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129 points at this moment. Your world with neil cavuto will break it down as he always does with the best in business. Should news break out, well break in because breaking news changes everything on fox news channel. See you next week. Well, President Trump and the first lady are in ohio at this hour. One of the president s closest confidants is granted immunity and everybody is wondering what does that immunity and the Michael Cohen investigation mean. Is the russia probe going beyond russia . Where does this end . Welcome. Im neil cavuto. The president s battle with Jeff Sessions end . Stocks survived. The white house survived. The critics thrive. If you call my interview with dana on fbn earlier today, it was a wild ride. The president does have the hes in the news. The reason why, federal prosecutors in new york have granted him immunity, a big story line here at the white house here today. Wiselberg is a person who apparently dealt with mr. Cohen. He helped him be reimbursed for the hush money paid to the adult film stars. Investigators are looking for more details about the payments. Wiselberg has been granted immunity as i mentioned in new york. Hes also identified in Court Filings as executive 1. He testified before a grand jury last month. So while were just finding out about this today, neil, this is actually a month old news. Sometimes it just sort of comes out in dribs and drags. Hes also one of two trustees of the trump trust that controls the president s assets. That means at least presumably he would have an idea of what money went where. This is interesting, neil, because this Michael Cohen part of the story is really interesting. Even though its now coming to light, this dovetails about to Michael Cohen. People wondering, what happened with the whole thing with wiselberg and the cfo of the national enquirers, david pecker. We talk about he too has been granted immunity. This is happening as the president set ablaze another twitter spat with Jeff Sessions. Weve seen this and talked about it at length for quite some time. Lets go to twitter and share part of what the president is saying about his Attorney General. Hes complaining that hes not doing enough. You may remember yesterday, the a. G. Said my Department Of Justice will not be improperly thought of political what the president wants him to do, he should resign. Jeff sessions was not elected president. The fact that we get people letting people like Jeff Sessions get away with it should indicate this incredible Propaganda Campaign that has tied the president s hands to do what is necessary to be a successful president. Neil i dont think you would succumb to a Propaganda Campaign if you didnt like someone on your staff. You would fire them in a heartbeat. Some people are saying regardless of what you think, fire him. No. Fake news has been created this situation where this the president does what is right so he can assume his authority as president , there will be an avalanche. Oh, its part of the coverup. Neil that Isnt Fake News to say the president and his Attorney General are back and forth and the president does have a power to fire a cabinet member he doesnt like. He has legal power neil congressman, you dont like the guy. You hate the guy. You think hes a loser, hes not getting it done. The president calls him mr. Mcgoo. Fire his ass. The president has the legal power to do something. The dynamics are, you can have people working together, call it a conspiracy, whatever you want, we uncovered evidence that people the very day the president was elected saying neil i understand. But its not fake news that the president has the real power and authority to say, you, Jeff Sessions, have disappointed me. I dont want you on board. I know im going to get chastised for anymore the middle of covering something up here but im firing you. That is not fake news. That is the president of the united states. No. Hold on. The fake news isnt that. The fake news is what is preventing him and creating the political dynamic of whether if he would conduct himself like youre saying, there would be this mass onslaught claiming he was covering up other things. You know neil and he has said some things and then said other things to update those things like not knowing payments to these women, whatever you want to call it and then saying, yeah, i did know. You can understand fake news. People are looking at that, congressman and saying you havent been consistent yourself. Well, again, we end up discussing mistakes and perhaps what how he handle himself in a situation rather than the essence of the situation is the president is being blackmailed. This man was being blackmailed. The guy who is mistakingly handling it so every bit of the procedure isnt correct, hes not the villain. The villain is the person blackmailing him. But no, we dont get that at all. Neil it was surreal. I respect the congressman but it takes two to blackmail. If you think youre being blackmailed and you signed the check, its fair and balanced blackmail. How will this be laying out on the Daily Mail White House correspondents with us here. Lee, where is this going, the back and forth . It looks like its entered another world. It has entered another world. I mean, i think since the president went down that escalator june 15 or june 16, 2015, weve been in another world. We are entering a deeper world where things that anybody else would be crucified for, this president doesnt. He somehow gets away with it. But its getting weirder and weird. His supporters are digging in and supporting him even more. The more hysterical the left gets, the more hysterical the media gets, the more people get mad and angry, the more people say hes right to do what hes doing. Everybody is out to get him. Its almost impossible to predict what will happen because this isnt the way things usually go. When theres this kind of a scandal, people say huh, this isnt right. Thats not the way things are playing out. Neil it is confusing. Im not a lawyer. Its easier said than done to fire Jeff Sessions. You wait for him to quit. Who cares about it. If you feel that strongly that you got a loser on board, get rid of him rather than drag him out. Youre the president of the united states. Neil, no, this gets into politics, not legality. Of course, theres a legal argument to be made if he got rid of Jeff Sessions, Robert Mueller and his team would deal their heels in deeper on allegations of obstruction of justice. However, going to the politics, its true that as things stand that in the senate, there wouldnt be enough support to confirm someone else to be in Jeff Sessions position as the Attorney General. Already the Senate Judiciary committee is very busy trying to get through President Trumps nominees to be on the Supreme Court bench and theyre trying to get that done before october when the new session starts. Then you have the november elections as well. Just as far as timing goes, its just not something that the Senate Judiciary chairman has said that they have time for currently. He signals this week after the Supreme Court nominee goes through, this is something that they have time to look at. Neil i can understand the president saying he doesnt get a fair shake in the media. He doesnt. But you get ammunition with this kind of stuff. And to play the victim here, i dont know. Business news and analysis. And the policy that he dealt with in a world of slimy guys and b, the problem is now, it looks like those slimy guys are getting immunity and the walls are closing in and he will be lashing out more and more, which will not allow more focus on a growing economy as you head towards november. Neil ladies, thanks very much. Youre looking at footage of the president in ohio with if first lady. Well look into that and the russia probe that has veered very far from a russia probe. What in the end it has nothing to do with russia at all after this. Be right back. With moderate to severe Crohns Disease, i was there, just not always where i needed to be. Is she alright . I hope so. So i talked to my doctor about humira. I learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. And the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. 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Alan wiselberg who has been a close confidant with donald trump for the better part of a couple decades granted immunity in the Michael Cohen probe in the russian probe that severing off court. Sydney powell here to weighin. What do you think is going on here, sydney . Its all conjecture. But it is odd. What do you think . Well, i think they probably granted him immunity several months ago as i understand it to develop whatever their case is against Michael Cohen. Now that Michael Cohen has entered a guilty plea, the probe should be over. If they continue to question him or use him in any way, i think we have to assume that we not only have Mission Creep by mr. Mueller into the Southern District of new york but as i said before, creeps on a mission to destroy the president. Theyve come at him from every angle humanly possible and beyond our imagination to try to find anything they can to pin on anyone associated with him, which is not what the Department Of Justice or any branch thereof is supposed to do. Neil could it be this severed far from socalled Russian Collusion and business deals period that it could be related to russia . This would not be the first Prosecutorial Overreach where it happened. Democrats complained about it in the clinton investigation. Started with real estate deals and ended up with a relationship with an intern. Is this going in that farflung direction . It certainly could be. That is a big concern. Thats why ive been speaking out for years on the need for criminal Justice Reform and for the Department Of Justice to focus on crimes instead of individuals. This has branched out way too far. When mueller referred it to the Southern District of new york, i was concerned then that he was adding to his team, not handing something off. That looks like where this has gone and is going. Neil so a lot of people are saying, we have to revisit this about how far prosecutors can go, how long they can keep doing what they do. They never make much progress there. This might be a Textbook Case because democrats would look back to clinton and say, yeah, we know what you mean. What do you see happening . Im hoping that all of this will spur congress to a bipartisan effort to have systemwide top to bottom criminal Justice Reform. Prosecutors enjoy absolute immunity. They can make up a case against someone, send an innocent person to prison and nothing happens to them except theyre promoted like Andrew Wiseman was after he destroyed author anderson and 85,000 jobs only to be reversed by the Supreme Court 90 two years later. Its all detailed in my book, license to lie. Thats what we have to guard against. Its happening all the time, happened to countless americans and i would estimate 10 of our current Prison Population is completely innocent. Neil but by granting someone immunity, youre giving them a reason to talk or incentive to talk and up until that granting them immunity might not have talked at all because there might not be anything to talk about and its an Insurance Policy. Exactly. Your right. Its a big problem. They often give immunity to people that committed the accessory crimes to stretch the law to criminalize those that havent but to get a bigger fish. They do it all the time. Its a huge problem. Neil thanks, sydney. Sydney powell. Best selling author, former federal prosecutor. Its crazy. This severing way out of control regardless of your views, whether its justified, sticking to the original purpose. Despite the controversies, the Jeff Sessions thing, were cancelling the trip with Secretary Pompeo going to north korea because the president is dissatisfied, despite that, were up a lot today. These Guys Bet Money on events that are happening in real time. They dont see that anything will come of it. Are they right . After this. Oh oh ozempic® vo people with Type 2 Diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . vo and you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. Oh up to 12 pounds . vo a twoyear study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. Oh no increased risk . Ozempic® ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, or for people with Type 1 Diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. 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With Proskin Technology intimates overnight for two times faster absorption so you can have worry free nights, and wake up feeling fresh and free for a free sample visit tena. Us things are intensifying and getting worse between the president and his Attorney General. Now theyre sending nasty tweets to each other. No market reaction. Reports that the president has stopped his Secretary Of State from going to north korea for a fourth time because hes dissatisfied with the progress the north koreans are making on denuclearizing. Any one of those or all of those events would have torpedos stocks or interrupted them. Nothing. What does that tell you . Heather, what do you think . I think this week has politics and money on steroids, neil. The market is up and the s p 25 . Despite the political turmoil, the strong underpinnings of the fundamentals of retail sales are off the charts. The economy is doing very well. The president s economic agenda still remains in the forefront. Neil jonas, its weird but markets can be wrong. They sort of, you know, slough off the original investigations and inquiries in the Whitewater Scandal with bill clinton. That did intensify the other way when the house was on the verge of impeaching him. What do you think of the markets reaction to this thus far . I think at the end of the day, you cant impeach a tax policy that was already passed. So corporate earnings are higher for a lot of reasons. One of them is the Corporate Tax rate is lower. Youre investing in aftertax earnings. Its a longterm boost for stocks and its not going away. Theres no path for it to go away. The history of tax cuts going away is limited. Investors like it, the market likes that. During the late clinton years, the market was very strong. He got in a lot of problems, too. Until there was a recession coming down the path, you dont see stocks collapse. Something would have to happen to lead to an earning slow down and cause a recession. That what investors are worried about with the high valuations that were into now. Political stuff going on, you know, the stock market did well in the many years of the Obama Administration where he had little power because he lost control of congress. The worst case for trump, wont be bad for stocks, thats why i dont say its a threat but the market will tank, its not likely that could be something to cause economic problems and could neil and the fundamentals are fine, the earnings are fine. The markets are doing great. He held out the possibility of impeachment and all of that could go to hell in a hand basket. I long held this view that Richard Nixon could have survived the Impeachment Push with a better economy. We didnt have that then. We had Oil Embargoes and Higher Energy prices, inflation. You name it. Maybe im not minimizing what went on with watergate but he might have survived in the markets were stronger, this president has a economy and a market that is strong. Bill clinton had that. Could that be in his favor no matter Mueller Report . It could be in his favor. President trump said that if hes impeached, the market will crash. Because hes the mastermind behind deregulation and tax cuts. Investors are saying that tax cuts were passed, democrats are in favor of higher taxes, they might try to reverse that, raise Corporate Taxes and makes us less competitive and eats into corporate profits. President trump has rolled back regulations. If you increase that neil mess with him, you mess with that. There you go. Not good. Nixon had good policies on a bad copy. He wasnt popular. Popularity is important as well. Those are things that sway things. I get youre right. If there was a strong economy, nixon could have gone for it. Nobody thought that that was a good move. Today things are different. What people tolerate in the behavior of politicians is totally different than then. You need a trying tore cause a economic slow down. Could that be something the president does or doesnt do . Maybe. Right now the other stuff isnt going to be the reason that stocks fall. If they do, it will be a co incident. Were going to be swinging this and a lot of detail tomorrow on cavuto live at 10 00 a. M. Through noon. Well explore the phenomenon. The National Inquirer has a lot of damaging stories about donald trump leading up to the 2016 president ial election. Theyre being kept in a vault. So immediately i thought about al capones vault. I thought that didnt work out. What about this . After this. vo love. I got it. I gotcha baby. vo its being there when youre needed most. Hes the one. vo love is knowing. It was meant to be. And love always keeps you safe. vo love is why we built a car you can trust for a long time. The allnew Subaru Impreza sedan and fivedoor. A car you can love no matter what road youre on. The Subaru Impreza. More than a car, its a subaru. Right now, get 0 Apr Financing on the 2018 Subaru Impreza. Neil they say the National Inquirer has this safe with all of these donald trump secrets, stories that never ran, information you never knew until now. Really . After this. Hroom with recurring constipation and belly pain talk to your doctor and say yesss to linzess. Yesss linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. Linzess can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. Linzess is not a laxative. It works differently to help you get ahead of your recurring constipation and belly pain. Do not give linzess to children less than 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to less than 18. It may harm them. Do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. If its severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. So say yesss to help for recurring constipation. Yesss to help for belly pain. Talk to your doctor and say yesss linzess. Neil apparently the National Inquirers kept a safe containing documents, hush money, payments for damaging stories killed because of a close relationship with donald trump. I dont know what is true there. But the safe containing information seems so al caponish. Anyway, michael knows his stuff inside and out. Hes our big gun following that. I know what is in the vault, neil. The cavuto file is vast. Im going to do what the president should do. We talked about this. Im going to say i was young and i needed the money. Okay . Just get it out there. Neil obviously you hear that. They have the stories what is the expression catch and kill. Neil do a lot of publishers ami, the owner of the National Inquirer, they own practically ever tabloid, this is their thing. They do this in hollywood. They buy the rights for lives and stories and put them in a drawer. Neil when they do a catch and kill, the cynical view is here that theyre very close to donald trump. Dont want to do anything to embarrass donald trump. So just table it. Yeah. Look, the National Inquirers, this is the first candidate they have ever endorsed for president. 30 of their covers in 2016 were pro trump or antihillary. A lot of people are sort of talking about the facebook effect in this election. The National Inquirer had an impact. A little more insidious when facebook when you think about it. You dont have to buy the magazine. Millions of people going through checkout lines, look to the left and see hillary is being indicted and it makes an impression on them. Neil so what do you read of the editor is granted immunity. Were not sure. He must have something or offered something that would allow him to be granted immunity. The thinking is one assumes that they have something in this vault that could implicate trump in a bigger crime, per se. At this point, i dont think neil if youre these guys, theres some harm or punishment or charge or indictment is coming my way if i dont do Something Like this. Uhhuh. Neil maybe theres nothing maybe immunity is a way to take that off the table. At this point what could we find out that will hurt this president . Its not going to hurt his base. After that that access Hollywood Neil even the checks of these two women, you could argue what do you have to worry about . He survived the fallout from that. So anything was the American People rendered their verdict on election day and he got 335 electoral votes. Neil we didnt know that at the time. We did. Neil maybe they were just being extra cautious in this. In the case of the National Inquirer and killing the story, do you know of others in the Entertainment Industry because stars get obsessed and they hear a sure. Neil a publication will Say Something nasty about them. They cancel it because they want to maintain good relations. The Wall Street Journal said this with governor schwarzenegger at the time. There was a story about his love child and they caught and killed it and got him to cooperate with other the fitness publication. Neil so where do you think this goes . We dont know. Every day neil you do know. Dropping a different card every day. We heard about trumps cfo. I think the president should come out and just Act Of Contrition or penance, harkening back to my Catholic School days. It would take the oxygen out of this. The American People are forgiving. Neil hes acknowledged that he was behind the checks that went out to these women. Unless theres something more heinous, youll have to think down the road those that want to go wards impeachment, what here would warrant it . The other question about this as were making our way through it, its a broader question, cavuto. You know, at one point the National Inquirer for the most part, if you hear that someone bought a story, the credibility of the story is taken is in doubt. Now all of a sudden were assuming these stories are true. Its an interesting place were at right now in this. Neil youre not questioning can eight feet aliens . And big foot. I saw elvis at lunch. He said hello. Neil theres nothing there. Did it as an Insurance Policy to protect himself. Michael, youre the best. Thank you. Thank you. Neil hes always in a good mood. My favorite cavuto. Neil hes never down. Always for you, neil. A friday in the summer. Clooney awaits me in the hamptons. I said no, cavuto needs me. Save me a lobster roll. Neil meantime, were finding out that jack dorsey has only a couple of hours, the end of the business day, which would be about 20 minutes from now to testify before congress and agree that he will or it could get nasty. Put that in a short tweet after this. 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I agree with you. I get leery when the government tries to fix something because they generally makes it worse and its the strong arm of government. He himself has admitted what many others in the industry do not that hes left leaning. But what do you do about that . Like i said, we have to continue to put pressure and say hey, as conservatives, we noticed this. Why was this person banned but this person wasnt but this person on the right was banned. He obviously responds to pressure. Remember when he didnt ban alex jones and hes a thoughtful guy trying to do the right thing. He has biases, but hes trying to do the right thing. I wonder what he would say to congress if he came before them. Yeah, theres no way of knowing. He would say his bias doesnt interfere. That is what he has said before. His bias doesnt interfere with his ability to do his job. I dont know if that is true in any ones case. We all have biases and they affect how we use the world. Do you use twitter . Im on twitter approximately 23 hours a day. Neil why . I dont know why. Neil thats more than the president. Its cess pole. Neil why you like to be on twitter so much . I dont know. I can connect with people. Its fun. Neil pick up the phone. Hello. Yeah. I guess. I like to know what people think. I like when i see a nice comment. Not when say shut up, i know. I never had braces. Now im too old for braces. What do you want me to do . Its okay. Im confident in my teeth. Neil youre beautiful. Dont Pay Attention to that. But bottom line, its not going to chase away all of this. People will still use it. People will still use it especially with the president using twitter instead of doing press conferences. Hes a stream of consciousness. It would probably make his life easier if he didnt do that. But as someone that tweets a lot, how cathartic. If i was a president , i would have a difficult time as well. Neil president timpf. Theres a scary thought. More after this. Wasnt my top priority. 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Should we be surprised that cavuto has blasted a man he never liked. First, over 30 years, i respected him. Hes built a remarkable empire that has queen from its queens new york roots to the multibillion Dollar Conglomerate across the globe. Why so many were dismissing his president ial run, i did not. Those of you that are going to dismiss the Real Estate Developer that says he is worth north of 9 million do so at your own peril. Whether you like him or not, dispute the messenger, the not dispute his message. Hes riding atop most polls. So much for being a flash in the past. You realized trump is no passing fad. This is the first time that donald trump would be bigger than ebb expected. Hes the republican candidate for president of the united states. Neil so i think ive been very fair and balanced before he was president. So category 2. Cavuto is a left wing lunatic. Funny, i never remember cavuto saying anything bad about barack obama. Once a looney liberal, always a looney liberal. Wrong. I said plenty of critical things about president obama including his Healthcare Plan that i pointed out put too much control in the hands of the government and didnt sound liberal to me. Mr. President , fox news Isnt What Making America Healthcare sick about your healthcare law. His Candidate Loss and he cannot know why. Hi thinks he doesnt have the heart to admit he might be the reason why. The first president since Herbert Hoover not to have 1 year of 3 growth. Mr. President , that was you. I also said a lot of good things about him. Thats what fair and balanced is about. Including his handling of a economy out of a financial melt down albeit with the Federal Reserve keeping Interest Rates near zero. Category three. Cavuto is reading the changing winds of fox. Jonathan is trying to suck it up to the new liberal bosses that never liked trump. Too little too late to me. You might find this hard to believe. Ive been critical on mr. Trump before the murdock boys took over. And they dont talk to me. They dont email me. In fact, ever. Its okay. Category 4. Cavuto is angry hes not been granted an interview. Lindsey says, youll never get that trump interview now, bone head. Im not a bonehead. Maybe a fat head. But back to this issue. My desperate quest for a sit down with the president. How many times do i have to say this . I dont want an interview with the president. I havent requested for one, i dont angle for one. I havent remotely hinted for one. Now, i chatted with donald trump many times over the years, just zero interest now. Even if i were, this approach would not be the best way to go about it. I take nothing away from anybody here that has interviewed the president. He always generates new with each and all. They all do a great job. I feel i would be so busy trying to get him to clarify and explain his past positions and reversals that before i knew it i would be out of time. It wouldnt be worth it. So i never request it ever. Then theres category 5. This was popular. Its cavutos meds. This one sums it up. I like to give cavuto the benefit of the doubt. He had heart surge representative. Maybe its the drugs. His mind is playing tricks on him. Thats why he never says a good thing about trump or the booming market. Mitch, your brain is fried. I remember saying otherwise. This market is the bomb. Were in a freaking stock bomb cyclone. They are great number. So good the market wondering how do you top that . Some have a feeling theres got to be a give back here a slow down here. We dont see it. A lot of what weve seen is based on lower regulations, more positive environment. A lot of these guys might not be big fans of donald trump but they are big fans of what donald trump is cooking up. Big tax cuts. Neil does that sound like a guy or drugs . Not red, not blue. Green. Im about to always be the green, the money. How much is being made, how much is being lost regardless of the president. Yes, even with this president , theres no agenda here. How can i convince you of that . Category 6. Cavuto is a rhino and rhinos hate trump. Hes parts of the deep state that is deeply depressed. Trump threatens his very existence and it has rhino fat boys sweating, again with the fat thing. Did you write this . I dont know what a globalist is unless youre talking about my waist line. I live in new jersey, by the way, marshall. If thats a deep state, i have to find a cheaper place. Seriously, save the Conspiracy Theories for someone who has the time or interest. I dont. Category seven cavuto is trying to be relevant. Hes trying to pump up his rates. I didnt know that aol is still around. Touche. But how exactly would criticizing the president here on fox help my ratings . Curious. Category 8. Cavuto has gone rogue this sums it up. Cavuto must have a death wish now. He seems to want to be fired. Youre talking to the wrong guy about death wishes and being afraid of them. If i do have such wishes, ive had them for a long time. Ive been saying stuff about the president for a long time that would be a long death wish there. Category 9, cavuto wants to be cool. Buddy in buffalo. Maybe this is cavutos way of being cool. He will tweet out this nonsense to his media pals desperately hoping to like him. You know they hate his fat phony ass. That fat stuff again. Its a consistent theme. Buddy, you dont mind, do you think this is about being cool . Im very comfortable not being cool. By the way, do i look cool to you . Im okay. I think im cool precisely because im not cool. How is that . And i dont tweet. My show staff will send out alerts about what im doing, guests. But me, im not a tweeter or instagramer, snap chatter. I dont understand these technologies. I respect them but i dont get into communicating on them. They dont exactly encourage me with what ive seen their use in the past. They have a lot of comments and silly and petty exchanges especially amongst my classy colleagues. They sound so petty. So no, not me and i suspect not cool but youll have to deal. Category 10. Cavuto is just desperate. One says the problem with cavuto is desperate. Hes always changing. When things look good for trump, hes for trump. When they dont, hes for bashing the guy. Hes scared. Thats all cavuto is, a scarety cat phony and wouldnt know how to deal with adversity if it smacked him in the cheeks. Heres my favorite part. His toupee is faker than he is. Ollie, you hardly know me. If looks can be deceiving, we might be amazed these days that this prompter reader, i can handle quite a bit

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