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Stories of democrats who worked with the russians in the 2016 campaign. President then turned his attention as i mentioned to Attorney General Jeff Sessions. This is important when you consider that this is the individual recused from an ongoing probe of potential obstruction among things and donald trump saying its too bad that sessions recused and then asked an intelligent question. The reporter asked donald trump to compare Jeff Sessions to the previous administrations Attorney General eric holder under obama and donald trump said this. I dont want to get into loyalty but i will tell you that i will say this. Holder protected president obama. Totally protected him. When you look at the things that they did, and Hold Proer Tekted the president. And i have Great Respect for that. Ill be honest. I have a little more on that in a moment. Trump also asked here in this very newsy interview whether he would order the justice come to understand can be seen as a triangle with three points. Authoritarianism. You highlighted the quotes that are worrying on that front. The second is his desire to make as much money as he can out of the presidency. And the third and the one that may be we have not paid enough attention to is psychic neediness. That was on display in the interview. The need to present himself as somebody powerful. People need to come to me and his responsive to flattery and the comments about the president of china. How big a smile is on the president Of Xi Tonight and thinking the show on the tarmac, what dividends paid off in manipulating the president s ego. Ambassador sherman, you can build on the point david makes. And this is an interview with so much in it, one point when asked willing to make deals, he says, yes. The reporter follows up and says you would move to the center on some of these issues. He said, no, im being practical. I dont think im changing. And then he says, im always moving. Im moving in both directions. Which would seem to be maybe perhaps admission but, again, to davids point on the neediness, he says in the interview, ambassador, that he is knows the tax deal better than the greatest cpa with regard to congressmen and senators. I love them and they love me. Yeah. Its quite an interview as you say, ari. Building on davids point, this the other piece of this is a very transactional approach and another interview tomorrow in the New York Times with general mcmaster, the National Security adviser saying he is taken out of the comfort zone with the trump Foreign Policy and in general its all to the good. It is a very transactional Foreign Policy. He said that he eased up on trade with china because he thought hed get what he needed on north korea. He hasnt gotten what he needed on north korea and china. To always be in charge, always talking about the need for bilateral trade agreements, not multilateral trade agreements, even in another article talking about Angela Merkel said that, yes, he could have a bilateral trade deal with the europe and not understanding europe is made up of 28, soon to be 27 countries after brexit and the entire article is i think as you said part of the pragmatic realism that mcmaster also speaks about. That pragmatic realism can head in any direction as the need arises and as it shines a light on the president of the United States. And, natasha, on the russia probe, we saw a very canny president as i said in my introduction to this news, that is president who tweets a lot of things for reaction. Just today he was clearly to the strategy to invoke alan him as an independent person and then falsely claim and easily rebuttal false claim that he doesnt know him . Well, he feels the need to get some kind of legitimacy for the argument that theres been no collusion and even if there was it wouldnt necessarily be against the law. Now, alan is not the most reliable person to make that kind of an analysis these days. Hes been making the living going on fox news to be a commentator and good to donald trump and one sided in the analysis and critiqued constantly by outside legal experts saying, actually, it really depends. If there was some kind of conspiracy to collude with the russians, thats been a crime. Hes been on conservative media and i invited him and talked to him about the russia probe. He has a view. Why does the president in your view and then, david, follow on this, say so falsely and so easily provable falsely i dont know him . Because he wants to maybe distract from the fact that he has been talking to alan on a regular basis, perhaps. We dont really know how often they have spoken and make it seem like an outside observer with no stake in the game. So a fake third party validation. David . Well, theres a part of donald trump that is as you say canny and a part thats not. If donald trump is not going to fire bob mueller, then his next strategy is to rev up republican animosity to mueller, to make this a tribal badge, to discredit the investigation so that whatever it does find, even harmful, that you have prepared the minds of the supporters to reject whatever the facts are. That means he needs to join that message. Im not sure that his assurances that he believes mueller will be fair, i think that may be something where he is talking to himself. And patting himself on the back. And reassuring himself so great he is and beloved and everybody will like him and meets that psychic need. As for alans legal analysis, look. Hes a great advocate. If you have committed a serious crime and youre trying to persuade the jury not to convict you, youll do well with alan dershowitz. Hes a Courtroom Lawyer and what hes saying is untrue and saying things like if the president is acting in the course of the duties he cant obstruct justice. What about an order to burn the national archives, to cover up the misdeeds . Reports to the president of the United States s. That in the can he do that . And alan said thats an example of something the president cant do. I dont think his arguments are meant to be convincing but theyre reassuring to the president. Yeah. On the what i think you put well, the Noncanny Side back to the ambassador on the Foreign Policy. I dont mean to be doing president ial fan fiction and jumping around as much as he does in the interview but i have such great experts and wanted you more deeply on the asia points you raised and he talks about this with regard to china. He says, you know, he like it is president. He treated me better than anybodys ever been treated in the history of china. You know that. Theyre hurting us on trade. The only thing more important to Methane Trade is war. Okay . And it goes to the point david mentions is thats not very canny to blatantly admit whats most important to him very complex Foreign Policy Socio Economic political Military Relationship is how he was personally treated. Indeed. Its quite extraordinary. I think what we see is such grandiosity in the interview, your point earlier, ari, when you said that the president said he could do anything he wanted to with the justice department, this sends a signal all over the world that he is an autocrat just like the autocrats all over the world. In our system, as you pointed out, he cannot do anything he wants to do with the justice department. Any time he wants to do it. And we are in a world where we have got the rise of autocrats, whether thats putin up for reelection in march and of course going to win either with 98 or 99 of the vote. Because he doesnt need even though his spokesman said were trying to meddle in the election, he doesnt need us meddling in the election. He has total control over it. The same is true for a number of leaders around the world and president xi has just put himself in the chinese constitution up with mao. So this is a guy filled with the grandiosity of what he thinks he accomplished in the world when the accomplishments in diplomacy and peace and security for the United States are not all that much. Well, i mean, thats heavy. A lot of heavy stuff. Natasha, ill go to you on a lighter point. The New York Times reporter talking about the immediate fallout of this, breaking news right now. He said as senior fairly senior Trump Adviser and he said, what interview . Today . Right. So that it was very clear in this interview that trump was not surrounded by aides and an impromptu meeting that mike schmidt encountered him having lunch and then going back to what Ambassador Sherman said. Trump made an astonishing admission in the interview which is that he was saying that mueller, he expected mueller to treat him fairly but he also said that the controversy is really revving up the base. And he said that in particular congressmen coming up to defend him and pointing out that this is a witch hunt. Thats a big indication that trump may not move to fire mueller expecting the bis and certain members of congress to do the dirty work for him. I think you have you im going through it. You make a point, natasha. Well take a pause and joy reids coming on and lawrence is coming on. Its a party. I want to read the exact quote to understand what you just referenced. Donald trump says, the mueller investigation, quote, really angered the base and made the base stronger. My base is stronger than its ever been. Congress min, some of the congressmen unbelievable in pointing out what a witch hunt the whole thing is so i think its been proven theres no collusion as you mentioned. To look through all of this something that many compared to a potential watergate as only a thing of a muscle makes his Core Base Support stronger. A debatable proposition as is. And an ethically dubious one. An important point to pause on. Natasha, wendy, and david, thank you each of you. I appreciate it. Thank you. Coming up, joy reid is pouring over the transcript. Im watching her in the hallway at msnbc and see her doing it. Shes going to come back in and give us her breaking thoughts on what else she found in there. Later, Mitch Mcconnell admitting 2018 not looking so good for the gop. But i thought we were supposed to be talking about investing for retirement . Were absolutely doing that. But theres no law you cant make the most of today. What do you want to do . Id really like to run with the bulls. Wow. Yea. Hope youre fast. I am. Get a portfolio that works for you now and as your needs change. Investment Management Services from td ameritrade. Welcome back to our breaking coverage. Another excerpt in Donald Trumps surprise Interview Breaking tonight from the new york times. He says there was collusion with the russians and the democrats, a lot of collusion. The New York Times reporter Michael Schmidt says dossier, going to so many other elements and podestas firm. Lets get to it with joy reid, host of am joy and National Correspondent and the Woman Holding down the anchor chair when this came across. I have so many questions and first on the collusion. Yeah. We wiped our plan out the window. Donald trump wanting to do and sort of a news editor that tries to scramble our plan and we are the highlight pen twins today. We have this going on. Just to go through it quickly, donald trump, im on page of 18 of the transcript and remarkable reading donald trump outside of the edited once they put it together New York Times, just reading the transcript and the number of directions his mind goes and i think of a bird in peanuts and friend of snoopy, no collusion, no collusion, and coming back to it. I have counted 15 times, sometimes 2 or 3 times in 3 sentences and goes back to the election, whether at the fbi or whether hes, you know, i dont know, dedicating a ship, back to, i won the election because i amy just the master of the Electoral College and goes on and on and on and the Collusion Idea is democrats making excuses. The mind is almost as if hes stuck in time. And he cant get passed the night of the election and he keeps coming back to it over and over again. That goes to, again, i dont do a ton of emotional analysis. But it does seem to be a happy place for him. Yeah. And he says in here that he understood the Electoral College. That he understood where to go. He was going to maine five times and the way it works while he says Hillary Clinton was running like she was pursuing the popular vote. Thats ridiculous. Anybody who watched the campaign, he was going wherever he thought he could get a big rally an make it back home by bedtime. The idea that this strategy all along was to do what he did and win the way he did, why were so many of the Campaign Team chatting with russians promising Hillary Clintons emails . I think it is clear what they thought would be the Winning Strategy was to prove that Hillary Clinton committed some crime that she hidden in the emails she didnt turn over when she turned over the State Department emails. They thought the emails were the key to the strategy not this whatever he is talking about with the elect trorl college. And then something we have not touched on at all and i think will get a lot of attention and seems to be revealing into how he sees his role in this world were all living in and speaking to Ambassador Sherman of the threats in china and north korea. He is the president of the United States and a man who like it or not overseeing the Largest Nuclear arsenal in the history of the world. Right. This is how he sees the path to reelection. Quote, were going to win another four years, for a lot of reasons, but most importantly this is most important, because our countrys starting to do well. Another reason this im going to win another four years is because newspaper, tv, all forms of Media Will Tank, the president says tonight, if im not there because without me their ratings, talking about our ratings and others, are going down the news and print media, without me the New York Times will not be the failing the New York Times but the failed the New York Times and they have to let me win and eventually he says probably six months before the election, loving me saying please, please dont lose, donald trump. What does this tell us about how he sees himself and his role as president . Its remarkable. Donald trump, you know, came to prominence for most americans as real estate tycoon or the host of the apprentice, a tv show. As a tycoon, spent as much time trying to get page six and other tabloids to put his name in the tabloid press, to tell people who he was dating, who he was marrying, to talk about his sex life, his love life, to make donald trump famous. Then he becomes a head of the apprentice. And he still seems to think hes in a tv show. Donald trump is one of the most least opaque, most transparent we have ever had as president and what he just said there is he believes himself to be the lead character in a television show. And that without this Television Shows Ratings America itself will tank. All of the Media Will Tank without donald trump as the star of his own tv show. That is not the job of the president of the United States. It is not a tv show. As you said, it is the person with the nuclear codes. And i dont think donald trump has yet understood the gravity of the office and he thinks its a show and people are watching the tv show rather than if people are watching more tv and more cable news and reading more the New York Times because theyre terrified of donald trump they despise him and he alarms them and want to know what hell do next. We hear the term transaction a lot. A transactional way of thinking. He is presupposing a National Transaction where he is the product, the Media Content being sold. I mean, i think more than anything i have seen this year, this is the most direct statement he doesnt see himself as the chief executive officer. He actually in his own mind sees him as the content officer. Content officer and doesnt understand the server leader model of the president of the United States. He is the employee yeah. Of 326 million people. He is not a Television Product thats being sold by the New York Times and msnbc and cnn. This is not a show. And i dont think he understands the gravity of the role hes taken on. Being president is a burden, a responsibility. Amen. You are the you are the Servant Leader of the United States. You are not a product on tv. Right. If all you care about is money and people who do and they shouldnt be in public service, we can go back to the famous jayz maxim. I gnome out a businessman. Im a business, man. He is an entertainer. Donald trump is an exentertainer. I dont think he understood. Look. Ronald reagan was an entertainer. I dont think he got graduated, though. Right. Donald trump might as well have props and a jingle to go along with the presidency because he thinks that to succeed he must rate. To succeed, sir, youre supposed to lead, make the country more respected in the world. Hes made it less respected. Youre supposed to advance the economy. Same economy that obama left him. Hes not materially improved the lives of americans. Hes terrified immigrants. He has rolled back protections for lgbt people. Rolled back thought of criminal justice reform. Put communities vulnerable in fear and allowed neonazis to openly march in the streets. Put on suits and declared themselves allies of the president of the United States. It is not a tv show, not an entertainer and doesnt understand this. Happy new year. A lot to process there and were thinking about. We thank joy reid for the time. I have a special guest coming up. Lawrence odonnell with a big announcement and next the gop tax bill punishing states that didnt vote for the president . One governor says its got to stop. Well explain. Hurry, its the final days of the ford year end sales event. Im on top of the world, hey. Its your last chance of the year to get our best offer of the year zero percent financing for seventytwo months, plus an extra onethousand cash back across a full lineup of ford cars, trucks and suvs. So hurry and save big on americas bestselling brand. Its the final days of the ford year end sales event with zero percent financing for seventytwo months plus an extra onethousand cash back see your ford dealer before jan 2nd and save. I enjoy the fresher things in life. O. Fresh towels. Fresh soaps. And of course, tripadvisors freshest, lowest. Prices. So if youre anything like me. Youll want to check tripadvisor. We now instantly compare prices. From over 200 booking sites. To find you the lowest price. On the hotel you want. Go on, try something fresh. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. Donald trump just told the New York Times tonight that he does not have an understanding of the bills. I know taxes better than the greatest cpa. I know the details of Health Care Better than most, better than most. I know more about the big bills than any president thats ever been in office. President really wants you to know he knows a lot about the tax bill and must know under this tax bill many people in the middle class and the Working Class actually will see their taxes rise. And according to New York Times, he would save about 11 million on his taxes. Thats a 30 cut and save another 4 million plus on the Estate Tax Bill eventually. Im joined by david kay johnson, journalist who founded d. C. Report. Org and and also joining me john harwood of cnbc and veteran of many Call Interviews with ol tirns. Im curious what john thinks from that perspective. First to you, david. Your thoughts on this interview . Well, i think this is an extraordinary interview that shows you a lot of things about donald. Works in word salad because his mind is salad. Theres no focusing on any issue and knowing anything in depth. It thoroughly establishes how donald makes things up. He doesnt know jack about taxes. His own account and told me that. I had lunch with donald. He couldnt follow the tax advice and giving him. He just makes stuff up. We did get one interesting detail out of this. Donald throughout the campaign used what were massively inflated numbers to describe the Trade Deficit with china. The imbalance. And in this interview, he mentions 300 billion a year of Intellectual Property Theft and seems to explain the madeup number he had and finally a notion that he is an absolute ruler. Donald always thought of himself of president as a dictator. You have to do what he says. The Supreme Court made it clear even in first and Second Amendment cases that no right is absolute, no power is absolute. That is the fundamental principle of our constitution with the system of checks and balances. John . Look, ari. I think this interview is profoundly disturbing. If you read it and think about it. The way the president speaks in such grandiose terms about himself suggests a level of delusion. I save coal. I was treated better than anyone in the history of china. I did things that Ronald Reagan couldnt do. The news media has to keep me president because the entire media system would fall apart without me. This suggests a level of mental functioning which is not particularly acute and when he starts talking about the russia investigation and he says 16 times theres been no collusion, absolutely no collusion, everyone agrees theres no collusion and some point youre just kind of babbling and this is the president of the United States and it cannot be reassuring to even people who support his policies to hear him speak in this way. Is this in format, john, not in substance but in format is this a sort of end of year cota to the remarks he made to as many Business Leaders and people across the spectrum to the great shame of charlottesville in that these were both times where his staff and his team and the professionals around him from general john kelly on down to his family did not want, did not plan or orchestrate for him to do this and he just breaks out of all rules and convention against any strategy to speak, to do what he feels he must do and in doing so offer some revelations about as you put it his State Of Mind but also a total lack of protecting his own Self Interest . Precisely. He doesnt seem to be aware of what he is revealing in these interviews. And the anyone who speaks about himself in the kind of terms that he does, absolute right to control the justice department, i know more than the greatest cpa. These are statements that are obviously cartoonishly ridiculous. And the fact that the president would feel free to say them to the New York Times suggests that he is not perceiving his own best interests or the interests of the white house. David, no offense to cpas. Its not even a brag im that familiar with that people who have ascended to high office or being president would feel the need to go there. It seems that in the china remarks, in being the center of the media capitalist universe, in the cpa remarks, in his claim that he has a better mastery of health care than most president s and when he said no one knew it would be this complex, any individual claim sounds silly when you quote it, but together whens the overorganizing principle here . Well, donald lives in this world where he creates his own reality and if he says it that means its true. And hes delusional. John is exactly right about this. Donald is delusional. I know im attacked by all sorts of people for saying this but he is. He is delusional and you are seeing his, you know, this manifestation of his belief. Donald, remember, believes and hes actually said at times hes superior to the rest of us. That, of course, he should be president. And youre seeing in this interview ridiculous and john had the right phrase. Cartoonish statements about himself. The interview also shows by the way that hes scared. The comments as i read them knowing donald now for almost 30 years, his comments about mueller and the implication that if i dont think hes fair to me ill get rid of mueller One Way Or Another goes to the heart of power unto himself. He doesnt say hell get rid of him but says more broadly, vaguely that he can do anything with doj. Thats right. And thats a clear implication to of what he is thinking about doing here. And if hes threatened and put in the box hell do whatever he thinks he needs to did. John, i want to go to john on a final point. From your reporting on many administrations, what would be going on in the inner circle of the white house right now as were getting reports of the New York Times that theyre just learning about this with the rest of the nation. Theyre trying to figure out what toe say tomorrow and reminiscent of the moment when the president sent out the tweet on the twitter account saying that Michael Flynn lied and to the fbi and not just the Vice President and then the president s lawyer saying, that wasnt him. I wrote it that. Theyre trying to come up with some sort of a a way of talking about this interview that is reminiscent of that kind of cleanup. The other point to make, ari, the president talking about the base is stronger than ever, i knew what was happening in alabama, i provided so much help to the republican candidate but he fell short and i knew the other guy was going to roy moore was going to lose, these statements are crazy. Hes been below 40 for months. His base is smaller than it was. Theres a profound National Reaction to him that produced some electoral results in the state of virginia that caused republicans to or helped republicans lose a race in alabama that they shouldnt have that no one dreamed they could have lost. If he doesnt understand the reaction against him, that shows hes not in touch with whats going on. David k. Johnson and john harwood, thank you both. President trump says because its cold outside, he thought about climate change. Hows this affecting his ability to get things done . Thats ahead. They came out of nowhere, sir how many of em . We dont know. Dozens. All right lets teach these freaks some manners good luck out there, captain thanks but i dont need luck, i have skills. I dont have my keys. on intercom all hands. We are looking for the captains keys again. They are on a silver carabiner. Oh, this is bad. As long as people misplace their keys, you can count on geico saving folks money. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Tonight might be one of those nights where you might be wondering does it feel like the Campaign Never stopped and why. Well, we have something to show you. The new report about donald trump tweeting more than 2,000 times since inauguration alone and trump mentioned on twitter 901 million times and counting. It will be more after tonights the New York Times interview, of course. So with three years left in the year, donald trump was the top news story on twitter for 348 days so far of 2017. Here are some of the most talked about moments. This American Carnage stops right here and stops right now. This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration period. Im establishing new Vetting Measures to keep radical islamic terrorists out of the United States. But regardless of recommendation, i was going to fire comey. The white house dodging, deflecting but not denying the president shared Classified Information with russia and beneather is he. We had a great meeting. I was elected to represent the citizens of pittsburgh, not paris. You also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. When somebody disrespects our flag, to say get that son of a [ bleep ] off the field right now. Get out and vote for roy moore. Do it. And right now, yes, donald trump is also trending on twitter thanks to that impromptu the New York Times interview that surprised his staff. Ill talk about this and whether it is what he says so essential to the entire country he stay president next. Any object. Any surface. Ideal comfort your sleep number setting. And snoring . Does your bed do that . Its the lowest prices of the season on the queen c4 mattress with adjustable comfort on both sides. Now only 1199, save 400. Plus, 24 month financing available. Ends monday. Visit sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Social media donald trump says got him there and hes again trending on twitter because of this impromptu interview and joined by daniel dale and korean jean pierre. Corrine, your take on the interview . Outright scary, ari. Continues to show that donald trump refuses to acknowledge, understand, and combat russias interference in our election which proves that he is a Clear And Present Danger to our country. And then the part with the justice department, its like he wants them to have loyalty to him, not to the constitution or the rule of law. Its incredibly troubling. Yeah. You say troubling. This goes to a point thats fairly obvious but either he is unaware of or deliberately pretending not to be aware of and things gather attention and scary to pull the lever as a president. Daniel, a Quote Trending On Twitter is the claim to do anything about the doj, plenty in here about Foreign Policy an enthose threats and then the other things that are bizarre which we have been discussing, you know, we the media give donald trump a lot of attention. We the media existed before him and would presumably exist after him and yet lets read another point. He says why hes going to win in 2020, because newspapers, tv, all forms of Media Will Tank if im not there without me their ratings down the tubes. Without me the New York Times will be the failed the New York Times. They basically have to let me win, donald trump argues tonight. Eventually six months before the election theyll be loving me saying, please, please, dont lose, donald trump. Daniel . Lets get this straight. Media the fake media because its so mean to trump but come election time the medias going to be begging for Trump Victory and therefore going to be nice to him to save itself. It just doesnt make sense. Its do you think he believes it . I dont know. So hard to get into his head. I think what we know is see in the interview is this combination of narcissist and true winner of the popular vote. Its, you know, hes been the most powerful man in the world a year now and cant get over anything that might suggest he is not the best and coolest in ever possible way. It is astonishing. Yeah. Karine, the claims he makes suggests he wants to jump from the Campaign Promises to when its all done. You really get the feeling the middle has no interest to him and so the other claims we have been discussing with reporters tonight he i save coal, i save the economy, it is like, even president s with great legislative records dont usually like plant the full victory flag 11 months in. Yeah. All about me, me, me, i, i, i. A child in the oval Office Behind the Desk Making Decisions and he just hasnt grown into the position of presidency, into that office, and he wont and i think thats the place that we have come to and we have to understand that its just never going to happen. He never grew into being the republican nominee, candidate, and hes certainly not done it as president. Look. Donald trump spends more time live tweeting about fox news, about cable news than he does seemingly to be spending time in National Security briefings and its just its just completely insane. Heres the thing. It is not just us the progressives or the news media or whoever that believe that hes doing unpresident ial and also his own base and complained and asked that he stop doing it. But once again, he just is all about himself and its this kind of me, me, me complex. Daniel, a point we visited earlier, what does it tell you that he didnt involve anyone from a criminal defense lawyer, his own interest to aides which is in the propaganda or communications interest to be present for this . You know, he doesnt think more beyond the moment. I think weve come to learn that he operates on his gut. We dont know why he did this interview. We dont know why he said the things he said. He thinks about, you know, the moments ahead of him without concern for the long term ramifications and seen that in the media strategy, in the Foreign Policy, seen that in the way approaches legislation. We have learned that theres no grand plan here but only in Donald Trumps head on a given day. A theory of a goldfish presidency. Daniel, karine, thank you both. Happy new year. Thank you. Up next, Lawrence Odonnell back live on the last word. Looking for balance in your Digestive System . The show together. Sure. This week. Really appreciate it. The last time i was on was last wednesday night and since then the kind fund has raised 600,000 over the christmas holiday. Thats actually bringing our total for this year, which was really just this month, we have only been talking about it for this month, 1. 7 million and pushing the total since began this at the beginning of the program seven years now across the 16 million mark. So as of tonight we have collected through the generosity of the audience, a total of 16,050,816 and still with all of that to provide desks for hundreds of thousands of kids in malawi, still most of the kids in the schools do not have desks. We have a long way do go and the audience know that is and they have been wonderfully committed to this. This month we have been crushed with the news that this year we have actually been able to speak about the kind fund on show less than any other year but the audience hung in there with us and has made it a giving habit and theyve really done another amazing generous year for us. As youre speaking, we are looking at some of the extraordinary footage. As a final question to you, lawrence, what do you learn from this . What have you seen out there working with the people who are benefitting from the audiences generosity . What we we keep going back and some of the same schools and seeing the same kids and watching that progress and this year revisited with Maureen Vester who we met last year in first grade. This year hes in second grade. And shes just doing fabulously well and hopes to become a doctor and going to need our help to get through high school, through the girls tuition fund that we also have constructed within the kind fund. And so, its the stories of the individual kids that i think the audience appreciates the most and connects to the most and so much of the comment i get about specific kids the audience met on the show through our video that we manage to bring back from malawi. And those personal stories tell the real story. Its extraordinary and reminds me of something you told me once an came back after the accident you had where you said you wanted to focus more on good news and i think you and the audience have been a part of making some good news and the pictures tell part of that story so thank you to everybody and thank you for joining yours show. Happy new year, lawrence. Thank you very much. Happy new year to you. Really appreciate everything you do for the show and thank you. Of course, sir. Good night to you, lawrence. But not good night to everyone watching. Thes been a lot of news

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