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President donald trump is holding a Campaign Rally in florida. He is back on the campaign trail after a month in the white house, he is also having meetings at what he calls the southern white house. But first, lets talk about the rain. How much is coming our way . I was one of the people that hoped to go to the sierras tomorrow but probably not. If you are thinking about it, be careful sunday through enthuse. Those are the wet days. Today may turn out to be the best day of the next few. Heres a look at a gray start to the day over the bay, the showers are winding down. Looking at the satellite and radar, earlier this morning, the showers were more widespread. Right now a few sprinkles over the Santa Cruz Mountains and alongside i80. These are going to continue through the morning hours. This afternoon, partly cloudy skies, we have a break before the next system rolls in. If you are thinking about heading to the sierras, today is the better day. We have a advisory in place for the west slope. But if you start now, by the time you get there, the advisory should expire by the time you get there. By 10 00 we are still mostly cloudy. For the afternoon, partly sunny, partly cloudy, with dry weather in the forecast. If you are thinking about going out this evening, you should be in good shape. The next system rolls in tomorrow with scattered showers expected as early as tomorrow morning. When i come back i have the 24 hour rainfall totals. Happening now, this is live video from the Kennedy Space center in florida. Space x is set to launch a rocket from the same lunching pad that sent a man to the moon. There has not been a launch from the Kennedy Space center since 2011. Turning to the weather coverage, Anderson Reservoir in Santa Clara County is a fraction over capacity. There are some flooding concerns down south. We are live at the reservoir at morgan hill where its at 68 capacity. Reporter good morning. All eyes on morgan hill. You can see how much water we are talking about. Officials are trying to shed as much water as possible. 400 feet per second are coming out. They are trying to get the reservoir to 68 capacity. Right now the dam is at capacity. We are hoping that after they open the gate , the water will lower enough to make it okay. The largest concern is a large earth quick on the fault. The Water Department said although its a remote possibility, they are working to resolve the situation as quickly as possible to eliminate the risk. You can see how da mack it looks out here. I was here all morning yesterday. We had dozens of people stopping by all morning long to see what the site looks like here and making their way to the top of the dam. You can see this hill behind us u thats the backside of the dam. All of the water is behind that. The spillway is on the other side of that. As the morning develops, we hope to look at that spill way and we hope to see if the water is coming out of Anderson Reservoir. At this point no reports of any localized flooding. It seems like coyote creek is full of water but its working as designed. They are trying to get the water out of the area right knew. I imagine that the spillway has become a place for people to come and look. You were there yesterday . Reporter it sure has, you can see how dramatic it looks. But its working as designed. Its trying to relieve the pressure and relieve the water from the reservoir. They are trying to get as much out as possible. So that valve is fully opened, they are trying to shed as much water adds they can. We are hearing in the neighborhood of 400 cubic feet per second. You can see how dramatic the scene is here. Thank you. We want to tell you, we just showed you the picture of the space x launch, we just learned its been scrubbed for today. It was supposed to happen today but its been scrubbed. Lets turn to oroville. A lawmaker wants to safeguard spill ways into the wake of the oroville emergency. They want to require inspections every year on state managed dams. A man that fired shots at Oakland Police has died. After he was shot by a Police Sniper, he died. He has seen with a can of spray paint putting ga freety on his neighbors garage and on a car as well. He was later identified as Jesse Enjaian, he was a Computer Science engineer. A motive is not clear but police said Jesse Enjaian was involved in an ongoing dispute with his neighbors. Police said he started to shoot in the direction of Oakland Police, thats when they shot back. He was taken to a hospital where he later died. A woman who did not want to be on camera said she was with her six year old son when bulls came flying into her home. I was very concerned. I have wood all over my home. I did knot know where the shooter was. I was scared. I am alone, so i stayed indoors. Reporter neighbors said Jesse Enjaian also shot at their cars earlier in the week. New this morning. The Oakland Metro opera house has canceled a concert. The swedish metal band duke was supposed to perform. Police were worried that protestors could show up to the event and Public Safety would be at risk. They referenced the protests of Milo Yiannopoulos earlier this month the venue said we do not want to subject our security staff or the public to violence, they also said that the staff was getting threats and that refounds will be issued. Uc Berkeley Police have released photos of people that may be released to the protests on their campus for Milo Yiannopoulos. You can get a look at the photos by going to our website, ktvu. Com. The story is on our home page. Nans pel pel is nancy pelosi is holding a town hall today about the Affordable Care act. She said its critical for millions of americans. Todays event starts on delancey street in San Francisco. We will have Coverage Later today. Congress bomb barbara lee is also hosting a town hall at the International School community auditorium. Also congressman Eric Swalwell will be hosting a town hall. A man was shot in the leg after leaving a restaurant. Then a second man was also hit by a dart nearby. Police do not have any information and they are asking for anyone with information to give them a call. Coming up in our next laugh hour, how a woman managed to stay out of daipg after a large tree toppled on to her car. These bunnies were rescued from an owner who was selling them for meat or as pets. How you can help we have more coming up on ktvu news after the break. Good morning, thank you for joining us on this saturday morning. This is the san mateo bridge, things are moving slow, its a slick, soggy day. Meanwhile if you are going to be traveling along the great highway, its closed at the moment due to flooding. So be prepared for that. Four deaths are being blamed on one of the most powerful storms to hit Southern California in years, Los Angeles County is under a flash flood watch. A man in sherman oaks was found dead. Two other deaths occurred in the san diego area. Several highways were closed by flooding including interstate 5 and state 10. There is going to be a lot of ponding and flooding on the streets. Wind gusts reached more than 70 miles per hour. 100,000 homes and businesses lost power, it was the biggest storm in the region in 12 years. In San Francisco, lets talk bunnies, dozens of bunnies are up or adoption after a man was found illegally selling them out of his home. Animal care rounded up the rabbits after a raid. How a tip led to the bust. Reporter these rabbits are among the 40 impounded by a man selling them out of his garage. The executive director of the rescue said a volunteer with her nonprofit saw the ad. Its a Health Code Violation in San Francisco to sell rabbits. So her volunteer contacted the seller and learned he had dozens of rabbits. He they said the nims they said the numbers of rabbits being rescued has cruised dramatically. Its a big deal. Reporter animal care and control official said the owner of the rabbits willingly surrendered the animals when they wept to his home. The officers said normally its a misdemeanor for each animal with a fine or euch count. We will be checking back with the individual to make sure that they are in complains can everything that we ask. Reporter the majority of the rabbits are young, bunnies are sold for meat when they are three to four months old. The fact that they are slaughtering these animals, the ones that we all adopt, is an alarm. Thats sad. They are cute. We are just watching them. The adult rabbits are ready to be adopted. The bunnies in the next few weeks. Lets talk about the weather. The sierras are going to be a little treacherous. Are you canceling your plans to go skiing . Maybe. We are looking at wet weather coming our way again and again. Lets look what is going on outside of our doors, its soggy out there. We will get a break between this last storm and the next storm by this afternoon. We are going to be in good shape this afternoon but its not going to last. Tomorrow looks like its going to be another wet one. This is the 24 hour rainfall totals. About an inch over portions of the bay area. 95 inches in San Francisco. The Santa Cruz Mountains picked up 3 inches. Youyou can see the whole state is still dealing with the wet weather. Southern california was really blasted. Lets go closer in. We have scattered showers here along the coast line. Notice they are just peppered throughout. Some light drizzle in some spots. Then if we cross to the east, we have showers in the east bay hills and along 680 and over the oakland estuary. This is the future cast model. We are still mostly cloudy by noon. But for the most part we have dry conditions for the second half of sunday. Especially into the evening hours. But by the morning, scattered showers. It does not go away. This is oir our 5 00 model. The monday morning drive is wet. Scattered showers ahead of the next storm. The big part of that system is coming in sunday night into monday. The winds out there are generally light. A bit gusty at sfo. Our temperatures this morning in the upper 40s to lower 50s. 53 San Francisco. 54 in oakland. Afternoon highs today, 59 San Francisco. 60 for concord. 60, san jose. Afternoon break for today. Tomorrow morning, scattered showers. Then they intensify into sunday night. Monday is wet and windy. We get a bit of a break tuesday but not much, then a chance of showers on wednesday. The next system is bringing an inch for the urban areas and more for the hills. If i have yard work, do it today. I pulled some weeds yesterday. You . Yes. Thank you. Heres our instagram pick of the morning. Its yosemite flat park. It was posted with a caption, hope everyone is not tired of these fire fall photos yet. Is it looks like its on fire. This happens in the last two weeks of february. Send our pictures to our website, ktvu. Com, can could see our pictures on the air. Coming up, the Vice President is in germany. We have more on what he said about european regulations and where he is off to next we have more coming up on ktvu news after the break the Hydrogen Fueled mirai. Its only emission is water. Toyota. Lets go places. President donald trump is holding a Campaign Rally today in florida. Yes, a exan rally. The spokesperson for the president said the president wants to speak to people across the country un un unfiltered. Vice president mike pence continued to talk to european leaders this morning. He addressed topics like United States russian relations and standing together with europe. We will stand with europe today and everyday because we are bound to the by the same noble ideals, freedom, democracy, justice and the rule of law. The trip includes a stop in belgium. The Trump Administration has denied a report that they plan to use the National Guard to round up undocumented immigrants. There was a memo that called for 100,000 National Guard troops to participate in a crack down on immigration. Some are questioning the legitimate rights that they have for such a move. The National Guard is to enforce federal law not civil law. The states would have a choice to have their guard troops participate or not. Scott pruitt was sworn in as the head of the Environmental Protection agency. Environmental activists say that he is against the environment. Scott pruitt will address epa employees on tuesday. Coming up, a post office with a problem. The problems at the post office in livermore and what is being done. We are going to look at the morgan Hill Reservoir and its impact. We have more coming up on ktvu news after the break strummed guitar you cant experience the Canadian Rockies through a screen. You have to be here, with us. Theres only one way to travel through this natural wonder and get a glimpse of amazing. And thats with a glass of wine in one hand, and a camera in the other, aboard rocky mountaineer. Canadas Rocky Mountains await. Call your travel agent or rocky mountaineer for special offers now. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. To take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. The ktvu fox news Weather Report is brought to you by bank of the west. Good morning, its saturday morning, it looks cloudy out there but this may be the pick of the next three or four days, if you have something to go outside, do it today. We are getting some more rain. It looks pretty out right now. You may think we are done, we are not. A lot of green on the screen. Yes, we are slowly winding down but its going to take a while. We have drizzle falling and some sprinkles but we get a break into the afternoon. At least the roadways look like they are drying out. This is a look at the golden gate bridge. We are mostly cloudy but still looking good. I see a bit of sunshine there. Heres a look across the state. We continue with this wet weather. Its going to continue to move out, we have another storm on its heels, though. We have some light shower activity along the coast line and the instant cruz mountains. You can see 280 looks slick into San Francisco. If we go east we have some showers along i80 in richmond. Also along highway 680 and dublin and livermore. Heading to the sierras . Its dry at the moment but there is an advisory in place through 10 00 this morning. We have more wet weather on the way. We are wet this morning. Looking better by about 11 00. Partly sunny for the second half of the afternoon. By tomorrow morning, the showers are back, we look at the next round of rain and highway much we will get with the next system, coming up. We are following a developing situation at the anderson dam and reservoir in Santa Clara County. So is it at 100 capacity or where is it now christian . Reporter i just got off the phone with the Water District. The reservoir is at 100. 3 capacity. There is likely water coming over the spillway according to the district spokesperson. You can see how much water they are trying to get out right now behind me. That every is underway right now. You can see how much water we are talking about. 400 cubic feet per second. They are trying to get the reservoir to 68 capacity. Yesterday we have some video from the release valve. Its been open since january and its released water into coyote creek. One of the dangers is a possibility of an earthquake. Its a remote possibility but they are trying to avoid the possibility so they are shedding as much water as possible. So we have some people who came out to take a look. What do you think . I have not seen anything like this. Reporter are you worried . Of course we are worried. Reporter what are you concerned about. The possibility of anything. Homes getting flooded. This area las experienced a lot as it is, we are very concerned. Reporter i am sure you will monitor it. I know that the Santa Clara Valley Water District is monitoring it as well. Look, we can see more people coming out to take a look. We are hearing that the dam is at 100. 3 capacity. That means over capacity. Although the Water District said they do not have eyes on the spill way, they said its likely that there is some water coming down the spillway. Its designed like that. So if there is overcapacity, the water comes down the spillway. One more concern from the Water District. Monday, there is another storm coming, they are anticipating the storms early next week, they said with it at 100 capacity, there is no place for the water to go, that means more water coming down the spillway. Thats quite a sight. We were talking about this earlier today. Reporter there is only so close that you can get. I will walk closer, there is some tape keeping people away and there are fences to keep people away, you can see that it has become quite a sight. People are coming down and taking photographs, its so remarkable to see this sight. 400 cubic feet of water dumping out per second. Its not something that you see everyday. Kie yolk creek is coyote creek is overflowing. Its probably been over a decade since its been that way because of the drought. People are enjoying watching Mother Nature. Thank you christian. In fremont the high winds forced a tree to come crashing down on a car, take a look this happened yesterday morning on mallory avenue. A crew used a chain saw to clear a tree that fell on to a car. A woman heard what she thought was thunder. Then he looked out her window. I did not expect to see the tree landing there. And the car alarm was going off under the tree. The tree did not fall on to any homes, luckily. In san mateo residents worry that the storms will make the mud slides worse. Neighbors have been checking the ground to make sure that the land is stable. Public works crews paved ditched and built berms this week. This is beyond the morning. Of course you get nervous but it goes with living in the country. The public works manager said the land in the neighborhood is holding up. Officials said county roads remain safe and are far from last months slide. We are also seeing more effects caused by the storms. Look at this video recorded at the ferry terminal. It shows wood and other floating debris. Crews are working to repair power lines brought down by trees. Nobody was hurt but the tree hit power lines which knocked hour to homes and businesses. California Highway Patrol said the storms caused problems across the area. Its a hazard. We can not get to all of the trees quickly. California Highway Patrol is reminding people to be careful on the roads. A pedestrian was struck and killed last night on interstate 80 near golden gate fields. California Highway Patrol has not released any details about the person involved. There are going to be to town hall style meetings today to talk about the Affordable Care act. A speed rail suffers a big setback. The multimilliondollar delay and how caltrans is reacting. We have more coming up on ktvu news after the break jon batiste has mastered new ways to play old classics. With chase atms, he can master new ways to deposit checks too. Easy to use Chase Technology for whatever youre trying to master. Welcome back, there is a problem at a post office in livermore. The lobby is left open 24 hours a day so people can get their mail but that has led to the homeless sleeping there at night. The post master has taken notice and is making a major change. Reporter getting mail here late at night at the post office at livermore avenue has people bumping into late night guests, the homeless. Its not a problem for me. They just want some place warm. Reporter others have the same idea. Over the past year, the lobby of this office has been used as a makeshift shelter. I have no place to go. I am homeless. There is no place out here in livermore for mow to go. Reporter while anthony sleeps, others worry about what they are leaving behind. There is urine and puke in there. Men have their hands in their pants. I have come in late. Its cold out. People need a place to stay, i understand it. Reporter the tri valley has six shelters. All of them in livermore but there is a problem. We could have 10 houses and we are always full. We always do outreach to the homeless. We provide blankets and water and food. Reporter in 2014, the city of livermore held a forum on the homeless. Now they have decided to close the post office. I know its going to be closed down at night. The thing is, i do not know where to go. There is no other place to go. That lobby has been open for 24 hours for the past 20 years. Livermore is looking for funding from the county to create more affordable housing. A big setback for the california high speed rail project. A grant for the project was delayed. The grant would help pay for the rail. They need to make the line electric. California republicans had asked for a delay until an audit of the projects finances is complete. If you want to do your yard work on sunday, you are going to get wet. This system looks really wet. One to 5 inches, the 5 inches is for the hills, but we have a lot of rain coming. Right now, scattered showers this morning. Yesterdays storm is continuing to move out. We are looking at a beautiful shot here. A bit of blue skies, we will get some dry weather later today but it will not last. The rain is coming back as early as tomorrow morning. This is Storm Tracker two. We have a lot of moisture lingering along the coast. Its on the edge of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Towards the bay we have scattered showers moving up to the north bay and san rafael, crossing the bay bridge into the east bay. Along the east bay shoreline, berkeley and alameda, we have the scattered showers near san ramon. As we get into the afternoon, we turn more dry, partly sunny, partly cloudy for the afternoon today. Then as we get into tonight we look good. By tomorrow morning things are changing up. We have rain in the forecast for tomorrow morning. This is the afternoon, the heavier stuff is coming in late sunday night into monday. The monday morning drive is going to be slick and slow. So with this next system, we have two to 5 inches. So 2 inches for the urban areas. We could see five to 6 inches by monday night in the hills. Its expected to be windy at times when the heavier stuff comes through sunday night into monday. If you are thinking about going to the sierras, give it a second thought. We have a winter storm watch in place. We have a light breeze for most of us. Temperatures in the upper 40 ts and lower 50s. 40s and lower 50s. Afternoon highs today, partly sunny to partly cloudy skies. Napa, 60. 58 in livermore. Heres the extended forecast. Wet, wet, wet, we have dry weather this afternoon. Sunday is a wash out. Monday is soggy. As we get into tuesday, more rain. Wednesday we begin to dry out. Then it looks like we have a dry pattern all the way through the weekend. So a bit of a break after the storm. Okay. Thats good after the next few days. Just waiting for a bit of sunshine. So maybe a break into march. I do not want to get ahead of myself but next weekend looks dry. I will take that. Thank you. They are the bearded men of the san jose sharks. Up next, meet the b b barber behind some wellknown beards we have more coming up on ktvu news after the break. The College Hoops version of the big game. Cal got off to a hot start. A nice dip and score. Berkeleys bird has a game high 23, the bears down four at the break. The cardinals finish the job with a break and lay in. Stanford wins it 70 68. The bears are at 18 and eight. Tonight, the warriors clay clay thompsan looks to defend his title. He said he practices for a half hour. Also the slam dunk contest is tonight featuring san jose native aaron gordon. Fear the beard. Reporter feeling like mr. Lucky . The goal off the ice is to grow the most extravagant beards in the nfl. For the sharks, its more than just a look. Its a lifestyle that we live. We are a big frat. When you look this good, it pays off. We do not have a frat from school. So we have to do it here. We are the beard group. When we see anyone on the street with a beard, we like give them a hug, its like a corps vet club, corvette club. When you see each other on the street, you appreciate each other. Reporter it would be an insult to call it a straggly beard look. This is all premeditated. So it cannot just be any dude slinging the razor blade. This is jason. He did not start out as a hockey fan but now he is. He is not only a barber to the stars, he is a star himself on the sharks tv commercial. They are high profile athletes and face of a team. I feel that they always want to be treated the way everyone else is treated. As long as they are happy, thats all that matters. Thats what barbering is, if the customer is happy, we have done our job. We trust him. We love our beards. Thats a lot to say, he knows what he is doing. He is a great guy, we love to have him come over. He gives us some nice tunes and a glass of whiskey. Reporter when you think of beards in hockey, its eurl during playoff times but usually during playoff times but these sharks do it all year round. People say its against hockey, i think that is insane. Reporter usually when it times for a trim, there is not a crew or tv camera documenting every falling follicle. Its a few guys at the local shop talking a little hockey. Okay. I would not get that. They are having fun. Their beards are so popular. Last year they gave away chia pets. Joe has the biggest beard. It depends on how much you water your chia pet. Spring training for baseball is in full swing. Pitchers and catchers reported to arizona this week for the as. The giants played their first spring training game against the reds. Three giants players will leave next month for the world baseball classic. Buster posey will play for the United States. He said National Pride is on the line. It will be fun to see the other teams. I am sure that they will have a lot of energy and passion some there will be some fun games. He said he wanted to remain a catcher and not move to first base. He is a southern boy, thats part of his dna. We continue to watch the water levels at the Anderson Reservoir. Coming up, what we can expect as more rain is in the forecast this weekend we have more coming up on ktvu news after the break. This is ktvu fox news mornings on 2 weekends. I hope that you are getting a break from the wet stuff. We had so much of it. This is san rafael. That does not look too promising. They are going to get a break later. The sun has been lacking lately. I would like to ask the sun to stay awhile. Good morning. Good to have you onboard on this saturday. We have the forecast in a moment but first the headlines. We are keeping a watchful eye on the Anderson Reservoir this morning. We have been watching it all week. Its above capacity right now. The question is, how much of the spillway will they be able to use. Also are they in danger of flooding . We will check in with christian in just a minute. Minute. First, a concert was canceled. What the police are saying about the band. Thats coming up. President donald trump is holding a Campaign Rally in florida. He is back on the campaign trail with less than a month under his belt as the president. Then he has meetings in what he is calling the southern white house. Lets go back to the weather. This is going to be the nicer day of the weekend. If you like the dry weather, get out and enjoy it. Its not going to last. We have a few secures outside this morning. But we are wiping down through the afternoon. This is a live look from San Francisco across the bay. We are beginning to see breaks in the clouds. The Storm Tracker is tracking a few sprinkles. So we are in the upper 40s to lower 50s to start the day. San francisco 51, santa rosa 50. 53 in oakland, livermore 53. As we get into the radar, we have scattered showers over portions of the north bay and the Santa Cruz Mountains. Novato and petaluma and mill valley look slick. How about the bay bridge . We have some rain falling there. In San Francisco and the bay view district, you have a few sprinkles. I am sure we have some drizzle that is not being picked up by the radar. So its a wet drive in redwood city and could you pleaser cupertino cupertino. By the afternoon we have a break. I will have a look at the highs for today. If you are going up to the sierras, be prepared, there is rain snow and wind coming in. We have a weather alert at the reservoir in the south bay. The Santa Clara Valley Water District issued a warning that the Anderson Reservoir is at 100. 3 capacity. The water has not overflowed there since 2006. We have christian with an update. Reporter as we have been saying, the Anderson Reservoir is at 100. 3 capacity. That means that there is going to be water coming down the spillway, its functioning as designed. If there is more water than the reservoir can hold, it comes down here and it empties out in a controlled manner. So the Water District has told me that everything is working as designed. There is a major ert to get as much water out of the reservoir as possible. Effort to get as much matter out of the reservoir as possible. They are trying to get it down to 68 capacity. They are emptying water at 400 cubic feet per second. They are releasing the water into coyote creek. The concern is over the seismic safety of the dam. There could be an earthquake caused by the water. Its a remote possibility but they are trying to dump as much water as possible. Some residents said they are concerned about the possibility of flooding. Of course we are worried. Hopes getting flooded and streets getting flooded. This area has already experienced a lot as it is, of course we are concerned. Reporter this is the reservoir. Its at 100. 3 capacity. We are going to walk across to show you the concerns. As we come over this way, you can see how far the drop is into morgan hill. At the bottom is the release chute. They are releasing amuch water as possible from the system. More people are arriving, wanting to see it scene for themselves. Is a dynamic scene. When you are close to the water, there is a dull roar that you can feel in your body as the water just rushes out. My First Impression was, what a tragedy we cannot hold on to the water. We have had so much drought. Certainly there is more water on the way, but i just want to hold on to it because i am so conditioned for drought. Trer trying to get the reservoir to they are trying to get the reservoir to 64 capacity. There is a project in the works to repair the dam but its at least three years off. In oroville, concerns about the dam and its two damaged spillways are easing up. The water level at Lake Oroville continues to drop. Its 50 feet below last sundays peak. Crews are releasing the water. A san rafael lawmaker wants to safeguard dams. He said that visual inspections are not enough. He is requiring larger inspections at the spillways. A man who who was shot by a Police Sniper has died. Neighbors called police because the man was painting graffiti on their cars. The man was identified as 32 year old gentlemens en. Court also Jesse Enjaian. According to police, he has been involved in ongoing disputes with his neighbors. The police said he started to shoot in the direction of officers and thats when a Police Sniper shot back. He was taken to the hospital where he died. One woman said she was with her six year old son when bullets started to fly into their home. We sheltered in place in his bedroom. I was concerned, i have windows all over my home. It was a guy with a gun, i was scared. I am alone. So i stay indoors. I locked my house down. Neighbors said Jesse Enjaian graffitid their cars earlier in the week as well. A space x rocket was supposed to take off at the Kennedy Space center but the launch was called off. Its called now for tomorrow morning. Nancy pelosi is hosting a forum to talk about ways to save the Affordable Care act. She said its critical for millions of americans. The event starts at 10 30 at the delancey Street Foundation in San Francisco. We will have coverage in our later news cast this afternoon. Nancy pelosi is not the only official hosting an event. Barbara lee is hosting a town hall today. It starts at 10 00. We have information on our website, ktvu. Com. There is a new effort to create a single pair Healthcare System in california. Under the system, the state would negotiate prices for services and prescriptions with Healthcare Providers and farm constitute cal companies, pharmaceutical companies. The single pair could lower copayment ses and deductible copayments and deductibles. You probably own a pair, or 10. We talk to the author of a book that took 25 years to write, about levis we have more coming up on ktvu news after the break with the xfinity tv app, anything with a screen is a tv. Stream 130 live channels, plus 40,000 on demand tv shows and movies, all on the go. You can even download from your x1 dvr and watch it offline. Only xfinity gives you more to stream to any screen. Download the xfinity tv app today. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. To take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. Its a staple in oir wardrobes, our wardrobes, blue jeans. Our next guest is an exert on all things levis. Theauthor spent 20 years researching the subject. Its great to be here. Thank you for coming. You were hired to find out about the company . I was hired to start the company archives, all of the information about levi strauss was lost in the earthquake. So i had to research it. You went to flea markets, you found a letter signed by him in the wine country. I had a two pronged thing to do, i had to document the business. Then in the back of my mind, i said, i am going to write a book about him. I took a vacation and recreated his trip around panama. I looked into newspapers and check the old tapes. I got a letter from sonoma. It was from an elderly lawyer who said he had his father in laws effects. He said there was a signed letter from levi strauss. He said he did not want money, he wanted a gold coin from the international exposition. We made a trade. I found the coin and he gave me the letter. I did not have to go anywhere to look for vintage jeans, people would find them and call me and we negotiated. But they never told me where they found them. How much do vintage jeans go for . 46,000 was the last pair that i bought. Did levi have a clue about the empire he was building. I think that he did. He was a dry goods seller. Then he got an idea from a person that wanted to put metal rivets into pants. The red tab and the patch on the back and the button fly, was that all him. The button fly was traditional for pants. The red tab was in 1936, a Sales Manager wanted to make the jeans sell. The patch was definitely levi. Its fascinating. What a life you have lived. Thank you for coming in. Check out the book, the man that gave blue jeans to the world. Its available at most book retailers and on amazon. Com. We have a lot of gray out there but a few peeks of blue. We continue this trond this morning and afternoon. Dry weather is on the way for later this saturday. Right now we have a few lingering showers out there. This is a look at the radar. Its tapered off quite a bit but still a few bits of green on the screen. Across the Richmond San Rafael bridge and on the east bay shoreline, we still have some showers. The bay view district, south San Francisco and along the peninsula and into the east bay we have a bit of rain. We have rain on 580 in livermore. We are dry in the sierras but there is a Winter Weather advisory until 10 00 this morning. If you are planning on going up there, plan on staying, we have another storm advisory getting into place for the sierras. By noontime, most of the rain is gone. Partly sunny to partly cloudy for most of saturday. By sunday morning, the scattered showers are back. Tomorrow morning we will be tracking the rain again. By sunday night it turns heavy. Sunday night into monday, the heavier stuff moves through. Monday mornings commute is treacherous. The wet weather stays through monday night. Then tuesday into wednesday, the rain keeps coming. We expect an inch and a half to 3 inches for the urban areas. San jose, three and a half inches. The hills could see four to five to 6 inches. A lot of rain coming our way. Its going to take several days but by the end, three to 5 inches. Temperatures outside right now, 53 in San Francisco. 50 in san jose. Afternoon highs upper 50s to near 60. 59 in oakland. 60 in antioch. This is the extended forecast. Keep the umbrella handy. Its windy and wet with snow in the sierras. No real break into the back end of the week and into the weekend. Its going to be a holiday monday so hopefully the monday morning commute will not be so bad. Tease is when we see the effect tuesday is when we see the effect on the commute. Yes. Coming up, the fall out continues on reports that the Trump Administration is planning to use the National Guard to round up undocumenteddocumented immigrants. Why the president could be breaking federal law we have more coming up on ktvu news after the break. President donald trump is holding a Campaign Rally today in florida. A spokesperson for the Trump Campaign said the president wants to speak to people across the country unfiltered. Other president s have held rallies after taking office, but they have foes cussed on focused on policies, knot campaigns. Not campaigns. Vice president mike pence spoke in germany today. Doubt the importance nobody should doubt the persons of americas commitment to europe. His first overseas trip as Vice President will include a trip to belgium. President Donald Trumps administration is denying a memo that calls for as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to take part on a crack down on illegal immigration. Some are questioning the legality of a move like that. There is a law that prohibits the National Guard to be used for law enforcement. They could argue that they are enforcing federal law not civil laws in the state. According to the memo, governors would have a choice about whether or not to use the troops for that pirp we have more coming up on ktvu news after the break we have more coming up on ktvu news after the break ews after the break. Good morning, welcome back. We have a cloudy saturday. I want sunshine, can we get it . You got it. Just maybe not today. Its coming. We have a little bit of sunshine out there today. For the second part of the morning we are are looking at dry weather. Today is the best day to be outdoors if you like it dry. If you like the rain, wait until tomorrow. Its coming back. We are looking into the city of San Francisco. We have clouds and then sunshine above it. We are partly sunny for the saturday afternoon time frame. This is a look at where we are seeing a few scattered showers. No vat oa, san rafael seeing the wet stuff. Novato, san rafael seeing the wet stuff. The bay bridge has some light rain. Areas near berkeley and San Francisco have a few sprinkles. Downtown San Francisco has a bit of rain. Along 580 in livermore, you are seeing some rain. The sierras are dry at the moment. If you are going up, now is your chance, we have a dry day, there is a Winter Weather advisory but it only goes until 10 00 a. M. Saturday is the drier day, sunday, the rain moves back in. The next storm is already making its way into california. By noontime today we are dry. We have some sunshine for the afternoon. I will track the next system in a few minutes. We are following a developing situation this morning at the Anderson Reservoir in morgan hill. Christian is live at the reservoir. You showed us the spillway when we last checked in with you, it look like there is some debris, is that a concern . Reporter i do not know if its a concern yet. Lets look in. You can see how much water has started to come out. The Anderson Reservoir is at 100. 4 capacity. The water is coming down the spill way, as it was designed to do. We want to get down to 68 capacity. We have video from earlier. You can see the water gushing out. They are trying to release as much water as possible into coyote creek. The water is being released at 400 cubic feet per second. There is a remote possibility of an earthquake because of the water damage. Even though the possibility is remote, the Water District is trying to drain as much water as fast as possible from the area. Residents have been visiting the reservoir, keeping an eye on the water levels and hoping that the spillway works. Its nice to see the water going over the spillway. Reporter so the reservoir is at 100point fowr percent capacity. 100. 4 capacity. As we walk across the road, you can see the relief valve. You can see how much water we are talking about. The water is just pouring out. What the concern is, if the dam had a structural failure, it could be very dangers. The Water Authority is trying to shed as much water as possible. In the next half hour we are going to head down here. You are going to see people that are coming out to see what this looks like. Some people said they have never seen anything like this since 1995. We will keep an eye on it. Lets hope that nothing else happens with all of the rain that is coming our way. Thank you christian, we will check in with you later. Lets check the impacts that the storms are having in Southern California. There goes the tree. The side of the mountain at forest falls just collapsed into the valley blow. The part that fell was the size of three football fields. Nobody was injured but the people that live nearby said is felt like a earthquake. Look at this sinkhole. Lapd said its 20 feet deep. Police have blocked the area off from traffic in case it gets bigger. An overnight water rescue turns deadly. Rescue teams saved the people in one car but the person in the other car did not make it out alive. Its a reminder to not cross running water. The Oakland Metro opera house has canceled a show from a swedish metal band. They said that police are worried that protestors could show up to the event because of the nazi images the band uses. They referenced the protests at uc berkeley over Milo Yiannopoulos. They said they do knot want to subject the security staff or the public to violence. They also said that the staff was getting threats and that refunds will be issued. Uc Berkeley Police have released photos of people that may be linked to the protests against Milo Yiannopoulos. They want to identify the people that contributed to the 100,000 in damage to the uc buildings. The police said alcohol may have played a factor in a crash in the city of dixon, officers responded to a report that a bmw slammed into a tree. When they arrived on the scene, the driver was unresponsive and died at the scene. A witness said the car left the roadway for no apparent reason. The name of the driver has not been released. California Highway Patrol has also told us about another accident on interstate 80. Into other information is available we have more coming up on ktvu news after the break guys, thanks for making our new french toast so authentic, youll swear it came from a fancy brunch place. Its 100 real. Just like my favorite sport pro wrestling. Um. Yeah, about pro wrestling. Its fake. What . Lies its. All. Lies why didnt you tell me . sorry jack, i thought you knew. Try my new grilled french toast plate with syrup and Hickory Smoked bacon. The newest addition to my brunchfast menu. Hit me with this, youll feel better. The conditions in the sierras are beautiful. But we have storms in the bay area. That means more new snow in the sierras. Lots of people are heading up because of the big holiday weekend. Lots of people are excited by the snow that has come this season. We are going to kevin from kirkwood. Driving back could be brutal kevin. I do not know. The roads are open and clear. We have some patrols on interstate 80 but this has been a great winter. We got over 500 inches this year. 7 inches today at north star. 107 inches of snow just in february. I have skied almost everyday. Its been an an amazing winter. Lets talk about monday. People are extending the long weekend. People are saying, we will ski and go home tuesday or wednesday. Thats what i would do. I would put my out of office reply on right now. Sorry, powder day. If you look at the National Weather service, the forecast looks like its moving through monday and tuesday, so more snow is coming. The consistency of the snow is about 10 . With that light, mid winter snow and the temperatures dropping, its incredible. Just imagine if that rainfall that we had right before this last snow was snow fall. That 7inch of rain would have been seven to 10 feet of snow. We are looking at a picture of kirkwood. Sometimes getting through is treacherous, but i man imagine that the snow making machines are silling idle sitting idle. Yes, we turned on another snow making machine, its called Mother Nature. When you get this much snow, there is a point where we get too much snow, like if we have to dig out the chair lifts. But the mountain teams have been doing a great job. Also down at lake level, all of the businesses around the lake are enjoying all of the happy skiers coming out to the lake. What is the five like . I lived up there for a couple of years, when it snows and everyone is up there, there is a sense of family. People are like, this is awesome. Thats what we have been doing, skiing with that snow high. The roads can be unpassable. The plows are trying to get up here. My neighbors came out with their snow blowers the other day to help me out. This has not happened since 1995. I have to ask, we heard that they may stay open to the fourth of july. How long will the season extend. I love when the resorts say, we are going to open early or close late. They do not know. We have to wait, watch and see, Mother Nature can turn off tomorrow. It could turn 80 degrees, this is climate change, we have these large storms on the west and the east coasts. We have to wait, watch and see. But we have an amazing amount of snow. The chairs are hard to get to because of the snow. But we will wait, watch and see. You got it. He is happy for sure s. He is always happy, but now, really happy. Thank you. Go ski. Have some fun. All right, moving along. We are going to rosemary for a check of the weather. I remember i once skied on june 24 but its been a while since i thought about that . In recent years, its been about hitting rocks. But now you can spring ski. If you are going up this weekend or over the next few days, be careful. At times during the next few days we are going to have advisories along the roadways. We have snow coming in the mountains today. By tomorrow and into monday, it gets dicey with the next storm. Lets look at Storm Tracker two. Son california was nailed with 426 inches of rain in a 24 hour period. Thats a lot of for us, we have seen about 2 inches, more in the hills, but we have more to come. Scattered showers remain over the north bay, the bridges are wet this morning. The bay bridge and the Richmond San Rafael bridge. As we get into the afternoon we continue to dry out. Heres 3 00 in the afternoon, partly sunny and partly cloudy. If you are going to be out and about, today is a good day. Sunday looks grueling on the roads to the mountains. Sunday morning, scattered showers, the whole day is gray with the possibility of showers on and off. Its going to be a soggy sunday. By sunday night, the heavier part of the storm moves through. This is monday morning. If you have to be at work, the drive is going to be slow and slick. Monday night, the rain is still going. When it starts tomorrow morning, we are likely to be with the wet weather through monday night. Then we have another storm coming in behind that. The next system pris an inch and a half to 3 inches. Brings an inch and a half to 3 inches. San jose, oakland and livermore and San Francisco get about 3 inches. The hills get 5 inches. Its going to be windy. Especially when we get to the front of the storm. Temperatures at this hour, 53 San Francisco. 52 fremont upper 50s to near 60 today with a bit of sunshine. Its going to feel really good later today. Sunday and monday, the next system is coming in. Snow levels come up with the next storm but they drop again on tuesday. We are drying out by thursday and friday. Lets talk baseball. Spring training is underway for Major League Teams across the country. We are going inside of the giants camp for the first week of workouts in arizona we have more coming up on ktvu news after the break. College hoops version of the big little game. The bears have their eighth loss of the season, cal got off to a good start though. The big gun was bird for the bears. He aims, fires and nails it. But bears are down for the break. Chose all the way. Stanford holds on. The cardinals finish the job. Sphan afford wins stanford wins 78 76. How about baseball. The as are in spring training. The giants play their first spring training game against the reds. Three players are leaving for the world baseball classic. Buster posey will be playing for the United States. He said that National Pride is on the line. It will be fun to see the other teams. I am sure that they will have a lot of energy and passion, there will be some fun games. He said despite the physical toll, he wants to remain as catcher and not move to first base, he also credits his wife for his success. The warriors Clay Thompson win of three shooters in the threepoint contest. He said he does not train specifically for the contest. There is 30 minutes to practice before it begins, he said thats all that he needs. It appears that mark cubans spat with donald trump is not done yet. Last night, mark cuban wore the number 46. 46 also happens to be the number of the next president after donald trump. He looks happy. President donald trump tweeted last night that mark cuban is not smart enough to run for president. Look at this. Gary robinson, a teenager suffering with a developmental disease makes a half time shot. Thats great. He is just a little guy, its hard to get up there. The crowd goes wild. Lets go to let our last check of weather. How about the extended forecast. We are drying out. We are partly cloudy for the second portion of saturday afternoon and into the evening, then the rain moves ak tomorrow morning and sticks around for the next few days, after the break, i have a look at what to expect for today and we look into the extended forecast. We are going to take a break here on ktvu fox news but we are have another hour on ktvu plus. March madness is around the corner. We would love for you to join us, in any case, we hope you are having a great saturday. Things are looking good. The weather is nice, have a great morning everyone, see you on the plus on the plus afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. To take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer

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