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Ali, and thank you very much for filling in for rachel. I know how much she appreciates and i know how much she trusts you to carry that hour as youve done so well. Thank you. Thanks, ali. Appreciate it, lawrence. You have a great show tonight. Thank you. Well, another day, another trump vengeance firing. Tonight, Christopher Krebs got fired by a trump tweet which twitter has labeled inaccurate. Christopher krebs was the administrations Cyber Security official who came from microsoft to the government to work on making our election processes secure. Last week Christopher Krebs said that the 2020 election was, quote, the most secure in american history. And tonight in a twitter statement that twitter said is not true, donald trump said, quote, the recent statement by chris krebs on the security of the 2020 election was highly inaccurate, in that there were massive improprieties and fraud. Therefore, Effective Immediately chris krebs has been terminated as director of Cyber Security and infrastructure security agency. Luckily for Christopher Krebs, he is going out with the badge of honor that he will need for the rest of his life in explaining why he went to work in the Trump Administration. He can now legitimately say he went to work in the Trump Administration to help guarantee the security of our elections and he can prove that he did a good job because donald trump fired him. If you leave the Trump Administration on january 20th without being fired by donald trump, you will carry that disgrace to your grave. Thats what emily murphy is trying to do. She is the administrator of the General Services administration, who is personally refusing to sign her name to the paperwork that would officially begin the transition of the biden harris to the Biden Harris Administration. And emily murphy is the typically corrupt trump appointee who is working every day now in violation of a law that orders her to authorize this transition and provide the necessary resources, including office space to the biden harris Transition Team. The law doesnt give her a choice. Well hear more about the details of that law tonight from harvards constitutional law professor lawrence tribe. Emily murphy has 64 days left in her job and shes still afraid of being fired by donald trump. For doing the right thing. For following the law. Emily murphy looks at Christopher Krebs tonight and sees what she doesnt want to be, a fired trump official. She does not see and cannot see Christopher Krebs clarity of moral vision. She does not see and cannot see Christopher Krebs faithfulness to his oath of office. Emily murphy is a typical trump appointee who is now violating her oath of Office Every Day and remaining faithful only to her oath to donald trump. And so we should not at this point in covering the madness of donald trump in the final 64 days, we should not at this point focus our outrage on the firing of Christopher Krebs as much, although there should be that outrage, but as much as we should focus our praise of Christopher Krebs for doing his job, for helping to secure our election process, for following his oath of office, and we should share in his pride of a job well done. Tonight Christopher Krebs told nbc news, quote, im proud of the work we did at cisa. Im proud of the teammates i had at cisa. We did it right. Earlier today, williamsport, pennsylvania, took its place in history not just as the Permanent Location for the Little League world series, but as the place where former new york federal prosecutor Rudolph Giuliani returned to the courtroom as a practicing lawyer for the first time in 30 years and was instantly disgraced by doing the kind of thing that he does on the fox propaganda shows. Rudy giuliani stood up in federal court in an election lawsuit that does not in any way allege fraud and said to federal judge matthew brann, an obama appointee, quote, its a widespread nationwide voter fraud. And when judge brann pressed giuliani on the issue of fraud, giuliani was forced to admit in court, quote, this is not a fraud case. Now, giuliani had to say that because he was not on tv. He was in a courtroom. And if giuliani did not say that in that courtroom, he could have been disbarred because then Rudy Giuliani would have been lying to a federal judge in court, and that could have been the end of Rudy Giulianis right to practice law in the United States of america. Rudy giuliani is very likely the single worst lawyer to appear in an american courtroom today. And he wants to be paid 20,000 a day now for i think its 20,000 yeah, 20,000 a day for his role in the frivolous trump lawsuits, all of which have already been thrown out of court or are on their way to being thrown out of court. Now, Rudy Giuliani wants 100,000 a week, 400,000 a month to go into courtrooms and allege widespread nationwide voter fraud before judges then force him to admit, as he always will, that there is no fraud. He wants 400,000 a month to do that, and that money will not be paid by donald trump. That money will be paid by the contributors who donald trump continues to solicit and beg every day in multiple emails a day with begging subject lines like can you chip in . In any other context, donald trump would call the people who contribute that money to be paid to Rudy Giuliani to humiliate himself in court suckers. Thats the word donald trump would use for people who fall for a scam like that if the scam is not being run by donald trump. When its being run by donald trump, he only calls those people suckers in private. As of today, in the continuing vote counting, president elect joe biden has now received more than 79 million votes, which is more than 5. 5 million more votes than the loser donald trump. Delaying the official transition has not delayed president elect bidens choice of white house staff members, jobs that do not require confirmation by the senate. President elect biden announced today that Jen Omalley Dillon who managed the Biden Harris Campaign will be deputy chief of staff. Longtime aides mike donilon and Steve Ricchetti will step in respectively as Senior Adviser and counselor to the president. The biden campaigns general counsel daniel remus will be counsel to the president. And democratic congressman Cedric Richmond will become Senior Adviser to the president. And director of the White House Office of public engagement. Today congressman richmond said this. President trump should stop playing games with the lives of the American People, and so operation warp speed, which was his operation to get the vaccine created and to figure out a way to distribute it, we should be getting briefed on that so that we can offer our input and we can be ready on day one that the vaccine is ready to distribute it logistically. And so the fact that we are not having an orderly transition and you saw the Vice President say this yesterday could cost lives. And that, i think, would be sinful and a tragedy. So were continuing to press upon the Trump Administration to engage in a full fledged transition and give us access to not only cabinet members and National Security briefings, but also all of the information related to warp speed so that we can we can get that out. Leading off our discussion tonight, john brennan, former director of the cia. He is a senior National Security and Intelligence Analyst for nbc. Also with us, zalani cobb, staff writer at the new yorker and professor at columbia university. He is an msnbc political analyst. And john brennan, let me start with you and your reaction to the firing, the vengeance firing of the night, Christopher Krebs. Well, lawrence, i think you teed it up exactly right in your opening, which is that chris krebs is representative of talented and very hardworking and patriotic americans who are doing their level best to keep their fellow citizens safe and secure. Chris krebs has a tremendous reputation as well as a lot of expertise on Cyber Security. And i know that he was working day and night, along with his fellow teammates, to try to protect this election, and clearly he was doing it in a nonpartisan fashion. And also to the great irritation of donald trump. And so i think as weve seen before, what happened at the pentagon, we see now whats happening also with chris krebs, this is score settling. I also point out another chris, chris wray, who i think is also Standing Firm despite the headwinds he is feeling from the white house and also probably from the a. G. So i think we should all give thanks to people like chris and others who really are fulfilling their obligations and as you point out, their oath of office to this great country of ours. And jelani cobb, i cant help but be struck at the contrast between chris krebs and emily murphy and emily murphys inability to see that the way that chris krebs is going out is really the only honorable way left to exit the Trump Administration. Sure. But i dont think that honor was really very high on a list of priorities for people who were in those positions, and the people who have a sense of honor have been consistently antagonized. I mean, if you think about that list, you have colonel vindman on it. You have colonel vindmans twin brother on it. You have Marie Yovanovitch on it. You have the former ambassador to ukraine. You would have the list of inspector generals who have been fired. And then, you know, there is a strange addition to that list, that also includes attorney general Jeff Sessions, who in his capacity did, you know, terrible things to facilitate some of the worst behaviors of this administration, including the caging of children on the border. But we should also remember that Jeff Sessions was fired for the thing that he did that was actually ethical, in recusing himself from the mueller investigation. And so that became, you know, the bone of contention that really drove a wedge between sessions and trump. Ultimately leading to his ouster. And so i think theres an overall pattern here thats not really hard to discern and it really is fundamentally kind of where you come down on the issue of corruption. John brennan, we see joe biden president elect speaking today to the Prime Minister of israel, the Prime Minister of india. Not as many calls as he would be having if the transition was officially under way, but many of the key calls are happening. They are being made. What is being lost as we still as emily murphy continues to delay the transition . Well, whats being lost is the ability of his Transition Team to understand exactly all of those challenges and opportunities and problems that the Biden Administration is going to inherit on day one, on january 20th. And whether youre talking about covid or whether youre talking about international issues, these are things that bidens colleagues as well as the ones that are, you know, briefed him today are really trying to understand what it is that they need to do in order to ensure that this countrys national and Homeland Security is going to be safe and secure. And so today when he was briefed by a number of former Government Experts and practitioners, he has brought together a very impressive array of diverse and very experienced people to be able to hit the ground on day one. However, theyre losing time because these are matters that really require advanced preparation and they have not been able to get into these agencies. Speaking about cia, the cia has a number of covert action programs that the Biden Administration will inherit again on day one, and they need to understand exactly what those covert action programs are, which ones they want to continue, which ones they want to modify, and which ones they might want to terminate. Professor cobb, i look back now four years ago on that photograph, the famous imagery of donald trump sitting in the office with president barack obama. There was president elect trump. And i now look at that imagery through, i think, the way the the eyes of the way of donald trump. The way he looks at that imagery as weakness. He i think he looks at that as weakness on the part of barack obama because he had to invite me into his office because i was more powerful. And he believes hes demonstrating he gets to demonstrate power over joe biden by not inviting him into that office and by not Going Forward with the transition. You know, theres an old cold war reference that when gorbachev was leaving power and Boris Yeltsin was assuming power, yeltsin went to visit gorbachev and once he secured power, he said thats the last time i talk to him. Anything that he wants, he has to walk to me. And its that kind of bravado or that kind of macho mentality that is fundamentally, by the way, incompatible with democracy. You know, the idea that there is an interest that is superior to your own ego is, you know, fundamental to what we think of as a democratic society. And that really, really speaks to kind of the way that donald trump has approached his office. Theres nothing novel about that. Weve known that in his relationship with putin, his admiration for him and all of these kind of strongman figures. And i also thing thats why its so difficult for him to countenance gracefully handing over the reins of the white house to joe biden. Professor jelani cobb and former director john brennan, thank you both for starting off our discussion. Really appreciate it. Thank you, lawrence. Coming up, more on Donald Trumps firing of Cyber Security official Christopher Krebs. Senator Amy Klobuchar is the top democrat on the Senate Committee with oversight on elections. She has worked closely with chris krebs and she says his firing is, quote, a gut punch to our democracy. Senator klobuchar joins us next. Youre clearly someone. Who takes care of yourself. So why wait to screen for colon cancer . Because when caught in early stages, its more treatable. Im cologuard. Im noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92 of colon cancers. 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Joining our discussion now is democratic senator Amy Klobuchar of minnesota. Senator klobuchar, you worked with mr. Krebs, worked with him closely. What can you tell us about him in the way he did his job . Lets remember, lawrence, he was appointed by this administration. And i always thought from the beginning that he signed up for this because he was a patriot and he felt that our Cyber Security is paramount. We know its one of the biggest threats. And i do want everyone to understand at home, his jurisdiction wasnt just over elections. As important as that was. It was all of our critical infrastructure, and thats why its housed in Homeland Security. Thousands of people work there. So while donald trump has fired all kinds of good people, he actually fired someone thats heading up an agency that protects our power grid. So people should understand that. And hes someone that has respect on both sides of the aisle today. I noticed today rob portman, the Senate Republican issued a Statement Today saying good things about him. Richard burr, ben sasse. He continued briefing senators together from both parties right up to the election with what was going on with our election infrastructure, and, yes, it was a secure election. There was still attempts by foreign governments, but his good work and the people under him toiling away with this administration, they did their jobs without fear or favor and he should not have been fired. The Washington Post says that he expected to be fired. They report the dismissal was not unexpected, as krebs told Associates Last week he expected to be fired. His latest tweet about the security of the election, following similar earlier assessments of the election, angered the president , according to an official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter. And so director krebs knew what the likely result was of telling the truth. He did. And i actually talked to him and called him last week, as i did many times during the last few years, as i know Many Republican senators did, when you wanted to find out the truth about something. And he said, im just going to keep doing my job. And he knew the threat was out there and he kept doing it. And id always look at that rumor website and i would always think, wow, this is actually going on with this trump official that hes putting this out there and telling the truth. And i guess eventually i caught up to him and he got fired like so many have by tweet today by the president of the United States. And theres such a contrast between the way Christopher Krebs has approached his work and emily murphy, the administrator of the gsa, who has the power as we sit here right now to just sign her name to the document that begins the transition. The law gives her the power, not the president. The law expects her to exercise that power, but she apparently lives in fear of what happened to chris krebs tonight. You know, i dont know why you go into these jobs, especially those involving so much responsibility in our government, if youre not going to put our country first. And as joe biden said today, you know, were in the middle of the worst part of this pandemic right now. In my state, the obituaries on sunday literally filled up most of the local section of our newspaper, dominating all the news stories, and joe biden needs a transition. He needs to be able to have the space and vet the people and get the security briefings and Everything Else so that he can hit the ground running when he gets in there. And for these people, if the President Trumps going to deny him that, but not people who are under there. When you just go along with President Trump right now with these kinds of crazy things, you are literally being complicit. And we just cant afford to mess around anymore. One of the primary processes that could get started right now are fbi background checks on people who joe biden is considering for the information. Every once in a while those background checks turn up something that makes you take that resume and take it out of the pile. And the sooner you can get to that stage of the background checks, the better. Thats one of the things thats being delayed. Exactly. And everyone should want to have people who can pass fbi background checks in power and you want to get that information. We remember at the beginning of President Trumps administration there were all kinds of problems with some of the people, and i being on the judiciary committee, youd be surprised what you find out sometimes in those background checks. Well sometimes it may not be fatal, but you get information and the public deserves to have people who are free of corruption in these critical positions. Speaking of free of corruption on the judiciary committee, we were surprised to what we discovered today about the chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee, Lindsey Graham. It turns out there was a witness on the phone call that he made to the secretary of state of georgia in which the secretary of state of georgia took that call to be senator graham suggesting that he throw out legally cast ballots. I dont suppose you have ever picked up the phone to call the secretary of state of, i dont know, illinois or iowa to say, what are you doing with the ballots, but how can senator graham continue as chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee under this kind of cloud . I dont know. I mean, my whole goal right now is that we win those Georgia Senate races and then he wont continue as chair, lawrence. And so part of this is supporting the work thats going on all across the country, including by the georgia secretary of state, who people, democrats and republicans, just like we saw in michigan today, who are simply doing their jobs. Theyre counting the ballots. In the case of georgia, theyre recounting the ballots. Look what just happened in arizona. Thats a republican governor there. And they have been just doing their jobs. And i think after a while when these frivolous lawsuits so many of them have already been thrown out it is very clear that our democracy is strong and every single day is a stress test on this democracy. Today with the firing of chris krebs, another one. But my hope is those hardworking men and women who go to work every day just to do their jobs in that agency will continue to do their jobs to protect the Cyber Security of our nation. Senator Amy Klobuchar, thank you for rushing to join us tonight about this breaking news story about the firing of chris krebs. We really appreciate your insight on that. Thank you very much, senator. Hes a good guy. It just shouldnt have happened. Thanks, lawrence. Thank you, senator. And when we come back after this break, harvard constitutional law professor lawrence tribe will join us to explain how you can violate the law and not be a criminal if your name is emily murphy and youre Donald Trumps appointee at the General Services administration who is refusing to sign the document that would authorize the biden harris Transition Team to officially begin working on the transition of power. Still your best friend. And now your copilot. Still a father. But now a friend. Still an electric car. Just more electrifying. Still a night out. But everything fits in. Still hard work. Just a little easier. Still a legend. Just more legendary. Chevrolet. Making lifes journey, just better. Chevrolet. Essential for sewing, but maybe not needles. For people with certain inflammatory conditions. Because there are options. 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Im anxious to hear what you all have to say. In that discussion president elect biden heard from former ambassadors to the united nations, samantha power, retired general stanley mccrystal, retired admiral william mcraven, among many others. The biden Transition Team said they will continue to meet with experts, saying especially as the lack of gsa ascertainment prevents the transition from meeting with and hearing from current executive branch officials. The problem is of course emily murphy who is the trumpappointed administrator of the General Services administration and who is empowered by law to ascertain the apparent winner of the president ial election and unlock the federal governments resources to, according to the law, quote, promote the orderly transfer of the executive power. The law gives emily murphy this power, but it apparently does not provide a penalty if emily murphy violates this law. The president ial transition act of 1963 says, quote, any disruption occasioned by the transfer of the executive power could produce results detrimental to the safety and wellbeing of the United States and its people. Joining our discussion now is lawrence tribe, University Professor of constitutional law at harvard, who was won 35 cases in the United States supreme court, according to my count. Professor tribe, thank you very much for joining us tonight, and if ive undercounted those victories, please send me a note. First of all, i know a big point of confusion for the audience is this notion that you can violate a law someone in the gsa administrators position can violate a law but there is no crime involved because it wasnt written as a criminal statute and there isnt really any enforcement mechanism for that law. Im afraid thats true. When Congress Passed the law in 1963, it assumed, perhaps overoptimistically, that people who take an oath to protect the United States, to protect our security, to protect all of our people by mechanically ascertaining the apparent winner. Thats all it has to be, the apparent winner. That they would do their duty. Its not just a power she has, its an obligation, and in the 60 years between 1960 and now, in that 60year period, in every president ial election with the sole exception of 2000, the ascertainment which unlocks the transition process was made within a day or two of the election. Even as ballots were being counted, absentee ballots were coming in, mailin ballots were coming in, ballots were coming in from overseas, there were recounts going on, there were lawsuits going on. None of that needs to stop if she just does her duty and says the apparent winner is joe biden. But she apparently doesnt care to do her duty and the result, as the president elect has said, may be needless death and suffering. And the people who may die because covid is not adequately taken care of or because our National Security is not adequately protected include many of the people who voted for as well as many of the people who voted against donald trump. Its a problem that affects the whole country, and for her to take this unprecedented action of simply locking up the cabinet and saying the transition will not go on until noon, apparently, of january 20th next year is just outrageous. And, professor, i have to tell you, that as someone who worked in government at the staff level, i am ignoring donald trump in this matter, in that i think we can presume that donald trump wants her to do what shes doing. He may not have even have had to directly communicate that to her. Right. Or have it communicated to her. She might be correctly intuiting that from donald trump. But every staff person i know who worked in government would not violate a law like this. They would do the right thing, they would sign the document and they would sit there waiting to be fired by donald trump. And as we saw with mr. Krebs, who we discussed earlier in the show. And so the attention being shifted to donald trump here and away from emily murphy, and this may be my bias as a former staff person, really bothers me because it is the law grants her all of the power here, all of it, and she refuses to use it. I think its impossible to exonerate either her or the president. Mmhmm. Clearly if the president made it obvious to her that its okay for her to do her duty, she would do it. Shes obviously trying to curry favor with this president , for whatever reason. Its kind of stupid, too, because if she were to do her duty and simply ascertain what we all know, and that is that the apparent winner is joe biden, then any failure in the first 100 days of the Biden Administration would fall squarely on the shoulders of that administration. By stubbornly refusing to ascertain the obvious and preventing the transition from operating smoothly, she essentially creates a situation in which those failures will be on her, will be on trump, and the attempt by the trump people to say that all of the flaws in the early days of the Biden Administration are really bidens fault will be frustrated. They really will have nothing to lose by allowing the transition to go forward. They could continue with their frivolous lawsuits. They could continue with all of their recounts and all of the efforts to stall. None of that would have to stop. Its simply that the American People would be protected by allowing a smooth transition of power. If it should turn out miraculously that the winner ends up being trump, no harm, no foul. Professor, quickly, before you go, is it time for us to reconsider the way we write Administrative Law like this and consider the concept of penalty to the administrators for violating these laws . It sure is. I mean, theres a lot to be rewritten once the new administration is in place. We assume the degree of honor that apparently cant be assumed, and i think we need to put in place mechanisms that are much more squarely designed to enforce the rules that we write. So far weve relied too much on the virtue of citizens, and, unfortunately, not all of them are worth that trust. Professor laurence tribe, thank you very much for joining us once again tonight. We always appreciate it. Thanks, lawrence. Thank you. After this break, now there is a witness. An official with georgia secretary of States Office was listening to the phone call when Lindsey Graham suggested throwing out legally cast ballots in georgia. Thats next. harold twelve hundred strings of lights. betsy quarter mile of tinsel. harold and real snow all the way from switzerland. betsy hmmhm. Gonna be tough to top. vo add some thrill to your wish list. At the season of audi sales event. Get exceptional offers now. Its a dark, lonely place. This is art inspired by real stories of People Living with bipolar depression. Emptiness. A hopeless struggle. The lows of bipolar depression can disrupt your life and be hard to manage. Latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. Latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms, and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. Now im feeling connected. Empowered. Latuda is not for everyone. Call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors or suicidal thoughts. 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Today georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger said that an audit of Voting Machines in georgia found no evidence of tampering during the election. In an interview with cbs secretary raffensperger further described a call he had with senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina in which the senator talked about throwing out legally cast ballots in georgia. Well, when senator graham called, i just assumed he was calling about the two runoffs for the senators so i called him back, and then during our discussion, he asked if ballots could be matched back to the envelope, the absentee ballot, can you match it back to the envelope . I explained our process. After it went through two sets of signature match, at that point they were separated. But then senator graham implied for us to audit the envelopes and then throw out the ballots for counties that had the highest frequency error of signatures. And i tried to, you know, help explain that because we did signature matching you couldnt tie the signatures back anymore to those ballots. Just like if you voted in person, my name is not on my ballot, and so it cant be tied back to me. Its really something thats been around for over 100 years, the secret ballot. Today a staffer for secretary raffensperger who said he was also listening in on the call with senator graham corroborated the details of the accounts. Nevada secretary of state said she never spoke with Lindsey Graham and arizonas secretary of state katie hobbs tweeted, this is false, i have not spoken with Lindsey Graham. And joining us now is arizona secretary of state katie hobbs. Secretary hobbs, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Lindsey graham says he called you and had the same kind of conversation with you. That is absolutely not true. I have not spoken with the senator. So Lindsey Grahams not telling the truth about that. He certainly isnt telling the truth about the secretary of state of arizona or the secretary of state of nevada and he wants us to believe that hes telling the truth about the secretary of state of georgia and that he did not in any way ask for throwing away ballots. What is your assessment of this story . How would you guide us in thinking about this as we see it, as the evidence unfolds now . Well, i think its highly irregular for any elected official to insert themselves into the election process in another state. Elections are state functions. Theyre run by state statutes and state officials. And so i think its highly irregular that he is trying to insert himself in this conversation at all, and if he had actually called me, i would have said that to him. Has a United States senator from another state ever called you about voting in arizona and the counting of votes in arizona . No. Have any of the arizona senators ever called you about counting of votes in arizona . I have been in communication with our states one of our senators and senatorelect regarding this election, but it wasnt specific to, you know, anything about the procedures that are involved in the process. Okay. Those would be normal discussions that youd have. I mean, i am prepared to declare, and i defy anyone to prove this otherwise, that Lindsey Graham is the first United States senator in history to make a phone call across state lines to talk to a secretary of state about voting in that state. And as you say, if you had received such a call, it, first of all, would have been quite shocking and pretty easy for you to dismiss. Absolutely. Yeah, i would have just said, what is your business calling me about this . This is arizonas election. It doesnt concern you at all. What is your assessment of what youre hearing from secretary raffensperger on the way he handled this . Well, look, i think he has taken a lot of heat from his own party and i respect him for standing by his process and the procedures. Theyre following the law, as far as i can tell, in the state of georgia and i have a lot of respect for the secretary for the heat that hes taken from members of his own political party. Arizona secretary of state katie hobbs, i am sure of two things tonight, Lindsey Graham will stop lying about calling you, and he will never call you. I think those two things are guaranteed. Thank you very much, secretary hobbs, for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Dr. Anthony fauci agrees with joe biden that the transition to the Biden Harris Administration must officially get under way in order to protect the country from covid19 and distribute a vaccine next year. And the day after senator Sherrod Brown complained about republicans not Wearing Masks on the senate floor, 87yearold republican senator Chuck Grassley tests positive for covid19 after speaking on the senate floor yesterday. Introducing a revolution in the world of pain relief new advil dual action. Advil targets pain at the source. Acetaminophen blocks pain signals. New advil dual action with acetaminophen. Annie, wahi, sweetheart to grandma . Music playi g sorry, mom. Shes doing her thing. [laughing] i can see that. Music playi g this one right there. This one here . Yeah aw, look at that face this year, were all discovering new ways of giving. I love you. I love you, too. Thats why eligibleenrolled citi credit cards customers can earn 5 back on up to 500 of online purchases. Ythey customize yours lcar insurance. So you only pay for what you need. Wow. That will save me lots of money. This games boring. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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Anthony fauci today. I would like to see the interaction with people who might be coming in and be doing the things that are being done now by the task force and by the people in the health system. Obviously, theres no doubt that it is better to have a smooth transition. Today, the American Hospital association and American Medical Association areleased a letter o donald trump saying we urge your administration to work closely with the biden team with information about covid19 that needs to be shared to save countless lives. As republican senators continue to support donald trump and emily murphys illegal delay of the transition, risking lives, one republican senator has tested positive for covid19. 87yearold Chuck Grassley of iowa, who was speaking on the senate floor yesterday, when Sherrod Brown denounced republican senators for not Wearing Masks on the senate floor, announced today that he, Chuck Grassley, has tested positive for covid19. He said hes quarantining in washington and is, quote, following cdc guidelines. Joining our discussion, an Infectious Disease physician and msnbc contributor. When senator grassley says hes following cdc guidelines, its so tragic to think this is what it took to get him to follow cdc guidelines. It is, lawrence. And its sad for the rest of us in this country, that its taken this to potentially have our leaders follow this. Parts of our country are drowning. And others are about to get submerged in this crisis. 22 of our hospitals are reporting shortages of health care workers. 12 states are reporting constrained icus. And theres a 17 increase in nursing home cases over the last week alone. Thats worrisome, because the winter weve been warning everybody about, were at the start of it. And the Holiday Travel will make it even worse. We see dr. Anthony fauci increasingly liberated in his public comments, saying today that we need a smooth transition. Hes worked with Vice President biden and ron klain, the new white house chief of staff, on the ebola crisis and other matters. So at a personal level, those individuals will have an easy transition together. They know exactly what its like to be back at the table with dr. Fauci. But theres so many other people being denied access to the kind of start they need. And the risk to lives seems to have absolutely no meaning to donald trump. And from what we hear, the president hasnt really attended any coronavirus meetings in months. But i want to drill down into the type of data ive heard president elect bidens Transition Team ask for. The lay of the land. What theyre looking for is intricate hhs data on facility utilization, how much ppe they have. They want a detailed understanding of the strategy moving forward. What is operation warp speed going to do to make sure that over 300 Million People are successfully vaccinated, and they want to know what is in the stockpile. These are all necessary pieces of information, and thats hurting people today. Its a continuum. We cant stop and have a period of luxury, a period of time. The miracle of science has now gotten us two vaccines that are effective. Now we need to get them to people who need them. Lets listen to dr. Fauci today disagreeing with donald trump, and agreeing with president elect joe biden, that we need a national strategy. We need some fundamental Public Health measures that everyone should be adhering to. Not a disjointed, one state says one thing, the other state says another thing. We need to respond as a nation, not in a fragmented way. What you can see there, on january 21st, there will be one voice coming out of the biden white house, and its going to sound an awful lot like dr. Anthony fauci, whether hes speaking in that moment or ron klain or President Trump is speaking. Theres going to be full agreement. There is. And its an agreement with every Public Health expert. The majority have said since the beginning of this crisis, its not that different states are having to deploy, theyre at Different Levels of outbreak, but theyre not even following the same guidebook. Once upon a time, the white house released the nondetailed guidelines. Since then, no work on the part government to try to bring the states together moving forward. Its going to be a bigger crisis as we move forward after travel, after thanksgiving. Well, we will have a president biden, a white house chief of staff ron klain and a dr. Anthony fauci and a Coronavirus Task force in complete agreement on january 21st. How we get from here to there could involve a great deal of unnecessary tragedy. Doctor, thank you very much for joining us once again tonight. Thank you, lawrence. That is 2507b89s last word. The 11th hour starts now. Word. The 11th hour starts now good evening once

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