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And are not recorded. Your office found that Social Security had no death data for 6. 5 Million People over the age of 111. Do you really believe that there are 6. 5 Million People over the age of 111 in this country . No. In fact, thats why we did the audit on it. What we were finding is that people that were over 112 years of age were opening up Bank Accounts and we got suspicious. We found that 6. 5 million was not recorded as being deceased. Reporter how many people are countrisome im thinking ten. Reporter most federal agencies depend on the death master file. So if a death isnt listed, payments keep coming. We wondered what that would add up to in the course of a year, but no one in the government is keeping count. The best we could come up with for example, the department of agriculture paid farm subsidies and Disaster Assistance to more than 170,000 dead people over six years. That came to 1. 1 billion. The office of Personnel Management paid dead federal retires a little over a billion. And in 2010 alone, the irs paid more than 400 million in refunds to the dead. Social security doesnt know how many retirement and disability checks are cashed by the relatives of the dead, like sandra. Im a a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and now a felon. Reporter like a lot of people, she took in her aging, ill mother and had a joint bank account with her. When her mother died, the disability benefits kept coming. When did she die . She died in 1984. You report her death to Social Security . I did not. Reporter why not . I thought perhaps it would have been taken care of by the funeral director at some point. Reporter were you surprised that these benefits kept coming to you . No, not officially. I had a conversation with my mom prior to her death that i would be entitled to the benefits. So i just assumed, and went along with that thinking that i was entitled. Reporter what did t come to . Over a 30year period, over 160,000. Its not always as easy for me as it is for him. Its easy for me cause look at her. Aw. So we use ky ultragel. It enhances my bodys natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. And when i know shes feeling like that, it makes me feel like were both. When she enjoys it, feel the difference with ky ultragel. Check this out, bro. Whats that, broheim . I switched to geico more savings on Car Insurance . Yeah brofessor, and more. Like renters insurance. More ways to save. Thats not all, geico has motorcycle and rv insurance, too. Oh yeah, im all about more, teddy brosevelt. Geico. Expect great savings enough pressure in here for ya . Im gonna take mucinex sinusmax. Too late, were about to take off. These dissolve fast. Theyre new liquid gels. And youre coming with me. You realize i have gold status . Mucinex sinusmax liquid gels. Dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. The accusations were really flying at last nights republican president ial debate. But how much of that was true . It could take days to do all the research and thats an entire industry of Fact Checkers on the job. Mark albert reports. Reporter the winter of 2016 may well be remembered for a blizzard, but not of snow. Its been a flurry of prom is and pledges. My pledge is to raise incomes, not taxes, on the middle class. Reporter broad sides and brom past. The Unemployment Rate is probably 20 , and the highest ive heard so far is 42 . Reporter all delivered with one Family Spending more money than either the Democratic Party or the republican party. Reporter the gale force one liners can be nauseating, as the candidates try to conjoel and convince voters. We have seen in six years obamacare is the biggest job killer in this country. Reporter how do you know whats true and whats not . Like a lighthouse in the storm, glenn kesler tries to cut through the fog of facts. Reporter you catch politicians when they lie and call them out on it . Thats right. Reporter hows business these days . Better than ever. Reporter thats not so good for the democracy. Its good for journalism. Reporter kesler and michelle lee assign one to four pinocchios. But kesler doesnt type the l word. I cant get into a politicians head. Reporter but you have said false, dubious, debunk, no evidence. Deeply flawed, wildly inflated, bizarre claim, inaccurate and misleading. Yes, i plead guilty to using those words. Reporter and their thesaurus was well worn in 2015. Donald trump earned the most pinocchios. In fact, kesler wrote frankly, its really not interesting to fact check the donald as his assertions are so easily debunked. I saw people getting together and in fairly large numbers, celebrating as the World Trade Center was coming down. Reporter also on the list of their biggest pinocchios of 2015, president obama. Keystone is for canadian oil. It bypasses the United States. Media Fact Checkers are not they are liberal, editorial journalists. Reporter kesler says politicians or that you are staff even try to negotiate a better rating. But some just blink. I actually got calls from senator rob portman and senator amy cloebershar who said because of my fact checks they were going to be more careful in the future. Reporter if the number of claims has exploded, so too has the number of Fact Checkers. The Pulitzer Prize winning politifacts. Com has its own rating, pants on fire. What do you have . We dont have a rating system. We just tell readers this is misleading and this is why. Deputy manager editor at factcheck. Org. Were getting the voters the best information they can get. We want them to be armed with the facts. Reporter based in philadelphia, the nonprofit has a team of six staffers, led by eugene kylie. On this day, we found him Fact Checking a ted cruz tv ad. Its not true. Im trying to piece together the information i need to show heres what really happened. Reporter the team posted its analysis the next day. But even Fact Checkers are not allknowing. Just this week, politifact revised a headline after pushback from a president ial campaign, writing its original wording should have been more precise. Kylie says the sheer number of candidates and claims this cycle has been overwhelming. More of the same. Reporter thats not good. Its good for us in terms of being able to provide information to the public. Reporter mark albert, washington. The cbs overnight news will be right back. ,,, at ground zero in new york city, a new multibillion transportation hub is open for business. Some call it the most beautiful train station in the world. Others insist its a horrible waste of money. Its called occulace. 15,000 tons of steel reaching 25 stories tall. The famed architect designed it to resemble a bird rising, the archways will house 11 subway lines and officials estimate 250,000 commuters every day. What first struck you about this design . I really like the interior space the best actually. A contributing architect critic. A democracy should be building important buildings for people. Its nice to arrive in the city in an exhilarating place that sort of gives you a lift. You know, i think those great moments are like the exclamation points in the city. As much as places like this help downtown roar back to life, its not without controversy. This structure is billions over budget, and at least five years behind schedule. When the hubs design was first unveiled in 2004, officials estimated it would cost around 2 billion. But after rush design changes, water leaks and super storm sandy in 2012, the finished product will come in at 3. 9 billion. The hubs governing body, the Port Authority in new york and new jersey, called the project challenging. But added it will serve a Vital Transportation need for the region, while becoming an it was a very, very ambitious, difficult design. Yes, it cost a lot. Yes, probably it should have cost somewhat less. But in fact, exciting, innovative architecture is forever. Reporter officials are hopeful this land mark will prove to be an economic engine. Within these public atriums is over 200,000 square feet of this was a very successful mall before 9 11. And we have no doubt its going to be a very successful shopping center. Is that a feat in and of itself that this is finished . I think its an extraordinary feat. You feel that now the life of the city is coming back to this 16 acres again, in a way that it hadnt been for a long time. The hub is only partially open. Several more corridor also open in the weeks to come. Officials decided against a large unveiling. Instead, there was a small Ribbon Cutting ceremony. Thats the overnight news for for some of you the news continues. For others, check back with us later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im michelle miller. The grand old Party Establishment fights back. Donald trump is a phony, a fraud. Watch, by the way, how he responds to my speech today. We did. Mitt is a failed candidate. Also tonight, our correspondents give us a rare look inside syrias civil war. Reporter so this was an american air strike. Major donors cut off the largest Veterans Charity after we exposed how the money is being spent. And a soccer star pledges to donate her brain to study concussions. The more we know, the more we can help protect the next generation and the generation after that. News. The man who carried the baton for the republicans four years ago is not passing it to donald trump. Hes hitting him over the head with it. Mitt romney became the Party Establishments unofficial spokesman for the dump trump movement. Then, the 2008 nominee, john mccain, double teamed, saying that he shares romneys concerns and called Trumps National security ideas uninformed and dangerous. In any other election, this would be unimaginable. The two most recent nominees denouncing the gop frontrunner. Dean reynolds is in salt lake city. Heres what i know. Donald trump is a phony, a fraud. Hes playing the members of the American Public for suckers. He gets a free ride to the white house, and all we get is a lousy hat. Reporter the man who lost a race many republicans thought was winnable said trump is a sure loser in a general election. Dishonest as Hillary Clinton must not become president. [ applause ] of course, a trump nomination enables her victory. Policies would create recession at home and disrespect abroad. What he said on 60 minutes. Did you hear this . It was about syria and isis, and it has to go down as the most ridiculous and dangerous idea of the entire campaign season. Let the most dangerous Terror Organization the world has ever known take over an entire country . Reporter he stopped short of saying Trump Supporters are misguided, but he urged them to reflect and reconsider. The bullying, the greed, the showing off, the misogyny, the absurd third grade theatrics. Hes not of the temperament of the kind of stable, thoughtful person we need as leader. Reporter and romney anticipated some blowback. Responds to my speech today. [ applause ] reporter the answer came along predictably and pugnaciously. Trump said romney is a lightweight, a choke artist, a chicken, and worse. Mitt is a failed candidate. He failed. He failed horribly. Reporter and trump recalled how delighted romney was to get his endorsement just four years ago. I could have said, mitt, drop to your knees. He would have dropped to his knees. He was begging. He was begging me. Reporter later, romney took to twitter writing, scott, if trump said four years ago the things he is saying today about the kkk, about muslims, mexicans, disabled, i would not have accepted his endorsement. Dean, thanks very much. Spilled over into the gop president ial debate in detroit. Heres some of it. How do you answer mitt romney, sir . Look, he was a failed candidate. He should have beaten president obama very easily. He failed miserably. And it was an embarrassment to everybody, including the republican party. Looked like he went away on a vacation the last month. I dont take that, and i guess obviously he wants to be relevant, he wants to be back on the game. What our views on the klu supremacists . Klux klan. Weeks. Youre probably about the 18th person thats asked me the question. It was very clear. That question was also talked about in the form of groups. I want to know which groups are you talking about . Groups. Challenge him on a policy issue . You asked him about the economy and the first thing he does is launch an attack about a little guy thing because he doesnt United States of america. This is not a game. I know whats happening on the economy. You dont know a thing. Then answer the question. You havent employed one i have employed tens of thousands of people. Ever heard of trump stakes . You know what . Youve ruined these companies. Mitt romney said things that were totally false. The funny thing is, hundreds of really successful jobs, the buildings all over the world that have [ overlapping speakers ] i have a policy question for you, sir. Lets hear the answer then. I will, dont worry about it, marco. Dont worry about it, little marco. Lets hear it, big donald. Dont worry about it, little marco. Gentlemen the fbis investigation into clintons email may wrap up soon. As secretary of state, clinton used an unsecured private email server in her home for official business. None of the emails on the system was marked classified at the time, but recently thousands have been reevaluated and some marked top secret. Its a crime to mishandle classified documents. Tonight, nancy cordes tells us a former clinton staffer has been given immunity and is talking to the fbi. Reporter Bryan Pagliano is an i. T. Specialist who set up the private email server at clintons new york home. He took the fifth when he was called before Congress Last year, but is cooperating with the fbi, an indication of the breadth of the investigation into whether anyone intentionally mishandled classified information. The Clinton Campaign said today it is pleased that pagliano is helping with a case the fbi director, james comey, acknowledges is uniquely sensitive. I am very close personally to that investigation to ensure tries to do all of its work independently, competently, and promptly. Reporter the state Department Released the last of clintons 30,000 emails on monday. More than 2,000 of them contained information now considered classified, providing fodder for republicans. What she did was a criminal act. She shouldnt be allowed to run. [ applause ] reporter White House Press secretary josh earnest disputed that. What i know that some officials over there have said is that she is not a target of the investigation. Reporter in new york last night, former president bill clinton argued the email controversy has made his wife more relatable. I saw this remarkable story by a woman who said, you know, i never really was enthusiastic until i read her emails, and it made me appreciate how really good she is as a human being, as well as a public servant. Reporter but the question at the heart of this fbi servant in a sensitive position would need to communicate solely via private email . Scott, clintons top aides and the candidate herself could be interviewed by fbi agents in the coming months. Nancy, thank you. ,,, well, tonight, we have some remarkable reporting from inside syria where a partial ceasefire appears to be holding. Next week will mark five years since the uprising that led to the civil war that has killed a quarter of a Million People and forced 11 million from their homes. Elizabeth palmer has reached aleppo, and Holly Williams is in northern syria. Well begin with holly. Reporter Masorat Al Rashid village was liberated from isis just three days ago. We saw the body of an isis fighter lying in the rubble of a joza khalaf and her cousin khatar told us the extremists held guns to their heads, forcing their way into the womens homes to hide. They said the isis fighters also dressed up as women to avoid capture. The nearby town of al shaddadi was liberated last week. The isis slogans are still there, but the towns now under the control of the Syrian Democratic forces, an arabkurdish alliance that is supported by the u. S. So this was an american air strike . Commander media kobane told us that u. S. Coalition air strikes helped her fighters win the battle here. This used to be the main road connecting raqqah, the socalled isis capital in syria, with mosul, iraqs second biggest city, also controlled by isis. But now the road has been recaptured by the syrian colonel tala selo told us his fighters have been given over 100 tons of ammunition by the u. S. Led coalition in the last six months, all of it dropped by parachute. But americas most effective partner in syria has some murky alliances. Its accused of coordinating with russia, which backs the Syrian Regime and has also allegedly fought against other u. S. Backed groups. Colonel selo denied both those claims, but admitted his group enjoys a longstanding truce with the Syrian Regime. Its flag flies over two compounds inside his territory. This u. S. Backed group is taking on isis and winning, sometimes paying a terrible price, but its allegiances are complicated. Colonel selo also told us that he met with brett mcgurk, president obamas special envoy he visited syria in january. The colonel said his group asked for antitank missiles and machine guns, but so far, scott, he says theyve received only promises. Now, correspondent Elizabeth Palmer and her team are in aleppo, a cultural and Industrial Center of more than two Million People still partly in the hands of rebel forces. We spoke with liz a short time ago. Reporter as we rolled along, scott, we could see the villages that isis has just been pushed out of, deserted and very heavily damaged. We stopped in the outskirts as we came in and went into a poor neighborhood right on the front lines. They are living in ruined buildings, in shocking condition with neither electricity or running water. We then carried on a little bit to the jewel of aleppo, what used to be the largest covered market in the middle east. It was a unesco World Heritage site, and im sorry to have to its heartbreaking, buildings that existed for more than 1,000 years have finally been smashed by the savage war. Liz, whats it like to be a resident of aleppo now . Reporter weary, desperate, in some cases for necessities like medication or water. Everybody is desperate to be able to relax, to travel freely, but people make do. I mean, you have to bear in mind that there are hundreds of thousands of displaced people who stayed inside syria who are cramming into every tiny room, and in some cases, campsites. As you look around the buildings, the streets, paint the picture for me. Reporter well, its a patchwork. So areas where there have been heavy fighting are just ruined beyond your imagining. World war, berlin. I mean, smashed beyond belief. And then you go on a mile or two, and there are rather beautiful buildings from the early part of the last century, very graceful, dilapidated but standing, and so its a kind of dizzying mix of everything. Elizabeth palmer with a rare report from inside aleppo, and Holly Williams, with another report from inside syria as well. Thank you both. Now, we have an update on our investigation of the Wounded Warrior project. We reported that that charity on veterans as compared to other charities. We were surprised, and it turns out, some major donors were, too. Heres chip reid. Reporter with two sons serving in iraq, raising money for Wounded Warrior project was more than a cause for fred and dianne kane. It was a calling. Teeoff for a cause, raised 325,000 for Wounded Warriors through golf tournaments in the carolinas. The Organization Even honored fred kane with an award for being a vip donor. But allegations that only a little over half of donations went to help wounded vets came as a blow. And then hearing that there was this waste of money and donor dollars that should have been going to the service men and women that were injured, and it was spent on their having a good time. Its a real disappointment. Reporter Wounded Warriors tax forms show spending on conferences and Staff Meetings grew to 26 million by 2014, but the charity insists those expenditures qualify as programs and services. Outraged, kane canceled this years benefit tournament and started a petition on change. Org, calling for a public audit. He also called Senior Management and said he thought ceo steven i said, you know, where is he . You lead from the front, good or bad. I said, you dont hide. I dont understand how an organization that has many veterans who value honor and service and the chain of command can be led by a guy like that. Reporter cbs news has learned kane is one of several major donors who are ending their support, and he wants answers from the groups board of directors. Did they have a responsibility to know what was going on . Absolutely. Any board of directors does. Reporter sources with direct knowledge of the charitys operations said the board signs off on all the charitys major spending, including expensive staff retreats. Those sources also told us the board has spent donor dollars on its own meetings at fivestar hotels, including the Beverly Wilshire hotel in los angeles and the waldorf astoria in new york. They also said that when Board Members questioned spending salaries, their concerns were ignored. We tried to speak with each board member in person, but they declined. I feel like im representing all these people that have donated over the years, all these seniors over 65 that that have sent them 19 a month, all these people on fixed incomes, if nobodys going to talk about this right now, and it has to be me, then it has to be me. Reporter are you done with Wounded Warrior project . Yes, except for my new mission of trying to see change there. Reporter the board says its ordered a review by independent auditors and that it would be inappropriate to answer questions until all the facts are known. Full disclosure a cbs Corporate Executive serves on that board. Scott, the board wont say if the results of their review will be made public or whether the board spending is under review as well. They have also hired legal counsel. Chip reid, thanks. Theres been a break in that and a soccer star is donating her brain to science. The cbs overnight news will be dry spray . Thats fun. Its already dry no wait time. This is great. Its very soft. Can i keep it . laughs all the care of dove. Now in a dry antiperspirant spray. This is mineral build up it collects leaving gross germridden stains. Clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match for that. But lysol power toilet bowl cleaner eliminates mineral so why choose anything other than lysol . Its not always as easy for me its easy for me cause look at her. Aw. So we use ky ultragel. It enhances my bodys natural so i can get into the and when i know shes feeling like that, it makes me feel like were both. When she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. And i enjoy it. Feel the difference with ky ultragel. Laundry can wreak havoc on our clothes, ruining them forever. Sweaters stretch into muumuus. And pilled cardigans become pets. But its not you, its the laundry. Protect your clothes from stretching, fading, and fuzz. With downy fabric conditioner. It not only softens and freshens, it helps protect clothes from the damage of the wash. So your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. Downy fabric conditioner. Wash in the wow. Did you know theres a cough liquid that lasts for twelve hours . Try delsym twelve hour cough liquid. Its advanced formula releases powerful medicine that acts fast while its extended release try delsym. Arrests have been made in that remarkable Gun Store Heist in houston we showed you last night. Heres manuel bojorquez. Reporter it was as brazen as it was brief. After using a truck to rip off inside this gun store, smashed glass cases, grabbed guns by the sack full, and rifles by the arm full, all in under two minutes. They got away with 85 weapons. Robert elder is with the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. I would say it shocked me more than it surprised me. Reporter while the number of guns reported stolen or lost has decreased, elder says agents are seeing more of these types of bold burglaries. Thieves used a backhoe to tear down the wall of a gun store in a houston suburb last year. In ohio, a minivan. In tennessee a stolen car. We got inside an atf gun vault in houston. Its filled with recovered weapons. The concern is the ones they havent tracked down. And thats whats really scary about this because now youve got this high number of firearms on the street potentially being trafficked to other criminals. After they hit the store, the thieves jumped into a second getaway car a block away. Manuel, thanks. New jersey governor and former president ial candidate Chris Christie took a lot of online ridicule over his appearance with donald trump on super tuesday. Well, today, christie said, no, he was not being held hostage, and all these armchair psychiatrists should give it a break. Perhaps the greatest drive in basketball this week was made by lakeside charter academy. They drove 85 miles from kalamazoo to play Muskegon Heights high school last night. All the local teams had canceled on muskegon after a shooting in a show of unity, the team from kalamazoo, where six people were gunned down two weeks ago, they said, dont worry, well play you. The score . It doesnt matter. A gifted athlete is paying it fo,,,, we end tonight with a World Champion who is hoping to extend her legacy far beyond the soccer pitch. Ben tracy spoke with her today. Reporter when the u. S. Womens soccer team won the world cup in 1999, this became the defining image a victorious 30yearold Brandi Chastain ripping off her jersey after scoring the winning goal. Id really like to leave something beyond that. Has a new goal. She plans to donate her brain to science. How much head trauma do you think you suffered in your career . I know two specific incidences when i was in college that would today definitely be considered a concussion, what we used to call, you know, had my bell rung or ive seen stars, and ive had to shake it off. Reporter chastains brain will eventually be examined by researchers checking for cte, chronic traumatic discussion over head injuries. Chris nowinskiy is founder of the concussion legacy foundation, which will eventually study chastains brain. Football, we dont have a generation of former female athletes with a lot of exposure who are in their 60s, 70s, or 80s, like we do with men. Open your bodies. Reporter chastain now helps coach soccer at Santa Clara University and is a fierce advocate for not allowing youth soccer players to head the ball until they are 14. Her contribution to science will outlast even the most memorable of games. Ben tracy, cbs news, santa clara, california. And thats the overnight news for this friday. For some of you, the news continues. For others, check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im scott pelley. Captions by vitac this is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the overnight news. Im michelle miller. The contenders for republican president ial nomination gathered in detroit for the 11th debate of the campaign season. The biggest headlines were made hours earlier by the partys previous standard bearer, mitt romney. The former president ial candidate lashed out at frontrunner donald trump calling him a phony and fraud whose promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. Trump didnt take that criticism Dean Reynolds reports. Heres what i know. Donald trump is a phony, a fraud. Hes playing the members of the American Public for suckers. He gets a free ride to the white house, and all we get is a lousy hat. Reporter the man who lost a race many republicans thought was winnable said trump is a sure loser in a general election. A person so untrustworthy and dishonest as Hillary Clinton must not become president. [ applause ] of course, a trump nomination enables her victory. Reporter he said trumps policies would create recession at home and disrespect abroad. What he said on 60 minutes. Did you hear this . It was about syria and isis, and it has to go down as the most ridiculous and dangerous idea of the entire campaign season. Let the most dangerous Terror Organization the world has ever known take over an entire country . Reporter he stopped short of saying Trump Supporters are misguided, but he urged them to reflect and reconsider. Showing off, the misogyny, the absurd third grade theatrics. Hes not of the temperament of the kind of stable, thoughtful person we need as leader. Reporter and romney anticipated some blowback. Watch, by the way, how he responds to my speech today. [ applause ] reporter the answer came along predictably and pugnaciously. Trump said romney is a lightweight, a choke artist, a chicken, and worse. Mitt is a failed candidate. He failed. He failed horribly. Reporter and trump recalled how delighted romney was to get his endorsement just four years i could have said, mitt, he would have dropped to his knees. He was begging. He was begging me. Reporter later, romney took to twitter writing, scott, if things he is saying today about about muslims, mexicans, the disabled, i would not have accepted his endorsement. A government Advisory Board is sounding the alarm about Ovarian Cancer. Every year, more than 22,000 women are diagnosed with the disease and because its often caught too late, more than 14,000 die. Dr. Jon lapook has more. Reporter the report found surprising gaps in what we know about Ovarian Cancer. Starting with the basic definition. Even though its called Ovarian Cancer, it can start outside the ovary, in the fallopian tubes or the uterus. Dr. Douglas lavigne was one of the report authors. Its a collection of many different diseases. The subtypes of Ovarian Cancer occur in and around the ovary, but have very different origins. Reporter why is that important . When you figure out the information as important about treatment, prevention and mechanisms of developing cancer. Reporter prevention is key, because right now, theres no effective way of finding Ovarian Cancer early. One reason the disease is so deadly. 34yearold morgan, mother of three, got genetic testing last fall and learned she was at increased risk. I was not going to gamble with my life, especially knowing they would not be able to catch Ovarian Cancer in its early stages. Reporter so she opted for preventative surgery, removing the ovaries, fallopian tubes and full hysterectomy. I had to do it. Its very frustrating as a patient. Reporter you can screen for breast cancer, colon cancer, why is Ovarian Cancer so different . The precursor cells turn into cancer and then spread very quickly. We really have a very limited window of opportunity to reporter there are often no symptoms or theyre vague. Heres what is alarming. More than half of women with Ovarian Cancer do not get the recommended standard of care. Which includes having an Ovarian Cancer specialist handle evaluation and treatment. Dr. Jon lapook, cbs news, new york. In other health news, the cdc says super germs are responsible for one out of every seven infections patients catch when theyre inside the hospital. Come of those infections can be life threatening. The cdc blames doctors for overprescribing antibiotics, helping the super germs become resistant. The battle over antibiotics is not only being fought in hospitals but subway fast food chain is now offering chicken raised without antibiotics. Reporter subways antibiotic free chicken is the first step in what they say will lead the restaurant to serve only antibiotic free meat. Similar steps, wendys, mcdonalds and most recently in and out. Treat your body right. Pressure about the food they eat sandwiches with chicken raised without antibiotics. By 2025, the chain says all the meat across its 30,000 north american restaurants will be antibiotic free. Jean halleren welcomes the change. This is a problem thats been brewing for decades and is getting seriously worse. Reporter is there any danger to consumers from meat that doesnt have antibiotics in it . Absolutely none. Reporter the danger isnt the antibiotics themselves, but the super bugs that evolve to resist the antibiotics. Those drug resistant germs then enter the food supply. According to the cdc, 23,000 people die from super bugs every were at the beginning of potential catastrophe. Even a simple cut could become infected and have a deadly staph infection. Reporter in september, she worked on a report grading 25 fast food chains on the use of antibiotics and their meat. Only a few received passing grades. Last weak, in and out burger said its looking to phase out antibiotics from its meat supply but didnt specify a timeline. Wendys is offering antibiotic free grilled chicken sandwiches in four test markets. Farmers use antibiotics to keep livestock healthy. Wall street journal reporter jacob bungy says the restaurants may force their hand. They will turn to their chicken and pork suppliers and say we need to give us meat raised without antibiotics. The price of these meals probably will not go up much, if they seem to be making changes without having price increases to the consumer. The cbs overnight news will be right back. Pet moments are beautiful, then your eyes may see it differently. Only flonase is approved toprelieve both itchy, pand no other nasal allergy spray can when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. Most allergy pills only control one substance. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. Complete allergy relief or incomplete. Let your eyes decide. Flonase. 61 changes everything. 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Its called the death master file. But as with many things in the federal government, its not always correct. A lot of people who die dont make the list. And some people who are still very much alive are surprised to learn the government thinks theyve passed on. Scott pelley reports for 60 minutes. She pointed on the screen and it said d. O. D. I said, what does d. O. D. Mean . She said date of death. I said, well, how did you come up with this . All it takes is somebody to input on the computer the wrong difference, of course. Reporter most people never find out how it happens. But when the federal computer says youre dead, you might as well be. The terrible news is relayed by the government to banks and credit agencies. Judy rivers told us she had 80,000 in her accounts, but when she tried to use her bank card at a store, they assumed she was an identity thief. You couldnt get access to your Bank Accounts. How did you live . Well, for a time, i lived in my car. And i couldnt get an apartment. I had my debit cards, which were of course, no good. I used one without knowing the consequences, and was actually taken to jail and questioned because they thought i was an identity thief. Reporter you ended up arrested . Yes. Reporter you ended up living in your car because of all of this . Reporter you had been eliminated from the human race. Cyber ghost. Reporter cyber ghost . Judy rivers now haunts a borrowed camper in alabama. While her finances were ruined, she found that the government makes a tidy profit selling the death master file to credit agencies. So word of her death was nearly immortal in dozens of databases and it came back again and again. She protested to a Credit Agency called Check Systems for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, Check Systems responded to me, and told me to send my information and they would consider it. After i had sent it to them over 20 times. Reporter they would consider whether you were still alive . Correct. Reporter we looked in the Alabama Vital Records Office for her death notice, but its not there. No one seems to know how she got in the federal death master file. Dead, but its the states that collect the data. They pass it along to Social Security, and there is plenty of room for error. Record bureaus get death notices from doctors, hospitals, Funeral Homes or families. And every state has its own rules. Perhaps because the dead dont vote, many of the states dont spend much, keeping tabs on them. This is the state of alabama vital records vault. It is a place so secure that you need a key and a fingerprint to get inside. But once in here, the Technology Becomes pretty 19th century. These are death certificates from 1912, for example. All in all, there are 17 million paper records in here. Now, the state of alabama is moving towards an electronic system, and its about 60 of the way there. But theres so little funding around the country for that kind of transition, that there are that do not have a statewide Electronic Filing system for death records. How accurate is the death master file . I guess the best way to say it is, its as accurate as it can be. Reporter patrick ocarol is the Social Security administrations inspector general. His Office Investigates how the death master file is used and abused. Right now the death master file has entered about 86 million records in it, and it gets about 2 million records every year from the states. And were probably, as with everything else, as strong as the weakest links. Some states are reporting electronically and have very good data. Other states its done at a haphazard level. So again, theres going to be some falling through the cracks there. Reporter but he told us live people falling through cracks isnt what keeps him up at night. The much more costly problem is in the millions of americans who do die and are not recorded. Security had no death data for 6. 5 Million People over the age of 111. Do you really believe that there are 6. 5 Million People over the age of 111 in this country . No. In fact, thats why we did the audit on it. What we were finding is that people that were over 112 years of age were opening up Bank Accounts and we got suspicious. We found that 6. 5 million was not recorded as being deceased. Reporter how many people are over the age of 111 in this country . Im thinking ten. Reporter most federal agencies depend on the death master file. So if a death isnt listed, federal payments just keep coming. We wondered what that would add up to in the course of a year, but it turns out no one in the federal government is keeping an overall count. The best we could come up with is a few reports from individual agencies. Agriculture paid farm subsidies and Disaster Assistance to more than 170,000 dead people over six years. That came to 1. 1 billion. The office of Personnel Management paid dead federal retires a little over a billion. And in 2010 alone, the irs paid more than 400 million in refunds to the dead. Social security doesnt know how many retirement and disability checks are cashed by the relatives of the dead, like sandra. Im a a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and now a felon. Reporter like a lot of ill mother and had a joint bank account with her. When her mother died, the disability benefits kept coming. When did she die . She died in 1984. Reporter when she died, did security . Reporter why not . I thought perhaps it would have been taken care of by the funeral director at some point. Reporter were you surprised that these benefits kept coming to you . No, not initially. I had a conversation with my mom prior to her death that i would be entitled to the benefits. So i just assumed, and went along with that thinking that i was entitled. Reporter what did it come to . Over a 30year period, 160,000. You can see the full report on our website, cbsnews. Com. The overnight news will be its not always as easy for me as it is for him. Its easy for me cause look at her. Aw. So we use ky ultragel. It enhances my bodys natural moisture swing of it a bit quicker. And when i know shes feeling like that, it makes me feel like were both. When she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. And i enjoy it. Feel the difference with ky ultragel. Did you know theres a cough liquid that lasts for twelve hours . Try delsym twelve hour cough liquid. Its advanced formula releases powerful medicine that acts fast medicine lasts for 12 hours. Try delsym. Yeah, i was just talking about your emergency Roadside Service and how its available 24 7 and then our car overheated. What are the chances . Can you send a tow truck please . Uh, the location . 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The Unemployment Rate is probably 20 , and the highest ive heard so far is 42 . Reporter all delivered with the gusto of a noreaster. Money than either the Democratic Party or the republican party. Reporter the gale force one liners can be nauseating, as the candidates try to conjole and convince voters. We have seen in six years obamacare has been a disaster. This country. Reporter how do you know whats true and whats not . Like a lighthouse in the storm, glenn kesler tries to cut through the fog of facts. I write the fact checker post. Politicians when they lie and call them out on it . Thats right. Reporter hows business these days . Better than ever. Reporter letter than ever. Thats not so good for our democracy, is it . Its good for journalism. Reporter kesler and michelle lee assign one to four pinocchios. Using the beloved childrens character whose nose grew when he didnt tell the truth. But kesler doesnt type the l word. I never use the word lie. I cant get into a politicians reporter but you have said false, dubious, debunk, no evidence. Deeply flawed, wildly inflated, bizarre claim, inaccurate and misleading. Yes, i plead guilty to using those words. Reporter and their thesaurus was well worn in 2015. No party was spared. Donald trump earned the most pinocchios. In fact, kesler wrote frankly, its really not interesting to fact check the donald as his assertions are so easily debunked. I saw people getting together and in fairly large numbers, celebrating as the World Trade Center was coming down. Reporter also on the list of their biggest pinocchios of 2015, president obama. Keystone is for canadian oil. To send that down to the gulf. It bypasses the United States. Reporter politicians are paying attention. Media Fact Checkers are not fair and impartial. They are liberal, editorial reporter kesler says politicians or their staffs even try to negotiate a better rating. But some just blink. I actually got calls from senator rob portman and senator Amy Klobuchar who said because of my fact checks they were going to be more careful in the future. Reporter if the number of claims has exploded, so too has the number of Fact Checkers. At least 80 active fast checking sites now span the u. S. And the world, according to the duke reporters lab, which in january helped launch an archive of u. S. Political tv ads waiting to be vetted. The Pulitzer Prize winning politifacts. Com has its own rating system, pants on fire. And politico has its wrongometer. What do you have . We dont have a rating system. We just tell readers this is misleading and this is why. Reporter rob farley is the deputy manager editor at politics. Were getting the voters the best information they can get. We want them to be armed with the facts. Reporter based in philadelphia, the nonprofit has a team of six staffers, led by eugene kylie. On this day, we found him Fact Checking a ted cruz tv ad. Its not true. Im trying to piece together the information i need to show heres what really happened. Reporter the team posted its analysis the next day. But even Fact Checkers are not allknowing. Just this week, politifact revised a headline after pushback from a president ial campaign, writing its original wording should have been more precise. Kylie says the sheer number of candidates and claims this cycle has been overwhelming. I think your site calling 2015 a banner year for political whoppers. What is 2016 going to be . More of the same. Its good for us in terms of being able to provide information to the public. Reporter mark albert, washington. The cbs overnight news will be right back. ,,,, at ground zero in new york city, a new multibillion transportation hub is open for business. Some call it the most beautiful train station in the world. Others insist its a horrible waste of money. Its called occulace. 15,000 tons of steel reaching 25 stories tall. The famed architect designed it to resemble a bird rising, the archways will house 11 subway lines and officials estimate 250,000 commuters every day. What first struck you about this design . I really like the interior space the best actually. Reporter Paul Goldberger is a contributing architect critic for vanity fair. Building important buildings for people. Its nice to arrive in the city in an exhilarating place that sort of gives you a lift. You know, i think those great moments are like the exclamation points in the city. As much as places like this help downtown roar back to life, its not without controversy. This structure is billions over budget, and at least five years behind schedule. When the hubs design was first unveiled in 2004, officials estimated it would cost around 2 billion. But after rush design changes, water leaks and super storm sandy in 2012, the finished product will cost almost twice as much, coming in at 3. 9 billion. The hubs governing body, the Port Authority in new york and new jersey, called the project challenging. But added it will serve a Vital Transportation need for the region, while becoming an important landmark. It was a very, very yes, it cost a lot. Yes, probably it should have cost somewhat less. But in fact, exciting, innovative architecture is forever. Reporter officials are hopeful this landmark will prove to be an economic engine. Within these public atriums is over 200,000 square feet of potential retail space. This was a very successful mall before 9 11. And we have no doubt its going to be a very successful shopping center. Is that a feat in and of itself that this is finished . I think its an extraordinary feat. You feel that now the life of the city is coming back to this 16 acres again, in a way that it hadnt been for a long time. The hub is only partially open. Several more corridors will open in the weeks to come. Officials decided against a large unveiling. Instead, there was a small Ribbon Cutting ceremony. Thats the overnight news for ptio captioning funded by cbs its friday, march 4th, 2016. This is the cbs morning news. The republican race gets down and dirty. Donald trump fends off a day of attack by slinging more insults at the latest gop debate. A Nuclear Threat from north korea. In the face of stiffer sanctions, kim jongun tells his military to have its Nuclear Arsenal ready at any time. And headon

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