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Good morning, it is monday november 10th, welcome to morning joe. With us onset we have Mike Barnacle barnacle, bright and early. Very chipper. Very chipper. Msnbc contributor and associate professor at Columbia School Darian Warren and Jeremy Peters. What are the jets doing winning . Beating the steelers who i heard are supposed to be good. Steelers were on a roll. Look out. Jets. Michael vick did he have a good game . Okay game. He didnt fumbgle the ball 12 times. First well do the good and then well do the bad and ugly. President bush 43 actually over here. There you go awesome. This book that hes writing is really a love letter to his dad, apparently, and i didnt realize the but 41 thought seriously about not running for reelection. First time i heard that. Isnt that crazy . Very nice. Heres the ugly. This is the Washington Post. If they wanted to grab peoples attention, on monday morning they have done it with a story on the nword which they say get this is used 500,000 times a day as slang. As slang on twitter. 500,000 times a day. Hundreds of thousands times a day than my word of choice dude or bro and naacp this is fascinating to me naacp had the mock funeral in 2007 and now they basically said its just this is a Youth Culture thing. That it is its so prevalent in Youth Culture which is shocking to me. Theres no way they can ban the word but the 500,000 is enormous but remember we dont know how many times people say it not on social media a day. Oh, my gosh. So its a small, small indication of how often the word is used. Its absolutely unbelievable. That article has a great history of the word. Great history of the word. Has anybody else noticed ill just hold this up the Washington Post over the past three to six months has become a really vital, vital newspaper. I dont know whose in charge so im not kissing up to anybody. The editor much the Washington Post former editor of the boston globe is on this. This paper is now mandatory reading. It really is now i always would go to the times and wall street journal and politico and sometimes the Washington Post. I always go to the Washington Post first now and i havent said that in like in decades. In a long time. Pretty crazy. All right lets start this morning with that dangerous storm and frigid temperatures moving into a big part of the country. Wait. Are we going to get cold . Oh willie lets go to florida. It starts now and ends you can feel it. Ends memorial day. Can we go to boca. Naples. People under winter storm warnings right now. An outbreak of freezing weather isnt far behind. Bill karins just do it. Thats the problem. We get cold in november usually we warm up. Once it gets cold no signs of it warming up any time soon. So this is here to stay. Its cold today in the northern plains. Rest of the country is gorgeous. Problem weather is up in minneapolis. Dealing with a foot of snow by this time tomorrow morning. Watch the cold as it slowly moves across the country. First it heads south. Notice the High Temperature on wednesday in kansas city and chicago, low 30s. The last warm day for the east coast will be wednesday and then the east coast will get cold. We mentioned the 7 Million People understand winter storm warnings that goes from montana all the way through northern wisconsin and Northern Michigan and these are the people digging out from the possibility of a large area of six to 12 inches and up to a foot of snow. Wind chills have tanked in these areas. Thats where it will snow. Youll get a foot of snow. To give you and idea its not how cold it is its how long it will last. Minneapolis is now below 32 degrees. They wont go above 32 degrees for at least a week straight. Whatever ice and snow is out there is here to stay. Even through about the end of this week theres no signs of this cold air exiting. Bill thank you. All right. President obama is in beijing for the First Time Since 2009. Hes pushing a u. S. Supported trade agreement at an economic summit and hell meet with chinas president on wednesday. Hes also scheduled to visit myanmar and australia. The week long trip comes as democrats struggle to make sense of last weeks midterm losses. Also want to ask you about what happened on tuesday. We got beat. The buck stops right here at my desk. So, whenever as the head of the party it doesnt do well ive got to take responsibility for it. The message that i took from this election and weve seen this in a number of elections, successive elections, is people want to see this city work. And they feel as if its not working. And, you know they know one person in washington and thats the president of the United States. So ive got to make this city work better for them. What do you think . Well i thought he was pretty good. He was very very honest about what happened. What do you think, mike . He looked disgusted the day after. You know hes carrying such baggage. Obviously he got his lunch handed to him on tuesday. Hes going to china. The chinese know whats going on. They are going to give him nothing because they perceive him to be as weak as the voters perceived him to be here on tuesday. What do you think, willie. When he says its time to make washington work thats obviously the first time he said that. Im not blaming him for saying it. Its what we want to hear. But i dont think anybody in america after six years think suddenly things will work in washington. We hope it will. But its is starting to ring hollow for people who have watched what happened. You got to talk to each other. Of course the president is recivilitying calls from republicans to wait on Immigration Reform and the president said hes given House Speaker john boehner plenty of time to act and hell do it by himself by the end of the year. Take a look. I told him at the time john if you dont do it i got Legal Authority to make improvements on the system. So, john im going to give you some time but if you cant get it done before the end of the year im going to have to take the steps that i can to improve the system. Your saying here their time has run out . What im saying to them actually their time hasnt run out. Ill do what i can do through executive action. Its not going to be everything that needs to get done. And it will take time to put that in place. And in the interim, the minute they pass a bill that addresses the problems with Immigration Reform i will sign it and it sue super supers earn des whatever action i take. If theres one political combustible issue that could really poison the well as john boehner said the other day its Immigration Reform. We have seen time and time again nothing raises the passions on both the left and the right like Immigration Reform. I under they are saying that. Let me play devils advocate. What the hell are the republicans going to do . You dont like what he did, pass a law. You dont pass a law, you know it will be something new. If im the president of the United States and i really wanted to do this i would sign it. I would give to it the republicans and say okay now you guys, i dont have to fight with you any more. You guys fight among yourselves because jeremy this really is this is an intramural battle. It would allow Mitch Mcconnell and john boehner to say come up with a deal or the president will find it. It seems like a pretty good strategic move on the president s part. The problem as has been for the last four years for republicans, though is going to the controlling, the Tea Party Wing of the party. Which is very very opposed to doing anything on immigration. The tea party does nothing now. You say the tea party. If what you define as the tea party does nothing now then nothing guess done. If the president signs an executive order they not acting them blocking an immigration bill actually allows the president of the United States to have his executive order be the law of the land right . So them dragging their feet actually works against them and allows the president to have his way. Doesnt that change the dynamics . Well you know when you lay it out like that it sounds like it makes perfect sense but as is often the case in Congress Common sense does not apply, logic does not apply and i think what youre hearing republicans talk about doing is finding a way in the budget bill to hold this whole process, uphold the budget process up through an amendment that would defund whatever the president does on immigration and then that opens up a huge can of worms that could mostly clear up this entire process and i think thats what republicans are worried about another legislative crisis like that. I want to make sure i get this right. I think if im not mistaken lets say, i sign an executive order. Theres the order. Its joes law. Now if congress does nothing, it remains joes law. Right . So if youre a tea party guy, im not doing anything on immigration, then youre making sure joes law remains the law. Theres forces action by republicans one way or another and democrats. You have to ask yourself the question i dont know you think about this. Youre an academic. Figure this out. Be smart for us. Weve heard the inside take on it. Heres my perception. Hes the president of the United States. Why the president of the United States doesnt say, okay weve waited years for anything something to be done on immigration so now here is a version of joes law, Barack Obamas law. Here it is. Executive action. Now, you republicans go slice and dice yourselves up in the house and senate and figure it out. Thats the law. I think well see that. Theres a historical point here. Every single president since eisenhower over the last 60 years have taken executive action on immigration. Thats the historical point. Second this is smart politics if the president signs an executive order on immigration. Frankly the latino and asianamerican vote is up for grabs in the future and both of these groups are looking for which party will represent them in fixing the immigration system. Theres a huge latino vote out there thats up for grabs by both parties. If the president moves first on this question i think latino voters who are angry at the democrats and the president i was going to say. You know what . Caroline kennedy doesnt get profiles in courage on immigration. So now hes found religion. Hes going to move forward and do it. If he moves forward and does it then the republicans are forced to act. And they have the political incentive to do it. For all the reasons i said a year and a half ago. Now you are going to have Mitch Mcconnell and john boehner look at people that want to get in the way and say really . Do you want Hillary Clinton to be president for eight years. We can stop short of amnesty, we can stop short of citizenship, but we have to do something. And i dont think theres going to be much patience at all for people who want to play to their home district and help lose the presidency for republicans for eight more years. Certainly an opportunity for them to think. Howard dean the former democratic governor of vermont and dnc chair says president obama is not the sole person responsible for the partys losses last week. He said Democratic Candidates lost because they failed to articulate a clear message to voters. The republican message was were not obama no substance whatsoever. What was the democrats message. Were really not either. You cannot win if you are afraid. It felt like it. Where the hell is the Democratic Party. Got to stand for something if you want to win. The Washington Post points out that one clear lesson from the midterms that democrats made the Koch Brothers a top target in many cases they lost the races and the post article on that is brutal to harry reid. He just blew so much money. But heres my only argument with what howard dean said about democrats losing because they didnt stand for anything didnt stop the republicans. The republicans, they are the castrating pigs. It was about washington. It was about washington. It was about making things work. I like joni ernst. Im just saying there wasnt a whole lot of substance on the republican side. They were against barack obama. No substance on the republican side but the democrats argument for months and months ago starting with harry reid on the floor of the senate that david and charles koch are bad people. And you should vote against them. And it didnt work. Did we not say from the beginning what a stupid idea. We could have saved harry reid hundreds of millions of dollars if they ran on real issues instead of well pick on these two guys. Especially when their issues win at the ballot box, minimum wage. The issue wins. Can i ask why didnt i talked about this too nonstop. Why didnt the democrats talk about, use all of that money to talk about how republicans are blocking minimum wage. Why republicans were blocking this reform. Why republicans were blocking that reform. Why republicans didnt want the little jenni, the 6yearold to have health care United States because of preexisting conditions. Why they didnt want neer do wellsons playing xbox all day to have health insurance. Its just so easy. Think of all the money harry reid burned. By the way, tom styer should be angry about all the pollution caused by burning that money. Why didnt they use issues like minimum wage and other issues jeremy. Thats how they started out. Remember at the beginning of the Campaign Season this was democrats message and it sounded like it was going be very populace focusing on minimum wage and College Affordability and then it got lost in koch piece sagging stuff and war on women. I will say where the Koch Brothers line of attack was effective, even though it was a distraction to their overall message was that it depressed the republican donor base. If you talk to a lot of republican fundraisers, a lot of republican groups what they said by going out there and demonizing charles and david koch what harry reid did is he scared republicans into giving money because they didnt want to find themselves the subject of the same brutal attacks. It didnt work. Rich donors gave more than before. You know why not have a populace message. It was stupid. Harry reid if democrats allow harry reid to continue to run the senate they should have done the Elizabeth Warren strategy. Yes. Of a strong populace message, talk about the middle class, talk about whats happening to working class americans. Republicans should too. Thats the message. Now, of course you know to do it a little different way than Elizabeth Warren would do it. How would she do it thats wrong. The tanks and going up to rich peoples houses and throwing them out in the street like they did in batman. Im against that. You cant find anything wrong. Speak being of which, ann hathaway this new movie that shes in. Interstellar. Why do people hate ann hathaway. I think shes great. Shes a great actress. I think shes amazing. Maybe because of her first movie like my daughter watched 80,000 times. I saw it. Princess diaries. She was great in that. She was great in batman. Shes great in this. Still ahead on morning joe well talk to independent senator angus king on republican efforts to pull him across the aisle. Plus why today is a big day in the vas Major Overhaul. Long time sports columnist dan shaunnessy. Ameriprise asked people a simple question in retirement, will you outlive your money . Uhhh. No, that cant happen. Thats the thing, you dont know how long it has to last. Everyone has retirement questions. So ameriprise created the exclusive. Confident retirement approach. Now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. Well, knowing gives you confidence. Start building your confident retirement today. You were texting last night. Mika was on there. Group text. Got to be careful of that right. We started talking about her and we forgot mika forgot mika always hits reply all. And so she told us shes come to new york and stupid. Should come to new york and, apparently, apparently they have a sale at barneys. Is that right . Yes. Time now to take a look at the morning papers. Ill get a better jacket. That baby blue doesnt work. Are we ready . Stop hitting reply all. Okay. She had a katy statement. Lets do the papers. The chicago tribune, two remaining american prisoners held by north korea are back on u. S. Soil. Look at that graphic. Look at these pictures. A plane carrying kenneth bae and Matthew Todd Miller landed in Washington State late saturday after north Korean Leader kim jongun ordered their release. Miller who was tried on espionage charges and bae arrested in 2012. They were freed by u. S. Director James Clapper who brought a letter from barack obama. Lets go back to the graphic. We complain that bill doesnt give us a lot of money for this show. We get nothing. Look at that. Released. Do you know how much that cost . Our graphics are incredible. They are the most two dimensional graphics. I love it. All right. The timespicayune, Mary Landrieu getting out a new attack ad against her opponent. Im Mary Landrieu and i approved this message. On may 31st bill cassidy gave a speech that was nearly intoin intoin incoherent. But his message is clear. We lose Mary Landrieus clout. For this . Thank you. Whoa was he drunk . Can i just ask that question. Can i see that again. Do you think he was on medication. I never had a speech like that. No dallas the dallas speech was it was bad. Oh, my god. Its unbelievable. You did a book signing. So i go there and i give this speech. They give you a little place to do pictures. People get in line to take pictures and sign the book. He has to go to the bathroom. I do the jokes that always work. They just stared at me. Ive been there. I knew seven seconds in no. Seriously. When i give speeches people laugh they joke we hug, great. This place, swear to god i get out and i take off my shirt we still talk about it like five years later. Ive been in those rooms. Like 3,000 people there. You tell the first couple of johannesburg, south africa and they dont laugh and you go i got 20 minutes. 15 minutes in i started quoting bible verses i was so scared. Holy cow. I got to go the bathroom. Ill be right back. It was awful. This is the greatest video. This will cheer you up. Look at this. Its the cutest thing youve ever seen. The daily mail. Not the most news worthy headline. Who can resist a dog playing with a baby. I put my babies in these. So much fun. But look at the dog. Hes helping her jump. Hes going after the shadow. Baby likes it. I can watch that for five hours. Mika loves that and yet she walked out of wedding crashers. Stupid movie. Lets go to mike allen. Thats where we part ways. Mr. Mike allen has a look at the playbook. Mike, good morning. The politico site as a new look. I dont like change. What am i looking at. Total makeover. First totally new politico. Com since we launched in january of 07. Elegant new site that our executive editor put together. Has four cover stories that rotates so it knows what you saw the last time you came to the site and something very cool theres a little clock up in the corner. You cluck it and it gives you chronologically everything posted on politico since the last time you checked it out. One of the stories up on the site, you guys are talking about some rising stars within the Democratic Party being considered as the next chairman of the democratic congressional campaign committee. Who are they and why are we talking about them. You want a thankless job how would you like to take over the House Democratic campaign operation. Leader pelosi will reward someone with that fantastic job. Shes thinking go with someone who will bring back energy star power. So these looking at congressman castro of texas. Whose brother is the hud secretary. Congressman joe kennedy of massachusetts, grandson of rfk. This is her choice of rahm emanuel. Thats a pretty new site. It is. Coming up next tina brown will be here for the must read opinion pages the one issue she says is the most partisan for players in washington that they can agree on. Well be right back with much morning joe. You drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then. Wham a minivan tbones you. Guess what your Insurance Company will only give you 37thousand to replace it. Depreciation they claim. How can my car depreciate before its first oil change . You ask. Maybe the better question is why do you have that Insurance Company . With Liberty Mutual new car replacement, well replace the full value of your car. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. She inspires you. No question about that. 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For all talk of change in washington where one party is taking over from another one thing has not changed the stock market and Gross Domestic Product keep going up while families get squeezed hard by an economy thats not working for them. Before leaders and the president get encouraged bypassing new laws we should look who the laws will serve. Theres no shortage of Work Congress can do but the agenda shouldnt be drawn up by corpate lobbyists and lawyers. Listen theres no doubt even with a democratic president the rich get richer, the poor get poorer minimum wage is stuck where minimum wage is stuck at for years. Wages have been going down since 1973. Consistently since 1973. This is not a republican problem or a democratic problem, both parties have failed america havent they. Both parties. Over decades. Over decades. Frankly that you just said all of that thats a huge shift for republicans. Several republicans on the campaign trail talking about income inequality wage stagnation and came out in favor of the minimum wage. Theres a huge shift among republicans. Democrats didnt talk about this like Elizabeth Warren did on the campaign trail as much as they should have. I just dont understand why. They dont want to talk about because they have to say under obama it hasnt improved they are supposed to be banging the drum about a better economy. But its not better for people because the jobs have disappeared and they are working part time. Many are working three, four jobs. Mika let me ask you, what do the Koch Brothers cory booker and george soros, Newt Gingrich the aclu and Grover Norquist agree on . They agree on criminal justice reform. Of all the bipartisan issues that you think could actually get traction this is the one thats moving. The right on Crime Movement is getting traction as tea party and liberals discover something they can agree on. We have turned into the inkar incarceration capital of the world. The Koch Brothers who of course everybody is talking about, there was some news item they spent millions and millions and millions of dollars and one of their big issues is to get indigents competent counsel and george soros, of course on the other side of the ledger you know, believes the same thing. The reason it has become a crisis with americans in prison all of those unparented kids is having an enormous impact on breaking up families. Were depriving people of jobs. When you have a conviction you dont get that job. Its really become the most amazing crisis. I went to see a maximum security prison in pennsylvania two weeks ago. Were doing this afternoon a criminal justice summit. It was such a sobering experience. So sobering because you saw life in there. Life means life in pennsylvania. They are in there for life as part of a felony conviction that is about driving a get away car. They are in there for life. Its unbelievable. People have been in there for 46 years. Interesting to see if rand paul runs for president youll have a republican on the campaign trail talking about crime and punishment in a way we havent seen republican candidates talk about sentencing reform introduced a bill with senator leahy to give judges more leeway in reducing mandatory sentencing for small drug crimes possession of marijuana and things like that. Its a republican and democratic issue. Only republicans can talk about it like that. Since the Willie Horton debacle its political poison. Thank you for shedding light. The american justice summit will be streaming live today on vicenews. Com starting at 1 00 p. M. Up next. The republicans picked up policemen of seats last tuesday but werent able to lure maines independent senator across party lines. Hes independent. Senator angus king explains his decision to stick with the democrats. Morning joe will be back in a moment. 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The democrat was really running as not the governor he didnt have an affirmative message that was a problem for the democrats. All those things came together. But i think people like feisty big personalities. You know you know as a candidate everybody thinks we vote on issues and, you know, all this stuff. Its do you like the person. And do you have the do they trust you and think youre being straight with them. Barbara bush ran a Great Campaign at the end. She looked in the camera and said yeah the governor is blunt like me. It was a killer. I think it gave him three or four percent right there. Thats a great ad. Let me ask you a question. Why do you have to choose. Not just you. Oh soandso is an independent they will pick the democrats. Why do you have to pick a side . Why can you say im going to be with republicans when i want to be with republicans and be with democrats in effect thats what you do. You have to choose because thats how you get your committee assignments. Thats how the senate works. I did research on can i just put my chair in the middle of the aisle. Wayne morse tried that about 40 years ago and it didnt work. But people misunderstand. Caucusing isnt joining a party its who you have lunch with on tuesdays and who gives you your committee assignments. Then you vote how you want. We heard a lot of good people that are republicans, a lot of good Democratic Senators here who, you know, they got in their corners. Why cant somebody like you be at the center of bringing both sides together because we have a lot of people that say, you know, we have three caucus lunches and only talk to democrats, we only talk to republicans. Thats just stupid. You know that better than anybody else that both sides thats how they do it in maine, both sides have to talk. Thats the biggest problem. Theres a group and im a part of it. Theres a group of ten or 12 both sides who are sick of this. Lets have joint caucuses every two or three weeks where we sit down and talk to each other. Now everybody goes to their opposite corners. Do you think that will change . Mitch mcconnell hes making all the right noises. Weve been tough on Mitch Mcconnell. The day after, though the victory, when we could have gloated he seemed to be really humble and struck the right tone. I talked to republicans privately. They say hes telling them privately hes going to top senate up, have amendments have votes. Now one of the tests will be do we have look at that expression. Hes looking doubtful. One of the early tests will be are we able to move nominations or is that going to get squashed during the lame duck. If he says look we got 45 ambassadors that havent been approved most of them are career foreign service. Come on lets get them going. I think this loretta lynch thing is going to get moving. Senator, let me ask you about the climate in washington ascribed by Mitch Mcconnell and other republicans which is that they put bills forward and they sat on harry reids desk for months and months and months. So they put a lot of blame why hasnt anything got done in washington they say its democratic leadership. Can you describe the climate in the senate is that the way it is . Not now. Theres no question there was a strategy going up to the elections to protect vulnerable democrats from difficult votes. Everybody knows that. Didnt work. In retrospect maybe it would have been better let them vote let things happen let the president take the heat and veto some bills instead of the senate be the stopper. On the other hand immigration is a major piece of legislation thats sitting on John Boehners desk. It works both ways. Im hoping i think theres a possibility, joe, that were going to have enough sort of moderates, if you will i dont like to use that word nobody wants to be labelled a moderate but centrist where we could have a significant influence by having enough votes sort of going both ways. The deal still is you have to have bipartisan support to get anything done. You still need 60 votes. Jeremy peters . Good morning, senator. I want to ask you about the generational over here. I want to ask you about the generational leadership issue that i think the Democratic Party has right now. You guys are going to come back to washington on thursday. Youre going toby most accounts elect the same democratic leadership thats in place now. You look forward to 2016 the Democratic Party appears to be on track to nominate Hillary Clinton. If youre a voter looking at the Democratic Party right now, is it really logical to think people want to support it if it looks like the same old party . I think youre on to something and i think i can say this as an independent. I think one of the subtext issues of this election of that the Democratic Party has become the party of government itself. And if people dont like the government the party that represents the government is going to have a hard time and i think thats going a difficulty for someone like Hillary Clinton who has tremendous experience and background but shes going to have a hard time saying oh, im a new person. Theres some challenges there. Yeah no question. Senator angus king thank you so much. Great having you on the show. We love maine. Coming up remember when the nfl was facing a crisis . It seems that not many do. Why renowned sports columnist Dan Shaughnessy says its silly for any of us to think the league was threatened and joins us ahead on morning joe. Over 12,000 financial advisors. So, how are things . Good, good. Nearly 800 billion dollars in assets under care. Let me just put this away. 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You might be surprised at whats hiding in your coverage. Talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. We are farmers bumpadum bumbumbumbum [announcer] call 1800farmers and see how much you could save. With us now from boston veteran sports columnist for the boston globe, Dan Shaughnessy. Willie look at the hair. Oh, my goodness thats shock. Mika wants to talk about the hair. My eyes hurt. Dan wrote a column last week pretty interesting reads in part remember when Roger Goodell was going to be fired or forced to step down. Two months ago it was raining Domestic Violence and nfl was the Nixon White House and everybody was taking a long hard look at our appetite for professional football. No more. The nfl steam roller is grinding ahead, crushing everything in its path. We love our football. And how silly to think that it was ever threatened. We love what you wrote. Roger goodell was looking around the room of the executives lets lay low. Once the games start well be fine. Time tested strategy for them, keep rolling out the games, stand back hire a few women, have an independent investigator who once struck a tv deal for the league have him go to work put on pink ribbons now and then psas, the ratings are better than ever people are playing fantasy football and the eagles are playing tonight on monday night football. I assume you would be like shocked, shocked i tell you if bob muller came back with his report and said Roger Goodell knew everything beforehand even before the two game suspension. I would be shocked. Bad thing is if goodell had seen the tape and moved forward. I think this will come down on morray rices team than the commissioner. Im not there. Mike, what takes so long with this investigation. It doesnt have to be the Warren Commission here. How long does it take to interview a if you people who work in the offices there in new york. The whole thing, again mr. Mueller is a man of High Integrity but his law firm negotiated the last billion dollar deal with the nfl. It may not hurt the nfl in the immediate term but is there a cumulative effect with the head injuries and Domestic Violence stuff. Do you think over time this sort of erodes away support for nfl. Maybe over 100 years or Something Like that. Not in our time. We saw this with boxes and horse racing. This is dvr proof. People have to watch the game and see the commercials because they want to watch it in realtime. Anheuserbusch made a little threat. Nothing but crickets for them for two months. The advertisers want this product. The fan want the product. The head injuries is a very serious issue. Lawyers are going to go to work on that. Parents in towns like lincoln and newton will not be having their kids play football as much but it wont matter in fort myers, florida, brownsville, texas, western pennsylvania and where the nfl is drawing its pool of players. Flipg the channels yesterday and watching pieces of the games is the inherent glorification of the violence the tough hits. Can i just say, mike seriously, i am not avoiding an nfl game as any sort of like protest, i just dont watch it. Because the violence has gotten so excessive i just cant watch the speed and the violence. I see these guys that have shot their girlfriend shot themselves, have committed suicide. I cant watch it because it seriously is. Like watching one Car Accidents after another. Thats exactly by the way, i grew up like everybody else. I started playing football when i was 5. When i was 6 my parents put me in a football league. I coached football. Ive been obsessed with the sport. I can watch it on sundays any more. I was flipping through the channels by the way watching College Football all day. We wont get into texas and an arbor. To joes point there was a kickoff. The collision between two 64 guys weighing 300 pounds running like two second 100 yard dash theres no drug policy we all know that but the collision was so violent that the tv network, i believe it was cbs, could have been fox, but i believe it was cbs showed it three or four times. Absolutely. This is our modern day gladiators. This is what people want. I havent heard people talking like joe, unfortunately. People are not shying away from that because of that. If you stand down fwild its as barbaric as you can imagine. Its not its inhuman whats going on. Its barbaric and hunger for it grows and grows as fantasy football and betting and Television Ratings continue. Dan, we got to go. But what drugs are you allowed to take . What does the nfl im serious. Can you take hgh . What drugs does the nfl still allow you to take so you can be 280 pounds and run a four three 40. When you do this in the training room you can do anything. I dont know whats legal but you have to be jacked up. Do they have hgh screening. Do they screen for other drugs . No marijuana. That would slow them down a little bit. Thank you very much. Good to have you. Crazy hair. Still ahead on morning joe, the new yorkers David Remnick joins the table. Well be right back. So i can reach ally bank 24 7, but there are no branches . 24 7 its just im a little reluctant to try new things. Whats wrong with trying new things . Feel that in your muscles . Yeah. I do. Try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends. Three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacement, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. How much money do you have in your pocket right now . I have 40 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. Welcome back to morning joe. Mike barnacle and Jeremy Peters are still with us. Joining us now editor of new york the David Remnick. I watched College Football all saturday. Its not quite as violent. They arent quite at gladiatoral. That utah game. 140. Look at this. Beautiful pass. The speakers were thinking it was a done deal. The announcers were. He spikes the ball. Heres the problem. He spikes the ball on the 1 yard line. You just dont want to do that. Than guy that runs a 5840 hobbles down the field. Come on dude. Yebs holocausted. Oregon ends up winning. A couple of extraordinary games. You were talking about the texas a m. Kids dont do this at home. In fact dont drop the ball hand it to the ref. Hold on to it. Not to make too much of it. They were 140. They may have beaten oregon. Made all the difference. Auburn texas a m, two fumbles within the last two minutes. Auburn loses the game. Followed by the overtime alabama lsu game. Part of the magic, the difference in the viewers mind my mind is the crowd is so much healthier at a College Football game pi dont mean physically healthier with obamacare i meant just mentally they are so into the game. Lets face it i remember emmett smith talking about Heisman Trophy winner. He goes and plays at the pros. He played at the top level in the sec and said theres nothing that ever prepares you for the first hit in the nfl. Willie youve talked about it same force as a car accident . Yeah. Dan shaughnessy just talked about it. If youve ever been on field level for an nfl game and you can see it coming a safety is coming up from 12 yards deep and here comes running back its like anticipating a car crash when they hit each other at those speeds you go oh, my god that has to have some lasting impact. I used to cover this. You sat up in the press box. Its completely divorced from reality. It is the ultimate tv sport and thats what creates the disconnect that youre feeling. Its an exquisite beautiful game to watch but the Reality College or pro, Even High School hits are pretty terrible. Getting tougher. Kids are suffering not sprained ankles but broken backs and broken necks. Its out of control. On that happy news. Something has to change. All right. President obama is in beijing for the First Time Since 2009 hes pushing a u. S. Supported trade agreement at an economic summit. Hell meet with chinas president on wednesday. Hes scheduled to visit myanmar and australia. Democrats are struggling to make sense of last weeks losses. Also want to ask you about what happened on tuesday. We got beat. Yeah. The buck stops right here at my desk and so whenever as the head of the party it doesnt do well ive got to take responsibility for it. The message that i took from this election and weve seen this in a number of elections, successive elections, is people want to see this city work. And they feel as if its not working. And, you know they know one person in washington and thats the president of the United States. So ive got to make this city work better for them. David, i could ask you about the crisis in liberalism but two years ago we were talking about the crisis in conservatism two years before that we were talking about the crisis in liberalism literally before that we were talking about the crisis in conservatism. If we take a step back and we see that the pendulum has shifted from 2004 karl roves majority to 2006 nancy pelosi is speaker of the house, 2008 barack obama new era of liberalism, 2010 the rise of the tea party, to 2012 consolidation of the obama era, the 2014 now the end of the Democratic Party. Its all getting old and maybe at some point they step back and go these Political Parties they just dont work for americans any more. Well theres also theres a crisis of politics just in general. I mean karl rove youre right were talking about the absolute permanence of republican president s back in 04. When obama was elected in 08 the electoral map was going to be revolutionized because of the changing demographics. I found this race not only because of the side i tend to offer lost so devastatingly but the overall discussion was the South Carolina conversation when you cant say who you voted for for president that was one of the saddest things ive seen. It was all across the country. The race in Staten Island looked like it elevated thing. Stop it. By the way, Staten Island i watched that debate. Their endorsements. Better than the honeymoon. It was unbelievable. It was terrible. When we talk about inevitability and it will happen, no doubt about it. Hillary clinton waking up and get rid of that word inevitability as fast as humanly possible. You know maybe some of the candidates that are popping up are not the ones that are going to throw her off her horse, but everything is in flux. Its a really pathetic scene. It is. Former president george w. Bush is speaking out as proehe promotes his new book on his father. He was quickly to weigh in on the question Many Political pundits were asking and that is will his brother jeb run for president in 2016 . Its a lot of speculation about him. I occasionally fuel the speculation by saying that it hope he runs. I think he would be a very good president i think its 5050. He and i are very close. On the other hand hes not here knocking on my door agonizing about the decision. I would give it a toss up. I know this about jeb. Hes not afraid to succeed. In other words i think he knows he can do the job. Nor is he afraid to fail. Yeah. Keeps him in play. Keep him in play. Tries to offset what barbara bush said she didnt want to see her son run, she didnt want to see a third bush. Quite logically we shouldnt be a country of dynasties. This just keeps it in play. There would be just a reflex response of bush versus clinton. Its like Central America in the 19thcentury. It gives voice to the feeling that a lot of people theres a permanent Political Class in this country at the top in washington and that class infixed permanently is so far removed from our daily lives. We talked about this last week. I cant recall a time when the distance between how people feel government is towards them has been so wide. They feel government doesnt work for them. Doesnt know them. They read the papers every day. They see corporate profits. They see the stock market soar last tuesday and wednesday because of republican victories. Their take home pay has been diminished year after year after year for a decade. That was the issue last week that the Democratic Partys inability to make that an issue for them. The Democratic Partys inability to say anything more than just minimum wage which is getting nowhere fast as well. To make nothing broader of this feeling that youre talking about was a great failure. All right. Were us now from capitol hill republican congressman from oklahoma our friend representative tom cole. Good to have you on board this morning. Great to be with you. Okay. So are republicans going to have changes on the way or are we going see more confrontation and efforts to repeal obamacare and just stop everthing . Probably a mixture of both but frankly we need to get some things done. No question about that. I look at the election as obviously very much repudiation of the president and i think the democrats in the senate but if we follow the same strategy thats not take on tough issues not move things through, not compromise then well see the same results in two years that the democrats saw. I think its pretty imperative on us to get something done. Do you think well see movement on immigration . I think we probably will. I think Speaker Boehner wants to do something on that. A lot of it depends whether or not democrats want a solution or they want to use it as a weapon in the next election. Look, they had complete control of congress for four years, two different president s that would have signed any bill they brought up and they didnt bring up a bill. With all due respect to the president he promised in 08 he would have a bill on the floor in 100 days. He never did. Its a tough issue. But its something we need to deal with. We need to get the economy i think first and foremost moving again. Tom, youre obviously, youre a smart guy who understands politics we think better than most on capitol hill. I was just talking about the cycles, you can go back to 1994 republicans and democrats two years later then republicans two years its gone on and on. What does the Republican Party do to avoid just being a part of the cycle that weve seen over the past decade where one party gets power for two years, gets kicked out, the other party gets power to two years gets kicked out . I think first of all it produces, really you know from 94 to 2006 we had relative stability. We did change president ial power, but frankly it was a good run for republicans. I think it was a good run because for most of that time look they balanced the budget we had job creation they got things done. People actually like divided government for about six years between bill clinton and a republican congress. Its imperative for us to get there again and that means, again, moving the lame duck to me is the first sign can we pass a spending bill so we dont risk the government shut down. Can we pass the tax extenders so we have certainty in the tax code. Can we sit down and begin work hopefully pass but begin work on syrian authorization so we dont have president s able to go to war any place any time they want based on things that were passed before most members were in congress. Those are things we can do now. We need an aggressive and productive agenda early on next year. Make barnacle. Congressman, whats your sense, what would happen within the Republican Caucus this years Republican Caucus can you hear us . All right thank you down there. I was going to ask him what his sense would be what would happen within the Republican Caucus if president obama comes back from china and signs an executive order basically saying dreamers stay for the next 12 months on immigration. And no more deportation other than felony arrests for the next 12 months. Put a time limit on it. What happens . I think the president would find himself in a pretty good position and republicans would be in a difficult position if the dreamers kids part did like you said dreamers stay and what republicans want and what business wants is for people with hitech visas to stay. If he put something in there if you get an mba we staple your green card to the back of your diploma. I dont think the republicans would overturn that because there are cross currents. David, sometimes its simplifyied that democrats are for Immigration Reform. Thats not always true. Those in the aflcio dont want it. The chamber of commerce and business want immigration. There are issues that unfortunately are Black And White after this go around. You know the u. N. Has just issue ad report saying that the results of Global Warming are so catastrophic for every single one of us economically and the way our children and grandchildren live their lives. Weve now switched from Barbara Boxer heading the committee that has to do Global Warming to senator imhoff who thinks Global Warming is a hoax. I dont know what senator imhoff will do. Where do you think the disconnect came . In 2004 ln2005 everybody was talking about Climate Change. Making fun of al gore. The adulation he received for a couple of years was high. Climate change went up pretty high. Now its one of the lowest ranked issues. It causes the kind of problem thats so hard to get your head around because time is involved. Its not something that you pass a law and it gets solved. Health care is incredibly complicated and next to Climate Change thats a cinch. This requires are International Cooperation which eludes us entirely. The president is in china now. The chinese are going through this Historical Development and at the same time they are poisoning the earth and to get them to stop it is enormously difficult. Lets talk about your article really quickly. You talk about your travels to israel and the west bank. What did you find . Well the center of the article, the article is called the one state reality. The two state solution if anything on the back burner at best. Why is that . Yet another collapse in negotiations among the palestinians and the israelis and the United States. Theres a real uptick in tolerance, in racism and anxiety all around. The big hero, the Unlikely Hero on the israeli side of this is is the extremely conservative president of the country who is a one state guy, rightwing one state guy who believes in annexing the west bank. But at the same time hes for civil rights and democratic rights for the palestinians. Thats the stay of play is so different than a lot of americans imagine. David remnick thank you so much. Latest issue of the new york is out now. Still ahead on morning joe, 1,000 people the head of va may need be fired in the wake of the agency scandal. But why even getting rid of those poor performers involves major government bureaucracy . Plus if youre looking forward to a led zeppelin reunion tour youre going to be disappointed. Not going to happen. The very dramatic lead singer Robert Plante turned down an 800 million contract. Oh, my lord thats a big contract. Well be right back. We asked Composites Horizons to map their process they were a little bit skeptical. What they do actually is rocket science. But at ge capital we also bring expertise from across ge, like lean process engineers we asked who does what, when, where, and why that step first . Ideas for improvement started pouring out. With a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. If you just need a loan, just call a bank. At ge capital, were builders. And what we know. Can help you grow. Lets take a look at the morning papers. I love nart. This is my favorite part of the show. The Washington Post, hundreds of thousands gathered at the Brandenburg Gate last night to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall. The celebration featured music, fireworks and the release of thousands of balloons where the wall once stood. For 28 years the nine mile wall divided east and west berlin and its fall marked the beginning of the end of the cold war. Do you remember where you were 25 years ago . You know what i was doing . I was watching tom brokaw in front of that wall. He was the first anchor there. I remember watching him. Where were you . Turkish prison. Again. I spent most of 74 through 9 in turkish prison. What did do you . The question is what didnt i do. They tried to let him out. They have a little tv in there . Of course. If youre there long enough you become buddies with the guards you give them something, they give you something. That prison economy. The Los Angeles Times 80 of voters in catalonia favor declaring independence from spain. Officials say 2 Million People half of eligible voters voted in the countrys northeastern region. They have sought autonomy from the region. The albany times union, a Police Officer in new york state has been suspended without pay as officials investigate a video that allegedly shows him slapping a young man. The video was recorded by a second person after the officer noticed they had a rifle in the back seat of their vehicle. The owner of the car refuses to let the Police Search it which sparks a verbal and then a physical confrontation. Let me see your [ bleep ] why . Step out of the car. Up cant do that. [ bleep ] the smack is not seen on camera. It can be heard. He hid a rifle in his back seat and the guy wouldnt let him into the car . Dont you need a the guys were not in the car were being told. They were outside the car. The officer saw the gun in the car. That seems all right. Tough. I dont know. We need more information on that. Before we turn this show into cops. Lets lay off the police. I want to hear some led zeppelin. From uk daily mail led zeppelin reunion tour is unlikely. The lead singer robert plant turned down richard bransons offer by ripping up the 800 million contract. Thats just a negotiating employ. Two others signed the deal to perform 35 shows in london berlin and new jersey. Plant asked for 48 hours to make up his mind before giving a dramatic no. Come on. 800 million. Think of all the kids you can help with 800 million. Okay. Still ahead on morning joe thenew head of the va will announce a Major Overhaul of the department. Well talk to the founder of iraq and afghanistan veterans of america paul b. Ieckhoff and what those changes will be. Bloomberg business week is take a look at the future. Its not about how many miles you can get out of the cmax hybrid. Its about how much life you can fit into it. The ford cmax hybrid. With an epaestimated range of 540 miles on a tank of gas. And all the room you need to enjoy the trip. Go stretch out. Go further. receptionist gunderman group. Gunderman group is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise special discounts, new technologies. Like smart pick ups. Theyll only show up when you print a label and its automatic. We sav paul bieckhoff. How many employees do you think should be fired . Based on what you know. The report weve passed up to the Senate Committee and House Committee has about 35 names on it. I got another report that has over 1,000. If 1,000 people need to go, give me a sense of what are some of the things they did . Were talking about people who violated our values. And those values are what . Integrity. Its advocacy. Its respect. Its excellence. These are the things that we try to do for our veterans. Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Mcdonald is expected to announce a Major Overhaul of the Va Health Care system the biggest reorganization in the history of the department. Here with us now ceo of iraq and afghanistan veterans of america, paul bieckhoff. Your hopeful . Will we turn a page . I hope so. Can this guy do it . Hes the right kind of guy but cant do it alone. He brought the right attitude brought right focus. Whats the right attitude . Everything needs to be changed. We need to rip this apart and rebuild it. We need tot cal candor and need to fire people. Fbi investigations are still going on in about a hundred places. He was candid about the fact he needs help. They need 2,000 new employees. Specifically 2,500 Mental Health care workers. Weve been saying that for years. How bad did it get teva . At the va. Whats the underbelly of the va . Six people may have died on secret waiting lists. Employees cooked the books. How did they do that. They had one set of books where they said heres how long people are waiting where it said 14 days. They were on secret lists. Pembroke the law. The trust of the va was startered. I saw veterans who said i dont want to go to va. I cant trust them. First thing you have to do is stop the bleeding. Hes going to need congress and president. Is he getting help from the white house . Not enough. The president needs to lean in some more. The president should visit va hospitals and get in there to support bob mcdonald. What about congress . Congress needs to step up. We need them to in the lame duck pass the clay hunt Suicide Prevention act. Thats one thing they can do to help our community. Paul we talked about this but its repulsive these men and women who stepped up what 99. 9 of didnt do when planes hit buildings, do the job, come home and we forget about them. We need to change that. What does under this new va head what is an ideal va system. Pretend the old one didnt exist. Barnacle was saying it has to be like an apple store. Simple. They have 12 websites. Hes trying to create one integrated porthole. One Customer Service rep. Hes even started to call veterans customers instead of just vets who are walking in. Thats an important message. Hes making it accessible and technology is to be key focus. It has to work. Doesnt have to be fantastic. Doesnt have to be an apple store. How does he fire people. How do you fire government employees. Its hard. I spoke to him on the phone last week and he was explaining to me how tough it is. He has 1,000 people that may be fired but he has to take them before a judge and make a case and thats hard. We want to see accountability. People should be fired. You have to send a message theres a new sheriff in town and bad apples have been cleaned out. We want to send message veterans arent just broken. All week its veterans day. We want to show people vets are rising. If you want to tell a positive story, a story of a veteran in your family use vetsrising. I love it. Jeremy peters has a question for you. I wonder with the republican take over in the senate now that presumably youll be able to get things through congress somewhat easier, if theres one area that you zeroed in on that you would like to see congress address immediately in the next year when republicans take control. Well before the republicans even take control we want to see the clay hunt act pushed through. After that we need oversight. We need to continue to find out how bad are the problems and support bob mcdonald. I hope we see stuff moving through congress. There will be a new chair. Well see who it is. I think we got to have a good start. We have to come out one january and show vets we have their back. Whats the backlog looking like now . Its still over 200,000. They are chipping away at it but not fast enough. The other issue is that was a problem before the scandal happened. You talk about the suicide issue and need for motherinlaw Health Workers and 2,500 seems like barely scratching the surface when you look whats happening out there and the numbers each day of veterans who are falling off the cliff, really. Its really a Huge Public Health challenge. Weve lost too many of our friends, most of our members are in their late 20s and all week part of what were doing were hosting vets around the country. We had San Francisco and l. A. Ug concert with hbo and starbucks in d. C. Its free tomorrow night over 500,000 people on the mall. Come on out and be connected to the community and even thursday night willie will host our annual heroes gala. Tickets are still available. Willie loves to talk to people so go right on up to him. Its about connecting our vets bringing them into the community. And if the vacant help them nonprofits and others will do that. Vets are rising. Swoeb tweeting watching this number of deaths in the United States caused by ebola in 2014 one. Number of u. S. Military veteran deaths caused by suicide in 2014 6,622. The data is 22 a day it averages out. That movie that those two guys did, well have to put that back up. They are going around the country trying to let people know about the Mental Health challenges these guys are facing men and women and their families. Weve all got to get together. One team one fight focused on these things that are important to everybody and todays marine corps birthday another reminder how important this is. A big shout out to marines over there and folks overseas. I got a tweet from a marine in okinawa. This is a good week for us to show we love them and were committed to them every day not just veterans day. Veterans rising. Vets rising. Vets rising. Check out project v2. The va can do a lot of aggravate things but needs the help of others. Paul is a great leader. It needs private help as well from volunteers. Thank you so much. Come back any time. Up next Bloomberg Business week has a user guide for 2015. Everything you need to know to prosper in the year ahead. You need that. Well be right back. Where you headed at such an appropriate speed . Across the country to enhance the nations most reliable 4g lte network. Hows it working for ya . Better than ever. Howd you do it . Added cell sites. Increased capacity. And your point is. So you can download music, games, and directions for the road when you need them. Whos this guy . Oh thats charlie. You ever put pepper spray on your burrito . I like it spicy but not like uggggh spicy. He always like this . You have no idea. At t. The nations most reliable 4g lte network. You, my friend are a master of diversification. Who would have thought three cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche . The same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. 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In Silicon Valley apple is selling tons of iphones. New york city has more jobs than ever as Tech Companies such as google lead the way. Its a welcome turn about for the u. S. Which until recently was the planets we have a lot of good things going on. What the boom in oil and Gas Production in the u. S. Is a huge benefit to all kinds of americans, really to the world, though. Because its brought down oil prices. If youre sitting in saudi arabia or iran or venezuela or some place youre not so happy about it. For the u. S. Its a great thing. Also lowers the cost of manufacturing in america, creates more jobs more opportunities. And the obvious thing is lower price at the gas pump. And more money to spend on other things. But this issue has just a lot of other stuff in it and i wrote the introstory. Its a big fat issue. Ill give you and example of something that appealed to be. Low end mobile the average selling price of cell phones and tab leapts is going down becoming more and more affordable. People dont feel like they have to pay top, top dollar to get a cool iphone or what impact does that have on us . Look any time prices go down you can step up to buy the nicer model or you can spend your money on other things. Yeah. Okay. So if youre looking at this as a guide book to surviving or prospering in 2015 what actual like tangible ideas do you have for people or are we all moving to north dakota . Right. Thats a good start. Thats a good start. We all wont fit there. You know the wage issue remains a problem. Joe started off by saying you know, not everybody benefits in this and that is certainly true. We saw in the elections last week several states like south dakota passed higher minimum wages. Thats another change for 2015. I think overall what were seeing is trade, trade is going to be a big thing in 2015. Peter, you said before you sat down you came here with a lot of good news in this piece. So im on page 78 you have what obama wont get done in 2015. Immigration reform medicaid expansion, raising the minimum wage, universal prek, closing guantanamo. Everybody would like to see things happen on each of those four. A lot of good things happening. I never mentioned washington, d. C. Yeah. The good things that will be happening in america will happen outside of washington, d. C. Ill give you another one im happy about. You know ebola is front and center. 2015 is the year well start seeing some of those experimental vaccines coming in maybe some of those cures. It takes a while sometimes to rev up and start making the changes that need to be made but they do happen and 2015 is going to be the year we start to see some of them. Okay the new issue of Bloomberg Business week is out now. Peter coy thank you so much. And your tie as psychede empb hmpb empbpsychidelic as the cover. Matt damon was keeping a secret but his good friend ben affleck spilled the beans. Morning joe is coming right back. [ male announcer ] you wouldnt ignore signs of damage in your home. Are you sure youre not ignoring them in your body . Even if youre treating your Crohns Disease or Ulcerative Colitis an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. And if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. Learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at crohnsandcolitis. Com. And then speak with your gastroenterologist. Ameriprise asked people a simple question in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms . I sure hope so. With healthcare costs, who knows. Umm. Everyone has retirement questions. So ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. Now you and your ameripise advisor. Can get the real answers you need. Start building your confident retirement today. Looking for one of these . Yoplait. Smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family. Then theres trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. Our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. Its no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. And during the big tire event, get up to 140 in mailin rebates on four select tires. I state your name , do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. I mean you were the modern day clark kent there. Photo shop baby. Mika wanted us to throw in this important sport story. Is it utah and were going to do football. Sunday night football. Get you caught up to speed with the packers and the bears at lambeau field. If you are a chicago fan, thanks to aaron rodgers, he connected for six touchdowns in the first half. Tying the nfl record. Scored halftime, get this 420. By the third quarter, chicagos jay cutler finally connects with marshal. But chicago yep, he makes it. Chicago really has no chance. Packers win it 5514. The bears have now lost five of the last six games. Oh gosh. We take you now to new orleans and the saints hosting the San Francisco 49ers. Colin kaepernick looking for a receiver. Finally, he finds and connects with michael crabtree. Look at this look at this. 51yard pass. That sets up the 49ers for a gametying field goal. Five seconds remain in the game. When the saints quarterback drew brees throws a bomb to jimmy graham. Does he make it . Well he makes it but flags are thrown. Oh youre kidding. Oh, man. So the flags go. Offense interference. That call keeps it is game tied. Overtime now. Brees gets sacked. Fumbled the ball. San francisco picks it up. Phil dawson goes on to kick the gamewinning field goal. The niners win this 2724. Drew brees one of great guys. Hes is up a good guy. His size, its incredible. The jets coming off an eightgame losing streak. Michael vick looking strong early. Hail mary to t. J. Graham. Gets up 100. We get to the second quarter. The jets deflected pass by Ben Roethlisberger intercepted at the basically 2 yard line. Hell throw another interception in the third. The Pittsburgh Team never Gains Momentum here. Theyre going to lose it 2013. Boy, i mean big ben, isnt having a great season this year. I never saw this one coming. Nobody did. Alltime record two weeks ago. Hes been amazing. The steelers loss. The browns are atop the afc north for the First Time Since 1984. All of these teams are looking at playoff contention. So we want to look at the state champ running picks. Thats me. While you guys were watching all this. What were you doing, mika . I drove Something Like seven hours to canton new york to watch the by the way, five minutes from montreal. Like, why you would have a state championship meet it was so far up north. I told mika you are about 100 miles north of toronto. I thought id bring them sandwiches, the girls, theyre so cute. Thats nice. I thought, okay ill bring it to their hotel. Their hotel was two hours north of mine. And i still went. Theres coach mitchell. Coach sopp. The team that came in second. Heart break in canton but we had a wonderful time. Second in the state. Theyre like the yankees. Theyre not used to losing. They actually win the state every year dont they. There was some crying. So second place aint good enough. Why was it up there though . You know i asked that question. That was so stupid. About every five minutes. It was like a sevenhour drive. Its on the canadian border. After working all week you jumped in the car for seven hours . I did. It was really fun. They did a great job. The coaches are amazing. These girls will be back next year. Big hollywood news. The news that broke over the weekend. Congratulations, by the way. Ben affleck spilling the beans on his buddy matt damon. Rumors that damon will reprise his role as the cia assassin that jason borne character. The subject of Afflecks Batman physique came up. Thats when he let the secret about matt out of the bag. Hes going to be doing a bourne movie next fall when ive just completely lost any semblance of physical fitness. Hes going to weigh the same but hes going to have pear shaped. How does the kind of what im going you coming back for another borne bourne . Yes next year in 2016 when the movie will come out. Very calm confirmation. Hes coming back. Jason bourne. Finally, Hbos John Oliver wrapping up his freshman year last night. A bit of a crossover episode with some of our favorites in late night. Take a look. Id like to talk about salmon. Cat food for people. Tunas understudy that you hope never has to go on and that stupid fish that doesnt know how rivers work. Salmon famously have to fight their way upstream to spawn. Thanks to hydroelectric dams thats become incredibly difficult. As we found out recently america is on it. Were going to introduce you to a pretty sweet piece of technology known as the camp cannon. Let me tell you how much i love the salmon cannon. I love it so much we made our own cannon this week. So this thing is pretty powerful. So who wants to give this puppy a go . Lets see where this salmon ends up. Of course the situation in the mideast only getting more complicated. The u. S. Has been bombing okay okay. So we know it works. We know it works. Lets try firing two fish somewhere else. Thank you, spatulas, for [ laughter ] members of the Obama Administration new report about Irans Nuclear program and thats why its so important that we as reporters what the eyebrows for kim what the hell . I like the last one. That cannon has good accuracy. That is good. So hell be back for his sophomore season. Oh hes fantastic. And a liverpool fan. Okay. Up next 7 Million People are under winter storm warnings right now. Oh come on stop it. Hes a bad man, bill karins. Were tracking the dangerous storm. Plus the dog lives in baby alexis shower. I could watch this for showers. So cute. Well play more of this adorable viral video ahead. Why . Because we love it. Well be right back. And just give them the basics, you know. I got this. [thinking] is it that time . The son picks up the check . [thinking] im still working. Hes retired. I hope hes saving. I hope he saved enough. Who matters most to you says the most about you. At massmutual were owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. Whether youre just starting your 401 k or you are ready for retirement well help you get there. To all the veterans. No longer in uniform but still serving. On the job and in our communities. Whose dedication and commitment to excellence continues. In every mission, whatever it may be. Affecting our lives every day. For your continued service, we salute you. This message of appreciation to our nations veterans is brought to you by paralyzed veterans of america and unitedhealth group. Shopping online is as easy as it gets. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list now it is. Start shopping online from a list of toprated providers. Visit angieslist. Com today. Its happening. Everywhere. People are dropping their pants for underwareness, a cause to support the over 65 Million People who may need the trusted protection of depend underwear. Show off a pair of depend and show them its no big deal. Because hey, its just a different kind of underwear. Join us. Support the cause and get a free sample of depend at underwareness. Com good morning. It is monday november 10th. Welcome to morning joe. Weve got Mike Barnacle. Bright and early. Chipper. Very chipper. Hi everybody oh my lord. Associate professor of Columbia School of associate affairs. And on capitol hill, Jeremy Peters. The jets won. What are the jets doing winning . Beating the steelers. What are they doing beating the steelers who i heard were supposed to be good. Steelers were on a role but look out. Michael vick did he have a good game . He had an okay game. He didnt fumble the ball 12 times. A couple things. First of all, well do the good then well do the bad and ugly. President bush yeah. 43 actually right over here there you go awesome. This book that hes writing is really a love letter to his dad apparently. And i didnt realize it but 41 thought seriously about not running for reelection. First time id heard that. Yeah isnt that crazy . And very nice. This is Washington Post. If they wanted to grab peoples attention. Indeed. On monday morning, they have done it with a story on the n word which they say, get this is used 500,000 times a day as slang. As slang on twitter. 500,000 times a day. Hundreds of thousands of times a day more than my word of choice dude. Or bro. Naacp doing this is fascinating to me. They had the mock funeral in 2007. Now theyre basically saying its just this is a Youth Culture thing. That it is its so prevalent in Youth Culture. Which shocking to me. Because im that young. Theres no way to ban the word but the 500,000 is is enormous. Remember, we dont know how many times people say it not on social media a day. Oh my god. Its a small, small indication of how often the word is used. Its just absolutely unbelievable. That article has a great history of the word. Has anybody else noticed ill just hold this a second. The Washington Post over the past 3 to 6 months has become a really vital, vital newspaper. I dont know whos in charge marty baron, the editor of the Washington Post, formerly the editor of the boston globe, he is on this. Mandatory reading. It is unbelievable. You know, it really is now the i always would go to the times and the wall street journal and politico. Sometimes Washington Post. Going to the Washington Post first now and i havent said that like in decades. A long time. Lets start this morning with that dangerous storm. 7 Million People wait wait wait what are we going to get cold here . Willie lets go to florida. It starts now and it ends memorial day. Can we do this show in boca . Can we go to boca . Naples. All right. A winter storm warning and an outbreak of freezing weather isnt far behind. Bill karins. Just do it. Thats the problem with this. We get cold in november usually we warm up. Once it gets cold theres no signs of it warming up. So this is going to be here to stay. Lets talk about the forecast today. Its cold today in the northern plains. The rest of the country is gorgeous. All the problem weather is up around the minneapolis area. Youre boggoing to be dealing with a foot of snow by tomorrow morning. Watch the cold as it moves across the country. Notice the High Temperature on wednesday in kansas city and chicago, low 30s. And then the east coast will get cold. We mentioned the 70 Million People under winter storm warnings from montana through northern wisconsin and Northern Michigan. These are the people digging out from the possibility of a large area. Windchills have tanked in these areas too. This is where its going to snow. Youre going to get a foot of snow. Just to give you an idea its not how cold it is its how long its going to last. Minneapolis is now below 32 degrees. Theyre not going to go above 32 degrees for at least a week straight. So whatever ice and snow is out there is here to stay. As i mentioned, even through about the end of this week theres no signs of this cold air exiting. All right, bill thank you. President obama is in beijing for the First Time Since 09. Pushing a u. S. Supported trade agreement at an economic summit. Hell visit myanmar and australia. As democrats struggle to make sense of last weeks midterm losses. Also want to ask you about what happened on tuesday. The buck stops right here at my desk. And so whenever as the head of the party it doesnt do well ive got to take responsibility for it. The message that i took from this election and weve seen this in a number of elections, successive elections, is people want to see this city work. And they feel as if its not working. They know one person in washington and thats the president of the United States. So ive got to make this city work better for them. What do you think . Well i thought it was pretty good. He was very, very honest about what happened. What do you think, mike . He looked disgusted the day after. You know hes carrying such baggage. I mean obviously. They got their lunch handed to them on tuesday. When he does that interview, hes on the eve of going to china. The chinese know whats going on. Theyre going to give himming in because they perceive him to be as weak as the voters perceived him to be in the United States. When he says its time to make washington first time he said that. Im not blaming him. I dont think anybody in america after six years listening to that goes okay suddenly things are going to work in washington. Its starting to ring a little holoe hollow for people. The president resisting calls from republicans to wait on Immigration Reform. The president says hes given House Speaker john boehner plenty of time to act. Hes going to do it himself by the end of the year. Take a look. I told him at the time, if you dont do it ive got Legal Authority to make improvements on the system. If you cant get it done before the end of the year im going to have to take the steps that i can to improve the system. So are you saying here today their time has run out . What im saying to them actually, their time hasnt run out. Im going to do what i can do through executive action. Its not going to be everything that need, to get done. And it will take time to put that in place. And in the interim, the minute they pass a bill that addresses the problems with Immigration Reform, i will sign it and it supersedes whatever actions i take and im encouraging them to do so. The last point is an important point. You dont like the executive order he signs, pass a bill. It overrides the executive order. Thats right. I think if there is one politically combustible issue that could really poison the well, as john boehner said the other day, it is Immigration Reform. We have seen time and time again nothing raises the passions on both the left and the right like Immigration Reform. I understand theyre saying it. Let me play devils advocate as a republican. What the hell are republicaning ings going to do . Pass a law. If im the president of the United States and i really wanted to do this i would sign it. I would give it to the republicans and say, okay now you guys. I dont have to fight with you anymore. You guys fight among yourselves. Because jeremy this really is this is an intermural battle is it not, republicans versus republicans . It is yes. Allow boehner and mcconnell to say, guys you either come up with a deal which they both want or else the president s going to define the outlines of it. It seeps like a good move on the president s part. The problem, as has been for the last four years for republicans, is going to be controlling, you know, the Tea Party Wing of the party which is very very close to doing anything on immigration. Heres the difference jeremy. The tea party does nothing now. You say the tea party. If what you define as the tea party does nothing now, than nothing gets done. If the president signs an executive order, then not acting, them blocking an immigration bill actually allows the president of the United States to have his executive order be the law of the land right . So them dragging their feet actually works against them and allows the president to have his way. Doesnt that change his dynamics . When you lay it out like that, it sounds like perfect sense. As is often the case in congress logic does not often apply. Youre actually hearing republicans doing is finding a way in the budget bill to hold this whole process up. Withhold the budget process up right. Through an amendment that would defund waver the president does on immigration. It could really muck up this process. Thats what republicans are worried about, another legislative crisis like that. I want to make sure i get this right. If im not mistaken lets say i sign an executive order. Now, if congress does nothing, it remains joes law, right . If youre a Tea Party Like im not doing anything on immigration, and youre making sure joes law remains the law, theres forces action by republicans one way or another. You have to ask yourself a question. You think about this. Youre an amcademic. Weve heard from jeremy. His inside take. Weve heard about joes law. Heres my perception. He is the president of the United States. Why the president of the United States doesnt say, okay weve waited years for anything something, to be done on immigration. So now here is a version of joes law. Barack obamas law. Here it is. Executive action. Now, you republicans go slice and dice yourself up in the house and senate and figure it out but thats the law. I think were going to see that. Theres an historical point here. Every single president since eisenhower in the last 60 years. Thats the historical point. This is smart politic, if the president signs an executive order on immigration because frankly the latino and the asianamerican vote is up for grabs in the future. Both of these groups are looking to see which party is going to represent them in terms of fixing the i grags system. Theres huge latino vote up for grabs. I think latino voters who are angry by the way i was going to say, the president Caroline Kennedy doesnt get to reward president s in profile this year. So now hes found religion. Hes going to move forward and do it. If he moves forward and does it the republicans are forced to act. For all the reasons i said a year and a half ago, i knew they werent going to. You have mcconnell and boehner look at people that really want to get in the way and go really. Do you want Hillary Clinton to be president for eight years . We can stop short of amnesty. We can stop short of citizenship. But we have to do something. And i dont think theres going to be much patience at all for people who want to play to their home district. Its certainly an opportunity for them to think. Howard dean dnc chair, says president obama is not the sole person responsible for the partys losses last week. Dean says Democratic Candidates lost because they failed to articulate a clear message to voters. The republican message was were not obama. No substance. What was the democrats message . Were really not either. You cannot win if you are afraid is that it felt like it. Where the hell is the Democratic Party . You got to stand for something if you want to win. Well the Washington Post points out that one clear lesson from the midterm is the democrats would made the Koch Brothers a top target failed to gain traction on the issue and in many cases they lost their races. The post article on that is just absolutely brutal to harry reid. He just blew blew so much money of a lot of really rich democratic donors doing it. Here would be my only argument with what howard dean said about democrats losing because they didnt stand for anything. Didnt stop the republicans. What are the republicans . Theyre for casstrating pigs. Theyre against washington. That was about washington. It was about make things work. I know i liked johnny ernst, im just saying there wasnt a lot of substance on the republican side. No there was no substance on the republican side. The democrats argument from months and months ago starting with harry reid on the senate was that david and charles koch are bad people and you should vote against them and it didnt work. Did we not say from the very beginning what a stupid we could have saved harry reid hundreds of millions of dollars if they would have ran on real issues instead going, oh were going to pick on these two guys. Especially when theres issues when at the ballot box minimum wage. Can i ask, why didnt and i talked about this too nonstop. Why didnt the democrats talk about use all of that money to talk about how republicans were blocking minimum wage . Why republicans were blocking this reform. Why republicans were blocking that reform. Why republicans didnt want little jenny, the 6yearold to have Health Care Insurance because of preexisting conditions. Why they didnt want our neerdowell 24yearold sons playing xbox on the couch all day to still have Health Care Insurance minimum wage start there, seriously. Think of all the money harry reid burned. By the way, tom stier should be very angry, all the pollution caused by the burning of that money. Well actually why didnt they use issues like minimum wage and other issues . Cy was going to say, thats how they started out. At the beginning the Campaign Season this was democrats message. It sounded like it was going to be very populist and it became drowned out on this war on women and this koch messaging stuff. I will say where the Koch Brothers line of attack was effective, even though it was a distraction to their overall message, was that it depressed the republican donor base. If you talk to a lot of republican fundraisers what they said is by going out there and demonizing charles and david koch, what reid did was he scared a lot of wealthy republicans into giving him money. They didnt want to find themselves the subject of those same brutal attacks. It didnt work. They werent scared. The rich donors gave more than before. I just you know why not have a populist message. If they allowed reid to continue to run the senate youre saying they should have done the Elizabeth Warren strategy . Yes. Of a strong populist message that of course. President obama makes his pick for the next u. S. Attorney general. Was it loretta lynn . Loretta lynch. I love loretta lynn. I was hoping for tammy wynette. I didnt even know she went to law school. I got to say, it came across my phone. She and patsy cline. Its a confirmation. Just bring your guitar. Ill vote for you. An exclusive interview with a chairman of the judiciary committee. Plus green porno actress Isabella Rossellini is starring in a new project and its safe to say youve never seen anything like it. Mike has. How the mating rituals of animals inspired her one woman show. Okay okay. This is going to be hot. This is a kid show okay. Oh no. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. We asked Composites Horizons to map their process they were a little bit skeptical. What they do actually is rocket science. But at ge capital we also bring expertise from across ge, like lean process engineers we asked who does what, when, where, and why that step first . Ideas for improvement started pouring out. With a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. If you just need a loan, just call a bank. At ge capital, were builders. And what we know. Can help you grow. Its happening. Everywhere. People are dropping their pants for underwareness, a cause to support the over 65 Million People who may need the trusted protection of depend underwear. Show off a pair of depend and show them its no big deal. Because hey, its just a different kind of underwear. Join us. Support the cause and get a free sample of depend at underwareness. Com she told me yeah she told me. Mika was on there too. Like one of those group texts. You got to always be careful about, right . We started talking about her. And we forgot. Mika forgot. Mika always hits reply all. So she told us yeah shes coming to new york. Stop stupid. Yeah shes coming to new york. Apparently they have a sale at barne barneys. Im going to get her a better jacket than that. That baby blue thing doesnt work. Are we ready . Stop hitting reply all. She had a catty statement about lets do the papers mika. The tribune. The the two remaining prisoners being held by north korea are back. Look at that graphic. A plane landed in Washington State late saturday after north Korean Leader kim jongun ordered their release. Miller tried on an espionage charge, had been in custody since last april. Bae, a missionary, in prison since 2012. The two were freed after a rare visit to the reclusive nation by direct of National Intelligence James Clapper who brought with him a letter from president obama. Can we go back to the graphic really quickly . We complain that phil doesnt give us a lot of money. We just get nothing. Look at that. Released. Do you know how much that cost . Our graphics are incredible. You are so theyre the most two dimensional graphics. Theyre awesome. The times pica yu ne. A new attack ad ahead of their runoff next month. Take a look. Im Mary Landrieu and i approve this message. On may 31st, bill cassidy gave a speech that was incoherent. She may get, senator landrieu his record is clear, voting to cut Social Security benefits. Boo. To pay for a tax break for millionaires like himself. And uh uh Mary Landrieu will be it a senate that a senate for this . Thank you. Whoa. Was he was he drunk . Can i just ask that question . Wow. Can i see that again . Maybe medication or something. You think he hurt his back. Im sure you had a speech or two like that. No never. Dallas. Dallas speech was it was bad. He was drenched in sweat. Its unbelievable. Wherever we go people hug, yeah we love you hayey. So i gave this speech. They give you a place to take pictures. Nobody came over. Nobody. And then i he had to go to the bathroom just to hide. I do the jokes that always work. They just stared. Thats the worse worst. I knew seven seconds in. No seriously seriously drenched. When i give speeches people laugh, they joke we hug. Great. This place nothing. They hate you. Swear to god, get out and i its like ive gone swimming. Its awful. We still talk about it like five years later. Yeah. Ive been in those rooms. I know theres like 3,000 people. You tell the first couple jokes and they dont laugh. Got 20 minutes left. I started quoting bible verses i was so scared. I kept going, i got to go to the bath bathroom. This is the greatest video. It will cheer you up. Dont think about it. Its the cutest thing youve ever seen. The daily mail may not be the most newsworthy headline but who can resist a dog playing with a baby. These jumper things these are my favorite things. Theyre so much fun. Look at the dog. Okay. Hes helping her jump. Hes going after her shadow. But the baby likes it. Okay so i could watch that for five hours. Thats great. What will the week have in store for the markets . The stories that will impact the opening bell. Also golden globe nominee right here on set. About the kinky side of the animal kingdom. I just love this. I can change color to camouflage myself and hide in nature. My mate is a cannibal. She has eaten many husbands already. But that doesnt scare me. My sexual drive is the strongest. Wow. Okay. I dare you not to come back for that. I was thinking about doing that same thing. And i decided to do morning joe instead. But it really six of one, half dozen of the other. Isnt it funny, the road you didnt take. Were going to ask what inspired that one woman show just ahead when morning joe comes right back. Denver international is one of the busiest airports in the country. We operate just like a city and that takes a lot of energy. We use natural gas throughout the airport for heating the entire terminal generating electricity onsite and fueling hundreds of vehicles. Were very focused on reducing our environmental impact. And natural gas is a big part of that commitment. So i can reach ally bank 24 7, but there are no branches . 24 7 its just im a little reluctant to try new things. Whats wrong with trying new things . Feel that in your muscles . Yeah. I do. Try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. receptionist gunderman group. Gunderman group is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise special discounts, new technologies. Like smart pick ups. Theyll only show up when you print a label and its automatic. We save time and money. Time . Money . Time and money. Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome awesome all awesome i love logistics. Oats go wow go power oats go go power yayyyy president obama says the u. S. Is entering a new phase in its campaign to defeat Islamic State militants in iraq and syria. He has approved the deployment of more troops to iraq nearly doubling the number sent there since june. President obama says the troops will not have a combat role isnt ruling out Additional Forces as well. We will provide them Close Air Support once theyre prepared to start going on the offense against isil. But what we will not be doing is having our troops do the fighting. Should we suspect that more troops may be needed before this is over . As commander in chief, im never going to say never. But what, you know the commanders who presented the plan to me say is that we may actually see fewer troops over time because now were seeing Coalition Members starting to partner with us on the training and assist effort. Meanwhile, there are growing questions this morning over the state of the Islamic States leader. Iraqi Officials Say he was wounded in an american air strike near mosul. The pentagon confirms it did launch a series of air strikes there but says theres no information that al baghdadi or other isis leaders are injured or dead. They dont know because they dont have good intel on the ground so theyre not really sure. A lot of complaints are coming from the pentagon and the retired military leaders say the becoming runs are just insignificant. Just any impact with i suspect, a ramping up of those bombing runs and a more aggressive stance. Business before the bell with cnbcs brian sullivan. Good morning. Things are looking pretty good. Futures indicating we may continue to rise. Although not a big pop expected today. Lower gas prices have got to be helping. The National Average for gasoline is 2. 92. That is skewed by some places that are paying higher parts in alaska california, still in the high threes. Gas prices really coming down. Thats going to put a lot of money. 40 billion in extra annualized spending. Guys that is good news. Lower gas prices are pretty much a benefit to anybody except for the oil companies. Okay. And General Motors in the news. This is a big story. This is not a big story for gm. The ignition switch recall story from last year. The wall street journal reporting over the weekend that gm again, one source but reportedly ordered more replacement switches months before telling regulators about the alleged problem. In other words, the gist of the story is this gm may have known more about the problem to the fact that it ordered new replacement switches before alerting regulators about the severity of the problem. 61 claims so far deemed eligible. Including 30 deaths. This story, a very bad one for gm if the reporting is accurate. Finally, on a completely different note dorito flavored mountain oh boy, that is kind of like when two great tastes come together. At the wrong time and wrong place. Its lining beginning ghengis chang and somebody else. Some college kid reported he got tested on it and courts did something. So first people viewed it as a joke. I sort of help it is a joke. Now reporting that pepsi may be tasting taste testing a doritos flavored mountain dew. Thats pretty incredible. I just threw up not a little a lot in my mouth. Thank you for bringing thats my goal everyday. If i can do that ive done my job. You do your job well. What do you think, thomas . Come to an open house on a saturday its even better. It sounds pretty repulsive. A bag of doritos and a mountain dew dont you already have, isnt that the point its already good together. Why mess with two good things . President obama says she battles monsters and terrorists but is still a charming people person. Senate judiciary chairman pat leahy weighs in on Loretta Lynchs historic nomination to be the nations next attorney general. Ameriprise asked people a simple question in retirement, will you outlive your money . Uhhh. No, that cant happen. Thats the thing, you dont know how long it has to last. Everyone has retirement questions. So ameriprise created the exclusive. Confident retirement approach. Now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. Well, knowing gives you confidence. Start building your confident retirement today. I make a lot of purchases for my business. And i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. Like 50,000 bonus points when i spent 5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. And i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at Office Supply stores. With ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. Travel, gift cards even cash back. And my rewards points wont expire. So you can make owning a business even more rewarding. Ink from chase. So you can. I state your name , do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. I can change color to camouflage myself and hide in nature. My mate is a cannibal. She has eat be many husbands already but that doesnt scare me. My sexual drive is the strongest. Oh my goodness. Okay. That was a clip from the Sundance Channel web series green porno starring isabella rosellini. Isabella now toweruring the u. S. With her onewoman show. Mika wants to do something for cbs sunday morning about the mating rituals of lobsters and it was bizarre. Your entire show is the strategies. Everybody does it a little bit like us but they dont. Its quite shocking. What are some of the most unusual ways . For example, you didnt finish the clip with the preying mantis. The female devours the male while hes making love to her. And he would continue to make love to her even without his head. Oh. And the theory the scientific theory is that a surplus of food of protein, will help the female have healthier babies. What happens to the male . He dies. Oh, my god. I dated somebody like that in college. That was really no believe me you act shocked. Men know that story and it scares the hell out of us. They die inside. What are we looking at here . Those are cuddle fish. Cuddle fish they have harems. So there is one dominate cuddle fish that controls the females. But younger cuddle fish now you have dna tests so we can really make sure who is the father of the babies. Until now, we believed it was always the strongest guy. Sometimes there are the socalled sneaky males. Oh we know them too. And the cuddle fish the younger male since it can change the color in the shape of their body they become female. So they penetrate the herm and make love to the female. Spiders, spiders. Anything goes with spiders. What do you mean . There are many many different spiders. The majority of spiders, the female, is very big. She also is very aggressive. So she often eats her husband. So the male have different strategies. There is one that uses a present. He goes there with a fly and gives it to her and while shes eating it he takes advantage of that moment to make love to her. Oh, oh. How does this happen someone says isabella i have a great show. I want to make you a preying mantis or a spieder. No i wrote the show. How do you take this to people and say, i want to dress up like a preying mantis and its called green porno. It was thanks to sundance. Robert redford has financed independent films. And thats what he did. When the web started, he said lets make a short film for the web. I didnt know six years ago this was going to develop into a monologue. Just yesterday celebrated having an oscar to his career as a playwrighter. So, you know, the whole thing grew much bigger. Lets show another example. This is squid sex. Ive heard its the best. Fried calamari my favorite. If i were a calamari i would be a squid. And everyone would want to eat me. My luminescent effects and changing shape, i can communicate, i can say, be careful. I can say i love you with my whole three hearts. I would give the most passionate 20arm embrace. 20. 18. 2 are not arms if you know what i mean. Oh no. Theyre called arms. Do you know which is which . It looks slightly different than the other arms. Incredibly, the male slides with his arm, a capsule full of sperm, and the female keeps it inside her. She has a special organ called the spermal taker. And she would keep it there any she is ready to get pregnant. It isnt like us. Nine months later, we have babies. No. Some animals can conserve their sperm and use it when they want to access it. Like ill think about it. I dont know what they do that but this is one reason why theres an abundance of food. The temperature of water, when the ideal condition becomes, then theyre ready for motherhood. The ideal conditions. This has been so much fun. Youve turned like 14 different colors. No im just thinking about the kids that are sitting at home. This is a great learning tool. Mom trying to explain. Yeah but if youre 5 or 6. This is biology. We study that in school. Sometimes they sound so complicated. Like when they say off spring i always say babies. I went to parochial school. We didnt study this stuff. But it exists. God created it. So what about that . There you go. You can go to the show but you have to sit in the back. This is great. And youre touring. Im touring in United States. Im touring during weekends. Im going to philadelphia pittsburgh. I just came from washington. Because during the week im finishing my master degree on animal behavior at hunter college. Oh, my god, you are amazing. How exciting. Well, it has to be fun. It is so much fun to go to school when you are an adult. You know when i went to school when i was a child, sometime it was hard. Now instead its just a pleasure. The audience reacts to this show they react exactly like i want them to react which is to laugh and then say, oh i didnt know that. Isabella rosellini, thank you so much. Its great to have you here. Thank you so much for coming. Good luck with the show. Still ahead, the chairman of Senate Judiciary committee, senator pat leahy joins the conversation. They challenge us. They take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. 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And thats where pg es Online Business Energy Checkup tool can really help. You can use it to track your Actual Energy use. Find rebates that make equipment upgrades more affordable. Even develop a Customized Energy plan for your company. Think of it as a way to take more control over your operating costs. And yet another Energy Saving opportunity from pg e. Find new ways to save energy and money with pg es Business Energy checkup. Pretty hard to be more qualified for this job than loretta. Throughout her 30year career she has distinguished herself as tough, as fair an independent lawyer who has twice headed one of the most prominent u. S. Attorneys offices in the country. Loretta might be the only lawyer in america who battles mobsters and drug lords and terrorists and still has the reputation for being a charming people person. Now know joe, you got her name wrong. Its not loretta lynn. She sounds impressive. President obama over the weekend nominating loretta lynch, the u. S. Attorney from eastern new york, to be the nations next attorney general. Joining us now from washington we have the chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee, senator leahy of vermont. Good to see you, sir. Hey, senator, great to have you here. Does peace break out. Does this nominee get through without a bloodbath weve grown accustomed to having . I think most people would agree this nominee is extremely well qualified. The vast majority of republicans and democrats will vote for her. Shes su pushperbly qualified. This is somebody who doesnt go out and give great speeches about how we should go after terrorists. Instead, she just goes after them. Convicts them. We need somebody like that as top Law Enforcement officer in this country. Senator, what do you think the prospects are for reducing the backlog of nominees that are sitting for federal judgeships in the next six or seven weeks before the end of this session . Good, not good . Well i hope it would be good. Weve got not only nine judges, these are probably over 200 to 150 nominees of different branches. People that normally have just done a voice vote. Thats the way we did when they were the republican president and democrat president. I think we ought to get back to that. Do things the way we always have. If youve got somebody who is controversial, of course have a debate, have a vote. 95 of the names that are pending there are noncontroversy. In fact, probably went through the various committees with every republican and every democrat voting for them. Thomas. Senator, let me ask you about what we learned over the weekend and the president going ahead to send 1,500 additional troops into iraq to help in noncombat roles, to help the iraqi forces there battle back isis and its expansion. What do you think the forecast is for how we continue to proceed and what your Comfort Level is with American Forces continuing to pour into that area and us not being in a declared state of war . Well, had urged back in september when we recessed for the elections. I said and others did too, we ought to stay in session. And debate this. And then let the president know what the congress would back. Unfortunately, there are many in the congress who would like to be able to say the president s doing things wrong but they dont want to vote on what they would say would be right. We are going to have to have a vote on this. We know what a terrible mistake the first iraq war was. Cost us close to 3 trillion. Thousands of lives. To go after weapons of mass destruction which never existed in the first place. If were going to go into this how many other places were going to. We should have a full debate on it. Senator pat leahy, thank you so much. Thanks for being on the show this morning. Up next what if anything did we learn today. I learned, like doritos and mountain dew marry. A lot of women eat their mates. That kind of creeped out. Im meteorologist bill karins. The cold is the word of the week. Were watching a snowstorm today from minneapolis up through areas of northern wisconsin, Northern Michigan. And then the cold will be right behind the storm. So the cold air today is in montana. Everybody else is actually pretty mild. Look what happens by the end of this week. The arctic invasion will cover pretty much the eastern twothirds of the nation. N. Apology accepted. Im watching you soup people. Make it progresso or make it yourself let us be lovers, well marry our fortunes together ive got some real estate here in my bag it took me four days to hitchhike from saginaw ive come to look for america turn the trips you have to take, into one youll never forget. Earn triple points when you book with the expedia app. Expedia plus rewards. Theyre still after me. Get to the terminal across town. Are all the green lights you . No. Its called grid iq. The 4 51 is leaving at 4 51. They cut the power. Itll fix itself. Powers back on. 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[ laughter ] boy, its that crisp autumn new york weather, you know, you go outside, you get it in your lungs, yeah you get it in your lungs. You like to fix old cars. You enjoy that stuff. That seems to foreign to you. Look at these hand ladies and gentlemen. Thats like a puppys paw. You see all the little pink pads . He has never held a screwdriver or wrench in his life. Look at all the little pink this is a hand of a 5yearold. Look at that. Very uncomfortable if i were jimmy fallon. Jimmys never gotten more laughs. Okay so you just put them on note to self, when you go with your teenage daughter, you dont buy something for mommy. She bought those shoes for you and told you to wear them . I tell you why she made me buy them. Theyre totally wrong for me. She wants them. I wouldnt let my daughter wear those. Lf. Check it out. It is the most amazing place. Okay. If youre 17. Doritos and mountain dew. Dont do the dew. Dont do it. Keep it clean. I am going to stay entirely away from that. Todays the marine corps birthday, 39 years. And tomorrow is veterans day. No fooling around. Its veterans day. Thank you. No doubt about it. If its way too early. Its morning joe. But stick around it is time for peter alexander. Hes got daily rundown. Well see you tomorrow. Thanks for watching, guys. President obama kicking off a weeklong trip to asia and australia. Hes tried to pivot to asia before with little luck. This time some good news right at the start with north korea releasing two american prisoners after a visit from the nations top spy. Also happening right now, the first big snow of the season starting to blast millions of americans across the plains and the midwest. The latest on what is expected to be significant travel delays. And bush 43 talking about his book on bush 41. Kicking the door even wider to the idea of a bush 45. Assessing what the country thinks about another bush

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