his hometown of omaha, challenging trump to release his tax returns. Now ive got news for him, im under audit, too. And i would be delighted to meet him any place, any time between now and election, ill bring my tax returns, he can bring his tax return, nobodys going to arrest us, it is not there are no rules against showing your tax returns, and just let people ask us questions about the items that are on there. As you probably know, while nebraska is deep red, president obama actually won omahas Congressional District in 2008 picking up its one electoral vote. Cnbcs Nancy Hungerford joins us now live from london. Im curious, nancy, what does the Business World make of billionaires like mark cuban and Warren Buffett entering this fray . Well, chris, thats right. Its a bit of a battle of the billionaires brewing up over the race for the white house, and you raise an important question, because when it comes to Warren Buffett specifically, he does generate a lot of trust. He has earned the reputation as the oracle of omaha and thats not just down to his frugal demeanor, his likable appearance, but its also his Business Record over the years, at 85 years, when Warren Buffett speaks, people tend to listen. So specifically the comments coming out yesterday about Donald Trumps Business Record in which Warren Buffett said look if a monkey had thrown a dart at a stock page he could have had better rurns than donald trump did on some of his property investments. You have to wonder what impact that has when donald trump over and over again uses his own Business Record to trump up his record and saying just how effective he could be as president. So you can imagine people are listening, but overall investors will be watching the polls. Because at the end of the day, they want to back a winner so yes they will take this message to heart, but keep in mind donald trump has managed to bring a lot of billionaire backers on to his side as well, blackrock ceo among them so the battle will continue but at the end of the day wall street wants to back a winner. Chris, back to you. Nancy hungerford live from london. Thank you. Well, Hillary Clinton campaigned in omaha it was a homecoming event for her running mate senator tim kaine. Kaine held his first solo rally yesterday in richmond, virginia, where he was mayor from 1998 until 2001. He told the crowd speaking at last weeks Democratic National convention was nothing compared to this speech, which he used to thank the city. This speech is harder. This speech is harder. How do i sum up, and then give thanks for 32 years of friendship in rba . So everything i know, everything ive learned through doing some things right and doing some things wrong and then Getting Better at everything i know and everything ive learned, ive learned from you. The fight against isis meantime expanding in a battlefield far away from the front lines of syria and iraq. The u. S. Military is stepping up airstrikes against the terror group in libya. Its centered around the city of serta which militants have controlled since early last year. The american involvement came at the request of libyas unbacked government which has been targeting the militants from several sides. While there are small groups of American Special forces on the ground there are no plans for any largescale deployment. And still ahead, Hillary Clinton heading back to hollywood for some fundraising help from one of the citys brightest stars. Well tell you who when way too early comes right back. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Hey there, starting your search for the ri am used car . You got it. Just say show me millions of used cars for sale at the all new carfax. Com. But, i don want one thats had a bunch of owners just say, show me cars with only one owner pretty cool its perfect. Thats the power of carfax® find the cars you want, avoid the ones you dont plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing start your used car search at carfax. Com try duo fusion ing antacids . New, two in one heartburn relief. The antacid goes to work in seconds. And the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. Try new duo fusion. From the makers of zantac. Lets get a check on your weather now with nbc meteorologist bill karins. Hey, bill. Chris, were heading into the peak part of the hurricane season. I really thought we were going to have Tropical Storm earl when i woke up this morning. Not quite yet. This little mass of thunderstorms and clouds here doesnt quite have a closed circulation. But its over the top and just to the south of jamaica this morning. A couple of days ago there was maybe a chance it was going to get into the gulf and threaten somewhere near texas but now its looking like its mostly going to be a storm from belize, the yucatan of mexico and southern portions of mexico into the southern gulf. This does not look like it has time to become a big, huge storm. It does look like it should be a Tropical Storm by the end of day, and then by tomorrow night heading into the yucatan of mexico or belize. A lot of our computer models are taking it in that general direction. None of them threatening alone the texas coastline. We can avoid what will eventually be Tropical Storm earl. Most likely later on this morning or this afternoon. The other story out there weve had some flash flooding problems on and off over the last couple of days. Were going to watch new mexico and arizona. This is their monsoonal type season where they get the moisture flowing up from the south here. They get afternoon showers and thunderstorms. The desert terrain and hillyness, most areas of runoff get quickly into flash flooding conditions. Increasing moisture in the southwest. Threat for some heavy rain. Not anything too great. Widespread rain it will not be. It will be very isolated. Bring the umbrella with you, areas of massachusetts, connecticut and rhode island getting some morning soaking. And they desperately need the rain there. Theyre in a big drought right now. Fair warning. Thank you, bill. Now lets get a check on the mornings other headlines. Louis burgdorf standing by. Good morning again. The parents of star trek actor Anton Yelchin say they plan to file a wrongful death suit against fiat, chrysler. He was killed in june when police say his Jeep Grand Cherokee rolled backwards and pinned him against the gate. The vehicle was under recall because of problems with the electronic shifter. The jeep apparently confused drivers as to what gear the transmission was in, causing vehicles to roll away unexpectedly. The Company Issued a Statement Last month expressing sympathy for the yelchins. We expect to learn more about the lawsuit during a News Conference later today. And the stars seem to be aligning for Hillary Clinton nbc news has confirmed that Leonardo Dicaprio will host a fundraiser for the democratic nominee at his Los Angeles Home later this month. The event is being billed as quote a conversation with hillary. At more than 33,000 a person, that will be one expensive convoe, chris. Variety reports that the first 2700 will go to Clintons Campaign while the remainder of the money raised will go to the dnc, and state and local parties. And finally this morning, the premiere for d. C. Comic suicide squad was held right here in new york city last night. Hollywood icon will smith led the cast and introducing the film and he did not help but gush about the Diverse Group of actors that made up the cast of super villains. Said its not a movie of good versus evil, its a movie of bad versus evil. And this is one of the baddest casts in the whole damn world right now. What i love about working with this group, you know, as you see up on this stage, you know, its a rainbow. Its all races, creeds, and colors. Its diversity that this country is supposed to be about. Its the inclusion that this country is supposed to be about. Chris, its the most highly anticipated film of this summer. I cannot wait to see it. Its in theaters everywhere on friday. And louis will be, too. Thank you, louis. Ill be there. Still to come on way too early, as we take a look at just how beautiful it is in rio, you ready, ready to go . But all pregnant women are urged to get testing for the zika virus. Were back with the latest report from the cdc in just a moment. Even as we look at this spectacular rio de janeiro, Opening Ceremony now just three days away. It takes a lot of work. To run this business. But i really love it. Im on the move all day long. And sometimes, i just dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost® to get the nutrition that im missing. Boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a great taste. I dont plan on slowing down any time soon. Stay strong. Stay active with boost®. Try duo fusion ing antacids . New, two in one heartburn relief. The antacid goes to work in seconds. And the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. Try new duo fusion. From the makers of zantac. More now on that new warning from federal Health Officials over the zika virus. Theyre urging all pregnant women across the country to be assessed for possible exposure during each prenatal appointment. And the cdc is also issuing a travel warning. They recommend pregnant women steer clear of a one square mile area of miami after a jump in the number of locally contracted cases. Nbcs Kerry Sanders has the latest from miami. Reporter densely populated winwood district in miami has been nogo zone for pregnant women. The announcement that there are ten more suspected cases of homegrown zika for a total of 14 cases, makes it too dangerous. Federal Health Officials say there will be more people infected not realizing it, because the symptoms can be mild. What were looking at carefully is, is it expanding . Is there a place beyond this onemile radius that needs to be looked at . Reporter the cdc is now sending emergency teams and advising women returning from the area not to get pregnant for eight weeks. 12 of the 14 with zika are men. The Branch Family was just tested. My test is good, but my father, he have the zika. Your pregnancy is going well. Reporter every patient this doctor saw today had the same worry. Most of my patients are very anxious, you know. This is their baby that were talking about. Reporter the phones ringing with concerns, too. My primary concern is the apparent connection with microcephaly reporter tracking where zika patients live, Mosquito Control districts now zeroing in on a one square mile north of downtown miami. Entomologists say the zika carrying mosquito usually flies no more than 400 yards in any direction and typically dies within 30 days. As emergency teams deploy to fight an enemy thats never been fully defeated, the mosquito, floridas governor criticizing congress for failing to fund the zika fight. The state putting up 26 million, but experts say thats not enough. Were going to make sure we fund our health departments. Were going to make sure we fund our mosquito boards. Were going to make sure we have all the resources we need. Reporter federal Officials Say Mosquito Control efforts are not working as well as they hoped. Perhaps mosquitoes developing a resistance. Some residents now hiring their own mosquito exterminators. Weve gone about 20 to 30 phone calls in the last day or so, from pregnant women or expecting parents. That was Kerry Sanders in miami. And still to come on way too early, from Vice President , to weddings, the momentous occasion for joe biden and two white house staffers, thats next. Im anne howard and im michael howard. We left on our honeymoon in january 2012. It actually evolved into a business. From our blog to video editing. Our technology has to hang tough with us. When youre going to a place without electricity, you need a long battery life. 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Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Most people using stelara® saw 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. Using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework. Wire. And plants needed to give my shop. A face. No one will forget. See what the power of points can do for your business. Learn more at chase. Com ink its 3 00 a. M. And the phones ringing in the white house. Who do you want to answer that call . Hillary clinton . Hello the situation room . Ill be right there. Oh. Its for you. Yes, from now on, its always for me. Or donald trump . Not now, im on twitter. And Elizabeth Warren tweets too damn much. Glad i exiled her. Send. Oh, and put my name on the lincoln memorial, make Chris Christie eat a worm just for laughs, disband nato and make me some scrambled eggs on a gold plate. What . Fine, ill be right there. Were too late . Chinese fleet is advancing . Just build another wall. Yes, in the ocean, loser. Paid for by americans who are really starting to miss obama. That was the simons take on the classic Hillary Clinton ad from 2008 and we leave you this morning with a story about the veep, joe biden. He helped push the white house when it came to supporting samesex marriage and now hes officiated at his first same sex wedding. The Vice President tweeted this photo saying, quote, proud to marry brian and joe at my house. Couldnt be happier. Two Longtime White House staffers, two great guys. The Vice President obtained a temporary certification from the district of columbia, after the couple asked him to perform the ceremony. That does it for way too early. Morning joe starts right now. I call it the failing New York Times, because it wont be in business for another probably more than a few years. But the New York Times is so unfair. I mean they write three, four articles about me a day. No matter how good i do on something, theyll never write good. I mean they dont write good. They have people over there like Maggie Haberman, they dont write good. They dont know how to write good. Hi, im former male supermodel derek supermodel derrick zoo lander. Here at the zoo Lander Center for kids who cant read good and want to learn to do other stuff, too, we teach students of all ages everything they need to know to learn to be a professional model and a professional human being. I dont speak good, but im going to try to get through three hours regardless. That was worth it just for the zoo lander clip. It was. You speak good . I dont speak too good. Do you write good . I dont write good neither. You know who writes good . Halperin. Goodly. What do you think of this new studio . Its

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