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You got. That you didn't build that somebody else. From enemies foreign and domestic. It's Friday. Remember the fun part of the hour the balance broadcast 1st time callers on Town Hall I asked. To get into the j.f.k. Files to get into the you know the planned solar storm a national blackout rill during any of the protests in November. And they might actually try to grab the some attention training along the Charles. And I've got a bunch of other here if you know what's happening in North Korea and a lot of other projects but I was just thinking there in the break how Yale is basically saying that English language is right. What is the dominant world language that every other government. So you're trying to hobble. And they're also trying to make sure it's a ball and chain around them and just direct it when you go get a degree in English. William Shakespeare. Literature. Powerful for the best writing out there but I mean they have their why they're going to end. A lot of. Work. Because. You want to be a good person classical liberal thinking. Liberal. Trying to. Get away because you were trying to. My audience he was. The body snatcher. Get rid of the original facsimile. In the early I think. 3 dollar bill but that's what they're doing and they're trying to assimilate everything. They are 100. Per Martin was shot about what color you are going in for what you do and what you produce That's Martin Luther King at one point and the polar opposite. To greet the other way. It's all about what group you are and who you are and by the way if you're a black person don't work. And if you're a white person don't. Curl your hair don't throw it out on whatever it is. Mental illness tell you how you're supposed to look. And I forgot all over the country they come out. Pretty Nama tree calculus. Algebra and. College campuses and I know. Union math is right. 2 and men and women being together is inherently. There's some friction there. And I don't want to talk about those dungeons but I got kidnapped little kids. After they are. Getting me sunstruck month today and say they are nice on stem leapfrogs like you were going from here j.d. Powers high stress mid-sized pick up a little quality 2 years in a row the Armada right next. Door to France 27 stick up truck of the 7 since I was every time it's passed my America that's literally white 5 years 100000 miles bumper to bumper. Only today. Great offers to say Gone today save the flow 710 on site next forget procedures starting just 18319. You know basically that excites. $500.00 cashback something or but it's only packets $1000.00 American forces is the average deal with this kind of trim on something from your destination charge it was an actual price through an act. You are 18583111 offers awards and wants information and since you want this. Thing stream media coverage. You want to stop there really well so does the. Public in full force dot com. Alex. I cannot believe that during the break I'm actually having a straight face conversation my friend heard. About all the top engineers at school . Who are white and were black women united coming out saying mathematics is right. Shakespeare is racist because you live in a time when colonialism is being watched and I'm like What. I mean I'm one average rob banks over the next every tribe that's colonialism the idea of people saying anything and thank. White. College is literally give you a degree in mental illness no. Immersion you know knowing on the. Country. All over the country colleges and. They're giving people good grades because. A member. Of the early and Common Core had. Common Core where they're teaching 1st graders. Everyone and letting you have your. Plus you know you have. Both. Of humanity. Narrative coming out and you should work. With the Clintons and they're in charge of Democrats I mean hundreds of problem across. The millions from Russia I mean the Russians were just. With Democratic Party. Oh my God. It's about you know. Russia Russia Russia Russia to the point of I walk down the street in Austin. And every 20 person. On Monday. I walk around. And every 20 of person or so. And I heard if you go back to Iraq. And. How much greater than you know you right. I mean you talk about middle. Hillary we're now learning Democrats hundreds of millions. From the Russians 3 running a month pay off everything. Is report on. The number of. Here's Joseph for. Russian collusion narrative. So has that Russian collusion narrative working out for you is completely killing everyone is colluding with Russia. From actually going. You go for just a group you've got the Hillary campaign you've got the d.n.c. You've got the f.b.i. Colluding with the Russians to go on your political opponents to try to influence an election is that right really I mean why don't you you met with the Russian law you know the media went No that was yes treason we're now beyond obstruction of justice and he was being investigated this is moving into perjury false statements and even if it's a slippery supporter and actually has well the president himself is bordering on treason because all of them have sought out damaging information when it about Hillary Clinton from the Russian Li there's outright treason to. Be hammered this is the scariest thing I've seen in my life in in politics is evidence of willingness to commit collusion to saying Yes I don't intend to collude I when you know I took the meaning which by definition is how loony I think your adviser and someone who was the next half hour of the from campaigning. A little bit how did the media reacts a confirmation that Hillary the d.n.c. You know Obama's beyond colluded with Russia on the. Dossier and then lying about their involvement for a whole while pointing the finger at from aggression pollution with no. Evidence that must stop media help them promote the Lauren fight from a dossier Well how do you think they reacted they they're really very down Flight 5 being the big story of the day why for a.b.c. Develops it just 31 seconds through at the end of the story about a separate issue 31 seconds compare that to that coverage of Trump Jr's meeting which on the day it broke ran for over 10 meaning c.n.n. Trucks down here while giving top billing to a far less important story about Wiki Leaks How did the media react to the bombshell revelations about Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration colluding with Russia in your reign you won't stand by it being the big story of the last week c.n.n. Devoted an entire 3 minute 54 seconds through it over the course of 7 day well I at least they did better than I The c.b.s. Or n.b.c. Who voted no time's right whatsoever over the media's not control lol oh evolve a man who's been frothing at the mouth about Russia for the past. Russia. Is now traded from one shop about Russia to the sweet irony having left wing pundits and celebs react to Trump Jr meaning the Russian one joinery May conference all right Alyssa Milano Matthew Chapman They all found colluding with the Russians to do opposition research was dreadful maybe even an imprisonable of events how did those very same people react to Hillary in the Dems colluding with the Russians the opposition recent American Idol and. That attacking never happened after that I question the link and I can tell me that you think I'm not on her and I do have a main line to stand that I haven't got and I am sorry I think anything can happen that Julie are having some usual us meeting with a Russian lawyer that's all for the. Crossing party in the cleansing campaign scheming with the f.b.i. To collude with the Russians by producing a fight that influence the election that's just fine how did you react when Trump tweeted a week ago the Hillary the f.b.i. And the Democratic Party were probably behind the pace going all c.i.c. And then said he was closing conspiracy theories c.n.n. Reports is ridiculed him never Trump has said he was in the right and yet has been proven completely right the only venue cases when I called him price the saying his campaign was why it's happening is proven completely right about how Hillary engaged in the. Whole Russian pollution narrative was completely fight and months ago Russia has suddenly launched a coordinated effort to talk Western democratic elections the unpopular leaders of those countries have suddenly launched a coordinated propaganda campaign the blame Russia for absolutely everything the distract votes from their own final policies and at the end of the all after all the. All the pearl clutching all the promises of an all investigation only real I didn't see a Russian collusion with that conducted by Obama's f.b.i. The d.n.c. And Hillary Clinton plan that. Right everyone in the Democratic Party as I've been doing something invented Russian I think 17 Democratic Party really out of New York and finding a London 100000 New Yorkers who were formerly from Russia over to take over and they couldn't get down here how many Seumas Beg and I think something here. For a while and then I marched back over and over a Russian watering. Her hands on. The bottom line of communism liberal anti-Christian and you from movement. Who do want to. I'll do it very very powerful information the toll free number to join is like 77789 I want 777892539 Open found your take on all the big news we've been covering And coming up here we're going to show or come out of a moment really big. Like a time bomb. And so much more straight ahead ladies and gentleman. We'll be back on the other. Do you have a favorite pumpkin Casper white knuckle heads Cinderella or maybe a baby bear pumpkins come in all shapes sizes and colors the Colorado Department of Agriculture has a list of corn maze this harvest festivals farmer's markets and many other activities for you to enjoy all across Colorado visit Colorado ag tourism dot com to find out more this harvest season the all new 2017 meets on Titan the every duty truck shop jus' Nissan dot com This farm report brought to you by Nissan Titan. Mary sand to remind each year thousands of senior citizens or for a high risk to extreme weather conditions you know the senior room check regularly on their health. Time will assure their safety. Very center of the 4 Clisby drive and moved to see how they can assist you more or less would call 334-947-3174 go to the Mary. Mary sound of the house. The body glass agree my sister she sure millions of children are subjected to child abuse and inflicted upon them as children their entire lives if anyone you know needs help call the authorities this message is from out of body in question really celebrating decades of dedication as leaders in both business and community calls from 5 to 1316 where the families in the cataclysm from mind us the children are our future and that's a future forth protecting. How do you folks if you ever thought about having your own backyard chickens now you have a source for certified organic no g.m.o. No story Chicken feed happy hands that this can even deliver or you can pick up call me at 303-829-5948 or go to happy ends dot biz for pricing and ingredients and have him stop this we love happy and God or call us at 303-829-5948 higher rates lower rates negative right. Balian is bailouts and so much more you know why you need to own gold and silver at the Patriots writing group we're a different kind of company we have no commission salespeople no boiler room sales calls no high price spokesman we believe in treating you with honesty and respect and delivering you the best products at the best price buy in or selling call at 809-5105 guy Jew or go to our website at all American Gold dot com American painting in Fort Collins reminds listeners that every day our troops demonstrate their dedication to our nation now is the time for us to return the favor and hire our returning vets as well as those who have served in the past after investing their lives in our nation they deserve our investment in them. From all American painting in Fort Collins call him in 170-980-1186 proud to salute the fighting forces of our country all American painting in Fort Collins. H. And h. Excavation in Evans reminds us which thousands of children are abducted every year most of the cases are quickly resolved often thanks to tips from caring observant individuals those cases not resolved quickly can have tragic consequences if you have any information that could lead to the location of a missing child call the authorities your call could save a child's life this message is from h. And h. Excavation evidence they're on here working for the future of our children. Rancher Astronomie Greeley reminds everyone the difference between a child at home and a child missing can be as little as a few simple rules on how to return home to curfew for your child and had them routinely called to check in with you this reminders from ranch restaurant said unfortunately street in Greeley the perfect place for lunch call ahead for orders at 970-356-1411 that's 356-1411. Your purchase and. Fire your flyswatter and get your burger. Thank you very much a lot of money and we're living in credible times right now. And . The last. In the very same life they were 100 years ago. If you go back to the New York Times . Reports of the wonderful American Russian emigre. There were many of them. Who were sitting. On the ship. And. World War one. They were like George Washington fighting in Georgia. You know the corrupt czar you know the dark. Side in World War one in there we can. Left hours in London and in New York. Financial hundreds of millions of dollars at that time including. With $25000000.00 from the u.s. Treasury. Every question. And I got a family and we organize. The churches and all the things they're trying. Universally or other places there. I learned this because I would have left yes I would have them here Rob some of the meetings. With People. And I like the fact. That. We're going to kill everybody. And you know over the years covering how many meetings reading the literature on the street every. Literature around the table talk cameras off and I walk over. We're going to. Everybody like you we. Are. And there always. Take. Your family. I mean. You and your family they want to murder all the police they want to burn down they want to charge and they want everybody to. Have any one pair of. Little commie have them already run your lot you go read. One of the leaders. Of the Communist Party. Probably. In. The comics the government and. The family. They plan even in the. Horrible. Power who just want to torture people. You. Know what. They want to hurt. Because. Of a God. That . Yes. You don't other people get hurt other people. And women. Under their control and when they're done with them. Other. Powerful mandatory service for them through. An Animal Farm bringing the power. Back. Allegory what. Someone. He worked for the empire it was an imperial policeman and invent thank him a communist you know that. Being a communist was even worse. And it will make dialectic. You wonder if ever you have to walking down the street. But more and more of them you know they're a little weak. In their uniforms and they've got. Everything there is and they're in charge of everything those people never charge they're the 1st one. It. Revolution. Even though. It's been quietly beavering away. In the 1970. And then the. Other. And they're. Transformer. And. Starting November 4th. There's going to be a big Democratic Party. Some of them are part of others. They want a violent revolution Mark. Little How many but their founders made in China under that. Regime their model and they just. As little. Nobody. Not. Russia. Matter what. Everything is really. Ladies and gentlemen. 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Your local Dupont pine or team doesn't take with you from the word go lightly especially when it comes to forge a we're going to go there and work with those customers to try and find out what they need what the true needs are and me and exceed those needs meet run through show pioneer sales professional she brings the silent zone resource to local dairy producers every day whether it's a night Saturday we can be the go to guy take time to invest in their success is your success it brings more than just industry leading products to the table when you have the opportunity to come down their driveway and sit down there and visit you're looking for that long term relationship. When it seems with you from the word go that's wrong group show in your local Dupont pioneer chain ask them about leveraging the silent zone resources to produce the highest quality forages for your operation that's people working with people I am here with you from the word go. Simply only. Down. From. I am one of the most hated pro western individuals in the world. Because of actually. They are what they are. They are in open war against reality against creation against common sense the family because they dominate and control and it may seem crazy to the left saying all math clocks science is racist literature is racist and everything. Anymore it's racist. Until you understand they are technicians that want to be cult leaders and they got to train you to. Hurt you if you're wanting people. Along with them. Because they want you to pass a litmus test and show you'll do anything to get people into the cult mentality so that you'll do more and more things. Including blowing yourself up bomber. And Islamic form is a cult. And that's why I work so closely together. And. They're going to get heavenly future if they did join it. I have. Told me. The reality of the. I'm joined. And I'm going to go. How a tree things are going in the loving. And you know you go to the poetry deal to drink wine and then all your intellectual or intellectual and you repeat over and over again whether the office. Of not having to think and. Then all we have a job for you know we're going to promote you know you just want to totally turn yourself over there but that's only. For this. Final. Point and so what I'm telling. Cult members of the. European the wonder of you are. You. Involve the delusional. And what you're pushing like a cover. Over. Me the operating system. Very very. Regular. Under the name but a more orderly fashion. You are. You are. You are. You are the prey you are you have been gone you have been alive and I'm not. Here you're here. But you can't even talk on the street you just scream f. You Russian. Others. Horrible evil Russian murderers and the worst people are the reason I mean that's Bill Maher like all of them. They're doing it. They're doing it invoking the most hardcore form of racism I mean I mean the Russians. Who are beholden to. Russia and the Russians or any. Other culture in a Christian country I want to know is why the left in 1970. When I was you know. Trying to recruit me is perfect and the obvious one from here in a fascist thinking on. Everything you've got 18000000 and bring down the u.s. I mean. And the thanks. Warning in the room really going into comic. Book you're going to run out of energy you're going to fall on the ground basically politically no not happening right now with him or Jan from one of the fight from the ground. I don't know what to do. But you were going to come and we're almost a godless crazy. Oh my God I want to thank. All of the wall going to order in their blood we were promised by our God. No they are. Wrong. On Everything you. Have. And all actually. But. Aren't. Recruiting. Power they've been made to be careful and broken. Into the communism into the authoritarianism. Now you've got to be. The one controlling. Or. Coming. Here I work. And you learn a lot on the. Communist. And all I want to. The facts. The facts. We want to. Remember. And I know them now if you want to. Come. For a month we've taken. The American flag in the gadgets like it's really powerful in the. Cultural 533139. And. Incorporate in all honors the fighting men and women of our military and all the veterans who have gone before you we salute you and thank you for your sacrifice we understand that freedom comes with a price our prayers go with you and your family stay safe stay strong God Bless America this military tribute from killing these electric incorporated in all for all your electrical work called 170847597081715. Fundraise roofing l.l.c. Grenier my skirt some missing children away from their parents less than 5 minutes when they disappeared your awareness could mean the difference in life and try to keep an eye out let's all do our part to help keep our children safe this is from Front Range roofing l.l.c. In Greeley call 970-353-2322 extension 4 quality service guarantee they're on the air doing their part to help locate and bring our missing children. Ranging in Greeley. Building in Fort Collins reminds listeners the men and women of our military dedicate themselves to our country honor those who have lost their lives in the line of duty and salute those who serve today. This reminder from snatch these Delhi at 4212 South College Avenue in Fort Collins check out daily specials or call for delivery 970-226-1711 that's 970-226-1711 great people great food great service culture a. Piccolo's restaurant in Denver reminds listeners thousands of children were reported missing last year Ok doing them as the authorities job of preventing it from happening is our job keep a watchful eye out for our area children if you have any information concerning a missing child call your local authorities this message from Piccolo's restaurant in Denver it's not only the best Italian and Mexican cuisine it's people who care give them a call at 303-757-5166 chaplain Collins they'll Cecil's our purchasing person sponsors for their professionalism commitment and bravery they're willing to put their lives on the line for us with a little thanks so let's all take the time to thank our 1st responders who are going through the course thanking God for the sacrifice of. This messages from Chapel Hill Elsley with some locations that did. So I think the community over 13 years this is the bottom line a chapel calling. You thank your home community reverence honors our fighting men and women of the military and all of the veterans who have gone before you lose you and thank you for your service and sacrifice understand that freedom comes with a price our prayers go with you and your family stay strong and thank God Bless America military tribute from Cape Creek in fact your own community you know this is an online it came. On the air saluting our troops and veterans. Trying property management agreement minds with your support your community by frequenting your local your own businesses small businesses ploys over half the workforce remember your local merchants for shopping online or out of town and help boost the economy business by business this reminder from tri property management in Greeley for a full range of homes or apartments for rent call 970-352-1025 visit try to place to live dot com on here because they care. Agri enterprise. Is incorporated in Fort Collins for since this message on September the 11th 2001 the passengers and the crew of United Flight 93 heroically fought back against terrorists saving countless lives and our capital with the anniversary of September 11th we are reminded of those early people who saved countless others and shaped history this reminder for the agri enterprise is incorporated in Fort Collins always looking out for the safety of our community for more information call the nights of 802212607. In for. Something you can start here right through the entire 3rd hour. Of the 4th well. Something about 30 minutes. 100 headlines here mattering of. Hillary fictional electric chair in charge in 1980 our whole article that news Wars dot com. And our. Hillary. Electric chair. Doing what. They would Rosenberg her. It was. A present from compared potential high crimes involving Obama. During the Cold War . And Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of espionage and. Communist cohorts. I mean why not I mean. Friends and other New Yorkers. Before go over to hell take over Russia carry out a good old jolly leftist. Fun I mean this is the left having fun. For 10 years. And the Rosenbergs. Here. Foreign powers China you name it and. Point your finger at me name and the president and you'll be American people you're. Your moron. You voted for Trump Europe the Russians Yeah. Oh I love the new. Form of art. Everything. But you could have Hillary you know. We communicate and we're going to actually. Whether you like it or not. I'm going to. Search sometimes. Coming up every month with a new t. Shirt and then when the month is gone gone. Other variant. We have the new one the. American flag and. In America. And. Matching. Your car or whatever. You know. Orders I'm going to have. You can bomb your local area. And the information. Part of the info and we have all of. We're going to have a sort of the month where you. Can. When you order and then. And then. We have. The 1st woman in the. And we've got hundreds of there are a lot of. 2027 genomic making more love in addition. Join or die in 4 wars. And a bunch of. They're all selling on whatever you. Want to. Everyone. And. So. Right now you can get it for that but other than a lot of special. Value. On all of it. And you'll be. Ok. If you go to the. Carlos of Montreal Maryland. Even in Montana Jeffrey. Carlos in Montreal Canada thanks for all. Thank you well actually just a comment when President. That there was nothing he could do this was a very meaningful to me because as you know I analyze and take freezes. Things and it's not something that he would have said before you go reasons or constitutional reasons because you're known in Chile I believe it's because the people that are going to be mentioned in those documents are alive today and one in particular is George Herbert Walker Bush and his relationship with the Kennedy association is one that I happened to have come across a long time ago and a different track altogether I was actually looking at Charles the gold relationship in Quebec and what was happening here and it turns out that. Agents of French agents were actually operating in Texas in the in the Fort Worth middle and Dallas area. In particular by the name of me and virtue was an attraction for the purposes of you know the Algerian. Soldiers with the gold and in particular he this fellow Mertz actually being photographed with. People like. I'm trying to recall. Any other foreign government and. Everyone involved. Everybody's got to prove they're in the club and so that's why any. Foundation us Foundation. Or German intelligence and others helping to plant a bomb. Operations Well the right wing they were all wooden tattle on each other show us talk a pedophile so you got a white kids together to be in the club and so that's what they're doing or what in particular there is a relationship that I discovered which was troubling and that is an agent known to differentiations George De Mohrenschildt who was in the all business closely associated with George Herbert Walker Bush I mean when Herbert Walker Bush became head of the CIA years later he was there using the family business kind of an offshore drilling rigs and then Operation Mongoose and all of it and then f.b.i. Files with. Fascination So of course that was in the names reportedly that are in the files and shows how we know we are they held them back to look at what they've already released pretty bombshell Yes but Georgia But but George De Mohrenschildt voice that the fellow that introduced awful. Go to the job and there are a budgetary building yes this is very troubling because this individual later on was one of the most. Interviewed during the commissions and inquiries and when he was supposed to find the seventy's he killed himself. They had treated science all over Texas and in Texas it was the way they killed people in themselves and downtown Austin and Dallas so everybody. I'm here in Texas Ok. I mean I've been on airplanes. For bragging about it so I mean l.b.j. Told us measures about 4 I thought. They had the. Night before. Nixon all the big wigs were here in a big mafia Commission and now I guess I think they got scared and backed off of Chicago and in Miami and. The change I just refused to kill the president but Texas came for it. And you're absolutely right and people are all involved and running part of the operation George Herbert Walker Bush was promoted to the head of the CIA I don't know for helping carry out the operation to kill John a. Constitutional moments are brought to you throughout the day through the generosity of sea and the prototype machine Boulder Colorado. He was in the world in the world was made through him and the world did not know him he came to his own and his own did not receive him but as many as received Him to them he gave the right to become children of God to those who believe in his name who were born not of blood nor of the will of the pleasure nor of the will of man but of guns. The Gospel of John chapter one verse 10 through 13. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just power from the consent of the governed this is the America news network. This is the lion cage in c. 1316 am Johnstown Denver.

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