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Putting aside the fact the bible is under our constitution, not the framework to resolve these issues, which the Attorney General knows even if the white house spokesperson does not know that. Lets look at what else we have here. Jeff sessions dismissing all of these concerns from experts and families by saying these Migrant Children who were ripped from their parents arms are well cared for. This is hhs, health and human servic services. Something entirely different from the criminal Justice System that they care for these children in a. Proper way. They are providing food and education in their native language, health and dental care. We transport them where they want the to go while they are in the country. That is the representation of the Trump Administration about what they are doing. Et we show you that so you can see their version of events. What we are seeing, though, on the ground is very different. Heres whats happening inside the casa shelter in texas. Children sleeping in dormstyle rooms, very little personal space, five to a room. These are built to house four. Each wearing bracelets to identify themselves and they are scanned as they get their food from the cafeteria. Jacob soboroff Got An Inside Look where children are locked inside for up to 22 hours a day, a Shelter Employee telling reporters to smile at the children because they, quote, feel like animals in a cage being looked at. Theres pushback. Some in both parties. Democrats are saying these are atrocities and chastising this policy, which is policy in america today, as unamerican. Separating children from parents, denying relief to victims of brutal dmes account violence is not going to make our country better. Thats unamerican. I cant think of anything more cruel, more inhuman. Its psychological torture. Its apouling. Its wrok regardless of circumstances to take children away from their mothers and fathers. This is barbaric. This is thot what america is. Im joined for a special discussion on this. And Alisa Menendez is joining us. Thank you all. Congressman, i begin with you. Is this a humanitarian crisis caused by the u. S. Government . Theres no question about it. These Asylum Seekers, we are prosecuting people that are fleeing from violence, in some cases from natural disasters, from adverse conditions. Were treating them as criminals. Not only that, but were stripping their children away from them. How unholy is that. This amounts to child abuse, most experts understand and know that when a child is brutally or forcefully separated from his or her mother, they are traumatized in shortterm or longterm. So this amounts to child abuse and the government is perpetrating that kind of behavior. I havent seen anything like this and the whole world is watching. It even caught the attention of the united nations. The Human Rights Unit there has asked the Trump Administration to halt this practice. Congressman, take a listen to what speaker ryan said today. Are you comfortable with the current Zero Tolerance policy leading to parents and children being separated at the border . No, im not. We dont want kids separated tr their parents. If speaker ryan doesnt. Want this outcome, is is he doing Everything Possible to prevent it . Absolutely not. They are back pedaling. The children are being held in jailtype holding facilities that restrict their movement for 22 hours a day. Allowing them only to go into the courtyard for one hour. They are restricted hours. They are under heavy surveillance. This is clearly a jailtiype situation for children. As they are 11 years old. These are children. Whats happening to Americas Soul . Let me play another claim by the Attorney General on how typical this is. Take a listen. Our policies that can result in shortterm separation of families is not unusual or unjustified. Its really a very short period of time. Normally the adults are only held in custody for a week or two or tleehree. Not unusual. Not unjustified is the claim. Your response . Sorry i was going toto jorge. Those mothers have been held for over a month now in some areas. They are waiting for the preliminary step of getting credible interview, which should happen in the first week they are detained, but hasnt happened yet. And they have been separated for a long time. I think this is highly unusual that we have had Asylum Speakers separated from their children and held for an extended period oftime. And again, these are questions as part of my job to ask. So ill just ask. Does your knowledge and expertise on this suggest that this is traumatizing and abusive to the children when they are separated from their parents this way . Ab chutely. Its traumatizing on both ends. I can tell you i have personally talked to four mothers of children ages 6, 11, 9 and 15 and for them the question that they kept asking me when i interviewed them was when am i going to be reyunified with my children. They had heard through a relative and whats the answer to that . The answer to that is i dont know. Honestly, we dont know how long its going to be because they havent had the preliminary interview that are necessary for them to move on to the alsylum process. Were trying to figure out if they can be released as soon as possible, but the reality is they could be here for extended periods of time. One of the things that Policy Analysts are quick to point out are that children are very young. In some cases they dont speak english. Some of them dont have language skills. So the level of trauma is hard to assess. Youre framing this as a humanitarian crisis. But we also have to be honest about whats happening in the Central American countries that is droifing these immigrants over the border and forcing someone to make the choice to take their child and risk this type of treatment. I was in el salvador. Youre sending their child with the risk you may never see them again. They may be taken advantage of. The mother said what other choice do i have . And that is a big part of the reason were having this conversation today. Congressman . The republican really want the to keep Families Together and dont want to split the families apart for months. They will have an opportunity to do that. Next week well be introducing legislation to treat Asylum Seekers in a dampifferent way. These are folks that are fleeing from adverse conditions. To ewe night families and keep them together while they are at the border or cross to the United States. This will be a major piece of legislation that would give the republicans the opportunity to be on the right side of history and to once again feel holy within themselves. I want everyone to stay with me as we bring in another special experten this with some historical context. The Trump Administration was announcing the border town in texas will be the first site of the tent city. 450 children there housed in the outdoor tents. An area where the temperature can reach the high 90s. I want to show you a child therapist, professor at California State University who was actually born in a Japanese Internment Camp On American Soil During World War Ii and produced a documentary and has treated immigrant families held by authorities in had similar situations. Doctor, whats on your mind . What can you educate us about all this . Im gravely concerned about these children. They were traumatized at home and the mothers that i interviewed described the limited choices they had where threats to their well being meant they are going to be separated from children at home. The gangs threatened to take the boys to be a part of the gang tuft and threatened to take the daughters to be part of the sex trafficking industry us. The one mother i us spoke to said that she felt that if she wanted to stay with her children, she needed to leave the country. And so she attempted this journey to come to the United States and was told by the person that brought her across, when she came to the border to say the word asylum and they would be taken care of. But instead these women that i interviewed at the Detention Center in south texas were handcuffed and put in temporary detention on a cement floor overnight until they were transferred to the prison. So these mothers sacrificed everything they had so the children could stay us with them. So to find that now the children are being separated from the mothers is just unbelievably inhuman. When you hear Trump Administration Officials Say their goal is to treat these families this way, to deter other Asylum Seekers, whats your response . Thats a cruel and horrible punishment thats being inflicted on the children. They are punishing the children in order to send a message back home so others wont seek asylum. And these are innocent victims of a horrible trauma that will last with them r for a lifetime. Stay with me. I want to ask about how this is playing out because these are decisions coming out of washington. Theres a ton of hyperbole and distraction. And yet its the actual facts of what were hearing from the families and from people who have come up close and observed members of congress. That give us a feel fooeling of what happened. Take a listen. Youre a parent. Dont you have any empathy for what these people are going through . They have less than you do. Youre a parent. Youre a parent of young children. Dont you have any empathy for what they us go through . Its in the bible its not what i said. I know its hard for you to understand. Even short sentences, i guess, dont take my words out of context, but the separation of its tense there and can look like the normal drama, but that drama in the room is about the moral center of what this administration is doing. Theres a moral center and already because of the policies the conversation has shifted so far to the right. So you have the Zero Tolerance policy, which means you have all these children over taxing the system. Theres conversations about tent cities. About children sleeping in tents so we can have a place to house them. Which makes family Detention Centers, which were once somewhere in the middle of this conversation suddenly seem like a leftist alternative. Tent cities is what the Trump Madministration is calling it. There are critics calling them camps. They have effectively shifted the conversation to the right. Such that you used to have Congressional Democrats hit iti the Obama Administration over the use of Family Detention Facilities and now in the new world order, Family Detention Facilities seem like a better option. Thank you to each of you. Were going to stay on the story. Theres lots of other big stories including a new suit by the top Law Enforcement official of new york against donald trump alleging he ran his charity for personal benefit. Were going to speak to the candidate to fill that post in new york. And what Michael Cohens predecessor is has Donald Trumps chief lawyer is telling me about whether cohen may flip. I want to get into that tonight. Also im going to break down something you may have heard about. Its finally out. The doj report on james comey, and yes, the clinton probe. Youre watching the beat on msnbc. And at expedia, we dont think you should be rushed into booking one. 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A rich man allegedly accused now of using his own charitys money to play personal legal bill. S. If youre rich, why would you need to do that . The news is that the Attorney General has a lawsuit today alleging the charity engaged in potentially illegal conduct. Theres plen bty to unpack, but the lawsuit claims that trump bought a 10,000 portrait of himself with his charitys money to hang in his own for profit resort. Spent on legal bills again to set is the something at his for profit property. And then another legal battle settled with foundation money. 158,000. Im joined by a democratic Candidate Running for the office that filed this suit today. A former prosecute and bill crystal, ed tore of the weekly standard. Lets look at it like this. Elliot is is it a strong case . And does it make donald trump look cheap, broke or just poor judgment. Or all of the above. After watching your last setting isment on immigration, im surprised that someone is not going to come out and say give to god what is god is caesar. Because ultimately we are normalizing conduct by the president that involves unfair dealing. Its hard to assess whether its a good case now. What we know is theres actionable evidence of Campaign First base violations that frank ly now are par for the course. Were getting used to lawsuits being brought against the president for all kinds of unfair conduct. So the question we need to be asking is why does this keep happening and why are we almost getting immune to it or numb to it. We knew about it to be polite business past here in san francisco. He was from new york and involved in the real estate business. It was an open secret. It was an openly known fact that you couldnt do business with donald trump. You didnt want to be in deals with donald trump and use of the foundation for personal gain or vanity. Dont you have a portrait of yourself paid for by nbc and your office. It may be worlt 10,000. Its just a selfie with a really good filter. Obviously these things should be investigated. I come back to mueller that if trumps presidency is going to be affected it will be because of a conspiracy during the campaign or Obstruction Of Justice as president. Things his was not a spotless business career to say the le t least. Once elected, people should follow the law and investigate things, but im not sure much of that makes a big difference. Youre running for this exact office. Your take on the case today . I think this is a big deal. The lawsuit is really well written. Its incredibly clear. The facts are shocking and show a pattern of illegal behavior for over 20 years by the Trump Foundation. Its an abuse of the charity, the structure of charities we have in this country. We allow for charities, give them tax exempt status and a special role in our society because we want to encourage people to give money for education or the arts or to take care of those who are less well off. And instead we have the Trump Foundation, which has Board Of Directors that never meet. Are not engaged in any decisions and instead donald trump uchooss to use Foundation Funds for his campaign. So lets look at it this way. If thats true, Thats Bad Behavior by trump. But if thats true, it also suggesting that New York State, which has been run by many Democratic Office holders, never dealt with this while he was a very famous resident with a big charity. You could imagine some people thinking is this political or only because hes president now . I want to really credit Barbara Underwood, our Attorney General who stepped in after Eric Sniderman resigned. If youre right that this is bad, why did he have to become president before new york woke up . We dont know all the details. We know the investigation began in 2016. The lawsuit came out today. Which prove mispoint, no . Most of the Charity Stuff is older. Its something we talked about before. Its incredibly important to be looking under the hood of powerful people, be the president or other powerful people in their use of charities and businesses. One of the things this Lawsuit Implicates is not just the Trump Foundation, but the Trump Organization. But im asking you a question about the democratic leadership in New York State and youre hitting trump again. Which i get. But yao a candidate. As you well know, i have been krit call of the corruption in new york government. I know. I thought you might hit this. Elliot, your thought on b that point. I want to piggy back on that point. Its very important. Youre an attorney. Investigations take a long time to build. Sometimes it takes two years, three years, five years to build a good, strong case. Are you also defending this . Im going to go to bill. The stuff may be bad but they are late to it. We have to be honest about that. Donald trump had close relations are lawmakers of both parties. And was treated with i dont know why they dont want to say that. If i may. Whats also look at Barbara Underwood and the men and women of the Attorney Generals offices. Shes been a prosecutor since 1982. Has never run for office. Is not running for office. And so to sort of the suggestion that its just not plut call. Thats kind of the point. We have raised it. Im running short on time. Your response . I think the deeper point here is that its Trump Foundation and Trump Organization but its not just Trump Foundation or organization. Theres illegal activity and the new York Attorney generals office, as i said to you recently, should step up. I think its important to honor the work of barbara in stepping up, but we need more of that. More of this kind of aggressive litigation that goes to the foundations that follows the money. A Robust Exchange not just taking easy shots. I thank each of you. A lot of noise about the doj report on comey. Ill give you more legal breakdown and the part that matters including why he was busted today for using personal email. But first, we have been speak iing with Donald Trumps former lawyer. You may remember him. He was Michael Cohens Michael Cohen. He had that job before him. What hes saying tonight about possible flipping. Well be back in 60 seconds. New heat on trumps personal lawyer. Hes now preparing to change his legal team. And struggling with their fees. I spoke with cohens predecessor as trumps top lawyer. In a moment ill speak with Nick Alasckerman about what were hearing. But heres the context. I had a Big Questions for jay. Heres what he told me about the new legal pressure facing cohen now. Today do you think Michael Cohen is more likely to flip than before . Hes more likely to flip because hes now facing the prospect of lawyers pressuring him for additional legal fees. A lot of speculation out there. But thats the voice of jay goldberg, who says he has Attorney Client privilege with trump. He thinks cohen is more likely to cooperate with the feds. So then i asked goldberg about the nature of the pressures facing cohen. Take a listen to that so we can discuss. Do you think that Michael Cohen is is under pressure for things he did for himself or for things he did for donald trump . I think both. I think you have to understand something that hasnt been made clear enough and i hope you understand it. Every builder in new york city is the subject of Mob Influence by unions. The mob will tell the builder unless you give me a portion of moneys, you will have Labor Strikes and this or there will be garbage not picked up on time. Now, you have to ask yourself, and nobody has mentioned this, why is the u. S. Attorney in the southern district investigating Michael Cohen . Why . Is is it russia, no. Is it labor racketeering, yes. Do you think the feds may have evidence that Michael Cohen fixed things, as you say, for trump for the mob . I think that Michael Cohen regaled people with the fact that he was connected to Mob Influence. As i mentioned, nick is here along with john flan ri. Nick . Jay goldberg would know. I first met him when he represe represented when i was prosecuting him as the boss of a family. Jay goldberg represented other members of that family. If anybody knows about the mob and has an inside story on that, its jay goldberg. So when he talks about the cohens regaling people with stories of fixing Donald Trumps mob problems, youre saying hes not talking about mob in theory or imagine naigs. He has his own knowledge. He knows. I give you within example. I had four witnesses in the Witness Protection Program all of whom jay goldberg was cross examining. He know what is it means for a witness to flip. He know what is it means when somebody cooperates. He also understands that somebody like cohen can cooperate because all of those records that have been seized from his Office Provide a blueprint for whatever crimes hes committed. If he was in prague deal iing wh the russians, theres going to be evidence in the record. John, mob ties, go ahead. Trump is this Long Association before passed to his final reward. And the negotiation with the mob and the variety of ways the building industry, the failed casinos, you have to wonder about those, how a casino fails. So i felt like he was pulling a rudy because hes introducing an aspect that cohen is deal iing with the mob for trump, which is kind of an astonishing thing. I havent seen anything publicly saying thats what the investigation is about. But this is coming from an individual who represented donald trump for a long tomb. Part of what we tried to do in reporting this out is talked to the people who are close to it. Isnt it striking coming from him tonight . Striking, i think he may open up a whole other investigation. I mean rudy gave us how we funneled money to pay off tricks for trump and now were talking about how the fixer also may be takes care of the mob. Trump has been compared to the godfather person who expects One Direction of loyalty toward him. This would be perfect because hes had people in thiz his tower who are associated with the mob and theres been talk about what hes done in various projects before. Be pretty scary to have a made fellow or sorassociate of the organized Crime Network sitting in it the white house determining our Foreign Policy and Law Enforcement policy. This is surfacing from jay goldberg. He has a long practice history in new york. He has his reasons. Hes been on the show before. I also asked him about the allegations of Witness Tampering with regard to Paul Manafort. One thing i will mention for context for viewers, gold weber appears intent on problematic behavior by cohen. Context for that being people around trump who want to say maybe these are the worst guys ever, but they are rogue bad guys. He was saying Witness Tampering is a huge deal. Is Paul Manafort in danger of being jailed before trial . He is. Tampering with a witness is of grave consequence in the federal system. And if mueller can make a showing that while hes at liberty presents a risk of intimidating or influencing witnesses, to testify in a way inconsistent with the truth, he could find himself remanded. Thises a 20year felony. Its extremely serious. The only standard now for the judge tomorrow in terms of whether she remands him or not is whether the government has probable cause that he was tampering with witnesses. Low bar. Thats a low bar. The grand jury already found probable cause. Theres so much disagreement, but jay goldberg and nick, who is critical of donald trump, agree tonight that tomorrow might be the first step to manafort going to jail. The other thing i want to play, you mentioned rudy. Take a listen to somewhat lengthy, 50second exchange on rudy. Take a look. I told trump that i didnt think Rudy Giuliani was a proper lawyer for him. His manner is to draw attention faway from trump. Hes come out correctly in deciding not to submit trump to interrogati interrogation. You think giuliani is affected because even if the Public Performance is sloppy, its distracting from the actual mueller probe. Thats true. It distracts from the mooueller probe. Hes certainly not polished. When you look at him and you hear him, youre influenced more by. His delivery. Briefly . Briefly. I dont think distracting is your objective. Nothing improves your aim like a target. Rudy seems to be an army of pompous phrases. The first part about a target. Thank you as always. Still ahead, this mural of trump keeping Migrant Children separated from their children. But my breakdown on the james comey report. Discover card. Hey, im curious about your Social Security alerts. Oh well alert you if we find your Social Security number on any one of thousands of risky sites, so youll be in the know. Ewww being in the know is very good. Dont shake ahhh sign up online for free. Discover Social Security alerts. You might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. Need a change of scenery . The Kayak Price Forecast tool tells you whether to wait or book your flight now. So you can be confident youre getting the best price. Giddyup kayak. Search one and done. Touch feel. How asis but does psoriasis ever get in the way . Embrace the chance of 100 clear skin with taltz. 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But the report shows the fbi leadership obsessed with appearance and their own predictions of how a decision might play out in the political arena. Consider this. 84 references to appearance in this report. 39 mentions of reputation. Another 33 to perception. Thats because there are many sentences in here in this exhaustive 500page report about managing perception. Although it finds no laws were broken and it finds that a lot of people exercised poor judgment and then defended their choices as essential to help manage the fbis reputation. That, for example, is how the report treats Loretta Lynchs meeting with clinton. It note thas didnt discuss the case so it was legally okay, but it looked bad. The report is much harder on james comey and echoed experts who say His Public Et Emoting about the clinton case violated policy, but those are matters of judgment and his motel vags was he thought the actions would make the fbi look good. As you probably know, they didnt and comey being comey says hed do it all over the same way. Even in hindsight, this has been one of the most painful experiences, i would make the same decision. The report is about more than any one official, which is useful as you think about reform. Comeys deputy is a key witness to white house obstruction and someone trump has target ed. So the author of this report departed from another doj policy himself and basically locked like he was obeying trumps time line to criticize mccabe for how he talked about his Media Contacts regarding the clintons. That calls into doubt his judgment and now this report shows how common fbi Media Contacts are. Horowitz noting concerns about how many unauthorized contacts there were between the fbi personnel and the press. Im going to show you charts based on the report that show how frequent it was for fbi employees, there are all the different nodes of that circle, contacting reporters in 2016 alone or this chart where you have the reporter reaching 18 fbi et employees in another reporter on the phone with fbi et employees including executives and Special Agents up to 30 times. They werent just talking to each other. The report finds employees got tickets to Sporting Events and golf outings and drinks with the media. The report suggests all of that Media Management issi excessive for the fbi. We also know they werent good at it. Even though there were recusals to avoid the appearance of a bias, thats something the fbi kept secret even though the whole purpose was to avoid a perception of bias. If something is supposed to address a Public Perception it doesnt work if its secret, which this new report notes saying this approach, quote, made no sense. Now if we take a breath, you might say this is a lot of talk about perception in the media. Yes, thats the problem. We dont really need an fbi thats good at Reputation Management or reacting to republicans in congress. We need a federal bureau of investigation thats dpood at federal investigations. This report is a reminder of how many serious people in washington clearly dont understand how their world has already changed. These are not normal times. If youre watching the news right now, i bet you know that. But this report shows many fbi leaders operating on the ridiculous premise that if they could just publicly explain to their harshest critics and right wing media why they think they did the right thing, then the perception would relate to that truth. And people would treat them fairly. Maybe there was an era where that was true, but its not what happened in 2016 and not the way it works today. The report reveals an fbi agent involved in the clinton case had bad judgment. Talking tough and writing that maybe, quote, well stop it when it comes to trumps election. Thats an unacceptable motive for any fbi agent. Although the good news is for america the report finds those while they did damage the reputation, but it also finds the good news the agent did not act on that ask no one else did inside the fbi. As for reputation, theres another discovery from this report that i have to highlight for you and i think we have to change the monitor. Lets do that. Yes. But his emails. This report slamming for personal et email use, he was using his own personal email for fbi business. It does not get more absurd than this. There is evidence they were extremely carefulless in their handling of sensitive highly classified information. Now you can see there from the report it says, comey used his personal email accounts to conduct fbi business. Busted. Thats new tonight. Let me tell you something. Thats on Steroids Times a million. Law and order is is not just about perception. Its about justice. The report has some pretty careful language written in a lawyerly way that adds to the criticism is about his handling of the case. You may hear some people on the right say all of this shows why he should be fired, which is a reasonable hypothetical but also irrelevant because the president told lester holt this is not why he fired comey and that firing itself is part of what Robert Mueller is investigating, like the new fbi director are constitutionally required to support. And that is where the implication of some of the findings in this report matter most. Beyond perception and Media Contacts, if those leaders still think they can work the refs and can negotiate on due process or on the facts with the people who stated goal is to stop investigations, to undermine Law Enforcement and the current open probe, we can all face something much more grave than perception or Inspector General reports. We could face the clash of conscious that comes when Law Enforcement leaders have to choose between the pressure they face, the pressure on the perception and the constitution they are duty bound to serve. That could be up ahead and thats why its called a constitutional crisis. Body of p. Woman 1 proof of less joint pain. Woman 2 . And clearer skin. Woman 3 this is my body of proof. Man 2 proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis. Woman 4 . With humira. Woman 5 humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the 1 prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. Avo humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Sometimes by losing a battle you find a way to win a war there, and he was talking in the book about his failed attempt to evict tenants from their homes in 1985. This is now directed at some of these children fleeing their own homes who now found in trumps america, they may lose more than just the homeland they fled. They may be forced to lose their families, as well. This is a story about mail and packages. And its also a story about people. People who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams theyre handing us more than mail theyre handing us their business and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you until her laptop her sacrashed this morning. Eks, having it problems . Ask a Business Advisor how to get on demand tech support for as little as 15 a month. This week get boise case paper for only 29. 99 at office depot office max. 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