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Mountainview and concord. Could you find the list on our website at nbcbayarea. Com. It could be a chaotic day in the south bay, because of a strike planned by sunnyvale workers. Marianne favro joins us from sunnyvale with a look at what is planned there. Reporter well, the city tells us that police and dispatchers and fire crews will not be impacted by tomorrows walkout. But it will definitely not be business as usual. About 400 people are expected to walk off the job tomorrow. And that is because Union Employees say after years of negotiations they have hit a tail ma a stalemate with the city and the strike la guardia start at midnight. And today the mayor described what people could expect. An impact would be at our planning department, people getting inspections, if they are doing home remodeling, library services, people in the parks. Mainly, we have not had a pay increase in over five years. Weve been without a contract now for two years, weve been at the table for two years, and we reached a stalemate and there is no more on the tables with the city and it is not acceptable. Reporter the city said it has a solid offer on the table, that now includes a 6,000 signing bonus. Today the mayor said the city is reaching out, requesting that the union come back to the bargaining table. But at this hour, it doesnt look like that is going to happen. Now when it comes to tomorrow, Garbage Service will not be impacted but it will be impacted at libraries where they are going to turn to weekend taffing staffing. Marianne favro, nbc bay area news. An alert sent out to the Stanford Community after police say a man exposed himself to people on campus. Now police say the three victims were on the east side of campus early this morning when a man got out of the parked car and composed himself and then drove off. This is a second time this month. Police have investigated a flasher on the stanford campus. Back on april 19th a man exposed himself to a student in front of the University Residence hall into a day on the river turns deadly in sonoma county. A woman drowned yesterday in big sulfur creek which runs into the russian river. A woman and her boyfriend were wading in the river when they slipped and the current caused them to be swept downstream. The man was able to get out and the woman was not. Firefighters say the river water is rushing really quickly right now. Water safety a concern across the bay area this weekend with scenes like this one outside. A lot of people going outside, going to the beach and shorelines. A live look showing you the tower and alcatraz in San Francisco bay. Rob mayeda tracking the heat and with the heat comes fire danger. Ill be watching out for that on tuesday and wednesday. Right now not too bad outside. 73 degrees and comfortable in tiburon as we have a late day sea breeze. And San Francisco has now dropped to 68. Wind switching back on shore and bringing in cooler air except without the fog we see across the golden gate bridge. 76 in san jose. From here we see temperatures climb tomorrow. More so towards tuesday and wednesday. But in the meantime, late day sea breeze, technically cooling things off just slightly here as we wrap up the weekend from oakland to hayward and along the coast. But the forecast through midweek will boost our valley temperatures close to 90 degrees and wednesday well likely see heat viz advisory advisories for the bay area, and could reach the 80s. And later on much cooler weather and a chance of showers and possibly sierra snow all in the span of the next seven days. Well let you know how long those hot temperatures will stick around and the big changes possibly ahead by next weekend and in a forecast coming your way in about 12 minutes. Today all about the sunscreen and yet still talking about snow. Big changes coming there. And a big clafrpg in store change in store for the bay bridge. On tuesday the bike path will be open seven days a week. Tom jensen is at the werp end at the path and it is busy out there and a lot of people happy about this news. Reporter weve seen nothing but smiles, a lot of happy people out here. We talked to the Security Guard out here and she and another woman have been here since this morning and more than a hundred people an hour coming across the path. Right at this location. So other thanna many weather you were just awesome weather, there are a lot of people really excited, bicyclists and runners only able to use the bridge on weekends until this tuesday, the east of the path has been open for more than 3 1 2 years but caltrans will permanently open the 4. 5 mile stretch to the west end and the people who use it couldnt be happier. Well, they sound ecstatic and excited about it. It gives them more opportunity even on the week days to do their biking and exercise, some people do it for exercise, some people do it to say i did it. I just like being outside. If we are going to pay Million Dollars to live here, we may be able to ride our bikes over the bridge. Caltrans blocked this bridge during construction due to the heavy diesel fumes and smoke the demolition crews were causing while dismantling and removing sections of the old bridge but with that work done, the delays that upset so many people in the last part of the bridge are something of the past. Im sure that we will see thousands of more Smiling Faces as people run and bike across this path this spring and this summer, especially on days like today and who could beat the views here, right. Were live, tom jenson, nbc bay area news. Thank you very much. A live look outside from the oakland side of the bay bridge. Well, a lot of bikes and a ton of cars out there today. Information on the changes to the bike path seeing desirable. Go to our website at nbcbayarea. Com. Anything to not be in the hot car there in traffic. And fresh off a rally to mark the first 100 days in office, donald trump spent a day at his Virginia Golf Club and choosing to give a speech last night instead of attending the annual white house Correspondents Dinner and the focus today shifting back to north korea. President trump is vowing to stop the Nuclear Buildup while recognizing kim jonguns act agent aboility to stay in power. Obviously hes a pretty smart cookie, but we have a situation that we just cannot let we cannot let what has been going on for a long period of years continue. Also on the agenda this week, democrats promising a fight over renew efforts by the Trump Administration to stop obamacare and they are fighting against the president s tax reform bill. They say that the tax breaks aimed at the middle class are welcome but that the tax breaks aim aed for the rich need to go. The first latina to ever be elected to congress is retiring. Roslehtinen has been representing since 1989 and her time has been a honor but it is time to take a new step at the end of this term. Political analysts say her retirement will allow the democrats to take the position in november. Tune in every monday at 6 00, our political analyst gives an in depth look at the latest in politics and the donald trump presidency. A drastic step to stop the u. S. Army. And a story that made headlines back in the spotlight. A missing girls case ten years after the adisappearance. And in san jose, 70s today and likely mid80s coming up tomorrow, but beyond that, 90 cos be in store for places like san jose and the bay area toward the middle part of the week. The details on a summer like start to may when we come right back. Closed captioning sponsored by today, as protestors scuffle with police over us a very ugly scene in south korea as protesters scuffle over army oil trucks. They tried to prevent the trucks from enter a site where a Defense System is being installed. 300 people tried to sit on the cars an block the road while 800 police pushed back. Some were injured in the scuffle. The trucks did end up being returned to a nearby military base. Ten years later, and still missing. It has been a decade since a little girl vanish the in portugal making international headlines. 3yearold Madeline Mccann disappeared from her bedroom in 2007 while her parents were eating with friends at a nearby restaurant. A search followed and media reported sightings from all over the world. Parents were named suspects but have been cleared and ten years later they are not giving up hope. It is a huge amount of time and in some ways it feels like it was a few weeks ago and other times it fell really long. And it is a hard for for a time. And youve said stolen time. It is time that we should have had with madeline. Portuguese authorities closed the case back in 2008 and police in london are still investigating. You feel for that family. Yes. You really do. Still ahead here on stanbc area news, young minds working hard to solve a problem. The eent in event in the south bay that took plans that put a lot of smiles on young peoples faces. Hundreds of kids put Engineering Projects into action in san well this is really cool, hundreds of kids putting engineering eck news action in san jose this weekend. Take a look at this. The tech museum hosted the annual rock the ravine event. Students from fourth grade through high school worked for months building the device that could cross a gap. Under a certain amount of time, time limit organizers say the competition is fun but the key is everything that comes before. It is a really a crash course in the Engineering Design process and in addition they learn about team work and communication. It is really fun. Yeah, it was. Like even though we couldnt make it in time, it was fun building it and testing it at home. What a cool idea. I like that first lady commenting about a crash course. And we saw some crashes. Teams were prevented from using any flammable liquids. And they had to keep a journal of how they came up with the plan. Wow i would think a lot of things for a successful semi robot could be used for. Maybe on a larger scale. That is a big one. Kind of thing that rob mayeda would put together. Once the weather has calmed down. Getting back to those science projects. But the weather is going to be nice for out door plans. But there is a bit of a side effect, not only talking about heat that could get enough for heat advisories, but also tracking the sierra snow melt which will speed up the pace toward middle part of the week. Especially in the southern sierra. Right now, sunshine, sea breeze, at around ocean beach, 68 degrees and no fog there. Or from emmeriville. And cooling down. 69 degrees. Coolest temperatures between now and thursday. As the winds are fairly strong on shore keeping things cool around emeryville. 81 in dublin. Into san jose, trending cooler than 24 hours ago. 76 degrees. Not so much an off shore breeze but a cool breeze off the bay. Now look at the view here of half dome up toward yosemite. A lot of sunshine. Temperatures here will be rising as we head through the middle part of the week. So we are watching the merced river by wednesday morning and then more so thursday into friday and well see this start to crest a little bit bove flood stage, which is ten feet, slightly above flood stage on wednesday morning but could be a foot above flood stage by friday. So you have yosemite in the plans, stay tuned. The warming temperatures accelerating the snow melt. Around the bay area, winds on shore and that reverses on tuesday and wednesday and allows the team temperatures to climb when you consider the time of the year, starting off the may. You might need a light jacket between sunrise and 8 00 in the morning and then by 9 00 and 10 00, 70s by midafternoon and heading into gilroy similar temperatures in the tri valley and a less of a sea breeze influence and upper 70 toss low 80s around palo alto. Look at San Francisco now. Starting to warm up again. Mid to upper 70s in the forecast there for your monday and the north bay, north wind drying out the air and it is breezy in the hills. Thanks to the rain, fire danger not as high it typically should be for early may. But we will see humidity levels at times in the teens there in the hills as the winds begin to pick up out of the north. Tomorrow sh the pattern again, mid80s inland by 3 00 and now by tuesday should see more areas not just the north bay but toward the trivalley and close to downtown san jose may be approaching close to 90 degrees. As High Pressure reaches the peak intensity on wednesday and now you are thinking similar like week ahead. Well hold on a second. Thursday into friday, i got this cold area of low pressure dropping down the coast so it is possible we could see 30 degrees of cool between wednesday and next saturday. So the timing here maybe not so good as we could see, were going to see some cooling and a chance of showers by next weekend, but given our quickly things will warm up and if we do see heat advisories around the bay area on wednesday, the cooling may be welcome by those of us that dont have airconditioning around San Francisco and the coast as you will see 70s and 80s midweek but a rapid shift toward next weekend. Thank you very much in. Coming up next, we investigate. [ inaudible ]. No one helped me. Bay area women recorded in the ladys room at work. What happened after they reported the crime to police. We investigate. Work with. A bay area woman turned to our Investigative Unit after imagine being secretly recorded by someone you work with. A bay area woman turned to us after discovering a camera in the bathroom. And sometimes you have little recourse. Here is vicky nguyen. You are watching video of women recorded at work by a peeping pervert. We found the cases are on the rise because cameras like these have gotten smaller, better, and cheaper. She never imagined she would see video of herself recorded in the restroom at her job. Shes worked at Alma Electronics for the past 13 years. How many times do you think you may have been captured on video changing clothes or using that restroom . I have no idea. It could be so many times already. Reporter until this day, when a colleague discovered a tiny camera stuck to the towel dispenser. What did the camera look like . It looked like a hook. Really small. Reporter the video showed both women using the bathroom. They said they called Human Resources who called fremont police. According to the police report, the officer took the camera and memory card as evidence, then they waited for than two years for police to find the peeper, only to discover they werent even looking. I thought, i felt really, really disappointed. The officer closed the case hours after it was reported. The companys hr director told them about 100 people had access to the bathroom. But they said only 15 work on her floor. Did the police talk to any of the other workers on your floor . No. Why didnt the offer question any of the 15 or so people who work on the floor with access to that bathroom in. We have to make we didnt make this into a witch hunt. This is a sergeant at fremont p. D. Say we have a burglar, by your explanation, we would talk to every single neighbor in that neighborhood in order to just be figuring out what occurred. You might talk to the next door neighbor or across the street neighbor. Yes, absolutely. It seems like the officers dropped the ball and didnt bother asking anyone questions that may have helped lead to a suspect. He did pursue who handled it. He did view it, when the Human Resources personnel told him there were over a hundred people, he has to make a decision, what is it that he could do to be productive. Police dont did hr job and hr shouldnt do the polices job. Last year this office filed 11 cases involving peeping toms, up from just one in 2015. Prosecutors depend on police to do a thorough investigation so they could bring charges. It is amazing what people know if they are asked the right questions. A lot people may know they have information until they are questioned by a trained questioner. And you cant find a suspect if you dont ask questions. Exactly. The message that the victim gets from that is that i violated and and nobody cares. They do face justice when police catch them. San francisco, alameda and san jose prosecuted cases last year in dressing rooms and recording roommates in a shared bathroom. The company declined to answer our questions on camera. Via email the Company Tells us it was unto determine who unable to determine who placed the camera. The company advised employees and will monitor restrooms for any suspicious activity. They didnt tell anyone. They dont tell any employees. And meanwhile this quality inspector at alma said she feels little of that at her workplace these days, not knowing it is if the person who placed the camera still works there or still has video of her. Now im feeling nobody will help me. Even police, even my company, no one will help me. That is why i wanted everybody to know to be careful. Reporter Sergeant Cortez said he will speak with officers about how this case was handled and review best practices with officers. Investigators say be aware of your surroundings and if you see a camera or a phone recording you, dont touch it. Or you will taint the evidence. Instead, call police. Good advice there. If you have a tip for our unit, give us a call at 888996tips. You could also send us an email at nbcbayarea. Com. Still ahead, it is not hitting any top lights at the box office. The movie continuing its run at number one. The furious from the top spo it is pretty amazing. No driving the fate of the furious from the top spot at the box office. The film continues to rake in the cash more than 19 million is what the movie brought in over the weekend. It is till number one. Now topped a billion dollars in ticket sales worldwide. A billion. Hard to be a latin love came in second with 12 million and rob lowe and kristin bell starred in that movie. And last look as we get ready for the workweek. May begins like summer around the bay area. Mid to upper 80s south of san jose and mid70s for san jose and San Francisco close to 80 on wednesday. Hot through middle part of the week and then next weekend, yeah, it is changing. It is possible. It is just possible rain. Nbc nightly news is next. And then well be back here at 6 00. See you then, we hope. On this sunday night, deadly outbreak of tornadoes and floods. At least ten dead, homes destroyed, as dangerous extremes grip the south and midwest. Tonight, the threat is far from over. Beyond 100 days. President trump looks ahead to reviving the health care battle, raises eyebrows by calling north koreas leader a smart cookie, and hints he may finally release his taxes. Fatal shooting spree. A couple accused of putting communities on edge, allegedly opening fire on victims at random. Top of the world. Rare access inside the new cold war between the u. S. And russia, the battle being waged at 40 degrees below zero. And kids feeding kids. Over 500,000 meals served, and it all started with one teen inspg

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