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Before crashing. Four people dead. More than a dozen injured. This morning the arrest and why authorities are calling this a case of terrorism. And manhunt. Revolution. Its time for change. The nationwide search for this man called armed and dangerous mailing what investigators say is a disturbing manifesto straight to donald trump. Then allegedly stealing a cache of weapons. The price tag now on his head. Good morning. Lets get straight to the headlines this morning. The global fallout from President Trumps decision to strike syria. And were getting in these new satellite images this morning of the Syrian Air Base hit by dozens of u. S. Tomahawk missiles. You can see buildings flattened, jets destroyed. Although the runway appears to be pretty much unscathed. Yeah, and that may explain the news this morning that two jets have taken off from that air base just hours after the strike. Again, this is the same air base from which the u. S. Says a chemical attack was launched against civilians, many of them children. Heres what else we know this morning. The attack is increasing tensions between the United States and russia, a major ally of syria. The russian Prime Minister even warning the u. S. That if you attack our ally, youre basically one step away from attacking us. Meanwhile, though, tough talk from the u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. Nikki haley calling out both russia and iran for supporting the Syrian Regime and its crimes against humanity while warning the u. S. Is prepared to do more here. We have Team Coverage this saturday morning, but were going to start with abcs Alex Marquardt, who is in beirut. Good morning, alex. Reporter good morning, dan and paula. Thats right. Less than 24 hours after the strike, it does appear that the al sharyat air base is back up and running. U. S. Officials confirming that planes have been seen taking off despite a massive amount of u. S. Firepower, 59 tomahawk cruise missiles. U. S. Officials now saying that not all of the bases planes or its runway were destroyed. New satellite images now revealing the full extent of the heavy american bombardment on the al sharyat air base in central syria. On friday Syrian Military officials gathered shortly after the strike to survey the damage walking through the rubble and charred vehicles. Drone footage released by the Russian Defense ministry shows the aftermath of the overnight attack that destroyed aircraft, hangars, ammunition bunkers and air defense systems. Syrian state media said at least six syrian soldiers and nine civilians were also killed. In total 59 tomahawk cruise missiles were launched at the air base from two u. S. Navy warships in the Eastern Mediterranean sea. It was from this base the pentagon says that the syrian army stored and launched an air strike with chemical weapons, a nerve agent that was then dropped on civilians in northern idlib province, which is held by rebel forces. Assad choked out the lives of helpless men, women and children. No child of god should ever suffer such horror. Reporter more than 80 people were killed, over half of them women and children. Russia said that syria had bombed a rebel chemical facility, the pentagon now asking whether the russian government had prior knowledge or was somehow complicit in the horrific chemical attack. Shortly after the attack, a drone flew over the site, then the local hospital where victims were being treated was the subject of an air strike, unclear whether by syrian or russian forces. Now, one of the main american priorities in this strike was not to hit russian positions or troops, which could lead to a significant escalation, but there is no doubt that this has severely damaged the already terrible u. S. russia relations with president putin calling it a significant blow. Paula. All right, alex, and speaking of that relationship with russia, the focus, it was the focus at the united nations. The United States increasing the pressure on both syria and russia, warning that this could be just the start. The president remains in palm beach this morning, and thats where we find our david wright. David, good morning. Reporter good morning, paula. Now that the u. S. Has sent quite a forceful message with these targeted missile strikes, the next big question is, whats next in syria . And u. N. Ambassador nikki haley signaled this may just be the opening salvo. The United States took a very measured step last night. We are prepared to do more. Reporter the u. S. Has now formally put the world on notice that it is ready to take further military action in syria. Ambassador haley also suggested the u. S. Is now sharply at odds with russia. Russia is supposed to have removed all the chemical weapons from syria, but obviously that has not happened. It could be that russia has been incompetent in its efforts to remove the chemical weapons, or it could be that the assad regime is playing the russians for fools. Reporter secretary of state Rex Tillerson is now headed over to moscow. He told reporters what happens next depends on the response to the air strikes. The russians have condemned the attacks in no uncertain terms. The white house laid out a time line of the president s decisionmaking process. He okayed the strike thursday at 4 00 p. M. Launch time, 7 40. By 8 30 the missiles started hitting their targets. Only then did the administration inform congressional leaders and foreign heads of state. Trump informed his chinese counterpart at dinner what was about to take place. Tonight i ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in syria from where the chemical attack was launched. Reporter this White House Photo shows the president huddled with his National Security team at a makeshift situation room set up at maralago. Trumps soninlaw there at the table. Chief strategist steve bannon, recently demoted from the Security Council, relegated to the sidelines. These strikes have won bipartisan approval from congress, but members of both parties have wondered how this fits into the broader strategy in syria, and some have said the u. S. Should consult congress before escalating this any further. Dan and paula. All right, but, david, this has proven to be quite a moment for u. N. Ambassador nikki haley. We just heard from her. Apparently that heated meeting at the u. N. This week was supposed to be closed, but she intervened . Reporter thats right. The bolivians had originally requested an emergency session of the Security Council to be held behind closed doors, but the u. S. , which is the president of the council for this month, demanded that it be held in public so that anyone defending the atrocities in syria would have to do so for all the world to hear, and that was nikki haley. Paula, dan. As you said, nikki haley really stepping onto the world stage. David wright, thank you for your reporting from maralago. For more on all of this, lets bring in abc news chief political analyst matthew dowd. Matthew, good morning. And from washington, abc news contributor, retired colonel Steve Ganyard. Steve, lets just start with you. The fact that airplanes are now taking off from the very same air base we attacked, what does that say about the effectiveness of the strike . Well, go back to what the intent is, dan. The intent here, the president clearly made the intent to warn assad to stop gassing your people. And so the strike was very limited, and the tomahawk missile does not have the firepower to take out runways so he didnt want to risk u. S. Personnel so he used the tomahawk and he made his point. But there is some irony here that it does appear its okay for mr. Assad to blow up his people, its just not okay to gas them. So, steve, whats next . You heard the u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. , nikki haley, saying that the u. S. Is open to doing more, prepared to do more. What exactly would that mean . Paula, its interesting that Ambassador Haley as energetic as shes been, i think we need to probably temper our expectations about what the u. N. Will be able to do, but her rhetoric and secretary tillersons rhetoric points much more towards regime change, but the military action we saw this week was really just a warning to assad to stop gassing his people, so theres a bit of a disconnect in the message coming out of the white house versus state and the u. N. So much theres so much interesting the dynamics here are so fascinating, especially given that this is a president who has long argued we should stay out of foreign entanglements of this variety. Sure. Steve, thank you. Lets bring in matthew dowd. So, World Leaders have praised President Trump for this, and hes been praised by some former obama officials, however, members of his own base who dont want us getting involved in more overseas war is up in arms about this. Is this a problem for President Trump . What were seeing on all levels is this fight between what people call globalists versus nationalists and seen as an administration were seeing it worldwide. I think what this is, hell get a slight bump. Its like a sugar high. This is what happens to president s when they engage militarily. But ultimately president s become president s and leaders become leaders over the long haul and the real question here for most people is whats the longterm strategy . Hell get a good bit of news over the next three days but over the next weeks and months is what is the exit strategy and how does this end . Yeah, whats next . Okay, everybody notice hes got a book there. A book. On the set. Okay, so you have a new book titled a new way in which you talk about the balance between idealism and realism. So when you look at current events, political events, how do you view whats happening now through this particular purview . Well, leaders i think in the 21st century have to figure out the paradox between a lot of competing values, but i think this is so pointed, and donald trump had these ideals. He was a nationalist. Im going to america first. This is what were going to do and then he was faced with an incredibly realistic scenario of what happened to the Syrian People and what assad had done there, and so he had to make a decision trying to balance his ideals, which he didnt want to be involved in foreign entanglements, to how do i respond to a situation that is horrific, and in that place, he had to confront the world realistically. And we saw it play out in realtime. I took a look at the book last night. Fascinating stuff, matt. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Big thanks to matt dowd and Steve Ganyard for joining us this morning. We do move on to another developing story right now. The investigation into that deadly attack over in sweden. A stolen truck look at this plowing through a crowded street filled with shoppers slamming into a store ultimately killing four people. Investigators are treating this as a terror attack and abcs chief Foreign Correspondent terry moran is right there in stockholm. Terry, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, dan. This Morning Police sources are telling local media here in stockholm that there was a homemade unexploded bomb in that truck that barreled through this crowded shopping district killing four people, leaving more than a dozen others injured and shocking this tolerant, placid city to its core. This morning, Swedish Police say theyve got their man. A 39yearold from uzbekistan now in custody in connection with the violent truck attack that left four dead and more than a dozen others injured here. Police arresting a man matching the suspect seen in these security images saying they believe he was involved in what authorities have declared a terrorist attack. Saying he had been on their radar in the past. I saw eight people get drived over. Reporter according to Police Friday afternoon the suspect stole a delivery truck from a nearby restaurant. Minutes later just before 3 00 p. M. , that truck is seen on this security video barreling past shops as bystanders scatter. Just eight stores down that truck slammed into the side of Ahlens Department store before bursting into flames. There were bodies on the ground everywhere and a sense of panic. People standing by beloved ones but also people runing away. Reporter rescuers rushed to help those hurt in the attack as authorities put the city on lockdown to search for the driver. In this difficult moment, swedish authorities including police and hospitals are doing everything they can to save lives and maintain our safety. Reporter overnight the swedish Prime Minister spoke to his people and sent a powerful message to the country. Terrorists can never defeat sweden, never. Reporter right now theres no evidence that the driver of that truck was linked to any wider plot or terrorist organization. But for years isis has been encouraging its followers here in europe and in the United States to act alone, and they specifically mention this kind of ramming attack which is so cheap, so simple and so deadly. Paula. All right, terry, thank you for your reporting. Now to the major headline from the Supreme Court. The senate using the Nuclear Option to confirm President Trumps nominee neil gorsuch on friday. Abcs Gloria Riviera joins us with more on what turned out to be a bitter partisan battle. Good morning, gloria. Reporter good morning, paula. Thats right. Justice gorsuch will get right to work. He is poised to have an Immediate Impact as the Supreme Court begins to hear oral arguments on major issues such as the separation of church and state and rights for samesex couples. The nomination of neil m. Gorsuch of colorado to be an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States is confirmed. Reporter that gavel slam marks a huge political first. Confirming a Supreme Court nominee with just a simple majority vote. 54 yeas to 45 nays. Ms. Warren. No. Reporter judge Neil Gorsuchs confirmation, the first major win for the Trump Administration with congress but the democrats did not go down without a fight filibustering the nomination. I cannot support this nomination. Reporter prompting republicans to invoke the Nuclear Option. I believe it will make this body a more partisan place. It doesnt have to be this way. But today is a new day. Reporter the new rule change now means all president ial nominees for executive branch positions and the federal courts now need only a simple majority vote. Judge gorsuch now fills the conservative seat left vacant by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia restoring the courts previous balance, four conservatives, four liberals and Justice Anthony kennedy as the swing vote. In a statement, President Trump congratulated Justice Gorsuch and praised the confirmation process for being transparent and accessible. Gorsuch will be sworn in monday. Paula, dan. Big victory for the Trump Administration. Gloria riviera, thank you very much. On any other morning this would of course be the big lead story. The lead story. Theres so much going on. Absolutely. It tells you a lot about the types in which were living. Lets check the weather now and rob marciano is also joining us from washington. There he is in fine fettle this morning. How are you, sir . Good morning, guys. For an entirely different reason, you know, 105 years ago japan gave hundreds of cherry trees to washington, d. C. As a gift of goodwill, and for 90 years theyve been celebrating the Cherry Blossom festival. That is why were here. What a spectacular morning. We got the monument behind me on the mall, and the sun is shining but it is chilly. Temperatures, the windchill is 34 degrees right now. Lets talk about the strong storm thats happening in the west. Oakland, california, saw a mudslide in the eastern side of town there with some heavy rain rolling through. And in portland, oregon, winds gusting over 70 miles an hour there. Their sister city in japan, by the way, sapporo, and this is one of the strongest storms ive ever seen in the month of april, more like october or november. So impressive no doubt. Theres your satellite picture, the core of which is heading into british columbia. Now its more of a rain and snow event, and we expect to see more in the way of rain as we go through the day across parts of the west and then heavier mountain snow in through the Higher Elevations but we continue to pound the northwest as this winter just does not want to end. This will get into the plains tomorrow and looks to be a bit of a Severe Weather event although diffuse, hopefully not as strong as what weve seen in the past week and a half but nonetheless a slight risk of severe as we go through Oklahoma City and getting up through iowa tomorrow and all presses east during the day on monday. Cloudy skies, scattered showers, it will be a chilly day today. More sun tomorrow, rainfall amounts should be light. It will bring back the rain into next week. So were looking anywhere from a tenth of an inch to more than that up in the north bau. Cold highs in the mid and upper 50s, 60 san mateo, more rain by wednesday. The parade kicks off here at 10 00 a. M. Eastern time and its a gorgeous one. We got marching bands. Look. Holy Cherry Blossoms. What . Look at those Cherry Blossoms. I mean, if the peak was passed, no, they are blooming real good now and warming up the band. We need it. Kind of chilly. I love how the band starts playing right on cue. Ive actually been looking for a horn flourish every time i walk into a room but never been able to get anybody to do that. It always happens for rob. It does. It does. Rob, thank you very much, my friend. Well get back to you later in the show. And now its time to turn things over to ron claiborne. Hand the baton. Baton. I almost said the candle. I dont know what i was thinking. Same shape, basically. Heres the baton, hand it over to you for a look at the other headlines. Good morning, paula, dan, diane. Good morning, everyone. We begin in jacksonville, florida, where a protest against the u. S. Military action in syria turned violent. Six people were arrested when demonstrators clashed with a protrump group and then Police Officers got physical with some of the protesters as you can see in this video posted by witnesses online. The Jacksonville Police department defended the officers saying they were reacting to being attacked. And turning overseas, a 31yearold romanian woman was visiting london and has become the fifth to die in last months terror attack in that city. Andreea cristea, an architect, ended up in the thames river when the attackers car plowed into pedestrians on a bridge. She was in london with her boyfriend who had planned on proposing to her later that same day. And in florida, the brush fire that has been burning in Broward County north of miami is now spreading to more than 5,000 acres overnight. A fire broke out in port st. Lucie near first data field which is home to the minor league st. Lucie mets, also where the new york mets play during spring training also. A fireworks display at the stadium is believed to have ignited that blaze. And a major car recall this morning. Hyundai and kia pulling nearly 1. 5 million vehicles off the road because of possible engine failure that could lead to a crash. The recall involves some popular models of the Hyundai Santa fe sports suv and sonata midsize cars. Also on the list, several models of the kia optima, sportage suv and sorrento. Nba history, 55 years in the making, Russell Westbrook of the oklahoma thunder now averaging a tripledouble for the season. Thats double digits in scoring, rebounding and assists, amazing, making him the first player to do that since Oscar Robertson of the cincinnati royals in 1962. Here he makes a spectacular pass here in fridays game against the phoenix suns. The thunder, however, lost that game anyway. And finally, eating is a big part of going to the ballpark experience, right . Well, the stadium where the Seattle Mariners play in seattle is going gourmet with a new proteinpacked, lowfat option on the menu. Check it out. For 4 you can get a bowl of toasted grasshoppers. No. Grasshoppers, yeah. They come tossed in chili lime salt. Do you have to pay extra for the lime salt . No, or you can top off your taco with the crunchy treat and they also offer the more conventional fare like hot dogs and hamburgers. And a quick note here, im wearing my purple tie again as i did a year ago because im taking part in the purple stride walk and run. Im mostly going to be walking for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network in brooklyn later today. Nice. Ill tell you how that goes if i finish tomorrow. Thats awesome. Of course, youre going to finish. Of course im going to finish. Absolutely. Weve been admiring your short haircut. Very boyish. By the way, if you need energy today, just order some grasshoppers. There you go. Protein pack. Ill eat a hot dog instead. Yeah. Thank you, ronnie. The views of paula faris do not necessarily reflect the views of dietitians worldwide. Coming up on gma or me. Or ron claiborne. Were going to have the latest, of course, on those u. S. Air strikes in syria and the reaction of other countries. Our reporter in the middle east right now. Plus, an urgent nationwide manhunt is under way for a man that authorities are calling extremely dangerous. What investigators are saying about the manifesto he allegedly sent to the white house. Well be right back on this saturday morning. Good morning america is brought to you by xyzal for continuous 24hour allergy relief, be wise all, take xyzal. Continuous 24hour allergy relief, be wise all, take xyzal. It takes two to make iit outta sight ake a thing go right it takes two to make a thing go right it takes two to make it outta sight ykeep you sidelined. Ng thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. 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Chris, it looks nice and bright behind you. We are watching a line of showers along the north bay, down along the coast. That i will sweep across the bay area throughout the morning hours, keep that in mind. Grab the umbrella. It will be a chilly won today, the accuweather storm is a 1, the first half of the day, no snow levels, dry days Grocery Outlet Grocery Outlet is the home of wow savings. Wow means you save 50 or more. There are three stages of wow. Denial. Is this price right . Acceptance. And boooyah wait for it. Boooyah has three os. Grocery outlet bargain market right now get a bonein spiral half ham for just 1. 49 a pound. And welcome back to gma on a saturday morning. New this morning, the satellite images from syria revealing the extent of the damage to the al sharyat air base after two u. S. Navy warships hit it with a total of 59 tomahawk missiles. But less than 24 hours after the u. S. Strike, it appears that the base is back in use. The runway seemingly untouched with u. S. Officials confirming that syrian planes have taken off. So, we want to go back to abcs Alex Marquardt who is in beirut, lebanon. Hes got middle east reaction on the air strikes. Alex, what can you tell us this morning . Reporter good morning, dan and paula. There was swift and fierce reaction from the Syrian Regime with syrian president Bashar Al Assad calling this an excessive and unjust act of aggression. As could have have been expected this was widely supported by assads enemies, widely condemned by his friends including iran, which has been propping up the assad regime for the past several years. The iranian president saying all terrorists in syria are celebrating the u. S. Attack. One of the fears is whether there would be some sort of retaliation, a military reaction. That is not expected from syria or its allies. Theres been widespread support in the region for this military strike. None more so than from israel with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying President Trump sent a strong and clear message today that the use and spread of chemical weapons will not be tolerated, which, of course, is the message that trump is trying to send here, but the reaction we really have to watch is the russian reaction. They have put out angry statements calling this a clear act of aggression. President putin saying that this is a significant blow to the already abysmal u. S. russia relations, dan, paula. Tensions high and getting higher, Alex Marquardt, thank you. We want to turn now though to a big news story here at home. A massive manhunt under way this morning for a suspect police say is armed to the teeth. Joseph jakubowski who Authorities Say sent an antigovernment manifesto to the white house, and abcs Adrienne Bankert has more on the concerns over what he could do. Reporter investigators say inside this envelope, a declaration of insurrection. You got it . Reporter plans of a brutal attack sent to the white house. Game time. Reporter more than 150 federal, state and local officers conducting multiple raids in a nationwide manhunt for Joseph Jakubowski missing since tuesday after this video of him mailing what Officials Say is a 165page manifesto expressing murderous outrage towards the government and police. There it is. You see its getting shipped. Revolution. Its time for change. Reporter according to authorities, the 32yearold is armed and dangerous with a cache of weapons detectives say are part of his alleged planned revolt. Police say jakubowski was caught in these surveillance images stealing dozens of highpowered handguns, at least two assault rifles and possibly silencers from armageddon supplies, a wisconsin gun store. Very highend fivearms were taken. After that we responded to an arson. Reporter police say they found a car burned up nearby that was registered to the suspect. The possibility of a School Shooting was also brought up. As a result we have notified all of our local schools. Reporter the potential threat prompting at least a dozen schools and colleges to cancel class on friday. And we know that jakubowski is known to Law Enforcement with a history of mostly traffic violations. He allegedly also tried to steal an officers weapon at one time. The fbi now offering a 10,000 reward for any information leading to jakubowskis arrest, but they are hoping he just turns himself in. That would be the best case scenario. Absolutely. Right now hes out there armed and dangerous. Yes, still missing. Adrienne, thank you very much. Lets check the weather yet again and get it back down to rob marciano who is in d. C. Hey, rob. Hey, guys, what a group we have gathered here as the parade kicks off in about two hours. Check it out. Weve got the powertaps from woodstock, georgia. Their cloggers are going to be clogging it up and we have got the blazing divas, dont they look great, from coeur dalene, idaho. Floats as far as the eye can see and the sun is coming up and, of course, weve got plenty of cherry blouse sops too. The forecast, its chilly. Im not going to lie to you. It does not feel like spring but thats been the way it is the past several weeks. We do have good news if you are a big fan of warmer weather, about 10 to 15 degrees below average, even some freeze watches and warnings to our south and west but the overall trend will be a warming one starting with the center of the country today, 20 to 25 degrees above average sliding to the east. Bear with it. Summer is on its way in july. Thats a quick check on whats go good saturday morning, im lisa argent, scattered showers for the first half of your day, temperatures on the cool side, 56 in the city, 59 in fremont. The accuweather 7day forecasasn this weathercast is brought to you by target. Dont forget nba primetime tonight, 8 30 on abc, spurs and clippers. You dont want to miss that. Hey, check it out. What would a parade be without a marching band from gainesville, florida. The Gainesville High school hurricanes marching band. Having a great time. The Washington Monument behind us. Doesnt get any more americana than this. We should just call him thats coming up later in the broadcast. See you guys in a few minutes. Can we just call you conductor from here on out, rob . Okay. He cant hear us because its so loud. Rob, youre doing a great job. Cant hear you. Fine, rob. Well come back to you a little later. Thank you very much. Coming up on gma this morning, the scandal swirling around the governor of alabama. This is an incredible story. It involves an alleged mistress, will this force him to resign . Whats inside a new report . Keep it here. 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Flonase is an allergy nasal spray that works even beyond the nose. So you can enjoy every beautiful moment to the fullest. Flonase. 61 changes everything. Atblue diamond almonds wein our almondmilk. Iagrown and were proud of that. But the whole careandnurturing part . That idea. We borrowed from the experts. Blue diamond almond breeze. The best almonds make the best almondmilk. When it comes to heartburn. Trust the brand doctors trust. Nexium 24hr is the 1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. For all day and all night protection. Banish the burn. With nexium 24hr. There is a major impeachment battle under way right now in alabama. The governor winning a court battle to delay impeachment hearings but he lost the fight to keep a report from a special counsel from going public. Abcs eva pilgrim is here with the allegations in that investigation report. Eva, good morning. Reporter good morning. The governor of alabama did everything he could to keep this scathing 131page report from going public. It reads part legal document, part novel and it makes a lot of accusations. The governor says while these details are humiliating, he didnt do anything illegal. Baby, let me tell you what were gonna have to do. Were gonna have to start locking the door. Reporter this morning the governor of alabama feeling the heat, his job on the line. Impeachment hearings looming and now this report made public explaining what it calls his obsession and paranoia with trying to keep an alleged affair with a staffer from going public. I do not plan to resign. I have done nothing illegal. Reporter the report includes interviews with 20 witnesses and intimate letters and Text Messages between the governor and his now exwife diane and his former chief adviser rebekah mason. Included in the texts the governor mistakenly sent his then wife diane a message reading, i love you, rebekah. According to the report to the special statehouse judiciary committee, he called mason reportedly baby in meetings and an alleged phone conversation conversation between bentley and mason surfaced allegedly recorded by his wife of 50 years. Hey, i love you. I love touching you. I do. Reporter the governor now facing impeachment in large part because of what he is accused of doing after that recording was discovered, the report accusing governor bentley of encouraging an atmosphere of intimidation in an effort to cover up the relationship and alleging he used police for his own benefit saying he subjected career Law Enforcement officers to tasks intended to protect his reputation. It has nothing to do with his political duty as governor and that is where hes crossed the line. Reporter now, the governor and mason both continue to deny there was any inappropriate relationship. As for the impeachment proceedings state legislators plan to meet monday to determine what to do next. A lot of details in these 131 pages. Part novel, aptly said. Appreciate it. Thanks, eva. Coming up, back to the Nations Capital where rob is ready for a parade. Hes got the band behind him. Right, rob . Dancers too. We got dancers. We got the blazing divas. The blazing divas. We got the powertaps from woodstock, georgia. Look at that. Ho is going to be the best . Who can judge them . Only one person, Carrie Ann Inaba. No, its a friendly competition. Were going to talk to her about that from dancing with the stars, plus the parade in just a few minutes. Its going great. This is my jam. What is that . What . The moment you realize the gardening gene skipped a generation. At lowes, our Grow Together planting system takes the guess work out of creating a beautiful yard. All projects have a starting point. Start with lowes. Hey, it looks good huh . Not bad. Now get 4 select 1quart perennials for only 10 at the lowes refresh your outdoors event. bark at petsmart we love all pets. 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Now get 20 off msrp cash allowance on select 2017 Dodge Charger models in dealer stock. The blazing divas, the blazing divas, the powertaps, the cloggers here and Carrie Ann Inaba from dancing with the stars. All right. Im not going to ask you to pick a winner but theyre impressive at this hour. Thank you. Well, they were kind of amazing. High energy. Great costumes. I loved it all. She never stops judging. I cant help you. I give you both 10s. You guys all look fantastic. You do great on dancing with the stars and, of course, youre here again this year. We had a great time. Such an amazing event. It really is. Youre dressed in your pastels as you should be. Even though its chilly right now. Ive got my pin on somewhere, i dont know. Lets talk dancing with the stars. Seems like a really intense season this year. Oh, my gosh, season 24 has been incredible. We have really great dancers. Sometimes thats not always the case. We have people that are not as good and then they find their way to becoming good. This year we kind of started out with like about six or seven out of the gate that are fantastic. And this is 30 what season now . Season 552. No, were on season 24. 24, okay. Havent missed an episode. Not 24 we have multiple seasons. We do two a year so were on actually year 12. Exactly. Drew lachey won it a few years ago, and hes actually performing in the parade. One of the celebrities thats performing in this parade. What was his secret sauce . What was his magic to winning . His secret sauce he did the best freestyle. One of my favorites to save a horse ride a cowboy. Which was incredible. Do you guys remember that song . Save a horse he nailed it and won it and took it home. So, it was fantastic. It was really fun. What are you looking forward to today . Well, you know, last year when i did it i was cohosting i begged them to let me come back again because i had so much fun. Nice to see people out here, so friendly and the broadcast is just a nice celebration of the Cherry Blossom festival which is dear to my heart. You have some japanese in you too. I do have japanese in me. You are representing. A wonderful gift we got over 100 years ago and makes this Nations Capital so beautiful. It is. And a great day for it. Its going to be fun. Great to see you. Good to see you. Carrie ann inaba. Hey, guys, come on down. Thanks so much for coming out. Well see you on the parade route. More gma coming up after the break. Pop news is next. The issues we care about can weigh on us. So lift the weight of caring, by doing. Visit state farms neighborhoodofgood. Com to volunteer in your community. The Easter Bunnys onestop shop for building the perfect basket . Yeah, i talked to the bunny. You talk about his ears . No about what toys better be in my basket everybody can buy one get one 40 off what they need to build the perfect Easter Basket toysrus. 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All right. Time for pop news. Were a week out from easter so were covered with easter. We are, indpeed, but were going to start things off with journey. Journey fans hoping for a steve perry reunion got a two for one deal sort of. Lets start with the good news. Not only did the former frontman reunite with his old bandmates but it was all in honor of the bands induction into the rock roll hall of fame. He got a haircut, by the way. Remember he used to have really long hair. Yes. So, fans went nuts when he took the stage at the barclays in brooklyn with the whole band. The current members, but heres the bad news. He didnt actually perform. No. With them as some people had hoped. Journey was one of six acts inducted. Tupac, electric light orchestra, yes, joan baez and pearl jam were among the others, but nice to see the hall of fame welcomed them with open arms. Oh, no. Dont stop believin, everybody. Steve perry might still be back again. I love journey. Me too. Were you a big fan . I have been a fan faithfully for yours. More of a tupac fan than a journey fan. I am forever yours faithfully. You can be both, dan. You can be both . Hold those two any way you want it, dan. Okay. Harry styles has finally made his solo debut releasing his new single called sign of the times. Lets listen in for a second. We got to get away from here the former one direction member told bbc radio that its the song hes most proud of writing. He also snuck in a few humble brags about his famous friends revealing he got some input from ed sheeran before releasing the album and that adele gave him a copy of her album 21 for his 21st birthday saying i did some pretty cool stuff when i was 21. Good luck. No pressure. Thanks for that one, adele. I cant imagine being a teenager. He is so dreamy for all those little teen girls out there. No wonder theyre obsessed with him. And then trying to follow in the footsteps of your friend adele. How are you supposed to do that . Speaking of adele, by the way, that album 21 is now the longest charting album by a woman on the billboard 200. It surpassed carole kings tapestry. 21 has now clocked its 319th week on the charts topping 318 weeks and tapestry was on the charts from 71 to 77 and came back in 2010, whereas, 21 has never missed a week on the charts. Youre kidding. So, thats been 319 straight. You know who else is in the top five, though . No, who . Journey, 454 weeks, billboard 200. Where is tupac in that mix . Yeah. All right, finally a pop news exclusive, so marshmallow peeps in honor of easter, they have some brandnew mystery flavors. So were putting you to the test. Youre going to have to take one bite of the peep in front of you and see if you can guess your flavor. This is our peep show. Each is a secret. You cant see it on the package. Ron, lets start with you. Can you guess your flavor . Sugar. You are close. Grape maybe. Want me to reveal the answer. Rons answer . Grape, i think. Maple syrup. I get it now. Mine is fruit punch. Paula . Fruit punch. Paula says fruit punch. Can we reveal paulas answer . Fruit punch . Rum and cocacola. No, not quite. Blueberry. It tastes fruity dan, can you guess yours . Lime. Youre not even close. Really . Not even close. What is it . Dans answer, grape slushee. Not at all lime. But its green. Totally threw you off. You know, marciano would have totally nailed this. He has a big day coming up in washington. We got the Cherry Blossom festival parade. Rob, if youre there, i dont know if you can hear us, but hes somewhere amonst the there he is conducting. Hes in his element. Just running through the crowd. That is a dramatic entrance. I think rob wants to join the band. Rob, thank you very much. Great job. See you back here tomorrow. Have a great saturday, everybody. See you back here tomorrow. Have a great saturday, everybody. Ee. Abc 7 morning. All new. Good morning, everyone, im quist chris nguyen. Thousands of american soldier was died in a baton march will be remembered for a 75th anniversary. More than 10,000 allied troops fighting the japanese in 1972 were captured and forced to march 85 miles without food or water no a prison camp. Today there will be a valor run, a wreath laying ceremony. The event starts at 8 30 this morning in presidia. This weekend markets the first of five weekend closers in oakland so crews can do track maintenance. They will close completely today and tomorrow. They will get passengers between the fruitvale and 19th street systems. Happening today, the Northern California Cherry Blossom festival is celebrating its fifth 50th anniversary this year. More than 200,000 people are expected to attend the two weekends of festivities, featuring Japanese Culture and art. It starts at 11 00 this morning. The festival continues next weekend. Turning to weather now, heres meteorologist lisa argent with a look at live doppler 7 for us. Hi, chris, we are in the north bay. Check it out on lucas valley road looking at pretty good downpour, up towards san rafael, further north from penngrove to sonoma. From lake port on the coast, you have wet weather, check out this line of heavier showers just about to push into the peninsula. So from here, its nice and tranquil. We have delays at sfo. The first half of your morning is wet. We will talk about the second half of your weekend in a few minutes. Up next the storm overnight brought down a number of trees. We will take a look at the damage. Plus, a scary situation outside after a south bay bowling giving people options based on their budget is pretty edgy. Kind of like this look. Im calling it the name your price tool phase. Whatever. Im calling it the name your price tool phase. So let me get this straight. Youre a rabbit . Im vern, the orange money retirement rabbit, from voya. Riiight. And that means. . Im the money you save for retirement. I help you get organized so your money could multiply. See . Got it. Whos he . Hes green money for spending today. You know, paying bills, maybe a little online shopping. Makes it easy to tell you apart. That, and i am better looking. I heard that. When its time to get organized for retirement, its time to get voya. It is saturday april 8th. Good morning, thanks so much for joining us. Out im chris nguyen. We are expected rain for much of the bay area this weekend. Heres lisa argent with a look at the conditions where you live. Hi, chris the focus is on this morning, we are looking at downpours pushing onto the coast. Heres a look at the roof, as we po in closer, you notice the heavier activity towards san quentin. The san rafael bridge there. Up to the north, its light rain and the low snow levels are looking at a mixed

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