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Porter has done that this round. Counter left hand by thurman. Just missed with that left hook. Porter with the right upper cut. Porter now swarming him. Porter good defense. Gooded had movement. Avoiding the attack of thurman. Muscling in with that left shoulder. Again, that bodytobody contact. Porter thrives on it. Just missed with a left upper cut did porter. Wants to push you around, push you out of the position and continue to punch and soak you. Final 60 seconds of the night. Is thurman cut, too . Yes, he is, left eye as well. Looks like a bad cut. We dont know if it came as i said, in this type of matchup, Keith Thurman cut for the first time in his career. Bombs away in brooklyn let it go let it go an incredible atmosphere for what has been an incredible fight. Keith thurman, shawn porter, putting it all on the line in primetime on cbs bell keep working, keep working all the time. Come on. You pox, you box, you box. You go back to your boxing. All right, go back to your boxing. Relax. Breathe, relax. Take a swallow. Well, the referee came over and told us it was a punch that caused the cut. And it is already cut there before shawn porter hits the head of Keith Thurman. So it will not be ruled a clash of heads, and we can see there that the cut was already there when their heads banged together. Yeah, poarpt had landed a couple of sharp, hard right hands earlier this that round that might have done the job. And Carlos Vargas earning his money tonight, stemming the bleeding for the first cut in Keith Thurmans career. Round 10, scheduled for 12, for thurmans welterweight title. Thurman ducks underneath that sweeping left hook from porter. Trying to feint porter. Shawn porter, by the way, two and one in 12round fights. Thurman is undefeated in 12round fight as we head very close now to the championship round. By process of elimination hes undefeated. Hes undefeated overall. Naturally. And again porter trying to smother thurman on the ropes. Thurman with pistonlike punches to fight off the attack. It would be a really news flash if i told you he lost the 12rounder. And porter has a little problem in trying to turn this into a grecoroman wrestling match. Theres the pawn jab of thurman. Doesnt follow up, however. That last round have any impact on thurman in terms of overall taking something out of him . The cut, being pushed around by porter . Well see. Psychologically very nice right hand there connected oconnected on the jaw. Those are the kind of thriewndz separate the men from the boys. Counter left hook by thurman. Thurman has had himself some good shots this round. Both men have been cut in this fight. Neither man has gone down. Poarts knees have puckled. And now porter again has thurman on the ropes. Thurman trying to hold on. Porter keeping up the attack. Porter mugs on the inside. And thats what hes doing. I got it. Step back. Porter treating thurman like an Internet Troll here with 45 seconds left in the tenth. And on this now thurman trying to turn it back into a boxing match. Theres a double pump jab from poart. The best thing you can do to a jabber is keep jabbing with him. Nice jab by poart there. Some blood back on the cut of thurman. Oh, porter walked right into that left hand thurman has him cornered. I think he was off balance. And porter able to turn the tables again, an offbalance shot. Bringing the fans to their feet. And, boy, they are throwing leather, punches and punches. What a fight bell good job, good job. Good round. Keep working. What round . 11 coming up, all right, 11 coming up. We need both these rounds. We want both these rounds. Keep working. Keep working. Were. This is where the right hand created the cut. It starts to bleed. Thats exactly where the cut was created. By that right hand of shawn porter. And you know, i was going to say, in in the last round, porter getting some more worked on, but there was where he was hit with that left hand that kind of knocks him off bbs. I agree now with pail. It was more of a balance issue. I think this porter wasnt hurt badly. Already, thurman did land some big shots like that one. We have reached the championship rounds, both athletes championship caliber. Thurmans undefeated record, and his welterweight crown at stake. Has this been as good as advertised, guys . Yes and there are so many nuances to this fight. Thats part of whats made it interesting. This fight is competitive. They told Keith Thurman in the corner, dan birmingham, the trainer did, they need both of these last rounds. And they maintain, but its close. You want to make sure and win them just in case. Yeah, you would have to assume, and Steve Farhood believes thurman is ahead. Could be a lot of different ways. Lets bring in our unofficial scorer, Steve Farhood. Why do you have it the way you do . Single shots in two or three of the rounds have been critical where the other guy, the guy that got hit, may have done the better work in the course of the round. Its going to be a real challenge for the judges how they score the two or three rounds. Two of the best analysts to my left. Al bernstein, what does thurman have to do in these round to ensure he goes home as champion. I think its a very good fight. And i think he has to not get himself caught on the ropes. He has to mug him. As al said. Porter needs to close the distance. On the outside, hes just not going to be as effective as thurman is going to be. And then get to work once he closes the distance. The thing is, it takes a lot of work to do that. Does he have the energy here in the late rounds to do that and pull that off with that kind of work ethic. And psychologically oh, a counter right hand by thurman. And he stays standing hes only been down once in his career. Coming off his in his last fight against adrian broaner. He won the fight convincingly. But thurman tattooing porter with the shots. He just walked into two of those monster counters. Its going to take more than one time to drop portener this fight. Shawn porter say tough cookie. I was saying, psychologically, when porter is fighting in the center of the ring and thurman is fighting like, this the judges feel like its thurmans fight. If he gets pushed against the rope, they feel more like its a porter round. The perception becomes the reality. A lot of times thats how you win rounds. You know that better than anybody. Thurman a couple of left hooks to the head by thurman, and yet poart continues to navigate the minefield, coming forward. Now using the stunner step. Herky jerky head movement, but unable to cut off the ring. Guys, that takes a lot of energy. All that herky jerky stuff, and then you have to get in and actually punch, too. Keith thurman is landing some very good counter punches. He is. 12th and final round straight ahead bell this was a round in which Keith Thurman was able to be very effective from the outside. They will trade right hands, but its thurmans that gets there. And then he counters with that hook, and as paulie pointed out, those are the kind of punches you can thur normally knocks people out with. Stay on the line. Dont stay right here looking at him right here, okay . Make sure you keep turning. Dont just sit right there and look at him. As you keep turning pick your spot. Go to work right there. Its the last round, the championship round. Keep your hands up, keep your legs moving. Good work, good work. Come onow. Come on. Youre still the champion of the world. You got this fight. Win this round, though. Win this round. Come on, baby. Come on, baby, all yours. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the 12th and final round. Round 12 bell . As they should be, the crowd in barclays on their feet. A few weeks ago varg expas sleeto, delivered a virtuoso action fight. Tonight you are seeing Keith Thurman and shawn porter throw their hats in the ring for fight of the year thurman being intelligent. Oh, that right upper cut, and yet porter keeps coming forward like an extra from the walking dead. If youre close with poart, hes going to keep punching. Youve got to keep that distance and change range on him and thurman has done a good job of that the last few rounds. Of course, we dont know what the official scoring says, but can shawn porter win this fight if hes not attacking a lot in this round . Right hand by poart. Thurman is straighter. Porters is wider. But both men have landed them. A counter left. That was clearly, as you pointed out, something in the game plan. And theyve used it all night, thurman has. Oh, good right hand from thurman. Step back, step back. Lets go. Just past the midway point. Of the 12th and final round. Keith thurmans Welterweight Championship and his undefeated record hang in the bbs as porter mugs him on the ropes. And ironically, its thurman coming forward, not porter. Oh, and that left upper cut again on the inside by thurman. One minute remaining. Thats where thurman doesnt want to be right now. Porter pushing. You know, theyre making it physical. This is what porter has been wanting. This is the 12th round. And yet these two warriors are going at it like its the first. And give rivery willis credit. Hes letting them fight on the inside. A close 12th round. More than 1100 punches have been thrown in this fight combined. More than 800 power punches thrown. And lets let the crowd take you through the final 10 seconds of what has been a terrific fight on cbs. bell it took nearly 40 years for the sport of boxing to return to prime time here on cbs. After this fight we have just witnessed tonight, i dont think its going to take 40 more. The numbers are fascinating because they will show that porter was busier. What ended up being landed was very similar, but i think we can say that thurman probably landed the bigger, more flashy shots. So well see how it all plays out in the judges view. A bona fide fight of the year candidate. We will be back with the official decision right after this. On this cushion for generations. Alright kiddos everybody off the backpack, we made it to the ottoman. I like to watch them clean, but theyll never get me on the mattress finally theres a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. Introducing new lysol max cover. Its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray that kills 99. 9 of bacteria. Max cover is another great way to lysol that. Squuuuack, lets feed him lets feto the sharks sharks yay and take all of his gold and take all of his gold ya and hide it from the crew ya. . Squuuuack, theyre all morons anyway i never said that. They all smell bad too. No you all smell wonderful i smell bad if youre a parrot, you repeat things. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Squuuuack, its what you do. whispers rocket legendary fight here on cbs. Lets go to the legendary jimmy lennan jr. For the official decision. Ladies and gentlemen, after 12 rounds of action, we have a close but unanimous decision. All three judges score about the same, 115 to 113. All three in favor of winner, and still the welterweight champion of the world, keith onetime thurman. Well the crowd here at barclays may not agree, but how can anyone be a loser after a fight like that. Keith thurman holds on to his undefeated exproard title with a close unanimous decision. Shawn porter is not a loser, even though Keith Thurman won the fight, terrific performance. Lets go to jim gray. All right, thank you very much. Keith, this was an awfully tough fight. Your thoughts and reaction to the decision agz the fans are booing. First off, i want to thank god. I give him all the glory. Secondly, i want to thank showtime. The fans right here. I want to thank shawn porter for a tremendous fight. Hes a great warrior. You know, shawn brought it today. He was on me. But i knew that defense would be the keys to victory. He smothers his punches a lot. Its very difficult for the judges to give a clear scoring. I was able to rock him at least once around with clear, effective blows and i believe that was the key to victory today. He was a tremendous shape. Hes a tremendous athlete. And i would love to see him in the ring again, baby, if thats what he wanted, man. You would want a rematch. I would give a rematch, man. You know, it was a great fight. It was a great fight. Man. He was a great opponent. Everyone was saying was he going to be my toughest opponent today . I was unable to drop him. I did rock him. Hes a get threed. How did you survive this onslaught and this constant dpraegz of him being right in front of and you throwing you on the ropes constantly . You know, i threw the throe back round two. I gave hip the ropeadope muhammad ali, man. Defense, defense, defense. Defense neglects his offense. He had a great office but i had a great defense today. Shawn, it appears as though the fans feel as though you won this fight, shawn, according to the fans at least, not by the judges. What are your thoughts here on this decision . You know what . At the end of the day, im blessed. Im blessed to have these fans right now. We worked hard. Hes a great champion. My dad said keep your head up. Do you think you won the fight . I do, i do. But let me say this. Im satisfied because the competitor came out tonight. He ran a little bit. Did what he had to do. He got the win tonight. But i feel good. I feel great. I feel blessed. Im blessed to be on cbs. He said hed want a rematch. I think we need that rematch. I think the fans want that rematch he got this one. If he gives me another chance, yall know im going to work hard. Im gog come in here, work hard in the ring, and well come back with that w. B. A. Title. Shawn thank you very much, god bless you, thank you. All right, jim, thank you very much. Lets take a look at how the three judges scored it at ringside. All three of them saw it the same. 115113 in favor am the champion. Still undefeated, Keith Thurman. Lets bring in our unofficial scorer Steve Farhood. Interesting that the 12th round the judges disagreed. As a matter of fact they disagreed on four or five of the round. The 12th round was not pivotal. Thurman had the fight won, regardless of how they scored that. My score matched the three judges. I think we all knot there in different ways. I thought the scoring in this fight was fair. It was a very close fight. Yeah, i thought it was fair, too. I thought thurman slightly edged it. But a great fight by both guys. They say the sequel is never as good as the original. I think a rematch might be better. Lets go to brian custer. All right, mo. Thank you very much. Ill tell you what, this was championship boxing at its best. I wouldnt have been mad if this thing ended in a draw. By what a performance by Keith Thurman and shawn porter. Stay with us. Well recap our night of boxing as we continue from the Barclays Center here in brooklyn. Showtime championship boxing on cbs presented by premiere boxing champions was sponsored by , lets recap our night of boxing here from Barclays Center. The w. B. A. Welterweight title on the line, Keith Thurman, shawn porter, these guys came out slugging. You saw thurman there with the left hook, something he scored with a lot in this fight. Some clean shots, but porter smothered him. His right hand. He did some body work. Vicious shots by both of these guys, and they backed each other up. This fight went back and forth, very close. And in the end, Keith Thurman walks away with the unanimous decision, retaining his w. B. A. Lterweight title. That will do it from Barclays Center here in brooklyn. From our entire showtime sports crew, im brian custer. Good night from brooklyn. ,,,, this is kpix5 news. Bullets fly, weve Learned Congress could soon be joining the fight for a ceasefire. Fire danger as high as the temperatures this weekend, as brush fires erupt across the bay area. And the snake invasion that has one bay area neighborhood rattles tonight. This is a special edition of kpix5 news. We begin with the sky high fire danger in the bay area, and across california. Late this afternoon, a series of brush fires shut down a stretch of i580, about 10 miles east of livermore. The three separate burned over 200 acres. And this fire erupted in concorde. Retardant was dropped as firefighters battled the flames on the ground. You can see from these photos the fire came close to several businesses in the area. But no structures damaged. No word yet on exactly how that fire started. Meanwhile, more than 4500 firefighters battling six large wildfires across california tonight. The largest, the erskine fire out of control in kern county. We show you many evacuees are returns home to nothing. Reporter man who lived here says it looks like a bomb was dropped on this neighborhood, back here, the car that he helped rebuild, his 83 pontiac, its charred. A total loss. Were going to walk to the front of his property. This used to be his mobile home. The roof has collapsed and hard to make out what this was. The gravel used to be right now, its black, over here, another vehicle that he helped rebuild, the truck, also a total loss. Reporter for michael and his father, a few pans and some knives are all that made it. The two tried to hide their pain. Im okay. Ill manage. So we get to start over, whatever we can do. We just keep our hopes up, and keep going. Reporter theirs is one of 150 homes that have burned to the ground. Two lives have been lost in the nearby town. The fire started thursday night, huge flames ripping through property. Tonight, there is no containment. Look of devastation is on these peoples face. Lady over there with oxygen. Ive lost everything. All i have is what i got on. Reporter at kernville, the main evacuation site, more than 100 people wait to return to whatevers left. Although most arent expecting much. We couldnt get anything. We saw the fire, and within 20 minutes, it was, the house was on fire. Its just unbelievable. Ive never seen this much damage from a fire up here. Reporter a lot of smoke in the skies, the wind has been a huge problem in fighting the fire, the steep and rugged terrain, theres now 1100 Fire Fighting personnel working on the fire. Still no time estimate when this will be over. Brian, lets go back to you. Thank you. Back in the bay area, one home burned to the ground, four were damaged when a three alarm fire erupted in an ants i dont think neighborhood this ants. People were antioch neighborhood. Nobody was hurt, investigators are looking for the cause of at

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