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Remembers 35 People Killed in tunisia in a terrorist attack. And safe and sound in hawaii. The recordbreaking achievements made possible by solar power and yoga. Brent i am brent goff, it is good to have you with us. Two major rallies in the greek capital taking place, one side urging a yes on a bailout package, the other side backing the no vote. This is what you are seeing right now. This is where Prime Minister tsipras was speaking. He warned against international predators. Our correspondent is in athens there. Matthew, you are on the ground can we even dare ask for an answer . What do greeks want to now . Matthew i guess if one believes what they were saying at the rally, this is simple. Both greeks want to stay within the European Union but they believe that staying in the European Union is important for the yes votes whereas the no votes of believe they should not be paying back creditors. Brent you just heard the speech from the Prime Minister, he urged a no and spoke against ultimatums and those who terrify you. Is he referring to the creditors to those who would be able to get a new bailout from . Matthew the thing he is not saying is that it is all creditors, and he is referring to his campaign, and that is going inside and outside the country. For example he talked about the ultimatum for the greek government and european politicians who have given statements in favor of changing greece. But he talked about the conservative party and several actors on the ground here who are campaigning against the government. So yes, i think that overall many people think that this is a political issue and they are ready to sign the agreement. Brent yes, and weve got some live pictures to show of the rally for no going on there. What about the people there . You say they dont want to leave willing to say goodbye to the euro . Matthew well again, as i said both rallies were putting the weight on different issues. So people who are voting for no are people who think that the know is for dignity and pride. I am not sure if one equals another if no it means they are ready to exit the eurozone. But for sure Brent Matthew excuse me for interrupting, this has been organized very quickly. Do you get the feeling that people really know what they are going to be voting for on sunday . Matthew well, again people are very sure that they are voting to keep the country in the European Union if they are in the yes vote, and people in the no camp to leave they are voting for austerity. That is the feeling on the ground. The feeling of the no vote they think that issue is very important, and they feel that this is something that has been presented to the greek government over and over again for the last five months. Brent and what about the yes camp matthew, do you get a feeling that the people who want to vote yes, do they understand the technicalities and the details on what they will be voting yes on . Matthew that was one of the main points in the yes rally and one of the speakers, the mayor of athens, said exactly that point. The question is not clear because the people had to decide in five days for a strategic position of the country in the continent. He also said that it is not fair to ask the greek people to decide on whether or not to stay when all of them do not want austerity but they think that the political ramifications mean at that the country has to stay in the eurozone. Brent and one more question before we leave you, what have you been hearing . What have you been seeing . Matthew there have been some minor incidents. There was one group that decided to split and go meet people of the opposite group but i think it is a little bit more important where supporters of the no vote clashed with the supporters of the yes boat but that is relatively unimportant yes vote, but that is relatively an important. Brent matthew, thank you so much. Excellent reporting of their. Reporting there. One week ago today a terrorist attack happened on a beach in tunisia. 30 of the 37 victims attacked were from the u. K. Flags have been at half mast in britain for a national day of mourning. A Royal Air Force plane brought the coffins to a military airport near oxford. It was the worst terrorist attack on britains britons since the july 7 two bombing tube bombing. The country observed a minute of silence. Tunisia, too mourned the dead. A moment of silence was carried out at the beach resort where a gunman carried out the massacre. In another show of solidaritys, christians and jews joined muslims for a dinner in the capital on friday evening. With gods help, this is a eunuch in unification of effort to achieve peace in the world. We feel with the tunisians. We share their happy and their sad moments. The massacre on the beach was the Second Attack on tourists in tunisia this year. 21 tourists and a Police Officer were killed in march at a museum in tunis. Some family members of the victims of that attack also traveled to tunisia for the dinner. I feel sadness and resignation. But i appreciate the displays of warmth and the demonstrations here in tunis to honor my parents and the other victims assassinated that day. With this public display of unity and friendship, organizers mean to spend to send a strong message to terrorists. It has upped security interest areas. Brent youre watching dw news , live from berlin. Now to other stories making headlines around the world. Iran says making a nuclear deal has never been closer. The Prime Minister made the comment on a video posted on youtube. In northern syria, Government Forces continu to batter insurgents in and around the city of aleppo. There was a major offensive against multiple targets to liberate aleppo from the assad regime and to implement sharia law. Shiba, east of tokyo, was hit with floods. Authorities have recommended the evacuation of more than 10,000 inhabitants. E. U. Parliament president was in kiev to talk with ukrainian president bush and go the ukrainian president. Having political talks, he said, were the only ways to end conflict. And dw news anchor kitty logan brings us this report from the front lines. Kitty the villages are paying the price of fighting just east of the village here. We were hit by an 82 millimeter mortar. Luckily, it went into the garden. Our children were inside, so were we. Kitty two rebels blame Ukrainian Forces for the damage, but others blame both sides. They have sent a team to investigate and spent osce has sent a team to investigate. There is no light or. No life here. No life. It is just an existence. Kitty evidence of the use of this heavy weaponry being used is here on the ground. Alexander these weapons are not in storage they are not there anymore. We are seeing an increase use of these weapons. Kitty civilians caught up in the crossfire simply want to see an end to the fighting. They were shelling for three hours. There is no military here but they are still shelling and ruining our village. Kitty the villagers are apparently now being heard. The osce are going to visit the area to see the can verify claims, but the villagers are skeptical. Brent going around the world using the power of the sun. This aircraft completed the latest leg of its trip breaking not just one that two of its records. Swiss aviators land in hawaii after almost 180 hours in the cockpit, earning one of them a record of longest solo flight and longest solar powered flight. First to greet him was his copilot, as they had been taking the flight interns. Flight in turns. Solar impulse 2 set off in march in a bid to fly around the World Without a single drop of fuel. Its wingspan is longer than a jumble jumbo jet but it only weighs about as much as a family car. The next leg of the journey will take Solar Impulse to the mainland and will cross the Atlantic Ocean before heading to taboo dobby abu dhabi. Brent stay with us, we will be right back and ben will present some business news. Brent this is dw news, live from berlin. A look at some of our top stories right now. Greek Prime Minister tsipras receives a heros welcome in athens as he urges voters to take matters into their own hands. He asked for a proud know to ultimatums, suggesting that greeces creditors are terrorizing the country. Britains leaders held a moment of silence for those tourists killed in tunisias terratec last week. We have got more on greeces financial woes unfortunately but unfortunately ben is here for that. Ben and it is a woeful situation, if you have been watching for the last few days, weeks, months, or years. But yes greece is broke, it is official. The reason, athenss failure to put that 1. 6 billion euros into the International Monetary fund this week. The announcement is serious, but it wont have any serious and immediate consequences. There is no money left at the ministry of finance in athens. This is something that has been an open secret for days. A greek default must have come as a shock for some. The country is in serious trouble, or as efsf Klaus Regling put it, this event of default is cause for deep concern and it opens the door to severe consequences for greece and its people. Instead, greece will decide on future actions in consultations with the European Union the imf, and the world bank. We are awaiting the outcome of the referendum. I await this process because it will be extremely difficult and difficult to get it on the right track again. Any politician suggesting a no vote means of that avoiding difficult measures will be lying to his people. Ben besides the greek state the banks are running out of money. There is approximately only one billion euros left. The Greek Banking Association says that is just enough to last until the planned reopening of banks on tuesday which occurs after the referendum, a referendum that they say will also decide greeces position within the eurozone. Ironic that greece wants to move to a cash economy and business operators and regular citizens will be an a tricky position. Consumers wont have credit cards being a widely accepted anymore. It is a problem that affects all signs. A national hub for groceries. Grocery chains stock appear. This man has worked here is a wholesaler for many years, but he has never seen anything like this. All transactions here are now in cash. No invoicing and no one except checks either. With banks closed, electronic money transfers are suspended as well and in greece, cash is king. The economy is only working with bank notes right now. I paid my staff on time and all in cash. The staff is a still there but serving a fewer customers. Hardly any traders are willing to part with long large sums of cash. Everyone agrees that things cant continue like this much longer. They know that longdistance clients will soon have problems. If this goes on much longer, the islands will suffer worst. We will see shortages there of foods and other goods. We sell to all regions of the country, to macedonia in the north to the islands down south and if you cant pay in cash, you will be in serious trouble. When the banks shut down, the market dont move. The cashonly rule has penetrated all parts of greeces businesses. This shop owner can only restock if he pays in cash. The latest restock has already fell through and the next restock shipment is hundreds of miles away on the island of crete. The economy could grind to a halt within a few days. Eu states trade a lot with each other and we also import things but soon, we might not be able to pay for any imports as all that at all. Imports, at all. Ben in other news, the irish carrier ryanair has had a day in court where striking can be allowed after the company. But there is a solution of the companys own. They are going to fly their planes to lithuania and employee crews there. Ryanair ceo has decided to put the airlines employment away from a danish workers and its unions. He accused the danish court of siding with the competition. It is a very strange and surprising ruling. It allows a union that does not represent any pilot or cabin crew within ruyanair to export their jobs overseas. Why . So they can protect sas members or danish members . We dont understand it. They will have their aircraft based in lithuania and the cabin crew will be exported to there as well. The planes can still lead in copenhagen, but since they are not raced there local Labor Relations will not apply to them. Ben and more business later on. Brent time to take a bike ride now. Dont forget your sunscreen. There is the biggest event in cycling coming up, the Tour De France. For the first time, and africanbased team will be competing an africanbased team will be competing. Fresh faces for the tour. It has taken 10 years of groundwork for them to earn their invitation but that is not the end of the story. It is the start. It isnt here. We have made it. But getting to france isnt enough. We want a piece of the action. We are dreaming of a win. This man could provide that win. He is an all around her and a strong finisher. He has two career stage finishes for the tour. It is really exciting. I think the project is a really neat thing and something new bringing african cycling into the world stage. I have done it a few times before grand tours but this is something unique. Three are South African and the other two are from your trail eritrea. I was fighting for this part of the two or of the tour, so i was making sure i was ready. The team is cosponsoring a campaign to raise money to buy bikes for african children who ride to school. We started a new project and we told our Tour De France team that we wanted to donate bikes so that changes a life in africa. The firstever team from africa starts with a big message and they want to finish it with a big success. Brent all right here in germany, we are set for the hottest day on record on saturday. The auto bonds autobahns are literally buckling under the suns rays. Temperatures are spiking across europe. For these elephants, a cold shower comes just at the right time. It is very, very hot and that is why the animals mostly retreat to the shade. They can go and relax there. We turn on the lawn sprinklers in the enclosures. Others prefer a dip in the deep end to get away from the heat. Well, they are doing a the right thing, they are in the water. I wish i could join them. Rome is also feeling the heat and people here also have similar ideas when it comes to coolingoff. It is very hot, it is very hot, i cant even breathe, so i am going to get some water here. I keep putting water on m neck. If you have a bandanna wet it, and put it on your head, and drink lots of water. In this temperature, we are getting up even earlier in the morning because it is the easiest way for visiting and then we fall asleep for the siesta part. Keep cool anyway you can because the real heat wave is yet to come. On saturday, it is going to get even hotter. Brent ouch, i am going to go find a sprinkler and i will be back for the top of the news. Stay with us, we will be right back. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org]. Huge rallies in athens. Tens of thousands of people take to the streets of the greek capital ahead of sundays referendum. Remembering the dead. A minute of silence is held to honor the 38 victims of last

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