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Showing off their time on the run. Friday night in San Francisco. Now, theyre back behind bars facing fresh charges. Plus arc controversial change coming to the dma. Major challenges to air bnb and not even close. Katie ledecky finishes 20 seconds ahead of her competition, proving once again why shes the most dominant swimmer in the world, today, wednesday, july 26, 2017. From nbc news, this is today with matt lauer and Savannah Guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning, everybody, welcome to today. Its a wednesday morning, thank you for being with us, we have carson in more matt once again. Republicans are facing new setbacks this morning in the late st attempt to repeal and replace obamacare. There is also new fallout tied to the Russian Investigation and the president s ongoing attack against his own attorney general Jeff Sessions. We are ready to break it down with National Correspondent peter alexander. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning, hours after republicans squeak through with barely enough votes to start the debate on overhauling obamacare, they came up well short of passing the plan. They needed 60 votes but only got 43. Moderates and conservatives raising new questions whether republicans can deliver on their promise to reshape what remains the Health Care Law of the land. Overnight another setback for Health Care Reform, the Senate Rejecting a plan to repeal and replace obamacare. On this vote the yays a 43, the nays are 57, the amendment falls. Reporter sending the Republican Controlled Senate back to the drawing board t. Latest sign health care will be a tough sell as gop leaders try to find a booth they can agree on. They just voted to overall obamacare. For john mccain making a dramatic return 11 days after broken jurnlg up surgery, just in time to cast a critical yes vote, even acknowledging he is not satisfied with his partys efforts so far. I will not vote for this bill as it is today. Its a shell of a bill right now. We all know that. Reporter meanwhile, President Trump back on friendly turf holding a late Night Campaign style rally in youngstown, ohio, warning wavering republicans. Any senator who votes against repeal and replace is telling america that they are fine with the obamacare nightmare and i pediatric theyll have a lot of problems. Reporter the president boasts touting his achievements. With few exceptions, no president has done anywhere near what weve done in his first six months. And mocking his opponent. Its time for democrats to stop resisting. Thats their term, resist, resist. Mr. Trump in the white house tuesday afternoon ramping up his public feud with his own attorney general, blasting Jeff Sessions recusal from the russia investigation. He should not have recuse himself, almost immediately after he took office, if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me prior to taking officer, and i would have quite simply picked somebody else. Amid speculation the president is trying to replace sessions with an ag to shut down the inquiry the president refusing to say whether he will fight sessions . We are disappointed with the attorney general. We will see what happens, time will tell. Time will tell. Sessions showing no signs of quitting. Even his sources close to the attorney general say hes hurt by the president s comments. Sessions former Senate Allies standing by him. I hope the attorney general doesnt resign. I hope hes not fired. R. The president and attorney general appear to be playing a game of chicken. Also this morning, a revealing reminder about the dangers of work, around microphones, heres your senate edition, a hot mic picking up a conversation between republican Susan Collins of maine and democrat jack weed of rhode island discussing the bug and criticizing the president. Know. I dont say that not lightly. As a kind, you know. A goofy guy. Reporter senator collins may be one of reporter for collins may be one of the strongest holdouts on health care, she doesnt seem to come around any time soon. Thank you so much. A bipartisan standing ovation a short time later, he delivered a speech for his colleagues and President Trump. Halle jackson is on capitol hill with more. Reporter hey there, carson, go remember to you. Today we do expect senator mccain to be back on the hymn. J you to give you a sense of the mood here, its been a kind of a heros homecoming for him. Even with those scars still invisible from that repeat surgery. Hes been in the hallways joking with senators from both parties after lashing out in a leg cure from the senate floor. An extraordinary moment in an unusual day. On a day packed with drama, it was the maverick delivering most of it, john mccain arriving in washington with his wife creating flip screen suspense. This is a tremendous fight she innio. In the senate, midvotes, the wait the welcome, followed by one of the most memorable moments in the senators career. I stand here today looking a little worse for wear im sure. Reporter after the surgery, after his brain cancer diagnosis, bruising by his eye. His focus sharp. His words, too. Some listening to the bombastic loud mouths on the radio and television and the internet. To hell with them. [ applause ] reporter himself, an institution, mccain pushed his colleagues to remember they serve one, the senate, sometimes called the worlds greatest deliberative body. Im not sure we can claim that distinction with a straight face today. We are getting nothing done, my friends, we are getting nothing done. Reporter his own declaration of independence. Whether or not we are of the same party, we are not the president s subordinates. We are his equal. Reporter after a bipartisan empractice is. It was great to see him back, strong as he was and if anyone thought that he had lost any integrity, all they had to do is listen to that speech. Reporter and its that vote to start debate that has his critics condemning the senators crosscountry trip we are action online, mccain came back to the senate to take away from his own constituents, the kind of health care thats keeping him alive. Protests at the capitol, none at the white house, where the president is no longer disparaging him, hailing him as a hero. I want to thank senator john mccain, a very brave man. He made a tough trip to get here and vote. Reporter now, some of the praise from the president could be a little pre mature. While mccain was not one of the republican no votes in that first bill overnight, he still has not committed to supporting whatever the senate ultimately comes up with on health care. Halle, thanks. Nicole wallace host of ms nbc is here with us now. Hi, guys. I will ask you to talk about this health care, Jeff Sessions started ten days ago or so. What itself the ends game . I honestly dont understand what the president s motive is, what he wants to, do if he wants him gone, why not fire him . Reporter well, public shaming is good, jeremy bash called it cyber pause. Hes shaming a city sitting member of his own cabinet. The fight he is having with sessions is so different from all of his fights with the media, his fights with establishment republicans. His fights with the former president and opponent this is someone who is as popular as she with that this is someone with more trust and deeper friendships in the senate than he does. This is a fight where i dont think sessions has any motivation to blink first. As peter described the game of chicken, i think thats exactly whats happening. It raises the question, lets say you get rid of sessions tomorrow, whether he resigns or is fired, the presumes, it would seem, is the president thinks hell get someone in there who will blow off the russia investigation. Whats the possibility of that . Here is the thing. No one that would do that could be confirmed by the senate. In the country at this moment where people are so nervous and anxious about the stability of the federal government, especially the executive branch, i cant imagine them appointing someone to oversee the russia investigation. It would be political suicide. Health care, youre surprised republicans are still at it. This is the good news for donald trump. Health care is still alive, still alive thanks to john mccain getting on the plane, flying back and keeping the debate going. As everyone reported this morning, there isnt any support for what the plan is in its current form. The die namics are the same. Make it more appealing to the moderates, you lose the moderates. A game of jenga and a game of chicken. Thanks, nicolle. Officials believe natalie moraless ability to strike the u. S. Is there are troubling signs today that north korea may be getting ready to test another long range missile as soon as tonight. Even as u. S. Intelligence now believes the regime could be able to strike the u. S. Mainland with a Nuclear Armed missi early as next year. North koreas First Successful longrange missile test at the beginning of this month. Catching u. S. Intelligence off guard. And now, the new intelligence assessment that the regime is making dramatic progress, developing a Nuclear Warhead small enough to mount on the missile, two years earlier than previously thought. The chairman of the joint chiefs another a recent security conference. In my judgment, its academic if its 6 months, 12 months, 18 months or 24 months from now. Theyre on a path and seems an irreversible path to develop that capability. Reporter kim jongun, awarding medals to the Missile Defense team has alarmed the u. S. Ands allies. The u. S. Is testing Missile Defenses from alaska, as japan steps up training. But they are not foolproof. Whats unimaginable to me is allowing capability for a Nuclear Weapon that will land in denver, colorado. My job will be to develop military options to make sure that doesnt happen. Reporter meanwhile, overnight, harsh words from north korea. Saying it will launch a, quote, powerful Nuclear Hammer at the heart of the u. S. , if it attempts to remove kim jongun as supreme leader. The threat comes after these words from cia director mike pompeo. As for the regime, im hopeful we will find a way to separate that regime from this system. Reporter saying the Trump Administration needs to find a way to remove kim from his growing nuclear stockpile. The north Korean People are lovely people and would love to see him go as well. To ramp up pressure, the house on tuesday night approved tough sanctions on north korea as well as russia and iran. Despite opposition from the white house and the state department. The white house fought that bill, especially the sanctions on russia, arguing it sharply limits the president s powers. Now mr. Trump will have to decide whether to veto a measure passed overwhelmingly by a vetoproof bipartisan majority. Carson and savannah . Breaking news from President Trump, hes tweeted hes banning transgender individuals from serving in the u. S. Military by any capacity. The president says his decision comes after consultation with my generals and military experts. Thats a quote. He adds, quote, our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cant be disrupted by the tremendous medical costs that transgender would prevail. The link between football and brain trauma. Craig melvin has more on how the nfl is responding. Researchers from the Boston University school of medicine looked at the brains of 202 former Football Players and found evidence of the brain disease cte in all but one. This morning, a devastating blow to the nfl. 99 of deceased players brains examined in a new study, showed signs of cte, a degenerative brain disease linked to repeated hits to the head. This is much more common in Football Players than previously anticipated. Reporter cte can only be formally diagnosed with an autopsy. Doctors examined brains of amateur players and found cte in 91 of former college Football Players and 21 of former high school players. The nfl says it has pledged 200 million for research, and in a statement tuesday said, quote, the medical and scientific communities will benefit from this publication, and the nfl will continue to work with a wide range of experts to improve the health of current and former nfl athletes. You want to have a seat in my car so youre not sitting in the wet road. Reporter the family of former tackle brian price, blame cte for this outburst in front of Police Officers at a michigan Auto Parts Store in april. Price charging full speed ahead into the stores heavy plate glass doors. He tells nbc affiliate wdiv he doesnt remember any of it. I know im not the only one going through this. Reporter but its a window into is a problem over the nfl. Matt talked to commissioner goodell about it last year. Do you think the fans care . Yes. Very much so and i hear from our fans on that. They care about our players. They care about them today. They care about them in the future. They want to know that were taking care of them. And were doing the best we can to protect them while theyre playing and for the years after they get away from the game. Reporter but there are signs that some athletes are still playing with concussions. In may, Giselle Bundchen said her quarterback husband, tom brady, is one of them. He had a concussion last year. He has concussions and we dont talk about it. But he has concussions. Reporter a sign that doctors and families, too, are worried. In an interview, tom brady did not deny his wifes claim, only saying she is a very concerned wife. Meanwhile, the nfl said theres no records of a head injury or concussion as it relates to brady. As far as the study itself, we should note the report does not necessarily confirm that cte is common in Football Players, but only in this particular research sample. Many of the brains used were donated because of the concussions and troubling symptoms before their deaths. It wasnt a random sampling. But staggering results. Really concerning. All but one brain. Stay tuned on that one, as well. We want to hear more about that. Lets turn to al. Al, i have to compliment you on your suit. Looking sharp. Your jacket is fabulous. Were in a blue mood. See if youre in a blue mood because of the weather. Weve got a flood threat for much of iowa into parts of missouri and illinois as we watch a line of showers and thunderstorms pushing in. Weve got a Severe Threat today for four million from kansas city, des moines, davenport, chicago in that. And tomorrow, a wider swath, from new york into nashville and parts of arkansas. 56 Million People at risk. Damaging winds possible, as this front pushes in, the storms will form along the cold front. Chicago, youll see the storms late tonight. Early tomorrow. Then, the shift into the Midatlantic States and the northeast with heavy rain and winds a big problem. In the midwest, three inches per hour possible into today and tomorrow. Five inches through thursday morning. And as we make our way from cleveland, on into washington, atlantic city, beckley, west virginia, richmond, we could be looking at flood risks, storms and a coastal low forming, causing big problems. Were going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. Al forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. Good wednesday morning. Im meteorologist kari hall taking a look at todays High Temperatures, a wide range as we get a look at the cloudy skies as you head out the door this morning. And temperatures up to 75 degrees in oakland. 85 in napa. Lower 90s from concord down to livermore and morgan hill. San jose expecting a high of 85 degrees with our temperatures over the next few days warming up. San fran sfrap in the 70s while the inland valleys will see the highs in the 90s over the next seven days. Thats your latest weather. Savannah . Hand the is your latest weather. Coming up, new interview on a daring and playsen jail break. This is recorded from inmates, themselves. How Venus Williams is fighting back after being sued in her car crash. This is today on nbc. Still to come, why still to come, why air bfb could mean savings on your next vacation. Check out natalie morales, she gets theme reveal a secret weapon when it comes to doing the impossible. Naatly is with him all after your local news. This piece is so you. I saw it and i was just like oh, i have to have it. State farm knows that every one those moments, theres one of these. This piece is so you. I saw it and i was just like i have to have it. From renters insurance. To rewards credit cards, state farm is here to help life go right. Sun to the farm to the seeds that you sow seed to the oat to get made to an o put in the good and the good will grow good goes around and around and around good goes around and around. The moments that connect us happen one morning at a time, and one cup at a time. Folgers, the best part of wakin up. And in this swe see. 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Just ask your doctor about taltz. A very good wednesday morning to you. 7 26. Im laura garciacannon. Traffic around levis stadium and potentially the south bay could fall victim to football fever a little later today. The football were talking about is the soccer variety. Potential traffic issues are looming in the runup to tonights gold cup final soccer game at levis stadium. Team usa taking on jamaica at 6 00 tonight. The festivities get under way early with the pregame taking place outside the stadium. Levis lots will open at 1 30 this afternoon and tasman drive is scheduled to shutdown outside the stadium at 9 00 it this morning. Probably going to be pretty warm out there if youre lucky enough to take in the game, kari. Yes, it will, even though were seeing clouds right now it will all clear out later on today. We already have mild temperatures in the lower 60s now for the peninsula and the south bay, trivalley 59 degrees. 56 degrees in San Francisco and in the north bay. As we get a look at these High Temperatures this afternoon mid70s in oakland. 85 for san jose. And in concord 92 degrees. Half moon bay at 65 with santa rosa topping out at 91 degrees and it gets even hotter as we head into the next several days especially for the inland areas staying in the 90s throughout the weekend. And now lets get an update on whats happening on the roads for mike. Were looking over here and overall the traffic flow is very smoothly. The south bay just starting to kick in. The problem all morning is hayward out of san leandro. Weve had repeated crashes, 880. It has cleared but still a slower drive between the two bridges. That soccer game around levis stadium will cause traffic all around there even the closure 9 30. Another local news update in half an hour. Get 40 off on coit Residential Cleaning Services including carpet and hardwood, tile, stone, even air ducts and window treatments. And your satisfaction is 100 guaranteed or your money back. Thats 40 off everything coit cleans. Call or click today. Were. We are back this wednesday morning, its the 26th of july, 2017. Good morning, everybody, Kiersten Daly enjoying time out. Morning, ladies, good to see you. Heres a look at whats making headlines today, just hours after voting to open the debate on health care refarm, republicans were hit with a new setback, a measure to repeal and replace obamacare was rejected by a wide margin. A new round of debate is happening today. The Senate Judiciary hearing holding a hearing on the elect meddleing. Palm manafort will not testify yet, including last summers controversial meeting with a russian attorney, manafort afreed to negotiate a date for a recent interview. Katie ledecky is further cementing her title as the worlds most dominant swimmer. The 20yearold lapped in the field by winning by more than 19 seconds to grab her third goal at this year os world champion. It was her 12th career medal. The most of any woman ever. Katie, be i the way; back in the pool today, you can catch complete coverage on npc sports. I was just thinking. Let katie do it. How about ledecky versus phelps. That would be a good one. Hope are you listening npc sports network. Also this morning, dramatic new video surfacing of a daring jail brake in california that has three dangerous inmates. Miguel almaguer has the latest. Good morning. Reporter good morning the video given was taken by the inmates, themselves, it documents their escape and time on the run t. Jail break that embarrassed local authorities and terrified this region for days. Released with music the edited video takes you inside the maximum security wing at the Orange County jail. That is where three dangerous inmates executed their daring escape, grinning for a cell phone smuggled in, the men began their caper by removing the steel leg from a bunk and carefully sliding over a metal great already sliced open. The video goes sigh leapt as the first shimmys into the hole, giving the all clear to a theme song inside the jail walls the men remove a series of bars, using rope and cloth creating ladder, snapping photos of their handywork and themselves. Partially dressed in jump suits the trio reaches the roof insuring no rush, pausing for more photos, with freedom in sight, they would repel five stories down, using ropes and tools to make their unbelievable escape. These three are extremely dangerous felons. Reporter it launched an eightday manhunt, jonathan k for murder, young for attempted murder and this man for kidnapping and torture. My name is adam hussein nairi. Reporter he nar rates, and snaps photos with a cab driver who claimed he was kidnapped, forced to drive them to northern california. Friday night in San Francisco. Reporter posing for more photos in the bay area, the inmates even filmed inside tear hideout. A van where they drank whiskey, smoked marijuana and ate ba nn a bananas. Its water, all the basics. Reporter a baffling escape that was both stunning and embarrassing. During the state wide pan hunt, one inmate decided to drive back from the bay area with the cab driver who was kidnapped and turn himself in. The remaining two inmates were later cap cured in San Francisco, because the escapees face more criminal charges and this case remains opened, the da and Sheriffs Department is not commenting on the few video. Back to you, guys. We seen it all now. Thank you very much. The music. I mean. Unreal. Okay. There are new developing stories this morning in a fatal car crash involving Venus Williams, her legal team is now fighting back claiming williams wasnt to blame. Tammy, good morning. Reporter good morning, carson, its been about sixandahalf weeks since this accident and this morning, we are getting new clues from the plaque box in Venus Williams car. Experts will be analyze tack data trying to understand who may have been at fault in this accident. This morning, Venus Williams is coming up swinging off the court. The tennis stars legal team saying shes not to blame for her car crash that killed a 78yearold man and injured his wife linda. Instead, suggesting the elderly couple was at fault. I really didnt know words to describe. Reporter earlier this month at wimbledon, williams broke down in tears while discussing the accident. In Court Documents filed in response to a wrongful death lawsuit, williams lawyers say the barsons are at fault for failing to adequately maintain tear vehicle and for failing to use their seatbelts. But the barsons lawyer disagrees. The plaque box download from the brsons vehicle shows that both mr. And mrs. Barson were wearing their seatbelts. The vehicle was a 2016 hyundai, a year old, in perfect working order. Reporter the barsons lawyer telling nbc news he has newly uncovered information from the data record senator venus suv. That he says contradicts her claim. What was most surprising was the fact that ms. Williams vehicle was fought going five Miles Per Hour as she has claimed. But, in fact, was going nearly 20 miles an hour. Reporter the initial Police Report said williams was at fault. But after police found under Surveillance Video of the accident, they said williams lawfully entered an intersection near her home but got stuck when a car turned in front of her. When she started moving again the car driven by linda barson entered the intersection and the two collided. We see from the video footage that ms. Williams delayed entering the intersection. It appears she was distracted. Venus Williams Team tells nbc they are still analyzing the black box data and dont want to comment on it. They want voice and text data. The tennis stars legal team is oppose tag request. Another thing experting will be analyzing is the grown light at the intersection behind me, how long was it green for . Was it long enough . And did it malfunction . Tammy, thanks very much. Time to head over to mr. Roker for a check of the weather. We have heat advisories, miami you think its hot, actually not all that hot, in fact, they got a heat advisory, it will feel like 105 to 110. They had none in the previous four years, in the midsection of the country, they have been feeling the heat. Heat indexes up to 110 to 115 from illinois down into texas and louisiana, temperatures today are going to feel brutal. They will feel like well over 100 degrees in st. Louis, memphis, dallas, item sa and kansas city where those temperatures will be fairly steamy, then a frontal system pushes through, that brings in cooler air and relief. You see temperatures start to drop on thursday to saturday in little rock, jackson, nashville, louisville on into Oklahoma City an even a little bit down in good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. As we take a live look outside in San Francisco, low visibility, some drizzle happening and we will see this for the next several hours. Inland areas highs in the low 90s after the skies clear and up to 91 degrees in livermore. Hayward 78 degrees. The peninsula into the mid70s. San francisco well have some upper 60s today after the skies clear and expect a high of 90 today in sonoma. Dont forget, get that weather anytime you need it. Check out our friends on the Weather Channel on cable. Coming up, the surprising list of baby names on the brink of extinction. First, new ways to save on your next trip as the Vacation Home rental war howd we rethink light yogurt . Kicked out artificial sweeteners, added real fruit, and made it 90 calories. New light and fit greek nonfat yogurt with zero artificial sweeteners. Youll go from mmm to wow. Shop for your homeohls with zero artificial sweeteners. 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And jo ling kent explains. Reporter were at the height of vacation season. That means many families are on the hunt for the perfect rental. And companies known for their hotel and flight bookings are trying to give airbnb a run for its money. Get away. Get home away. Reporter the race to help you plan a perfect vacation is heating up. Big names you know, like expe a expedias home away, and pricelines booking. Com, are trying to take a bite out of airbnbs islawild success. Airb airbnb blew away the existing competition. Now, companies that dominated Hotel Bookings are jumping into the home rental business. Vacation home rentals are exploding growing faster than hotels. Rentals shot up 11 last year. Airbnb is attracting celebrity customers. Beyonce stayed in this villa near San Francisco. Gwyneth paltrow in the french riviera. The kardashians stayed in this new york penthouse that can go for 10,000 a night. Airbnb boasts 3 million listings, booking. Com says they have 7 million. And home away offers 2 million choices. Air bnb is rolling out unique travel experiences, aimed at millennials. Were going to an endtoend platform, to get unique homes and unique experiences. And this is about putting magic back into travel. Others are also taking advantage of the Vacation Home rentals boom. Theyre helping owners figure out how much to charge when renting out their homes, especially when listing on multiple sites, as travelers pa ru paperuse millions of get aways. Hotel chains are feeling the pressure from airbnb. Now, Luxury Hotels are offering deep discounts. This is the takeaway. Before you book anything, do a thorough search and multiple places before spending any money. Guys . Sounds like a good plan. More competition. That price will drop. Thanks so much. Coming up, the pop star under fire for taking her 3monthold on that ride. First, sheinelle in the orange room. Good morning. A big change is coming to the mvp video awards this to eat healthy. Yet up 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day mens complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus hearthealth support with b vitamins. One a day mens in gummies and tablets. Nature valley granola delicious ingredients to fuel your day find us in the cereal aisle. All the power of protein in one delicious bar Nature Valley protein bars while other Insurance Companies just see a house. We see the home youve worked really hard for. [ cheers and applause ] and welcome back. Sheinelle is in the orange room, talking about my old stamping grounds. I feel like you should be talking about this. You will on pop start. On tuesday, mtv announced the nominees of the 2017 music video awards. And notably missing from the list are the best male and female video categories. Mtv has eliminated all gender specific categories from the show. Mtv did the same thick at the movie and tv awards in may, when you may remember emma watson received the neutral award for best actor. The social media response has been mixed. Roxanne tweets, im so glad youre doing this. Its about time. Every awards show should not be judged by gender. On the other side, why did vmas get rid of gender categories. A lot of people are getting excluded from the show and they have good sockngs. We asked what you think of the decision. Look at this, right now, its split. 51 say they refer keeping it gender specific, and 49 say theyre for combining the awards. Well see who will take home the artist of the year award, when the vmas broadcast on august 27th. Carson, i know you will talk about this in pop start. Were going to have to exercise the nuclear vote on this. What do you think . 51 of me likes it. And 49 doesnt. I get it. Lady gaga is going to lose to jayz. She should win. Why should she lose to jayz . Maybe she will win. She has a better shot of winning in a different category. Why . Its not like its tennis and theres differing skills. I think double the number of nominees. Best actor . I think it would be already. I think its fun to watch people who are were used to seeing compete against each other go at it. As opposed to throwing in a jayz or somebody else. I want to see christina and britney, i like those groupings. You can be into gender fluidi fluidity. They keep trying to wrap us up. We have more to say. They should have if there were five women, ten people nominated. Is there a suggestion box at mtv . A lot of people who are against it are saying its because they feel they need more people involved. So, its not necessarily because why is it more people win awards. Its just cool. Sheinelle, we have to roll, baby. More difficult than health harrys meeting clients. From far away. But they only see his wrinkles. Hes gotta play it cool to seal the deal. Better find a way to smooth things over. If only harry used some. Bounce, to dry. Yeah he would be a less wrinkly, and winning at life. Heri think i might burst. Totally immersed weekenders. Whatever kind of weekender you are, theres a hilton for you. Book your weekend break direct with hilton. Com and join the summer weekenders. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me, and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a medication. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain. And protect my joints from further damage. Humira has been clinically studied for over 18 years. Humira works by targeting and helping to. Block a specific source. Of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain and. Stop further joint damage in many adults. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas. Where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Talk to your doctor and visit humira. Com this is humira at work. My challenge is to be in sync with my body, myself, my life. It all starts with a healthy routine. Begin the activia two week probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics everyday. Take the activia probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics everyday. Bee to the hive to the comb combing that honey. Into some gold gold to the o. Its the yum in your bowl good goes around. And around, and around. Good goes around and around. Here ya go. Awesome, thank you. Thank you. Thats. Not your car. Your cars ready wrong car. This is not your car . I would love to take it, but no. Oh, im so sorry about that. You guys wanna check it out . Its someone elses car. This is beautiful. What is this . Its the allnew chevy equinox. This feels like a luxury suv. I love this little 360, how do they even do that . I made a bad decision on my last car purchase. Well, your cars here. Bummer. Bummer. Wahwah. Im ready for an upgrade. laughter it is 7 56. Good wednesday morning. A lot of clouds and even some drizzle right as we take a live look outside in San Francisco. Low advivisibility in spots. Well see it this for the next two or three hours while we see the sun peeking through san jose. Looking at the forecast for the gold cup final at levis stadium in the mid80s for the early afternoon hours and then in time for kickoff at 6 30. Well be at 82 degrees, lower 70s by the end of the game. Looking at our High Temperatures all around the bay area today upper 60s in San Francisco. Oakland, 75. Up to 85 and low 90s for concord to antioch, livermore and morgan hill. Santa rosa will reach into the low 90s later today. And now for an update on the roads lets head over to mike. The san mateo bridge, slower westbound, recovering from an earlier issue on the span itself. Were look iing at the maps as well. 880 itself moving the bottom of your screen, a new crash south 680 has moved to the shoulder. You see a little more slowing, a light build to the trivalley. The south bay not a problem and a little extra slowing from berkeley to the bay bridge toll plaza. Back to you. Thank you very much, kari and mike. Its 7 57. Happening now many in the Lgbtq Community calling it a setback delivered by President Trump. He has announced he is planning to ban transgenders from serving in the military if in any capacity. You may recall the Obama Administration last year allowed transgender to serve. The policy had been in limbo. In the bay area authorities are warning about a new phone scam. Targets are being ordered to send money or wire money to supposedly help a kidnapped loved one. Go to our home page about what that involves. man hmm. What do you think . stranger good mornin store p. A. attention shoppers, theres a lost couple in the mens department. vo theres a great big unkhaki world out there. Explore it in a subaru crosstrek. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Its 8 00 on today. Coming up, breaking overnight, health care setback. The Senate Rejecting the latest effort to repeal and replace obamacare. Just hours after john mccain returns to washington with a message for his colleagues. We are getting nothing done, my friends. Were getting nothing done. So, where does it go from here . Were live in washington. Plus, pushing the limit. Natalie scales mountains with a rock climber who is making history and learns a thing or two about climbing herself. I think this is the scariest thing ive ever done in my life. I would take childbirth ten times over again. And over the line . Why this pop star is sliding her way into a social Media Firestorm today, wednesday, july 26th, 2017. Savannah, please come out and heat our savannah. Hi, savannah. Hi, savannah. Mother daughter bucket list. Selfie with matt. We miss you matt lauer. I came to new york city hoping to see someone famous. And you will today. Who do you want to see today . Hoda. Shes like, who is that . I have breaking news on the plaza. Just married. Were pregnant. Baby two on the way. Talk about headlines. Theres the news that hodas got it. Welcome back to today. Nice to have you along with us. Matt has the morning off. Hell be back to take selfies next week. Thats right. A lot going on on a wednesday morning. Lets start your news at 8 00. Senate republicans are advancing their campaign to repeal and replace obamacare. Tuesdays vote signaled a tough road ahead, even with a boost from john mccain. We get the latest from Kristen Welker. Reporter hi, carson. Good morning to you. President trump is using his bully pulpit to get a Health Care Reform bill passed. It failed hours after they opened debate on the issue. All highlights the steep challenge they face over health care. Overnight, a setback for health care legislation. The Senate Rejecting a republican plan to repeal and replace obamacare. In the amendment falls. Reporter the proposal, failing to get the 60 votes needed, sending the Republicancontrolled Senate back to the drawing board. The vote coming just six hours after Senate Republicans tried to breathe new life into their effort to overhaul obamacare, with another nailbiting vote to begin the health care debate. One critical yes vote coming from senator john mccain, returning 11 day after brain surgery to a heros welcome. Mccain delivering a powerful message to his colleagues. Urging them to stand up to the president. We are not the president s subordinates. We his equal. Reporter trump was back on familiar ground tuesday night, a Campaign Rally in ohio, a state that helped him win the white house. Were one step closer to liberating our citizens from this obamacare nightmare. Reporter the event had all the hall marks of 2016, from pointing out protesters. Hes a young one. Going back home to mommy. Reporter to making bold statements. With the exception of the late, great abraham lincoln, i can be more president ial than any president thats ever held this office. Reporter and bashing one of his favorite foes. Fake, fake, fake news. Reporter also under a microscone this americmorning, attorney general Jeff Sessions, under attack by the president for recusing himself in the russia investigation. Im disappointed in the attorney general. He should not have recused himself. Reporter mr. Trump stopping short of saying whether he plans to fire sessions. We will see what happens. Time will tell. Attorney general sessions is showing no signs hes going to step down. Although those close to him acknowledge he is feeling hurt by the president s comments. The president has the authority to remove a cabinet member at any time for any reason. Carson . Theres Kristen Welker at the white house for us. Thanks, kristen. North korea threatened overnight to launch a Nuclear Strike at the heart of the u. S. , if washington tries to remove kim jongun from power. The cia director mike pompeo seemed to hint that the u. S. Was looking for regime change in north korea. Officials believe that the north could have a missile capable of reaching the u. S. Mainland as early as next year. A longrange missile test is expected from the north within days. And a gutwrenching story to tell you about this morning as a california teen was arrested this week, after police say he was seen on Surveillance Video ac abandoning his baby in a strip mall parking lot. He takes out the car seat and gets back in the car and pulls away. The 16dayold baby was discovered by a barbershop employee. Police tracked down the 18yearold a short time later, after he was allegedly involved in a car accident. He faces several charges. That baby was taken to a hospital where he is being treated for an unrelated condition. The coast guard released a video of a captain that jumped into the waters to save two crewmen. Another fisherman was pulled out by a good samaritan. A coast guard chopper airlifted him to an ambulance where he was treated for hypothermia. The widow of a Police Detective that was killed two years ago, as given birth to her baby girl. Chen was a newlywed when her husband and his partner guyed in an ambush. She was able to conceive through in vitro fertilization, by sperm that was preserved. Thats a beautiful story. We have more ahead for you guys, including, baby names going the way of the dinosaur. Youll be surprised at the new list. Natalie is going to extremes with a rock climbing legend. Pushing the limit series is next. And jill is ready to reveal and jill is ready to reveal unbeatable steals and hi. Oh, hi welcome to the neighborhood. I brought you this pie to see if youre weird. Wow, that smells intrusive. It is. Did you want to come in, maybe snoop around a bit . Thats why im here. Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . Ooh, i smell onions the citi® double cash card does. Only citi lets you earn 1 cash back when you buy, and 1 as you pay. The citi double cash card. Double means double. On tuesday afternoon, linda discovered the chex mix™ combination of one corn chex, one rye chip, and two pretzel pieces. Then she won 27,000 on scratchers. Coincidence . Yes, but now she calls it money mix and were okay with that. Pick your mix with chex mix™. Give extra. Get extra. [ intense music playing ] ] its here, but its going by fast. The opportunity of the year is back the mercedesbenz summer event. Get to your dealer today for incredible onceaseason offers, and start firing up those grilles. Lease the e300 for 569 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Her long day as anne. Hair stylist starts with shoulder pain when. Hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol . Give up my 2 aleve for 6 tylenol . No thanks. For me. Its aleve. Dude. Yodude. Unchings stheyre just jealous. Kelloggs raisin bran crunch with crunchy clusters and the taste of apples and strawberries. I got one guess were having cereal for dinner. Kelloggs raisin bran crunch apple strawberry. And then the people go inside. Do you understand charlie . Mom . Yeah . Can i have a Peanut Butter sandwich . Yeah, you sure can. Can charlie have one, too . Charlie can have one too. And one for charlie. gasp look mom charlie took a bite. with full mouth unbelievable. Feed his imagination, with the fresh roasted peanut taste he loves. Where theres jif, theres love. With the fresh roasted peanut taste he loves. Enamel is the strong, wof your tooth surface. The thing thats really important to dentists is to make sure that that enamel stays strong and resilient for a lifetime. The more that we can strengthen and reharden that tooth surface, the whiter their patients teeth are going to be. Dentists are going to really want to recommend the new pronamel strong and bright. It helps to strengthen and reharden the enamel. It also has stain lifting action. Its going to give their patients the protection that they need and the whiter teeth that they want. Were back. Its wednesday. You know whats happening . Were going to trend. Were going to trend. All right. Lets do it. Here we go. Baby names, trentd trends come. The most popular names right now, emma, olivia, eva. Boys, liam, noah and lucas. What about the old baby names from the past . Theres a list by baby center thats releasing the list of names on the verge of extinction. Not chosen once in 2017. Ready . Bet bet bettie. Blanch. Christa, olga and rhonda, have not been chosen yet. Chrkristas is a 70s era. And olga. Sometimes if theres somebody you looked up to. You want the boys names . Yes. Hank is up there . Homer has gone away. Home center. Lowell. Byebye. Roosevelt. For a boy. I like roosevelt. Thats a good name. Its a boys name. Rudolph and willard. Willard, come on. You cant do that. All right. Are you ready to find out where your names rank . Please. Okay. Carson, you lead the pack. 82. Youre number 82. Youre in the list of normal names, youre number 82. Good. Albert, you are 461. Yes. Wow. Savannah, you are 1,414. Wow. That doesnt i feel like theres a lot of savannahs. Thats where you are. Now this is a throwdown between sheinelle and me. Who has the weirdest name of all. I kind of win. Im ranked 10,238. And sheinelle, there are no results. Yeah. No results. Thats unique. My mom is sheila and my dad is darnell. They squished it together. I will guess in years to come there will be another sheinelle. And little hodas. I think about my parents now. Something about a car and a son. A guy named johnny. I dont know. What were they up to . The mind reels. Thinking about that. Lets get to pop start. Were going to start with justin bieber. Were learning why he canceled theory mi reminder of his tour. Were sorry. But a mans soul and wellbeing i truly care about came first. Bieber spoke to tmz and said that everything is fine. After two years on tour, he plans to rest and relax. He apologized at the end, have a blessed day. Need time off. Now, ceira, her and husband took a trip to china. Ciara on the great wall of china toboggan slide. Has the 3monthold baby in the bjorn there. People quick to criticize her. Has your attentionseeking na narcissism as a couple affected your parents decisions, too. This is ridiculous. Others jumping in to defend her. One comment, people, please, stop the mommy judging. She and russell are great parents. They wouldnt put their kids in danger. Dont look at me. I mean just a lot of judging out there. I will not pile on. On the vmas. Mtv announced the video award nominations on tuesday. Leading the pack, humble. Tying, katy perry gets five nominations. A new category, best fight against the system. That celebrates videos that inspire viewers to fight injustice. Phenomen nominees for song of summer. You engrate despacito. Yes. Any contenders . Calvin harris, katy perry. Theres only one. Despacito. You can watch the mtv music awards. Im still plugging mtv. It comes out of me. Its in your dna. Im going to count down Britney Spears videos if i dont stop. My daly click today. I dont know if you remember the bear. In the theme of motorcycles, this clip might have met its match. Heres two buddies on the highway. There it is. Check out what they see here. A closer look as they pass by. Thats a nun, riding her bicycle. Out to fulfill her need for speed. Shes in the full Tour De France tuck position, in the downhill there, pushing the bike to the max. With the basket. Nun on the run. Thats not something you see every day. Right . Thats what i imagine Martha Stewart looks like in the hamptons. On her way to snoops house. Right. You may get a letter from martha for that one. Thats all right. Al, lets do the weather. Excellent stuff, carson. I like that. Show you on the radar, we have strong storms, stretching from minneapolis north of wichita. Fair skies out to the west. Were looking at Severe Weather in kansas city, davenport, demain. Were going to see them in chicago, and great lakes. Milder day. The sun is out in the northeast. Monsoonal moisture starting to abate just a bit. Well see a little lessening of the storms. And up and down the west coast, we a spectacular day. Good morning, im meteorologist kari hall. Weve got a lot of clouds lingering right now in San Francisco and our High Temperature today heading up to 68 degrees with some clearing. Well be in the 70s over the next few days. As we get a look at the forecast for the inland areas, a lot of sunshine here and highs reaching into the low 90s for today and then some upper 90s for the next few days. That weather continues as we head into the weekend and early next week with mostly sunny skies through the next seven days. And thats your latest weather. Carsen . Al, thanks so much. To more of our special series this week, pushing the limit today. A rock climber who is making history. And natalie got a chance to do some climbing with him. Shes brave, too. I push my own limits this morning. In the world of rock climbing, Tommy Caldwell is a true legend, scaling mountains with just his hands and feet. Hes achieved what many thought was impossible, free climbing yosemites dawn wall. My whole life is about pushing myself. Reporter combining a masterful grip with his innate grit, Tommy Caldwell transforms the unthinkable into the incredible. You feel the power of mother nature. Reporter tommys record on the rocks began when he was a teenag teenager, here near colorados Rocky Mountain park. Did you have fear . I was almost addicted to it. Reporter that aversion to fear became tommys secret weapon. I would climb six days a week. We started to traveling all over the world. Reporter at 16 years old, he entered his First International climbing competition and he won it. Mountains became tommys quest. But at the age of 21, a harrowing event nearly ended it all. Tommy was with a small expedition group in kyrgystan and they were captured by rebel fighters there for six terrifying days. We were progressively getting closer and closer to death. Reporter he saw his captor alone and vulnerable, tommy pounced, pushing the armed militant over a cliff. Incredibly, they all managed to escape. How did that change you . It made me want to live every day to its fullest. Thats when my climbing started to skyrocket, in a way the. Reporter did it ever. From patagonias fitts traverse, to yosemites magic mushroom, almost nothing could stop tommy. Even losing part of a finger couldnt hold him back. Then, the biggie. He set his sights on something nobody has done before. El capitans dawn wall, considered one of the worlds most dramatic rock faces. We studied the wall. We failed a ton. Reporter his traini ining grueling, for seven years he practiced the moves. He partnered with kevin jorgenson. And in 2015, the two set up to climb their way up the wall and into history. Considered the most difficult climb in the world. Reporter using ropes only to catch their falls, they pulled themselves up inch by inch, over 19 days, up the dawn walls 3,000foot rock face. The anchors are always good. We get in a situation, where we can fall 60 feet. Reporter as the world watched, their climb became an international sensation. Incredible and historic feat by two american climbers. Reporter after a lifetime of training, that impossible dream became real. Reporter my family had sacrificed so much to help me do that p that. It was really a shared moment. Reporter a shared moment that he described in his new book, the push. It teaches you how to negotiate the risk of life. Reporter as someone who never climbed before, he took me up the rocks near his home. I think this is the scariest thing ive done in my life. The thrill is really real. Maybe a little too real for me. Oh, god. I dont like the winds. I would take childbirth ten times over again. Reporter but for tommy, its way of life. And at home in colorado, the weather father of two trains religiously. By embracing fear and learning from failure, tommy is living every day to the extreme. What pushes you to the limits . I think its built within me, to want to push myself as hard as i can. I cant imagine a life without that. Reporter for now, tommy says he is focusing on his family, he is a devoted father of two, before diving back into another allconsuming goal. But he is planning some smaller climbs near his home, also in Northern Canada and greenland. That was the most scared i have ever been. The winds were 40 Miles Per Hour. It was scary. Thats something natalies limits are the same as our limits. Our limits are walking from the couch to the refrigerator. But natalie is an athlete. The stairs on the way down. Thanks so much. Another inspiring story. We moved birthdays up. Nair so exciting this morning. We have a couple of good ones here. Theyre all terrific. But a couple of folks really getting up there. First up, happy 101st birthday to elizabeth shahbacker, a red sox fan from port st. Lucie, florida. Her secret, two glasses of wine every day. Eileen stewart, 100. Better known as grandma eke and specializes in spoiling her grandkids. Thats a nice hobby. Look what we have here. Happy 108th birthday to henry van stelten. An entrepreneur from california. Still drives his car around town. When he was 105, he passed his drivers test to renew his license. Maybe become an uber driver. Rosie caesar, port arthur, texas. Keeps her mind sharp by watching game shows. Lena is married to the love of her life for 70 years. Very sweet. And happy 100th birthday to leonard oslund of sycamore, illinois. He didnt retire until he was 84 years old. If you know somebody celebrating a milestone birthday or anniversary, we would love to hear about it and show it. Send a photo at today. Com celebrates. Having 110 to 100yearolds,. Still driving his car. Just ahead, a batch of steals deals you cannot afford to miss these. And, a light summer dinner dish. Cant wait. After your local news and weather. [ cheers and applause ] good wednesday morning. At 8 26, im sam brock. Weve got some new video to show you this morning from authorities on the peninsula showing a bold restaurant breakin. Check in what this guy does. He puts his bike down there as cameras are rolling. Smashes through the window of that restaurant. Then he climbs inside. He briefly walks away. Then he comes back and enters again. All of this is happening about a week ago at a restaurant in El Camino Real a little before 7 00 in the morning. You get a pretty good look at his face right there. Apparently no one called 911 while this is happening, despite the fact you see cars moving in the background. Police say the man did examine the cash register, which was empty. He took nothing from the restaurant and then left. If you have any idea who he is, contact belmont police. This morning, mike, you are just getting news of a crash in san jose. Its on highway 87 in san jose. Were looking over toward most of the bay, pretty pleasant drive. In fact north 87 only shows slowing from kurtner heading up into downtown but there may be another crash somewhere around the 85 split so were tracking that stretch of guadalupe parkway. Overall it looks great for 101 and 85. A smooth drive approaching the bay bridge as well. We are about half an hour from highway 4 to the curve. Back to you. Thank you, mike. Well be back with more news in 30 minutes. Get 40 off on coit Residential Cleaning Services including carpet and hardwood, tile, stone, even air ducts and window treatments. And your satisfaction is 100 guaranteed or your money back. Thats 40 off everything coit cleans. Call or click today. Including carpet and hardwood, tile, stone, even air ducts and window treatments. And your satisfaction is 100 guaranteed or your money back. Thats 40 off everything coit cleans. Call or click today. Good morning, everybody. It is 8 30 in the morning. Just taking some selfies out here on the plaza. Wednesday, july 26th, 2017. Great crowd. Happy crowd. Saying hello. Youre my friend, too. I love it. I just am getting to know the crowd out here. So cute. Adorable. Hi, everybody. Weve got some darn good weather out here, wouldnt you say . Oh, yeah. Lets dosido, hoda. You know who is here on friday . Fitz and the tantrums. Were digging in theres fitz right there. Great show band. Were digging into the decade vault. Were pulling out great songs of summers past. Today, were winding back the clock to 1981. Jessies girl number one on the billboard chart in 1981. And remember the first video they played on mtv . Video killed the radio star. The buffaloes. Allen hunter. Is jessies girl going to walk out here now . Rick, come on out. My sister tortured me with this album. Working class dog she would play it over and over. This is the time of the day, when we point a single personal out from the crowd. Today, were going to mix it up. Jill is assisting with the surprise. Hi, guys. Today, were going to highlight five of her friends on the plaza. In anticipation of steals deals, we have all of the deals in this basket. If each of you can come over this is nice. With a full basket that they get to keep. We get to give it away. Where is my little friend . I like the ladies back here. This is for you, honey. Cant forget about the people here. Right here. Im going to the today show nose bleeds. That was awesome. We have other stuff coming up. There you are. Enjoy. I want to keep doing it. Wild salmon recipes from one of the menu of the hottest restaurants in new york. Thats easy to make at home. Thank you, jill. Al, give a good forecast. Lets saturday shove how you happening. A milder day in the northeast. Strong storms in the upper Mississippi River valley. And sunshine along the west coast. For tomorrow, we got severe storms making their way into the ohio river valley. Apressively warm and hot. And sunshine making its way out west. Where are you from . Great falls, virginia. Whats your names . Rick. Brenda. And who do we have here . Justin. I have to look at the faces. Justin, camille, carson and his twin brother, bryce. Thanks so much. Maybe they should have name good morning, im meteorologist kari hall. We have a lot of clouds lingering right now in San Francisco and our High Temperature today heading up to 68 degrees with some clearing. Well be in the 70s over the next few days. As we get a look at the forecast for the inland areas, a lot of sunshine here and highs reaching into the low 90s for today. Then some upper 90s for the next few days. That weather continues as we head into the weekend and early next week with mostly sunny skies through the next seven days. Dont forget, get the weather you need anytime of the day or night, go to the Weather Channel on cable. Hoda . Hello, al. Its been time. Youve been waiting all day, time for steals deals. Why shop the sales. Jill martin is here, with unbeatable bargains you cannot get anywhere else. And you top yourself week after week. Lets start with hair care. We were laughing during the break because who gets their hair colored . I dont know if i have gray hair at this point. This is perfect for color treated hair. It retails 135. Theyre offering their wonder pack, the most popular products, sulfate for your shampoo. And the conditioner, which prevents hair from turning brassy. The blow dry spray and the texture spray. And pop and lock, that helps with shine. The retail, 135. The deal, 45. 95. Lets go to candles. These smell beautiful. And they have the agot on the top. And for decoration. Xela aroma scandals. Go on to today. Com. Three combos, including gardenia, that we love. 46, 69 off. This is so smart when youre traveling and you need to have your hair stuff but you dont want to pack a bulky hair drier. Our friend, i have no hair. It comes in a bag. The minihair drier. That will take us forever to dry our hair. And the curling iron and the fullsize flat iron. The deal, 69, 82 off. And i want to say theres Free Shipping on this. We had it where our phone dies too early. Every day. Yeah. Okay. The charging iphone cases. 99 to 199. It protects your phone and doubles the bat ray timor batte. Can i Say Something about this, knowing something about it, its light as a feather. Often you dont want the charger because you feel it weighs your phone down. They come in all colors. The pura vida bracelets. Its a little something. They come in the packs. On today. Com, you can see the different ones. But they mean different things. Theyre made in costa rica. These were created just for steals deals. Retail, 90 to 100. Up to 77 off. Those are great. And finally, the makeup county. These are cargo makeup sets. Weve been trying to get this for a while. Its a fourpiece collection. I love the name. You can go around the world. They have a getaway. Illuminating. And in it, you get its clear on today. Com. You get a mascara, lip glass and eye shadows and eye liners. Works for almost everybody, dont you think . Yeah, the neutrals. Nose are awesome. Were going to recap in case you forget. Shipping is included on all products. The color wow hair care sets. The candles. Travel accessories. And charges cases. And bracelets from pruta vida. You have questions, go to today. Com. Jill, thank you as always. Coming up next, ideas to keep the kids occupied and out of your hair this summer. First this, is today on nbc. [ cheers and applause ] welcome back, everybody. Ah, summer. The long, magical days for your kids. No school. Lots of swimming and fun. And you hear it. Im bored. Todays abbe larsen came up with fun and Clever Solutions for kids of all ages. Thats the only down side of summer. Kids get stir crazy. Especially right now. End of july. A little to go. Between camp. We have projects that wont break the bank. Wont get too messy. And you can use stuff around the house. Parker will help us make ice cream in a bag. Oh. From scratch. Okay, parker. We start with two bags. A gallon bag and a pintsize bag. About a cup. Pour that in. About a cup of half and half, into our pint bag. While hes doing that. You got it. Im going to add a couple tablespoons of sugar. All right. We add a little bit of good oldfashioned vanilla. You pour it in. Go for it. Good job, parker. We zip this really tight. We dont want any of that to spill. Zip it up. In our larger bag, we filled it halfway with ice. Were going to add half a cup of koe ko kosher or sea salt. The salt lowers the melting temperature of the ice. So, when you zip this up tightly, if i can do that. You have time to create that ice cream mixture. Parker is going to get energy out and will start shaking. This is the ice creammaking. He will shake it for five to eight minutes. When hes done, it comes out as ice cream. Wow. I know. Is that yum . Yes. I would eat it now. Parker needs to taste it. He can have a real bowl. In our house, we just throw some toppings. Into the bag. Top your ice cream and have at it. Make your sundae. Here, we have audrey and william. You know these kids. These are my kids. Audrey and william. Theyre going to help us do some poi painting with water guns. This is so easy. It doesnt involve much parental supervision. Unless theyre painting each other. Youre mixing equal parts washable paint and water. And you load it up into a water gun. These battles makes it easy. Go over and grab a gun. We have hung some water color paper. You can use construction paper. Fire, guys, fire. Wow. You let them go to town. Dont shoot us. This is like a twominute project. It will keep them busy for a long time. Is that fun . Were getting a big yes. Good job, guys. Thank you. This is cute. It is cute. And its not always sunny in the summertime. Sometimes its rainy and you have to get the kids inside. Were making summer glitter globes. You want to start with a jar. Mason jars, and food storage jars. Whatever you have. Dont buy anything new. Emily is going to hot glue a little figurine. Weve got this stuff. Glue that flamingo down. Shes going to set that aside to dry. While thats drying, emily, can you go ahead and pour it all the way up to almost the top. T water. This is plain if you want to, you can add a little bit of vegetable glycerin. Its a clear vegetablebased oil. It makes the glitter flow through slowly. Were going to skip that step today and go straight for the glitter. Add as much or as little as you want. Thats perfect. Youre going to get your lid. Hope its dry. In theory, it would be. You screw it on as tight as you can. And give it a good shake. Thats really fun. Now, if you turn it upside down, you can see its a beautiful snow globe. Thats cute. I love it. Im mesmerized by this. This is a good one. Were making pool noodle slingshots. This is safer than the slingshots we used to make as a kid. Were going to cut down a pool noodle to four to six inches. Tie off the end. See if i can do this elegantly at all. And were going to cut off the top. Then, all we have to do is fit the balloon around the noodle. You want to get that tied right in the center. You can secure it with a little duct tape here. Okay. And the kids have some finished ones. And i have a finished one for you. All right. How do we do it . Show me, guys. Lets load them up. You dont want to put too many. They will get stuck in there. What are we putting in there . Little upons. There you go. Pop. And imagine the games you can play with this one, right . Thats really fun. Last but not least. All you have to do is give a kid a Cardboard Box and duct tape and theyre going to have a lot of fun, but this one is for the parents. We have made it collapsible. But cutting down the back and the bottom, you can collapse these guys and slide them into the closet. Or under the bed so you dont have to look at them. This is a nice little pad shes got. Doesnt take much. Thank you, abby. These are great ideas. You can find more on all the ideas at today. Com. Abbey is taking over our today parents instagram account. Be sure to look for more fun ideas for her. If you need ideas for dinner, we got it for you. A recipe for a light and easy meal. You can try it tonight. First, this is today on nbc. It is 8 50 here. Were back with today food. If youre looking for a simple summer dish to brighten up the plate, this is roxanne, the chef atki kingsley in new york. You have a nowaste policy. We produce zero trash at the restaurant. We compost and recycle everything and use whole animals. Were not buying extra bones or doing that stuff. We use of every part of every piece we get in. Thats cool. Are we going salmon . Were going to do a salmon for the summer and a dill cream sauce. It ees by the season. What kind of salmon are we doing today . This is a sock eye salmon. We were noticing the color. That salmon is so bright. Whats the first thing we start with . Sauce . We get the sauce going. Salmon takes zero time to cook. Were going to get everything together. Is this a sauce you would do ahead of time . I would recommend you bring it all the way to the last step. And you can have your reduction ready to go. Keep it cold in the fridge for a couple days. You can warm it up, mount the b butter and be done. This is an awesome knife. Is that your knife . Your knife. I have sticky fingers. Why do you use twine on the dill . Its easier to take out of the pan. What if you dont have kitchen twine . Rubber band. Do you cook all the time . I do. You also do you will break down a pig. Do a lot of different proteins. You use every part of that pig. Its local. Its seasonal. Well have pig. Duck, whole venison. What did you throw in there . Vinegar and white wine, were going to make a reduction. We dont want to have too too much acid in there. Were going to concentrate it. How long to get to that point . You can come down in probably 10 minutes, 15 minutes. Thats is going to set. At this point, is where you want to add your cream. Real deal cream, right . Real deal cream. The whole dish is healthy except for this one thing. Got it. You dont have to have the sauce. Absolutely. That normal . Its just reduced. Youre eating the salmon. Moist and fantastic. And the creaminess. Its yummy. Do you have the sauce on there . I have some sauce. You want to reduce it down tightly. If you add your butter and its too liquidy, you have to separate it out. Going veggies. Sauteed veggies. You are going to go any oil down . Yes. Oil in the pan, skinside down. How long . Just a couple minutes. As soon as you see it took, you want to flip it. Put the fleshl side down. Ive been going two minutes on first sides and i bake it off. I prefer my salmon on the mediumrare side. Salmon comes in a hard shape. You have the restaurant trick here. Theres a butter flip on your salmon. Did you know that, savannah . Shes flipping butter on it. Thats why it tastes so good. Oh. This is good. Check out we have to go. Go to kinsley. Check out roxanne. I want to know what you can do with the scraps her. Were back in a moment. This is today on nbc. Thanks to roxanne here. Get 40 off on coit Residential Cleaning Services including carpet and hardwood, tile, stone, even air ducts and window treatments. And your satisfaction is 100 guaranteed or your money back. Thats 40 off everything coit cleans. Call or click today. All righty. Whats coming up, guys . Im excited. We have Chrissy Teigen. A lot to talk about. And home generations with the listed sisters on good wednesday morning. At 8 56, im sam brock. Traffic around levis stadium and potentially the south bay in general today could fall victim to a little football fever. The football were talking about in this case is of the soccer variety. Potential traffic issues are looming in the runup to tonights big gold cup final game at levi. Team usa taking on jamaica at 6 00 tonight but the festivities get under way earlier than that. Theres a pregame fiesta taking place outside of levis. The parking lot opens up at 1 30 this afternoon and kazman drive is scheduled to shut down starting at 9 30. Happening right now, bob redell is there monitoring the upcoming closure and asking police about their plans to keep traffic flowing. Bob will bring us a live report for our midday newscast. You can link to more information in our twitter feed. Some new documents shedding light on a deadly car crash in florida involving a car driven by tennis star Venus Williams. Williams has not been charged with a crime, but new documents are coming to light tied to a legal claim on our facebook page. What police say triggered that crash and what williams told Law Enforcement officers. Were back with more news coming up in 30 minutes. F now, back to the today show. This morning on todays take, Chrissy Teigen dishing on motherhood, marriage and her man, john legend. Well show you easy room red redos. And sweet treats to beat the heat, coming up right now. From nbc news, this is todays take. Live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Hey. It is wednesday morning. Humpday. Hu humpday. Thats whats new. When have you ever said the geico commercial. Remember . With the camel. Mike, mike, mike. July 26th, 2017. Roses by the chain smosmokers. Mila. Before she goes to bed. She will call me seven times. She will go dont let me down i think im losing my mind now and you go in. Thats funny. Thats creative. Can you record that for us one day, please. Sure. It comes to mind, the percentage adage, one day yours will do to you what you did to yours. I cant wait until shes 16. This is a recuring theme. If youre out on the town most of the time we dont have the latest. I didnt do anything besides worry worry is not the word. My boy twin, the 5yearold, he doesnt eat dinner. And i posted how long ago did i post that he wanted toast. Did he eat the toast . Thats all he eats. Bread and bagels. Hes like us. He likes the cashercarbs. Lets try brown rice. If you take the brown off of it. We walk into whole foods. Im going to try something different. You can pick anything healthy. Lets create a mraplatter from whole foods. He looked at the buffets. We went to all of the stations. The world is your oyster. You know where he goes . Muffins and the croissants. If anybody has suggestions. Dont tell me, put the broccoli in the blender and he wont see it. He loves vegetables. Put him on a veggie diet. Thats all he eats is vegetables. Vegetables and carbs. Is he like that the rest of the day . He eats bacon. Im giving him bacon every day. What about turkey bacon . Nope. My pediatrician says as long as theyre eating a lot of veggies, youre okay. Does he eat Grilled Cheese . Ill give it to him, and he will tear it apart. He doesnt like cheese . When you tear things and you spread it out. He doesnt like cheese . Sometimes. Some days. If hes eating veggies, hes okay. And hes a little string bean. Hell be fine. Really . Hes fine. My children are also car carblovers, just like their momma. And they went on last night, theres a new restaurant in our neighborhood, that opened up. And mila, mommy, ive been dying to go to serafina. I called henry. I said, youre going to come home early. We went and had pasta and pizza. How cute. Arent they the cutest . Do they get dressed up to go to din center. Mila put on that little black dress. Im going to put on a little black dress for the occasion. Yeah. Youre in big trouble. Yeah, right . A little black dress already. And poppy refused to change. We had so much fun. And carb loaded. Im not worried about the carb loading. It seems like he doesnt eat. Hell eat. When . Everybody keeps saying that. Relax. He needs to try some of als protein shake. His cold brew . Get him a cold brew. I underestimated the cold brew craze. You make it. But at the store. Cold brew is in. Im trying to go into business with al. Well mawork on it. Can my face be on it, too. Cold brew. That will sell a lot of cold brew. I did a story a few weeks ago for weekend today on hans zimmer. His movies collectively have grossed 25 billion. Hes done everything from driving miss daisy, to the lion king, to pirates of the caribbean. As soon as you hear it, you know the composer. You think of driving miss daisy, dont you think about the music . Yes. He is on tour right now. He sold out coachella. He did six concerts. This was at radio city. Sold out. As a 50piece orchestra and a chor chorus. This was last night . This was last night. Its a soundtrack of your life from the 80s, 90s and today. Did you hear and say, i didnt know he did that . Because im a fan. He did madagascar. We would have been like i didnt know that. You hear the music. Man of steel. Thats fun. And so, there was noble it issing neis i nobody sitting next to us. One of your friends decided, you know what . Theres somebody sitting here and someone famous asks, can they sit there . I am with you. And i get up to use the restaurant. And john mayer. He teams up with bud light would you give your seat to a celebrity . Two friends at a bar. One goes to the bathroom and asks the other to save the seat. A series of folks looking for that seat. All builds to john mayer. Its reality. I didnt realize that. She scoots the seat . In. Is this taken . Its okay. I will just get a drink here. Im sorry. Im karen. Im john. Nice to meet you. Im from connecticut. Im from fair field, connecticut. Right on. I wish my friend was here. Its funny you say your friend. Im doing a friend test to see if you would hold the seat for your friend. Youre not letting me seat. Im going to give you two passes. Can i have a hug . Can i sit for the hug . No. It was a test. You passed it again. She is a good friend. Dont you always want friends like that . Wait. Okay. I think youre under the bus. Jenna knows, i have been in a similar situation. I was not with sheinelle, but hen sheinelle was with a friend. And did you save that seat . Come on. It didnt happen like that. The point is, i think a real friend should understand if its a celebrity that you really like. Who was the celebrity . Why does it matter . Dont you know . Who is the celebrity . You cant bring it up and not say. Its no big deal. It wasnt a big deal. Just saying. Its no big deal. Come on, now. Come on. Oh. Come on. I was at by the way, i didnt throw you under the bus. Its fine. It came up. It wasnt the other day. Apollo theater. Man or woman . Yeah. Goodlooking man. Its not about that. Its not. Goodlooking man . See . This is why i cant tell a story. Dont bring up the story. My point was that i would probably give the seat away. You would. Who is your biggest crush . Al . Halle berry. If halle berry walked up and you were saving the seat for matt lauer. Would you give the seat away . No. I would offer her my seat. Tow chuche. I didnt think of that. I would think that matt lauer would understand. I could do both. You have to stand up the whole time. So what . Its halle berry. He will take the stand. Your mystery guy. I will tell you during the break. Im the surrogate for the audience here. We dont want them to feel left out. The point is, she would give the seat up. I would give it away. Were going to ask this to our next guest, coming up. Chrissy teigen, a fantastic mom and game show host. Up next, do you hate shhers . Folks that shh you in the Movie Theater . Were im leaving you, wesley. But why . You havent noticed me in two years. I was in a coma. Well, i still deserve appreciation. Who was there for you when you had amnesia . You know i cant remember that. Stop this madness. If its appreciation you want you should both get snapshot from progressive. It rewards good drivers with big discounts on car insurance. I have news. Ive used most of our cellular data. Come on, susan lucci bmilk and fresh cream,a. And only sustainably farmed vanilla. What is this . A vanilla bean . Mmm breyers the good vanilla. We use nongmo sourced ingredients in some of americas favorite flavors. Mmm hey, its dinner. A lot happens on your wooden surfaces. Luckily, no one cleans and kills germs better than clorox disinfecting wipes. Nonalcoholic juice drinks inspired by your favorite cocktails. [ plays chord ] like sangria. The taste will take you away. [ plays melody ] [ plays castanets ] [ melody stops ] got carried away. Watching this breath savers protect mint neutralize the plaque acids in my mouth. I cant see anything thats because its working so hard. Hey, what are you guys doing . Karen. Were neutralizing. Maybe i want to neutralize. You ever think of that . Tfriends family sale take an extra 20 off your purchase get the gear. Win the school year. Laceup graphic tees are just 11. 99 score young mens shorts for 15. 99 and juniors denim for 19. 99 plus get kohls cash too game on. Kohls. Fromto the wobbling yogis. Kers to the stationary race winners, we all need lean protein. And it comes in a jimmy deans delights breakfast sandwich. Stacked with 17 grams of protein. Lean into a great day. Shine on. Gocolorista. From loreal paris. A playful new line of hair color. Pink hair, blue hair, mermaid hair. 11 semipermanent shades that fade gradually with shampooing. Color your way. Colorista. From loreal paris. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works in just one week. With the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce wrinkles. Neutrogena®. I dont know. All right. Welcome back. More of todays take. Okay. I read a thread this week thats gone viral. Folks asking questions what little thing would you make illegal because it annoys you. Some on the list, talking in a Movie Theater. Do you shh people talking during a movie . You give them a look. I like the look. The look is effective. And i smile when i look. I try to like a cute look. Hey. But i will say, i was in a broadway show, right after mila was born. You were in a broadway show . I wasnt in a broadway show. Lion king. The only thing, mila. That would be fun. It is tempting to holdli little mila up. And henry, the first time he baby sat alone. Not baby sitting. Its called parenting. He called it baby sitting at the time because we were very new. He was texting. Where is the bottom warmer . It ees plugged in. Where is the bottles . I was writing him back. This was too early. I was with my sister. A man next to me depose, do you want to put that phone away and enjoy the theater . I hate being scolded. It took me back to sixth grade in the principals office. And i was like, yes, sir. And i put it away. I have a newborn baby. He didnt care . I dont care. I get his point. Its ees annoying to see a lit light. Its rude. I think you never know where people are coming from. Thats true. For me, two things. Somebody puts a finger in my face. You better know what youre talking about. I dont like that. I want to be, can you take your finger out of my face. That was one. And the other thing, if somebody says, oh, sweetie. Dont call me sweetie. Unless it comes out of indearment. Do you get annoyed when i call you sheinelley . No. When you hold the door for people and they dont say thank you. Its annoying. Like they expect it. My mom gets annoyed when people say, bless your heart. It happens a lot. In texas, its a common saying. I dont think it comes out of malice. But her heart doesnt need doesnt need blessing. Shes fine. Oh, bless her heart. Im comes out of a little jab. A little knock. I dont know if we could prosecute any of those. No. But its annoying. I know my kids would like to prosecute me for the bad dad jokes. Whats your best dad joke . Thats an oxymoron. Bob yeager, he used to share this with me. You would say, how come the pirate couldnt get in the Movie Theater . How come . It was rated arrrrr. You have a bunch of those. And joe, wishing his daughter a happy birthday went viral. Heres the picture of his daughter and a sea lion. Happy 21st birthday to my beautiful daughter, left, raelyn. Shes on the left. When this went viral. I said, what do you mean by viral . 10,000 likes in 4 hours. I think its because its corny but people can relate to the fact its a dad joke. Does your husband do dad jokes . My father. When does it happen . It starts about 10, 12 years old. Why . We 10, 12 years old, your kids are annoyed by it. And the humiliation factor is high. They think everything you say is funny. They laugh. About 10, 12 years old, you get the eye roll. Or they walk away. My dads form of joke was humiliation. He would say things once. We did the local television thing in theres dallas. And my phone rung. And he said, who is that, eric . And eric just dumped me. I was like, dad. He loves it. He loves to humiliate me. Thats not cool. His heart was in the right place. He was trying to be the funny dad. Bring up the dumped boyfriend. You want to share your dad jokes with us, give late hash tag. Todaystake. Maybe we will air them at the end. Todaystake. Youre going to write one . While you send them in, im going to do weather. Strong storms right now in the central plains. Thats just where we happen to have a risk of Severe Weather for today. In fact, we have 5 million, 4 Million People at risk for the strong storms, from kansas city, up to des moines, to davenport. And tomorrow, a wider swath. 6 64 Million People from new york to arkansas. Severe winds and damaging winds. Rainfall amounts, upwards of five inches in the plains. As you get to the east were still looking at low clouds and fog in San Francisco right now. The High Temperature will be up to 68 degrees with clearing later this afternoon. Oakland up to 75. 85 in san jose with lower 90 ths for the inland valleys. Well feel very warm temperatures. For the valleys and the inland areas, reaching into the mid 90s for the next several days even into the beginning of next week. Thats your latest weather. Dad jokes. Todaystake. Tag us on it. We want to know the dad jokes. Ultimate gear for the ultimate summer party. Our buddy has the great ideas for the dog days of summer. s not a quick fix. Its my decision to make beauty last. Roc® retinol started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. And the longer i use it, the better it works. Retinol correxion® from roc methods, not miracles. ™ we carry flowers that signifyn why we want to end the disease. And we walk so that one day, there will be a white flower for alzheimers first survivor. Join the fight at alz. Org walk. People would stare. Psoriasis does that. It was tough getting out there on stage. I wanted to be clear. I wanted it to last. So i kept on fighting. I found something that worked. And keeps on working. Now . They see me. See me. See if cosentyx could make a difference for you cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Find clear skin that can last. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Never give up. See me. See me. Clear skin can last. Dont hold back. Ask your dermatologist if cosentyx can help you find clear skin that lasts. Now, to the summer gear you never knew you needed or wanted until now. We have the gear to kick up your summer fun. And who better to show us than katie linendoll. My kids love a melon. I hate cutting a melon. I want you to finish this off. What is awesome about this is. Watermelon slicer. It takes some oomph. Instantly you have all of the watermelon cut for you in a matter of seconds. You want to push to the very end. Give it a little muscle. He got it. Perfect. You see these online. They work and make it simple. I want one of these. This is so great. Next up, i want to showcase this baby for our star wars fan. This is a star wars grill. This is a little mix. The awesome part of it, the wings do your food prep on the ids here. And you can embed a star wars logo on the meat. It takes a portable propane tank. I love it. I love it. Maybe this hits home more. It does. I love the cold brew. This is from the grommet. Cold brew is a big trend. Do you like it . Hes created an als cold brew. You have the best food and bev photos. This is a must, then. Whats awesome about it, no heat, no electricity. You need water and do you have Something Like this . I tdo. I like it. This is becoming your backyard vendor. A vintage hot dog cart. Theres a power supply here. You can cook up to eight hot dogs. You got me one of these a couple years ago. Fabulous. Im very bad at pitching a tent. You have to take it out, first. I was going to say, theres no way to screw this up. But i stand corrected. Toys for the kids. Great back yards. This is like a slip and slide. This is an instant dunk booth. If you want the dunk booth, theyre like three grand. Hey. Hit the target. Go. Hit the target. Very close. And i love this slip and slide, too. This is an instant slip and slide. Pampers. Unlike ordinary diapers with two layers, pampers have three absorbent layers to stay up to three times drier, so babies can sleep soundly all night. Wishing you love, sleep and play. Pampers. Good morning, it is 9 26 right now on your wednesday. Be prepared as traffic around levi stadium today and potentially greater areas of the south bay could fall victim to football fever later today. The football in this case is soccer, and the potential traffic issues are for the run up to the gold cup final at levi. Team usa against team jamaica. It is starting soon, the road will shut down outside of the stadium. The games will get under way with a pregame fiesta in the late afternoon. Stadium lots scheduled to open at 1 30. New this morning, authorities are showing us this bold restaurant break in. He rides his bike up to a restaurant, smashes through the window with a chair. Walks inside, comes in, looks around, then leaves, then comes back. It happened a week ago at a restaurant a little before 7 00 in the morning. In part of the video you see cars buzzing by but no one stopped to call 911. He examined the cash register, it was empty, he took nothing from the restaurant. If you know anything, please contact police. Good morning, im kari hall. Looking here at San Francisco, and it will take awhile for it to clear. Were seeing clouds over san jose that are quickly clearing out. The high heading for 85 degrees. 90s also well. San francisco 68 degrees and santa rosa today will see a high of 91. How are the roads moving, mike . Overall, kari, a smooth flow of traffic now. Slowing starting to clear and were looking toward the 101 at university. An issue was reported there right at thing, but nothing going on as far as the traffic flow. We should be okay as you get to palo alto. Thank you so much. There is palo alto. More news for you in 30 minutes. For now back to the today show. Shes a television host, model, chef, mom and social media superstar. Of course, were talking about this nice lady, chrissy teig teigen. Unless, a New York Times best selling cookbook author and has another one in the works. Its noise to be at the table. We like you at the table. Can we talk about lipsync battle . Always. You got nominated for an emmy. I know. I cant believe it. John has got his g. O. T. And what if i had the e . I would be excited for an emmy. I was saying how busy she is. You heard her name the products. Does it feel like work to you . Do you think, is this happening . Things are fun. Im lucky to be part of the things im apart of. It feels like work. Especially with baby. Its feeling more like work as i age. Im out of breath. Running to your studio. Were late . Where am i . And now, youre on tour with john. Yes. On face value, people say, thats got to be glamorous. Its probably not as glamorous. No. Youre on that bus. We love being on the bus. We watch movies and netflix all day. But then, though, you have to get off and get into a hotel at some point. Usually at 4 00 in the morning. Youre barefoot. Everyones like, who is in this bus . You look disgusting. You stumble out and go to the hotel room. Its like groundhog day a bit. Do you forget where you are . All the time. And youre with a baby. With your darling girl. I dont know if its more for so me. I love aquariums. We try to find a coolest little place for her. She is so lucky. She gets to go backstage. Do you have the earphones . She hasnt gone to a show yet. She hasnt . I dont know. Not quite there. She sees pictures her and she gets excited. Just like us. I mention youre a social media superstar. Theres one instagram post. You were vacations in bali or Something Like that. Fab. Amazing. Were calling it a cleanse. It was a retreat. With the baby . Yes. You need to. Look at this. Wow. Like the king and i. . At the resort, they wanted to dress us p. John went allin. He has doubleearrings. What dough yo do on a cleanse . You eat healthy. And you are for me, it was all about moving again. I hadnt moved, hadnt worked out. And luna is 15 months now. 15 months . Yeah. That went fast. I hadnt worked out once. For me, it was getting back into pilates. And kind of really figuring out my body again and getting back to a better mental state. Yeah. Talking about babies, theres a social media phenomenon. People sending you pictures that look like john. Baby pictures that look like john. How did this start . It started with one. Is that not john . Started with that guy. Thats not john . Johns bigger, i think. As a baby. Yeah. Started out with him. And then, Kim Kardashian put it on my baby shower cake. It came back to haunt me like a year later. Now, theres a new john baby. The simple fact is, john looks like a baby. Youre showing me things i know. Its cute. Its cute. But im flooded with it. Flooded. John look like a baby. And theres that undertone is, is this johns baby . I hadnt gone there. Youre working on a cookbook. You have a great one thats so fun. Thank you, yeah. Whats your favorite summer dish . I have so many. I love eating hearty foods. I love casseroles. My moms scalloped potatoes is my favorite. People talk summer and lean toward a lighter fare. I like watermelon and tomato salad. You teamed up with mcdonalds and uber. I have the best life in the world. Truly. Theres two things i love. Its food delivery and mcdonalds. And now, they have this now, they have mcdelivery. And everyone that orders mcdelivery on uber eats, gets some kind of dope piece of item. I got a sweatshirt. I got a picnic basket. Everybody . You can only get it in this way. Do it now. Yeah. Do it now. Really . Yeah. Its so fun, now. Its so instagramible, too. Once you wear it, you get flooded with comments about how badly Everybody Needs to order it. I like it. Always great to see you. I love you guys. Thanks so much. Coming up, the dynamic duo who generate homes on a budget. Now, the listed sisters will help you needles. Essential for him, but maybe not for people with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr. A once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Needles. Fine for some. But for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. An unjection™. Shop for your homeohls and get kohls cash for you get the perfect dorm room chair and get 10 kohls cash get a food network cookware set and get 30 kohls cash or a dyson vacuum and youll get 80 kohls cash this weekend at kohls. At best foods, we care about sourcing 100 of our oils responsibly. And we care about incredible taste. Because at best foods, were on the side of food. Give extra. Get extra. Our bodies grow babies. We run marathons. Companies. Solve problems. How . We eat. We eat almonds. Strawberries. Quinoa. And yeah. We eat chocolate. We eat in sweatpants. In skirts. We eat alone. And together. Women are strong. We eat, and we own it. Special k. When this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. Hold on dad. Liberty did what . Yeah, Liberty Mutual 24hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. My dad says our insurance doesnt have that. Dont worry i know what a lug wrench is, dad. Is this a lug wrench . Maybe . You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Backpack, check. Thats the family taking care of business. Awesome notebook check. But who takes care of them . Office depot office max. This week, these composition books are just 25 cents each. Taking care of business there are the wildcats til we die weekenders. The watch me let if fly. This i gotta try weekenders. Then weve got the bendy. Spendy weekenders. The tranquility awaits. Hanging with our mates weekenders and the its been quite a day. So glad we got away weekenders. Whatever kind of weekender you are, theres a hilton for you. Book your weekend break direct at hilton. Com and join the weekenders. At pmore than one flavor, orh texture, or color. Ing. A good clean salad is so much more than green. And with panera catering, more for your event. Panera. Food as it should be. When it comes to room makeovers, you dont have to spend a fortune on rennrenovati. Just a few tweaks to make it feel like a new space. On i love wtwins. They come up with customized renovations. And perhaps it will inspire you. You cant go buy a new house. But you can spruce up what you have. I love your show. I love that youre twipns. I want to be part of it. You can be part of the twin club. Can i be part of your show. We can get you on. You can throw a sledgehammer. Just abrief appearance. Lets go outside and then in. All right. Go ahead, sis. Theres a lot of things that you can do to spruce up your exterior that doesnt take a lot of time or cost a lot of money. This is the before of a home we just did. It aired on the new season of listed sisters a couple weeks ago. With some paint, completely transformed the space. We painted the trim. If you want to swipe again. And you have a new door. It makes it look modern. Its the same door. We took down the storm door. The screen. We stripped the paint and stained it. You can paint your door and make a statement. You couldnt tell there was a porch in the left one. You highlighted it, right . After time, the paint wears off. It starts to look dingy. Putting a nice coat of pain brings it back. This is the bedroom. Looks a little dated. Very bland. And after, complete transformation. You changed the bed direction. You put it in a cattycorner, which is interesting. We were staging this house to sell. This showcased the room best. You have a window here and a window there. All we did was bring in a fresh coat of paint. We got rid of that dated light fixture. That fan. Do before and after. There we go. Oh, yeah. There was that fan. It just felt like it was just big over your head. We updated the flooring. These are the same floors. We sanded them, refinished them. And we added some curtains and a fresh coat of paint. Can we move to the den . This looks like a typical den. Before and after. Whoa. Big transformation here. I think there was a transformation there. Yeah. Where do you start . If you notice, a lot of people have the dated brick fireplace. You can update it with paint. And in this case, we put reclaimed wood on it. Builtin shelving. Brought in lighter furniture. A lot of guys like the dark leather. That was awesome. Thank you so much. This is why you have a show. Youre good. We like twins. Yes. She has twins. I am a twin. My gosh. Bring us in. Thank you so much. Al, does he have he doesnt have twins. But hes got mike. Whats the guy that looks like you . Tirico. Oh, yes. Love you, al. So, looking at a milder day in the northeast. Severe storms as you make your way up in the upper midwest. Monsoonal moisture. Lots of sunshine along the west coast. And for tomorrow, the heat continues. Texas into the central plains. Heavy rain makes its way into the southwest. The west coast looking spectacular. Severe storms in the ohio river valley. Oppressive heat still in with the clouds, getting clearing later on today, temperatures reaching into the mid 70s for oakland. Napa, livermore, morgan hill. It starts to heat up today, San Francisco will get some clearing by this afternoon. Well be in the low 70s in the next several days while the valleys feel the low temperatures today and to the upper 90s in the next several days. Weather. Up next, triple berry cheeseca cheesecake. Dessert pb js. Copd makes it hard to breathe. So to breathe better, i go with anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. 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Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. Wmade fresh with two eggs,les. Cheese and sausage. And ready in seconds. [ blinds opening ] now you can enjoy the taste of a saturday morning breakfast. Ted . Even on a wednesday. New jimmy dean simple scrambles. Find it by the bacon. Loreal paris presents matte addiction. New matte addiction by color riche. Rich matte lipstick. 16 shades pulse with lush comfort. Nondrying. Never flat. Cant beat this matte. New matte addiction by loreal. The best way to get together is with a treat you make together. Get whatat olive garden. Ss new early dinner duos for just 8. 99. Choose from over 50 delicious combinations. And all the salad and breadsticks you want. From 35 monday through thursday. Hurry in, its early dinner duos. Only at olive garden. When you make a pb j with smuckers, thats the difference between ordinary everyday and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. Because with a name like smuckers, it has to be good. Today food is created with our sponsor, smuckers fruit and honey. Naturally sweetened with honey. Sounds good to me. This morning on today food, nobake desserts. Sounds good to me. The last thing you want to do in the summer is to turn on the oven in the house. We brought alahandra ramos. We like a nobake situation. We are making some triple berry nobake cheesecakes the we have the triple berry fruit and honey. Cream cheese. The little tart shells you can get in the baking aisle. I love mint. Dream cheese, soften it up. This is not how you do it. This look like something i would do. Should i just do it like this. That works, too. Get yourself a jenna in the kitchen b to heto help you. If you have owe guyogurt, that too. And then, the triple berries and the honey. Use mix that all up. Okay. We have it over here finished. And you fill up the tart shells. You love a cheese take . Dress it up with a little mint . Do you put them in the fridge . What about the freeze center. Its a good idea. I like it. Whats next . Nobake cookies. These are so cute. Theyre little cookie balls. Without the eggs. We are using strawberries, honey, Vegetable Oil, slivered almonds and oats and chocolate chips. We get our oats and the slivered almonds. And you blitz it up quickly to get it finely ground. You add your honey, your vanilla extract. Not bad on health factor. This is a Good Breakfast cookie. Im declaring it a breakfast cook cookie. You have oats and fruit and honey. If the mixture is too wet, you can add some extra. I dont want to break another machine here. I already did one. Not working. Okay. You scoop them out. We scoop them out. You can use a little Vegetable Oil on your hands. We can do this. We got this. You started it nor for me. We have a minute left. All right. This is you like it . This is my favorite. We have a dessert Peanut Butter and jelly sandwich. We have pound cake. I just started slicing. Thats perfect. You brush the grill pan with a little bit of butter. And you put your slices. It caramelizes. You can buy the pound cake, right . Buy it. Do homemade, whatever you want. Go little of the spread here. What is the spread . This is concord grape. Just dust it with powdered sugar on top. Check out the recipes at today. Com food. Back in a moment. But first, this is today on nbc. We have so many dad jokes. Well share one of them. This is from shawn ingram. Why shouldnt you buy anything velcro . Why . Because its a ripoff. Keep sending them in to todaystake. Well share some tomorrow. Whats up next . We have good wednesday morning. Were still seeing the clouds around the bay area. As we look at todays High Temperatures, a little warmer in a few spots than it was yesterday. Well be in the low 90s for concord and 91 in santa rosa. San francisco a high of 68. Well see low 70s other the next few days with mostly sunny skies for the inland areas. Expect highs in the 90s. Were looking at the san mateo bridge as we look out here i think we will see the flashing lights at the bottom are curiosity but not blocking any lanes. Some mist in the area. No slowing for 92. A smooth drive. Activity in the south bay. Thats what caused some of the slowing heading up, things starting to improve as you go towards downtown san jose. Thank you, mike. Many folks in the lbgtq Community Say there is a set back today as the president bnss transgender people to serve in the military. Authorities are worried about a new phone scam. Asking to wire money to help loved ones. Information on our home page. Get 40 off on coit Residential Cleaning Services including carpet and hardwood, tile, stone, even air ducts and window treatments. And your satisfaction is 100 guaranteed or your money back. Thats 40 off everything coit cleans. Call or click today. Including carpet and hardwood, tile, stone, even air ducts and window treatments. And your satisfaction is 100 guaranteed or your money back. Thats 40 off everything coit cleans. Call or click today. From nbc news, this is today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Hello, everybody. Its one of our favorite days of the week. Its winesday wednesday. Yes, it is. July 26th. That is Kenny Mcchesney singing all the pretty girls. Love Kenny Mcchesney. Different from what i grew up with was all the girls get pretty by closing time. Anthony knows. How was craig last night . Great. A bunch of our crew went out to see Craig Ferguson last night. Heard that was naughty. Hes a

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