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Striking the suspectsot Sylvia Valdez heard gunshoti heard a gunshot nats of gun fire. Sot im just sad for the family and the situation theyve gone through is horrendous so my thoughts and prayers are with them. grant last nights shooting comes less than 24hours after another Deadly Police shooting in san jose. A man was shot outside a home on Mount Frazier drive in East San Jose. He has been identified as 28yearold joseph tourino. Officers responded to a family disturbance. Tourino came out of the charged at one of the kitchen knives in both hands. An officer fired his gun. Killing tourino. The officer tuesdays shooting is a 15 year veteran. Whos now on paid leave. grant last nights shooting comes less than 24hours after another Deadly Police shooting in san jose. A man was shot outside a home on Mount Frazier drive in East San Jose. He has been identified as 28yearold joseph tourino. Officers responded to a call about a family disturbance. Police say tourino came out of the garage. And charged at one of the officers with kitchen knives in both hands. An officer fired his gun. Killing tourino. The officer involved in tuesdays shooting is a 15 year veteran. Whos now on paid leave. grant and if you havent already. Dont forget to download the kron four mobile app. To get the latest breaking news updates. We sent out a push alert letting people know about todays Deadly Police shooting. You can get the app for free on all apple and andriod devices. We also provide constant updates through the kron four website, Facebook Page and twitter feed. vicki officials have identified the suspect who was shot and killed by San Francisco Police Yesterday on market street. While he was attacking a store employee. The medical Examiners Office identified him 26yearold Nicholas Flusche. Flusche was found stabbing a Subway Sandwich shop employee. According to the citys new police chief bill scott. At least one officer opened fire. Killing flusche on the scene. The store employee is expected to survive his injuries. This is the second officer involved shooting this year in San Francisco and the first the occur since scott was sworn in as chief. This is, make no mistake, this is a repeal and replace of obamacare. vicki the president needed 216 votes. He got 217 as the house approved the American Health care act that could bring major changes to how much you could pay for insurance and what it will cover. Could because the bill still has to be approved by the senate. grant steve aveson is here to tells us how you might be affected. steve the frist thing we should point out is that the house bill will almost certainly be modified in the senate. And some of those changes may not be acceptable to the more conservative members of the house. But that didnt stop President Trump from inviting House Republicans to the white house for a celebration in the rose garden. We dont have to talk about this unbelievable victory. We dont have to say it again. But its going to be an unbelievable victory when we get it through the senate. Among the unbelievers, virginia democrat tim kaine. Just on the republican side you have some who are saying that its not conservative enough, and some who are saying its way too conservative. Democrats are united against it. The bill is passed and laid upon the table not a single democrat vote in the house. Instead a song predicting a voter backlash. Hey hey hey goodbye republicans are going to rue the day they voted for this bill. Let me just say that they have this vote tattooed on them. Here are some of the changes in the republican bill. Pre existing conditions. Insurers will be once again be able to charge higher rates if you have a history of anything from cancer to asthma. Subsidized premiums they will be based on age, not income, meaning young people will pay less, older people will pay more. Medicaid in the next ten years 880 billion dollars would be cut from coverage for low income americans. Its possible the senate will try to reverse some of these changes,but then the battle returns to the house. If they make changes, it has to be somewhat consistent with the outlines weve mapped out here. steve the senate isnt due to even begin debate on the health bill for another month, vicki a rally to Save Health Care was held today in downtown San Francisco outside the office of senator Diane Feinstein the noontime rally was organized by progressive activists at moveondotorg. About 50 people showed up, some holding dont take away my obamacare signs. Others voiced their concerns about the future of Affordable Health care in america the group says it wants to encourage the california senator to do everything she can to put a stop to the partisan health care legislation. Which is now headed to the senate. grant and now the latest on the long running sierra lamar murder trial in the south bay. Kron fours rob fladeboe has been on this story for years. Robs been been live tweeting from the courtroom this week. And joins us now live from the hall of justice in san jose. More than three months of testimony has ended. The defense and prosecution have rested their respective cases and now the fate of Antolin Garcia torres, the man accused of murdering,sierra lamar moe than five years ago, is in the hands of the jury. Hugs and prayers awaited sierra lamars father steve as he left the courthouse, having attended virtually every minute of the long running trial. Steve lamar sierra lamars father its been a long trial but it was just a blink of an eye compared to how long weve been without sierra. The case was handed over to the jury just before noon, but not before a last word in rebuttal from the prosecution, which scored a few final points says legal analyst steven clark. Steven clark legal analyst it was a compelling argument in the sense that he kept bringing the jury back to the dna. Regardless of the defense arguments to the contrary, the da kept focusing on the idea that there is no explanation for the dna other than that Garcia Torres is the killer. Since the body of sierra lamar has never been found, the prosecution case is based almost entirely on that dna and other forensic evidence while lawyers for Antolin Garcia torres say the lack of a body, crime scene or witnesses demands a not guilty verdict. There was no comment from lead defense attorney al lopez or Deputy District Attorney david boyd with the case now in the hands of the jury. Steven clark legal analyst at the end of the day the jury is going to have to decide beyond a reasonable doubt whether the defense or the prosecution case is the most reasonable and thats what will happen during deliberations in the next few days. Al perez searched for sierra i keep hoping he is convicted, all i can think of his sierras family, hoping for the best. Everybody is praying. al perez is among the hundreds of people who spent many a day searching for sierra. Now all he and the others who have been supporting the lamar family can do is wait for the verdict. Steve lamar sierras father now we wait, we wait and we pray for justice for sierra. The judge told jurors to set their own schedule and they chose to begin deliberationsthis afternoon and will do so again tomorrow. They can acquit or they can find Garcia Torres guilty of either 1st or 2nd degree murder. A first degree murder conviction carries a special circumstance allegation and thatwould make Garcia Torres eligible for the death penalty. vicki were learning more information about the 16 yearold boy who was struck by a train on his way to the high school he attended in san lorenzo yesterday morning. Terrance liu was a junior at kipp king collegiate high school. He was hit by a Union Pacific train yesterday morning near grant and railroad avenues. Police say he was either police say he was either riding or walking his bike across the tracks when he was hit. People living in the area say it can be hard to hear the train coming when on the bridge. grant california is looking to lead the way. In the next president ial election. Still ahead on kron four news. How the state plans to get the next president ial candidates to care more about the golden state and its concerns. vicki then, vandals target a school in the south bay. Leaving behind broken windows and trashed classrooms. A live report coming up at 5 30. grant and next, we go out live to oracle arena as the dubs gear up for game two against the jazz. And sports director gary radnich joins us in studio with the latest on steph currys ankle. And the warriors chances tonight. brittney im chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp, ill have your full bay area forecast after the break. grant the bay area cooled down today. But itll be hot tonight at oracle. The warriors will be tipping off with the utah jazz in game 2 of the second round of the playoffs. vicki golden state had no problems in game 1. And thats expected to remain the case for the rest of this round. Kron4 sports director gary radnich joins us to talk more about the matchup. Gary . We go out to mark carpenter whos live courtside at oracle mark . Utah will be without starting guard george hill tobnight. Wihout their dstarting guard utah will be a prohibitive underguard for tonight. Hill victum of an injured toe. Mark carpenter is standing by live at oracle. The warriors havent really been tested this postseason. And thats probably not going to change tonight. In game 1, golden state just picked apart utah. Playing efficient basketball. 5players in double figures, 32total assists. And no one played more than 34minutes. Any time the jazz made a run, the warriors punched right back. And we should mention, steph curry is good to go. The ankle is fine. Hes in such great shape that hes not even on the injury report. Lets hear from the mvp everybody has some sort of aches and pains and bumps and bruises at this point in the year, but nothing concerning at all to the point where im worried about anything going into the game. Tipoff is at 730. After tonight, the series moves to utah. Where if they keep winning, warriors have a chance to close this out. Gme two tonight at 7 40. Highlites on our 10 oc;oclk news. anchor time now anchor time now to check on our weather. With chief meterologist Brittney Shipp. Look for additional cooling into the weekend as an upper level trough affects our region. In addition, a slight chance of showers are expected saturday into sunday, yet widespread rainfall is not likely at this time. Breezy conditions are likely for friday into saturday especially along the coast and Higher Elevation spots. grant President Trump is not slowing down. Today he signed another executive order. This time. To quote vigorously promote religious liberty. the order further weakens the enforcement of an irs rule that bans churches and other religious organizations from endorsing political candidates. Before signing the order, trump said the United States will not allow people of faith to be targeted, bullied or silenced anymore. He also says the country will never stand for religious discrimination. Critics say they are concerned this could make it easier to inject politics into places of worship. vicki get ready for an early primary election in the golden state. The California Senate has voted. To move up the states president ial primary to the third tuesday in march. Instead of the current june primary. The legislation says junes primary is too late to give state voters a say in selecting the republican and democratic nominees for president. They also say an early primary would make candidates more likely to address issues important to californians. The bill is now headed to the assembly. grant its official. Former state senator mark leno is running for San Francisco mayor. Leno filed all the necessary paperwork this morning. And even though the mayors election isnt until 2019. Leno says he needed to file early to start fundraising, campaigning and engaging with the community. Traveling across the city, which is what i do anyway. But getting more specific as a candidate. To talk with neighbors and talk with communities leader s to hear from them. Thoughts, their concerns and their ideas. So i want to be hearing from san franciscans how best they think we should be addressing these issues. None of them are easy. No one has all the answers. If anyone did, it wouldve all been fixed by now. grant among the other candidates running for mayor. Assemblymember david chiu and San Francisco supervisor mark farrell. vicki still ahead. How much time your baby spends looking at phones and i pads. Could impact their speech development. Find out how much screen time is too much for your children. grant and next, another day, another video of an incident on a flight. That is now going viral. Why this man says he and his family were threatened with jail time. Who are these people . The environmentally aware. The ones with their eyes on the sky and our air. They say our climates in need of repair. Why do they worry . Why do they care . The Energy Conscious people among us say small actions could add up to something. Humongous. A little thing here a little thing there starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. Limiting showers to only five minutes. Turning off lights in a room unless theyre in it. Air filter changing, solar installing unplugging, dialturning, thermostatlowering offpeaktime users all joining forces. To help get our power from renewable sources. Who are all these caretakers, advocates too . The celebrated leadbyexample crew. Turns out, its californians its me and its you. and yeah, its him too dont stop now, its easy to add to the routine. Join Energy Upgrade california and do your thing. It seems that its becoming more of an issue recently. Airlines overbooking crowded flights. A California Family says it was forced off a delta plane. And threatened with jail time. For not giving up their 2year old sons seat. Take a look at the video. brain schear kicked off flight right, i bought him a ticket on another flight so that my son would have a seat and your saying that youre going to just give that away to someone else when i paid for that seat. No you need to do what right, i bought the seat. And you need to leave us alone. grant the video of the april 23rd incident was uploaded to facebook yesterday. Adding to the list of recent incidents on an airline to go viral. Brian and Brittany Schear were heading back to Huntington Beach from hawaii with their two toddlers. In the video brain explains that he wants to put one of the toddlers in a seat. Which was originally purchased their 18yearold son. Who booked a different flight. Detlas s website even reccommends buying a seat for children under 2. But officials on the flight told the family they had to get off. Saying the parents could go to jail for a federal offense if they didnt abide. Ultimatley the schears decided to get off the flight to avoid further conflict. They had to pay another 2 thousand dollars for another flight home. Today delta released an apology to the family. And said its investigating the incident. vicki tonight, airline ceos are back in the hot seat. And one who was notably absent delta. However, it was the president of United Airlines. Who was front and center. This on the heels of this video showing a customer being dragged off a united flight last month. Also appearing in thursdays hearing. The commissioner of the Chicago Department of aviation. In their opening statements. Both apologized for what happened on that flight in chicago. And promised changes ahead. Scott kirby, United Airlines president and im very sorry for our companies inadequate response to the initial incident. No customer should have ever been treated the way that dr. Dao was. We promise to complete a full analysis of what happened on flight 3411 including where we fell short, and the actions that we needed to take to change the Customer Experience at united. United president scott kirby admitted that no customer should ever be treated that way. This is the second hearing on airlines this week on the hill. grant Mark Zuckerberg for president . Coming up on kron four news at five. The subtle hints the facebook ceo is dropping that could be indicate a possible political career. vicki but first, repairs are underway at a school in the south bay after its vandalized. And now parents are trying to figure out what to do with their kids in the meantime. Weve got a live report on this story after the break. vicki in the southbay, a longstanding school and daycare destroyed overnight. vicki dozens of families having to figure out what to do with their children for the time being. grant kron 4s Hermela Aregawi spoke to the owner and director of the school. She joins us live from san jose with the details. Hermela Aregawi joyce brown has run this school for 16 years. She says shes had some minor incidents of vandalism over the years. But nothing that even comes close to what happened last night. She came in around 6 this morning to find parts of the school turned completely inside out. Windows shattered. Her office trashed. The childrens toys and diapers just senselessly thrown all over the place. Its particularly sad for the kids today because they were going to have a big end of the year Star Wars Day party. All those of age had to learn their alphabets to earn the party. Their lightsabers and spaceships were ready to go. But that party will have to be delayed for now. The bigger concern is finding interim care for the 111 kids that come here every day. I spoke with brown who says this is just a lot to deal with and figure out. Joyce brown owner and director, tomorrow montessori its really overwhelming. I have a Wonderful Community of families and parents here. Weve been here for 16 years. I dont even have to advertise because we have such great families and word of mouth and we work really hard to maintain that and keep that here. And to just have it maliciously destroyed. Its just devestating to me and also to have to start calling over 100 parents and telling them i cant provide care to their children today because somebody did this to it. Its just. Its not okay. hermela brown says shes hoping to have everything fixed and cleaned up by next week. So that parents are not left without a place to send their kids. Shes also looking into stepping up security here. Theres an alarm and cameras. But the cameras dont record. Theyre for the parents to check on in their children as they like. heremela aregawi shes looking into surveillance and other private security to hopefully prevent Something Like this from happening again. Especially because theres a lot of construction happening around here. Which appears to be inviting some homeless people, transiets and strangers into this otherwise quiet neighbhorhood. San jose police are investigating the incident. No suspects at this time. Reporting live in san jose, Hermela Aregawi, kron 4 news. grant police say a man crashed into several parked cars in santa rosa just two days after he crashed his car into a pet store. Officials posted these pictures of 26yearold Jeffrey Pearsons second wreck. It happened near the corner of montecito boulevard and monte vista drive yesterday afternoon. Pearson hit several cars. Totalling most of them. And he was just arrested earlier this week after the pet store incident. He told officers he had smoked marijuana before that crash. But yesterday, police say pearson was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Now hes in the hospital recovering from minor injuries. vicki family members of the victims in the 2015 San Bernardino terror attack are now suing facebook. Google and twitter. In a lawsuit filed this week the families accused the companies of providing platforms to aid terroritsts. They said these social media sites allow isis to spread propaganda. Re cruit followers and raise money. Similar lawsuits have been filed by relatives of victims from the Pulse Night Club attack. Some of those have been dismissed because federal law says users are held responsible for the content they post. Not the companies. anchor time now to check on our weather. With chief meterologist Brittney Shipp. Look for additional cooling into the weekend as an upper level trough affects our region. In addition, a slight chance of showers are expected saturday into sunday, yet widespread rainfall is not likely at this time. Breezy conditions are likely for friday into saturday especially along the coast and Higher Elevation spots. grant grant in national news. A new round of rain pounded through missouri. Paralyzing a region already suffering from flooded streets and highways. Over the weekend, flooding killed two people, inundated homes and businesses, and led to the closing of 272 roads. And the Missouri Department of transportation says over 1 hundred highways have closures of some kind in the st. Louis area. More rain is expected this weekend in parts of missouri. vicki and in oklahoma city. Firefighters successfully rescued riders from a roller coaster that malfunctioned. The Silver Bullet ride at frontier city stalled just before noon today. All of the riders were safely lowered within 90 minutes. This is the second time in less than a year this ride has gotten stuck on the tracks. The Amusement Park says it will conduct an investigation to determine what happened. Luckily Officials Say, no one was injured. grant coming up, new Research Reveals a scary link between screen time and speech delays for babies. What you need to know next. vicki then, a trip to the marin coastline. Where oysters are shucked at their source. Its the next stop on dine and dish. grant on wall street. Investors are waiting for more signs about the state of the economy and the major stock indexes ended up more or less where they started today. The dow. Fell six points. The nasdaq. Edged up more than two. And the s p. Rose one point. grant as the weather heats up, you might be tempted to jump in the car and drive to the coast to chill out. vicki and ive got the spot where you can do just that. Tonight on dine and dish i take you out dine and dish i tonight on that. Tonight on dine and dish i take you out to the farm. The oyster farm. When you spot a hog shack at the farm you might be surprised to see not hogs, but oysters. oyster shucker and how many are we shucking at one time in your group . Uh, at least two. This is Hog Island Oyster farm in marshall along the marin coastline. People come here for the views. And a shucking good time. vicki and visiter youre going all the work yup but they dont know how much im eating see. Oh the boat oyster bar serves up raw and bbq bi valves plus cheese and beverages of your choice. Grab your friends dogs too for a shuckyourown oyster picnic right next to the oyster beds where they grow. oyster caretaker you just get a nice clean cold crisp oyster. Right from the source . Exactly. Hog Island Oyster coowner direct from the source Something Like this here where you right next to where theyre coming from its a whole other realm. You can book a bbq here and grill your own oysters and whatever else floats your boat. oyster shucker you shuck it right. You shuck it right. Hogwash and oyster shucking lessons included. But youve got to make a reservation. visitor reservation and we just came out. Worth it . It is definitely worth it. Beautiful. You closer to the source, no. Without one your way up the road to nicks cove and order up a bottle of wine and some snacks at the boathouse. We love coming here on the weekend and its so nice its not everyday you can eat on the water. And watch the hearty boat crews as you and your best friend belly up to a pot belly stove. grant grant a new study may give parents a reason to think twice before handing their phones over to their babies. Researchers say screen time. Like phones or ipads could lead to speech delays. The study looked at kids from the age of six months to two years old,, 20percent of the children spent an average of 28 minutes a day using screens. Every 30minute increase in daily screen time was linked to a 49percent increased risk of not being able to express their sounds and words. The lead researcher. A doctor at the hospital for Sick Children in toronto. Says much more research is needed. Including what content the child is watching. vicki still ahead, could facebook ceo Mark Zuckerberg be hinting at a possible run for president in 2020 . A look at the clues next. brittney im chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp, ill have your full bay area forecast after the break. grant for the second time this week. San jose police are investigating an officer invovled shooting. Steve aveson is in the newsroom with what we are working on for kron 4 news at six. steve grant it happened in the quiet neighborhood if willow glen in san jose. A man entered the of of his ex girlfriend parents. Where he shot and killed them. While his ex was not home at the time. Her brothers were. One managed to get out and call police. But the other was trapped inside. A standoff with police ensued. And at one point police opened fire killing the man. Tonight at six well hear from witnesses as well as police about why officers shot the man. We will have that story and much more on kron 4 news at six. Grant back to you. vicki Mark Zuckerberg. The cofounder and ceo of facebook, is making his way across the country. grant in january. He announced his goal for 2017 is to visit and meet with people in all 50 states to find out how people are living, working and thinking about the future. But some analysts point out his us tour feels a bit like a campaign trail. vicki from our partners at cnn. Clare sebastian has more. Any politician would be proud of these optics in the last 10 days Mark Zuckerberg visited a ford plant in michigan. Dropped in for dinner with this ohio family of trumpvotersdan moore, hosted zuckerberg for dinner we did give him crystal wine glasses. And hosted a live car chat with the mayor of south bend indiana. Pete buttigieg, south bend, indiana mayor this is a city that when i was growing up was really struggling. Zuckerberg says this is part of a personal challenge to visit all 50 statesothers have speculated hes testdriving a new career. Steven levy, editorinchief, backchannel it is strikingly similar to what a politician might do on a listening tour. Steven levy is writing a book about facebook and has met Mark Zuckerberg multiple times. He says this probably isnt what it looks like. Steven levy, editorinchief, backchannel if youre a billionaire running arguably the most powerful company in the world, youre on a mission you think is good for the world what would you have to gain by being in a position that even donald trump finds difficult. And as donald trump marked his 100th day in office Mark Zuckerberg was in dayton ohio meeting those affected by the areas opioid crisis. Lori erion. Was sitting next to him. Lori erion, founder, foa families of addiction i think he just got really emotional and touched by what he was hearing and really just got up and walked around for a little bit and then came back and sit down, and then he was fine. A day earlier fiana Arbab A Muslim student, had also sat next to Mark Zuckerberg in dearborn michigan fiana arbab, graduate, university of michigandearborn my friend, she had to run to a final exam and when zuckerberg found out he immediately was like no no stop everything and i will call you later. And literally called her and asked her how her final went and they finished up their conversation. Mark zuckerberg, ceo, facebook last month i wrote a letter on building community, i have it here laughs . If zuckerberg were to serve in government an ambition he has denied it would trigger a conflict of interest. In a regulatory filing last yearfacebook said if he left the company he would lose his majority control, except if he was leaving to serve in government. Stillfor the 32year old. That decision may be some way down the road. Clare sebastian, cnnmoney, new york. anchor time now to check on time now to check on our weather. With chief meterologist Brittney Shipp. Look for additional cooling into the weekend as an upper level trough affects our region. In addition, a slight chance of showers are expected saturday into sunday, yet widespread rainfall is not likely at this time. Breezy conditions are likely for friday into saturday especially along the coast and Higher Elevation spots. grant a popular gin has been recalled for having. Too much alcohol. vicki Canadian Health authorities have launched a nationwide recall of Bombay Sapphire gin. Thats because some bottles contain 77percent alcohol by volume rather than the typical 40percent. The company said that up to sixthousand Bombay Sapphire bottles may be affected. The onepointone liter bottles were sold only in canada. Luckily there no reports of anyone becoming sick from drinking the gin. grant 20years ago the death of Princess Diana shocked the world. After the break, we go inside the last 100 days of diana. Who are these people . The Energy Conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something. Humongous. A little thing here. A little thing there. Starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. Who are all these caretakers, advocates too . Turns out, its californians its me and its you. Dont stop now, its easy to add to the routine. Join Energy Upgrade california and do your thing. Social media reaction about prince phillips health, it was officially announced today. That Queen Elizabeths second husband is simply retiring from the public life just shy of his 96th birthday next month. vicki it just goes to show the worldwide fascination with all things royal. grant all this as we inch closure to the 20th anniversary of princesss dianas death. The insiders Louis Aguirre joins us from hollywood with more on this story. she wanted to rock the establishment she wanted to rock Prince Charles she just said youll be surprised what i do next from the day she married her prince in she married from the day she married her prince in 1981 at the age of 20, a wedding viewed by 750 million, diana was the most famous woman in the world i think the essence of diana was the fact that she was simultaneously an insider and an also an outsider. She was at the center of the monarchy which previously had always been something of a mystery to people. It was beyond royalty beyond hollywood this was it shed risen stratospherically to be at the center of the culture of almost every single continent and thats why her death had such an impact because she was known everywhere. bashir is famous for his interview with diana in which she revealed intimate details that rocked the royal family do you think mrs. Parker boals was a factor in the breakdown of your marriage . Well there were three of us in this marriage so it was a bit crowdeddiana, her lover dodi fayed fieed , and their driver died in a car crash in a paris tunnel on august 31, 1997 theres been immense amount of speculation, conspiracy theories about whats happened. She knew exactly what she was doing i am a hand grenade here you have to be careful of mei discovered things in the making of the program that i did not know about those final periods, particularly with regard to the last two days of her life. louis well have so much more on this story tonight at 7 on the insider, for kron 4 news, im Louis Aguirre back to you vicki that wraps up kron 4 news at 5. granti steve aveson and pam moore are here with kron 4 news at six. pam thank you vicki and grant. More than five years after her dissappearace. The murder trial of sierra lamar is now in the hands of a jury. Well hear from her family as they wait for a verdict next at six. steve and a big victory for President Donald Trump. The Health Care Reform bill passed a major hurdle today. Coming up the hurdles that still lie ahead. Kron 4 news at six it is one of biggest murder mysteries in the south bay. But after over five years. The sierra lamar murder case tonight is finally in the jurys hands. steve good evening, im steve aveson. 2shot pam and im pam moore. Kron fours rob fladeboe has been covering the sierra lamar saga. Since day one. And has been in the courtroom every day this week. 2shot steve he brings you up to date on what happened today along with some reaction from sierra lamars dad. Hugs and prayers awaited sierra lamars father steve as he left the courthouse, having attended virtually every minute of the long running trial. Steve lamar sierra lamars father its been a long trial but it was just a blink of an eye compared to how long weve been without sierra. The case was handed over to the jury just before noon, but not before a last word in rebuttal from the prosecution, which scored a few final points says legal analyst steven clark. Steven clark legal analyst it was a compelling argument in the sense that he kept bringing the jury back to the dna. Regardless of the defense arguments to the contrary, the da kept focusing on the idea that there is no explanation for the dna other than that Garcia Torres is the killer. Since the body of sierra lamar has never been found, the prosecution case is based almost entirely on that dna and other forensic evidence while lawyers for Antolin Garcia torres say the lack of a body, crime scene or witnesses demands a not guilty verdict. There was no comment from lead defense attorney al lopez or Deputy District Attorney david boyd with the case now in the hands of the jury. Steven clark legal analyst at the end of the day the jury is going to have to decide beyond a reasonable doubt whether the defense or the prosecution case is the most reasonable and thats what will happen during deliberations in the next few days. Al perez searched for sierra i keep hoping he is convicted, all i can think of his sierras family, hoping for the best. Everybody is praying. al perez is among the hundreds of people who spent many a day searching for sierra. Now all he and the others who have been supporting the lamar family can do is wait for the verdict. Steve lamar sierras father now we wait, we wait and we pray for justice for sierra. Rob fladeboe san josethe jury chose to begin deliberations right away. They are expected to do so againtomorrow. Legal analyst steve clark says they have a mountain of evidence to consider and is not expecting a verdict any time soon. The jury can acquit Garcia Torres or it can find him guilty of 1st or 2nd degree murder. A first degree murder conviction has a special circumstance provision so that means Garcia Torres could face the death penalty. In san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news pam the moment there is a verdict in this case. We will send out a push alert through the kron four mobile app. You can be first to know about breaking news as long as you enable the push alert feature. The app is free for apple and android devices. steve staying the south bay. For the second time in two days. San jose police shot and killed a suspect. pam but this time, it was a man wanted for killing his exgirlfriends parents. This happened in the willow glen neighborhood on laura ville lane. Thats off lincoln avenue. Kron 4s dan kerman has been at the scene all day. Tracking the developments with the investigation. He joins us live with what we know about the victim and the suspect. Dan. Dan Kerman Kron 4 news has confirmed the couple that was gunned down wednesday night at their home in san joses willow glen was naren and raynha prabhu. The alleged shooter, their daugtherss 24 year old ex boyfriend sot eddie garcia San Jose Police chief obviously one could infer it was over a failed relationship, but the extent to how this got to this individual still remains to be thoroughly vetted out. The shooting occurred on this private road in the 1000 block of laura ville lane around 9pm. The ex girlfriend was not at home at the time, but her two brothers ages 20 and 13 were. The 20 year old managed to escape and call police the 13 year oldwas eventually released. Police say the suspect had a history of Domestic Violence , an active criminal restraining order filed against him by his ex girlfriend and a history of mental illness. Sotpolice ended up shooting and killing the suspect when he allegedly pointed his handgun at them. Sot for this normally quiet willow glen neighborhood, the shooting is a shock to the systemsot holly troche heard gunshotsot Jacob Borysewicz lives next door 144 indication of that steve the suspect killed in a different officer involved shooting in san jose has been identified as 28year old joseph tourino. On wednesday night police were called to a home in East San Jose over a family dispute. When officers arrived they say tourino charged at them while holding a knife over his head. A 15year veteran officer fired one shot. Killing tourino. pam tonight we are learning more about the man who was shot and killed by San Francisco Police Yesterday. Along market street. Officials say, 26yearold Nicholas Flusche was gunned down when he was reportedly attacking a Subway Sandwich store employee with a knife. Officers say, flusche refused to stand down. And was killed on the scene. The store employee is in the hospital, expected to survive his injuries. This marks the first fatal officer involved shooting to occur this year. Since the citys new police chief bill scott was sworn in. A live look outside right now. pam lets get our first look at the weather with chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp. Look for additional cooling into the weekend as an upper level trough affects our region. In addition, a slight chance of showers are expected saturday into sunday, yet widespread rainfall is not likely at this time. Breezy conditions are likely for friday into saturday especially along the coast and Higher Elevation spots. steve after more than seven years of campaign pledges and 42 days since their initial effort failed in epic fashion House Republicans have passed their plan to repeal and replace obamacare. pam while the passage of the measure is a huge victory for President Trump and republicans the bill now goes to the u. S. Senate where it has an uncertain fate. Dianne gallagher has the latest from washington. Reporter pkgas followsa major victory for House Republicans seven years in the making. After a whirlwind 11th hour push. The house on thursday passing their obamacare replacement plan. The American Health care act rep. Paul ryan r House Speaker i want to thank mike pence and i want to thank President Donald Trump for their personal involvement in working with our members and working to get this right and working to get this where we are. Thank you gentlemen. President trump basking in the muchneeded legislative win. Even before the vote. President donald trump this is a repeal and replace of obamacare make no mistake about it. The bills passage due in part to a last minute amendment on preexisting conditions a major Sticking Point for some moderate republicans. It adds 8 billion dollars to finance high risk pools in states where those with pre existing conditions acoulda be charged higher rates. Funding that experts say falls afar shorta of the protections guaranteed under obamacare. Though the white house insists otherwise. Democrats are denouncing the bill saying republicans will face political fallout over the vote. Rep. Nancy pelosi d House Minority leader let me just say that they have this vote tattooed on them. This is a scar they will carry. The bills next stop the senate where its certain to face steep challenges. Sen Bob Casey D Pennsylvania im going to fight it with everything i have. And changes that could tee it up for aanothera Health Care Battle back in the house. Rep. David brat r virginia if they make changes, it has to be somewhat consistent with the outlines weve mapped out here. In washington, im dianne gallagher. pam on cam the Party Line Republican vote did not go over well with progressives in San Francisco. steve on cam today a rapid rally was held downtown to protest the Voting Results of the partisan health care legislation. Kron4s Haaziq Madyun was there. It was a dissapointing day for progressives here at a rally to Save Health Care in downtown San Francisco. The rally was held in the wake of House Republicans narrowly passing a bill aimed at repealing and replacing the Affordable Care actkendrick lewallan says obamacare saved his mothers life category b Breast Cancer and because of obamacare she went into remission. She received the care that she absolutely needed and i am lucky to have her heregordon miller is a member of moveon. Org, they organized the Save Health Care rally. These progressives maybe down for the moment but they say they are not out housekeeping from capitol hill. The Senate Passed a spending bill to avoid a government shutdown. The deadline was midnight tomorrow. This will keep the government open for business through september. The one pointone trillion dollar spending plan however does not include any money for a border wall as the president had requested. But, it does boost funding for the military which was also on his list. pam repairs are underway on the heavily damaged oroville dam spillway but the state is getting an earful from upset neighbors. Their criticism at public meeting. steve not a fan of a californias new gas tax . Why you may soon be able to vote on dumping it. pam and the warriors are tuning up for game two with the utah jazz at oracle arena. We will take you there as the team inches closer to advancing in the nba playoffs. pam the warriors left the jazz. Singing the blues after game one. Now comes game two. And it is also at oracle arena with a chance for the dubs to move one game closer to a championship. Tip off is about 90 minutes away. But the fans are already fired up for this game. steve kron 4s alecia reid is at oracle arena tonight. The crowd is building and for some. This has been worth the price of admission. Alecia . There are so many people that made their way here early to enjoy the experience. The warriors delivered on tuesday like everyone expected, and tonight fans are expecting more of the same. I cant tell you the amount of people that i spoke with today that are celebrating their birthday. And where else but here at oracle . . . One warriors super fan made his way here to celebrate his birthday with his grandfather. They were here for game one against the jazz, and theyre back again tonight. Dubnation fans have no doubt tonight will be another win. Sot sotsotthe game will start in a little over an hour from now. Fans are finally making their way inside the arena, totally excited about what will happen in the next couple of hours. Reporting live from oracle. Thanks steve an update on a couple of stories we first told you about last night on kron four news. We checked with Alameda County Sheriffs Office today. There is still no sign of a German Shepherd taken from the front yard of a Castro Valley home. Murfee. Who you see here. Is a rescue dog. His owner says the dog disappeared on sunday. There is a tenthousand dollar reward for murfee;s return. No questions asked. steve in san leandro. We check with police there and they told kron four they are no closer to finding a scottish terrier that was taken during a car theft over the weekend. Koda. May be in the richmond or el cerrito area according to his owner. Investigators have identified the suspects car as a white, acura integra. But, they havent found the victims car yet. pam the state is doing everything it can to explain what went wrong at the oroville dam earlier this year, and what is being done to make sure it does not happen again. steve the department of Water Resources held a public hearing. And it got an earful from residents who quite frankly, do not have a whole of faith in the state. Grant lodes is here with some of their remarks. Grant. grant this was the second meeting on the dam crisis. And people did not hold back. It took place at an auditorium in oroville. And the room was packed. The intention to give people an update on the repairs being made to the heavily damaged spillway and provide a little transparency into the process. Crews are under a tight deadline. They need to get the spillway repaired before the next rainy season rolls around. Which is november. That was clearly on the minds of some of the people in attendance. Others just wanted to remind the state. Thousands of lives are potentially at stake if the spillways have issues again. Remember. The near failure of the emergency spillway in february led to the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people in the oroville area. Again. audience claps grant the state did its best to reassure the audience it is on top of things. Saying safety is its number one priority. There are more of these meetings planned. With another in marysville tonight. Numerous reports have said that work is going to cost. Close to 300 million dollars. A study by a former uc berkeley scientist says the dam itself was doomed from start with poor design and poor construction. Pam. pam portions of the missouri and mississippi rivers are still well above flood stage after deadly rainfall this week you can see here. Some of the flood damage in the suburban saint louis area. At least a dozen people have been killed. And more than 200 roads are closed throughout arkansas and missouri. Meanwhile, residents in illinois are preparing for flooding. With rain still in the forecast there. Lets take a look outside right now for the Current Conditions in the bay area. Chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp joins us now with the forecast. Look for additional cooling into the weekend as an upper level trough affects our region. In addition, a slight chance of showers are expected saturday into sunday, yet widespread rainfall is not likely at this time. Breezy conditions are likely for friday into saturday especially along the coast and Higher Elevation spots. steve california is about to get a big gas tax increase. Why the multibillion dollar plan to repair the roads may get kicked to the curb as earlier as next year. pam and it is an issue that could have a huge impact on the lgbt community. We will explain President Trumps religious liberty executive order. Which was signed today. Family members of the victims in the 2015 San Bernardino terror attack. Are now suing facebook, google and twitter. In a lawsuit filed this week, the families accused the companies of providing platforms to aid terrorists. They said, these social media sites allow isis to spread propoganda. Recruit followers and raise money. Similar lawsuits have been filed by relatives of victims from the Pulse Night Club attack. Some of those have been dismissed because federal law says, users are held responsible for the content they post. Not the companies. steve californias gas tax has not even gone into effect and there is already an effort to put it to a vote and repeal it. An Orange County assemblyman has launched a website to get people to donate and help push an initiative that would reverse the tax. The measure was passed last month. And adds on 12 cents per gallon of gas and increases vehicle registration fees. It is suppose to kick in this november. The new fees in january. The tax would raise 52billion dollars over ten years to help repair californias roads and bridges. The initiative needs more than 350thousand signatures to qualify for the ballot. The target date is next year. pam you might say. This guy was asking for it. He had on shirt boasting he needed a beer. Youll hear his rather interesting conversation with police, after they stopped him. steve and the jazz are without a key player tonight. Will the warriors be without the services of steph curry . An update on the warriors star coming up in sports. pam plus, it is called the religious liberty executive order. What it means. And how it could reshape future elections. steve steve on this national day of prayer, President Trump is ordering the government to do more to protect religious liberty. pam at the white house, the president signed an executive order which could make it easier for religious groups. To support political causes and candidates. Kron 4s washington correspondent Mark Meredith says. The order could have far reaching impact. Trt 1 24out in washington, im Mark Meredith. 01 0001 05 donald wuerl archdiocese of washington as President Trumps signed the religious liberty executive order, leaders of faith from across the country say their prayers have been answered. I just feel weve all been vindicated Cardinal Donald wuerl of washington is one of dozens of priests, rabbis, and imiams thrilled with the president s executive order. The order now requires the irs to use maximum discretion when reviewing a religious groups tax status, especially if the group backs a candidate or cause. We will not allow people of faith to be targeted, bullied or silenced anymore. And we will never, ever stand for religious discrimination. Never ever. The order is also a win for a group of catholic nuns known as the Little Sisters of the poor. Little sisters sued the government after obamacare required their group to cover birth control. Todays executive order begins to loosen that requirement. Cardinal wuerl calls it a major victory. They should be free to carry out their light, their ministry, their work, and government shouldnt impose upon them and tell them what to dobut not everyone is satisfied. The American Civil Liberties union say they plan to sue over the order. They believe the order threatens a basic separation of church and state. But for now the white house feels confident, its order is legal. And about keeping a campaign promise. At the white house, im Mark Meredith. President trump looks to have his itinerary set for his foreign trip since becoming president. Trump already planned to attend a nato meeting in belgium and a gseven meeting in italy later this month. But white house Officials Say the trip now includes stops in israel, saudi arabia and the vatican. Its part of a strategy to reach out across religions to fight extremism. Since becoming president , trump has largely left the foreign travel to his top aides and cabinet members. But he has hosted several foreign leaders at the white house. dan kerman here in the willow glenn neighborhood of san jose. Police have shot and killed the 24 year old man who they say shot and killed his exgirlfriends parents. Kron 4 news has confirmed that the couple that was gunned down was was naren and raynha prabhu. It happened about 9pm wednesday night, also at the house at the time. The exgirlfriend two brothers one age 20 one age 13. The 20 year old was able to escape and call police. The 13 year old was freed unharmed. Police say at a certain point the suspect pointed his hand gun at officers. Thats when he was shot and killed. In san jose Dan Kerman Kron 4 news. Here in san jose the fate of the man accused in the kidnap and murder of sierra lamar is now in the hands of a jury. Following a last word rebuttal from the prosecution, the jury began deliberations. Antolin Garcia Torres is charged in the march 2012 kidnap and murder of 15 year old sierra lamar of morgan hill. Her body has never been found. The case against Garcia Torres is based on the discovery of his dna on herclothing and her dna in his car along with other forensic evidence. If convicted of first degree murder, Garcia Torres faces the death penalty. In san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news here in San Francisco progressives hold a rally to Save Health Care. This is in response to House Republicans successfully voting on legislation to repeal and replace obamacare going to the senatein San Francisco Haaziq Madyun kron4news hermela joyce brown owner and director, tomorrow montessori its just devestating to me and also to have to start calling over 100 parents and telling them i cant provide care to their children today. 111 kids attend the center every day leaving parents scrambling to find last minute care. San jose police are investigating the incident. No suspects at this time. In san jose, Hermela Aregawi, kron 4 news. Chief meteorologist chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp joins us now. Look for additional cooling into the weekend as an upper level trough affects our region. In addition, a slight chance of showers are expected saturday into sunday, yet widespread rainfall is not likely at this time. Breezy conditions are likely for friday into saturday especially along the coast and Higher Elevation spots. steve his shirt says he needs a beer. He is problem regretting that tonight. The wild video of his arrest by police and wait till you hear what they asked him. Im Charles Clifford in albany where 4 students at Albany High School have filed a lawsuit against the school saying they were wrongfully disciplined in connection with racist images post on instagram. Well have that story tonight on kron 4 news at 8. pam a man who leaves the scene of a hitandrun accident in ohio. Is pulled over by police. And when he goes through a field sobriety test. He can barely stand. steve Police Camera footage shows him stumbling over a white line. But heres where it gets good. Take a look at his shirt. It reads this guy needs a beer. Well apparently not. Turns out his blood alcohol content was at point31. Thats nearly four times the legal limit. Only two beers . Beers or kegs . I dont know anything. I only had two beers. steve the man eventually admits he was drinking. Sayin g he had just two beers. Hard to believe. Officers say given his condition. He is fortunate that no one was hurt or killed. After a night in the drunk tank the man is facing charges including dui and leaving the scene of an accident. In sports. Lonzo ball comes out with his signature shoe. And you wont believe the price. And steph curry. Will start tonight for the warriors. Gary has a live report from oracle arena. And all the sports. Coming up game two western conference semifinals in a little less than an hourmike brown 30 as warriors active head coach draymond green, kevin durant and company will have steph curry in the lineup after he sat out yesterdays practice after tweaking his ankle in game 1 jazz point guard george hill will not start tonight a huge loss for themKlay Thompson trying his best to answer the same questions from the media lost his train of thought but was a good sport about it at the end sot Klay Thompson weve got such talented players i think every time we can get a shot up down the court it works to our advantage pause . And pause . Uhh if we take care of the ball pause . You know. Its gonna be pause . You know pause . Uh uh. I dont know im sorry puts head in hands inside oracle arena we have mark carpenter mark . Steph curry everybody has some sort of aches and pains and bumps and bruises at this point in the year, but nothing concerning at all to the point where im worried about anything going into the game. If we can keep our turnovers in single digits, obviously its hard to do, but its important for us to focus on that to give ourselves more shot opportunities, more chances to get to the free throw line and not give them any life very bad news for the san antonio spurspoint guard tony parker will miss the rest of the playoffs after rupturing the quadriceps tendon in his left leg in last nights game 2 of the western conference semifinals against the houston rockets. Parker will need seasonending surgery meaning the spurs will have to go through the rest of the postseason without their veteran floor leader. The series is tied 11 with game 3 tomorrow in houston. After being turned away by nike, under armour and adidas lonzo ball has his own signature shoeand its under his father and familys Big Baller Brand the z02 prime was unvieled today and the price is pretty unbelievable the basic shoe will cost 495 and thats just the beginning for those men sized 14 or larger it is 695the slides that players wear before and after games . 220and to top it off a special addition the zo2 wetwhich comes in a special acryllic box and is auto graphed by lonzo 995in response to the prices lonzos father lavar tweeted if you cant afford it youre not a big baller finally we end with the as. They were in minnesota trying to avoid getting swept by the twins. Top 2nd chad pinder singles down left. Stephen vogt comes in to score. Oakland extends their lead by two. Bottom 4th Chris Giminez singles to center. It deflects off jaff decker. Khris davis tries to clean it up. He throws it home. But Eddie Rosario comes in. To cut the as lead by one. In the sixth ryon healy puts the game away with a home run. As win 85 theyll begin a weekend series at the colisuem series at the a weekend theyll begin a weekend series at the colisuem against the tigers. Has come out. pam the force is strong tonight. Why today you might be seeing lots of references to the hit movie franchise, star wars. Who are these people . The environmentally aware. The ones with their eyes on the sky and our air. They say our climates in need of repair. Why do they worry . Why do they care . The Energy Conscious people among us say small actions could add up to something. Humongous. A little thing here a little thing there starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. Limiting showers to only five minutes. Turning off lights in a room unless theyre in it. Air filter changing, solar installing unplugging, dialturning, thermostatlowering offpeaktime users all joining forces. To help get our power from renewable sources. Who are all these caretakers, advocates too . The celebrated leadbyexample crew. Turns out, its californians its me and its you. and yeah, its him too dont stop now, its easy to add to the routine. Join Energy Upgrade california and do your thing. steve happy Star Wars Day. May the fourth be with you. pam today marks the fan anointed celebration of all things from the galaxy far, far away. The big day comes less than a month after thousands converged in orlando for the star wars celelbration. Where viewers got a first look at the newest film in the franchise. The last jedi. And fandom came out in full force over social media today. To honor carrie fisher. Millions say. The scifi franchise wont be the same without the beloved princess leia. Last weather and goodbye final look at the weather with chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp. A full hour of Entertainment News is on the way. At 7 00 its the insider, followed by entertainment tonight at 730. Then were back with kron 4 news at 8 00 food. Water. Internet. We need it to live. But what we dont need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. I see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. You got me, mark. We just want fast internet for one, simple rate. For all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all. For the this. Internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. The insider, tracking the biggest stories making news today. Number one, Sofia Vergara takes on the tabloids. Why shes slamming reports that her marriage is over as she joins the growing list of stars raging at the rags. And i was just fed up with it. Then, miley cyrus writes a new ballad for her man liam hemsworth. Miley told me what really had to happen was we had to refall in love. Did she quit using drugs . And, number three, morning joe and mika get engaged. Inside their controversial tv romance. Plus, your insider bonus. Nearly 20 years after her death what we learned about Princess Dianas 100 days. I discovered things the last two days of her life. And then the cast of sixteen candles 33 years later. That whole experience was really amazing. Where are they now . Whats happening hot stuff . Now the insider tracking hollywood from the inside out. Sofia vergara and joe manganiello, its over . Not so fast. The modern family beauty shut down star magazine after that cover headline. And shes not the first celebrity to fight back against fake news. Tonights number one tracking story, stars versus the tabloids. After tying the knot just a year and a half ago sofia blasts star magazine defending her marriage

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