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Morning. More violent storms on the way. Stupid human tricks. Guys, weve just made it to the top. This sin credible, to be honest. To teens climb to the top of the Golden Gate Bridge and dangle off it by their fingertips. The shocking video part of a dangerous trend that could land two would be and foolish daredevils behind bars. And extra credit. High School Students in the criminal Technology Class agree to be pepper sprayed by their teacher, quickly regretting it. Oh, my god the real life lessons that may have gotten a little too real. Today, wednesday, may 17th, 2017. From nbc news, this is today with matt lauer and Savannah Guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning, everyone. I would have to have done pretty poolly on my last test to want that kind of extra credit. We all want an a, but i think thats pushing illustrate a little bit far. Were going to have more on that story coming up a little later, but were going to go to washington for our top story. That bombshell memo by then fbi director james comey claiming President Trump asked him to shut down an investigation into former National Security adviser Michael Flynn. A source telling nbc news this morning this is part of a paper trail that comey built to document what he believed was the white houses attempt to derail the fbis investigation into Trump Campaign alleged ties to russia. That memo lead to go immediate action on capitol hill. The republican chairman of the House Oversight committee is demanding the fbi turn over everything it has on communications between the president and mr. Comey. Of course, this isnt the only scandal facing the white house. We have complete coverage beginning with nbc National Correspondent peter alexander. Peter, take it away. Hey, matt and savannah. These days, the white house as you noted is lurching from one crisis to another. The latest word of this memo by james comey coming a week after the president fired and warned his former fbi director about tapes of their conversations. Now as you noted, comey kept this paper trail of memos inside the fbi, documenting the president s stunning request a day after former National Security adviser Michael Flynn was fired. Mounting backlash this morning on capitol hill after the latest explosive allegation to hit the trump white house. The country is being tested in unprecedented ways. Enough is enough. Congress really needs to get to the bottom of this. Democrats pouncing after it was learned ousted fbi director james comey detailed in a memo how the president asked him in february to back away from the fbi investigation into former National Security adviser Michael Flynn. Multiple sources with firsthand knowledge of the memo confirming to nbc news, it said says President Trump cold tommy, i hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting flynn go. The New York Times that broke the story reporting mr. Trump praised flynn as a good guy, comments the president echoed in an interview with lester holt last week. This man has served for many years. Hes a general. Hes a in my opinion, a very good person. A u. S. Official says the trump comey conversation happened after a Counter Terrorism briefing inside the oval office. The times reporting the president asked comey to stay behind as the Vice President attorney general and others left the room. Late tuesday, the republican chairman of the House Oversight committee, Jason Chaffetz demanding the fbi turn over all memos, notes, summaries and recordings by one week from today. But on the surface, that seems like an extraordinary use of influence to try to shut down an investigation being done by the fbi. The white house sfuting the account. In a statement, saying in part, the president has never asked mr. Comey or anyone else to end any investigation. The white house also pointing out a comment by the acting fbi director at a Senate Hearing last week. Asked whether comeys firing has impacted their work. The work of the men and women of the fbi continues despite any changes in circumstance, any decisions, so there has been no effort to impede our investigation to date. Still several democrats are blast withing the president s reported comments as an obstruction of justice, even republican john mccain in an interview overnight with cbs saying the growing trump sag bat is bad for the country. I think weve seen this movie before. I think its reaching a point where its of watergate size and scale. While Lindsay Graham says he wants to hear from comey himself. If mr. Comey alleging the president did something inappropriate, its open invitation can tell us about it. I dont want to read a memo. I want to hear from him. This morning, white house aids are publicly questioning why, if it is true, comey didnt report this conversation immediately. A close friend of comeys tells nbc news that the former fbi director was disturbed by trumps suggestion about flynn, but didnt feel compelled to resign. Instead, comey, according to the friend, thought he could manage the situation and continue to operate independently without notifying rank and file agents. Matt and savannah. Peter alexander at the white house on this. Peter, thank you. We have a lot to unpack and let us start with nbcs justice correspondent pete williams. Good morning to you. Now we know members of Congress Want to see these memos. Is it in their power to subpoena them . Is it likely that thats whats going to happen here . Its certainly in their power to subpoena them. But as for whether its obstruction, lets assume that the way mr. Comeys memo describes is conversation is what actually happened. It sounds like what you would think is an attempt to impede an investigation. But the legal experts ive talked to disagree about whether its obstruction. First, to prove obstruction requires proving the president knew he was doing something wrong. And it could be, framp, he didnt realize how inappropriate this was. Second, apparently just two people in the room, so its one mans word against the other. But an fbi directors notes would be credible. The fbi controls the custody of the memo. Mr. Comey may have a copy, as well. Investigators in congress or justice may want to first get the comey memo. They want to see it for themselves and undoubtedly interview mr. Comey himself and maybe even the president. But some legal experts say purely as a matter of law, even if the president did what the memo says, it might not be obstruction because, for example, all federal employees who work for him work for the president he can tell them what to do. Ultimately, savannah, there is a political issue for congress. Got it. Pete, thank you. We are now joins by msnbcs chief Legal Correspondent ari melbourne and chuck todd. Theres a high hurdle to get over before you can Start Talking about obstruction of justice. However, if you combine the words the president used with director comey about i hope you can see clear to end this, you go two weeks earlier, i want your loyalty, which comey said, no, ill give you my honesty. And then you go back to the fact that a day or two after that second meeting comey is fired, are you getting closer . You are getting a lot closer. This memo is by far the most legally convincing thing we have seen to hurt the Trump Administration since he became president. Alone, it is probably not obstruction even though it looks bad. But taken together with the other pressure and the possibly reasons behind the firing which still needs probably a full investigation is the kind of thing that together could amount to obstruction. And a lot of people, from the white house, are saying wait a minute, if comey is sitting on this memo, if this happens way back in february, did he have an affirmative duty to disclose it right then and there to congress, to an inspector general, to somebody . Why did he sit on it . Interest probably not. Indeed, the fbis more responsible tack would be to say im memorializing this precisely for this reason, if more happens. The president certainly gets the benefit of the doubt in that time. He got it. Adding to on other information now it is a memo on file that they can use. James comey is a cross the ts, dot the is kind of guy. All you have to do is look at him. This is a guy that takes notes and keeps them. Hes not a guy you look at in a real estate deal and overmaneuver him. When you have anger, both parties, you stand on a political ground in a different context. What james comey learned web probably learned from the bush administration. In his mind, hes always on the side of angels, he always takes notes. And to come out of a fight with the fbi or cia, with winning is near impossible for a president who has declared open war on the and you fire him and criticize him. Now his friends are leaking this memo. And i think the way this went down, this goes back to being a bad winner, this goes back to being a bad firer. He fired him and then he taunted him. So at every turn, trump seems to tempt his own fate by picking fights with people hes either defeated or ousted. Chuck, lets turn to you on the political track because this raises the specter over to you, congress. How serious are you about this . Are they going to get their hands on that memo . Are they going to let james comey testify . He says he will, but he wants it to be public. I think that, look, there are different barriers here that have to break in different ways. And i think one of the barriers has broken. You now have republicans this week talking about an independent commission or a special counsel. That was a conversation they did not want to have last week. Democrats have moved the conversation to impeachment. Republicans are saying well go to special counsel. The thing is, everything is shifting. The ground has completely shifted on capitol hill. So yes, youre going to have hearings. We know what the summer is going to be. Its going to be the summer of comey. After all this is going on at the end of the day, as pete pointed out earlier, this is a political decision for congress. And when republicans, when Mitch Mcconnell and paul ryan decide their majorities are at stake and the party could go down with trump, thats when theyll separate. I dont think theyre there yet. I think thats what these hearings are about. Nicole, let me end with you. We have to remember, we dont have a director of the fbi right now. We have an acting director. And the search is on to find a replacement. Does donald trump have credibility right now to name a new director of the fbi . Well, i wonder if hes going to take himself out of that process. John cornyn removed himself from that situation. Ive talked to a couple of folks who have interviewed for that job. And other jobs at doj. And theres a lot of angst about heading down to main doj right now. Can i ask one more question with of our lawyer here. I am a former criminal law professor quoted in the New York Times saying the president is making what she called a beautiful case against himself and he needs a lawyer. Do you agree he needs to have somebody who says to him, hey, the things you are saying have legal significance now and you need to watch out . Yes, and at a minimum what weve seen in the sally yates issue and Michael Flynn is that the white House Counsel is now involved in this, deeply. So he probably needs private counsel and he needs to understand that it would be best for him permanently as well as independent Law Enforcement to comment less about all of this. All right. Chuck, nicole and ari, lets more to discuss. Well have much more on all of this in our next half hour. The word on this came just after the white house was defending itself over claims the president revealed highly classified information to u. Russian officials. Andrea mitchell has that part of the story. Good morning. Andrea, good morning. Right now, the white house is in turmoil, battling controversies on multiple fronts as the president is gearing up for his first overseas trip where he would hold meetings with nato allies and g7 leaders. He will also travel to israel, a key ally. And nbc news had has now learned the president did talk with Prime Minister netanyahu about all of this on tuesday. As donald trump prepares for his first visit to israel as president , three u. S. Officials tell nbc news it was israel who provided sensitive intelligence about isis. Integs mr. Trump shared with russia last week without israels permission. Hes saying they have full confidence in their intelligence sharing relationship with the United States. For his part, the president says he has no regrets. We had actually a great meeting with the foreign minister. But his team is struggling with another wound, sending h. R. Mcmaster to try and stop the bleeding. That conversation was holy appropriate to the conversation. And i think holy appropriate with the expectations are of our intelligence partners. Two intelligence sources tell the nbc thus they disagree and worry the president s conversation compromised a key source. And while what the president did is not illegal, some members of his own party are in disbelief. Handling classified information is a critical thing. If its accurate, its very concerning. And this latest information is putting foreign allies on edge. Prime minister theresa may is deflecting. Its not up to me what President Trump says to anybody that hes meeting and talking to. The germans are already unhappy about how mr. Trump treated their leader Angela Merkel in march. Now they are furious about him sharing secretes with russia. For years, intelligence sharing has been a powerful weapon in fighting terrorism. The fear now, allies will not want to share intelligence because they do not trust the president of the United States to keep secrets. And at the end of the week when the president embarked on that wide ranging overseas trip, starting with an arab summit in saudi arabia, he then goes to israel and rome. According to a new report in Foreign Policy magazine, neighbors are scrambling the tailor the meeting so it is more engaging for the president due to what they see as his short attention span. Andrea mitchell, thank you very much. Now to the outbreak of deadly and devastating tornados, from texas up to wisconsin, entire neighborhoods wiped out. Jake okay is checking out the damage in elk city, oklahoma. Nine tornado necessary oklahoma alone. The most destrictive here in elk city where every street in this neighborhood looks Something Like this. It was all part of a Severe Weather system that brought big problems from texas all the way up through wisconsin. The debris scattered for miles in elk city, oklahoma, after take a direct hit from a tornado. We were in the cellar and we kept hearing the rain and the hail and then our ears popped. And we thought that wasnt about. One person killed in more than two dozen injured here. From mobile homes to massive estates, some 100 homes damaged or demrolished. One woman had to rerescued from collapse. I am live at my house. This is nothing left. Before the storm, that was a really positive thing. It gave people an opportunity to take shelter. Driving conditions treacherous, motorists dodging golf ball sized hail. This pickup truck losing control, hard to see in real speed, but shocking in slow motion. In wisconsin, another neighborhood devastated by a twister, tearing apart a mobile Home Community and killing at least one person. Winds up to 80 Miles Per Hour tossing this tractortrailer. It looks like its moving eastnortheast towards mcclain, texas. Its a pretty significant tornado right now. The storm system that started in the texas plains produced as many as 27 tornados that also tore through parts of oklahoma. Kansas, nebraska and wisconsin. A deadly and devastating reminder of mother natures furry in the heart of tornado alley. Many of the streets here are still impassable. A lot of the residents say they were only able to survive the storm, they say, because they were riding it out in their storm shelters, as you mietd imagine. The cleanup is only just beginning. Matt, savannah, al. Jacob in elk city, oklahoma, thank you very much. That sets things up nicely for you, al. What do we expect today . We have the next 48 hours where we have Severe Weather. Tomorrow, even more Severe Weather than what were expecting today. You can see storms firing up from the u. P. Of michigan down to dallas, as well. Right now, the bulls eye today, much of iowa. We with look for this scattered activity to make its way through the midwest this afternoon into this evening and this, the greatest risk will be tonight in the upper midwest and tomorrow take a look at this. Weve actually got a moderate risk. This is a very strong risk of storms. 26 Million People at risk. Tornados possible and as the afternoon moves on tomorrow into friday, youll see those storms from omaha all the way down to dallas and heavy rain anywhere from 3 to 5 inches stretching from great falls, minneapolis, all the way down into wichita and oklahoma city. Were going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. Good morning. We have clouds from a leftover system moving out of the bay area. And now its partly cloudy with temperatures as you get ready to head out the door in the low 50s and 55 degrees now in the east bay. You see the clearing in San Francisco. Its 50 there with highs this afternoon reaching into the low 70s. A lot of sunshine, up to 73 in the peninsula. And the trivalley, 74 degrees. East bay will also be in the upper 60s to low 70s. And 76 today in the north bay. And thats your and thats your latest weather. Thanks very much. Still ahead, do all laptops need to be banned from the cabin on certain flights . The critical debate and what it could mean for you during this busy travel season. And some startling video. Two teens dangling from the top of the Golden Gate Bridge and the hot water they could be in this morning. But first, this is today on nbc. Quin was crazy about curls. But it took a twist of fate to find a highend curler at such a head turning price. And thats the beauty of a store full of surprises. You never know what youre gonna find, but you know youre gonna love it. Coming up, coming up, high School Students willingly pepper sprayed for a class. Was it worth the extra credit . What could possibly go wrong . And miley cyrus live in studio 1a. First, a look at your local news and weather. This year, when you buy any bag of dog or cat food at petsmart, well give a meal to a pet in need. So whralphie grabs grub, charlie chows down. And when peaeats, peanut eats. You buy a bag, well give a meal. Breatry new Flonase Sensimist allergy relief instead of allergy pills. It delivers a gentle mist experience to help block six key inflammatory substances. Most allergy pills only block one. New Flonase Sensimist changes everything. I assume this is going to break down on me. Midfinale. Mmmhmm. Im going to pretend this is urgent and go hide over there perfect. Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . The citi® double cash card does. Earn 1 cash back when you buy, and 1 as you pay. Double means double. The toothpaste that helpstax, prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try new parodontax toothpaste. Its clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. For healthy gums, and strong teeth. Leave bleeding gums behind. New parodontax toothpaste. Youll be amazed what happens when you pu your red nose on. You help ensure that children in the u. S. And around the world are safe, healthy and educated. This red nose day, swing by walgreens and get your noses on to help end child poverty. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Topvo tr a very good wednesday morning to you. Its 7 26. Im laura garciacannon. Controversy at Palo Alto High School where parents are wondering why they were not told aubt student convicted of sexual assault. Those parents packed a School Board Meeting last night demanding answers. The student was convicted in 2015 when he was 15 years old. He was later accused of assaulting another student. District officials said they couldnt release any more information about the case because the student is a minor. The student in question has now decided to leave the school. Lets switch gears. Talk about the weather. Checking in with kari right now. It looks very nice. We see this clear sunrise looking live outside from berkeley and the temperature is at 55 degrees as you get ready to head out the door. Later today, highs reaching into the low 70s inland, even upper 70s for concord. Oakland will be up to 69 degrees and 63 degrees in San Francisco. North bay up to 77 in napa, and for san jose, expect a high of 73 degrees. Our temperatures will warm up the next several days so we are going to enjoy this nice and comfortable weather while it lasts because were looking at highs in the 90s by saturday. Lets head to mike for an update on the road. Pretty Pleasant Drive right here, but im going to zoom in to the south bay where the north and westbound commutes are your direction following the build, but i want to show you the camera that normally is trained on downtown san jose. We move it off 280, and near mclaughlin, we saw a large plume of smoke, but that just died down in the last three minutes. The traffic was slowing a bit past the scene. We no longer have a problem. Do see flashing lights, but thats not affecting the freeway anymore. Thank you very much. Well be back with another local news update in a half hour. See you then. 7 30 wednesday morning. The 17th of may. Out on the plaza, we have beautiful weather. Enjoying what i like to call, the six days of spring we get here. We go straight to summer. Wait a second. Are we whining now . Yes. You whined when its too cold. And youre whining when its about to get warm . Youre right there with me. Summers over. Some people on the plaza brought you cookies. Isnt that sweet . I went out this morning. That is so nice. And one for al, too. Yours is in here, too. They come bearing gifts sometimes. Very talented. Plaza cookies. Perfect. Lets look at the headlines this morning. Cleanup under way from destructive tornadoes, stretching from the texas plains all the way up to wisconsin. At least one person was killed east of minneapolis, where a Mobile Home Park was leveled. Another destroyed a subdivision, in elk city, oklahoma. Fighting protesters outside of the turkish ambassadors residence in washington, d. C. The protests came on the same day that turkeys president erdogan met with the president at the white house. And the republican chairman of the House Oversight committee is demanding the fbi turn over all documents about communications between President Donald Trump and former fbi director james comey. This, after a memo written by comey was leaked, claiming the president asked him to shut down an investigation with the former National Security adviser Michael Flynn. The white house pushing back saying that was not a truthful or accurate portrayal of the information. Peter ahex derr joins us again. Fill us in. Reporter lets reset things right now. The white house, again on this day, trying to fend off a series of crises this morning. The latest word, weve been talking about, word of this memo, by uousted fbi director, james comey. Sources with firsthand knowledge of the memo, notes that comey wrote in february, that trump asked him to back off any investigation of Michael Flynn. The memo read in part, i hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting flynn go. It was written after a private conversation between the two men in the oval office, the day after mr. Trump fired mr. Flynn. Were told in that oval office, mike pence, Reince Prebus before he asked to talk to comey oneonone. The white house is insisting that President Trump has never asked comey or anyone to ask any investigation. Republicans, as weve discussed, dismayed by the reports, as well. This is not the end of this. This morning, nbc news has learned that comey didnt just keep one memo, but many memos. In fact, keeping a memo after nearly every phone call and inperson conversation he had with trump, since the president took office. Back to you. Theyre calling it a paper trail. Peter, thank you very much. Now, what could be the biggest change to the way we fly in a decade. Officials are meeting in belgium to discuss banning laptops and other electronics on certain flights. This after intelligence has revealed a potential isis plot to smuggle explosives on to commercial planes with laptops. Tom costello has more on this. Reporter good morning. Homeland security secretary kelly briefed last week. They wanted inperson briefing. Thats why theres this meeting in rubrussels. Yu need to be prepared to check any personal electronics larger than a cell phone. Just weeks before the Summer Travel season kicks off, a major security upgrade could be coming soon. Homeland security is set to prohibit passengers from carrying any Electronic Device charger than a cell phone, onboard flights leaving for the u. S. They would have to be checked with luggage, which undergoes th thorough explosive screenings. Were aware that bombmakers have developed techniques over the years. Reporter terrorists have used explosives to blow a hole in a plane over somalia. The new Electronics Ban would expand a similar rule for flights coming from ten airports in the middle east and north africa. 50 flights a day. Passengers required to check their laptops with their luggage. But expanding the order to european airports would affect 429 flights and 105,000 passengers each day. Adults and kids relying on the planes Inflight Entertainment systems during 7hour to 12hour flights. No using laptops to work or surf the web during flight. My laptop would affect me. The seats are small. Youre compacts. You already have all that discomfort. And having your electronics with you helps you just, you know, ease off the pain of a flight. Reporter in a statement, the u. S. Travel association says, if there is a legitimate terror threat, the flying public needs to take it seriously and adjust to the new protocols as best they can. But an expanded order would mean all the lithiumion batteries could end up in the luggage hull, a fire risk. An extended ban is a huge impact, one that tsa takes seriously. That illustrates how serious this threat is. Reporter still to be worked out exactly how to handle the laptops that people forget to put in their luggage. They show up at the gate or the counter. The airlines may have to consider putting them into a special container and putting that container in the cargo hold. A lot of details still to be worked out. Back to you. Complicated and a hot issue right now. Tom, thank you. Lets get another check of the weather from mr. Roker. Speaking of hot, we are talking about some hot temperatures. For example, first 90degree reads of the year. Summerlike highs. Average and the first 90degree reads. June 22nd. Raleigh, may 10th. We may see those 90 degrees told. Portland, youre going to be cool. New york city, baltimore, raleigh, cleveland and louisville, tomorrow hotter. Portland, 89 degrees. Louisville, 86. Cleveland, 85. It will be toasty over the next couple days. The easternthird of the country, severe storms in the northern Mississippi River valley, all the way down to texas. And its not quite spring yet in the rockies and part of the cascades and the bitterroot. Were talking snow. And some of it could be 6 to 12 inches in the mountains up there. Thats wha good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. We have a lot of sunshine, some comfortable weather. Its 63 degrees. That will be the high today in San Francisco and 66 degrees tomorrow. Then well see some low 70s in time for the weekend as that dry weather continues. And it will still be nice along the coast, but the inland areas and the valleys are going to get very hot. Up to 92 degrees on saturday. 94 on sunday. Thats after a start for today up to 75 degrees. And it does stay hout through the middle of next week. Dont forget, check that weather anytime you need it. Go to the Weather Channel on cable. Coming up, the desperate search for four americans after their plane disappears over the bermuda triangle. First, dangerous selfies. The trend that has people going the trend that has people going to extremes and breaking laws for my constipation, i switch laxatives. Ed stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. Miralax is different. It works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften. Unblocking your system naturally. Miralax. nathan Secondhand Smoke caused measthma attacks, infections and lung damage. And i never smoked. announcer if you or someone you know wants free help to quit smoking, call 1800quitnow. Hey, leggo my eggo. I dont see your name on it. Really . Ba bam know the rules. Keep your eggo. Leggo my eggo. Okay. How clean do you feel after going to the bathroom . laughter laughter then we asked the experts i feel as clean as a little, white tiny kitten. 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Get 10 to 40 off now through may 31st. Available at lowes. Ethan allen look . The well, its lisa and sams stylish elegance. Its kates laidback beach look and with the complimentary help of his ethan allen designer, paul created a look thats. Well, really paul. Free shipping, free delivery and up to 20 off everything. Design your look today. [ cheers and applause ] its 7 42. Were back with a warning on a dangerous trend that in some cases has turned deadly. Were talking about people going to extremes to capture daring videos and sharing them online. The latest case, happening on top of one of the worlds most famous landmarks. Heres miguel almaguer. Reporter the breathtaking stunt. We just made it to the top. Reporter as dangerous as it was stupid. Two climbers said to be teenagers, trespassing and scaling the Golden Gate Bridge. Dangling from the structure, with no Safety Equipment or regard for the lives of commuters below. Were just two kids. We just had a little fun. Reporter nbc news is not identifying the trespassers. The california Highway Patrol calls the duo, who perform somersaults and never grip the cages, another example of social media risk takers going over the edge. The internet is plastered with senseless selfies, pictures meant to make a moment last, nearly becoming a last moment. In april, a sacramento woman taking a selfie from this dangerous, offlimits catwalk on californias tallest bridge, lost her footing. Plunging 60 feet to the trail below. Lucky the spill didnt land her in the ravine, much further down. You can stand right here and make a beautiful picture. You tonigdont need to stand on catwa catwalk. Reporter in some cases, highrisk is taken to new heights. According to one study, 127selfierelated deaths are reported worldwide. Look out. From these teens in new york central park, falling through thin ice, gathering for a selfie. To these daredevils in california, risks more than their own lives. If they slipped and fall, they would land on someone below them. Reporter worried that many of a scene like this, police are urging restraint, for those who risk their lives for a killer view. For today, miguel almaguer, nbc news, los angeles. Where do you start with Something Like that . Take it home to my kids. And another thing were talking about this weekend. The tapes on the weekend. Very busy these days. Sx exactly. Why a group of volunteers agree to be out of that plane . Am i dead . You are alive because of what you brought on that plane. But what you have released. Is unlike anything weve ever faced. The ultimate evil. [ sinister laugh ] [ dramatic music ] she did something to me. I know youre a good man. Sacrifices must be made. Wheres that leave me . With a choice. Come to me. Rated pg13. Predictable. The comfort in knowing where things are headed. Because as we live longer. And markets continue to rise and fall. 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My tip is; if you keep smoking, your freedom may only go as far as your oxygen tube. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. [ cheers and applause ] were back, 7 15. Would you be willing to be blasted in the face with pepper spray . Some High Schoolers did that exact thing. Who knows if they regretted it. Its a controversial teaching technique, to say the least. The video going viral. And it has people talking. The video shows students at Barberton High School in ohio, lined up against a wall. As an instructor begins to spray them. Stop resisting, please comply. Reporter one by one, he goes down the line, blasting the teens in the face with pepper spray, as a Police Officer stands by. The exercise, part of a criminal science Technology Class. The students, signed up willingness, getting extra credit for being sprayed. [ screaming ] reporter as for their parents, they signed a waiver, sent by the chief of police that reads in part, each student will have the option to be swabbed or receive a quick burst to the facial area with this chemical agent. It will cause irritation and a Burning Sensation to the eyes and the nasal area for 30 minutes to one hour. This is a controlled and safe experience for the students and is completely voluntary. [ screaming ] reporter that question of safety, now front and center, as the video of an experiment gone wrong goes viral. The video has been viewed thousands of times, sparking mixed reaction online. One post reads, no one should go through this. While another writes, i support this method of teaching. It is very important to understand what youre doing to others, how long it takes the spray to set in, what theyre behavior will be like. Its fair to say, we reached out to the School Superintendent and the Police Department for comment and have not heard back. Guys . Hmm. Remember for extra credit you got star bursts from the teacher . Maybe clean the black board or something . I know. Sheinelle, thanks. Just ahead, is apple getting into the pizza business . The story behind the tech giants Surprising New ahh, sir . You the law . Weve had some complaints of. Is that a fire . Theres your payoff, deputy. Git velveeta shells cheese. Theres gold in them thar shells. I was in the military for 18 years. Rian, but, i smoked and i got heart disease. My tip is; its hard to serve your country when youre to weak to put on your uniform. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. Coppertone sport versus the sun. Coppertone sport stays on strong when you sweat and is Strong Enough to stop up to 98 of the suns damaging uv rays. Coppertone. Because protection matters. The Labrador Retriever and the golden retriever are very different. They eat, digest, and process energy differently. At royal canin, we developed over 200 precise formulas to transform every cat and dog into a magnificent animal. Royal canin. Hi guys. In the desert. Be here. At the mall. On the mountain. At school. At the beach. In the big easy. Yeah. Yeah. Today i want to show you guys the nextgen chevy equinox. What do you think . Thats pretty. Pretty sexy. Its allwheel drive. Look at that. It looks aggressive. But not overbearing. Its not too big. Not too small. It looks like it can go offroading. But at the same time, it looks like a car you can take to a nice event. You can dress it up or dress it down. Seems like the perfect car for anybody. I would take it anywhere. I want one. I love it. Shes a bad mama jama. Chevy stepped their game up. Its 7 56 on this wednesday morning, with some sunshine right now, taking a live look out there at the Golden Gate Bridge. This is what well see all day long and temperatures warming up too. Were heading to the low 60s there and 69 degrees in oakland. Palo alto and san jose up to 73 degrees. A very comfortable day with some light winds. And we will keep the sunshine over the next several days and some warming temperatures into the low 70s for San Francisco on saturday and 72 degrees on sunday. Early next week, it starts to cool down, but it will still be very hot for the inland areas. Our temperatures warming up by about 20 degrees between today and sunday, up to 94 degrees. Then still in the low 90s to start out next week. Postally sunny skies and 86 degrees next tuesday. Lets head to mike to see whats happening on the roads. Well, we do have your standard build really kicking in for the south bay and also the east bay. I start in San Francisco, southbound 280 at monterey boulevard. The northbound commute was distracted for a few as this crash took place. Looks like we have slowing developing south away from highway 101, and in the south bay, your northbound routes throughout the south bay itself really starting to kick in, north 280 at 17 and north 87 coming off 85, those are the slowest builds in the last half hour. Back to you. Thank you. South bay Health Experts trying to determine if a norovirus outbreak sickens hundreds of students at schools. A lot of children have come down with a stumming bug. Whats being done to make sure the illnesses are contained. Russias president putin is now offering transcripts he says would clear up what President Trump told russian leaders during last weeks meeting in washington. On our home page, a closer look at whether the latest obstruction of justice accusations against the president are even provable. Well have another local news update for you in half an hour. Have a great morning. Its 8 00 on today. And coming up, white house under siege. Both democrats and republicans now calling for an investigation into President Trump and what he may have said to former fbi director james comey about the Michael Flynn investigation. Enough is enough. Congress really needs to get to the bottom of this. I think its reaching the point where its of watergate size and scale. As calls for comey to testify grow louder. I dont want to read a memo. I want to hear from him. Were live at the white house. Te house. Plus missing in the bermuda triangle. The desperate search for a mother, two children and pilot intensifies this morning after their plane vanishes into thin air as the coast guard and the air force join in to help find that family. And a very miley morning. Pop superstar miley cyrus stops by for an appearance youen wont forget. Today, wednesday, may 17th, 2017. Wake us up good morning. You look good in the morning. We have cookies from new orleans, right . We have cookies for al and hailey. Thanks,ly dis. Braellating my 50th on today. Happy birthday. What are you doing in new york city . Were on a road trip. Were back at 8 00 on a wednesday morning. Its the 17th of may. It is a sensational day on the pla plaza. We just mentioned miley cyrus joining us. Not performing today. Something different. She will be back next friday. Thats going to be big. We have so much to talk about in the music department. We are counting down to our next concert. New kids monday. Zac brown on tuesday. Friday, mary j. Blige. Takes our summer concert stage. What . And we have another big musical act. You know who is going to be here live on the plaza . Rascal flats will be here. Head to today. Com and get your passes. We have a bangup Concert Series this year, dont we . By the way, speaking of great music, i love your series, Living Legends and you have a great one today. Quincy jones. 27 grammys. Had the number one hit in threeconsecutive decades. Hes amazing. All right. Well have als conversation with quincy coming up in a little while. Lets look at the mornings top stories. Busy news day. Heres the news at 8 00. Reporter im Kristen Welker at the white house, where President Trump is again under a cloud of controversy after a new explosive allegation. According to a memo written by former fbi director james comey, the president urged comey to drop the investigation into ousted National Security adviser Michael Flynn. Multiple sources with firsthand knowledge of that memo, confirmed to nbc news, that President Trump told comey, quote, i hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting flynn go. The memo documenting the conversation came a day after flynn was fired. The white house is disputing the account this morning, staying in a statement, the president has never asked mr. Comey or anyone else to end any investigation. Still, appears backlash on capitol hill. Jason chaffetz demanding that the white house turn over its notes. And john mccain making this stunning comment. I think weve seen this movie before. I think its reaching the point where its of watergate size and scale. Reporter republican lawmakers expressing concern over this weeks other crisis. President trump revealing classified information to a Russian Foreign minister last week. The source of that information was israel. The Associated Press is saying that president putin is willing to hand over to Congress Records of trumps talks with the foreign minister. No reaction yet from the white house. Matt . Kristen, thank you very much. In other news, private Chelsea Manning was released from ft. Leavenworth in kansas, after serving 7 of 35 years for her leaking classified materials to wikileaks. President obama granted her clemency during his final days in office. Blake mccoy is there. Blake, good morning to you. Reporter manning released here in the dead of night, with no fanfare, according to a u. S. Army official. Serving just 7 years of a 35year sentence. President obama, in one of his more controversial final acts commuted the reminder of mannings sentence. He believed that 35 years was disproportionate to what other leakers had received. And he felt that justice had been served. Shortly after sentencing, manning came out as a transgender woman. Had a tough time here in palestinian, attempting decide twice. Her attorneys have been hush about her immediate plans. Only saying she will continue to appeal her conviction. About 140,000 has been raised to help manning start a new life. And were told why that appeal goes forward, manning will remain a member of the military, eligible for benefits but not pay. Matt . Blake, thank you very much. Now, to the desperate search for a private plane that vanished over the bermuda triangle. Onboard, a mother, her two children and their friend, who was at the controls. Possible debris has been spotted. But so far, no sign of survivors. Nbcs Kerry Sanders is at the coast guard station in miami. Hello, kerry. Reporter the challenge this morning is finding not only the survivors out there, but the coast guard has to find two survivors who are young, very young, just 3 and 4 years old. The coast guard cutter webber deployed from miami beach, as positioned off of the bahamas. Coast guard search teams joined by the air force, with all eyes focused on an area 15 miles off of the island of eleuthera. Thats where they spotted a debris field. There was components of an aircraft. Reporter overnight, mechanics who previously worked on the missing plane confirmed the debris is a match. Missing, 52yearold nathan ulrich, who was piloting the plane. His friend, Jennifer Blumin and two small children, only 3 and 4 years old. Blumin and her family, featured on open house nyc in 2015. The last time anyone saw them, all four had climbed into this private plane. Mitsubishi 20, november. Runway 36, maintain 2000. Reporter ulrich, a onetime member of the coast guard auxiliary, at the controls. Their plane left at 11 08 monday. Destination, titusville, florida. But 2 22 into the flight, at an altitude of 24,000 feet, the plane disappeared from radar. The search falls in the area of the bermuda triangle. Made famous when five navy planes on a routine Training Mission disappeared. It was long believed navigational instruments would not engage properly in the bermuda triangle, leading to crashes and sinkings. The search area is inside the bermuda triangle. Is that an issue . The coast guard doesnt take folklore or myth into our search and rescue missions. Were focused at the mission at hand, doing everything we can to find or locate the four individuals. Reporter the coast guard says this morning this is still a search and rescue mission. There are some favorable conditions for surviving at sea. Temperatures of the waters in the low 80s and the sea state is relatively calm. Devastated family members, hoping against hope, there may be survivors clinging to a piece of debris or maybe washing up onshore of one of the bahamian island theres. Back to you. Islands there. Back to you. Thank you, kerry. Just ahead, a radical new approach on the war on drugs. Y. Well take you to the nations c safe sites, where addicts are allowed to get high. Roman farrow takes a look this morning. And on trending, how apple might be about to change the way you eat pizza. First, these messages. And packa. And its also a story about people. People who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams. Theyre handing us more than mail. Theyre handing us their business. And while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country we never forget. That your business is our business. The United States postal service. Priority you lergies with nasal congestion . Find fast relief behind the counter with claritind. [ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. Live claritin clear, with claritind. Introducing ritz crisp thins. A new chip thats deliciously thin ovenbaked to perfection. With spectacular flavor. Crisp thins. The new taste from ritz. Try them. In four flavors. This i can do, easily. I try hard to get a great shape. Benefiber® healthy shape is a clear, tastefree, 100 natural daily fiber. Thats clinically proven to help me feel fuller longer. Benefiber® healthy shape. This i can do daily hair damagen stop before it happens. With these roses. One is treated with dove. Both are exposed to damaging heat. The rose without dove is dry and brittle. Dove deeply nourishes and stops 90 of daily hair damage before it happens. Youll be amazed what happens when you pu your red nose on. You help ensure that children in the u. S. And around the world are safe, healthy and educated. This red nose day, swing by walgreens and get your noses on to help end child poverty. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. It is 8 12. Good time to trend. Were going to start with apples latest innovation. Its not a gadget. You know what it is . What . It is a pizza box. What . Apples head of Food Services helped the company patten the box. This is the traditional on the table. This is the new one. Old. And new. The apple box has a design that elevates the pie so the moisture does not get trapped. And allows steam to escape through the top lid. Wired give us a look at apples headquarters yesterday. While there, they discovered the pizza patenten. Can you fit these in a trash can . No, you cannot. I got a question. Texting in a movie theater, okay or not okay . No. A man from texas is suing his date because she would not stop texting during guardians of the galaxy. Hes asking for 17. 31. Thats the cost of the movie ticket. 37yearold brandon told his local newspaper it was a first date from hell. He asked her to stop. She refused. He suggested she text outside. And she did but she never came back. The films director, james gun, he chimed in on twitter. Why stop at suing . She deserves jail time. Oh, yes. Is the movie bad . Or was he a bad date . I think the movies okay. You travel abroad, you tend to notice things about other countries, right . Did you stop to think about what people from other countries think about the United States . What they might find unusual or strange . Well, a recent reddit thread asked foreign visitors about that. Heres what they thought was strange about the United States. Number one, the giant portion sizes. Yes. Im sorry, i cant talk, im eating pizza. Number two, the vast number of drivethroughs in this country. And apparently, a huge number of squirrels in this country. As compared to other countries. Really . Thats what they noticed. And finally, i think we can identify with this one, the gap between toilet stall doors. European bathrooms feature a full door. It goes toptobottom. European travelers and other people did not get the big space at the bottom of the door. You know why its there. For a wide stance. You can see if someones in there. Is that our live bathroom . It is. Its the ladys room. Do i ask . That was empty. That was our today show bathroom. Sheinelle, you have pop start. Are you finished . Lets begin with Michael Jackson. The first trailer for the king of pops bio pick was released. And it focuses on the final years of jacksons life. He didnt want to be the king of pop. He wants to be mike. Normal american dad. Raising these kids alone is the hardest thing ive ever had to do. There are good people in the world. And theres bad people. Ill always protect you. Michael jackson is played by his wellknown impersonator navi. The trailer shows intense conversations between investigators and dr. Conrad murray. Searching for neverland premipr premieres may 29th. Miley cyrus, jimmy fallon was in the middle of his monologue when miley dropped by. Miley cyrus. Im sorry to interrupt you, jimmy. I want to let you and the audience know that tomorrow, im going to be popping up on a bunch of different nbc shows here in new york, to promote my single malibu. Of course. [ cheers and applause ] you know, what better place to talk about malibu than in new york city. In fact, miley will be appearing on several nbc shows throughout the day, as part of an nbc takeover. Wonder where she will pop up next. Maybe we should ask the control room. Any idea . That was a great segment on al. Great job, everybody. You guys are looking great. Matt, i saw you eating that pizza. You have to share some. I will bring you a slice down. You like pizza . Come on. What am i . Of course i do. Can you tell people when youre going to be back here next week . I believe i will be here with my entire family and for the today Concert Series. And can we roll that clip . I got all of the control now. Looks good, miley. Thank you, guys. All right. Pop up and get some pizza, miley. Ill see you. Thanks for stopping by. Once again, miley will be back for a live concert, one week from friday. Check it out. Mr. Roker, a check of the weather. Other thing that foreigners notice about us, we walk when we eat pizza. We look at showers and thunderstorms. And some are going to fire up strongly. Were watching right now, a risk of strong storms and enhanced risk for much of iowa. Thats going to happen later this afternoon, into this evening. Tomorrow, weve gtot a moderate risk from central oklahoma into central kansas. 26 Million People at risk for tornados. And some would be strong. And a widespread area of one to three inches of rain. Although, we could see upwards of five inches in some spots. Good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. We are seeing some clouds acrosser parts of the tri valley peninsula and the south bay. The temperatures are nice and cool in the low 50s and it is breezy in San Francisco. 54 in the north bay and a lot of sunshine. The sunshine will stay with us as we go into the rest of the afternoon. It is going to be so comfortable reaching 73 in the south bay peninsula, and in San Francisco, 63. In the east bay today expect a high of 69. Weather. Guys . All right, al. Thank you very much. Going to turn to our special ongoing series, we call undercovered. We look at battling addiction. Roman farrow is here. Hes looking at stories tied to the war on drug. You dont see these in the headlines. Reporter good morning. Were at a turning point how america addresses drugs and addiction. A few days ago, attorney general Jeff Sessions ordered harsher sentences for drug offenders. But some states and cities are pushing back with approaches that emphasize treatment rather than criminalization. Americas Opioid Epidemic is claiming more lives than ever. Often in public places. People are in doorways shooting up, dying and dying in alleys. Reporter john is the sheriff of seattle and surrounding king county, where someone dies from an opioid overdose every 36 hours. And officials are going to try a radical response. Take it off of the streets and put it in a safe environment. Reporter hes talking about Safe Injection Sites where addicts can inject in a safe situation. They can talk to people about what their Treatment Options are. Reporter seattle and king county are looking at the crisis and acting on the recommendation. To open the first two Safe Injection Sites in the country. What was your reaction when you heard this being floated . My reaction was, this is a terrible idea. Reporter what changed your thinking . The war on drugs, the fact it didnt work. What are we going to do differently . Reporter the war on drugs, kicked off by president nixon in the 1970s, started a trend of tough laws that lock up drug offenders. More people are incarcerated for drug crimes than for violent crimes, disproportionately minorities and poor people. But addiction rates have stayed constant. Were just starting to quit looking at drug abuse as a Police Problem and look at it as a health problem. Reporter county Health Officer dr. Jeffrey duchin is part of the task force. Some will hear about this idea and find it crazy. Were considering this a Public Health crisis. It makes sense from a Public Health and medical perspective. Reporter he says safe injunction sites have worked elsewhere. In the heart of vancouvers skid row, officials opened up a safe injection site. Every day, 700 user come in, get clean needles, choose one of the stalls and shoot their drugs. More than 4,000 people have overdosed. Not one has died. This is a before and after picture of me. This is when i was actively using drugs. And this is my now. Reporter guy says he came here thousands of times. And overdosed five. This is where i overdosed here the i was on this floor right here. A nurse, through her interventi interventions, brought bemac me to life the and i received Treatment Options and changed my life. Reporter today, he is four years sober and happily married with kids and a job. Compassion is one of the greatest gifts of the world. Reporter similar sites are operated across europe and australia. And some experts say theyre working. Dr. Sarah wakeman wrote, the case for supervised injection facilities in the new england journal of medicine. We have promising evidence from sites and other countries to show this is a piece of the broader strategy. Reporter many think this is aed bad idea. What happens, is you bring more addicts to your location. Reporter Gretchen Taylor is a member of the Neighborhood Safety Alliance of seattle. For her, this is personal. Im the parent of an adult ongoing heroin user. Reporter what do you say to parents who say, you know, i, too, fear for my child and i think this might save them . I want that to be true. And the truth is, i dont believe that is true. Reporter a new bill introduced in the washington senate, seeks to ban the safe injection site. State senator mark me loggia is behind it. Theyve legalized heroin use. Safe sites are a bad idea. Reporter with Jeff Sessions pushing a tough Law Enforcement approach on drugs, theres questions about how they will react. The controlled substances act is against places like this where you have people using drugs inside. Can you be asking your officers to enforce illegal activity here . Im not going to let our efforts be dictated by what the federal government may or may not do. Reporter our new attorney general is all about Law Enforcement approaches to drugs and less about Public Health approaches. Thats probably true. I think its a huge mistake. Is it going to work . I dont know. But its better than doing nothing. Weve done nothing but try to put people in jail, which doesnt work. Reporter the department of justice did not comment on this story. Likely to be on the radar soon, though. Theres Safe Injection Sites being considered in San Francisco, philadelphia, massachusetts, new york actually appropriated funds for one whether we should have one right here. This could get a debate really going. Theres a lot of different sides to whether or not this is a good idea. It works for saving lives, which we were discussing. But the broader impact on the communities has yet to be decided. Theres going to be people who cant get their head around the idea of trying to stop people by doing drugs by giving them a safe place to do drugs. We have an administration criminalizing a tougher approach. Theres people that say you just mitigate the down side. What do we have tomorrow . Thats right. Were have a controversial one. You may find it surprising. Rehabilitation centers that are using marijuana to get people off of heroin or harsher opiates. We have doozies this week. Just ahead, were going to check in with our puppy with a purpose. Charlie will show off one of his newest skills. Very cool. First, your local news and a check of your local forecast. I m. Topvo south bay Health Experts are looking into whether a good morning. This is snag the parents want to keep an eye on, the parents are looking at whether a norovirus outbreak is behind the sickening of hundreds of students in the south bay. U hundreds of kids are coming down with the illness. And a massive cleanup is under way. Over 100 students were sickened at the has ycienda high school. We are told that the classes are still in session, but afternoon programs are still on hold. And wall street is reacting what is going on in washington, and this is sampling of one of the markets of the Dow Jones Industrial average is down 243 points at about 1. 25 down. We will be watching this throughout the morning. In the meantime, mike, as always, watching the roads. What do you say, mike . Well, the volume is up, but it is typical of this morning. 8 27, 8 27, and the bulk of the south commute is kicking in. A situation on the south peninsula, is a crash there as folks are coming u off of the dunbarton bridge and then on the other side of the bay, a crash cleared from north 880 and high street. Back to you, mike. That is going to do it for us, and we will see you in 30. man hmm. What do you think . stranger good mornin store p. A. attention shoppers, theres a lost couple in the mens department. vo theres a great big unkhaki world out there. Explore it in a subaru crosstrek. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. It is 8 30 now. It is a wednesday morning, may 17th. Another pretty day here in midtown manhattan. You know, the prompter said thursday. And i wanted it to be thursday. But it is really just wednesday. It is. Coming up, this little guy right here, our puppy with a purpose, charlie, is going to show off some of his new skills. Eventually, he is going to help one of our nations wounded warriors. Were so proud of him. Hes such a great dog. Also, in a little bit, al roker is going to catch up with 27time grammy winner quincy jones. And he will talk about his legendary career. Love him. And stake french fries, whats not to love . Were going to show you how to make this restaurant favorite right in your own kitchen. First, look who is on our plaza . The elegant, the fabulous, Jane Krakowski. Whats in the bag . Its the first time ive seen hoda since the baby. You might want to open it on camera. On camera . On camera for my 30 rock fans. Tell me about season three. Season three of kimmy schmidt is coming out on friday. And theres one more. That is adorable. Hold on. Lets see. I knew i loved your daughter. She has very, very good taste. Thank you, jane. How is it . How is kimmy schmidt doing this season . Its great. Season three comes out on friday. You can binge everything or take your time, in one day. And were thrilled about it. Its a funfilled madcap season where hilarity will ensue. Cameos. Amazing people. Laura dern. Thats it. Jon hamm. And of course, our friend, ellie kemper and tyrus bur s burgess. You can tell that shes been on our show a lot because al roker walked up to her and said, the krakster. Thank you, everybody. Now, im going to sing a little song. America, its the today show and well see you after a break yeah. Janes here all week. Try the veal. Unbreakable kimmy schmidt, streaming on netflix. Now, lets get a check of the weather. Todays weather is brought to you by walgreens. Get your red nose today, only at walgreens to help end child poverty. By the way, the krakster will be back at 9 00. See you later. A song as you leave . I love you al roker yes, yes, yes i do oh, yeah. All right. Lets the end of my career. Bye, everybody. Im proud to have been part of it. Lets show you what we have. Record highs the eastern third of the country. Severe storms in the upper Mississippi River valley all the way down to texas. Look for snow in the pacific northwest, right along the coast is going to be nice. And for tomorrow, severe storms, make their way into western new york, western p. A. A big storm outbreak for the central plains. Snow continues as we make our way into the sawtooth, the bitterroot and the cascades. It is a all nice and clear and the cool temperatures, too, with 54 right now on the peninsula, and 53 in the triv valley and 52 in San Francisco with that sunshine breezy wins,s and it is starting out cool, but it is going to warm up as we go into the next several days. The low 70s in time for the weekend. And the for the inland areas, it is going to start to trend hotter today reaching into the mid80s tomorrow, and mid90s in time for sunday. And dont forget to the weather any time you need it with our friends at the Weather Channel on cable. Guys . Thank you so much. These days, were more tethered to our smartphones than ever before. In fact, a recent gallup poll showed 60 of americans checked their work email outside of working hours. Im surprised that number is not bigger. But responding to work email 24 7 is bad for business. Making people more stressed, distracted and less productive. Now, some companies are stepping in, forcing their employees to unplug. Heres nbcs jo ling kent. Reporter more than ever, seems like were tied to our tech. Its hard to put our smartphon s s down, our heads up and connect with the real world. Im for sure on my phone a lot. Its how society has trained us to be now. Reporter the average american is spending 90 s a day on their mobile phone. 23 days a year surfing and texts. The average worker sends 122 emails daily. Now, businesses and governments are stepping in to unplug for us. In january, the french government adopted a new law, that gives employees the right the disconnect from work emails. Life isnt about work. Reporter and some American Companies are making unplugging almost mandatory. Be a person. Get some rest. Dont work to live. Live to work. Reporter marina heard about unplugging by reading an article on her phone. And shared it with her boss. I was missing out on the experience of rocking my sweet, sleepy 1yearold. Reporter it prompted her company to start a onemonth contest, with employees. Monitoring themselves to stay off of Smart Devices after 6 00 p. M. On weekdays and all weekend. To spend more time with family. The prize, a day off to unplug. The challenge has provided this structure to do a lot about the things that i think we all knew we needed to be doing. Reporter at a Consulting Firm in philadelphia, ditching work email on nights and weekends is company policy. Called zmail. No sending email between 10 00 p. M. And 6 00 a. M. During the week or on saturdays and sundays. The policy is in its fourthier. And the companys founder says its a success. If something is urgent, call or text. Reporter why did you make this a Human Resources policy . Stwl st we want our employees to live a healthy, wellrounded life. I believe that will build a successful company. Reporter how does it help the bottom line . It helps it. Reporter how much . Longterm sustainability. 75 of Health Care Costs in the states are stressrelated and preventable. Reporter Arianna Huffington founded thrive global to help Companies Set digital boundaries. Its hard. But its doable. Dont try to do everything overnight. Set small, achievable goals. Reporter employees say stepping off the hamster wheel of constant email is lifechanging. It gives you a sense of peace that permeates the rest of your life. Reporter americans turning in the phone for some reallife facetime. For today, jo ling kent, nbc news, philadelphia. Sign me up. Im getting better. Really . A little better at disconnecting. Its hard but i am. From 11 00 p. M. To 4 00 a. M. Yeah. You mind your happy place. If im snoring, im not texts. Up next, als eyeopening conversation with an icon in the music industry. Quincy jones. They talk about everything from working with Michael Jackson to the motto he now lives by. But first, this is today on nbc. Nobody told me to expect it. Intercourse thats painful due to menopausal changes. Its not likely to go away on its own. It took my most honest friend to help me do something about it. She told me premarin vaginal cream can help. It provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. Premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderatetosevere painful intercourse caused by these changes. Dont use it if youve had unusual vaginal bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think youre pregnant. Side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, breast pain, vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. Estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots, or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. Estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. Ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. Were back, 8 40, with today Living Legends. And al spent time with a real legend, quincy jones. My gosh. You talk about music history. If youve rocked out to a song on the radio in the last 70 years, as i have, chances are pretty good that composer quincy jones has something to do with that song . The story to the song is all in his home. Heres the grammys. You talked about a gold collection. Thats pretty good. I feel like im just Getting Started. Reporter youre just Getting Started . Oh, yeah, man. I really do. Reporter 84yearold quincy jones has had his fingerprints on seven decades of song. Garnering him 79 grammy nominations and 27 wins. Music is a freaky little thing. Its the same 12 notes is all weve had for 710 years. The first time i saw you reporter the music legend collaborating with artists from aretha franklin, stevie wonder, ray charles, and Michael Jackson. Tell me about thriller. Did you know when youre listening to this stuff, how good it is . You have to. You dont go accidentally in someo Something Like that. Went through 800 sole judngs to. Reporter 800 songs . Thriller was the most successful album of alltime. Putting jones on a short list of producers to have winning records in threecon sengtive decades. A great song can make the worst singer in the world a star. A bad song cant be saved by the three greatest singers in the world. I learned that 50 years ago. We are the world reporter action and jones would also imagine the charttopping single we are the world. What was that like, having all that talent in that room at one time . Could be a nightmare. We had an amazingly Diverse Group of people. When they saw each other, i didnt have to say leave your egos at the door. They got it. Reporter a huge event in your life. 74, two brain aneurysms. I thought i was going to die. The good news, is you lived through this one. The bad news is, you got another one. We have to go back in two months. Oh, my god. Reporter how did that change your life . Oh, man. It made you realize, how to appreciate life. Reporter is that your motto . Motto is, empty the cup every time, and it comes back twice as full. Reporter like the color purple. Heres a movie, not only did you coproduce, but you wrote the score for. Everybody saying, who the devil does he think he is . Going after a 5. 5 million director, steven speeg berg to direct the movie. He did it for 84,000. We were like brothers, man. Reporter after the aneurysm, you gave up the trumpet. You became the First American male to be a record executive. Whats your advice to young folks coming up in this business . Work. Reporter work . The dictionary is the only place you find success before work. And thats alphabetical. Reporter as youve gotten old, how have your priorities changed . Every decade is a different heem bei human being. In the 20s, you think Everybody Knows everything. And in the 30s, you have a chance to make a lot of mistakes. Reporter are you still learning in your 80s . Absolutely. Every day, man. Good words of wisdom there. Im telling you. Go back to that video of we are the world. That could have been an ego nightmare. And everybody said, it was his personality that kept that moving in the right direction. Only man who could have gotten all those people in one room and kept them in check. Its incredible. He hasnt slowed down. Has opened up a jazz club in dubai. All about paying it forward, nurturing artists for his thri l philanthrop philanthropic foundation. The house was nice, too . Just a little bit. We all ask. What was it like . Unbelievable. We have chef Michael White here. Hes going to share his secrets for the ultimate steak and potatoes dish, something w call e all right. It is chefs choice on todays food where some of our favorite chefs cook up their favorite dishes. Michael white is sharing a great recipe for his delicious stake frites. Good morning. Nice to be here. Lets talk about ingredients. Not complicated. Doing grilled steaks today. A few sauces. We have a red wine sauce. We have thyme, mushrooms, bay leaves. Youre using boneless steaks . They happen to be prime. But any kind of steaks. Choice would be the better one. Were going to season and were going to grill. Were grilling on a pan here in the house. Make sure to have the fan on. With the warmer weather coming up, were cooking outside. Were going to mark those, three to five minutes on each side. And allow them to rest. People may have noticed on the ingredient panel, you have cut up tenderloin also. Thats going to help develop the base sauce we have cooking right here. We have the trim from some top round, or scraps from the beef. Were going to take and turn that down. Were going to have a little garlic and shallots. We have a little oil, the scraps. Were going to go in with some shallots. This is a flavor enhancer. Are you making a stock here . You need liquid . We are making a stock. Were going to cook this about four to five hours. Very, very slowly. Were going to deglaze. And were making the base or the foundation. You go to the supermarket. Theres a section when they have stock. And thats right on the shelves there. Could you do that if you didnt have the time . Whats going to happen, is a little of that stock is okay. But if you buy reduced veal stock, it gives viscosity to the sauce. Thats what were left with right here. You can see how rich this is. Its cooking, reduced down. What youre left with, is this sauce right here. Did you get a shot of that . We have our tasting table downstairs. We have pizza this morning and now, steak frites. You have the sauce with the fat floating in it. We bring this back to temperature. You put the peppercorns in there . The peppercorns are already inside. Were going to go over here. Were going the make the foundation for bernaise. Its a warm mayonnaise. This is wone of the children of hollandai hollandaise. Were going to bring this down, boiling, reduce it. We have a little vinegar when e this comes down. Drizzle in here. Were passing it and left with what we have right here. Explain me why do you put it in another bowl with ice cubes in it . We want to chill it here. We want to apply it to a traditional hollandaise sauce, which is egg yolk and melted builter. It sounds complicated. But it isnt. Stand back. I almost shocked myself. All joking aside. We have this running. Seriously, i will stand back. I will start going. We have clarified butter, all right . This is a faster way of doing it. The traditional way would be a troubleboiler, water. If you have the temperature of the butter, in the recipe on today. Com. You reduce it down and you can emulsify without having a doubleboiler. You have meherbs here. Were going to finish with thyme, parsley, ander t er thta. I dont want to put them on a spot downstairs. Guys, do you like the poirve or the beanaise. But frites are great. Its not good for the waistline, either. Going to the restaurant is not good for the waistline because everything is great. Its fantastic. Michael, thank you very much. Awesome. Guys, nice job. Well done, you handled your roles very well. Thank you. All these recipes are on today. Com food again. They sound complicated. It works well if you follow along. This is today on nbc. [ whistles ] internet speeds 20x faster. At t fiber sounds amazing. Wait a sec, im not done yet. Less than 12 of at t homes actually qualify. Huh. Hold on. Everyone else gets our other, slower internet speeds. But no one reads this stuff anyway. Except for the old guy with the binoculars. Huh. We got ourselves a reader. Dont be fooled by at t. Xfinity delivers the fastest speeds to the most homes. Were back. Right where we need to be, back at 8 54 with today puppy. Our music superstar, in the house. Of course. I heard there was a puppy here. If theres a puppy here, im here. Thats charlie. Hes working with us and working with america vet dogs and olivia, his puppy razoiseraiser. Service dogs can help in a variety of ways. And sometimes a combination of ways. Charlie could be a service dog that helps with hearing dog tasks, as well. We introduced him to a mechanics, of alerting to a sound, getting his handlers attention. And taking the person to the sound. Its useful with a phone. But it could be lifesaving with a smoke alarm or things of that nature. Im going to make the phone call and see how this goes. All right . Im calling someones phone that is over in the studio. Carkar charlies phone. It says charlie. You have to give me his numb number. Well text. See if were getting it here. It says calling mobile. Our wireless isnt the greatest in here. Is the ringer on . Its still calling mobile. Its going to work. Come on. Moving around. Can you hear me now . He here we go. We can talk about what it looks like. If i stand over there and go bring, bring. Christine, is your ringer on . This is awesome. Check the phone. We need you back in the control room. Its on silent. Oh. Okay. I have a missed call from matt lauer. Lets try it again. Do you . Now, its going to work. [ phone ringing ] oh. Where is it, buddy . Where is it . Thats it. Good boy. Oh, my god. Oh. Hello, did you see that . Thank you. Good boy. That was worth the wait. It was. I m. Topvo south bay Health Experts are looking into whether a good wednesday morning at 8 56. Im sam brock. Health experts are trying to figure out if it is a a norovirus outbreak that is sickening hundreds of students. Schools are reporting children coming down with a stomach illness. There is a major cleanup and sterilization going on. And more than 100 students were sicken sickened at a la hacienda magnate school. Classes rat the time being are in session, but many of the afternoon programs are on hold. No exact word on the cause of the outbreak. And right now we have a reporter there to speak to the School Officials and the principal, and we will have that on our noon newscast. And on our home page, new details about the killer of anthony gor see ya torres, and an item that the jail guards recently discovered that raises questions about his demeanor. And on video two thrill seekers are doing wild stunts on the Golden Gate Bridge and questions off how they got up there, and as a result, the authorities are investigating. That is goer to do it for us until our noon news. Since we learned that maya is americas top monster. My father wants to keep this off of the books. Jakes there to make sure it stays that way. Im not even here. Im in boca playi inin ining pe with my parents. My mother made it Crystal Clear how she feels about me. Were just steppingstones on her way to a paycheck. All right. And you directed it . I directed. We have a twohour finale. I did the second hour. The fainale of the finalfinale. Lots of crazy stuff happen. As if crazy things arent happened already. And youre going to top really . On scandal. On scandal. Yeah. Talk about art imitating life. So, theyve announced that the scandal will be ending after next season. Right. How does that feel . Say it aint so. Were all bittersweet about it. Shonda said this would never be one of the shows that runs eight, ten years. She wants to go out strong. So, she last week, called us all up and said, we need to talk. She said, were going to wrap after next year. I dont know how i feel. I know its not all about me. Its all about you. The people at home you are i can speak for all of the gladiators. A couple things. First of all, we talk about the ending. I dont know if olivia should end up with fitz. What . It has to be you got me on this show. She thinks you should end up with her. Okay. I am olivia. But im so torn on how she she says she knows how its going to end, right . Shonda sauys that. Youre going to be together or youre not. Do you want to end up with olivia . I see things from fitzs point of view. I think theyre ultimately meant to be together. I have friends out there who agree with me. I think so. But i feel like that would be too lets say next season happens. And the show gets even bigger. Would they come back to shonda and say, you know, i know you wanted to end it now. I bet they would. I think shonda would agree to that, i dont know. Out of my wheel house. Whennin something is working how do you walk away from it . And kudos to kerry washington, who tweeted me after we did our bit. Well remind people about the bit. Here it is. Come back to me. Forgive me. I love you. Please, please stop. Youre getting my hopes up. Just stop. I cant stop. I wont. Olivia. Im not a toy you can play with when youre bored or lonely. Im not the girl the guy gets at the end of the movie. Im not a fantasy. If you want me, earn me. Until then, we are done. Ooh. Snap. Oh, yeah. You look good. In my head, did that happen . That happened. What did kerry tweet you . She tweeted, this is fantastic. Well done, sheinelle jones. The guy youre acting with, could have been better. But youre amazing. I think you should come on the show and do a scene with me, kerry. Okay . Lets bring this up. Challenge. I like that. I can outfitz fitz, okay . I can spitz with fitz. Come on. There you go. Kudos to the whole cast. You guys have changed the game. I cant think of any way to say it. The character as olivia pope. Theres so many that wanted to be olivia pope. People wanted to dress like olivia pope. And you, too. Embody, youre the president. Wherever you go not really, sheinelle. Youre president fitz. That makes our producer, gavin, your secret service. Were in big trouble. Can we to some secrets from the set . That might be fun. We have to. Its a little game. One of gavins games he likes to do. We want you to spill secrets from the set. Jerry will bring our popcorn box full of questions. Are you prepared . Im ready. I dont promise anything. Here we go. This says, have you used your president ial privilege in real life . You honestly think i would reveal that . That would make me look so bad. But the answer is yes. Okay . What did you do . Im not going to tell you that. I have a family, al. Next one is, you voiced disneys tarzan. If the opportunity to do the loin cloth, would you take it . The what . The loin cloth. I was happy it was an animated tarzan. His level of fitness, is something i wouldnt touch. Are we keeping going here . Oh, yeah. This is like eating popcorn. Without the calories. Whats the one thing youve already stolen or will steal from the oval office of the scandal set. I havent stolen anything yet. What would you like to take . Ive been thinking about this. This sounds really dumb. Theres a battleship on my desk, on the resolute desk. It would be hard to steal. A big battleship. That would be cool. You should take the whole desk. The whole desk . They wouldnt notice the battleship is missing. I would do that. Maybe i can get them to give it to me. It is a replica, right . No. Is it a replica. He doesnt need it all the time. We work out the schedule. Im talking about the design. The set design. It is the real thing. That version is so much better. I give up. One more . A few more in here. You know what i meant. Okay. When was the last time you watched ghost, and did you cry . Thats a good question. I watched it i dont know how many years ago. About six or seven years ago. My youngest child, tess, younger daughter had never sat through the whole movie. Ive seen some of it. No, youre going to watch this. Its really good. We sat down and watched it and i did cry, yes. Its a good movie. It is. It holds up. You watched together . And more importantly, she did. Nice. That was a great secrets of the set. I hope you get your battleship. I hope secret service doesnt come after you for the real resolute desk. So, jerry seinfeld. We love jerry seinfeld, okay with jokes. Since you have a finale coming up in a year, he likes jokes about how the seinfeld finale left a little to be desired. He asked about Julia Louisdreyfus poking fun at the finale. If its a good joke, im into it. Look at that. All these years later, seinfeld being asked about the finale. You have one next year. Do you feel pressure about that . I dont. Luckily, its not on me. I think there is pressure. The way i feel about it personally, theres some shows nail it on the finale. Other ones take a lot of heat. You look at the entirety of the show. There was criticism of the sopranos finale. And the sopranos one of the greatest pieces of work on television. I try not to put too much weight on that. Do you leave it with a question . With sopranos, i wasnt sure. It went black. Will it be vague . Like fitz olivia, we tonight know. Maybe, thats a question boff my pay grade. Shonda, give us a call. Coming up, and the oscar 2018 host is find out who will be on stage for the 90th Academy Awards and the reaction this morning. Can you actually love wearing powerful sunscreen . Yes neutrogena® ultra sheer. No other sunscreen works better or feels so good. Clinically proven helioplex® provides unbeatable uva uvb protection to help prevent early skin aging and skin cancer all with a clean light feel. For unbeatable protection. Its the one. The best for your skin. Ultra sheer®. Neutrogena®. See whats possible. And youre about in to hit send all on some embarrassing gas. Hey, you bought gasx® unlike antacids, gasx ® relieves pressure and bloating fast. Huh, crisis averted. And let roomba from irobot help with your everyday messes. Roomba navigates your entire home. Cleaning up pet hair and debris for up to 2 hours. Which means your floors are always clean. You and roomba, from irobot. Better. Together. The best way to get together is with a treat you make together. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. Ahyou the law . Weve had some complaints of. Is that a fire . Theres your payoff, deputy. Git velveeta shells cheese. Theres gold in them thar shells. At petsmart, well give a meal any to a pet in need. Food so whralphie grabs grub, charlie chows down. And when peaeats, peanut eats. You buy a bag, well give a meal. Daily hair damagen stop before it happens. With these roses. One is treated with dove. Both are exposed to damaging heat. The rose without dove is dry and brittle. Dove deeply nourishes and stops 90 of daily hair damage before it happens. When i feel my best, i am my best. Thats why im taking the activia probiotic two week challenge and adding activia yogurt with billions of its exclusive probiotic to my healthy routine. Take the activia probiotic two week challenge with me. It works or its free. Take the activia probiotic two week challenge with me. Does your makeup remover every kissproof,ff . Cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena® makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. And were back with more of todays take. With guest host tony goldwin. We were surrounding him. Swarming him. Ive backed away. I gave away nothing. Hes good. Like a vault. We didnt have to wait long to find out who is next years oscars host. It was announced, jimmy kimmel will be returning to the stage. Of course, i thought he did a great job last year. I did, too. He got overshadowed by best picture announcement controversy. Just a little. I think everybody thinks this is a good idea. It was the right balance. The right balance of being funny. He dig on people but it wasnt mean. He has an edge of irony. And yet, hes not mean. So, thats when it gets too mean, all of a sudden, everyone is superuncomfortable. Not funny. When its too soft, its boring. Like a little edgy. We like it. We have spoken. So, do you go to starbucks and preorder . Do you use the mobile app . I just heard about that. I will be, now. I have seen it. I didnt know people used it. If youre in line at starbucks, somebody walts up and gets their coffee, they mobile ordered ahead. And starbucks are expecting to reach 38 billion by 2020. I believe it. My thing is, when you get in line, youre ready for your latte with soy, dont you have to wait even longer . Doesnt it make lines shorter . Or the people in line have to wait because so many people are ordering . Like tsa pre. Everybody is on tsa pre. Does it slow things um . I would have it no other way. Tsa pre, has made it so much better. With starbucks, you know what youre going to have. Sometimes when i go into a restaurant, i dont want to predecide. I want to go, what do i feel like . And if you change your mind. Thats key. Theres people who are nostalgic, thinking that starbucks do it, restaurants will do that. Are we losing the old time thing when you look at a menu and say, what do i want . Those days will be done. When you get behind that person who is like exactly. Move it along. I dont know what they have already. Except for the unicorn frappuccino. Did you try that . I never tried it. Colors that dont exist in nature. And it tasted very odd. It was a hit for some. Thats why you have a menu. Some like it, cosome dont. How about the weather . Were worried about Severe Weather, later today on into tomorrow. An outbreak of tornadoes yesterday. And today, were looking at more of the same. Looking at strong storms, especially in iowa today. Thats the best shot at tornadoes. Tomorrow, we have a moderate risk of Severe Weather, stretching from central oklahoma into central kansas. 26 Million People at risk. Could be seeing more strong tornados. Damaging hail and wind, and stretching from the dakotas to texas, and as far east as the u. P. Of michigan, three to five inches of rain. Thats whats going on good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. Starting to feel a little bit milder outside. Our temperature still in the 50s. Looking at the south bay its partly cloudy and 59 degrees and 56 degrees in the trivalley. We see all the clear skies in San Francisco and the north bay and temperatures now into the mid to upper 50s, heading up to 63 degrees today. 66 degrees tomorrow and our temperatures continue to warm for the weekend. Low 70s for the coast. Inland areas will get very hot, up to 94 degrees on sunday. Your latest weather. Coming up in next, the countdown to memorial day is on. Our shapeup con tetestants wil find out if they lost weight this week. And joy and obi, sharing tips for you. I have relatives that are following them. [woman] so beautiful. [man] beautiful just like you. [woman] oh, why thank you. [burke] and we covered it, november sixth, twothousandnine. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol® get whatat olive garden. Ss new early dinner duos for just 8. 99. Choose from over 50 delicious combinations. And all the salad and breadsticks you want. From 35 monday through thursday. Hurry in, its early dinner duos. Only at olive garden. Its realizing beauty doesnt stop at my chin. Roc®s formula adapts to delicate skin areas. My fine lines here . Visibly reduced in 4 weeks. Chest, neck, and face cream from roc®. Methods, not miracles. ™ breatry new Flonase Sensimist allergy relief instead of allergy pills. It delivers a gentle mist experience to help block six key inflammatory substances. Most allergy pills only block one. New Flonase Sensimist changes everything. Oh, its actually. Sfx short balloon squeal its ver. Sfx balloon squeals ok can we. Sfx balloon squeals goodbye oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Good right . Yeah. Lactaid. The milk that doesnt mess with you. Now, for our summer shapeup checkin. Back with us this morning, today nutritionist, joy bauer and obi, author of the cut. Following the program are three amazing viewers. Lisa, a mother of three from new jersey is on joys diet plan. Ruben is on obis exercise plan. And charlene, a new mom from maryland, has been on joys and obis plans. See how you did this week. I have relatives that are watching. This is so relatible, joy. You are going to be blown away. Lets start with lisa. When lisa weighed in, 185 pounds. Two weeks following just my diet plan. You didnt workout. Just diet. Lisa is down a total of seven pounds. [ applause ] just 14 days. Great job. That is amazing. How do you feel . Are you hungry . I really i feel fine. I mean, im making the recipes. Theyre easy to make. Its been great. How hard has it been . Whats the hardest thing for you . One of the hart dest things, when i go out to eat. We went to the olive garden with some friends. I love the bread sticks. And theyre so good. Theyre so good. Who doesnt love the bread sticks. Unlimited bread sticks and salad. I was able to make healthy choices. They have Healthy Options on the menu. Portion control. And the way tretitress was grea. I told her to bring the salad plain. She did. Ruben, youre a busy guy. Ruben started at 283 pounds. Two weeks of just doing the exercise, obis exercise plan, he is down a total of eight pounds. Love it. How are you found it, ruben . Youre a busy guy. You have a busy schedule. You work 4 00 p. M. To midnight. 4 00, the afternoon shot. Two kids . Two kids. Youre a busy, working dad. Real busy. I find it hard to make time to workout. When you follow obis plan, its real nice and short. You can find time during the day. I found two friends in the afternoon, my days off, when i could, do it with them. We go to the park, started training. Its good. It works out. Buddy workouts are really helpful. Charlene has the toughest task. She is following obis exercise and the diet plan. After two weeks, charlene has lost ten full pounds. Yes, yes. I feel great. Its amazing. I do feel a difference. And just as both of them mentioned, lisa and ruben, fi finding the time to workout, is really easy. You think of 15minute inskremts. And eating out was my challenge. Looking at the menu and finding beautiful, good options was a challen challenge. But i made it through. You exceeded my expectations. You make me look like i know what im talking about. In terms of eating out, too. I told the ladies, its nowhere you eat, its what you eat. And they are learning. Were going to help with that next. A nice transition. Coming up, joy will show you how to eat out, without ruining your diet. And obi has the two workout moves, just two, we should be doing every day. But first, your local news. You guys have inspired us. [ cheers and applause ] has the bad breath germkilling power of this. [rock music] with the lighter feel. Of this. [classical music] for a whole mouth clean with a less intense taste. Ahhh. Try listerine® zero alcohol™. Also try listerine® pocketpaks for fresh breath on the go. This i can do, easily. I try hard to get a great shape. Benefiber® healthy shape is a clear, tastefree, 100 natural daily fiber. Thats clinically proven to help me feel fuller longer. Benefiber® healthy shape. This i can do got a minute . New aveeno®. R you. Positively radiant® 60 second in shower facial. Works with steam to reveal. Glowing skin in just one minute. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results® topvo breaking news just confirmed in the last few minutes Santa Clara County s Health Deparment says hundreds of san jose students did contract the norovirus. It s spread to a total of 12 schools. 10 of them are in san jose unified. There are also another two schools outside the district. With students sickened by the virus. A major cleanup and sterilization effort is now underway. Theres also another two schools outside the district with it is vir virus. In the worst case, more than 100 students were sick in the hacienda science magnet school. The virus emerged a couple weeks ago, and most students are in classes now but certain projects had to be put on hold. Pal oe ho Alto High School parents are wondering why an unidentified student was accused of assault and was allowed to stay at the school. District officials told parents last night they could not release any information blt cab the case because the student was a minor and they were bound by disclosure laws. The student now has been asked to leave the school. Stocks have taken a huge hit as political chaos continues to churn in washington with fears this could derail the tax reform in washington. Theyve dropped nearly 60 points this morning. Were back with weather and traffic coming up right after this break. Good morning. A lot of sunshine and nice, comfortable weather today. In San Francisco were into the low 60s and then into the 70s in time for the weekend. Inland areas are really going to be heating up. Join today, up to 75 because well have some 90s in time for the weekend. Now lets head over to mike for an update on the roadways. The south bay does show that slowing, but much easier than a half hour ago. We have much less slowing, although we had a second crash in the area. The 105 still has cars on the shoulder. Jammed up northbound 101 right by the airport, but 807 looking much better than earlier this morning. Back now, with our summer shapeup challenge to get us all fit by memorial day. We have celebrity train esher o and joy bauer. Theyve been helping our three viewers for three weeks. Were going to start with obi, who is going to give us great exercises and things we should do this week. Absolutely. The first exercise, suicide. Like a cardio boot camp move. Very simple. Have two cones. Two reference points. Youre going to start here. Run from one cone to the next. I want ruben and charlene to do them behind me. Like a little dance. 20, 15 seconds in your living room. You have space in your living room or the park. How many times . Three to four sets, 15 to 20 seconds. Take your time. You dont have to go fast . No. Go at your own pace. Feel good . Second exercise, is body squats. Women want to have the bootie, the squads, the hamstrings. Shoulder length apart, 90 degrees, and body squats. You cant go 90 degrees, just go like this, if you have bad knees. Go all the way deep. Take your time. 12 to 15 seconds, three to four sets. How many times a week . Three to four times a week. Ruben and charlene doing four to five times a week. You guys love them . Thats why theyre dropping weight. This woman has lost ten pounds. And eight pounds. Ill have what you guys are having. Youre not doing the diet. Lets do this. You talked about the fact, eating out. A little challenge. Just a little bit. Im going to put you to the test. It is tricky. And again, its not where you eat. Its what you eat. Were going to play a little game over here. Start with appetizers. Im going to show you teleoptions and you will pick what you think is the most slimming selection. Most slimming. Here we go. The first thing, when it comes to appetizers, which do you get . Going to get the salad with vinaigrette . A shrimp cocktail or the minestrone soup . My guess, would be the shrimp cocktail. Really . It has protein. I was going to say soup. Salad with vinaigrette. Why are we whispering . Were like afraid to say it. I would say the soup, as well. So, the first thing to point out, these are all terrific options. And they all bring a lot of health to the table. But when it comes to the skinniest, its going to be the shrimp cocktail. You were right. Why did you say that . Theres no oil. This is a pure protein. And dunked in the cocktail sauce, this is going to weigh under 200 calories. The minestrone is variable. And with the salad, the dressing jacks up the calories. When it comes to the main course, grilled chicken or fish with vegetables will always win. Heres your three options. Are you going to go for the whole grain pasta primavera. Lots of vegetables. Or the turkey burger on a bun with sweet potato fries . Or th the steak with butter . You threw in butter. Whats it going to be. Im going to do the first one. The pasta primavera. And i would say the steak, probably. And you you would be two for two. Oh. Yes. Again, protein. This is why hes president. Yeah. And a little shady sometimes. So, sirloin stake is a really lean cut of steak. The reason the baked potato isnt that bad, theres only one pad of butter on there. Thats one teaspoon. You can take one teaspoon of butter or sour cream. This blocks in at 500 calories. The other two, more than 1,000 calories. Yeah. Sweet potato fries. Fries. Cocktails, what is going to be the most slimming cocktail . Is it going to be a glass of wine . Or a 12ounce beer. Or a gin and tonic . Glass of wine. The wine. President . Im going gin and tonic. Whatever the calories. We got him this time. Its a glass of wine. Heres a really good tip. When it comes to wine, always choose red because its more fullbodied. And you will sip it slower than white. Thank you so much. This was fantastic. Cheers. Well see you next week. I should say, to get more workout moves from obi, head to facebook. Com todayhealth for a live workout. Up next, one of our favorite funny ladies, Jane Krakowski, has a sneak peek of the unbreakable kimmy schmidt. You help ensure that children in the u. S. And around the world are safe, healthy and educated. This red nose day, swing by walgreens and get your noses on to help end child poverty. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Heare you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool . Try zyrtec® its starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. Stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. Im leaving you, wesley. But why . You havent noticed me in two years. I was in a coma. Well, i still deserve appreciation. Who was there for you when you had amnesia . You know i cant remember that. Stop this madness. If its appreciation you want you should both get snapshot from progressive. It rewards good drivers with big discounts on car insurance. I have news. Ive used most of our cellular data. 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And she followed that up playing jenna maroni on 30 rock. Were loving jane as socialize Jacqueline White in the netflix come comedy, unbreakable kimmy schmidt. Its back for a third season. Heres a taste of what to expect. I guess you forced my hand. I know i came here to apologize. But since that kiss, i cant stop thinking about you. Youre both crazy. Im a married woman. But if i were to take a lover, youre both exactly my type. How could i ever choose . Dance for me. Oh, my goodness. Its so good to see you. Youre so great on this show. You are so sweet, and ill pay you later. We worked together years ago. Im happy to be reunited with tony goldwin. We were young lovers. We were. Look at both of you now. By the way, looking at the clips of you from ally mcbeal to today, you have not changed. Well, i got some hair conditioner. And a baby. How old is your son . A 6yearold son. Can you believe it . Isnt it the best . 6 is the sweetest. Theres my sweet kid, hamming it up on the red carpet. Is he here . Thats the first suit he bought. We went to his first broadway opening. As we were walking down the red carpet, he got more and more confident. And excuse me, can we get a solo shot of your mom . And hes like, can i get a solo shot, as well . The apple did not fall far. Hes ready. Third season, kimmy schmitz. Each season, it seems like its a little more out there. Has season three i think so. Whats so unique about the unbreakable kimmy schmidt, it has a dark underbelly but the humor gets higher and the frantics get higher. I love that. Its an unusual tone for a show. Im so thankful to our loyal fans, with this netflix situation, they have to wait so long for the new season to come out. And its finally coming out on friday. Im thrilled that people seem to be excited and anticipating what sits going to be. I find myself binge watching. I save it up. I stay up way too late watching. You have the most amazing guest stars. Amazing guest stars. Were so lucky. We have laura dern. And josh, unbelievable. Ray liotta. Maya rudolph. Tina fey makes some appearances. We have the 30 rock kids came back. Like judith freelander. Im talking with tony. Im fascinated do you not know in advance, how far in advance doyen . I dont know how it works on tonys show, but we get them less than a week out. You do the same thing, where the table read is the first time you read it together. Thats my favorite thing. We do the same thing. So much fun. Major cliffhangers and twists, it comes from the offices hot. Its hot off of the xerox machine. We read them. Its an unusual experience for us. The actors are trying to perform it as characters. And theyre elated and showing that for the material theyre getting, as well. Even on 30 rock, one of the most favorite times we have. Once every two weeks we do that. Very much like our show. We get this its still warm. Still hot. Unbelievable. Thats right. Jane krakowski, its so good to see you. As we called her earlier, the krakster. Unbreakable kimmy schmidt weve got a lot of sunshine as we take a live look around san jose. Our temperatures still comfortab comfortable. Were at 59 degrees, 57 in oakland. Well start to see those temperatures warming up over the next several days but still saying very nice, and with some sunshine in San Francisco, were only going to see those highs today up to 62 degrees. 73 on saturday, and sunday will also be comfortable. While the inland areas will get hot, highs in the mid90s by sunday. Of our ultimate cookoff. Our viewers going headtohead with our summer salads, perfect for summer. Its not a quick fix. Its my decision to make beauty last. Roc® retinol, started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. And the longer i use it, the better it works. Retinol correxion® from roc. Methods, not miracles. ™ when i feel my best, i am my best. 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All this week weve been holding todays ultimate cookoff. Weve had viewers compete for the best breakfast and appetizer. Now, let us talk about salads. That was good. Look who i got here. Special sous chef, miley cyrus. Salad tossing in the morning. Thats my style. Our two finalists, are kylie lawsen, a mom of two. And a military spouse. Shes going to make a thai salad. We have robin from connecticut, a busy mom of four, including, get this, 10yearold triplets. Whoa. Grows s her own veggies. Our judges today, tony goldwin and Jane Krakowski. Weve never had a cooking segment bigger than this. Miley, youre the guest sous chef. Im not great at handling the meats. But all right, al. What do we do here . This is my authentic thai. Were going to add these ingredients to into the bowl, once we mix them together. Some of the ingredients are cilantro and lime, salt, fish sauce, a little msg, toasted rice and ground chili peppers and some chuck steak. Lemongrass, green onions and lime and chili peppers. How do we start off . You want to cook the chuck steak until its slightly pink. Once thats cooked, you add it into the bowl. Its honey comb tripe that we eat. But you can omit it. And you can use steak instead. Exactly. Miley, if you want to stir . Here we go. How am i doing . What do we add next . Add the spices first, please. And then, some lime. Oh, snap. And some fish sauce. Its not made out of fish, is it . They just call it that for fun. Once thats all mixed together, add the vegetables and make sure its combined. And thats your dish right there. Boom. Our judges are tasting. Guys . Were eating now. How did i do . Well now in a minute. How did i do . Lets come down to robin. Miley, you go over here. Robin, what are you making here . Im making an avocado bacon, cilantro and fresh corn salad. Theres also mexican cheese in that. Thats close the parmesan cheese. Or eliminate the cheese. I like it. Basically, i will have lettuce. And avocado oil to mix in here. And fresh lime juice, cumin and salt. Thats the dressing . Thats the dressing that you whisk up. Can you whisk this for me, please . Thank you. A little pinch of salt. How much you thinking . A big pinch. Here we go. All right. And whisk away. In the meantime, you have corn can you use frozen corn . Its not as good. I like fresh fresh corn, on the grill, a little charred. Tastes delicious. Sounds good. Chopped cilantro, chopped off avoca avocado, the cheese. Really colorful. Very colorful salad. You can see by the plate, its colorful. You want to toss this . All right. Yes, i do. Al, would you like to poor the dressing in . We have to open a restaurant, miley and als. You can sing for your supper. That would be perfect. And some lettuce. Toss that. You mound it up into a bowl and let everybody go. Lets check in with our judges to see what they think. Well, this is kind of both are great. I love bacon, from anything from a doughnut to a candle, frankly. Were feeling that the thai salad is so unusual, right . Are we leaning toward the because its so unusual. Congratulations, kylie. They both were delicious. The judges have spoken. Come on over. Youre our winner. Youre going to go home with a william sonoma, professional stainless steel tenpiece cookwear set. And robin, for you, we have got a william issonoma, signature touch blender. Thank you very much. We appreciate that. Were back in a moment. First this, is today on nbc. Three worlds. Best segment ever. I like that. We want to thank tony goldwin, Jane Krakowski and miley cyrus for being here. And youre going to sing for us next week. Up next, kathie lee and hoda. Ray le oay owe to, nice. After local news and weher. At were in for a lot of sunshine today. Its going to be perfect, most likely the best day of the week as far as the Comfort Level with these temperatures. Were going to be up to 63 degrees in San Francisco and 77 degrees in napa, oakland up to 69 degrees and 73 degrees in livermore. San jose expect a high of 73, and we will keep these temperatures for just a little while longer before it ramps up in time for the end of the weakened to the weekend. Now lets check in with mike to see whats happening on the roadways. But it does look like the best day of the week, i think i agree, kari. Looking at the roadways, not bad, not the worst day of the week. We have a new crash on the 101 over on the shoulder at the lawrence expressway. Not providing much of an issue. East bay across the bridges moving well. San matheo bridge starting to lighten up. Bringing fast track a little faster. Breaking news out of the north bay. Were just getting word two people were found dead inside a home in navato. The marin county sheriff just confirmed this a few moments ago. Our crew is headed to the scene to give you a live report in our midday newscast. Within the last hour, health care confirmed to us that it was the norovirus that shut down several south bay schools. We posted those details on our home page. We also have more news for you in 30 minutes. From nbc news, this is today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb. From studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. All right, everybody. Hump day. Hump day. Wines day wednesday. All those things. So much going on, may 17th. Thats boom clap by charlie xex. Listen. The beat goes on and on and on and on its an actual song, what a nice surprise. Another great show today. Were going to get up and close and very personal to ray liotta. Hes the shades of blue star. He has a big weekend

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