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We will echo from wall street to washington, from maine to california i still love New Hampshire and i always will. Theres magic in the air with this campaign. Our disappointment tonight is not on you, its on me. This campaign is not dead. We are going on to South Carolina winter storm warnings for the midatlantic region. The storm system dumped snow as far south as alabama. Growing concern over the zika virus with more cases in the United States. China reported its first case of the virus overnight. Calls for a ferguson investigation into why Royal Caribbean made the decision to sent their cruise ship into harms way. A drunkassenger began making threats on an alaska flight and the passenger was taken off the flight. Migrant clinging on to a boat that is almost subperjured. Take him to safe. A pig at a polling location. Bernie sanders took a break from the campaign trail to shoot some hoops. Is this somewhat of a joke . How is he making every single one . And all that matters. I got a raise. We got one too how sweet it is. The lombardi trophy is back in the mile high city. Let the whole team know they have bronco fans in the white house. On cbs this morning. A yuge voter turnout and i say yuge we won. Bernie talked so long, i thought he was going to hit hit 77th birdthday before he got off the stage announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places welcome to cbs this morning. Donald trump and bernie the New Hampshire primary. But the results are shaking up the president ial race, especially for republicans. Trump finished far ahead of the gop field with 35 . A big surprise was john kasich finishing second with 16 ahead of ted cruz, jeb bush and marco rubio. Bernie sanders swamped Hillary Clinton in the democratic primary. Saers got 60 of the vote and clinton received 38 . Donald trump will be here in the studio and we talk to john kasich and jeb bush about the results. Major gart and nancy cordes and John Dickerson are on the campaign trail. We begin with major garrett. Reporter its a launching pad to the nomination and therefore the presidency. Donald trump won going away assembling a coalition the envy of a republican president that twice of size of any republican challenger facing him now. Ourngsh, wow wow wow. Reporter Donald Trumps victory speech lasted 15 minutes capped with his characteristics enthusiasm. He showered his rivals are praise. I wanted to thank them but he wanted to congratulate the other candidates, okay . Now that i got that out of the way. Reporter exit polls showed twothirds of voters supported trumps questionable proposal to ban muslims from entering the United States and 40 agreed with trumps plan to deport immigrants working here illegally. I want to congratulate donald trump on an impressive win tonight. I want to congratulate donald trump tonight on his victory. He won fair and square. Reporter john kasich used a relentlessly upbeat message to outbeat better funded and better known opponents. Tonight, the light overcame the darkness of negative campaigning. Reporter kasich will need to organize quickly to make a dent in the next tier of attorney primaries. There is so much going to happen. If you dont have a seat belt, go get one reporter ted cruz and just about bush finished neck and neck beating out marco rubio who was eyeing second here. Im disappointed with tonight. Reporter rubio admitted a poor debate performance took a toll. I did not do well on saturday night, so listen to this. That will never happen again reporter the nomination fight now resets with all eyes on a state known for solidifying the gop frontrunner. We are going now to South Carolina this campaign is not dead. We are going on to South Carolina and, South Carolina, we are on the way reporter one candidate not Jersey Governor Chris Christie who will go home to review the results. Christie bet everything on New Hampshire and finished a disappointing sixth. Charlie, with fundraising drawing up, the governors president ial options appear limited. Thanks, major. The New Hampshire runnerup Ohio Governor john kasich is with us from north charleston, South Carolina. Governor, good morning. Thanks, charlie. Good to be with you. Reporter some say your second place finish is one of the surprises of the night. Where do you go from here because others argue you dont have the money or the staff to go ahead and meet and take advantage of the momentum coming out of the New Hampshire. Well, charlie, a lot of people said a lot of things. They said i wasnt going to get in the race, i wouldnt raise the money, i wouldnt make the debate, i wouldnt do well in New Hampshire, i was going to drop out and disappear and now we are here. I lovehe being underestimated. I have all of whi lifetime. We are in sou carolina and we in parts of South Carolina, but we are going to be moving on, of course, to the rest of the country. You know, governor kasich, you said last night that you managed to do as well as you did without going negative. Negative seems to be working for some of the candidates. Do you intend to continue that strategy . Well, look. If somebody pounds me under im not taking a pounding im im not a some sort of a pin cushion or marshmallow. I think people are tired of the neglect neglectity. I think the ability to talk about what you want to do. The reason people go negative is their positive doesnt work. Imagine if you were running for positive office and you didnt have much positive and all you did was talk negative. That is a downer, i think it is. But look. I think people want to know we can solve problems. Ive been a reformer all of my lifetime. My message is real simple whether youre republican or a democrat, at the beginning and at the end, you should be an american working together to solve problems. And that message, i think, works. Its just the way it goes all right. Politicians argue there imay be a difference betwewe negative and comparative. Jeb bush is running a lengthy ad attacking your record as governor of hochlt noting you chose to expand medicaid and youve offered a pathway to illegal immigrants. That resonates in South Carolina which is a much more hampshire. First of all, you know, the Bush Campaign spent they raised like 115 million and spent, like, 50 million in New Hampshire and couldnt work with a positive message so they just go negative. Negative, negative, negative, and distorting negative. As around schwarzenegger once told me, john, love the beatings. I do love the beatings. The Bush Campaign cant figure out what it is for and a candidate cant seem to know time bashing somebody else. You had a lot of town Hall Meetings and figuring out what voters are looking for and unhappy. What did you discover from the town meetings you had in New Hampshire . Charlie, one of the things that i discovered is that a lot of people dont have anybody to listen to them. They dont have anybody to celebrate their victories and they dont have anybody who can sit down and cry with them. There are people who are lonely and one of the things i learned in my own personal life is to slow down, look people in the eye, give them a hug, listen to them. And that is important. But the other aspect, of course, and critically important, the other aspect nothing smt country will be the way it ought to be if we are not creating jobs. Ive been able to do it as chairman of the Budget Committee in washington and as governor of ohio. And ive got a plan that i can implement the first hundred days. I tell people and youve known me a long time. I have so many ideas and so many things i want to change. I tell people, get ready, the first hundred days, if you dont go and get one because youre not going to see anything like this. Buckle up. Governor, thank you for joining us and a pleasure to have you on the program. I hope youll come to newnt. That is ahead on cbs this morning. Back to New Hampshire. Democrats went for Bernie Sanders, almost all across the board. He defeated Hillary Clinton by 22 points in tuesdays primary. And exit polls show even bigger margins in certain groups. One of them is women under the age of 45. They are a prime target for clinton but those voters preferred Bernie Sanders 69 to 29 and 83 of yun democrats voted for the 74yearold vermont senator. Nancy cordes is New Hampshire with reaction from both of the candidates. The sign says it all. New hampshire was for bernie. It denied clinton the kind of comefrombehind victory she joyed eight years ago and wasnt able to close the gap at all. Sanders won among women, among men, among lebiberals and moderates and biggest victory for a democrat here since 1964. I still love New Hampshire and i always will. Reporter clinton conceded to sanders shortly after the polls closed. Its not whether you get knocked down that matters. Its whether you get back up reporter her defeat was so decisive, sanders played hoops with his grandkids before his speech. Instead of watching the results. Thank you, New Hampshire reporter then he told an ecstatic crowd they had started because of a yuge voter turnout, and i say yuge we won. Reporter the clinton camp moved quickly to try to blunt his momentum, releasing this memo, explaining why clinton will fare better in Southern States with more minorities. Thanks to support, qoeduote, forged over more than 40 years of fighting for and alongside communities of color. Human rights and gay rights. Human rights as worker rights. Human rights as Voting Rights human rights across the board for every single american reporter the Sanders Campaign argued his message about income and equality will resonate with minority voters once they hear it. We are going to create an economy that works for all of us, not just the 1 . Carolina, and beyond reporter South Carolina will be an early test of his message with minorities. He currently trails in that state by 22 points. He can discuss that with the reverend al sharpton this morning when they sit down for breakfast at the famed sillylviasylvias restaurant in harlem. John dickerson is in manchester, New Hampshire. Good morning, john. Good morning, norah. Nancy laid it out. A decisive victory for bernie sanderu. What does this mean for Hillary Clintons campaign . Well, it means they have got to come up with something quickly to get the conversation off of her devastating loss, this trouncing she took in New Hampshire. And explain how she is going to come back. But also if she were to get the nomination, how she rebuilds the obama coalition. Voters under 30 is a problem if you say youre going to build a robust general Election Campaign and that is been one of her strong arguments that she is more electable. A democrat unwho is unable to inspire strong levels of support in minority communities will have no credible path to winning the presidency in the general election. She has to win South Carolina. Having been in South Carolina and seen her organization, eight months ago, they have been working the state hard. So its not they have got every possible advantage in South Carolina. And that memo is right. A democrat has to do well with minority voters. But a democrat also has to do well with the young voters and has to inspire those voters to turn out in a general electiwn. While she may have strength with voters of colors, she has the weaknesses we saw appear in New Hampshire. Republican and Democratic Party shaken by this . The political establishment doesnt know what has hit it . I think they are shaken in both parties. The Democratic Party, there is hope for the establishment in terms of if they are backing Hillary Clinton. The contests that are coming up are less white and less liberal. So there is a path for her and the Republican Party, if donald trump shakes them, his path looks pretty good going forward. He is up in the polls and grabbing the anger of the country and chajnneling it and he has no real alternative. To the extent nervousness among those nervous about donald trump they have a lot of reasons to keep being nervous. Look at the republicans for a second other than donald trump who had a great night. What other republicans can say im doing all right . Jeb bush came in fourth and he is celebrating. Well, they are always celebrating. He is celebrating because he has got an organization in South Carolina, but the vote is still anticruz group and president ial debate from South Carolina. Saturday night at 9 00 p. M. Eastern time on cbs. A top official says isis could launch terror attacks on u. S. Soil this year. James clapper called isis the preeminent terrorist threat and he was among intelligence lers who testified tuesday on capitol hill. Clapper told a Senate Arms Services committee that the challenges and crisis facing the u. S. Today are unlike those in any other year. A huge cruise ship damage inside a Violent Storm at sea will return home. The waves rocked the ship this week. The ship is expected to reach new jersey late tonight. Its off the North Carolina coast. The cruise line says weather is slowing the return trip. During the storm. The ntsb may investigate the incident. A top american soccer star is considering skipping the summer bulkolympic games over the threat of zika virus in brazil. U. S. Soccer goaltender hope solo said he would not go to the rio games due to the zika threat. Officials confirm the first cases yesterday in five states. Dr. Tara narula is here to sort it out and joins us at the table. Frightening news to a lot of people. How concerned should we be about the zika virus here . I think president obama said it best to you this is serious but not cause widespread virus. There is a pregnant to women and in this case one case of microcephaly is one case too many. It warrants the federal government asking for more funding for research and it warrants the cdc stepping up its level of operations to a level one. There is certainly a risk to this country but i dont think we will see the type of widespread outbreak we have seen in south america and more likely see more pockets in the gulf coast states where the mosquitoes lives and more cases. This is more dangerous to newborns than previously thought . The zika virus is new to us and studied after the 1950s and we are learning about it and learning about sexual transmission, whether blood transfugs transmission and learning there might be more than microcephaly. The new case series published looked at 29 newborns and touned 10 of them are ocular defects in in the retina or optic nerve and these defects cannot being fixed and may lead to virus and we have seen this with other viruses so its not unheard of. Thank you so much. Genetic testing for cancer should be a scientific before the accident. Ahead, whether labs are more concerned about profits than announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by kay every kiss begins with kay. Ahead, donald trump visits studio 57. The New Hampshire primary winner looks ahead to South Carolina. And we will ask jeb bush if finishing fourth will help or hurt him in the campaign to the news is back this morning right here on cbs this morning. Announcer this portion of cbs macys. This is the joy for me. I love bread i love bread. I now just manage it, so i dont deny myself bread, i have bread everyday. Thats the genius of this program. Announcement this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. With total accumulation of up to three feet. Roads will be shut down indefinitely. And schools are closed. Campbells soups go great with a cold and a nice red. Made for real, real life. A leading consumer testing publication recently tested the top laundry detergents. The winner persil 2 in 1, didnt only beat tide. It beat every single detergent tested. Boom. Switch to Persil Proclean 2 in 1. toilet flush if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go. Except you. Tried many things . Still struggling to find relief . You may have opioidinduced constipation, oic. Its different and may need a different approach. Opioids block pain signals, but can also block activity in the bowel. Which is why it can feel like your opioid pain med is slowing your insides to a crawl. Longing for a change . Have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options. Made obehalf of those living with chronic pain are you ready . Are you ready . Youve got to be ready. I mean, really ready. Are you ready to open . Ready to compete . Ready to welcome . The floors, mats, spotless. The uniforms clean and crisp. Do your people have the right safety gear . Are they protected . Im ready you think your customers cant tell the difference between whos ready and whos not . Of course they do. Everybody wants a piece of ready. Incredible bladder protection now comes with an incredible double your money back guarantee. Always discreet is for bladder leaks and its drier than poise. Try it, love it or get double your money back. Few people experiencing lightning on weather. Ahead, how they see it in space. A big wave surf contest in six years, we take you to hawaii tomorrow for that. Your local news is next. Morning. 3 our chances for light snow will increase across siouxland this morning. Fortunately, we arent expecting big totals from this system. At most an inch of new snow is expected as afternoon highs will once again top out in the lower 20s. The rest of the week will see mostly cloudy skies with a very slight chance of light snow early friday morning. Temperatures the rest of the work week will hang in the lower 20s. By the time the weekend comes around we will be flirting with overnight lows below zero. Look for a little bit of snow on sunday as temperatures will begin to warm up. Highs will eventually 3 good morning 3 siouxland, im jacob heller. Heres a look at your morning news. 3 valentines day isnt until sunday. But last night some veterans got an early heart felt gift. 3 they came together at the siouxland chapter of the American Red Cross for a free chili and soup dinner. Free groceries. Along with free haircuts and Blood Pressure checks. Students and staff at Morningside College also made blankets for the veterans. 3 this is a way to let them know that we appreciate everything they did for us. And it also gives them a chance to talk to other Vietnam Veterans and veterans from other wars. To just discuss what they all went open door to make new friends. The group hosting this event. Support siouxland soldiers. Also wants to say thank you to wendys for donating the chili. And to pizza ranch for providing the chicken noodle soup. 3 3 speaking of veterans. Fifty veterans from the vietnam war were honored for their part in an Award Winning series of reports by the Sioux City Journal called Vietnam Service with honor. For the last three months pictures of the veterans and some of their stories have been on display at the betty strong encounter center. This gave the veterans a chance to talk about their service to the country and to get a thank you for all they did. The veterans were also able to catch up with old friends. And people who visited the exhibit learned more about the sacrifices those vets made. Thats all for now. Have a great day 3 3 3 our chances for light snow will increase across siouxland this morning. Fortunately, we arent expecting big totals from this system. At most an inch of new snow is expected in space. Looks nice. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, a closer look at how female voters turned to Bernie Sanders instead of Hillary Clinton in New Hampshires primary and jeb bush is fighting to survive after a fourth place finish. He joins us to respond to Donald Trumps tough talks and the insult involving his mother. Reporter genetic testing for cancer spresksprevention is a profitable business but does it tell the whole story . Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. The Supreme Court temporarily blocking president obamas plan to cut emissions. He wants to cut emissions to Flight Global warming. Yesterday the court halt enforcement of the plan after legal challenge by more than two dozen states. The legal fight could extend past president obamas term in office. Britains sky news reports on north koreas military chief reportedly accused of corruption and comes on the heels of the norths launch of a longrange rocket sunday. This morning, south korea announced its halting after the launch. Fbi cannot unlock encrypted data on the cell phone belonging to one of the San Bernardino tir terrorists. The two killed 14 people in an that is why you have the encryption. Last night, Ferguson City Council Called for changes in the federal agreement to reform fergusons police and courts. Some councilmembers are concerned about costs. The department of justice said it will ensure the citys police and courts comply with federal laws. Jeb bush is looking toward the South Carolina primary this morning telling supporters his campaign is not dead. He finished fourth in New Hampshire and he won 11 of the vote and his campaign and super pac spent more than 36 million in New Hampshire or about 1,2001 per voter and he traveled to South Carolina overnight and is with us from hilton head. Good morning. Good morning. Donald trump gets a lot of free press. I wish i did. Let me ask. Is what you spent in New Hampshire pay off . First of all, lets be clear. That im not coordinating with the super pac that spent most of it paid off in the sense that the week before, there was a coronation. People in New Hampshire, i think, took, you know, a pause and said that at least not related to donald trump but for the other people that the 60 that voted they wanted someone with a proven leadership record and i do. I commend john kasich for the campaign that he ran. We ran a Good Campaign as well and look forward to taking it to South Carolina. What is your pathway to winning the nomination now, governor . Well, i think the field will whittle down eventually. Im a patient person. I wish it had all happened overnight. That is kind of the obsession of the pundits want that to happen but it will happen and when it does im the one candidate who has taken on donald trump that does not believe he is a conservative and head of the conservative party. The nominee should be a conservative. And so i take my record that is one of accomplishment, of disruption and changing the culture in my state capital to carolina and then on to nevada. Some will argue that donald trump will simply get stronger and it may be too late. That would ab disaster for the Republican Party and would mean, i think, landslide defeats for a lot of good people that are serving right now. My case is one that, look. We can be angry about the status quo or we can fix it. And i have a proven record of how that works and that is what this morning at hilton head, apparently there will be 700 people there so we will get a sense of how people like that because i think they do. Have you changed your strategy 6 dealing with donald trump . A long time you two were engaged in the name calling and now youre engaged with each porge. You call him a loser and he calls you a stiff and have you decided if you cant beat them, youll join him and come out swinging . He has insulted me all the way through. One thing he has been consistent on. Taxing or spending or ealth care but he is consistent going after me. He is a tough guy and insults a whole lot on when he is sending out the tweets, bun on one, it doesnt appear that way. Do you regret having your mom campaign for you in New Hampshire . You took a little bit of teasing for that. The donald really went after a 90yearold woman who is beloved. That was a real strong signal, right . So i love my mother. I thought she was fantastic on the trail. People seem to like her a lot. They do. They do, indeed. Thank you, governor bush. Thanks, guys. Thank you, governor. In our next half u we will Ask Donald Trump what made the difference in New Hampshire and his plans for the contest to come. Hes in studio 57 ahead on cbs this morning. Bernie sanders won New Hampshires democratic primary in part because of young female votes voters who were on his side. The former secretary of state 60 to 38 . After she lost support of a group she was counting on. Nancy cordes is in manchester, New Hampshire, and she is tracking both campaigns. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Women are normally a demographic that Hillary Clinton can count on. She beat president obama among women in the 2008 primaries by eight points. Over the next few days she is asking a question that men have been pondering for centuries what do women want . I know i have some work to do. Reporter women of the Granite State went to the polls in a big way but not for Hillary Clinton. Im in a boat load of debt already and it would be great to be able to afford a house and have kids and not be still paying for my loans while im while im trying to get them through school. Reporter a poll of a sampling of New Hampshire voters show a generational divide. Overall, Bernie Sanders won the 11 points. And among women, 18 to 29, sanders beat clinton by nearly 60 points. The numbers show women were not convinced by this rallying cry by former secretary of state Madeleine Albright . There are a special place in hell for women who dont help each other. Reporter clinton supporters say its not that simple. We look fabulous. Our message is not necessarily breaking through. Reporter Emily Sussman for young women in particular, they feel like the fight of their mothers is not necessarily the fight they have right now. Reporter its important to keep in mind that this was just one state. Clinton won among women in iowa, but her challenges with young voters stretch across both states, norah, and they were a campaigns victory in 2008 and 2012. It is one of the most talked about topics in health care. Companies that perform genetic testing say they can detect cancer before symptoms even appear. Cbs news investigates whether science backs up those claims. That is ahead. You can watch us live through the cbs allaccess app on your digital device. Dont miss bob odenkirk who will be here in studio 57 coming up. We will be right back. My son and i used to watch the red carpet shows on tv now, im walking them. Life is unpredictable one thing i need to be predictable is to be flake free. Because i have used head and shoulders for 20 years. Used regularly, it removes up to 100 of flakes keeping you protected every week, every month, every year you ready ma . Always life is unpredictable, so embrace it hi dad uh huh, okay yeah. Sorry about that. What do you think . 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[ female announcer ] choices arent always this easy. So its good to know that Mazola Corn Oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. And a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. Oh, no you got the whole thing oh, [ bleep ]. Whoa. That demolition didnt go as planned. Sevenstory structure in houston came crashing down on the crane. Crushing it. Before we laurened the test. We had a Clinical Study of more than 100. Is 100 enough . It depends on what youre looking for, right . You could make an argument that there is never enough data, right . But as you get more information, then you can say more things. My question is about the testing. Has your product been clinically validated . Our test has been validated upped under the current regulatory requirements. Under current fda regulations labs that develop tests like these dont have to prove their claims before they go to market. Its backwards. Dr. Steven master is director of the central lab at cornell medicine. How can a test like that go on the market before its been validated . Well, the current law allows what they do. What seems to have changed, though, is that there is now a Business Model thats emerged. They sell before theyre ready. The explosion of unproven Lab Developed tests on the market is a big concern for researchers like dr. Theodore ross who runs the Cancer Genetics Program at the university of texas south western. I think people are not waiting long enough before sending a test out. Do you feel sometimes the science gets shortchanged in the face of the business . Yes. If the fda were to come say, show me your data, they couldnt show the data, they should not be testing these patients. Why not . Because its useless. This is not to say that no Laboratory Developed tests are clinical useful. Most probably are. But since companies are not required to prove their claims we dont know for sure. Do we know how many tests there are like this . Since the fda doesnt have to we assume, estimate about 10,000 labs developing about 100,000 tests. Is this a time line when they think well be able to do what the claims are making . Best case scenario, three to five years to have it clinically validated. Thank you, jim axelrod. You sleep. A leading sleep specialist will guide us through the findings. One New Hampshire pig was a pig who almost stole the shsh announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by nature made. Quality. They were the first to have a vitamin verified by usp. An independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. Nature made. The number one pharmacist recommended letter vitamin brand. Soil is the foundation. For healthy plants. Just like gums are the foundation for healthy teeth. New Colgate Total daily repair toothpaste. It helps remineralize enamel and fight plaque germs for healthier teeth and gums. 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Tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. Put the odds on your side. Visit botoxchronicmigraine. Com to learn how to save on your treatment. Talk to a headache specialist today about botox. In New Hampshire today, the First Official primary of the election season and they had a bit of a fat tuesday action themselves. That escaped from a local farm that made its way to a polling location. A school in pellum, New Hampshire. It took the police about an hour to rodney the pig up this officer appeared to be doing some kind of a dance with the animal, swing your partner, dosido. The pig is now safe at home on his farm. There you go. That is quite a campaign cameo in New Hampshire. One witness said the big became belligerent and tried to get, quote, snippy with police. A 600pound pig in a kia, i want to see that. Trump trump is a winner this morning. He has just arrived at the cbs broadcast center. We will talk about New Hampshire and South Carolina. Ahead on cbs this morning. Listen up im here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. And give her the strength and energy to stay healthy. Whos with me . yay the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. Caress presents a fine fragrance breakthrough. The worlds only body wash. With fragrance release pearls. Touch your skin to release fragrance up to 12 hours. New caress forever collection. We stop arthritis pain, so you dont have to stop. Because you believe in go. Onward. Todays the day. Carpe diem. Tylenol 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We give you your day back. What you do with it is up to you. Tylenol. Theres a story behind the silver of philadelphia cream cheese. It always begins with fresh, local milk blended with real, wholesome cream. Going fresh from the farm to our fridge in just six days. When it comes to fresh taste, nothing else tastes like philadelphia. This is not a job for me, this is, this is my life. This is my family. Being a part of helping people in need is who i am. I formed many connections with the residents. I feel like i am part of their family and theyre part of mine. If you can get up in the morning, ya know, 3 our chances for light snow will increase across siouxland this morning. Fortunately, we arent expecting big totals from this system. At most an inch of new snow is expected as afternoon highs will once again top out in the lower 20s. The rest of the week will see mostly cloudy skies with a very slight chance of light snow early friday morning. Temperatures the rest of the work week will hang in the lower 20s. By the time the weekend comes around we will be flirting with overnight lows below zero. Look for a little bit of snow on sunday as temperatures will begin to warm up. Highs will eventually 3 good morning siouxland, im jacob heller. Heres a look at your morning news. Woodbury countys courthouse will get some renovations to get ready for its 100th anniversary in 20 18. 3 crews will be switching light bulbs in the building to l e ds. Theyll also be fixing old globes that are aging and cracking. The chairman of the board of supervisors says these renovations will bring the courthouse into the 21st century. While keeping its historic look. 3 to me its the best of both worlds. Were gaining modern efficiencies, but at the same time, making sure that this building reflects the beauty and character of a National Landmark which it is. The board brought in a historical architect to survey the building to see what needs to be done to get ready for the 100th anniversary. 3 the Iowa Caucuses are behind us this year. But thats not stopping the Hard Rock Hotel and casino from offering a unique way to keep the spirit of the election alive. The Hard Rock Hotel has added two new slot machines. Theyre called democracy rocks. Designed so that if you land on the three pictures with both Party Symbols you could win up to six thousand dollars i dont care if youre democrat, republican, or independent, you got to participate. Thats what democracy is all about. Were the hard rock, we like all parties, were not taking sides. The slots are right next to the gift shop. Theyll be there through the entire election year. Thats all for now. Have a great day 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 it is wednesday, february 10th, 2016. It is wednesday, february 10th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morn ing. Theres more real news ahead including donald trump who up ended the establishment with a huge win in New Hampshire last night. Hes now here in studio 57 right now. But first heres todays eye opener 8. We are going to make America Great again. Donald trump won going away. Maybe greater than ever before. As Arnold Schwarzenegger told me about negative campaigning he said, john, love the beatings. So i do love the beatings. The sign says it all, New Hampshire was for bernie. It denied clinton the come from behind victory she enjoid eight years ago. A decisive victory for Bernie Sanders. What does it mean for Hillary Clintons campaign . With something quickly to get the conversation off of her devastating loss. Donald trump gets a lot of free press. Wish i did. Some say donald trump will get stronger maybe too late. That would be a disast aster for the Republican Party. Our investigation found profit placed above proof. Before we launched the test we had a Clinical Study of more than 100. Is 100 enough . Red lobster reporting sales are up 33 from this time last year following their mention of beyonces new single formation. Its been busy here latelelsaid kelly and michelle. Im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. The president ial campaign is moving to South Carolina. New hampshire voters gave donald trump and Bernie Sanders a push forward. Donald trump won with 35 of the iowa won the democratic vote with 60 . Not only did sanders pick up 14 delegates but our poll shows he received 83 of the youth vote and 11 more with women who she was able to depend on in 2008. John kasich followed second followed by cruz. They preferred donald trump when with it came to the big issues. 40 believe hes the best to handle the economy. 30 believe hes the best to handle an International Crisis and donald trump is here. Finally live in color joining us at the table. Good morning to you. When you walked in charlie said what has taken you so long . We have been asking. How long has it been since i did the interview with you . Two or three days. It had to be 20 years ago or more. Here we are. We are delighted. Congratulations on the show. Really great. First thing you watch in the morning . I watch it. I do. Congratulation last night. It was a huge win with. Are you feeling unstoppable today . Never unstoppable. Never unstoppable, you . I would never want to say that but we had a great period of time. The people of New Hampshire have been amazing, the way they took me in. I have a lot of friends from the area and thought i would do well there but what made the difference between iowa and New Hampshire for you . I think we did well in iowa. I came in second. I never did this before. I have never been a politician. In iowa i was for six months a politician. We had the problem with ben carson, i thought it was an unfair thing that happened to him. If that didnt i would have won iowa. It is sort of interesting, i star. Im like what happened to me. Talking rubio. Yes. The Republican Party is bent on stopping you, even governor bush said this morning on this program it would be disastrous if you were the nominee. Have it. He spent 38 million. Hes not alone. Yeah. The Republican Party establishment worries about you. They want to stop you. Im getting so many calls from members of the establishment, people in the Republican Party that were against me and want to join the team right now. Including Chris Christie. He called you. He didnt call to say he called. What did he say . He did a good job in the debate and is a friend of mine. He congratulated me and said it is unbelievable what you have done. The numbers were fantastic. Is he going to drop out . I dont know. We talked about it a little bit. Him to drop out. Id like to see a lot of people drop out. Id like to get it in to one. Do you think that Chris Christie should drop out . I dont want to get in to that. He is a friend of mine and i thought he was effective. I was surprised he didnt do better frankly. You had a decisive win in New Hampshire. 34 . A lot of candidates in the field. The four establishment candidates that are called together gained a greater percentage of the vote than you. Since they are well funded, do you think this will go on all the way to the convention. Im much better funded than they are, my own money. Im much better funded. When they put down trump, i am not controlled by the special interest and lobbyist and a lot of people say that was a big reason i did so well. People are tired of it. Politicians are controlled by money. I want to speak to that. American politics in the way that you are going about this. Have you and what is the way that you are going about it that makes a difference . Charlie i have heard it so many times and i view it differntly. Someone called up a friend of yours, a great reporter wholy keep quiet because i dont know if i am supposed to say this. What do they know. I will tell you after the show. What does it feel like and i said what does what feel like and he said you have changed american politics, i havent done anything. Not the nom narks i havent done anything. I cant do anything about it. If you are a failed candidate, even if you go the final step you look at some of the people that ran, did a good job and failed. In my case it is different because no one has won as an entrepreneur, New Hampshire, done as well as we have done, but i think we have a lot of changed politics . Probably. I did New Hampshire much did massive rallies. You had 100 town Hall Meetings. You fly in your jet and do a rally and fly back to new york. I took the verizon center. We had 6,000 people and other people are having 200 people. Dont worry about that. But im lucky that we get big crowds. Tonight im going to South Carolina. We will have at least 10,000 people. And that was set up three days ago. We get big crowds. Where is this coming from . I hear two schools of thought, people are excited about your candidacy or mortified. I dont think mortified. I have heard mortified. Well, they may be not happy but mortified is a different kind of word. Politicians worry they will lose the senate and they are worried they will lose house if you are head of the ticket. Polls are coming out and showing i will beat Hillary Clinton easily and i think i dont know about the other one. I think the other one will be i cant imagine it is possible, charge a 95 tax. I will do Something Different than anybody else. I have a chance of winning new york. You look at the politicians and they talk about the six states, this one with, that one, ohio, florida. I can change the game because i have a chance at new york. Im going to win virginia, certain states, michigan as an example. Can you win South Carolina . Im going to win okay South Carolina. I was with some people who live overseas yesterday. They are concerned about what is happening in the middle east. Yesterday we heard the middle east in a moment but yesterday the James Clapper said that north Koreas Nuclear threat is a top threat to the United States. What would you do to deal with that country . I would get china to make that guy disappear in one form let me tell you how do you make him disappear . Assassinate him . There are worse things. This guy is a bad dude. Dont under estimate him. Any young guy that can take over from his father with all of the young guys and generals that want the position. It is not somebody to be under estimated. China has control, absolute control of north korea. They dont say it but they do and they should make the problem disappear. China is sucking us dry. They are taking our money, jobs. They are doing so much. We built china with what they have taken out. We have power over china. China should do that. I would force the chinese to do it. How . Economically. They are sucking the money out of us. We have a trade deficit this year with china, 500 billion. They are taking money out of our country. They are taking our jobs. They hold all of our debt, too. Think of it, they take our money, our jobs, our base and guess what we owe, we owe them 1. 7 trillion but we have a lot of power over china. Dont underestimate. You are saying you would leave it up to the chinese. I wouldnt leave it up to them i would with say you have to do it. Id be tough. If they said no, what would do . I would strongly i would with stop them to a certain extent any way but maybe more forcefully. One other thing, we make the horrible deal with iran. The closest partner of north korea is iran. Why didnt we put something in there . When we givy them 150 billion, why didnt we do something with iran where iran gets in and we force iran to get in and do something with north korea. We dont do anything. We should have when we made that deal that deal is a horror show. One of the worst ive seen. Why didnt kerry say we have a problem with north korea, hes playing with nukes. Thats a game changer. We shouldnt be in the middle east but we cant take a chance that somebody plays the nuclear game. We should have done that also but china in the meantime has tremendous power over north korea and they take our money so we have power over china. Syria, the situation there is awful. Secretary carter convening leaders there tomorrow including arab states asking them to do more. They say we need u. S. Lead sherp and should commit u. S. Ground troops. Should we commit Ground Troops . Syria is a different thing. I believe isis is important and i love the fact that russia is hitting isis and as far as im concerned they have to continue to hit isis. Russia is hitting the groups that we are backing. Why are we backing the group . We dont know who these people are. I speak to generals who say we of equipment to people we make all of this none and equipment to people we have no idea who they are. They are probably worse than assad. Assad is no baby. Hes not good but who are the people we are backing . Thats president obamas argument. We dont know who the weapons are falling in to, whos hands. He is giving a lot of weaponry and backing people that want to knock out assad. Russia and iran, which is now a power, we have to get rid of isis. We have to get rid of the people chopping off everybodys heads. You would have a Good Relationship with putin. I think i would have but who knows. Could you convince putin to step aside . Could i . I dont think it is that important. Say you get rid of assad whos going to take over the people we are backing and then you have you take gadhafi. Look at what happens after what we got rid of him. It was a mistake. To me it was a mistake. Benghazi, look at what is going on there. It was a mess. Nobody knows anything about anything. You look at Saddam Hussein. We get rid of Saddam Hussein. The terrorist gadhafi and Saddam Hussein were mistakes . Had with we not done anything, had our politicians gone to the beach and enjoyed the sun we would have fwhn a better position than we are now. Saddam hussein, no good guy, but Saddam Hussein killed terrorists. Now iraq is the harbor of terrorists. You want to become a terrorist, go to iraq. They will teach you how. Okay . Saddam hussein was a bad guy. You know, one other thing he did, he blocked iran. Once you knocked out that section, all of us i said it in 2003, 2004, i was against the war. I said you are going to have mess. They used to fight forever. They couldnt move. They would go ten feet one way and the other and now a total destabilization in the middle east because we knocked down. They both are appealing to arguments they seem to be receptive to arguments of death to the establishment. Im a little against the establishment and he probably is also. One thing in common is trade. The only difference is he cant do anything about it. I can. He knows that china is ripping us and he admits it and he knows japan, mexico. The difference is i can do something about it. I will take the deals and make them great. Great to have you here. Hope you will return. I will. Id love to do it by phone. No, no. How about some voters. We want you to get out of your pajamas and come. Night. Look forward to it. Insomnia . Michael bruce is in the green results linkingng. Only cbs this morning, we veal the teacher who will be honoreded at this years grammys it the music educator award. See his impact on students even after they leave classroom. Love that. Morning. [ female announcer ] choices arent always this easy. So its good to know that Mazola Corn Oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. And a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. Take care of those you love. Mazola makes it better. With the pain and swelling of my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. 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The 93yearold reunited with his war time girlfriend in australia. She searched for the paratrooper which led to this reunion. One of thee mosost wondederfulul we e will have aa wondererfullife. T the two didid not reveal what over the valentines day weekend. Something should be kept private. You can tell there is definitely a chemistry there. Isnt that wonderful . Very wonderful story. Never announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by ermacare. Unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. Lets review heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. The proof that it heals is you. Here at persil. The Top Notch Team of stain experts has performed over ten thousand stain evaluations to prove persil delivers a premium clean. Weve made a new stain with wasabi and goji berries. Make that ten thousand and one. Persil proclean. 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At most an inch of new snow is expected as afternoon highs will once again top out in the lower 20s. The rest of the week will see mostly cloudy skies with a very slight chance of light snow early friday morning. Temperatures the rest of the work week will hang in the lower 20s. By the time the weekend comes around we will be flirting with overnight lows below zero. Look for a little bit of snow on sunday as temperatures will begin to warm up. Highs will eventually 3 good morning siouxland, im 3 good morning siouxland, im 3 valentines day isnt until sunday. But last night some veterans got an early heart felt gift. 3 they came together at the siouxland chapter of the American Red Cross for a free chili and soup dinner. Free groceries. Along with free haircuts and Blood Pressure checks. Students and staff at Morningside College also made blankets for the veterans. 3 this is a way to let them know that we appreciate everything they did for us. And it also gives them a chance to talk to other Vietnam Veterans and veterans from other wars. To just discuss what they all went through and it gives them an open door to make new friends. The group hosting this event. Support siouxland soldiers. Also wants to say thank you to wendys for donating the chili. And to pizza ranch for providing the chicken noodle soup. 3 3 speaking of veterans. Fifty veterans from the vietnam war were honored for their part in an Award Winning series of reports by the Sioux City Journal called Vietnam Service with honor. For the last three months pictures of the veterans and some of their stories have been on display at the betty strong encounter center. This gave the veterans a chance to talk about their service to the country and to get a thank you for all they did. The veterans were also friends. And people who visited the exhibit learned more about the sacrices those vets thats all for now. Have a great day welcome back, welcome back to cbs this morning. How lots of fiber in your diet can help you get a better nights sleep and why fats and carbs can hurt you. We reveal the 2016 grammy music educator award winner. Find out which teacher is credited for helping students open up their mind. The power of music is ahead. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. The New York Times updates a story we reported yesterday about a man possibly killed by meteorite in southern india. Nasa now doubts that. This would have been a rare death by a meteorite impact. They say it was more consistent there was no observed meteorite shower. New York Daily News is reporting on frozen possibly coming to the theaters. Frozen is the most successful animated film of all time. You dont want to let it go. It earned more than 1. 25 billion worldwide. Yea, its coming back way to go. New research on how what you eat can affect how you sleep. A study finds one day of eating foods high in saturated fat and sugar but low in fiber could mean lower and disruptive rest. Michael breus joins us at the table. Good tou to see you, doctor. Great to be here. Thanks for having me. We know cupcakes arent good who you go to bed but who knew it could affect your sleep. This study was fascinating because they had people on a controlled diet and then they let them loose for a day and then they wanted to see how is affected their sleep. On the controlled diet, their second they let people loose to make food decisions, took longer to fall asleep and more arousals meaning the quality of that sleep went down. What physiologically is happening because that have . We are guessing because we dont know 100 for on sure. We think the increase in the sugarses and fat move you into a night outline and pushes melatonin production later and makes it more difficult to fall asleep. What does fiber do that is beneficial . Fiber does a lot of beneficial things for us. Doesnt it get things moving . It does get things moving which is true. Moving down there lots of places to get fiber. Not just the traditional things. There is beans, there is brussels sprouts and broccoli and blackberries and raspberries and pears and something you can put into your diet on a regular basis and make you sleep a lot better. If it has huge consequences is the long time effect . The real question, right . This is a very controlled study. We knee what happens in one day but what we dont know if we are not eating well long periods of time could this something underlying a lot of peoples sleep problems . In my practice im often asking people about their diet because, remember, when you dont sleep well, its very difficult to lose weight. I actually had that book about it, the sleep doctors diet plan. Pinteresting stuff now we are thinking diet can have a significant effect in the other direction as well. If you sleep less, increase because we are trying to get serotonin. Music educator award is given each year by the grammy foundation. In december, we introduced you to the top ten finalists. Now only on cbs this morning, be proud. North carolina you lost the super bowl, but your very own we still got charlie rose. Phillip briggs is taking top honors. Mark strassmann met the teacher and his harmonious class. Go, North Carolina. Reporter at the North Carolina school of science and math, this stage is full of academic vir uvirt u owe sews. They are found for college and their maestro is phillip briggs. They are, obviously, motivated. One of the challenges i think is how do we put those folks together in two years and make an ensemble that is challenging everybody. When you follow along on your chart over here. Reporter this Public High School is unusual. Juniors and seniors only and the 650 students live in dorms. Music instructor has taught these band brainiacs so read from same sheet of music and more. People say he has a bunch of smart kids, how hard could that possibly be . Right. Very difficult. You going . You have to be on your agame for sure or they will let you know it. That, they will, yes. And im okay with that. Thats what keeps it fresh. Reporter what is the best part of this job for you . Even when they are completely tired and mentally they are drained from all of the economic work they have done, you can still see in their eyes the fire of i want to do this well. Reporter john waters on senior. 77 students play in this band. But somehow riggs makes each of them feel like the sartar soloist. He is such a special person. A special person. Reporter Sarah Stafford and Graham Mulvaney are two of his former students. And what kind of an impact did he have on you and music . A tremendous impact. Reporter his players are his audience for a series of life lessons. Youre not always going to get first chair. Youre not always going to make allstate and that is okay. And he taught us that even when we work very, very hard, there are still going to be obstacles in music and in life, and you just have to keep going. Reporter and you still play . I am still playing, yeah. Reporter Graham Mulvaney, now 25, says riggs taught him to be a leader. He really showed me what music can be, to be more than just playing notes on a page but can be an entire experience of shapeing somebodys life and bringing joy to people and i have no idea what that was before mr. Riggs. Reporter what is your teaching style . Wow. Mainly about the music. Its interest integrity, its about character and enhancing their quality of life. The vehicle or the tool to do that is the music. Reporter they are dedicated to their instruments, but most of riggs students have career ambitions outside music. John waters hopes to go to yale to major in chemistry. Graham mulvaney is finishing up medical school at the university of North Carolina and his special is neurosurgery. I made the decision i wanted to be a doctor. Versus a saxophone. Who couldnt afford a doctor. Reporter Sarah Stafford nominated riggs for the grammy award. I dont think he is really a teacherer. I think he is an inspirer. By that, i mean he is not just an inspiration, but he taught us to be inspirations. Reporter she is now a middle school band director. As a mother, as a wife, as a always, always about something bigger than myself, and i never would have learned that without him. Reporter two former students asked riggs to officiate at their weddings. How many kids from former bands are you still in touch with . Oh, wow. Hundreds, at least. Reporter and that is who you are . It is who i am. If they call, they write, they text, what can i do to help . Im there. 1, and 2, and ready reporter when you watch the grammys, look for riggs in the audience. Hell be sitting right where he belongs among the stars of music. For cbs this morning, mark strassmann, durham, North Carolina. That is the best testament to a teacher. Not only do you inspire but you inspire others to inspire. Thats great. Well said. Its so good to get young people interested in music. Those in los angeles, monday night as 8 00 7 00 central on cbs. A morning wakeup call for a Better Call Saul. How breaking bad fans got into a sleazy attorney. Not sleazy after bob odenkirk is in studio 57 and at the fruit plate. Okay, bob if you want to tip the scales back in your favor, you Better Call Saul lets start with some tough love, all right . Episode and earned seven prime time emmy nominations and here is a preview of Second Season. Throw a frisbee. Have some fun. I have a business to run. No. The business is running you. Listen to me. Youll thank me later. For customer only. Bobby odenkirk, welcome. Thank you very much glad to be here. Cant wait to tell people about all of these new stories we are going to share. So what is it about saul . What is it . Its a good question. Everybody said they liked him. The audience that watched breaking bad sort of immediately took to him. He was the only guy in the story who had nothing at stake. So he was making jokes and being a wise ass. And so i think they liked his humor and people said he is good at what he does. And i dont know if he is good at what he does he gets into a lot of trouble for a guy who is good at what he does. Gets in a lot of trouble. I kept thinking he was going to get killed off, didnt you, bob . Absolutely. Every senel time i opened the script, i thought this is the one, lets see how its going to happen. I told vince gillingan who created breaking bad. I said, when i go, lets make it really good make my head blow up, okay . Ill put one of those life masks on so you can blow my head up. You know what is interesting . Your background is comedy and vince said this about you. You never saw the show breaking if you can do comedy you can do dram. Cranston came from comedy too. Oh, my gosh. We had so many great. Leavell crawford and bill byrd and comedy people on breaking bad. I guess he does trust comedy actors to play it straight. When they came to you, after breaking bad on so many of us were cheering there will be a spinoff. I was concerned people would hate us for even trying. Really . Yeah, because when you love something, a tv show or a musician or a band and then they kind of fall apart and come back together, youre kind of like, wait a second. Most of those dont work. Yeah. Most projects dont work. I mean, i think people look at sequels and go, like, well, most of them dont. Comparatively to actual original projects, i suppose the ratio is probably pretty much the same. Its just doesnt working as but breaking bad was so beloved. We were favored peopleafraid people wouldnt give us a chance. I was surprised how people gave us an opportunity to do a very quirky show. Now your Second Season. How will things change . Well, you know, they were really finding the show in the first two. They werent really you could feel them looking for where the show was. In the new season, they know the characters. We know what we are doing. The character of saul, jimmy mcgill, knows himself and he has a lot more fun in the Second Season because he kind of has a handle on the fact that he has got to do for people who havent watched the show, its what happens before breaking bad . Well, mostly. Mostly . There a little bit that happens after. These guys are these guys are the writers and they are really amazing. But you got that brother i think the pope would turn breaking bad. Because he turned you over in the last season. He was so cruel but he made a good point. Do you think any of us at the table, or anybody in the room could push breaking bad . I cant see you in it. He probably has already done it i saw him talking to trump before and the money changed hands i dont know. I didnt think anybody saw that you wererote with chris farley on snl. Can you do a little bit of that, bob . Its hilarious. She wants me to do that yeah. Matt foley which i wrote at second city theater in chicago and then it came. I wrote the youll be rolling dubies when youre living in a van down by the river but i can never do it as well as the great chris farley. Yeah, i wrote that when we were i grew up in flapnaperville, illinois. People would hang out down there. I pictured a guy living in a van living down there and used it as fodder. Im from comedy and all of my friends are standup comics and sketch comics. It used to bother me that they werent meaner to each other on. Like, i was thinking we should get up stage and go, that wasnt very good and be honest with each other because we are so cruel to the world around us. Great to have you here. Thanks for having me. Monday night, check it out on amc. A great show. Watch it on monday. What a great day to have all around. 3 our chances for light snow will increase across siouxland this morning. Fortunately, we arent expecting big totals from this system. At most an inch of new snow is expected as afternoon highs will once again top out in the lower 20s. The rest of the week will see mostly cloudy skies with a very slight chance of light snow early friday morning. Temperatures the rest of the work week will hang in the lower 20s. By the time the weekend comes around we will be flirting with overnight lows below zero. Look for a little bit of snow on sunday as temperatures will begin to climb back into the 40s early 3 good morning siouxland, im jacob heller. Heres a look at your morning news. 3 and speaking the woodbury courthouse will get some renovations to its 100th 20 18. 3 crews will be switching light bulbs in the building to l e ds. Theyll also be fixing old globes that are aging and cracking. The chairman of the board of supervisors says these renovations will bring the courthouse into the 21st century. While keeping its historic look. 3 to me its the best of both worlds. Were gaining modern efficiencies, but at the same time, making sure that this building reflects the beauty and character of a National Landmark which it is. The board brought in a historical architect to survey the building to see what needs to be done to get ready for the 100th anniversary. 3 the Iowa Caucuses are behind us this year. But thats not stopping the Hard Rock Hotel and casino from offering a unique way to keep the spirit of the election alive. The Hard Rock Hotel has added two new slot machines. Theyre called democracy rocks. Designed so that if you land on the three pictures with both Party Symbols you could win up to six thousand dollars 3 were not picking sides here. Democrat, republican, or independent, you got to participate. Thats what democracy is all about. Were the hard rock, we like all parties, were not taking sides. The slots are right next to the gift shop. Theyll be there through the entire election year. Thats all for now. Have a great day 3 3 3 3 were getting more information about a major road reconstruction project in sioux city. After homeowners and business people

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