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A federal regulator will be in des moines today to approve or deny the changes to the states Medicaid Program. Tse changes are supposed to happen january 1st. Yesterday, an Oversight Committee took a vote to delay the switch by six months, but the vote tied, and failed. The Committee Also questioned the companies that will oversee medicaid and heard public comments. Several dozen medicaid recipients and family members packed the meeting room and an overflow area. Nearly every patient complained ththswitch to private operation of the system is happening too fast. One activist hopes they stop the rush to managed care. T outpouring from iowa and the outcry is unprecedented and cms has never seen that and theyreretudying it cms stands for centers for medicare and medicaid services. The organizations regulators will question the four companies the state selected for the Medicaid Program. Cancer are living longer today than they did 20 years ago. Thats what a new university of iowa study found, and it says it could be due to surgery. Kcrgtv9s Forrest Saunders is live in the newsroom this morning. Forre, the study found the survival rate has also gone up . Up six months, to 26. Thats the median when comparing women from 1988 through 91 to 2007 through 11. This data study was published earlier this month. Researchers say after looking at 21thousand cases of stage four Breast Cancer, the reason survival rates might be up is removal of the primary tumor. For dececes, doctors ignored it to give patients as much quality of life as possible. Dr. Alexandra thomas says the study didnt suggest why the surgery is beneficial, just that it could be. She says more investigation is needed. How can we identify those women that are lely to be long term survivors and offer them according to the study, when lookingngt those diagnosed before 2002, researchers found 9. 6 percent of those who received surgery had a least 10 year survival, compareded to 2. 9 percent of those who didnt. Still doctors say the surgery might not be for everyone. But the numbersre promising for the future. Back to you guys in the studio. Thanks a lot forrest. A chicago man whos accused of killing his girlfriend in dubuque wants to move his trial. Prprecutors say 27 year old eddie hicks killed his girlfriend, 21 year old kahdyesha lemon. Police say he stabbed her multiple times at her dubuque home on june 17th. Hicks was in court yesterday while attorneys argued whether his upcoming trial should be held in Dubuque County or somewhere else. These are pictures courtesy of the telegraph herald. Attorneys playephone call recordings from weeks prior to the will hear those recordings. A linn county man wont be charged for assaulting a Police Officer as part of his plea deal. The jujue accepted a plea dede for kyle orth and sentenced him to 180 days in jail with three years probation. In march, orth drove a borrowed bmw toward cecer rapids officers after a brief chase. Orth was a salesman at Zimmerman Ford in cedar rapids. According to a criminal complaint, orth had a blood alcohol level of point 113 at the time. Police e y he admitted to having between 5 and 7 beers that night. He pleaded no contest to interference with official acts, and pleaded guilty to drunk driving and attempting to elude police. In the middldlof his jail sentence, orth was granted a 30day furlough. Orths Attorney Says the plea was a state and defense agreement. We said you know we need to find a way to balance the different i iterests, and i know have the pending cases resolved, and to get back to working a kind of normal life. Orths attorney al requested a work release, but the judge has not made a decision on that yet. In a tv9 followup this mojning. The Us Supreme Court will consider a long running dispute between thehe Us Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and a cedar rapids based trucking company. The Court Granted a petition friday from cedar rapidsbased crst van expedited to review a decision of the court of appeals. The issue is whether the equal Employment Opportunity commission has to pay the company 4 point 7 Million Dollars in legal ees. Thihiwas after a Major Investigation into claims that female truckers were sexually harassed. An Appeals Panel ruled that crst cannot pay for those fees if the claims were dismissed. The Supreme Court s suld make a decisisi next two iowa men were wounded in separate deer hunting accidents in one day. The department of natural l resources says 47 yearold Walter Freeman of winfield was hunting near that town sunday afternoon. Thats when another hunter fired a deer slug that hit freeman in his abdomen. s now at universititof iowa hospitals, and we dont know his condition. Earlier sunday, 28 yearold travis myers of dundee was hunting with ten other people when a shot hit him in the right shoulder. That was nororeast of Backbone State Park in delaware county. Myers received treatment at the Manchester Hospital for a flesh wound. The dnr says in both cases, hunters were shooting at moving deer. A new state repept says there e more Jobs Available in the corridor than there are unemployed workers. Cleaning jobs are among the highest number of job openings in the region. Iowa Workforce Development surveyed more than 1 1hundred employers in linn, johnson, benton, cedar, iowa, and 32 percent reported job vacancies. The report shows the six counties have almost 11 thooand unemployed people, but more than 18 thousand open jobs. The state has more than 75 thousand unemployed workers, but only 44 thousand job openings. I think it is good news, it shows that our economy is moving forward. Companies are expanding and hiring, which is always good news. I think it presents a challenge, but an opportunity in doing Different Things in order to attract more peop to the area. The report also shows nearly five percent of the regional workforce is at retirement age. Hawkeye fans are rushing to get tickets to watch the Football Team in the rose bowl on new years day. Ticketmaster tickets go on sale today. Travel agencies have been slammed with requests. Fans wenento the ui ticket windows yesterday hoping to grab tickets. You can find them on sites like stubhub, but theyre gog for more than 500 dollars a piece. T tickets. Fans can go online and sign up to get them. They will find out next week if they got tickets, based on their donor and season Ticket Holder status. Both teams that are participating in the rose bowl were allotted 22,000 for the initial allotment, so those e plications are online, we encourage fans to go online, fill out the application, season Ticket Holders, and then that deadline isnt until 5 p. M. On thursday, so between no and then everyone can go, apply online and then at that time everything will be sorted out. The tickets through the school cost between 150 and 185 dollars each. Nonseason Ticket Holders will be put on a waiting list for those. Its Computer Science education week. The Cedar Rapids School distric and coding program imagination iowa are teaming up to promote this growing industry. They kicked off festivities at the citys downto library yesterday. Students learned how coding works by making a robot move through an online game. More coding events the former mayor of waterloo is getting a lot of thanks and well wishes. The city had a reception to honor mayor crews after he dececed to retire when it came to a runoff plan on clouds to increase as on. Within these clouds, we may see an isolated shower pop up, primarily in the Late Afternoon or early evening hours. Any measurable shower would only be a few hundredths. The bigger story continues to be on mild temperatures with another day in the 40s for everyone. 50s are possible in spots tomorrow, with widespread 50s likely for thursday and friday. Plan on a wet weekend, with a possible transition to snow out there on susuay or monday as well. This is a multipronged storm system with therefore its important to stay tuned as we get closer and as more data becomes available. Today isolated pm showers high 4652 winds s 515 alo 48 dbq 46 iow 50tonight isolated showers low 3137 winds w 515 alo 32 dbq 35 iow 34tomorrow partly cloudy high 4652 winds alo 47 dbq 47 iow 50tomorrow night low 3541 thanks kaj. People in cedar falal are thanking outgoing mayor jon crews for his many tpe city held a reception to honor him yesterday. Local and state leaders gathered at city hall to congratulate him on his retirement. Crews ran for another t tm last month, but he finished second among three candidates in the general election. That forced a runoff. Before that vote, he announced he would just retire at the end d this term. Crews has been cedar falls mayor for 30 of the past 44 years. His challenger in the runoff, businessman jim brown, will take over as mayor next month. American goods now have a much higherr retaliatory tariff. In todays agribusiness report, the World Trade Organization set those standards yesterday becau of a us labeling law. But right now, heres a look at todays opening farm markets. Good morning its. David geiger. Canada and 4 mexico can now place one point zero one billion dollars in retaliatory tariffs on us goods. Yesterday. The World Trade Organization set the the retaliation amount because of the us country of origin labeling law. Which requires meat to be labeled with what country the animal its made of was born. Raised. And harvested. The wto says cool violates us trade obligations and discriminates against canadian and mexican animals. The National Pork producersrsouncil in response calls for the law to be repealed so us suffer. The house of representativ es voted in june to repeal cool. But the senate has not yet acted. The cattle markets are takininanother hit because of that country of origin labeling rule. While a lack of demand is sending the grains into the red. Its all red ink across the entire grain board. Not a whole lot of fresh news out over the weekend. Farmer overhanging the market. Too over the weekend, seller increase in that late last week. And also too, the dollar is higher this morning. All that weighing on prices here so far today. This market right now is pretty much all demand. We need to keep a very aggressive pace up to be able t t sustain four dollar corn, nine dollar beans see how that all plays out in the next month or two. Same o,d, same old, i mean cattle are falling ououof the sky but really the big news this morning was the tariffs going in place here within about 10 days or so with canada and mexico with cool. Per National Cattlemen association you knowow maybe goooofor ten cents. Hopefully thats factored into the market right now but this tariff ruling is very, very important obviously to watch. Obvious i would advise listeners, cattle guys to get on the phone and call your senator. Get this thing reversed by christmas. Still got big ample theres no weaer on the horizon. Next ten days look very, very good to pack weights on again. The colfax sheep and goat auction on saturday saw 460 head of sheep. Feeder lambs fetched the ys high average price of 2. 12 per poun while fed lambs averaged 1. 33 per pound. Thehe2 goats at the ction saw a high average price ranging from 102. 50 to 82. 50 per head. Enrollment for next years fa safefe net coverage is now open at any local Farm Service Agency office. And its a lot easier this year than it was last year. Where farmers ha to choose between Agriculture Risk Coverage or price lossssoverage. As well as allocate their base acres. They dont have to do that this year. But they still have to enroll. If they want to be a part of crop insurance. But this year wont be as lenient as last year. Where they had both 2014 and 2015 years to work on. We had a way of getting folks back into the program were not going to have they need to get in and signed up in arc plc if they want to participate for the 16 crop. Those payments will be available in the fall of 17 afterctober 1st t f 17 so were lookikig at a long time out there. Whitaker says participation is voluntary for producers but they dont get the financial benefits. The open enrollment will end the first of august. And that wraps up the show for today. Thanks for joining. Ill see you again tomorrow. Well post a video every day in the agribusiness section of kcrg. Com. Youll find it under the news tab. Im david geer with the agribusiness report. Trt 3. 40 oc webtease perfecting a celebrationonance is a key part of any sport. And, dont worry, these College Basketball players have their moves down to a science. Stay with tv9. Its. Plan on clouds to increase as on. Within these clouds, we may see an isolated shower pop up, primarily in the Late Afternoon or early evening hours. Any measurable shower would only be a few hundredths. The continues to be on mild temperatures with another day in the 40s for everyone. 50s are possible in spotstsomorrow, with widespread 50s likely for thursday y d friday. Plan on a wet weekend, with a possible transition to snow out there on sunday or monday as well. This is a multipronged storm system with a lotf moving parts, therefore its important to stay tuned as we get closer and as more data becomes available. Today isolated p p showers high 4652 winds s 515 alo 48 dbq 46 iow 50tonight isolated showers low 3137 winds w 515 alo 32 dbq 35 iow 34tomorrow partly cloudy winds alo 47 dbq 47 iow 50tomorrow night low 3541 winds alo 37 dbq 37 iow 38 sococr and hockey goaliesesre making some silly plays. And there was a dangerous oops moment at this weeks rampage game. Its all in this weeks golden klutz. Lets start off the most dananrous kick of the week from the rampage game drills the light and and it almost hits the people below. Worst play by a goalie he kicks right to the defender the open goal. Youve got to be kidding me. That perctly wrapped early christmas present. And you know you having a bad day as a field goal kick when n u miss the exexa point and then turn around and do this on the kickoff. That looked like a middle school kick. And i have Baseball Players blaming it on the sun. But football players. It was right to him. Worst mechanical bull riding goes out to to bull riding goes out to to this bull riding goes out totoo this hawkwye fan in indydytv 9s Scott Westerberg showed him how to do it. Well maybe not and wether its a baseball or puck you have to keep your eye on it. Right between the wickets and make matters worse. Later in the game he came out of the net. Opps t tts another goaoaworst free throw shooting of the week the clippers deondre jordan air ball. Well its a good thing its a two shot foul. He can back to back air balls. How can he air ball 2 free throws and this okey state manager make an over the head half court with the ball in a towell and no question about the best cheering bench in college hoops. Monmouth knows how to celebrate. And this my favorite one right here. The upside down sisser good night the Cedar Rapids Police Department Says Violent Crime has gone down in the city over the last year. This comes as a teenager plans to plead guilty to voluntary manslaughter of another teenage boy. A judge has made the final decisioioon how many years a dubuque man will go to prison. The sentence has gone back and forth a few times. Stay with your 24 hour news source, kcrgtv9. Its. Source, this is kcrgtv9 news Early Morning news. Pleading guilty. The fourteen year old charged with firstdegree murder in the death of 15 yearold Aaron Richardson will plead auilty to lesser charaes today. Possible exposure. A dnr invesesgation shows construction workers, staff and possibly students at a Cedar Rapids School may have been exposed to asbestos. And prolonged life. A new university of iowa study finds more stage four Breast Cancer patients are living longer. And heres a live look at our city cam. First, meteorologis t kaj omara has your first alert forecast, kaj. Plan on clouds to increase as the day goes on. Within these clouds, we may ee an isolated shower pop up, primarily in the Late Afternoon or early evening hours. Any measurable shower would only be a few hundredths. The bigger story continues to be on mild mperatures with anonoer day in the 40s for everyone. 50s are possible in spots tomorrow, with widespread 50s likely for thursday and friday. Plan on a t weekend, with a possible transition to ow out there on sunday or monday as well. This is a multipronged storm system with a lot of movovg parts, ththefore its important to stay tuned as we get closer and as more data becomes available. Today isolated pm showers high 4652 winds s 515 alo 48 dbq 46 iow 50tonight isolated plans to plead guilty to voluntary manslaughter today. Authorities say he shot and killed another teen ter their two rival groups threatened each other on social media and over text message. Police say robert humbles killed 15yearold Aaron Richardson. Humbles also plans to plead guilty on two other charges. Altogether he faces 25 years in prison. He would be in a juvenile facility until he turns 18. A judge would then decide whether to release him or make him serve the rest of his prison sentence. On september 6th, two rival groups met near redmond park. Court documents show mbles fired his gunnd hit Aaron Richardson in the abdomen. Richardson then ran to o house in the 300 block of 16th street southeast. From there, First Responders took him to a cedar rapids hospital where he died after surgery. Cedar Rapids Police say violent ccme has gone down over the past year. Chief wayne jerman gave that report during a public night. He says the number of Violent Crimes has dropped 9 and a half percent since november 2014. However, jerman says burglaries have increased in certain neighborhoods. Significantly last month we saw burglaries were almost two times the average normal number of events reported so that was very cocoerning weve identified a number ofof groups and individuals who were responsible weve made some arrests for those cases jerman says people should always lock their doors and windows when leaving their homes. He says the numbers of Violent Crimes are down because of vigilant officerer and citizens notifying police. Some students and staff at Cedar Rapids Washington High School may have been exposed to asbestos during renovations last school year. A dnr investigation may lead to legal action against the School District and an Asbestos Removal company. A complaint started the investigation. The dnr says the company the district hired to failed on multiple levels. The district has insisted the work never exposed students or school staff to the material. But the litigation report from the dnr cited three times potential asbestos exposure happened during the school year in december 2014, Abatement Specialties used a negative air machine when cleaning up an asbestososontainment area. It was apparently blowing air into the School Hallway rather than outside. But we dont know if any of that air had asbestos in it. In april 2015 three air tests in the womens locker room failed two measured particulate overload and one measured high asbestos counts. But we dont know if this was an areany students of staff f ad access to. In may, the cocoany hired to check on asbestos levels, shivehattery, found a substantial amount of asbestos debris scattered throughout the bler room floor. Again we dont know w anyone othth than construction workers were near that area. The dnr litigation report also 119 construction workers and 7 subcontractin g companies were on the school sse in june and july when more testing showed high levels of asbestos. The district responded yesterday with a statement that reads in part, at this time the district has not been provided with any information indicating that any individual has tested positive for asbestos as a result of their presence on the job site. In a tv9 followup this morning. A judge resentenced a dubuque man to 50 years in prison for robbing a bar and shooting a Police Officer in 2009. This was 77 year old eddie chests third sentencing. Chest took a plea agreement and was charged with robbery and attempted murder for the Armed Robbery at knickers saloon. Thats where he shot Dubuque Police lt. Scott baxter. His last two sentences went against that plea agreement. In court yesterday, prosecutors made a stronger case for the original plea deal. Year sentences at the same time. His attorney said the shot chest fired ricocheted off the ground, then hit lieutenant baxter. But the judge told chest, that doesnt matter. He said chest pointed the gun in lt. Baxters s rection. This is a very serious offense. Given the time of day and the fact that its two armed individuals in a public establishment, multiple patrons and the nature of the firearm in question. The judge also pointed out chest had spent moo of his adult life in and out of prison for various crimes. The state medical examiner is performing an autopsy today on a body found in the cedar river close to gilbertville. Trapper found the body sunday mornininwhile checking traps. Authorities said itsot yet clear when the person died. They havent said if the remains are those of a man or a woman. Four people face drug charges in vinton as investigation. There were two searches yesterday morning at 704 east eighth street and at 512 west 14th street. Officers arsted 42 year old martin undvall and 41 year old Edward Finley on charges of conspiracy to manufacture meth. They also arrested 37 year old Kathy Johnson and 36 year old Jonathon Franklin for possession of drug paraphernalia. And they arrested a fifth person, 34yearold Phillip Horak on an outstanding warrant for contempt of court. The survival rates for woman with stage four Breast Cancer has improved over the last 20 years. The university of iowa conducted a study to find those numbers and what factors have contributed to the improvements. Kcrgtv9s Forrest Saunders joins us at the desk thihimorning. Forrest, what sorts o othings did this study find . Researchers looked at survival rates of 21 thousand women over the past two and a half decades. Officials found from 88 to 91, median survival was thats jumped to 26 months between the years 2007 and 2011. News patients love to hear. Sharon juon was diagnosed with stage four about five years ago. Doctors thought she had lymphoma at first. But it turned out to be much worse. I was conditioned for it being cancer. I wasnt conditioned for it being stage four. Ever the optimist, sharon put a challenge to her doctor. She booked an expensive trip to europe a few years out. Sharon was committed to getting there. A river cruise through europe, that i h h put together on my bucket list. I needed her to help me achieve it. The uihcs dr. Alexandra thomas came through. Sharon, was able to get to europe and take her trip, and since has even gone to australia. Prolonged success like sharons is what prompted dr. Thomas to take a closer lk at survival rates in the first place. Were seeing more and more stories like that. We wanted to united states. Dr. Thomas said the data study suggested why some woman like sharon may be living longer, primary tumor removal. In the past, it was ignored to give patients as much quality of life as possible, but the Research Suggests if removed it could lengthen lives. The reasons why a numerous, but dr. Thomas says its pointing researchers in the right direction. We need to revisit and thats what we put in our conclusions, we need to revisit that. For sharon, the future looks brighter than ever. Thats why shes booked another trip, this time to disney world, and she intends to see it come may. Y. Dr. Thomas said surgery of the primary tumor isnt for everyone. Even so the study reported, when looking at those diagnosed before 2002, researchers found 9. 6 percent of those who received surgery had at least 10 year survival, compared to 2. 9 percent of those who didnt. Me cedar rapids 8th graders are coming together to create change and break down stereotypes. The Franklin Middle School trendsetters group started meeting last school year, and theyve kept that work going. They me every mond with a goal of showing others how people of all different races can be equal and work together. The group is teaming up to do Community Service projects, visit colleges, and talk about issues affecting them. 7 22 43 it means a lot to me becauau we dont have to bebe segregated and talk about this. We can be all together and be positive and share our opinions about it and what happens in the world and how can make a change and a difference. 7 30 55 we came up with if you change the perception amongst one another and then we take this group out in the community and show people how well we get along then maybe that will start a change. The teacher helping thehetudents says they came up with the idea to form this group. She says it started after protests broke out and killed a black teenager in ferguson, missouri in the s smer of 2014. Some lawmakers are looking to new ways to help fight terrorism. Theyre turning to popular social mea sites to report suspicious activity. I guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. Never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. It never dawned on me thqt it could hurt your teeth. My dentist has told me your enamel isisearing away, really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, its kind of a onetime shot and you have to care for it. He told me to use pronamel. Its gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. It allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy plan on clouds to increase as the day goes on. Within these clouds, we may see an isolated shower pop up, primarily in the Late Afternoon or early evening hours. Any measurable shower would only be a few hundredths. The bigger story y ntinues to be on mild temperatures with another day in the 40s for everyone. 50s spots tomorrow, with widespread 50s likely for thursday and friday. Plan on a wet weekend, with a possible transition to snow out there on sunday or monday as well. This is a multipronged storm system with a lot of moving parts, therefore its important to stay tuned as we get closer and as more data becomes available. Today isolated pm showers high 4652 windsdss 515 alo 48 dbq 46 iow 50tonight isolated showers low 3137 winds w 515 alo dbq 35 ioww34tomorrow partly cloudy high 4652 winds alo 47 dbq 47 iow 50tomorrow night winds alo 37 dbq 37 iow 38 amazon has a new gadget in time for the holidays. And its Newest Technology may make falling asleep after reading a little easier. Stay with your 24 hour news source, kcrg tvnine. Its. Major indeces landing in the red by the closing bell. Lawmakers are looking to social Media Companies to help in the fight against terrorism. California senator dianne feinsin plans to introduce legislation that requires social media cocoanies like facebook, twitter and youtube to alert Law Enforcement when they find terrorist activity on their ptforms. Amazon has launched a new eightinch version of its fire tablet. Its specialized for readers and comes with a year of Kindle Technology that cuts blue light exposure before bedtime. That means you can read in bed without the stimulation that could disrupt sleep. Oil prices fell to a seven year low on monday after opec decided not to cut back on production. Gas prices could fall to an average of 175 a gallon over the next two months. Mild fall weather could mean a weak heating oil season, pulling prices down even morere on. Within these clouds, we may see an isolated shower pop up, primarily in the Late Afternoon or early evening hours. Any measurable shower would only be a few hundredths. The bigger story continues to be on mild temperatures with another day in the 40s for everyone. 50s are possible in spots tomorrow, with widespread 50s likely for thursday and friday. Plan on a wet weekend, with a possible transition to snow out multipronged storm system with a lot of moving parts, therefore its important to stay tuned as we get closer and as more data becomes available. Today isolated pm showers high 4652 winds s 515 alo 48 dbq 46 iow 50tonight isolated showers low 3137 winds w 515 alo 32 dbq 35 iow 34tomorrow partly cloudy high 4652 winds alo 47 dbq 4747ow 50tomorrow night low 3541 winds alo 37 dbq 37 iow 38 thanks kaj. Heres a look at todays top the 14yearold charged with first degree murder in the shooting death of 15yearold Aaron Richardson in cedar rapi will plead guilty to a lesser charge today. Robert humbles will plead guilty to voluntary manslaughter, reckless use of a firearm resulting in serious injury and going armed with intent. He faces s years in prison on all charges those sentences running consecutively. A federal regulator who will approve iowas change to privatize medicaid arrives in des moines today. Iowa lawmakers agreed to disagree over whether the state should slow down the push at a meeting yesterday. Medicaid patients say the deadline january first is too soon. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Isnt it time to let the. Real you shine. Through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection, or a cream. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase. The risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression. Or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treaeaent. Side effffects may ilude diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant o planning to be. Ask your doctor about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Hawkeyes hammered western campbell has the highlights. Mr cool had the hot hand for iowa. Time after time he hit. How about classic fall away jumper. He had 24 at half. Mike gessel popor move. Second half uthoff deals to woodbury. Jarrod hits free throw for his career high 27. Then he goes to the bench. Iowa beats the leathernecks 9056. Thats my game. If i am not hitting i pass t tonite my shots were falling. I wanted to leave him in but our lead go too large. Pasadena on her mind or shoulder. John campbell tv9 iowa state looks like they are ready for the hawks thursday night at hilton. The fourth ranked cyclcles came out bombs away against buffalo tonight in a tuneup. George niang with the triple for three of his. And the abdel nader with the quick baseline move for the kiss and one. And nader can do it all three ball cornenepocket to give the clones a 3016 lead. And how bout some defense. Jameel mckay with the swat. And iowa state led by 9 at the break. Buffalo came out running in the second half and cut the lead to one. But the cyclones asnwered with the long ball matt thomas connects off the inbounds. And then look the nice feed from long to mckay who finies inside and iowa state raises their record to 70 0 th the win. Football news. Iowa coach kirk named the regio3 coach of the ear. Also Austin Blythe is one of three finalist for the rimington trophy given to the most Outstanding Center in college football. And mount vernon lineman Tristan Wirfs has comitted to play for the hawkeyes in the class of 2017. Good Tuesday Morning to you from tv9. Youre looking live on our city cam. Its december 8th and this is what you need to know today. 14yearold robert humbles will plead guilt on charges today for the killing of 15yearold Aaron Richardson earlier this year in cedar rapids. A federal regulator will be in des moines today to approve or deny the changes to the states Medicaid Program set to happen on january first. President ial hopefuls and the white house are reacting to Donald Trumps statements to a new study from the university of iowa is

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