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Implements the war and housing costs pushed its lead to the eye. What looked like it was a lot but actually it wasnt me. Yet half dome will cut them to get treatment in america but is said about the war so well and that children are killed every year is our top story. It uses opted to match me kevin and its just up the one i am in now. Well big news coming up weekend. This morning kids interim governments preparing a massive crackdown on protests is in the east of the country involving the armed forces demonstrators would give an ultimatum to vacate all seized government buildings by six am gmt on monday. At the National Security council that this is the operation could to stop the aromatic could stop the light that says a wave of popular unrest against the two appointed leadership think it is noted tendency to use one else thought this is too savvy ask for up to three people reportedly killed early sunday. The system of peaches received a letter from the restive city made a poll that extremists might decide to join the offensive on activists. This self defence unit in that they are attacked by right wing radical. Justice Graham Phillips is that he says people are bracing themselves for more violence. Maybe overnight. These people all culmination of self defense people have come almost ready to defend this energy which is nice to run to be productive on barricades today weve also seen hundreds of local people come out to the streets to express this war whats happening he had to be cool if a referendum would be calling for the boys to the heights in terms of standing up against the key of double which they declined as unconstitutional. As undemocratic. The day began with a storm attend to this Police Headquarters complex to hauling me. I was unsuccessful this morning i didnt manage to get to work because traffic is paralyzed is the cd is sealed off military helicopters are flying overhead here spreading panic among the people that arent some shots early in the morning it sounded like fireworks but no fireworks take place at nine am on the tv they have urged people to stay indoors because the security operation was launched. These people come up empty on the vast majority of them peaceful. This is a strong statement of intent in terms of all they want to listen to the bone behind is not going to a depth of eighty atmosphere of calm punctuated by sporadic at best afield with ongoing reports swelling the storm could happen again tonight. Of course dimitri general has called for a fact of the award in this poll to the east of ukraine refused to accept the demands of these people here. I order all the elements of the reit sector to start the full mobilization and prepare for decisive actions to defend ukraine. I call an old police and Security Forces to assist the right sector instead of stopping us. The best as i say for the moment is calm all the months ahead will bring remains to be seen thats the way we just wanted to meet the other issues that need to notorious rights act agreement which was at the forefront of the race but he can lead to yet. Its meant as a front above the fascist ideology reit sector lead is known for making controversial statements including coal to join forces with chechen terrorists launch attacks on russian knowing that they threatened to blow up like mine she sometimes he gets to you. But the bottle and he said that the story noted University Says the new authorities in kiev be using the right thing to radicals to maintain control over this restive region. You go to camp master said to have a natural option is to incorporate the permanent reflexes of the reit sector into something that would be more like a state oversight and from the radio all the local police to the south east of ukraine too. So theyll talk to the new regime in cuba. They really do need of going back to this the new Human Capital which will all bring them home can smell the same time it has an incentive to leave the radical right wing militias who kept sending them some work. What if successful the company could be fake blood units from pole position in the southeast during the winter we come the movies of the three of us highlight of the new regime which came to power on the back of collective violence and pepper. Ltd tata company. People are such nice to be trained in wellingtons march demanding a referendum it would independent soul greats for autonomy from kiev where the main concerns is the rise of radicals to pout about sports led people to get to the first place is the feast griffin options before me the mountainside with the city than the nets lead to mistakes in handling has become recently the extent of anti protest this is what the tribunal did not think these new authorities get at places where they fled the age of all finance peoples independent account of this republic. It has its own force is aimed at protecting that they have not commanded to concede knee and back and sample from a single moment is that the route also have an effect on the detectors and monitor the flow. We defend our motherland. Just on its going to kill us this is often happens in the regional capital. I will say that they hear the repetition of things that matter at least after leaving the deadly bombings weight of all governmental buildings taking the advice of the groups hold a protest in sixteen seventy seven. I am going to stick to the friendly so that coming home with machine guns in alicante yesterday for example was a chill. And then toss them in the great doco town center on one knee and he told the media while the information you can mix up the countrys population the raw representatives of almost all the tissues and towns. This region. I think my kids and employees of the region has been Great Enterprises and each region wide and low base and eleven storey building. We are for social justice. The creation of a republican means drastic changes in the way our territory is organized. We are forty quality of languages. We are against the repression of the majority by the nationalist Minority Stake in the end of the top four hundred and seventy Million Dollars to keep less than one hundred in continuing concerns. All the mines and enterprises in the nets are prosperous. When i was in the sentinel and the intention. Its nice to meet county romanesque the rain. The action russias foreign minister under the aegis equities to discuss the crisis in a phone conversation ended. John kerry once again but moscow for the recent escalation in ukraine demanding the rush to clear out of the southeast for his part second of robots to count upon to provide evidence to support those allegations which he says men for the upcoming talks on the crisis. T activistso claims that plaguesll a russian and stirring up trouble here on sunday. The people of the dawn its region have risen against me at the protesters are simply locals were fed up and you dont want to le in a country ruled by oligarchs and neo nazis claims that russian agents are stirring up unrest on the ground are absurd. Worries to hearing things like that but its nonsense. The only new people with russian passports we are the journalists and just to remind you not a single russian official has come here to speak in front of the crowds austin is the demonic make it stop waging war against its own people and another that comes to emergency session of the Un Security Councils been cold the course of mormon. As it unfolds. Make this out to me to cope with the current tensions in ukrainian gas relations between kiev and Moscow Office of the statements me crazy. Europe could be in the short of some michael gas supplies will pick that up all that much will become human. Ultimately no proof it was peaceful and just at the demonstration turned violent in the capital dozens of people reportedly injured in clashes. Thousands took to the streets of robot hundred high housing costs unpleasant consequences of it from the stagnant economy but when the crowd which the lathe administrator city center some of those activist and started throwing rocks and vocals and firecrackers that the police between ten and responded with tear gas and baton charges the dilemmas pop of color afloat explains why people is typically so angry right now they have been. What is clear in the country is that really upsets over the center of the societys rules were working or you know the word he then went to teach them that this issue. And so is the kitchen. Its not one word. And so forth and even people who can survive thanks to. We should use of color he says they do now. Users can use in the stands to lose a vote of ten members had fun bonding time. People who chose the hero. No job no house. The retirement benefits. Its been a few minutes can use all the uk one of the street to roam the streets a great dentist a few notches take to the streets in athens despite a ban on protest of the czech though by heavy security and a bag of merkels visit to the greek capital to praise the country for making a financial cuts demanded by brussels. Tribune is the state Sector Workers are hit hard by the countrys economic belt tightening stage the apprentice to coincide with merkels visit on friday seven thousand Police Officers were deployed to maintain or the ongoing sector cuts a graceful made up to eleven thousand a lot of people the defense and Civil Servants of the five going into the year. The grim prospect for the bus made twenty eight percent unemployment in the country couple started measures the cuts also made to form the countrys gdp thats life thats almost a third to two it was in two thousand and nine deg c of a new school to the despotic a list of terrorists believe society as a whole is ultimately paying a terrible price for trying to get the coming back on track. We have been turned into Society Without the future of everyday life is getting even worse. Along with the impossibility of extremism of the same time that the greek government is trying to present the present and emerged today that this is entering the kids getting back into the markets. Its the tracks over the last Great Society has paid the cost free society is willing to pay for its return to the markets. Its huge and this can expand the scope of the governments celebrate the return to the market to the same time a major strike and thousands of people. It takes home the reality of the people in the streets and the remainder of the people in this pullover look beyond excited. Big news of the week ive still been kept in afghanistan as it remains unclear if the first round of the president ial election will produce a win at them as a bundle thousand amid mounting taliban terror attacks and the impending withdrawal of us led forces the civilian casualties on the rise. Children also form and taken to the wall next to me to the story of one of the guild was lucky enough to get help from a bowl but that was sent back into the walls i just cant go to story this seven year old afghan girl was brought to the us for medical treatment almost a year after she was injured in a plastic comb the privilege of being a cauldron of violence since the us invasion of afghanistan. One morning she went outside to play with their brothers the night before there was a violent battle between taliban fighters and us college before says nothing residence there were queues to. She picks up what looked like a little rock but actually was a creamy. Good on the floor the explosion killed should be bs brother. It destroyed her right eye when she lost most of her right arm. The us non profit the children of four Foundation Brush and bp to a hospital in los angeles where she received a press that acorn. So many children shes a Fortunate One who came here for so many more children that need this kind of treatment. Mimi were victims of roadside bombs or wear khaki the crossfire ongoing insurgent barrels u s drone strikes are causing an increasing number of civilian casualties. Charity organizations can hardly keep up with helping those who have suffered from the war the United States and not being in afghanistan nation building or in the house and our track record suggests that we are competent to do this. And it isnt exactly appreciated by people who see us bombing property destroying lives and then coming in and building a new school. Bb has enjoyed her time in l a she was invited to a gallery in Beverly Hills to paint with her pathetic card. She showed quite a bit of talent but call it the pear tree. Went home to get is that where ever they knew is apparently been feared that their children the couple greet me thinking its just a walk. In watching condensed account are key. Such a tough start for the stupid youtube. This is human to be shot in confronting afghanistan the report says most in five hundred children were killed in the country just last year and since the American Innovation will the decade ago woman twenty seven thousand afghan civilians the fallen victim to the wal. All stories that shape a week for a short break iraq intervention the eye. We can make of it on a random pics to share the weekend amid the relentless unrest in ukraine is up to tucson to become a covering of the promises made in brussels and washington but the cash has yet to be saved. Need somebody to put to question americas commitment than to ukraine he said helped extend beyond timing of this gives people the straight before to confirm the cost of when the deputy secretary of state to protest is to cookies sometime back into time kiev only about a cushy crimes but has been called to put billions of dollars worth of direct loans and also subsidies as well for most of the posse is to be to have a lot. This constant g eight percent incredible than thirty five billion dollars in the last four years alone on top of that approach has paralyzed the capital and drink state coffers late last year. Boston legal and get fifteen billion dollars of which three billion has already been received no small sum in itself. So that money was supposed to cover gas debt which remains outstanding in the months with a two billion dollars again no small sum itself but they could be but these for russia to visit madison paid his debt whether the clinical because this week this last weekend. The fish to declare that will allow the paper any russian gas major concern that too is that ukraine might stop siphoning gas from the pipes that run to the eu something this image of the house before. It would change of business in europe and skip this blog for another anti war and peace to you live. Shes been sending castillo over decades the meaning even in the cold war when weve really wet and its citizens and to be shes higher than its easier whats changed is is the greatest in the way ukraine is causing all these problems because its a bit of pain that the lessons of russias building or Service Departments the north and west and south. Eventually the white house for the whole political situations that ukraine is the bridge is being blamed for inciting a nation where is that the economics of the time to get his bike. Geez i am able to dispose it all the problems while russian president said the method to european stress european leaders this week called him and help address the ukrainian issue before its too late. The leftovers of this i fell in washington has accused moscow of using image is a political weapon it is open to making responded to an american delegation. Its not polite to read other peoples letters symbols an address to the move into gas consumers in europe. Everyones ears to our american friends eavesdropping but peaking as well as not to toll. Beat on american officials hope they confessed they dont double check the alleged facts they hid from the self acclaimed government in kiev. So you are relying on the new government the blue he had any independents. Well of course we remain very closely i in touch with the Ukrainian Government and add that to leave work closely with enough force there on the ground so id information about the pain of carrying out relevant to current teachers deal with the decision to withdraw from the teaching one one two three four with a sublime things that set up a situation like this. Yet this is not true. These are russians thank you tell a man exactly what i what i just can they tell you and you can certainly reach out to the russians for any reduction and margaret what comes of extremely intense but the media from news outlets are pushing bed the movements of the little places in reality is ago this can often lead to aunties will receive the week from some listings dawsons ukrainian media is just a laudable goal for controversial reports related to russia and information is often being shared and we bolted even though some of it is either complete or four weeks old and has some this is fake as nectar is this love this picture was published by several Media Outlets that shows alleged empty shells in a Grocery Store in crimea but the price tag is in us dollars thousand dollars turns out that this picture was taken in doses of what can you work as it was giddy with the flow. Its wired up bra snapping this picture of alleged crimean the refugees that area familia one meanwhile does the dude seemed like the refugees with the same picture was used by another ukrainian media outlet. Were doing a report on syria. Pg seven hundred thousand of what my personal favorite is this what this is a story about the occasional edge to russian spy. Caught red handed in ukraine and this ied is sort of like the main proof presented by the media it has lots of grammar mistakes. Its in russian but being the best thing is that here. This occupation in just as why would a sane rational which accomplishes this by so thats not a discrete will rely on i have an idea that is why all that well not a good spot. Its pathetic but that also economist and video of the ukrainian tv station of preparing to do a live report from an alleged brawl my gun pro western rally in twenty eight years the report it seems so frank and airframe theres a lot of people around the journals but then the camera pans to the right there any visitors only ten fifteen people there was a winner. This man. Also is indigent and he appears to be directing the crowd either to make some noise or to keep quiet so this again raises questions about how correct this information is still theres tons over the outfit which truly facts out to be checked. Well we check all the stories of the online tool that awaits separation this day and staying interesting one is the son of god to become independent of state and all the new boss nation in riga for my own website up to go home. I knew a School Children to be in for a show that diet is set to drastically change find out what will be on the menu not to go home. The indices of everyone from previously been lavished on to shift western Companies Event went ahead despite my criticism of the nations human rights record. The gold king has been waging a three year long crackdown against pro democracy protests last month eleven thirteen boundaries including teenagers with jail for life after being found guilty of attacking police and criticize big heavy handed but in another move what they considered is overly heavy handed twenty eight protests and Court Sentences of up to ten years for a similar offences. Its all part of its clampdown on dissent be countrys government reportedly ordered one point six million teargas canisters that over this in the week with the rhythm of one point three million is now the size of population in bahrain you could save one of the bedouin of the kill. All four opposition and peace i have the elvis ali believes the west is turning a blind eye to whats going on government hard to come out of the situation and the green bars drinking formula one. If the urine stained up looking at installing going in for him to the kid has an automatic that is based on the amount of opposition invite the people trying to emphasize the human heart broken about freedom i dont think i should share in the evening in processing the politic and the process of cleaning i cant in an interview on the job was to have been changed because hes raising his voice of the victims of illegal torture all for the arbitrary detention and write some things in my story and the problem with the money kevin mclean. He knew how my heart problem. As humans to what shoes would really be the county would you grab the code coverage of news affecting the old well that is the one above the nuts and bolts battle comes together well about two hours time. If i can watch a brand new series lead. What kind of joke. Not really about me its a tough characters do it if he hasnt yet he was absolutely insane and with that big breaking stories now in the world. But rocked to sleep on her menu for either the and they are in harms way. We constantly see it was an extremely stressful tuition and you see here for one of the characters alexei twenty one years of where he walks into a live report and were following him as a follow on correspondence and then the library. He was shot at will is that this window i never hear it. Looks like a star in minutes and just before his life he was shot at. Thats something now that hes a deal with emotional stress behind that they are producers there should be all that. And just to see him get his thoughts. Go on air knowing the board was within meters of him as just that is insane to me i can imagine aussie sell his shares has fallen that some woman key of knowledge or just wanted to get back on the one daddy are taking cover apparently inside a nearby building of lexi the truce was agreed upon in the upper my country in a state of texas the moment just to get an idea of whats happening right now ill probably love to give you a better view of the Independence Day which is just always get what we were just shocked that we ate we just saw gunfire. Another one ever cared that much of the notion of who is a war correspondent and she has legal analysts use in syria where she snuck in and a distillery and a china to stop shooting and she just would not quit. Theres a very impressive and Something Else you would understand. I was fine with me. I spotted signs in the front wheels just this month. At this the one thing i actually really love the snow but because for twenty minutes hes been hiding with this guy that she just wants to get her stand up. The other can. This gives us. This is yet to be seen and im heading to mass graves that asking how the fundamentals for more than a year not just today we are ttc her broadcasts he would never have known that she spent twenty minutes writing that this is just to get to stand up and finish well. But ms timmins. You get the insiders look into. He too would release them into motion a wonderful run to the store to be steeped into a cathartic and preparing a massive crackdown on Anti Government protest is in bold are the countrys armed forces activists of the given until monday morning to cement the government buildings that they are occupying. Extremist right sector groups also reportedly joined the operation against the demonstration. Papelbon but that they reportedly have been killed most of his defense killing somebody activists in occupied government buildings in major cities in east the country dismissing the ukraines to appoint a government says the mother the referendum on independence and greater autonomy from the head. This is our team. The renault room. A little while back my teammate eddie Michigan University that resembles a breaking ball was removed due to brave the stores trying to imitate the sexy miley cyrus music video where she swings around naked iraqi oil. What do you think of money with maggie for acts of stupidity is not important what is important is that the skills hes just how much the media affects us all. Monkey see monkey do is a reality after ever talk him out every person halloween pay themselves bright blue when i was a kid literally every child one to jump off their bid to be a pro wrestler called cleaned and packed every little opium a very callous to become a rap star people say that religious traditions and government propaganda to indoctrinate us to forget that makes the Corporate Image or does exactly the same thing as i was in much better at it maybe people dont want to accept the fact that thousands of Marketing Campaigns that their bombard with everyday effect among some deep level what they do the reality is the promise that nowadays these images that bombard us are all stupid what to expect people to be like when the only images that the cia imitate are full of idiots like some naked girl stupid metal ball just my opinion the world. I would like to make effects and the fresh snow im going to use them. Whats the impact of that i would be a sheet of paper towel powell who can just wait and its people more than that wrap tightly in his hand hello. And wrapped in a sheet of puff. Helen. Into a freezer bag. In teal. In your curves with the french open and new wounding one. I do all that welcomed a nice line it is monday april fourteen fantastical by ashley and tokyo. The meter so that ukraines interim government of one separatists to disarm or face a full scale anti operation. No russian activists have occupied government buildings in several Eastern States government leaders have given them a monday deadline to lay down their arms or with a military assault. Acting president elites and

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