Ethical punishment abortion euthanasia the nest egg violence and the overall value of human life I titled Today study murder he wrote. Terri and Pinney Kathy were not happy with their 16 year old daughter's choice of a boyfriend not knowing what else to do they did what many parents would do in that situation and they forbade their daughter from ever seen Charlie Wilkinson again in fact it was a week ago last Friday night that they delivered that edict Not only that they took away the girl's cellphone according to police reports it was that evening that the girl and her boyfriend decided to follow through on a plan they had been working on for a month that is to execute her entire family the following evening as the 16 year old daughter sat in the car with a friend down the street the boyfriend along with 3 other accomplices broke into the khaki home they 1st went to the parents' bedroom and shot Terri and Pinney khaki repeatedly as they lay in their bed they then went upstairs to the 13 year old brother's room and they put a bullet in his head killing him and then they went to the bedroom of the 8 year old younger brother and stabbed him to death with a sword the mother and the 2 brothers died the accomplices then set fire to the home in order to destroy all the evidence while their 16 year old daughter sat in the car down the street listening to the gunshot and a scream parents and family members begging for mercy. The father had been shot 5 times in the shoulder in the head he was able he alone to escape the house crawling 300 yards across a pasture to another home and able to call and ask for help today his 16 year old daughter is being held in jail facing 3 counts of capital murder. Such a horrendous crime is an obvious sim perhaps the most blatant violation of the commandment we're going to look at tonight the 6th commandment thou shall not kill. But as we're going to see tonight there is more than one way to destroy another human being and tonight we're going to look at the various ways that we make the mistake of destroying objects which are of great value to God he. Turned to Exodus Chapter 20 Exodus Chapter 20 as we continue our series on the 10 Commandments Exodus Chapter 20 now in our series on the 10 Commandments we're now into the 2nd table of commandments the 1st 4 commandments deal with our relationship to God The other 6 commandments deal with our relationship to other people and of course that 1st commandment in the 2nd table was a positive one Honor your father and your mother but the next 3 commands are very short in the Hebrew text very terse only 2 words no murder no theft and no adultery and they're not we're going to look at that very short command that we find in verse 13 no killing no murder I want to make a few observations about this command that before we look at the application of it 1st of all this word that is translated in the King James Version kill is our very very rare word in the Hebrew text it's not used often it's the Hebrew word. And it's a word that implies the killing of a personal enemy this is they idea of a violent premeditated angry killing as opposed to accidental killing it's interesting to note that even in the Old Testament accidental killings carried a stiff penalty because God values all. But the Bible also differentiated. Between accidental killing and premeditated killing for example in Numbers Chapter 35 we find that the Israel lights were commanded to have what were called cities of refuge for those who were guilty of an accidental killing if you accidently killed someone as opposed to premeditated killing them if you accidentally killed somebody you could go to a city of refuge where you would be safe from an avenging relative but you had to remain there your personal liberty was forfeited until the high priest had died and that God said very clearly throughout the Old Testament that no one guilty of a deliberate could go to a city of refuge in other words God delineated between accidental and deliberate killing and that's why in verse 13 of Exodus 20 perhaps the New American Standard most correctly translates this command when it says you shall not murder. I mean haven't you heard this argument all of the time people say why they're all kind of contradictions in the Bible one contradiction is the Bible says that we shall not kill and yet killing is sanctioned by God throughout the Old Testament in all of these wars there is an obvious contradiction of scripture no the Bible differentiates between sanctioned killings that will look at in a moment and deliberate cold blooded taking of life of a personal enemy the correct translation is you shall not murder someone you shall not take his life out of anger or out of convenience now I suggested at the beginning of this message that all of us in a way are guilty of this crime there's more than one way to kill a person and what exactly does God mean when he says you are not to destroy another person were certainly the most obvious way to violate this commandment is murder by physical violence and that is the primary application of this passage murder by physical violence I want you to turn to Genesis Chapter 4 for a moment and I want to still look at the 1st homicide in human history and it's recorded in Genesis Chapter 4 it is the 1st killing of another human being what if you will it Genesis 4 beginning with Verse 3. So it came about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the Lord of the fruit of the ground and Abel his brother on his part brought the 1st wings of his flock and of their fat portions and the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering but for Cain and various offering God had no regard so Cain became angry and his countenance fell and then the Lord said to Cain why are you angry why is your countenance fallen. When if you do well will not your countenance be lifted up and if you do not do well sin is crouching at the door and its desire is for you but you must master it mother wait let me stop there and point out a very basic basic principle for living right feelings follow right actions. Wrong feelings follow wrong actions and this is a basic verse for counseling with other people if you do well will not your countenance may be lifted up it is a lot easier to actor self into a right feeling than it is to feel yourself into right action if you do the right thing eventual you'll start to feel the right thing that's what God says if you do well will not your countenance be lifted up and verse 8 of course Cain had not done well and came told Abel his brother and it came about when they were in the field that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and he killed him and then the Lord said to Cain Where is Abel your brother God one asking for knowledge of course he knew were able was but he was trying to bring came to a point of repentance Where's Abel your brother and Cain said I do not know either way Contrast that to Adam and Eve when they were confronted with their sand they can vest but now you have the 1st instance of someone lying to God I do not know am I my brother's keeper and God said what have you done the voice of your brother's blood is crying to me from the ground. No one had ever witness the killing of a human being before this instance. And I want you to imagine the shock of the Adam and Eve as they looked on the lifeless body of their son Abel. Nobody had ever seen that before. Perhaps nobody more than Adam and Eve understood the value of human life they themselves were alive because God had breathed the breath of life into them they realized that life was a gift from God and no one had the right to take that which God had given. You see the value of life by the way all throughout the Old Testament turn over to Genesis Chapter 9 verse 6 Look what the Bible says and this is a key passage by the way regarding capital punishment people ask you does the Bible allow for capital punishment Here's the 1st instance of it in the scripture God said in Genesis 96 Whoever sheds man's blood by man his blood show also be shared so valuable as human life God says if somebody takes a lie deliberately from another person that person's life is to be taken as well and some people say well that was just the Old Testament today we live under grace God doesn't sanction that today are really turned over to Romans Chapter 13 the New Testament passage regarding capital punishment. As well as war Romans 13 versus 3 and 4 remember the young godly Emperor Nero was on the throne when Paul wrote these words but look at what he says about government authorities verse 3 of Romans 13 for rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior but for evil do you want to have no fear of authority do what is good and you will have praise from the same for governing authority is a minister of God to you for good but if you do what is evil be afraid for the government does not bear the sword for nothing for it is a minister of God and of Ben juror who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil . Paul says government has the right to bear the sword that is to execute those who commit unrighteousness God sanctions capital punishment so this command that shall not murder certainly doesn't apply to capital punishment in fact capital punishment is God's way of saying I value life life is so precious that if anyone you search my authority and take it that person shall be guilty by dad by the way. This command not murder does not deal with war either look at the Old Testament throughout the Old Testament is there kid or the Old Testament scholars said there were no pacifist in the Old Testament God continually commanded war and when he commanded war he meant all out war he would command that every human being be killed if God designated a city or a people for destruction. What I believe this command applies to is the personal taking of another person's life either out of anger or out of convenience and by the way I believe this command can be. Applied to abortion. People say where does the Bible speak about abortion certainly in Psalm 139 that we've looked at before where we are knit together in our mother's womb that all of our days are in God's book before there is yet one of them but here's another passage turned to Exodus Chapter $21.00 verses $22.23 somebody asked you that that thing in the mother's room it's nothing but biological blob that's all it is 3000 years ago that's not what God said that life in the womb has value and you see that in the Old Testament law look at Exodus 21 verse 22 if man's strong. Go with each other and strike a woman with child so that she has a miscarriage yet there is no further injury he shows surely be fined as the woman's husband may demand of man and he shall pay as the judge decides but if there is any further injury then you shall appoint as a penalty why for a life God said that why the inside of the womb is valuable so that if there is an injury that causes a miscarriage that person is to suffer a penalty who committed the act of violence by the way I think this a commandment Thou shalt not murder that is usual not God's right to take a lie and I think it applies to euthanasia. In our own life to be taken prematurely and I think it applies to suicide taking your life prematurely God is the one who gives the gift of life only God has the right to take. By the way while we're talking about murder by violence let me make a secondary application here and that is God hates any kind of violence God is utterly opposed to violence again read through the Old Testament law and you will find Prohibition a get of after prohibition against striking physically another person why is that because human beings are objects of value to God God is the one who creates life he values life and therefore he hates any kind of violence. You know people say Pastor you know what do you say to a woman who is live in an abusive marriage were her husband is beating her and subjecting her and her children to violence. There's this grew up thinking out there I'll get in trouble for saying it but there's a screwed up thinking out there that says a woman just posed to stay in that situation she just posed to pray about it she just post to take her beating with dignity that is absurd that is absurd and that is a by a lation of the Word of God Human life is valuable to God it is valuable to God. By the way the sanctity of human life not only applies to life inside the womb it applies to life outside of the womb all life is valuable to God and God hates violence he hates any kind of violence and I want to show you something that you may not have seen before turn over to Genesis Chapter 6 for a moment this is the story of. God's judgment of the world by sending in the flood and I want you to notice the stated reason that God judged the world he destroyed the world with the flood did he do it because of sexual immorality in the world that was certainly rampant did he do it because of idolatry that was rampant but neither one of those is the reason God gave for destroying the world the 1st time look at what it says in Jenin $6611.00 now the earth was corrupt and the side of God and the earth was filled with what with violence and then look at verse 13 then God said to know what the end of all flesh is come before me for the earth is filled with violence because of them and behold I am about to destroy them with the earth the reason God ended the world the 1st time was because of violence God hates violence and we live in an ever increasing lay by Lindt society today you know it's interesting to me. The Christian parents they are absolutely adamant and opposed to pornography which they are to be but some Christians who are so strident and adamant against allowing their children to see p.g. 13 or a p.g. Movie they're adamant against any hint of a morality which they should be they allow their children to sit in front of television sets and go to movies and watch murder after murder mutilations decapitations these slasher films and they think nothing about it oh that's just by once it's not sex Listen do you think that doesn't have an effect on people listen to this by a time a child grows up in America he or she will have viewed tens of thousands of murders and acts of violence on television and in the movies if that wasn't enough we can now act down violent inclinations with a video game on a computer screen. It's days like this when I wish we had longer than an hour for our broadcast God's word has so much more to teach us about the value of human life and the depravity of violence and we'll continue this topic on tomorrow's edition of pathway to victory because of the importance of this series on the 10 commandments were making the complete collection of messages available on audio cd when you give a generous gift to support the ministry of pathway to victory it comes with a hopeful life application study guide to guide your conversation in a small group or to help you follow along in your personal study just ask for this series called God's top 10 when you give the audio C.D.'s come with the encouragement card I mentioned earlier featuring the list of the 10 Commandments on one side and the 2 greatest commands from Jesus on the other side now if you're able to give a generous good. Of $60.00 or more we've set aside several more resources for you in addition to the audio cd series and the encouragement card I'd also like to send you a hard copy of my best selling book titled a place called heaven if you already had the book this is a book you could give to somebody else as a great witness have your own faith in Christ and in addition will include the helpful brochure that clearly shows you what 7 world religions teach about Heaven I've given you a lot of information I know and so I'm going to ask David to go through these details one more time and let me say thank you and advance for your generous financial partnership with pathway to victory without question we could not enjoy these daily visits together without your support David thanks Dr Jefferson you're invited to request a copy of the god's top 10 cd set when you give a generous gift to support the ministry of pathway to victory it comes with a life application study guide along with the loving God loving your neighbor encouragement card to make your request give us a toll free phone call 866-999-2965 or follow the easy steps online at p t v dot org And when you give an especially generous gift of $60.00 or more we're prepared to send you 2 additional resources a hardcover copy of Dr Jefferson's bestselling book a place called heaven and a handy brochure on what 7 world religions teach about heaven if you already received these resources last month Think about this you could give these copies to a friend or a family member who needs to know the hope of heaven take advantage of this special offer right now by calling 866-999-2965 or visit our website that's at p t v dot org We're happy to receive your requests. By mail if you'd like just address your own below to p.o. Box 223609 Dallas Texas 75222 that's p.o. Box 223609 Dallas Texas 75222 I'm David j. Mullins join us again on Friday when Dr Jeffress presents the conclusion of his message called murder he wrote right here a pathway to victory. Make plans to join Dr Robert Jeffress this coming June 28th Dot org. Heaves k f a x traffic brought to you by in and out burger metering lights around of the Bay Bridge toll plaza traffic is backed up into the maze and now in Berkeley 80 westbound is stop and go from Ashby on into the maze of the ultimate towns west down to 05 is very slow from Grantland road up to 580 and it picks up slightly but stays heavy on West 5 medium to Greenville road north down to 38 you stop and go from 580 out to 80 and southbound 80 continues heavy on down to Winton States. 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