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Subjected to hate mail and death threats. Our mod effort request is that she be given an additional day to make her decision, and i am so glad that debra katz has used the word bully to describe exactly what Chuck Grassley and all the republicans in the senate are trying to do, every republican senator has joined and supported Chuck Grassley in the bullying tactics that Chuck Grassley has been using well dr. Ford. The first deadline that he gave to Christine Blasey to agree to his terms, to the judiciary was 10 00 a. M. This morning. Nawaz her deadline, then he moved it to 5 00 p. M. Today, then he moved it to 10 00 p. M. Each time senator grassley did that, he did it in the media first. He announced it to the media before he announced it to communicated directly with dr. Fords lawyers. Senator grassley reached some compromises but refused some of dr. Fords request. They agreed that Brett Kavanaugh would not be in the room. But did not agree to her request that kavanaugh testify you first. Dr. Ford requested that only senators be allowed to ask questions, senator grassley said the committee will reserve the option to have female staff attorneys who are sensitive to the particulars of dr. Fords allegations and are experienced investigators, question both witnesses, we believe this will allow for informed questioning, will generate the insightful testimony and help depoliticize the hearing. Chairman grassley has refused dr. Fords request that the Committee Subpoena the testimony of mark judge who dr. Ford says was in the room when Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her and participated in that assault. The ten democrats sent a letter to chairman grassley today saying the committee should at a minimum hear from the fbi, the individual who administered dr. Fords polygraph test and all witnesses to the event, including mark judge, each of the individuals republican staff have contacted. There is no reason not to hear all the facts, the committee should also hear from character witnesses for judge kavanaugh and dr. Ford. One arent democrats want outside experts to testify is a tweet by the president of the United States this morning. I have no doubt that if the attack on dr. Ford was as bad as she said, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement authorities by either her or her loving parents. I ask that she bring those filings forward so we can learn date, time and place. As bad as she says. That is the new president ial defense of his nominee. Earlier this week, the president was pretending that he wanted to hear what dr. Ford had to say, thats all over now. Donald trump is not pretending any more. He seems willing to accept the notion that Christine Blaseyford was attacked by Brett Kavanaugh when they were in high school, but the attack just wasnt that bad. He said if the attack on dr. Ford was as bad as she says. The president s acceptance of an attack in that tweet suggests that the white house and the republicans are anticipating very convincing testimony from dr. Ford. That is also the working principle behind a Twitter Campaign launched yesterday and then quickly abandoned in which a republican operative pushing the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh suggested another suspect from Brett Kavanaughs High School Class because he looks like Brett Kavanaugh in their high school photos. Now, were not going to show you those photos posted on twitter because it is so reckless and irresponsible a charge that republican ed whelan who posted this theory has completely retracted it. Ed whelan is head of an organization that falsely calls itself the ethics and Public Policy center. And hes obviously a morally bankrupt ethically vacant human being. But he works closely on Supreme Court confirmations. And the most interesting part of ed whelans perverse theory of the case is that he completely accepts the idea that dr. Ford was sexually assaulted, it just wasnt Brett Kavanaugh. That tells you that the republican machinery that is working overtime to defend Brett Kavanaugh is expecting dr. Ford to be so convincing a witness that the only two defenses in the end might be mistaken identity or as donald trump says, just wasnt that bad. Republicans have no intention of offering dr. Ford a fair hearing. Fair is out of the question. The question is only how unfair will it be . Its going to be so unfair that the republican leader of the senate today said he already has the votes for the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh. Its a done deal. Youve watched the fight, youve watched the tactics, but heres what i want to tell you. In the very near future judge kavanaugh will be on the United States Supreme Court. So, my friends, keep the faith. Dont get rattled by all of this. Were going to plow right through it and do our job. Plow right through it. Mitch mcconnell knows the outcome. He has not heard one word from dr. Ford, but he knows he is going to plow right through it. Mitch mcconnell does not have a Public Record of lying when he says he has the votes to get something through the senate. And thats what he said today, he has the votes. So the question tonight about those republican votes in the senate is Mitch Mcconnell lying or is senator Susan Collins lying when she says that shes undecided . Is senator Lisa Murkowski lying when she says shes undecided . Is senator jeff flake lying when he says that he wants to hear the testimony of dr. Ford . Why would jeff flake need to hear that testimony . Mitch mcconnell just said he has jeff flakes vote in his pocket right now. Its a done deal. The democrat senators letter to chairman grassley says theres not an effort to get this is not an effort to get to the truth. We fear that rather than learning from the pass Senate Republicans and the Trump Administration are repeating this committees repeated mistakes and making new ones. Up to this point the committees treatment of dr. Ford has been unquestionably worse than the disgraceful treatment that anita hill received 27 years ago. And that disgraceful treatment was delivered to anita hill by Chuck Grassley who was a member of the committee there, and orrin hatch, who was a republican member of the committee then. They have both spent the week lying about the precedent set by the anita hill case. And in every controversy in the confirmation process, the standard procedure of an fbi investigation. Theyre not doing that for dr. Ford. No fbi investigation because their plan is to treat her with even more unfairness than they treated anita hill. Anita hills accusations got three days of testimony in the Senate Judiciary committee. 22 witnesses were heard. Chuck grassley wants one day of a hearing with, only two witnesses. Judge kavanaugh and dr. Ford. Because chuck grasslys job is to do what you heard Mitch Mcconnell just promise, to plow right through it. The democrats want to hear from all the relevant witnesses and, quote, outside experts who can speak to these allegations. Thats always a good idea. But now for fairness it is an absolutely mandatory idea. Now that the president of the United States is publicly questioning why Christine Blasey ford did not report this assault when she was a teenager. The reasons that young girls and women dont report these assaults are wellknown. Theyve been discussed many times on television. We know donald trump watches television. Theres a vast body of scholarly literature about it. Theres articles in the popular press about it. And there have been for decades. We all know the painful reasons that sometimes these cases are not reported. Hundreds of thousands of women tweeted today under the why i didnt report, and i urge you all to spend some time reading their reasons, their personal reasons. Women know the reasons. You know who else knows the reasons . Sexual assaulters. Theyre counting on women not reporting. And the president of the United States is both an accused Sexual Assaulter and a confessed Sexual Assaulter. We all heard him describe the Sexual Assaultive way in which he likes to grab women when he was recorded on that access hollywood bus surrounded by strangers, a camera crew, a bus driver, all sorts of people he didnt know. And thats what he was willing to confess to them, to strangers. So imagine what his real personal truth and his real personal history is on Sexual Assault. His first wife accused him of rape under oath. And so an accused Sexual Assaulter has now given his opinion in a Sexual Assault case. And his opinion is that whatever Brett Kavanaugh did to christine ford, it just wasnt that bad. Wasnt as bad as she says. President s are not supposed to comment on criminal investigations, but donald trump has done that many times. President s are not supposed to comment on ongoing criminal cases, but donald trump has done that many times. President s are not supposed to comment on a criminal trial, but donald trump did that during the paul man inafort trial. He did that. He tried to influence the manafort jury because he had every right to believe there were trump voters on the manafort jury, and he was right. But the one manafort juror who we heard from was a trump voter, and she took her oath as a juror very seriously. And she voted guilty on every single count against paul manafort. Republican United States senators do not take their oaths as seriously as Paul Manaforts jurors did. And so their minds are made up. If you believe Mitch Mcconnell, their minds are made up, theyre going to plow right through it. Minds are made up before dr. Ford has spoken a single word. During Charles Mansons trial for multiple murders, president nixon made the mistake in a press conference of suggesting Charles Manson was guilty. And the Nixon White House immediately issued a statement retracting that statement, saying the president did not intend to make that comment or influence that trial or jury in anyway. Donald trump is now trying to tamper with the jury. Mitch mcconnell has surely told donald trump that he has the votes to confirm judge kavanaugh. So the senate is not the jury donald trump is trying to influence. Donald trump is trying to influence the jury that votes on november 6th. Hes trying to influence the jury whose first chance to make their statement about what they see in the Senate Judiciary committee next week will occur on november 6th. And what hes saying to that jury is what donald trump has always said, you cannot believe the woman, you must never believe the woman because whatever happened was not as bad as she says. After this break we will be joined by a group of congressional experts who know the confirmation process well. Wendy sherman, lisa graves, mika oyang. We are the tv doctors of america, and we may not know much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. We also know that you can avoid drama by getting an annual checkup. So go, know, and take control of your health. It could save your life. Cigna. Together, all the way. Kayak compares hundreds of travel and Airline Sites so you can be confident youre getting the right flight at the best price. Cheers kayak. Search one and done. Of great savings and service. With such a long history, its easy to trust geico thank you todd. Its not just easy. Itsbeingamasterofhypnotism easy. Hey, i got your text sleep doug, when i snap my fingers youre going to clean my gutters. Ooh i should clean your gutters great idea. Its not just easy. Its geico easy. Todd, you will go make me a frittata. 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Some questions are so fundamental to Judicial Integrity that it senate cannot rush past them without undermining the publics confidence in the court. Joining our discussion now ambassador Wendy Sherman under secretary of state. 27 years ago she helped anita hill deal with the Senate Judiciary committee hearings, which she describes in her new book not for the faint of heart. Mika oyang, a former staffer on the House Intelligence Committee and importantly here, former chief of staff to ana eshoo who was the first member of congress who dr. Ford communicated with about her Sexual Assault charges. And also joining us is congressional scholar norm ornstein. And Wendy Sherman, i want to go to you first. Very important they make in their letter to chuck grassly, that the majority of republicans in this committee are intent on delivering a more unfair hearing this time than they did for anita hill. Right, it was one the most dismiss weekends of my life, lawrence, and this appears to be worse. At the time the democrats thought they were holding a hearing, the republicans believed they were holding a trial. And they put anita hill on trial. I actually agree with you. I think that in this case dr. Ford should go first, but thats really for her negotiations so that in fact she can lay the terms of this discussion. But even in that case there were witnesses, but back in the time of anita hill the witnesses who had also been harassed by Clarence Thomas were not allowed to testify. There were so many ways in which she was cis disabled, and that has happened in spades this time, completely bullying dr. Ford at every single turn here. It is quite disturbing, and today the senate nominee, republican nominee for the United States senate, mr. Kramer said whats the big deal in essence, they were drinking and nothing came of it. Is he really saying it only matters if she had been raped, fully raped . Its astonishing to me we live in a time with the me too movement, with all were doing trying to change this world, that were seeing even worse behavior than we did in 1991. Lisa graves, i want to get your reaction to where the nominations stand now. Attorney katz in representing dr. Ford in her response to committee tonight did for the first time use the word bully. That republicans and the republican staff on the committee speaking for chairman grassley have been trying to bully dr. Ford every step of the way. I think thats an accurate description of whats going on, and i would go a step further in trying to say this is an effort to railroad her or create some sort of situation in which she doesnt testify. I think a fair reading whats going on this week is terror on the part of the white house, on the part of the Nominations Team for kavanaugh at letting her testify fairly. Theyve thrown up every roadblock, made a pretense in the press. Senator grassley has lied to the American People and other members on that committee about the press dents for having the fbi go back. Meanwhile, Brett Kavanaugh has been ensconced at the white house, working out various things to say. His allies have been out bringing forward the most discredible claims to try to smear an innocent person, a schoolteacher, trying to blame someone else. You have senator mcconnell today basically taking for granted that Susan Collins that Lisa Murkowski, jeff flake, senator corker, that theyre all just going to go along with this charade, this sham. Its despicable, discredible, this honorable, and the American People are watching. American women are watching, the american men who love them are watching. And theyll be held to account if they do not allow this woman a chance to really tell her story and have that opportunity to make sure the American People know theyre about to put someone accused of attempted rape on the highest court in our country. Nothing could be more serious when it comes to the integrity of our courts. And whats happening is a sham. Lisa, i have to say, in my experience of Mitch Mcconnell i think its worse that hes taking senator murkowskis vote for granted, but hes been promised those votes, because hes not the type to go out there and talk about the votes he doesnt have. He usually doesnt do that. Amika i want to get to you, you were chief of staff by congressman eshoo. Congressman eshoo. Thats actually where this information was first delivered to congress, the very first letter that dr. Ford wrote wuss delivered to the congresswoman who you used to work for. What can you tell us about congresswoman eshoos reaction to this, what it felt like to have that anonymity request while she was reading this explosive information . Yeah, i think this was one of the real differentiates between what you see in the anita hill experience that wendy talked about today. The first people handling dr. Fords allegations were women, who were deeply empathetic to what she was going through and what she was saying, who were very respectful about her wish for confidentiality, and let the victims wishes really guide the ways in which they were handling the information instead of turning it into the this media circus. Congresswoman eshoo has issued a strong statement. And once its turned over this thing is completely turned upside down. Lets listen to what Susan Collins said today about President Trumps tweet. I was appalled by the president s tweet. First of all, we know that allegations of Sexual Assault im not saying thats what happened in this case but we know that allegations of Sexual Assault are one of the most unreported crimes that exist. So i thought that the president s tweet was completely inappropriate and wrong. When Mitch Mcconnell says he has the votes she usually has the votes. Yeah, but im not sure he does in this case, lawrence. I think hes trying to push this through before things can turn in a very bad direction. And it may be that he thinks he has the votes, but the pressure on Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski is extraordinary right now. And i must say if the democrats end up just sort of watching this happen and we get a vote in the committee on monday and then they begin to move towards a schedule on the floor, they ought to hold their own hearing with mrs. Ford. They ought to bring in lisa fairsteen who knows more about how to handle cases of Sexual Assault than anyone. They ought to bring in Ronald Reagans daughter patty davis, who had this happen to her and didnt tell anyone about it. And lay out the case themselves. And make it so the people who vote for Brett Kavanaugh including those like jeff flake and Lisa Murkowski where said we shouldnt do this until we hear from her, the idea that because she didnt want to do it on monday or wednesday and wanted to wait until thursday is going to been a excuse. I think youve got to put these cards on the table and force this so that mcconnell maybe wont quite prevail. And Wendy Sherman, the only clear ask that is left on dr. Fords side is literally thursday instead of wednesday. And these republicans who left the Supreme Court seat open for more than a year are going to try to make the case that, no, america cannot proceed without having this hearing on wednesday. These republicans who left a Supreme Court seat open for more than a year are going to try to make the case that no american cannot proceed without having this hearing on wednesday . It cant possibly wait 24 hours . Look, lawrence, they not only waited a year to fill this seat, they didnt allow merit garland to sit at all to even have a hearing. So delay republicans saying there shouldnt be a delay is an absurd notion. When patty davis wrote her oped today she waited 40 years to have the justice to tell her story. What matters here is what my colleagues have said on tv tonight. This is someone we are putting on the Supreme Court for a lifetime appointment. Dr. Ford has already had to live with this assault for her lifetime. The least we can do is really truly hear her. I think we all remember that march of women, members of the house of representatives who marched over to the United States senate to demand that anita hill be heard by the judiciary committee. Thats because there werent enough women in the United States senate at the time two. Only two. To create that image. Thats right. And lisa graves, every single United States senator has a right to be present in in a judiciary hearing room at any time. And if Chuck Grassley tries to move towards a vote on monday, i would expect every senator to be physically present in that room raising their voices to stop that. I think there will be a lot of voices raised on monday if this goes forward with a vote. I think you have senators and members of the house extremely upset about this and theyre hearing from people across the country. Brett kavanaugh is the most unpopular nominee for the Supreme Court in the history of polling. And i dont think hes going to be able to bang that gavel and force it through with the number of voices speaking out. I would also point out, lawrence, that google and facebook in their negotiations for their hearing got a lot more due process than dr. Ford. What does that say about chairman grassley . They got their demands met on both scheduling and by the way scheduling is the easiest thing. Witnesses get the schedule they can comply with. And mika when i think about that march 27 years ago, house members have senate floor privileges. They can walk onto the senate floor at any time. I would expect the senate floor to be filled with every single democratic member of the house next week if Chuck Grassley and Mitch Mcconnell are really trying to ram this through. Thats right. And thats actually how those women including my first boss Pat Schroeder got into the Senate Dining room to had a rang their colleagues about whats happening to anita hill. But the rage youre seeing now were really talking about tearing the country apart. And as the Yale Law School letter says at some point we have to ask whats good for the country. Richard nixon lost two Supreme Court nominees and couldnt get any others appointed. At some point theyve got to find someone who meet the standard of integrity for Supreme Court justice. And theres no reason they shouldnt be up in arms if they cant find that person. Norm, i think the truth on this thing is dr. Fords accusations accepted at face value are okay with us. And theyre okay either because they happened in high school or because as donald trump puts it, it just wasnt that bad. Well, this has gone from this absolutely didnt happen, its an 11th hour hit job to, well, maybe it happened but it wasnt so bad to, well, maybe it happened but it was a case of mistaken identity. But the bottom line here, lawrence, is this has been for a while a devils bargain. They will take anything donald trump says or does in return for getting judges. What mcconnell did for a number of years to block judicial nominations from going through, merritt garland was one. Dozens of District Court and especially Appeals Court judges saying he wouldnt let any d. C. Circuit nominees through for years when obama was president , this is the number one priority for them because they know they wont be in power for all that long, and they can have people who can make decisions for 30 or 40 years, and it is immoral to operate in this fashion. And that is the only appropriate word we can say on television. Thank you for joining this discussion tonight. Thank you for all this important discussion. Really appreciate you being here. When we come back, Trump Supporters are using a New York Times report on rod rosen steen to try to get him fired. The question is was it a joke when rosenstein was talking about wearing a wire and using the 25th amendment to get donald trump out of power . Of course,. Fridge, weather. Clear skies and 75. Trash can, turn on the tv. My pleasure. Ice dispenser, find me a dog sitter. Okay. And make ice. Pizza delivered. Whats happened to my son . I think thats just what people are like now. 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Thats the question or the questions donald trump is facing tonight as he thinks about firing Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein after the New York Times report today indicating rosenstein discussed wearing a wire to record President Trump so that recording could be used to gather the support of the Vice President and the majority of the candidate to use the 25th amendment to remove donald trump and install mike pence as the acting president as provided for in the 25th amendment. The first public discussion of using the 25th amendment to remove donald trump from power was on this program one month into the Trump Presidency when we had already seen enough madness in the white house to know this president is a danger to us and the world. And it turns out the Trump Administration was thinking about it almost as early as i was. The report confirms todays report confirms an anonymously written oped piece in the New York Times who said there were senior officials thinking about using the 25th amendment. Why john hannity leaned into his camera tonight to tell the president of the United States directly not to fire Rod Rosenstein. Does this map show the peninsula trail . You wont find that on a map. Ill take you there. Take this left. If you listen real hard you can hear the whales. Oop. You hear that . vo our Subaru Outback lets us see the world. Sometimes in ways we never imagined. As moms, we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. And we dont want Something Like meningitis b getting in their way. Meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. Bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 1025 year olds. Even if meningitis b is uncommon, thats not a chance were willing to take. Meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. 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Shawn hannity has some advice tonight about the breaking news story that the New York Times began today about Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein talking about possibly wearing a wire to record President Trump to amass evidence to use the 25th amendment process to remove President Trump from power and install mike pence as the acting president. Sean hannitys advice to donald trump about this is very surprising. I have a message for the president tonight. Under zero circumstances should the president fire anybody. These actors tonight, and ive had multiple sources confirming this and more information coming, they are hoping and praying that the president does just that. Theyre hoping he gets mad, that he gets sick and tired of it and they can turn this politically into their equivalent of a friday night massacre. The president needs to know it is all a setup. Accepting the challenge to try to make sense of this is are harry litman, and mieke eoyang is back with us. The sean hannity theory is, someone did this to try to trigger the president to fire Rod Rosenstein so that then an avalanche of criticism would come down on the president for doing that before the midterms and then help turn out democratic voters for the midterms. Yeah, hows that for a triple bank shot . Thats the hannity theory. And whos on the other side of the pool cue . The whole thing is completely crazy, of course. But what put in mind at first is just the sense of crisis that pervaded the Justice Department back in may when we were first sort of getting the exposure to the mad man in the white house. Now its become almost normalized. But in those early days when you were first seeing erratic and anticonstitutional behavior, you were having these serious meetings at the department. I dont believe that Rod Rosenstein would or did seriously consider himself wearing a wire. But nevertheless you have all the officials around the table broaching the 25th amendment, broaching even in humor wearing a wire. That is just a crazy situation. And yet things have only gotten crazier since. But weve somehow gotten inert to it. Rod rosensteins First Response to this was to say the New York Times story is inaccurate and factually incorrect. I will comment on a story based on anonymous sources. But then he was forced to further comment. Hours later, in a second statement rosenstein said i never pursued or authorized recording the president. And any suggestion that i have ever advocated for the removal of the president is absolutely false. So, meike, Rod Rosenstein did feel it necessary to refute the two big points in the article. Its very clear his job has been in jeopardy for quite some time. And the president has been looking for an excuse to fire him. He needs rosenstein to make all kinds of statements of loyalty. Telling him hes not a target of the investigation. Assuring him that he didnt intend to suggest he was going to wear a wire. But to hannitys point, from trumps point of view the last time he fired someone senior at the department of justice we wound up with the mueller investigation. So if hes going to do it again who knows what consequences are going to ensue. Firing rosenstein at this point is going to trigger this red line from congress, in the sense that hes really interfering with an ongoing investigation. Rosenstein is the one who gave him the figge leaf for comey to begin with. It is a terrible idea to fire rosenste rosenstein. Knowing what you know from the Trump White House from Bob Woodwards book and the reporting that we have, its clear someone in the white house must have believed that the president was close enough to firing Rod Rosenstein that someone needed to enlist Shawn Hannity to tell him not to do it on tv. Thats right. Now, is it a friend or foe . We also know, by the way, to miekes point, the white house actually pushed for him to issue his second denial. So that doesnt seem like the Institution Response from a white house gearing up to fire him. Nevertheless, i certainly take the point of all that could follow, were he to be fired. But hell never have a better excuse than this. I mean, to if he asserts that this was done seriously, and theres a lot that happens at the meeting other than that kind of joke in jest, you know, hell be on firmer ground than he was yesterday and will be tomorrow. We await Donald Trumps announcement of the firing because he believes the New York Times. Harry litman and mieke eoyang, thank you both for joining our discussion tonight. President trump said things about dr. Ford who has accused Brett Kavanaugh of Sexual Assault. Said it today on twitter. And he asked why she didnt come forward when she was a 15yearold girl to report that attack. Hundreds of thousands of women came forward today and told donald trump why i didnt report. Copd makes it hard to breathe. So to breathe better, i go with anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way, with anoro. Go your own way oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Anoro is not for asthma. It contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. The risk is unknown in copd. Anoro wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. These may worsen with anoro. Call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. Ask your doctor about anoro. 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Confessed Sexual Assaulters like donald trump know the answer to that question, thats why people like trump repeatedly Sexual Assault women as hes accused of doing through the his entire adulthood and as he boasted about on that access Hollywood Video where he describes his preferred methods of Sexual Assault. There are hundreds of thousands of answers to Donald Trumps question on twitter under the the hashtag whyididntreport. Sexual assaulters know why women dont report. That is what Sexual Assaulters are counting on, that they will never be reported. And i hope im just one of millions of men who spent a couple of hours today reading those answers. Thousands of them contained an identical line word for word, no one would believe me. It keeps recurring as a haunting refrain as you read why i didnt report. Angela ward said, i was 17 and he was my best friend and told me no one would believe me. He had more friends than i did and his parents knew mine and i thought i would be blamed. Why i didnt report. Darryl hannah said, i did, it didnt matter. And i still get blamed. Pace lay flower said the first time i was 8 years old, the second time i was 12. Both times i was frozen with fear, i didnt tell anyone for fear no one would believe me. I was a little girl, and i was terrified. I still havent told. I still freeze up when i think about it. Why i didnt report. Amee vander pool said, i was humiliated. I knew everyone would find out. I was afraid it would ruin my professional reputation before i had even started. I was afraid they would not believe me and let him hold my grade back. I was afraid they would not let me graduate from law school. Why i didnt report. Chrissy said, why i didnt report . Because i was a new private in the Army Deployed overseas and i didnt know anyone. I trusted him because he was my nco. Everyone loved him. He could do no wrong. No one would have believed me. Cindy mcfarlane said at 13 i was given a list of questions that would be asked if i reported. Most were accusatory, no traumatized 13yearold is going to agree to that. When i tried to report a few years later, the question was, do you have proof . Why i didnt report. Jessica raven said the first thing i wanted to do after being raped was take a shower and shower again and again and again to get the violated feeling off me with supported of friends i did attempt to report it and i was told that there was no proof because i showered. Why i didnt report. Christine reynolds added an important footnote when reading these stories. She said the why i didnt report tweets are powerful, but please understand that those are only coming from people comfortable about talking about what happened to them in some way. There are many people who are still silent. This represents just a portion of the problem we face as a society. Maureen shaw said i was only 15 and scared. Nobody would believe me or worse, would blame me. I was scared he would do it again if i told anyone. It was and still is humiliating to recount such profoundly sexual violent details i didnt want to break my parents hearts. Why i didnt report. And so parents of daughters have a big job to do. Dont ever let your daughters feel that they can break your hearts by telling you the truth. And parents of sons, have a much more important job to do. Stop the violence. Do not let your sons grow up to be the guy that did that to maureen shaw or to anyone else. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. Comfort. What we deliver by delivering. We are the tv doctors of america, and we may not know much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. 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Ford, was asking for an extension of Chuck Grassleys 10 00 p. M. Deadline that was imposed ton dr. Ford to decide whether she would testify next week. One of the lines in her letter to Chuck Grassley says the 10 00 deadline is arbitrary. It is so arbitrary that the deadline has passed. Dr. Ford has not agreed to testify next week, and Chuck Grassley had not responded to his own arbitrary deadline that he set for 10 00 p. M. Tonight. Thats tonights last word. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts now. Tonight were covering the bombshell from the New York Times, deputy ag Rod Rosenstein reported to have considered invoking the 25th amendment, suggested wearing a wire to record the president. He has issued a second denial tonight and donald trump reportedly is already asking advisers if he should fire them. Plus Christine Blasey ford asking for more time to decide whether to testify after the president lashed out at ford on twitter for not reporting the alleged assault when it happened. And the trump aboutface today on declassifying those documents in the russia investigation. The 11th hour on a friday night be

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