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Shattering 72 million americans who have done so already. For his part, President Trump is again gathering thousands of people without social distancing and no mask enforcement, this time in arizona. It is his fourth rally across four different states in the last 24 hours. The president s controversial comments about the virus at a rally in february exactly eight months ago today captures the exact same spirit of what he is saying now. The democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. This is their new hoax. Right now, its covid, covid, covid, no matter what happens. Covid, covid. On november 4th, youll hear its getting better. Its getting better. You watch. No, no, theyre doing heavy covid because they want to scare people. All right, joining us now is the speaker of the house, democrat, congresswoman nancy pelosi of california. Madam speaker, thank you so much for joining us. I appreciate your time. We have a lot of ground i would like to cover. Let me begin with the subject of coronavirus. Its on the rise in this country once again, europe in well. Its in lockdown mode. The president , though, showing he does not think it is a problem. The markets are falling. Im curious to get your thoughts on the efforts congress and your team are doing. Are you working with other leaders in the capitol or around the country to formulate a National Strategy . Our National Strategy has been onboard since the middle of may. Its called the h. E. R. O. E. S. Act. The main purpose was to crush the virus. Crush the virus, honor our heroes, our health care workers, our first responders, police and fire, sanitation, transportation, food workers, our teachers, our teachers, our teachers. To keep our children safe in school. That was more than five months ago. And instead of the administration and Mitch Mcconnell said lets take a pause. Well, the virus didnt take a pause. And now were in worse shape. Again, what the president of the United States has done is almost sinful in terms of how he has failed miserably to address the health needs of the American People. Calling it a hoax and the rest. And the republicans in congress have been enablers of that failed policy as well. So now, hopefully, what the president cares a lot about is the stock market, and as he sees the market react to the spread of the virus and sees the market react to the fact that we do not have an agreement, which could inject resources into the economy, hopefully now he will come to the table in a serious way to crush the virus. You must crush the virus. And again, this weekend, his chief of staff confessed that they had no intention of controlling the virus. Its really very, very sad. Its a total failure on the president s part. And we will not give up until it is crushed, until we address the lives, saving the lives, the livelihood and the life of our democracy. You say its the president s fault. Who do you think is calling the shots on the republican side across the table from you. I understand youre negotiating with steve mnuchin, or you were to some point. The president says he wants a deal. Mitch mcconnell saying he cant get his members vote on it. Who do you think is calling the shots within the republican negotiations here . All i know is that donald trump is the president of the United States. He has sent his representative to the table to negotiate. We continue to exchange paper. We havent stopped working because the president said its going to be until after the election. We need to address the health needs and the lives of the American People. We need to put money in peoples pockets. We need to honor we need to honor our heroes. And we need to do it as soon as possible. We must make it retroactive when we do. However, i can only say that if were negotiating with the president , then its up to him to bring aboard the republican members of the United States senate. Because were not going to then negotiate with them. This is simple. Its really easy. Crush the virus. Pay attention to the science. As the president has not done up until now. And again, we have had this plan since march 4th, we have been talking. Testing, testing, testing. Its been all of our legislation, but they have not implemented it. They have not executed. Now, were writeing the language in a way where they have no choice but to execute. Thats what were waiting to get response back from them on. But there are answers to this. The president has just decided to ignore it, call it a hoax, say its going to be over magically, miraculously. The miracle will be the science that will produce the vaccine and the therapies, and were eager for that to happen, but its not to take the place of stopping the spread in the first place. So as you very well know, madam speaker, the senate is in recess until november 9th. Theres no covid relief bill in sight. What gives you confidence that the administration at all will be any more willing to get something done after election day . Perhaps even in a lame duck session . Well, they say they will. The president has said that he would. But the fact is also that the president is very affected by the stock market. He thinks that the 401 k crowd is one thats going to reelect him, and as long as the market is up, then hes okay. And he considers that a measure of the strength of our economy. And it is. We want the market to be up. But now, its up over 1500 points in the last three days because of the spread of the virus and because there is no agreement. We can come to agreement on how to stop the spread of the virus, and again, inject resources into our economy that will help people in their lives but also inject demand, create jobs, but everybody says we need, including the chair of the fed, who has said if you do something that is bigger than needed, sobeit, but dont do anything less than what is needed. Let me talk about the election. The president says he wants a winner declared on tuesday night. Watch this. It would be very, very proper and very nice if a winner were declared on november 3rd. Instead of counting ballots for two weeks, which is totally inappropriate, and i dont believe that thats by our laws. I dont believe that. Hopefully, the few states remaining that want to take a lot of time after november 3rd to count ballots, that wont be allowed by the various courts. Madam speaker, what do you do, and what can you specifically do if the president says at 11 00 p. M. Eastern on tuesday night, i have won, and counting any more ballots is cheating, if he makes that declaration, what can you and anyone else do . Well, i think everyone will recognize that the president should recognize that peaceful transfer of power, which is the american way. That votes will be counted, as they come in. That is to say some states have said you cant start counting the ballots until all of the polls are closed. For example, michigan passed that in their legislature. So the votes will be counted until theyre finished being counted. What the president is doing, though, is just to gin up his base so that he can save face when he suffers a defeat that is coming toward him. I dont let me say it another way. On january 20th, 2021, joe biden will be inaugurated president of the United States. The states will count the votes that they have in a timely fashion. And again, if the president wins in that format, then so be it, then hes president. We dont anticipate that that will be the case, and neither does he. And thats why hes trying to, as i say, stir the pot so that people will think that he really won when he didnt. Of all of the things that the president has done, and they have been horrible, undermining the constitution, degrading our environment, denigrating who we are as a people, undervaluing who we are in terms of our priorities as a country, taking children out of the arms of their parents, again, dimming the bright light that we are of hope to the world, of all of the things, the very idea, and again, ignoring that nearly 250,000 people have died from a virus that many of whom could have been saved, the list goes on and on. But the easiest thing for him to do is to stand up like a man and accept the results of an election of the American People. For him to make these kinds of statements shows his lack of patriotism, his undermining of our elections, while he allows Foreign Countries like his friend putin to undermine the integrity of our election. He himself is doing it as well. But lets forget about him. Lets get on with the future. Lets have the results counted properly, that everybodys vote is counted as cast. Lets unify the country as we go forward. Joe biden is a great unifier. He respects everyone in our country. And his election will be the great accomplishment of people turning out, standing in line when the republicans have refused to put the money up there to have more polling places out of respect for the American People. Lets talk about that for a minute. Whether they vote for donald trump or joe biden, it doesnt matter. We respect every one of them who votes, and we should not make it more dangerous for them to vote. Again, were at a place where we have to get ready for the future, and a very positive and unifying way. Let me ask you about the democrats for a moment. You are obviously and widely considered one of the most politically astute minds in the country. If you could pick two states for joe biden to campaign in this weekend, which would they be . Well, i always like to have a guarantee, so i would say i would campaign in pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin. I would make it three so that we have a big strong victory. I know there are those who want to spread it around. Youre asking me, im a former chair of the California Democratic party. I am attracted to Public Service because of the issues and for the children. But i do thrive on campaigning. And i would say those three states. Let me end, if i can, on Mitch Mcconnell for a moment. The majority leader, the Senate Majority leader is telling the new york times, quote, i certainly didnt expect to have three Supreme Court justices. At the risk of tooting my own horn, look at the majority leader since lbj and find another one who was able to do something as consequential as this. Im wondering what your response is, especially since, as you mentioned, he could not gather his own party to support a covid relief bill for the millions of americans who need that help desperately. Mitch mcconnell is not a force for good in our country. And if he thinks its a source of pride to rush a justice into the Supreme Court in a way that dishonors the court and dishonors ruth bader ginsburg, as a matter of fact, and he calls that an accomplishment, he is not in any way shouldnt use his name in the same sentence with Lyndon Baines johnson woo did so much for our country. Rushing that person in there so she can be there, not this tuesday, but the following tuesday to repeal the Affordable Care act. And not only that, to be there as the president said, for the courts to decide on certain aspects of the election. To undermine our democracy, to overturn the Affordable Care act and the benefits contained therein, including the preexisting condition. If he think thats a source of pride, it shows you why he is not a force for good and he should not even beg comparison instead of big contrast with Lyndon Baines johnson. All right, madam speaker, speaker nancy pelosi, thank you for your time this afternoon. I greatly appreciate it. My pleasure. Thank you. Stay safe. Thank you. You too. President trump is arriving at a rally in bull head city, arizona. His plane has already arrived there. You can see, i believe hes about to make his way down the steps. You can see the crowds there gathered waiting to take pictures of him. Lets take a quick break. Well come back right after this. At dell technologies, we started by making the cloud easier to manage. But we didnt stop there. We made a cloud flexible enough to adapt to any size business. No matter what it does, or how it changes. And we kept going. 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Peter berkowitz, the director of policy planning at the state department, met with senior officials in london, budapest, and paris earlier this month. All this week, were visiting with our correspondents around the globe to get perspective on how the world views the u. S. And the upcoming election. Joining me now from paris, france, is Foreign Correspondent matt bradley. Goo have you with us today. We have been talking to our colleagues in london as well as in china and elsewhere. How do europeans on the mainland, if you will, view how the white house has been handling this pandemic and how closely are they monitoring the race for the white house . Well, very closely. If you turn on the news, youre going to see a lot about coronavirus. Youre going to see some domestic issues and those president ial elections that are coming up in the states. Europeans are watching this very closely, but a lot of recent polling has shown that europeans are losing confidence, not just in america because of coronavirus, not just because they dislike president donald trump, and again, this new survey just came out that says 80 of europeans prefer joe biden over donald trump in the upcoming election. Some polls even show those numbers even more skewed. But theres a lot of loss of trust in general in the american system. According to the pew research center, the trust in america and basically esteem for america as a whole is as low as its ever been since they started taking surveys. Its eve in many cases as low or lower than at the height of the iraq war in 2003. Thats a pretty good metric. And you know, only 31 of people in france, here in france, see america positively. And according to a recent ugov tracker poll, fewer than 1 in 10 europeans actually believe that this next president ial election is going to be completely free and fair. So its a lot of metrics that are showing that europeans are becoming more skeptical of not just the u. S. President , not just its reaction to the coronavirus, but america in general. And certainly, europe is dealing with its own surge, if you will, of coronavirus cases. Germany just announcing new covid lockdown measures. French president Emmanuel Macron speaking on the countrys surge in coronavirus cases as well. What can you tell us on that front . Yeah, we just heard from president Emmanuel Macron. He, like many european leaders, have been trying to split the difference. Trying to say that theyre not imposing a lockdown while also imposing lockdown measures. This is very similar. Basically, hes going to be closing all bars and restaurants, schools will remain open. Its sort of a similar situation to what were seeing in germany. A lot of businesses will remain open. But theyre going to need to walk around on the streets, it sounds like, from what we have just heard, youre still going to need some kind of permission slip which is more or less exactly the same rules we saw in the real lockdown in the height of the crisis in spring. The difference is now cases are surging hugely in france. Were seeing 50,000, 40,000 new cases per day. Wow. Just in the last couple weeks, we started to see the number of patients in icus increase. So now here in paris, especially, were really starting to see that Health System come under a lot of stress. Thats why the new measures are being put in place. Matt bradley live for us in paris. Stay safe, my friend. As the world watches the u. S. President ial election, the Trump Administration is shifting policy towards israels illegal settlements. U. S. Ambassador to israel, david friedman, and Benjamin Netanyahu today lifted a decades long ban on federal funding for Scientific Research products in israeli settlements in the west bank and golan heights. It is a substantial policy shift for the u. S. , which did not previously allow taxpayer dollars to be spent in those settlements. Lets bring in richard haass, president of the council on Foreign Relations and author of the world, a brief introduction. Good to have you with us. Yet another policy shift towards israel. This one already facing condemnation from the palestinians. Thats not surprising. Im curious to get your thoughts, though, at what point do you see the actions of this administration rendering a viable twostate solution unattainable. I know its the solution folks in d. C. Still hold onto, but realistically, with actions and policy shifts like this, is the twostate solution fundamentally over . The advantage of a twostate solution is the only approach that might one day be a solution. The problem is, its on life support at best. The palestinians, as you know, are completely divided. And a big chunk of them are not willing to accept israel and live in peace with it. Israel itself is divided. The government, shall we say, is unwilling to make any significant compromises towards the palestinians. This administration has been almost unreservedly supportive of the netanyahu government, has cut off funding for the palestinians, and now this. What matters here is not so much the funds that will be transferred but the precedent it sets. And this is an administration whose quote unquote peace plan would have allowed israel to enact 30 , 40 of the occupied territory. This is a piece, but not peace. Lets switch gears if we can for a moment and talk about iran, another country that is obviously watching the u. S. President ial race very closely. Construction is under way at the nuclear facility, according to satellite imagery released today. From your perspective, obviously, and certainly the calculus that they want a Joe Biden Administration to get them back to the jcpoa, perhaps some economic relief, but do you also see it that way. Are the iranians pulling for a Biden Victory which could bring a new nuclear teal . Almost hard to speak of the iranians as if its a single entity. Its a government of multiple constituencies. Theyre going have trouble with any u. S. Government, just like were going to have trouble with iran, and what theyre doing is gradually edging out of the 2015 accord, the United States has already withdrawn from it, which doesnt give us a lot of leverage, but whoever wins this election in the United States, he is going to face a gradual crisis with iran that basically seems to be exploring just how far it can go in the direction of reconstituting a Nuclear Option without inviting either israeli or american attack. I always like to pick your brains on a whole list of issues since we have you. Let me ask you about north korea here. Another country continuing to build up its Nuclear Arsenal under trumps watch. A ugov poll published shows most americans do not approve of the way President Trump has managed his relations with the regime of north korea. Again, how much of a threat does it pose right now, and what happens after election day with north korea if there is a change in the white house . We were just talking about iran, which constitutes a potential Nuclear Weapons threat. North korea is an actual one. And over the last three and a half years, its gotten a lot bigger in terms of the number of Nuclear Warheads and more important, the range and the accuracy of its longrange missiles has improved and increased. So north korea essentially poses something of a strategic threat, not just for the region but to much of the world. So again, what to do about north korea, and what we have learned is all sorts of landishments dont work. Personal relations dont matter. I think what we have to to is put collective pressure. The only country that can really do that with us of all countries is china, because almost all of north koreas trade goes in and out through china. One of the questions is will the United States and china against a backdrop of all of our differences, will we be able to come, not to an identity of views on north korea, but at least to some overlap so we can begin to put a cap on the emergence of a north Korean Nuclear missile capability. Just a reminder of whats at stake come tuesday. Richard haass with a global checkup. Always a pleasure. Thanks, my friend. You can find full coverage of how the world is watching the 2020 election at nbcnews. Com worldwatch. President trump is about to begin a rally in arizona, as part of his lastditch effort to win over sunbelt voters. City Officials Say they expect up to 20,000 people to attend this rally. That accounts for about half of the citys total population. Joining me now from arizona is nbc news correspondent Erin Mclaughlin. What coronavirus protocols are you seeing in place with such a large crowd gathering there in bull head city. Hey, we have been watching as trumps supporters have arrived for hours this morning, into the afternoon. That event just about to get under way. And our team has yet to see anyone wearing a single mask, even though according to campaign materials, there will be masks instructions. There will be Hand Sanitizer provided as well as temperature checks. Nevertheless, a city official tells me he is concerned about the potential spread of the virus at this event, especially when you consider arizona as a state has been particularly hard hit, spiking over the summer, up to 6,000 people have been killed by the coronavirus, more than 230,000 cases in this state alone. Earlier this morning, the spokesperson for the Trump Campaign was pressed on cnn about the safety of having this kind of event. Take a listen. Hospitals in wisconsin are near capacity, and so is there does that give you any pause or the Vice President any pause about going there and holding a big rally . No, it doesnt. The Vice President has the best doctors in the world around him. They have obviously contact traced and have come to the conclusion its fine for fr him to be out on the campaign trail. The American People have the right under the First Amendment to peaceably assemble, too. And this rally is being held in an area of arizona where the president enjoys ardent support overwhelmingly voting for him in this county. In 2016, analysts are telling me this is all about voter turnout, given that hes currently neck and neck in the polls. Biden showing a slight edge, although within the margin of error. Analysts tell me he will need every single vote here in arizona that he can get, especially given that the last time the state voted for a democrat as president was bill clinton in 1996. All right, Erin Mclaughlin live for us in arizona. Thank you. Were also keeping an eye out on tucson, where Kamala Harris is holding a Campaign Event this afternoon. Were going to bring that to you when it gets started as well. Youre watching msnbc. Welco. Lets head back out to arizona. President trumps rally is under way. Lets just listen to a few minutes of it. I got a poll this morning, were one up in wisconsin. We were there last night. It was very cold. It was very cold. But we had a great time. Tremendous crowd. Like this, a tremendous crowd. And then tonight, i hear last night i heard, but this morning, i get a fake poll. So were one up in a real poll or even or whatever, but well end up winning it. But i get a poll, abc Washington Post, theyre fakes. Trump 17 down in wisconsin. 17. Thank you. And they tried it last time, four years ago, too, and that didnt work out too well. Its just unbelievable how dishonest the media is. I say it because there they are, just very dishonest people. Very dishonest. A vote for me is a vote for massive middle class tax cuts, regulation cuts, fair trade, strong borders. And American Energy independence. Its a vote to support our police, support our military, defend our second amendment, which is under siege. Stand up to china. And insure more products are proudly stamped with that beautiful phrase, you know what the phrase is . Made in the usa. We will deliver record prosperity, epic job growth, and a safe vaccine is coming very quickly. Youre going to have it momentarily. That eradicates the virus and were rounding the turn, regardless. You know that. We have the vaccine. I say regardless, theyll say, well, maybe you dont. We have it. Great companies. And quickly ends the pandemic. Should have never come here from china. They should have never let it happen. Well never forget. All over the world, all over the world, you see whats happening in europe. All over the world. Normal life will fully resume. Thats what we want, right . Normal life. Normal life. And next year, well be the greatest economic year in the history of our country. A vote for Sleepy Joe Biden, and he is a sleepy guy. I tell you what. You know, its a powerful party. And the party is totally joined with the fake news media, the lamestream media right there. And theyre totally joined with the big tech. Big tech. I dont know, section 230, does anyone know what section 230 you do. Section 230. I think, you know, tremendous corruption on behalf of the biden tremendous. Do you know you cant find it anywhere in the media other than the new york post, which im very proud of and they endorsed me the other day, too, by the way. But you cant find it anywhere in the media anywhere. Its not on any of the its not in facebook. They have trending. They always put me trending. They give you 25 things i have done over my life. They make it negative. Always negative trending. But Sleepy Joe Biden with all of the corruption, all the theft, all the money they took out of these countries that we end up paying for in spades, you cant find it on big tech. And you cant find it at the Washington Post, the new york time times, because theyre crooked. Theyre dishonest, and we caught them. We caught them just like we caught them spying on our campaign. Just like we caught them spying on our campaign. We caught them spying. All right, everyone. Were going to pull out of that Campaign Rally taking place in arizona. The president there saying unsubstantiated we caught them spying. Theres no evidence of obviously anything to substangs ate that President Trumps campaign was spied on. He also began his comments talking about being up in the state of wisconsin by one point. He does not cite the poll. And then goes on to attack the polls that actually show him down by multiple points. As of now, most polls in the state of wisconsin show joe biden with several points being up several points on President Trump as of now. Moving right along, right now, there is not a single state reporting a decrease in new cases across the u. S. The president did not mention that as well in his comments there in arizona. 43 states are currently reporting at least a 10 increase in new cases over the past two weeks. And according to data compiled by the covid tracking project, hospitalizations across the u. S. Have increased more than 46 since the last since last month. Joining me now is dr. Karen, internal medicine doctor at the bringham and Womens Hospital in harvard medical school. Doctor, its great to have you with us. According to the latest figures from the covid tracking project, the current sevenday average for new cases in the u. S. Sits at around 71,000 new cases. Thats higher than the peaks of the previous two surges that we have seen. What do you make of this latest wave . Thanks so much, ayman. This is very concerning. I worked in covid emergency room back in april when we were sort of hitting our peak here in boston, massachusetts, and it feels like were sort of heading in that same direction again. As you pointed out, this third surge is already greater in numbers than the second surge that we dealt with over the summer. We have never averaged over 70,000 cases per day looking at the last seven days. The first time we have hit that high. And you know, as we have seen before, what comes after cases is increased hospitalizations and after that, increased deaths. Its quite concerning, even in my own schedule, i have been notified i will have to block out some time for backup as we expect more cases. The u. S. Added 500,000 new cases in the past week, and the president , as youre probably aware, has falsely stated the the crease in cases is just a matter of more testing, but Admiral Brett Giroir addressed the status of testing. Gh were only using a third of our nations testing capacity. We do need to test more people, especially in the outbreak areas. Cases are going up. Its not just a function of testing. How damaging is it, doctor, when the administration is not on the same page when the comes to the subject of testing . You know, this is a huge issue. So public messaging, gaining the trust of the public, is a key part of epidemic response. When you have mixed messaging like this from people within the administration around things that can be quite complicated, its very detrimental to the epidemic. We depend on both leadership from the federal level, from state level, and also at the individual level in terms of the decisions we make and the support we have. So with confusing messaging, people are going to have a much harder time making the right decisions. All right, doctor, thank you so much. I appreciate your time, doctor. Thank you so much. Lets, as we mentioned, Vice President ial nominee Kamala Harris is speaking at an event in arizona. Lets cross over now and listen in. And she represents who we are as a nation. Mayor romero, thank you for everything you are and everything you do. Its so good to be back in arizona. You guys, youre going to make the difference. You will elect the next president and Vice President of the United States. You will do that. I want to thank the Community College for hosting us, chancellor lee lambert, damian clinko. The students. Congressman, there you are. Congresswoman ann kirkpatrick. And the great Gabby Giffords and mark kelly. Lets get this done, tucson. And so heres the thing. You know, first of all, in the spirit of the late great john mccain, i was thinking, lets start with a little straight talk. Now, you know theres been some talk about my values. Well, let me just tell you, tucson, im a proud patriotic american. I love my country. And our values reflect the values of america. Our values tell us we have witnessed the worst, the biggest disaster of any president ial administration in the history of this country. Our values tell us that. Our values tell us that we should not be in a moment where over 225,000 people have died in our country. Over 8. 5 Million People have contracted a virus, when we have known, when we got the information, we have known how serious this is. Listen, there is so much at stake in this election. Im just going to start by talking about a few of the things we know. We as a nation are in the middle of four crises happening at once. Were in the midst of a pandemic, a Public Health pandemic, that like i said, has caused over 225,000 americans to die. People who many of whom died without any family members being able to be with them. To hold their hand, to look in their eyes because of the nature of this virus. Over 8. 5 million americans who now have a preexisting condition and untold longterm Health Consequences because of this virus. And the tragedy of it is this. It didnt have to be this bad. It literally did not have to be this bad. Thanks to a fellow by the name of bob woodward, we know that on january 28th, donald trump was informed about the seriousness of this pandemic. He was told it will kill people. He was told it is five times more deadly than the flu. He was told it would hurt people of every age. He was told it was airborne. And he sat on that information. He did not tell you. Can you imagine, as a parent, as a Small Business owner, as a working person, if on january 28th, you would have known what the president had known. What you might have been able to do to plan, to prepare. Knowing that even before this pandemic, so Many Americans working two and three jobs to pay the rent and put food on the table, knowing that even before this pandemic, most americans didnt have more than 1,000 life savings. What people might have been able to do to prepare. What you might have been able to do to prepare your children for the fact they may not be able to go back to school. Were listening to senator Kamala Harris there, speaking in arizona, precisely at the same time as the president was as well in that state. Giving you a sense of how important that state is for both of these campaigns. The senator there and Vice President ial nominee, making the case for her and the former Vice President , joe biden, in the final stretch there. Defending their values, laying out the crises this country faces and theyre saying one of the more powerful points, what would you have done if you knew the information that the president knew back on january 28th, regarding the coronavirus and not act upon it. So the Vice President ial nominee there highlighting the incompetence of the Trump Administration in handling covid. Moving along, a judge in michigan has struck down a directive that would have banned the open carry of firearms at polling locations in the state on election day to prevent possible voter intimidation. The ban was originally issued about a week after a group of men was arrested and charged with plotting to kidnap governor gretchen whitmer. Michigans secretary of state and the state attorney general say they will appeal that decision. Joining me is dasha burns in grand rapids, michigan. Lets talk about how officials there are reacting to this legal fight over the ban, and do election workers and volunteers have clear guidance at this point about what to do if individuals show up with guns . Hey, ayman. Thats a great question. The answer is not exactly, which is a bit of a challenge here. There have just been so many developments in the story over the last couple days. In the last couple hours, the attorney general announced at a press conference they have already filed an appeal as of this morning, but even before that ruling, ayman, local officials here in kent county were planning to buck that ban on open carry. The county prosecutor called it invalid, said the secretary of state and the attorney general didnt have the authority to issue that order. I spoke to the county clerk here and the elections director, and they said that they have not been instructing their clerks and election workers to enforce the ban. I want you to hear from county clerk lyons on the issue. Listen. We are working in conjunction with our county prosecutor who has made it clear that the order is not valid. And we are not going to expect our election workers to be Law Enforcement. You know, if the secretary of state wants to make policy, she really needs to work with the legislature. Thats their role in the legislature, to create policy. She did say, though, any instances of voter intimidation will not be tolerated but this is in fact how some voters view election day. I spoke with one mom who told me she has an 18yearold son. He was planning to vote in person for his first ever election, but shes asking him to vote absentee instead. Ayman. Dasha burns in grand rapids, michigan, for us. Thank you. Wisconsin shattered its daily record coronavirus cases and deaths yesterday. State Health Officials are calling the situation a, quote, nightmare scenario. Wisconsins senator Tammy Baldwin joins me right after the break. Youre watching msnbc. Hi, there. Only six days left in the election. Heres your latest vote watch. In pennsylvania, the Luzerne County board of elections filed a motion for Amy Coney Barrett to recuse herself as republicans are sieging a second challenge to whether the state can count absentee ballots up to three days wisconsin. It comes after President Trumps visit there yesterday, where thousands of people attended his rally. The same day that wisconsin Health Officials announced record daily highs for coronavirus cases and deaths. Joinine Tammy Baldwin. Shes a member of the committees of appropriations, pensions, and commerce, science, and transportation. Thank you so much for joining us this afternoon. I want to first talk to you about voting, if i can. First, today, your state unfortunately announced 45 deaths, i want to first talk to you about voting if i can. But first, today your state unfortunately announced 45 deaths. 174 new hospitalizations, and almost 4,000 new cases of coronavirus. Thats following tuesdays numbers, which were already recordbreaking. What message would you like to send to the president and Vice President as they continue to rally in your state . Well, first and foremost, they should be observing Public Health protocol. They should be Holding Events that are safe and socially distanced, requiring the use of masks. And what theyre demonstrating in a state where this virus is spreading wholesale is, you know, not only poor leadership, but downright dangerous. And the place where Vice President pence is going to be today, trump was a few weeks back, and that county experienced a 50 increase in coronavirus cases in the weeks following Donald Trumps visit. But i think it points to a larger issue which is the absolute failed leadership of this president in fighting the pandemic from the very beginning. His purposeful lying to the American People, downplaying it, and never having a comprehensive plan to contain the spread of the coronavirus. There is actions he should have taken on day one that here nine months into this pandemic, he has never taken. And there are lives lost because of that. Senator, the polls in wisconsin, excuse me, show joe biden leading, but as you are very well aware, this week the Supreme Court refused to extend the deadline for counting absentee ballots in your state. Do you think that this lastminute change could potentially erase a joe biden lead in your state . Well, i certainly call on all voters in wisconsin to make your voice heard, make sure that your vote is going to be counted, vote early. I am heartened by the news that i am seeing that already by today we have i think its 51 of the total turnout four years ago already capped. So thats a very important thing to note. But people must act early and not wait for the last minute. I am disappointed in this ruling. We were able to successfully extend the deadline for ballots that were postmarked by election day back in april in the state. And it worked just fine. But sadly, the United States Supreme Court is not going to allow us to do that in the height of this pandemic where cases are surging out of control in a state like wisconsin. We know that tensions are already running high. Obviously theyre happening in michigan which is another battleground state. Wisconsin allows the open carrying of guns at polling places. Are you confident that Law Enforcement can handle this, given the backdrop of tension we are seeing . Well, it concerns me greatly because, you know, you think about what is meant by a term voter intimidation and i certainly think for many, not all, but many having armed vigilantes or folks at a polling place or around a polling place would be very intimidating. And so i would be met certainly voter intimidations. I hope that all tonight will do everything they cannot to wait until election day to cast their ballot safely and following good Public Health guidance, but do so as soon as they possibly can. Senator, let me look ahead if i can and switch gears from election to post election. Would you be open to voting to expand the Supreme Court, given what we saw this week with the confirmation and swearing in of justice Amy Coney Barrett . Well, first of all, ive been an outspoken critic of the double standard we saw from Mitch Mcconnell, refusing to even hold confirmation hearing on president obamas selection of a nomination of Merrick Garland that was eight months out from the election. And then, a new standard when its a republican president of ramming through a confirmation with more speed than weve ever seen, and certainly the closest to election. People were voting throughout this entire confirmation process for the next president. And it should be the next president and the next seated senate who nominates and confirms respectively. But as to your question, joe biden has announced that he will form a commission to look at the very troubling issue of the politicization of the United States Supreme Court, and i will say other courts. And take recommendations. I think thats a sound way to approach this issue, to hear from experts. So you are open to it . And figure out a way are you open to it . I am open to the process that the Vice President has announced and think that all americans should be disturbed about how politicized our courts have become. Theyre supposed to be impartial, independent judiciary. And right now thats slipping away very fast. All right. Senator tammy bald kwin of wisconsin, thank you very much for your time. I appreciate it. My pleasure. As we look up at the next hour, lets take a look at the market. Storks took a sharp fall today dropping almost 150 points. The dow is now down more than 900 points, its fourth straight day of losses on concerns over the sharp rise that we are seeing in covid cases across the country and its potential impact on the economy. Deadline white house with Nicolle Wallace starts right after this quick break. Dont go anywhere. Quick break dont go anywhere. Hritis when methotrexate has not helped enough. Xeljanz can help relieve joint pain and swelling, stiffness, and helps stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. 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Jeff zeleny who attended the rally tweeted this. President trump took off in air force one one hour and 20 minutes ago, but thousands of his supporters remain stranded on a

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