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Biden win. In a statement, bloomberg said, ive always believed that defeating donald trump starts corporate wing of the democratic with uniting behind a candidate with the best shot to do it. After yesterdays vote, it is party. They realized that the wing had clear that candidate is my some momentum and theyve jumped in front of it and theyve friend and a great american, joe played in some ways to a biden. The Biden Campaign once on live report after just a week becomes a frontrunner after some of the politics of fear. Most gamechanging days in american history. We also saw them to be. Its a good night and it seems to be getting even better. And the continued effect of obamas policies on black they dont call it super tuesday for nothing politics. The former Vice President and we saw this appeal to taking nine state, virginia, safety, this need to buy time on north carolina, alabama, the part of black voters. Tennessee, oklahoma, arkansas, that is, they couldnt take the minnesota, massachusetts, and risk on Bernie Sanders and revolution. We needed to simply get donald texas. But senator Bernie Sanders is trump out of office. Far from out of it. He took colorado, utah, and his i never like to overstate home state of vermont and were anything i hear when i talk to voters, because i talk to maybe 30 yoerts yesterday, so lets still waiting on full results from california and its more take it for the sample that it is, but i was surprised that than 400 delegates. But so far, sanders is in the lead. Biden is in the lead. So this is the latest count we they brought up barack obama and a number of them were people who have. Joe biden, 513, 461 for bernie were late deciders, and when barack obama was running, i felt confident of my decision. Sanders, and there you see the california split. Again, that could change. This race shaping up to be a now there were so many candidates for so long and they twoman event. Right now elizabeth warrens had all this stuff going on in team says theyre addressing a their mind and i wonder what you path forward. She hasnt finished above third make of that and the power of place yet, and that includes her barack obama when he finally home state. Joining us now, sabrina sing, deci decides, im all in . Senior National Spokesperson for the Bloomberg Campaign. Thanks so much for coming out there are two things after what im sure was a tough happening there, from what night and congratulations on a hardfought campaign. Thank you. Youve described. Let me start with i mean, in the past, the economic this all happened so quickly. Electorate hasnt had a plethora take us inside that room and the of choices. In some ways, the party had made its decision and we were just getting to know that candidate. Decision to move so quickly, not and now we have 20 plus people. Just get out of the race, but and weve had to make that decision over time and so in almost simultaneously, in the note that the mayor put out, simultaneously endorse joe biden. Mike is very practical. Some ways we had too many hes someone that looks at the choices welcome like too many cable channels. Too many cable channels and data and really analyzes it. And we realized there was no cant find anything to watch. Exactly, and now they find clear path forward for us. Something. He has always been a lifelong and the other is that obama is a really important symbolic figure democrat and something he wanted in black politics. And ones relationship to that to do was throw his support and Energy Behind someone like joe biden, who we believe can actually take on donald trump in the future. Joe biden quickly tweeted his thanks. Have he and mayor bloomberg particular person is really spoken . Important. They have. They connected today. The symbolic significance of they have spoken i wont get obama matters. And we have top continue to take into the details of that call, but it was a good call, it was a a count of that symbolic friendly call, and were just importance in the way in which really excited to get behind the black voters behave. And yet, nick, we heard what person that can defeat donald trump. And i dont think thats Bernie Sanders. I think, you know, as you said, this is becoming a twoperson Bernie Sanders said last night. Race, but the only one that can take on drrp in november is joe i talked to a lot of his supporters. He said, do not write he many biden. Off. Are you ruling out abandoning so without trying to get ahead the idea of a contested of what kind of conversations might be going on between the two men and the two campaigns, convention . In his message to supporters, Michael Bloomberg said he does plan to work to get joe biden in an Election Year like ele elected. This, im not ruling anything out. Given Campaign Finance rules, Bernie Sanders in 2016 continued its not like he can just write a 100 million check today, but this race for a while and i got how can he help . What legitimate ways do you see two trips to puerto rico for the moving forward, him helping joe first time ever. This is certainly not over. Biden to win . I think something that were but it was certainly an unclear, certainly assessing right now and something that mike has said what is the mechanism where from the beginning of the race is that whoever is in our Bernie Sanders will say, this is states teams are there on the joe bidens race to win . Always great to talk to you, as well. Thank you, gentlemen. Ground to help the nominee. We have some new news here. I think thats something well the coronavirus outbreak still assess in the next coming days growing in the u. S. , spanning 16 and weeks how we can be the most states. We now know that the number of Effective Team for the biden lives it has taken has gone up campaign and really taking on donald trump and whether thats, in a digital ad space or running from nine to ten. Tv ads, im not exactly sure, were talking to medical experts but you know, we do have an with the latest you need to know. Incredible infrastructure and but first, outrage across ground game in these states and the country as super tuesday we hope that our campaign can do voters report broken machines and waiting up to seven hours, whatever it takes to help elect simply to cast their ballot. Joe biden. Can this all be fixed . So the ground game and the what does it mean for minority infrastructure is interesting, the candidacy was brief, it was voter turnout . Thats next, youre watching msnbc live. Out . Thats next, youre watching costly in an unprecedented way. Msnbc live and a lot of people are asking, what did he get for his money . What did he get for his money and how do those things play entitle . When mike joined the race, it was late in november. We got his name i. D. Up across the country and ran an unprecedented campaign, something that had never been done in the history before. And im quite proud of that. He put boots on the ground in states that hadnt seen democrats campaigning there for so long. He was traveling to places that the candidates that were running in these four early states were so focused on those only four early states. And we know we have big battlegrounds ahead of us that we need to compete with donald trump in. So mike was also in michigan, pennsylvania, florida last night and this is where we know that democrats need to win in november. While it was so unprecedented, we laid the groundwork in these states for the nominee to really inherit and hopefully go on to win and to defeat donald trump. And to be fair, after the first three states and the sleep this amazing . Worsethanexpected showings by thats a zzzquil pure zzzs sleep. Joe biden, a lot of people were our liquid has a unique botanical blend, looking at Mike Bloomberg and saying, oh, hes looking while an optimal melatonin level means no nextday grogginess. Prescient. This is exactly why he got into the race, to make sure there was someone there as an alternative zzzquil pure zzzs. Naturally superior sleep. Who he thought could beat donald trump. And it did seem like a solid candidacy, you know, but with you have power over pain, so the whole world looks different. The best ads and best analytics the unbeatable strength of advil. Money can buy, what do you think happened here . What do you think happened last what pain . Night . We saw a change in the race after South Carolina. I appreciate what makes each person unique. The margin that Vice President won by, the endorsement that he thats why i like liberty mutual. Got from jim clyburn coupled they get that no two people are alike and customize your car with the endorsement and, you know, the withdrawal from the insurance so you only pay for what you need. Race of Amy Klobuchar and pete almost done. Buttigieg, that just propelled him to super tuesday. What do you think . And so the momentum is, i think the new phrase is jomentum, is i dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Real, he saw that on super tuesday. We just heard someone from the Bloomberg Campaign use the word jomentum. How much are we going to see Mike Bloomberg out there . Physically out there . Well, i think, you know, weve got to give him so rest right now. Hes been flying around the country. Hes speaking today at 3 00 and addressing staff and supporters. I think he wants to remain active. His number one goal is to defeat donald trump. So i wouldnt be surprised if you see him on the campaign trail. Well be showing that live here on nbc and looking forward to hearing what he has to say. But its really nice of you to come out, sabrina. Sabrina singh, thank you. Joining us now is msnbc senior political editor, mark murray. Its good to have you here. Its hard to overstate the Seismic Shift we just saw happen. Bloomberg walking away with only a handful of delegates. I think our calculations were they cost him something shy of 1 million each. Beating sanders in states that he had been leading. So lets dissect this one by one and start with, what about those late deciders . You were just talking about how the political world ended up changing after South Carolina. And we could end up seeing from the people who made up their minds in the last few days, you end up having roughly a third of all voters in all the states that participated last night who said that they ended up making up their mind in the last few days. Joe biden overwhelmingly won those folks, getting 46 . And whats fascinating to me is that when you end up looking at the before, those people who made up their mind before that, it really looks like the polls that we ended up seeing in texas and elsewhere, where Bernie Sanders had close to a doubledigit or even higher doubledigit lead. So before a world in which Bernie Sanders had the lead, and then the last few days one that joe biden overwhelmingly ended up winning. I was just shocked talking to people, how many people were deciding either in the last 24 hours, or while they were in line. Talk about biden sweeping the southern states. So theres another big story line. And, he ended up doing it overwhelming will africanamerican voters. And we saw that in south welcome back. Carolina. And joe biden was winning about there is outrage today over what six in ten africanamerican we saw at some polling places yesterday. Two of the most populated places voters in the southeast. We saw that play out in south in the country, california and carolina, in virginia, also in texas, where the possibility of record turnout was known. Long lines and crazy long waits texas, and that really ended up of two, three hours, up to seven propelling his victory. Hours. Seven hours to exercise your right to vote. And in a lot of these states, overwhelming, voters we had a i was on the ground at the majority saying they wanted to university to have texas last continue Barack Obamas night and got to see it for policies. And i think that that myself. Africanamerican performance as im going to walk as fast as my well as having a president who continue obamas policies go cameraman can walk backwards. Hand in hand. It just goes on and on and on. Just to drive the control people have been waiting as long as three hours to vote here. Room crazy, im going to ask them to put up the numbers we already here in travis county, saw at the top and these are the and i just got off the phone updated numbers as of 1 00 eastern time for the delegate with officials here, they have count. How far are we from having a good read on california, do you far exceeded what they saw four years ago. Joining me now is university think . So talking about california, i really do think that is going professor at the new school, to end up being something that maya wiley, and Garrett Haake in will probably have to play out houston, texas, who saw some of those lines for himself. Over the next couple of weeks. You were at the polling place, our back of envelope math is, garrett, at texas southern. Though, that even if you assume that Bernie Sanders does incredibly well in california, joe biden is probably going to what was it like there . End up having the overall it just sounded ridiculous, delegate lead from super actually. Ridiculous is a good word for it, chris. Tuesday. So thats i do think that we were wrapping up our regardless that once those coverage. It was 11 30 at night here and delegates are allocated, joe we heard there were still people biden will be your delegate who had been waiting to vote leader. Mark murray, thank you so since the polls had closed more much for all of that. Than 4. 5 hours earlier. Joining us now, also nick we went to the campus of texas johnston, editor in chief of southern and found maybe a hundred people still in line. Axios and eddie glaude. Some of them told me they had its so good to have you here, been waiting there five and a half, six hours to get in line. Nick. Im used to seeing you at 5 15. So many things had gone wrong at so first the clyburn nomination this polling place, whether it seemed like a game changer. Was machines that werent then you had buttigieg, working, staffers that hadnt shown up. And the people i spoke to were klobuchar, orourke, they seemed like game changers. Furious. Now you have potentially bloombergs infrastructure. How much och a game changer take a listen. Could that be . The whole time weve been out here, none of the machines have ethought that was very reall been functioning the way they said there was. And there was only two people signing people up. It made me think, this must be what Voter Suppression looks like. Thats the only thought i could come up with. Its kind of sad that people would go to those kind of lengths. I dont know that thats the case, but it certainly looked like Voter Suppression to me. Reporter chris, that feeling was pervasive. This is the polling place on the campus of a historically black college. There was a feeling that maybe this was done somewhat intentionally to make it harder for these folks to vote. The people i spoke to said, hell, no, were not going anywhere, were going to stick it out, but theres no way to know how many people didnt. I have to say, i mean, i was at, you know, another college where it was largely white, but there were students trying to like hold their computer laptop in one hand and trying to do their homework and, you know, there was a guy there with a board and he was playing hangman to keep people engaged. I didnt see people leaving, but why are people waiting two, three, six and a half hours . This is such a shocking story, except its not. And what i mean by that, of course we should be shocked by what were seeing. People want to vote. People died in this country to vote. We just commemorated the march in selma, marching for voting rights. The thing about texas in particular, it has a long history of making it hard, particularly for people of color to vote and in the last decade, very intentionally setting up many barriers to vote. Let me just give you one example. They have closed 750 polling sites across the state. And over 500 of those are in places with large black and latino populations. If you close polling sites, you put more pressure on other polling sites. The other thing that weve seen in texas is purging the rolls. We had that you know, last year, remember that scandal of 95,000 people, most of whom were citizen being told, we dont believe youre a citizen, and even referring those cases for criminal prosecution. Total egg on the face of the State Government for that, rightly so, because thats not a real problem. And i think one of the things weve seen in this country as a whole is rather than parties fighting to gain the support of vote voters, making it harder for voters who think they wont for them. There are also reports of long lines and glitches out in Los Angeles County. I know you werent there, but youve looked into it. What can you tell us about what happened in california . Some of this may be the unintended cost of good intentions here. In california, where theyre in the process of trying to overhaul how people vote there and try to make it easier, they may have set up an accidental stumbling block here with brandnew Voting Machines distributed across the county that didnt work or people were having a hard time using. Whether it was just registering in the first place, not registering, but registering when you show up to begin your process of voting, to somewhere in the process on the ballots. There were technical problems that made this very difficult to solve. And as with anything else, its one thing to test these things in a lab or in theory, its another to stress test them with tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands in the case of california, of voters all showing up on the same day, in realtime to try to test these new machines, new methods to make it in theory for people to vote. Garrett haake, who is testing the theory of being incoherent on television, youre doing great, my friend. Maya wylie, always great when you come in. Coming up, as joe biden and Bernie Sanders battle it out for the most delegates, many democratic voters are asking, which of them can actually beat President Trump . What the super tuesday results tell us about the democratic race Going Forward . But first, ten people are now dead, more than a hundred sick from the coronavirus outbreak in the u. S. What local authorities and medical officials are doing to combat the spread and to try to keep people calm. Thats next. Youre watching msnbc live. Calm thatsex nt. Youre watching msnbc live hey there Kelly Clarkson whatre you doing on our sofa . Whatre you doing on your sofa . Try wayfair. You got this woah. Yeah let me try all alright, get it blow it up thats what im talking about. Except thats my seat, so. 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Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you, and them. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, control is possible. Doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Tech dont wait for a chip like this to crack your whole windshield. With safelites exclusive resin, you get a strong repair that you can trust. Plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. Customer really . singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Its our most dangerous addiction. So we took our worst vice, and turned it into the dna for a better system. We created bionic and put the word out with godaddy. What will you change . Make the world you want. Breaking news we just learned in the last half hour or so, that Vice President mike pence has announced another american death from coronavirus, bringing the total to ten people in the u. S. Who have lost their lives. Vp pence also said that he will be traveling to olympia, washington, the state, of course, at the epicenter of the u. S. Problem now, to meet with the governor there tomorrow. More than 130 people in the u. S. Are now infected. 51 people are in california. Just today, officials in Los Angeles County are declaring a Health Emergency after an jump in confirmed cases. On the other coast, the number of cases in new york state is now up to six and in new hampshire, a patient broke quarantine and may have infected others. There still arent enough test kitts, so the race to increase testing is on. The outbreak has also impacted hollywood. The release of the upcoming james bond movie no time to die has been postponed until november. It was set to be released next month. And this just in. Congressional leaders in the house and senate have reached a bipartisan deal on a roughly 8 billion emergency funding bill to fight coronavirus. Joining me now, the senior director for Systemwide Special Pathogens Program at nyc health skmopts. And dr. Irwin redlener with columbia university. It seems to me what they just did in Los Angeles County, declaring a Health Emergency, is right up your alley. Smart thing to do in spite of the fact that some people may say, its only six cases. Why are you declaring a Health Emergency . Were constantly trying to find this balance between complacency about an emergent crisis we dont know enough about and panic. And were nowhere near the panic level, even though i have said repeatedly this is actually a pandemic and we shouldnt be, you know, unclear about that. Thats what were dealing with. And in a place where there are a growing number of cases, there are measures that to be taken by the health and Public Health systems. I think what l. A. Is doing is a good idea. What are the specific measures that will be taken . Does that mean closing schools . Shutting down large events and so on . I dont think were quite there yet, but hopefu thresholds are reached. I think we all sort of live under this and we hear, for example, the first death for coronavirus actually took place earlier, that the protocols werent put into place. I mean, how confident are you, first of all, that the protocols are there in most places around the country . And then the obvious second part of it is, is that theyll be followed . The fact is that protocols for pandemics have existed since the mid2000s. Theyre on selves, gathering dust. And hopefully they have been updated so we have some active plans in place. Ill tell you for sure that certain cities are doing a better job than others in terms of actually being ready. But theres still so many unknowns, chris. Like, for example, were not even really sure what the incubation period is. Were saying 2 to 14 days. What if its 21 or 28 days . Some suggestions is that people may have been carrying the virus around for six weeks. And heres why, actually, the late, inadequate response in terms of producing testing materials to be distributed nationally is such a problem. Weve already missed the boat in some ways, because we should have been identifying cases much earlier. Theres been 65 or 70,000 tests already done in south korea and were in the hundreds. This is really, really unfortunate. So, anthony fauci, the Infectious Disease guru, widely acknowledged as being extraordinarily competent was on the hill asked whether or not hospitals should be proactively be testing patients and heres what he said. The answer is yes and i feel strongly about that. He feels strongly about that. What do you make of his response . Theres a whole process in place. So theres clinical guidance that is given by the cdc. And at the health care level, we have to follow the clinical case definition. So luckily this clinical guidance has broadened within the past 24 to 48 hours, where clinicians are able to test if they feel the patient may have and if they have the ability to test. Thats the key part of it, right . But we are ramping up across the nation, which is obviously a great sign. But one of the things i wanted to mention is that, you know, every incident is local. So the way that new york state is going to respond is very different than the way that Washington State will respond to. Theres a lot of questions of what kind of mitigation measures is new york going to take versus the state of washington. And it depends on the number of hings like that. Ity of the cases when we talk about Public Health measures, it goes along with what youre actually experiencing at the local level. And on the top of that, we have the various bias. We know that the sickest are the ones that go to Health Care Systems and seek assistance. But theres a number of patients, obviously, that have mild signs of symptoms, some that dont have any signs of symptoms. When were seeing patients come to hospitals, its really some of those that are the sickest. We so we dont have the full spectrum of severity of this particular disease. But i think exactly what you talked about, dr. Redlener, theres a lot that we dont know about it is whats making a lot of people nervous. I got on a plane this morning to fly back from austin. I fly a lot. Its a rare week im not on a couple of airplanes. Theyre almost always full. This plane was not anywhere close to being full. It could just be that this plane was not anywhere close to being full. It could also be that companies are deciding that people just dont need to fly. Maybe people are deciding they dont need to take a vacation. So let me go back to the sort of nuts and bolts for both of you. We know we should be washing our hands. We know if were feeling sick, we should stay home. What would you say to people to the most common questions that youre getting . Give me the nuts and bolts of what people out there need to know . Lets start with the fact that im getting dozens of fallfallphone calls, emails, text from family members. What do we do. Were planning a big family event, you know, in South Carolina. I was just in austin. Theyre trying to figure out, should we do south by southwest, big festival. What ive been saying, right or wrong is, if it was me and it was this weekend, and i had a planned weekend in paris with my wife, i would probably go. Would you go, doctor . It depends on whats happening there. I would look and see the advice that cdc and Public Health is giving, i would look and see, is this essential travel . The thing, too, what i also say, the addendum, the caveat is, lets see whats happening tomorrow. We cant make a decision on wednesday realtime decisions. That is still valid on friday. Thats the problem right now. Two of the best, who youve been helping us throughout this, trying to sort of navigate our way through whats a lot of scary stuff. Thanks to both of you. Im sure well see each other again. To follow the latest on the coronavirus, follow the live blog, nbc news. Com coronavirus. And this sunday, Nbcs Richard Engel goes inside the fight to contain the coronavirus, from hong kong to washington, d. C. , and he will break down what you need to know. So watch on assignment outbreak, this sunday at 10 00 p. M. Eastern only on msnbc. Coming up, at least two dozen people are dead. Several more missing after massive tornadoes ripped through tennessee. Well be talking about with nashvilles mayor about what happens next. But first, now that the democratic primary is virtually a twoman race, a big question for democratic voters is, which candidate has what it takes to beat donald trump . Bernie sanders or joe biden . Well ask our political experts next. Youre watching msnbc live. 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With new grubhub plus you get unlimited free delivery and cashback rewards for ordering noodles, and noodles. And noodles. And noodles. Grubhub plus. Free delivery, cash back, and noodles. When the history of this super tuesday is written, theres an exit poll that cannot be ignored. Six in ten voters said what they care about most in nominating a candidate is who can beat donald trump in november. And those voters favored joe biden over Bernie Sanders by a margin of 36 to 25 . And theres a second part of the equation that drove that vote. Which candidate is best for key downballot contests in november. Joining me now, nbc senior politics editor beth fouhy and annie karni. Great to see both of you. Beth, i have to tell you that i was really surprised by the number of people who talked about that electability, when i was talking to them. One guy who told me he changed his mind three times in the last week, as he was kind of weighing who can beat trump. Sure, because so much of the polling that we saw before South Carolina indicated that many voters in many different states thought that Bernie Sanders was actually the more electable candidate. It took joe biden winning South Carolina and winning South Carolina decisively to make people feel confident that he could pull it off. Up until that point, he had given nobody had any reason to believe that he could do it. He gave strong speeches, he had a better debate, he started getting all of these endorsements. He started to. But coming from a fourth place finish in iowa, thats pretty much unheard of that somebody can rebound the way he did. People were looking for electability above all and waiting for joe biden to prove to him that he could do it. And thats why things changed as rapidly as they did. Skpand annie, trump has been tweeting attacks against everybody, but it does appear that there is a lot of focus within his campaign at biden, right . There always has been. And theres a divide between what the president thinks and what his campaign, his more seasoned Campaign Operatives think. But they have been shifting around for a long time. In january, they started an effort to kind of evaluate Bernie Sanders, thinking that meddle he would be the best candidate for him to run against, the most clear way to make the argument against socialism, which has been the defining motto of the campaign for the past year. But biden, from the beginning, theyve always viewed as a very strong candidate who they needed to attack. Youll remember, trumps attempts to portray biden as corrupt were what led him to the impeachment inquiry in the first place. So biden has always been a concern for donald trump. He was concerned for a while about bloombergs money. He all of his kibitzing from the sidelines really ultimately proved that his attempt to define this race from the sidelines had no impact, really, on yesterdays results. One thing he might take solace in is Mike Bloomberg dropping out. He was concerned about the money, but his campaign really has a problem now to think about if bloomberg follows through on his promise to spend 1 billion and he threw his support to biden, thats going to be a challenge for the campaign to deal with that influx of money. I think back to your point, you know, i think, beth, a lot of people were worried as they were watching joe biden, is he tough enough to stand on a stage, is he tough enough to go up against the president. And something i thaeheard from several people yesterday is, well, you know that theyre going to get dirty. You know that this campaign is going to be nasty. I was really worried about who is the democrat, essentially who could find that way, you know, not when they go low, we go high, but find something in between, maybe. Well, we still dont know the answer to that. The last democrat that ran against donald trump, Hillary Rodham clinton, did not win. So we dont have a track record to see what it takes for a democrat to defeat President Trump. And youre entirely right that while he did do a better debate performance in this past week in the South Carolina debate than some of his past performances, biden has never been super great on the debate stage. He looks a little rickety. His campaign has argued that once hes sort of one on one, ma mano y mano, hell do much better than these group debates. But there are still concerns about bidens performance. That hasnt gone away. But theres going to be more intense scrutiny of him and the trump campaign, as annie tells us, is going to be really homing in on some of his weaknesses. And annie, whoever goes up against donald trump is going to face the reality that every single president ial candidate faces, which is theres always something, right, that you cant plan for, that is unexpected. In this case, at least for now, its coronavirus. Trumps ability to handle the coronavirus, the whole idea of leadership and the economic impact. How worried the the campaign, how worried is the white house about that right now . Well, its all adding up to a weak in which donald trump is being confronted by a lot of things that are just out of his control for a president who prides himself on being able to control and direct institutions around him, people around him, and events around him. He has not really matched the moment with coronavirus and a real panic in the stock markets and among americans. He has confronted the crisis with falsehoods and not the reassuring terms that have helped buoyed the stock market. Joe biden is is a known quantity. He may be benefiting in this moment from people wanting something steady and safe. And that is what he looks like, compared to Bernie Sanders or donald trump, two leaders who are not as much dont look as much like a quote unquote safe bet. So right now the president is looking at a democratic primary contest. He had little control over the first real Public Health crisis of his presidency that is an external event, that he didnt create, that he has to preside over and its adding up to stuff out of control and him having to function in a mode thats different than weve seen him before. Annie karni, beth fouhy, thanks to both of you. Much appreciated it. And coming up, 24 people are dead, others still missing in tennessee following one of the deadliest tornados in that states history. Now, nashville and its suburbs are left trying to pick up the pieces. Well ask nashvilles mayor, john cooper, how he plans to rebuild. Stay with us. Youre watching msnbc live. Rebuild. Stay with us youre watching msnbc live you should be mad your neighbor always wants to hang out. And you should be mad your smart fridge is unnecessarily complicated. Make ice. Making ice. But youre not mad because you have e trade which isnt complicated. 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Its an increasingly heartbreaking and grim scene continuing to emerge in tennessee today where 24 people are dead, dozens missing. Four tornadoes tore through nashville and nearby areas leaving a path of destruction and shaking residents. I cant fathom this devastation and how long its going to take to rebuild. I was grabbing him to hurry up and that whole section sucked up into the sky. All this debris flying and filling the air. We are strong and we are rallying for our people. Joining me now is the mayor, john cooper. Thank you for being with us. Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by this. I want to get down to the nuts and bolts of the tremendous things that everyone there is facing. I was just checking your local paper, the continuan. The Putnam County paper said 23 people remain missing. Are there people missing in nashville . Were fortunate. Nobody is missing currently that we know of. We are a blessed community here that there was not more loss of life or injury here, because of the devastation, the damage is incredible. Tell me a little bit about what youre seeing, what youre hearing from your residents there, and what people need to know about what has happened in your community. Well, we are excited to get beyond the emergency phase and into the rebuilding phase approximately 35,000 people are still without power, and its not going to be restored that quickly in some cases. Were going to need power to start the recovery and then the rebuilding process. So what is your number one, number one and two most important things youre taking care of in terms of taking care of the people who live in nashville . Well, right now its getting power back, and its getting people without homes shelter. Thats one and two. In the meantime you have to have food, medicine, medical attention, for the people who all of a sudden are without shelter. The 35,000 people without power is probably our number one concern. We were comparatively lucky when it comes to injury. Weve had great first responding quality. People have been just fantastic. And the community has come together to help us get to the next stage, recovery and rebuilding. Tell me a little bit about that. We now your city has had massive flooding before, tennessee is also the volunteer state . Never more than today in terms of volunteering. Im out at a church in north nashville, league chapel, right now there are dozens of volunteers, supplies coming in. Being redistributed even here in the same neighborhood because im just blocks away from the devastating landing of the tornado. We are going to come back stronger. People are going to rebuild, but it is a challenge. This tornado, 600 power poles are down. 20 years og only 200 down. We have four sub stations out, big tv lines are out. Its a much more difficult situation than any previous tornado has been. Let me ask you quickly, are you getting the state and federal help that you need, mr. Mayor . Yes, in day one into this, yes, we are, and its a commitment from everybody, our governor and the president , to do everything they can to help. Nashville mayor john cooper, our thoughts are with you. We wish you well in what is going to be a long and difficult process of rebuilding. Thank you. Well come back later. Coming up, were still waiting for the primary final results from california. So far Bernie Sanders is in the lead. Ahead rob reiner joins us live from los angeles. Hes telling us why hes backing joe biden. Stay with us. Youre watching msnbc live. Ch. That chad really was raised by wolves . Which one is your mother . Thats her right there. Oh, gosh. No, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Its really great. Well, im just so glad to have met your beautiful family. And we better be sitting down now. 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Tell your doctor if you have an infection or flulike symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. These may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. Talk to your doctor today, and learn how janssen can help you explore cost support options. Remission can start with stelara®. Thanks for watching. Ill see you tomorrow. Katy tur picks up our coverage now from los angeles. Hey. Hey, good afternoon. Its 2 00 p. M. Out east and 11 00 a. M. Here in california where super tuesday has changed everything. Almost every political pundit counted joe biden out. Instead he stanld a comeback sweeping states in the south and surging to a total of nine state wins. There were states biden never visited, never built a ground game in, states his progressive rival won in 2016. Hours ago Michael Bloomberg who poured more than 5 million into the 2020 democratic primary has dropped out of the race. In a Statement Released this morning, the former new york city mayor said he was ending his bid and throwing his support behind joe biden. So in 24 hours, joe biden has gone from the underdog to the frontrunner. And with a slate of new contests ahead on march 10th with states favorable to biden coming up, the question is now flipped. Can Bernie Sanders stop joe biden . Joining me now to try and answer this from here in l. A. ,

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