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Riders driving recklessly down southbound 101 in San Francisco. Sot officer vu williams chp 1318they were riding across all lanes slowing down traffic , im not sure if you want to call it sideshow activity, but they were doing wheelies, and stunts on the freeway. At a certain point a biker appears to collide with this White Rideshare vehicle the sedan starts moving to the right towards the cesar chavez exit when a black sedan appears to block its way then the dirtbikers and atv riders surround the vehicle the person in the red hoodie appears to physically attack the white sedan. Thats when the driver, in a black tshirt gets out the next thing the video shows, hes on the ground, he gets up and appears to be punched by a person in a blue shirt. Sot until yesterday we have never seen one where an Innocent Party was assaulted and beat up and suffered injuries. But the chp says for sometime now officer have seen pack of dirtbikers and atv riders driving recklessly sotseveral times a month we are seeing this kind of thing on the freeway and on city streetsin fact earlier this year, we kron4news this group of bikers driving recklessly on broadway catching any of them has proved difficult and at this point the chp cant say whether its one group or many, but they ask the public to call 911 as soon as they see it. Sot 140 busy freeway grant a similar situation happened back in 2013. On the east coast. You may remember this video of a family that was attacked by a group of bikers on a new york city highway. The the bikers were speeding down the street, slapping his car and creating havoc on the roadway. Trying to get away from the situation, the driver ran over a biker. The other bikers followed him onto city streets. First surrounding the car. And then dragging the driver out of the suv and beating him. His terrified wife called 911, the couples baby was in the car. A total of eleven bikers were found guilty of various charges. Among them was a veteran Undercover Police officer. Aldon smith nothing happened. If you guys want to talk about me. Like lets make these stories a little bit better and lets put me in a better spotlight and stop making me seem like im such a bad aaa criminal. grant raiders linebacker aldon smith in police custody. Once again. vicki and it was an all too familiar scene for smith. As he was detained for public intoxication after the suv he was riding in. Hit a police car. Lets get right to kron4s Maureen Kelly she is at the Police Station in San Francisco with details on what happened. Aldon smith was released from the drunk tank reeking of booze approximently 5 hours after the accident. You are worried this will jeapordize your football careerheres video of the defensive lineman walking away followed by journalists. He did stop and answer questions. But denied that he was there following a collision with a Police Vehicle. Had to go handle something and talk to somebody. I was talking to a friend who is locked up in there. And thats what i went to go do. If i did something i would be in jail right now i didnt do anything. The friend hes refering to could be the woman police say was behind the wheel of the smiths suv that collided with an Unmarked Police car right in front of Police Headquaters at 830 this morning. Police say the cop car was turning into the garage and the collision happened as the suv tried passing on the right. Two of the three officers inside the cop car sustained non lifethreatening injuries and were transported to the hospital with complaints of pain. None of the three people in the suv were hurt. The driver female approximately 25 years of age shes being investigated for her sobriety. There was another passenger hes been detained for public intoxication. This person appeared highly intoxicated to the point where they would not be able to care for themselves smith will not face any charges. Police say he was detained for his own safety. Stop making me seem like im some bad bleep criminal because thats not who i am. Im a good person. Ive never done anything ive never hurt anybodybut he has had several brushes with the law. Involing alcohol. He was cut from the 49ers after his 3rd dui. And is currently trying to be reinstated to the raiders after being suspended for violating the nfls Substance Abuse policy. Its unclear how this latest incident will affect his bid to be reinstated to the team. Maureen kelly kron4 news anchor tag weve reached out to the raiders but so far there has been no comment from the team. vicki Authorities Say several people have been injured in an axe attack in a Germany Train station. German police say the attack was at duesseldorfs main train station. Two suspected attackers have been arrested. Several others are believed to be on the run. Officials say the number of people injured is around five. They have not said the extent of their injuries. Stay with kron4 news and we will continue to bring you updates on the story as we hear them. grant happening now. Kron4s rob fladeboe. There could be some fireworks this evening as flood victims are gathered at city hall in san jose for a public hearing on last months devastating flood along coyote creek. Kron fours rob fladeboe is standing by live with an update. Rob . The hearing got underway about three this afternoon. There are very few empty seats as you might imagine. So far, the city is sharing a lot of detailed information about what theyknew and when they knew it. Eventually, there will be time set aside for people to let the mayor and other cityofficials what they are thinking and how the city can help them get back on their feet. One thing is clear though, the city is taking responsibility for what happened and isfocused on moving forward with a plan to satisfy flood victims that it wont happen again. Sam liccardo san jose mayor even as the flood waters were still rising back on february 21st, mayor sam liccardo acknowledged mistakes were made. Sam liccardo san jose mayor exactly what went wrong when water released from rainswollen Anderson Reservoir overwhelmed coyote creek led to some fingerpointing over what the city knew and when but as he thanked firefighters for rescuing 500 people, the mayor accepted blame nonetheless. Raymond behbond flood victim< . I asked the mayor and the city council, could you please tell us whose fault it was, they dont want to tell us. ray fiddler flood victime<. We had no warning. Water was coming up the street and we had no time to get sandbags. Jolene noel flood victimthe mayor himself, along with hundreds of volunteers and more than 6 Million Dollars in donations have helped to put things right. But the mayor and city council will no doubt ge an earful from flood victims amid a pledge to get to the bottom of what happened and make sure it doesnt happen again. Sam liccardo san jose mayor improve its Emergency Notification system andin languages other than english. The public hearing expected to run well into the evening. Well have more coming up on kron 4 news at six. grant in the east bay, flooding overnight. In several homes and on several streets in pittsburg. The problem clearly was not the weather. The gush of water was coming from a broken water main. Kron 4s averi harper was on the scene as crews work to repair the roads and assess the damage. averi harper in pittsburg crews worked overnight to clear the scene of a water main break that sent water rushing into homes. City crews say they got the call at about 1130 wednesday night. Water was rushing into homes. There was a gaping hole on Black Diamond st. And a mad scramble to fix the broken main. Well what we did is we found the crack cut out existing pipe that was broke and we put in pipe and were back filling it. Crews had to turn off water in this pittsburg neighborhood to repair it. They found the source of the problem. An aging pipe and replaced it. But it was too late for four families and many of their belongings. One woman said she was devastatedour backyard is entirely flooded both cars are done the cadillac is done everything that my dad worked for is gone because its all flooded. Although much of the damage to the street has been fixed for those who have damage to their homes its going to be a long time before things are back to normal. In pittsburg, averi harper, kron 4 news. grant it has been a wet winter on the west coast. But in other parts of the country. There are several wildfires burning. Coming up. How the flames are record setting in one state. vicki plus. Police in the south bay say they have caught a man who has stalked young girls for years. Tonight what they found in his home. grant and next. New information about the Small Plane Crash in riverside. That killed 4 people from the south bay. vicki continuing to follow our breaking news story out of the east bay. A freeway shooting on i80 san pablo avenue in richmond. And now three people have been detained. Details after the details detained. grant an update on breaking news we told you about at the top of the hour. All eastbound lanes of interstate 80 near san pablo avenue in richmond are shut down because of a freeway shooting. Youre looking at video from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. Two people were shot. One of them airlifted to the hospital. Its unclear how badly those victims are injured. The chp says Richmond Police have three people in custody. Inves tigators say this was a targeted shooing. As of right now there is no estimate on when the eastbound lanes of i80 might reopen. vicki might reopen. Lanes of i80 might reopen. grant the new head of the Environmental Protect Agency is drawing fire tonight. What scott pruitt said about Global Warming that has outraged scientists and environmentalists. vicki and. A prison attack caught on camera. Next. The guard who was attacked speaks out. grant take a look at this. A deputy at a county jail in florida is attackd by an inmate. And it was all caught on video. Tonight the deputy is speaking out. Reporter Jeff Patterson explains what happened. The attack was a complete surprise. As detention Deputy Daniel hernandez was in a jail pod with 72 inmates. One of them. Identified by the Sheriffs Office as kiondre zachary. Suddenly tries to choke the deputy with a towel. Dep. Daniel hernandez hillsbo rough co. Sheriffs office at the moment, i felt a towel go around my neck from behind. Also, a right leg tried to kick me out from behind. Hernandez told me nothing unusual had been going on. No arguments. No problems with the inmate that attacked him. To this day. He told me he still doesnt know what prompted the attack. Dep. Daniel hernandez hillsborough co. Sheriffs office no sir, i do not know why. And i cant sit here and speculate on why but amazingly, when you see the security video. You may notice two inmates immediately jump into the fray to help hernandez. Dep. Daniel hernandez hillsborough co. Sheriffs office . Instead of me having to take care of myself and we got rid of the situation very quickly. Just off camera. Other deputies are entering the pod to help hernandez. Who is unarmed. By design. Maj. Cirro Dominguez Hillsborough co. Sheriffs office thats for their safety because in case a deputy is overtaken, that weapon isnt then in the hands of someone else. Hernandez is back on the job today. Taking us to an empty pod inside the jail to show us his normal working environment. He was slightly injured in the attack, and told us. He has made one change since that day. Dep. Daniel hernandez hillsbo rough co. Sheriffs office my awareness is a lot more heightened at this date. grant the inmate who attacked the deputy has now been moved to a more secure area of the jail. He now faces a new set of charges. vicki the big story tonight. Another freeway shooting on i80. Two people were taken to the hospital. And the eastbound lanes near san pablo avenue are shutdown. Traffic is a mess. Well have the latest on the investigation and the suspects detained next at 5 30. grant plus. The new trump travel ban has not taken effect yet. And theres already lawsuits. What the Trump Administration is saying about the legal challenges is next. Its just a date. I can stay. Im good. I wont be late hey mom. Yeah. No kissing on the first date, alright . Life doesnt always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise well help you handle whats next. Financial guidance while youre mastering life. From chase. So you can. vicki now at 5 30. An update on breaking news we told you about at the top of five. All eastbound lanes of interstate 80 near san pablo avenue in richmond are aastill shut down because of a shooting. And there is no estimate on when the eastbound lanes of i80 might reopen. Youre looking at video from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. Two people were shot. One of them airlifted to the hospital. The chp says Richmond Police have three people in custody. Inves tigators say this was a targeted shooing. Drivers are being advised to steer clear of the area this evening while chp investigates. vicki there are new photos of people who were allegedly involved in violence during the march 4th trump event in berkeley grant police are getting the images out to the public, hoping the community will come forward with information leading to arrests. Earlier today Berkley Police investigators gave kron4s Haaziq Madyun a close look at new photos sgt. Andrew frankel Berkeley Police department i mean its clear, based on the pictures, that these are people involved in a physical altercation, combat stance, guard raised or in mid throw these photos were taken during last saturdays march 4 trump event in the city of berkeley. As you can see from this video several fights broke out between pro trump ralliers and counter protestors. Ten people were arrested that day. Berkeley police sgt. Andrew frankel says investigators now have visual evidence of 6 additional people allegedly involved in the violencesgt. Andrew frankel Berkeley Police department weve been using video images still images provided by witnesses, reporting parties and victims and based on that we have shared six pictures at this point that we are hoping to get identifiedthe visual evidence is predominantly action photos of people fightingsgt. Andrew frankel Berkeley Police department an adult male, long sleeves black shirt, grey jeans, olive drab knit cap and its clear what he is doing. He is involved in a physical altercation with someone in the parkthe human struggle is on full display in this image sgt. Andrew frankel Berkeley Police department the sixth image, again, we have a gentleman in a light blue long sleeve sweat shirt. I think the picture sort of speaks for itselfthere were some complaints about police not putting down the violence as soon as it broke out. Sgt. Frankel explains the tactics used that daysgt. Andrew frankel Berkeley Police department charging into a crowd of 500 is not necessarily the best tactic for the Police Department to use. As the crowd started to thin, where we were able to openly observe criminal acts occur, we took action. We made ten arrests, as you can see we are still working to pursue those who broke the law investigators say within ten minutes of releasing one of those photos they were able to identify one of the persons they are looking for. If you believe you have videos or still pictures of someone who may have been involved in the violence in saturdays march for trump protest you are asked to contact Berkeley Police. In berkeley Haaziq Madyun kron4news vicki its supposed to take effect one week from today. But President Trumps latest travel ban is facing a growing legal challenge, grant four more states joined together to ask the courts to block the ban on the grounds that it unfairly singles out muslims. Steve aveson is here with the details. steve washington state, oregon, new york and massachusetts filed suit against the revised travel ban today, they followed the lead of hawaii. Where the attorney general says the ban will not only hurt tourism but harm the states own residents. They are people who live amongst us, who are great, who shouldnt be discriminated or treated as secondclass citizens just because theyre muslim or from a certain country. The revised travel ban, signed by the president on monday, removes iraq from the travel ban list and deletes some specific references to religion. First of all they didnt take away same discrimination based upon nation of origin and religion that is still problematic. They replaced it with a lot of neutral language, but that is not gonna be enough in our opinions to be able to erase past language where was referred to in their words, President Trumps words that this was a muslim ban. Last month a federal judge cited the president s own words in blocking the first travel ban. Washingtons attorney general says the same objections apply. I am asking judge robart. To affirm that the injuction we obtained last month continues to be in effect and prevents implementation of core provisions of President Trumps illegal and unconstitutional travel ban. At the white house, press Secretary Sean Spicer says hes confident the new ban will win court approval. We feel very confident in how that was crafted and the input that was given. steve theres news on another immigration issue. The number of illegal Border Crossing from mexico has dropped dramatically. The department of Homeland Security says arrests dropped 40 percent from january to february. Historically there is an overall increase in the second month of the year as the spring harvest begins. grant the newly elected head of the Environmental Protection agency says he is not convinced Carbon Dioxide is the leading cause to Global Warming. That stance putting him at odds with almost all scientists. Scott pruitts statements today go against the epas own findings. In fact, as oklahomas attorney general, pruitt sued the epa more than a odzen times. According to the epa. Carbon dioxide emissions were confirmed in 2009 as heattrapping pollutants. A local scientist from the Lawrence Livermore national lab expressed concern in a statement today. Saying we cannot afford to reject clear and compelling evidence. Noaa officals say Global Temperatures continue to rise. Just today we learned last month. February. Was second warmest fon record. brittney sunshine across the bay area today as we take this live look at the oakland hills. Very quiet weather across our region today with temperatures running 5 to 10 degrees warmer than wednesday. Currently most spots are in the 60s although a few far inland and southern locations are well into the 70s. Skies have been mostly sunny inland today with a mix of clouds and sun closer to the coast. Tonight should be similar to last night with lows mostly in the 40s. Patchy fog can be expected for the north bay valleys. vicki bad news tonight for two retail giants. Staples making a big announcement about its stores. And radio shack also making news tonight. The fate of more than 150 of its stores is next. grant and taking a look at wall street. Not Much Movement today. The dow gained 2 points. The nasdaq gained a point. And the s and p edged up two points. Are your allergies holding you back or is it your allergy pills . Break through your allergies. Introducing Flonase Sensimist. More complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. Using unique mistpro technology, new Flonase Sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. Most allergy pills only block one. And six is greater than one. Break through your allergies. New Flonase Sensimist. Office supply store staples will be closing 70 of its stores. This comes after the store reported a drop in sales in january. Staples closed 48 stores last year and has closed about 350 stores over the last five years. The Office Supply store has been under pressure for some time because more people are shopping online like on amazon. No word yet how many Bay Area Stores will be closing. Vicki Radioshack is still struggling. For the second time in two years the company has filed for bankruptcy. It plans to close 200 of its 15hundred Stores Immediately and is evaluating options for the rest. The company has about 59hundred employees. It first filed for bankruptcy in march 2015. Which resulted in about 24hundred store closings. grant police have identified six more of the nine suspects arrested in a dramatic overnight burglary of a Palo Alto Apple store. Back on december 4th of last year. Police say a group of people used a rented car to crash through the front glass doors of the apple store. These are three of men identified and arrested in connection to the burglary. Armonie pugh who is 18, lonnell turner, and Robert Carter both 20yearsold have been arrested and booked into the Santa Clara County jail. Police say several suspects are minors. Their identities cannot be released. One suspect. Reginald ayala. Has not been caught. Theres a halfmilliondollar felony warrant out for his arrest. vicki a select number of tickets to the Broadway Musical hamilton coming to San Francisco are being sold for a special discounted price. 44tickets for each showing will go for just 10dollars each. Marked down from the 100dollar starting price. The seat location will vary. But some of them are right in the action in the front row. Producers announced the digital lottery will open online at 11am two days before each performance it will close at 9am the day before. People can go to online to kron4dotcom to find a link to the lottery. Hamilton will run at the Orpheum Theatre friday through august 5th. grant next at five. The stars align for two big time stars. The new connection between j. Lo and arod. vicki and the raiders inching closer to leaving the bay area for las vegas. Well tell you what happened today in sin city. Your 7 day is coming up. At the Marine Mammal center, the environment is everything. We want to do our very best for each and every animal, and we want to operate a sustainable facility. And pg e has been a partner helping us to achieve that. Weve helped the Marine Mammal center go solar, install electric vehicle charging stations, and become more energy efficient. Pg e has allowed us to be the most Sustainable Organization we can be. Any time you help a customer, its a really good feeling. Its especially so when its a customer thats doing such good and important work for the environment. Together, were building a better california. Its been a significant week for the raiders as the team secured the necessary financing to move to las vegas. grant and the silver and black is inching closer and closer to the silver state. The Las Vegas Stadium authority met this afternoon. Trying to lay out the foundation to build the raiders a new home. Mark carpenter has been keeping and joins us with the details. Anything major come out of this . mark the Stadium Authority met for about two hours today. Trying to work out a Lease Agreement for a new stadium. Its important to note that there were no raiders executives present. But members of raider nation were in attendance. If you are part of the bay area contingent, this probably doesnt look or sound right. Id like to thank all the raiders nation fans that are here in the audience. appla use its not a joke when people say raider nation is everywhere. Todays meeting was strictly informational. And the sole purpose discussing a stadium Lease Agreement that means a lot of xs and os talk. Money. Naming rights. Field usage. Personal seat licenses. And suites. The reason no one from the raiders attended was because the authority wants them to prepare for the nfl owners meeting later this month. Everything for this move seems to be on track. From a financing and leasing standpoint. We are moving now and we expect significant progress. We expect to bring a draft back for the meeting in early april and have made some real headway by that time. mark of course, the next major step in this process comes in a few weeks. When the nfl owners meet in phoenix. 24of32 affirmative votes are needed to greenlight a move to las vegas. vicki Magic Johnson shared his experiences and what he learned from visiting School Children in virginia on wednesday Vicki Johnson was recently named president of basketball with the los angeles lakers. He stopped by a Virginia Middle School to talk with students. The nba superstar recalled how he grew up in a similar size michigan community. He talked about how he was taught the importance of an education. And the High School Principal who taught him to be a leader. Magic Johnson Los Angeles laker president i wanted them to know i believed in them because somebody believed in me. My teachers believed in me and so that help me out a lot. vicki wednesdays visit followed the School Systems partnership with johnsons food service company. grant looks like singer Jennifer Lopez is dating baseball icon Alex Rodriguez. Thats according to people magazine. They say the two have been dating for a few weeks and that lopez is single, but having fun. a representative for rodriguez did not comment on the rumors and neither did a representative for lopez. stanley coming upthere is a lot that can be done to make this intersection better for pedestrians a crackdown on pedestrians and cyclist in Mountain View makes for a very interesting segment youre targeting the wrong people. Whos the right people . Ill explain in the next edition of people behaving badly about a week ago Stanley Roberts showed us how drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists were behaving in the city of Mountain View. And talked about one rider who knew the rules. grant well it turns out it was the signal that an impending crackdown was in the works and it happened stanley there is a lot that can be done to make this intersection better for pedestriansyou know whats interesting, the response you get when you look at the behavior of people who are not behind the wheel of a 4 thousand pound plus vehicle youre targeting the wrong people. Whos the right people . Case in point the city of Mountain View where the Police Department with grant money for the California Office of Traffic Safety focused on pedestrian and cyclist would you believe that every single one of these pedestrians are behaving badly at same exact time its because they all walked against the do not walk signal anytime in the pedestrian crosswalk the numbers start counting down you cant enter the crosswalk that failure to obey the pedestrian signal ok do you have your id on you . The no walk hand is just like a red light for vehicles, where if a driver ran the light there would be outrage, however when a pedestrian runs the light and get caught they are shocked this first lady to take off wasnt even close so the lady in red whos and this guy hey kevin can you talk to this young man please will have to chat with officers where you heading to work just to work ok did you see that the light was red i saw the train coming and i thought i could make it. Ok you realize how dangerous it is right this bicyclist was behaving badly times two you were on the wrong side of the road you passed my motorcycle over there while im sitting there then you ran the red light yea im just in a rush its my second day on my job and i didnt want to be late they talked to bike riders walking in the crosswalk real quick for ya in a crosswalk you need to walk your bikeand even thought officers were looking closely at pedestrians and cyclist they how the hand went up it tell you not to cross even though you got minutes or seconds and you contuine that a violation all in itself give me your drivers licence registration and insurance the driver cut off the pedestrians when crossing the road we are all in this together, but if someone makes up their own rules they mauy find themselves chatting with officers from the Mountain View Police Department if you want to contest the citation you can do that in court there is more on this story in an upcoming edition of people behaving badly i got caught behaving badly and i know better im sorry in Mountain View Stanley Roberts kron 4 news aaavicki 2shotaaa that wraps up kron 4 news at 5. aaagrant 2shotaaa steve aveson and Catherine Heenan are here with kron 4 news at six. steve well update the breaking news about the breaking well update the breaking news about the shooting on i80. Two people were injured and now all eastbound lanes are shutdown starting at cutting boulevard. It is creating a mess tonight for commuters using that freeway. We have several news crews on the scene getting more details about what is being called a targeted shooting. catherine and the raiders are back in the news while the team debates its future. One of its team members finds himself the focus of another runin with the law. We have a lot more news for you next. On kron 4 news at six. Its okay to cry, right . No more we dont want anymore [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh everyday price and no extra monthly fees, unlike cable. Speeds up to 45 megs, for 30 a month. Because my teeth are yellow. These photos . Why dont you use a whitening toothpaste . Im afraid its bad for my teeth. Try crest 3d white. Crest 3d White Diamond strong toothpaste and rinse. Gently whiten. And fortify weak spots. Use together for 2 times stronger enamel. Crest 3d white. A major east bay freeway is closed tonight because of shooting. We know two people are hurt. And within the last hour. The chp says three suspects are in custody. Good evening. Im steve aveson. catherine and im Catherine Heenan, pam is off tonight. This all started at just about 330 this afternoon. The chp says the victims. Were targeted. The shooting happened on eastbound 80 in richmond. Traffic is being diverted at the san pablo road exit. Thats right before for the solano avenue cut off. Kron 4s haaziq haaziq catherine this is a live look at the traffic map from the kron 4 website. You can see just how incredibly backed up things are on i80 in richmond. Traffic has been backed up all the way into el cerrito and berkeley. The chp is making it clear that this mess isnt going away anytime soon. steve steve devices. Android for apple and available free the app is them. You enable just make sure you enable them. The app is available free for apple and android devices. steve for years. Investigators say a south bay man stalked and harassed more than a dozen young girls. Now, because one of the victims spoke out. 35yearold rajeev sanhi suneye is behind bars. Catherine Kron fours Philippe Djegal talked today with the suspects father who is defending his son. Philippe also shows us some of the evidence against sanhi suneye . Despite the charges. Paul sanhi suneye beleves his son rajeev sanhi is innocent. Paul sanhi suspects father those are just the allegations, but its not true. The elder sanhi says he and his wife were at their home in cupertino wednesday. When their 35yearold son was arrested by the Santa Clara County Sheriffs Office. Some of the evidence collected is pictured here. Collages of some of sanhis alleged underage victims. And, a personalized license plate for one the young girls. Paul sanhi suspects father hes been accused of stalking and annoying these children. Have you ever suspected he was doing that . No, no, no. Sergeant rich glennon with the Sheriffs Office says investigators from multiple cities in the county and as far south as los angeles say sanhi has been stalking and harassing underage girls for years. Sergeant rich glennon Santa Clara County Sheriffs Office the case that brought this to our attention was a 14yearold girl who he would, as she was walking home on approximately 15 different times, um, you know, would try to solicit talking to her, giving her gifts, giving her money. Bridge right now. Sergeant glennon says sanhi is facing three felony stalking charges. And one misdemeanor for annoying. But down the road, its possible additonal charges maybe added. Sergeant rich glennon Santa Clara County Sheriffs Office its definitely highly concerning behavior. The Sheriffs Office says sanhi would often hand his Business Card out to his victims, with a link to his website. In the past, Sergeant Glennon says sanhi signed up to volunteer at several churches to get closer to young girls, but was denied because churches were alarmed by his behavoir. Sergeant glennon says sanhi also unsuccessfully applied to be a School Teacher and nanny. Neighbors are baffled. Sujatha namboodiri suspects neighbor it was a shock, definitely. We never knew there was a threat over here. Paul sanhi still backs his son. Paul sanhi suspects father is he this kind of man . Oh, no, no. Hes not this kind of man. Sanhi was booked into the Santa Clara County main jail. His bail set at 200 thousand dollars. He is due in court friday afternoon. In Santa Clara County, Philippe Djegal kron four news. catherine on the Catherine Catherine on the peninsula. Police are looking for a man who sexually assaulted a woman at a caltrain station. The San Mateo County Sheriffs Office released this sketch. The incident happened last wednesday at the University Caltrain station in palo alto. Investigators say the man approached a woman at a bus stop and while talking to her. Attacked her. They say she managed to fight him off. And he took off running. She was not hurt. The man is described as being latino. 35 to 40 years old. 5foot6 to 5foot8. Weighing190 to 210 pounds. catherine the Highway Patrol is on the lookout tonight for a group of dirt bikers and atv riders that went on a rampage last night. They say it began with reckless driving and ended with an attack on a rideshare driver. steve kron 4s dan kerman is live at chp headquarters in San Francisco with the dramatic video of the incident. Dan. dan for several years, bay area freeways and city streets have seen this. Packs of bikers driving recklessly. Now it has led to violence. Sot officer vu williams 916he was blocked in, they pounded on his car, they damaged his vehicle they knocked off his side mirror got out of his car to confront them and that when this fight happened. It all began about 615 wednesday evening on southbound 101 near San Franciscos cesar chavez exit. As bikers drive recklessly, the driver of the white sedan appears to collide with one of the bikers he moves to the right, and is blocked in and surrounded. The biker in the red hoodie appears to attack the white sedan. The driver wearing a black shirt gets out, and the next thing the video shows hes on the ground. He get up and then appears to be assaulted by a biker in a blue shirt. While the chp says this is the first type of incident that has led to violence, these pack of reckless bikers has become more and more commongsotweve started seeing more and more of these incidents not just on freeways but on city streets, riding around disobeying traffic laws , running red lights, getting on the sidewalk , so certainly that level of brazenness has increased. The chp advises drivers to call 911 when they see it and not confront bikers. Sot131 could happen again Dan Catherine happening now. San jose residents have been sounding off on the devastating flood that ravaged part of the city. Thousands were forced from their homes when coyote creek spilled its banks. steve many people. Are still in desperate need of help. Kron 4s Hermela Aregawi is live in san jose where a town hall meeting is taking place. Hermela . hermela hermela very quiet weather across our region today with temperatures running 5 to 10 degrees warmer than wednesday. Currently most spots are in the 60s although a few far inland and southern locations are well into the 70s. Skies have been mostly sunny inland today with a mix of clouds and sun closer to the coast. Tonight should be similar to last night with lows mostly in the 40s. Patchy fog can be expected for the north bay valleys. steve the raiders are gaining momentum in their quest to move to las vegas. Days after news broke the team has secured the finances necessary for relocation, theyre closer to locking down a stadium. catherine the Las Vegas Stadium authority met this afternoon. Trying to lay out the foundation to build the raiders a new home. Mark carpenter has been keeping close tabs on this story. And joins us with the details. Anything major come out of this . mark the Stadium Authority met for about two hours today. Trying to work out a Lease Agreement for a new stadium. No raiders executives present. However, fans were in attendance. Take a look at the growing vegas contingent of raider nation. Id like to thank all the raiders nation fans that are here in the audience. appla use its not a joke when people say raider nation is everywhere. Todays meeting was strictly informational. And the sole purpose discussing a stadium Lease Agreement that means a lot of xs and os talk. Money. Naming rights. Field usage. Personal seat licenses. And suites. The reason no one from the raiders attended was because the authority wants them to prepare for the nfl owners meeting later this month. Everything for this move seems to be on track. From a financing and leasing standpoint. We are moving now and we expect significant progress. We expect to bring a draft back for the meeting in early april and have made some real headway by that time. mark of course, the next major step in this process comes in a few weeks. When the nfl owners meet in phoenix. 24of32 affirmative votes are needed to greenlight a move to las vegas. steve 2 shot we are following breaking news tonight. A major bay area freeway is closed because of a double shooting. Our crew just got to the scene and is gathering information right now. We will go them in less than three minutes. More raiders news tonight aldon smith finds trouble again. What happened this morning in San Francisco that led to police detaining him. And bart says it is dealing with a budget crunch. The plan that could have commuters paying for it. Also with one week until President Trumps revised travel ban set to take effect. Theresanother legal fight to block it. Its just a date. I can stay. Im good. I wont be late hey mom. Yeah. No kissing on the first date, alright . Life doesnt always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise well help you handle whats next. Financial guidance while youre mastering life. From chase. So you can. catherine suspended raider alton smith has had yet another brush with police. steve on cam he was detained for public intoxication early this morning after the car he was riding in, collided with a police car. This all happening right in front of police headquarters. Kron4s Maureen Kelly talked to the defensive lineman after he was let out of the drunk tank. Are you worried this is going to affect your football career . Alton smith was released from the Police Station this afternoon. Walking away down the same street where the accident took place at 8 30 this morning. Heres video of smiths suv as it was being towed away. It had dents on the front end and a cracked windsheild. Police say smith was not driving when the suv collied with an unmarked cop car. Two Police Officers were hurt in that accident, transported to the hospital with complaints of pain. The driver of the suv was detained and being investigated for a possible dui. Smith was also detained. For public intoxication. You need to be intoxicated enough that we observe it and we feel that you were not safe to be outside to be on public sidewalks on your own so with its a safety concern for the person he was detainedsmith still reeked of booze when he was released. He will not be charged with anything. Stop making me seem like im some bad bleep criminal because thats not who i am. Im a good person. He also denied being there in connection with the accident. Reporter were you involved in a crash with Police Officers . Smith no, if i was involved, no i couldnt, i couldnt do that. Me we saw your suv be towed away with your license plate you a car thats at leased buy yousmith that wasnt me. Me not driving. Smith nome but you were in the car. Smith no i had a girlfriend who was driving. Smith says the reason he was at the Police Station was because he was visiting a friend who was locked up. The accident is still under investigation. Maureen kelly kron4 news steve back now to our breaking news out of richmond. Where eastbound interstate 80 is closed right now due to a shooting. catherine we know two people are injured. The chp says three people have been detained. Theyre being described as possible suspects kron 4s Haaziq Madyun is at the scene. He joins us now live. What have you learned haaziq . haaziq haaziq steve happening tonight in san francsico. Community organizers are holding a town hall meeting with the newly hired chief of police. steve the meeting is being hosted by the wealth and disparities in the black community in the bayview district. Organizers say the community is looking for commitments to the Police Departments new use of force policy. Bill scott was appointed chief by mayor ed lee in december after previously working for the los angeles Police Department. Catherine Bart is facing a multiMillion Dollar budget deficit. Today its board directed staffers to consider two ways to bring in more money. And both would mean higher fares for some riders. One way would be to start charging those who use paper tickets. Bart now has to pay 6 cents for every dollar paid in cash to buy those tickets. The bart board wants the staff to get Public Comment on charging three different surcharges. The board also directed staff to look at reducing the discounts given to seniors, young ridersand those with disabilities. Directors say they dont like the options but say that something must be done to balance the budget. Bart recently got 3point5 billion dollars in a voter approved bond measure. But that money is for Core Infrastructure and not operating expenses. Very quiet weather across our region today with temperatures running 5 to 10 degrees warmer than wednesday. Currently most spots are in the 60s although a few far inland and southern locations are well into the 70s. Skies have been mostly sunny inland today with a mix of clouds andnd sun closer to the coast. Tonight should be similar to last night with lows mostly in the 40s. Patchy fog can be expected for the north bay valleys. catherine the big story were following tonight a shooting tonight on i80 in richmond. We know two people were shot and injured. And the chp says that three people have been detained. Well have an update in about five minutes. steve and republicans find themselves at odds over their health care plan. Why some lawmakers are saying they will vote no. aasynopsis promo to watch kron 4 news at 10 pm every night of the week steve breaking news out of the south bay. Police have confirmed there has been an officer involved shooting in santa clara. It happened at monroe and scott streets according to Santa Clara Police within the past two hours. No officers were injured in the shooting but one other person was hurt. We do not know the extent of that persons injuries. We will keep you updated as we get information. catherine more states are expected to join in legal challenges against President Trumps most recent travel ban. catherine oregon has now joined a lawsuit with washington and minnesota opposing the travel ban. Arguing that its harming their residents and the economy. Hawaii is also challenging the new executive order. Washington state won an initial effort to block the first travel ban and is asking a judge to block the revised one as well. steve breaking news tonight on kron 4. A major east bay freeway. Shutdown following a shooting. We know two people have been taken to the hospital. One by helicopter. Three suspects. They have been detained. An update in less than three minutes. catherine also republicans get their Health Care Bill past a big hurdle. But is it headed to defeat . . Why the overhaul of the Affordable Care act may ultimately fail. steve and fans of the hit series game of thrones eagerly jumped online today to see when the show is going to return. But things did not go quite as planned. The gimmick that backfired. In Santa Clara County. The Sheriffs Office arrested 35yearold rajeev sanhi suneye on three felony counts of stalking and one misdemeanor charge of annoying an underage girl. The Sheriffs Office says sanhi may have up to 19 victims or more. Investigators say, for years, sanhi would stalk young girls on their walks home from school. Often trying to shower them with gifts. The Sheriffs Office says sanhi tried unsuccessfully to volunteer at churches to get closer to young girls. Hes currently in custody at the Santa Clara County main jail. Philippe djegal, kron four news. Here at chp hq in sf, the chp is looking for pack of bikers that assaulted a rider share driver. It happened wednesday evening, as bikers driver recklessly, a biker appears to collide with this White Rideshare vehicle the sedan starts moving to the right but is blocked and then surrounded. The driver gets out, the next thing the video shows, the driver of the white sedan on the ground, he gets up and appears to be punched by a biker in a blue shirt. The chp is now trying to id the bikers, the driver remains hospitalized. In sf, dan kerman kron4 news in San Francisco suspended in oakland, facing a multi Million Dollar shortfall, bart is looking at possible raising rates. Not for all riders, but for some. Such as those who use paper tickets. Currently it costs bart to handle cash, 6 cents for every dollar. So they are looking at putting a surcharge on paper tickets to raise money. In addition, they are looking at possible removing some of the discounts for seniors, youth and those with disabilities. Bart is facing a 2535 Million Dollar deficient for this upcoming budget. All proposlas will go to public for hearings. Here in san jose the city council is in jose the city here in san jose the city council is in special session this evening fora public hearing on last months coyote creek flood. Hundreds of flood victims are attending what is billed as a public vetting of what wentwrong as 14,000 people were evacuated when the creek jumped its banks on february 21st. Flood victims will be given time to tell their storiesas the city is expected to explain why there wasnt more warning of the flood and what its doing to see that it doesnt happen again. In san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news in San Francisco suspended raider alton smith was detained by police for public intoxication. This following a collision between a Police Vehicle and the suv he was riding in at 83o this morning in front of police headquarters. Two officers were transported to the hospital with complaints of pain. The driver. A young woman. Was detained as she was investigated for a possible dui. Smith was not charged with anything. But held in the drunk tank for his own safety. When he released five hours later, he still reeked of booze, but denied being involved in the collision, saying he was visiting a friend who was locked up. Maureen kelly kron4 news steve Republican Leaders have their work cut out for them if they hope to pass the house plan to repeal and replace obamacare. catherine as a handful of senators and some conservative house members indicate theyd vote no. Speaker paul ryan laid out the case for why they should get on board. Dianne gallagher with our partners at cnn has more on the debate and the warning from the president. The speaker became the professor thursday. As paul ryan rolled up his sleeves, pulled out the power point. And attempted to school the country on the gops plan to replace obamacare. Rep. Paul ryan, r House Speaker lower costs, more choices, patients in control and universal access to care. These are the driving princples we are focused on. But the speakers presentation was likely aimed just as much at presssuring members of his own party, as it was convincing the American People rep. Paul ryan, r House Speaker if you told me 2, 10 years ago that this is where would be. I think i was in a dream. Id be doing backflips. But many conservatives in the house. Rep. Mo brooks, r alabama this bill is a lump of coaland senate. Seem less excited. And are vocal in opposition. Sen. Rand paul, r kentucky we have to admit we are divided on replacement democrats have taken notice. Sen. Chuck schumer, d minority leader look, no one likes this bill. Hospitals, doctors, governors, conservatives, liberals, non partisan groups, and most of all, the people who will no longer have Affordable Health care. Gop leaders including President Trump are lobbying from all angles to ease their fellow republicans fears. Driving home the idea that, if they dont do something, as the president says, it could be an electoral bloodbath come 2018. Rep. Paul ryan, r House Speaker this is the closest we will ever get to repealing and replacing obamacare. The time is here, the time is now. It took 18 hours, but the bill did make it through its First Committee vote overnight. But its still early. And will likely take more than a Powerpoint Presentation to unite congress. Or even the party. On the American Health care actin washington, dianne gallagher. Very quiet weather very quiet very quiet weather across our region today with temperatures running 5 to 10 degrees warmer than wednesday. Currently most spots are in the 60s although a few far inland and southern locations are well into the 70s. Skies have been mostly sunny inland today with a mix of clouds and sun closer to the coast. Tonight should be similar to last night with lows mostly in the 40s. Patchy fog can be expected for the north bay valleys. steve the game of thrones big reveal turned into a waiting game today. The online stunt that did not quite go as planned. [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh the price you see is the price you pay, unlike cable. No more. We dont want anymore keep calm. The price you see is the price you pay, unlike cable. At t internet. Speeds up to 45megs for 30 a month. Fans of the popular show game of thrones today learned the date when the next season will get underway. steve but not before a big foul up in a marketing gimmick. Hbo put a block of ice with the date hidden inside on a Facebook Live stream. A torch was suppose to melt the ice. Revealing the date. But things did not go as planned. The video stopped after 15 minutes and then returned. And had a few more hiccups. Finally after over an hour. The date of july 16th was revealed. catherine in sports. March madness is starting to heat up. Cal was taking on utah from las vegas in round two of the pac12 mens basketball tournament. Gary has the highlights. steve plus. Kyle shanahan and john lynch officially sign five free agents. Gary will tell us who they are. And has all the sports coming up. The 49ers new regime signed seven free agents. Tight end Logan Paulsen from cleveland and new kicker robiie gould are the newest additons. But the talk of free agency was yesterday when the Team Announced they were signing brian hoyer to a two year deal. In 2014 he worked with Kyle Shannahan in cleveland. Where he finshed with a careerhig of more than 3thousand yards. Hoyer is expected to be the starter this coming season. The 8th veteran will get some help from Pierre Garcon and marquise goodwin. Garcon signed a 5 year deal worth 47. 5 million. 20 million is guranteed goodwin adds speed to the locker room. May compare him to Tyler Gabriel in atlanta. The also signed kyle jusczyk yous check . The 25year old fullback was a pro boler last year with baltimore. The niners are maing the highest paid player in his position hell earn 21 million in the next four years. Lastly, former superbowl mvp and raiders linebacker Malcolm Smith joins the niners for the next five season. 13million is guranteed out of the 26. 5 million hell earn. According to nfl networks ian rapport. Kirk cousins will sign his 24million franchise tag and will remain a redskin. Earlier today it was reported cousins spoke with team owner dan dnyder to trade him. Over the last few hours. Washington has been a mess. They fired their general manager Scot Mccloughan due to having a drinking problem. The niners were the front runner to win the cousins sweepstakes. The team will now need to scramble and find other quarterbacks to join hoyer in santa clara. Torrey smith and antonie bethea find a new team. The veteran wide receiver joins philadelphia on a three year deal worth 15 million. He played the last two season with san franisco. He ended his career with seven touchdowns. Meanwhile bethea agreed to a threeyear contract with arizona. In three santa clara. In 2014 he was awarded team mvp. Raiders supended pass rusher aldon smith reportedly was involved in another runin with the law. This morning the former niner was arrested in San Francisco after being a car accident. According to the police he was detained because he was under the influence in public. Smith hasnt payed in the nfl since november of 2015. When he was released, he wasnt too friendly with the media. sot smith aldon smith cal still alive in the pac12 tournament. Ivan rabb and the golden bear were taking on the running utes from las vegas. In the second half. Charlies moore maes a tough layup to put cal up by ten moore 21 points utah crawls back into the game. Kyle kuzman makes it a two point game late in the game. kuzman teamhigh 23 points jabari bird was the mvp of the game. He had 26 points and 5 rebounds. Final 7875 cal atheyll play oregon tomorrow afternoon in the semifinals catherine interstate 80 is still closed in the eastbound direction tonight in richmond because of a shpooting on the freeway. An update on what we know. Right after the break. I laugh, i sneeze. There goes my sensitive bladder. Sound familiar . Then youll love this. Incredible protection in a pad this thin. I didnt think it would work, but it does. Its called always discreet watch this. This super absorbent core turns liquid to gel, for incredible protection thats surprisingly thin. So i know im wearing it, but no one else will. Always discreet for bladder leaks catherine the big story tonight on kron 4. A freeway shooting in the east bay has shut down interstate 80 in richmond. steve this is all unfolded around 3 30. Near the san pablo avenue exit. Here is what we know right now. Two people were shot and injured. Investigators say they were targeted. The chp says it has detained three people as suspects in the shooting. Traffic. It is a real mess right now. Cars are being taken off 80 at the san pablo exit. Officers are still on the road looking for evidence in the shooting. The chp told us a short time ago its not sure when the freeway will reopen. The insider tracking the bigge biggest stories, making news today. Number one, Jennifer Lopez and arod are matched in the bronx. All i want to know if you feel the love tonight . I did. How lucky am i . Then, scarlett johansons hectic schedule ruined her marriage . The new details of her divorce. And number three, dont touch that radio dial. We got your 2017 spring play list all loaded up. Plus, your insider bonus. It is going to be a fun time. Pregnancy looks good on amal clooney. We are breaking down the stars spring style. Shes so happy with how shes feeling now. Inside the star of journey of going to weight loss extreme. It is a constant work in progress. The insider tracking hollywood from the inside out. You can call her jenny off the block. Jennifer lopez dating Alex Rodriguez and it is our number one tracking story today. Yeah. They had their fair share of high profile relationships. They have more in common than you think. We go inside the newest hybrid known as jrod. Now the same girl who has unleashed yankee pride over the years is taking her affection off the field. These new york city home grown

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