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It right now despite polls that show something not quite that being the case. A real clear politics average Shows Hillary clinton with about a fourpoint lead in that state. Lets go to adam shapiro in st. Augustine, where, again, donald trump just wrapped things up. Adam . Reporter and neil, he did attack the polls, saying the polls were getting it wrong. He also encouraged the people of cincinnati, who believe they are part of an Historic Movement, he encouraged them to go to the polls right now and vote. More than a million floridians have already cast their ballots. Early voting started today, but also mailin voting, well underway. Thats one issue folks talk about. But at the corner of this, when i talk about the Historic Movement these people feel theyre a part of, is taking back the country and taking back the government. Heres what mr. Trump said to his supporters. The fact that the washington establishment has tried so hard to stop our campaign is only more proof that our campaign represents the kind of change that only arrives once in a lifetime. And its true. And neil, you should know that mr. Trump is really campaigning aggressively in florida. Hes going to leave here and go to tampa. Hes concentrating now on whats called the i4 corridor. 40 of the population from tampa, florida, up the east coast to just south of where i am, st. Augustine and st. Johns county, 40 of the population, it does tend to be republican in many of these counties. And hes trying to instill and motivate his base. Neil . All right, adam, thank you very, very much. The democratic Vice President ial candidate, tim kaine, looks at florida a bit differently. In fact, a lot differently. Take a look. Did i mention the punch line of my whole comment . If we win florida, were going to win. I mean, can i just tell you that . That is, that is the gospel truth. If we win florida, were going to win. All right. What senator kaine is saying, of course, is that they feel confident, that is the Clinton Campaign, the kaine campaign, that they are piling up so many leads in so many crucial battleground states that florida would essentially be the icing on the cake. But have they got a little ahead of themselves . Shelby holliday from the wall street journal with us. What do you think . Tim kaine used an interesting phrase last night saying florida is checkmate. If they win florida, they block Donald Trumps path to the white house. Its one of the key states in this election. But there are other key states as well. Only 1 until registered voters in florida have cast their ballot so far. According to a recent cbs poll, about 20 of those florida voters say they could change their minds or theyre undecided. And its still a battleground. A lot of these polls show clinton is up three or four points, but thats usually within the margin of error. So, you know, you never want to give voters the impression that youre confident or youre overly cocky about your results, because the last thing you want to do is tell them, youre winning, two weeks before an election. And they dont really feel like they need to go out, stand in line, and cast a ballot. This is a race where every single vote will matter. And i wonder who it discourages more. You can make an argument that it would discourage trump voters the they look at these polls and say, oh, we might as well give up. But you could just as easily argue that a lot of Hillary Clinton, relatively lukewarm supporters will look at that and say, shes got it in the bag. How does it break down . It cuts both ways. I kind of like, it to a sports game, where if youre an underdog and you think you have a chance, youre more motivated. If youre winning and a little more careless about playing stuff because you think youre going to win, maybe you dont go out as hard. There is a lot of pressure on the state, but donald trump also sounds very confident. He just said at his rally, were winning, were winning, this is bigger than brexit. Yeah, we should explain to a lot of people here, the brexit thing caught a lot of people by surprise, when britain opted to break out of the club there, and few polls heralded that or predicted that. But even allowing a fivepoint swing, like it was with brexit, that is still or possibly depending on the validity of these polls, not enough for donald trump, nationally, im talking about. Right . Nationally, it looks like a huge uphill climb. But it will come down to these battleground states. And right now Hillary Clinton is up, i think its 3 1 2, 4 points in florida. So of course trump wants to go out there and say, we can win this. Go out there. Everybody needs to vote. He keeps saying that at these rallies. Hes hosting huge rallies across florida this week. And it does cut both ways. But generally, you want your voters to think that every single vote matters, so they go stand in line, skip work, skip school, and they vote. So bring out the passion now, one of the other things that have come up is this early voting, about six in eight americans have already done that. They try to glean what that means by x number of democratic ballots have gone out, so they assume theyre democratic votes, which by and large might be the case, but its not always the case. Is there any way to glean where that early voting is going . Certainly, its the democratic ticket that seems to be pushing it more. The democratic ticket has been pushing it, just all kinds of voting in general. They have a huge ground game. The Clinton Campaign has sent surrogates out for weeks telling people to vote early and vote absentee. Some of this data can tell us a little bit about the race. You know, democrats tend or republicans tend to do better with this absentee voting thats been going on in florida for about two weeks than the democrats do better with early inperson voting. But some of these professors like dan smith in the florida say there could be a substitution effect, where the people who are going to vote early in person have now switched to absentee. We could be seeing some tactics change. So it really is too early to glean whats going on. But we know that women are turning out in high numbers and hispanics are voting more. Those are two trends that could be bad for donald trump, but its really early. All right, thank you, shelby holliday, wall street journal. I want you to look at something. This may not be such a slam dunk, at t and time warner. Time warner, for example, trading at about 20 than the takeover price that at t is looking at. We would have a question, randall stevenson, of at t and Jeffrey Bewkes of time warner, they did not decide to go on fox. They went on everywhere else. They went on a rival business network, a rival news network, they went on sprout, nickelodeon, the Speed Channel and did a. M. Topeka, and they did not do us, because we would have raised these questions, does the market doubt what youre doing . All these deals and the talk of more to come is propelling the dow in the idea that, look, this is either an end of Campaign Year sort of phenomenal, but something is going on. Rockwall collins, 6. 4 million deal. 4 million deal in the brokerage arena with scott trade and td ameritrade. Well get to one of the principles behind that deal. But jeff has been looking at all of this and why all these deals, why now. Jeff . Well, its rare, neil, that we get an issue that can join both Hillary Clinton and donald trump at the same time, but we can thank at t and time warner for that. Take a look at what donald trump had to say. He said he would block this deal, if he became president. Take a look at the quote. He says, its too much concentration of power in the hands of too few. Hillary clinton, via her spokesman, says she feels regulators should scrutinize this deal closely her running mate, tim kaine, says procompetition and concentration is helpful. Mike lee says theres significant antitrust issues with this deal. And bernie sanders, who could be more diametrically opposed to mike lee on most issues says higher prices and fewer choices for the American People is what this deal can mean. You ask mike lee why all these mergers now, well, its a very slowgrowth economy. Theres not good ways to grow now, except by buying somebody else, rather than the oldfashioned way which is growing your business and coming up with a good idea. Also, it seems that a lot of the research on this has been done in the past finds that you can raise your prices when you consolidate. In addition, if you want to keep the rival business or keep a business out of the hands of your rivals, what better way to do it than take it over yourself and that apparently is what at t is going to do. Of course, time warner tried it with aol. I was in management back in the days at cnn when that happened and my stock in time warner went from about 100 to about 10. Hence, im still working today. Well, i know you love what youre doing, and it shows in your onair product, but thank you, my friend. Jeff lock, by the way, the white house is commenting right now on this whole media transaction. The president saying that he opens that regulators would weigh this closicale icallly an the impact of the at t and time warner deal on consumers if they decided to carry out a review. It traded well at the 1. 55 per share bid. That may be why it ran up so far, so fast. But a point i would have raised with the companys ceos who opted not to come on fox, theyre not addressing this. Theyre confident the deal will come through and they think it will. Ill leave it to you to decide if they did address that. But they did tell dora the explorer to come down. In the meantime, have you noticed all this long list of mergers, the ones that jeff just alluded to and many, many more, but this is the time it happens. But they dont always go through. Larry glaser, do you, larry levin, when you get a sense that theres something to the timing of this. Is it that they fear rates are going to go up so theyve got to go fast, or a new administration, republican or democrat comes in, so theyve got to move fast . What . I think a little bit, all of what you said, neil. Certainly the Interest Rates, i think, would be the key. When Interest Rates rise, it makes a deal harder to do and more expensive. Obviously, were seeing a lot of them now and have seen a lot of them this year. But one thing i would say is that one thing for your viewers, for people to stand behind me in these pits, it brings volatility. Its a good thing for these markets. It brings opportunity and thats really what the traders and a lot of your viewers out there want to see. Thats for sure. Are you getting the sense, larry, that well see more of this as the weeks pass by here . Certainly, neil, its safe to say, there wasnt a lot of love in washington for this deal today. And perhaps the corporate ceos recognize they need to get in while the gettings good. When we talk about the Financial Markets, have been very receptive to deals. Interest rates have been very low and its been a great time to do deals. Maybe it wont be such a great time after the election. The Regulatory Environment clearly will change. It will become a lot less receptive to this deal. They want to get this deal in. If this was a universally hated deal across all party lines, and i think whats important to recognize is that the Financial Markets are also taking a skeptical view of this. Theres a lot of debt outstanding for at t. Bond holders are really concerned for what this might mean for them. The bonds were put on ratings watch today, so theyre concerned this might be too much, too soon, a bit of a haphazard deal, pushing through before the Regulatory Environment becomes too much. You know, larry, ive got to wonder now. I know time warner stock has moved up appreciably, the 25 runup has been post its rumored announcement, but others have kicked this companys tires. And im wondering the fact that it is nowhere near what at t has announced its willing to pay. Do you expect toastothers to co forward and will that be the name of the game, and these other transactions, others come forward . You make a the good point, neil. The stock is 20 off of the buyout price. So, yes, will others come forward . Its possible, and obviously, i think that some out there want them to come forward to help push the price up. But theres a lot of time between now and when this deal can really be agreed upon and be okayed by the fcc. Theres issues there, federal government, those kind of things. So theres a little bit of ark tragedy and a little bit of worry. If the market does go up to that price, but maybe goes down 10 first, so theres a little bit of an issue and i think a lot of people are scared if it doesnt go through, its going to go the other way. Guys, thank you both very, very much. Okay, its nothing unusual to see a governor trying to push in finance and health, those running for state senate or legislator. It gets to be unusual when the sums are very, very large. And it so happens that the husband of one candidate hes trying to help is also weighing in on the clinton email controversy. The drama, indeed, the soap opera, and maybe something worse, after this. You can run an errand. music playing push it real good. announcer vo or you can take a joyride. Bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. Siriusxm. Road happy. announcer vo you can sit in traffic. Or you can crack up. man on radio but if it isnt refreshing. announcer vo sorry traffic, we laugh til it hurts. Siriusxm. Road happy. The man that was investigating her from the fbi, his wife runs for saufs and they give her more than 675,000 to run. Its unbelievable, how Hillary Clinton got away with the email lie, the email scam, the email corruption, but now, at least, we have a pretty good idea. All right, just to bring you up to speed, that concerned Democratic State Senate Candidate named jill mccabe, her husband is andrew mccabe, played a crucial role in the fbi in overseeing the investigation into Hillary Clintons emails. She ended up losing anyway, but did get a lot of money and a lot of people are calling into question, what was the exchange with the Governors Office that brought this . Republicans are already doing a foia request to get to the bottom of it, find those emails, if any, and what governor mcauliffe might have arranged or done on her behalf to make this happen. Lets talk to tom dupree on all of this. Tom, the Governors Office was explaining, i think, in general, that two other or three other individuals got even more money. But this stands out, obviously, for who she is, or was, at the time she ended up losing. But that her husband was in this role in the clinton email investigation. Do you think or is the fear that the governor knew that . Yeah, neil, this just raises lots more questions. I dont think anyone should be surprised that evidence of this nature is coming out at this point. But, i guess, from my perspective, whats troubling about it is that it certainly raises at least the appearance of impropriety. And that there was some sort of Hidden Exchange or hidden understanding, or hidden quid pro quo. And it doesnt seem like too much to ask that our public officials, would simply take a lot at the whole situation as an average american would perceive it, and just say, look, maybe we need to wall someone off from the investigation or maybe we dont make donations in this incredible amount to this candidate. But just step back for a minute, and think about how this looks to the average american who wants to have faith in the integrity of these government investigations. Or that jim mccabes husband, andrew, could have recused himself of looking at the emails in general because of who hes married to. Yeah, it seems like theres a lot of ways that the government still could have carried out a fair, impartial, independent investigation the way that walled off the critical actors. So you wouldnt have this money trail. You wouldnt have people raising these questions, and at least wondering whether or not, you know, theres actually some fire where there certainly is some smoke. Now, i dont know what makes it more alarming, the sums involved, because if youre looking at all parties, not just those from state coffers were talking about 500,000 for a state senate race. I know that might not be eye popping, but former governor jim oliver said its not unusual to see governors in that role trying to push Party Candidates to get, in this case, the senate on their side. But there arent a lot of cases like this. So there are only a few standouts. And this is a biggy, right . It is a biggy. Look, i think its a lot of money, no matter how you cut it. And at the end of the day, governors are certainly entitled to support political candidates of their choice, and fbi agents and officials are certainly entitled to participate in investigations, but this is sympathetic that they could and should have seen coming. That you see people, a governor very politically connected to the clintons, making donations in very large amounts to someone, and the questions of improper influence. And again, its something that easily could have been avoided if they had put firewalls in place to avoid these questions being raised. Well put. Thank you very much. Tom dupree jr. And as you all know by now, the fbi did not pursue taking further action against Hillary Clinton. Well have a lot more after this, including what was said behind closed doors that now has a number of republicans fuming. The president saying of darryl issa, hes shameless. Darryl issa responds. I thought i married an italian. My lineage was the vecchios and zuccolis. Through ancestry, through dna i found out that i was only 16 italian. He was 34 eastern european. So i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors we thought was italian was eastern european. This is my ancestor who i didnt know about. He looks a little bit like me, yes. Ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. Get started for free at ancestry. Com for over 100 years like kraft has,natural cheese you learn a lot about what people want. Honey, do we have like a super creamy cheese with taco spice already in it . Oh, thanks. Bon appecheese okay. All right, said behind closed doors, the president blasting congressman darryl issa of shameless because of the panel he has out, and thank the president for bipartisan support that provided victims of Sexual Assault legal protection. In that comment there, if we can roll back to that, guys, you can read this as well as i can, guys. Bottom line, congressman issa with us right now. He ends by calling you shameless, congressman. What do you think of that . Well, you know, the president signed 23 pieces of legislation my committee sent to him during my chairmanship, and a number of other outside of the committee legislation. And i was grateful for each of they will. I was grateful when Vice President joe biden not only called me his friend, but invited me to the white house, when we passed the expansion of the violence against womens act. In this case, this was mimi walters, another congressperson, out of orange county, it was her basic bill. I supported it, worked for it, and we put something out when the president signed it. Hes making a big deal over something that im a little surprised that hes punching down, but he is. He also made a statement that i found actually worthy of saturday night live. He said thered been no scandals during his administration and i smoekds say it was the most Transparent Administration in history, too, but thats just not the case. No administration is without scandals and no administration should expect that we wont agree and Work Together when we can and disagree and hold the Administration Accountable when theyre not right. All right, so unless you were praised for the kind of bipartisan support he supposedly you, of course, wanted, and he had wanted. But in this case, he called you shameless for bragging about it. I guess, in this. How do you answer that . Well, i see he used the worse chutzpahdenouncing. And i found it interesting, because we put out dozens and dozens pieces of literature in this campaign, as you often would. And weve gone out of our way to try to put the Positive Side of what ive been doing. Neil, you covered me for many years. I had ten years on oversight, but the last two years, weve been working on a number of pieces of legislation, including the freedom of information act, something that dramatically expanded your ability to get information about the administration. And he signed it. And its the same situation. I appreciate the president signing things when he does. You know, just before the break, we had a major vote in which i sided with the president on what was called jasta. And i sided with the secretary of defense and the chairman of the joint chiefs. Now, i was on the losing side. The majority of republicans voted the other way. We should just point out that allows 9 11 victims families to go ahead in this case to saudi arabia. And you know, the fact is that ive been an independent voice in congress. I certainly held the bush Administration Accountable many times for their failures. And you know, what i find interesting is simply that he came out to my district and wanted to make a campaign issue. Look, im very willing to run happily on the ten years that i was involved in oversight and the last two years, in which ive been working on Immigration Reform on a bipartisan basis, and working on patent and trademark whats interesting, congressman, and by the way, we did reach out to your point, and weve not heard back. But ways interesting is the president has long bemoaned the fact that or his charge that republicans are not very much into compromise or bipartisan anything. Heres an example, where you do, and he still rips you for it. Well, its campaign season. Vice President Biden wouldnt tell people that congressman issa wasnt just his republican friend or his friend probably today, but were working together on expanding the violence against weomen protection. We did. Even though its a shorter season than it used to be, there is a time that people on both sides of the aisle get together and get good legislation passed and theres a time for campaigning. As you probably have been seeing this morning, we have 10,000 National Guardsmen that are having tens of thousands of dollars ripped back from them after they missed their commitment to reenlist and go to combat, and theres bipartisan support right after this election. Well be back in washington, if the administration doesnt act, passing a law that prohibits taking that money from those men and women who kept their part to have the bargain. There are lots of issues that arent partisan. Of course, oversight is partisan by definition. One party always wants to say they dont see a problem. The other party says they do. But the fact is, my predecessor in Congress Held the bush Administration Accountable. I held the bush Administration Accountable when we were in the majority. You either like bipartisan and reaching across the aisle or you dont. Certainly dont do it this way. Congressman, thank very, very much. I appreciate it. Thank you, neil. All right, we told you a little bit earlier about the at t and time warner deal thats running into a little bit of turbulence. Those ceos involved skipped fox, did everyone else. As i said, dora the explorer just wrapped up an interview there. But that usually doesnt apply to all ceos. We usually get all of them, including next the head of td ameritrade, an eyepopping deal of its own, after this. Liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. I just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. My Insurance Company definitely doesnt have that. You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢ Liberty Mutual insurance once i left the hospital after a dvt blood clot. What about my wife. What were building together. And could this happen again . I was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me . I spoke to my doctor and she told me about eliquis. 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Both made switching to eliquis right for me. Ask your doctor if its right for you. As a combination of see products. And customers. Every ontime arrival is backed by thousands of od employees,. Who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. Because od employees treat customer service. Like our most important delivery. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Think about it. Donald trump doesnt like it. Bernie sanders is opposed to it. Democrats and republicans raising reservations about it. At t, time warner, hung up . After this. Theres only one egg that just tastes better. Fresher. More flavorful. Delicious. Only one egg with better nutrition like more vitamins d, e, and omega 3s. And 25 less saturated fat. Only one egg good enough for my family. Because why have ordinary when you can have the best. Egglands best. The only egg that gives you so much more better taste. Better nutrition. Better eggs. Better nutrition. Oh no, that looks gross whoa, twhat is that . Try it. You gotta try it, its terrible. I dont wanna try it if its terrible. Its like mango chutney and burnt hair. No thank you, i have a very sensitive palate. Just try it guys, i think we should hurry up. If you taste something bad, you want someone else to try it. Its what you do. I cant get the taste out of my mouth if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Shhh dog, dog, dog. A deal got a 4 million crucial transaction in the brokage arena seemed like chump change, but 4 billion, as i said. Td ameritrade trying to scoop up scott trade, doesnt get well, kind of the same billing. Maybe it should. Because at least those in the retail Brokerage Community will be trading back and forth on all of this stuff. Td ameritrades ceo and president with us right now. Very good to have you here. Thanks for having us. Any issues to clear here to make this possible . There certainly are significant numbers for that media one. Well, clearly, were a bit smaller of a deal, but, yes, there are certainly regulatory hurdles that we have to get approval on. We expect that to happen sometime in 2017. We have modeled closing at the end of our fiscal year, which is about 11 months, now. All right. You will be a retail brokerage juggernaut, the two of you together. Offices all over the place. I know youre going to have some overlap. Will that mean also some layoffs . Unfortunately, yes. This types of deals rest a lot on synergies. And one of the attractive pieces of this deal is the amount of opportunity there are for expense synergies. So, there will be, unfortunately, some layoffs. But we commit to be very thoughtful and fair and obviously generous for those people who get laid off. You know, there are so many deals, not only yours with scottrade, reynolds american, the big media one i told you about, a host of others, you know, you add them all up, 200 million worth on the table or rumored to be on the table. What the heck is going on . Well, i cant speak for every other industry, but i do believe that if you look back at some of the forces that are happening in the world today, whether it be low Interest Rate environments or relatively low growth rates, clearly, what you see is an opportunity to drive for scale. And that is certainly applicable in the industry that im in. All right. Now, is there also a sign of maybe an individual retail top that maybe the business wasnt and isnt there and a lot of players are going to have to consolidate, because its shrinking up a little bit. The individuals deal. Never what it was back before the meltdown, has never really returned to the degree many thought it would. Well, we certainly believe theres a lot of life in the retail and trader and investment space and thats the space were in, but the founder of scottrade thought about it long and hard and decided this was the right time to sell. Speaking about that scale point, by the way, he recognized that in order to invest in his business, you need to be larger. One of the great opportunities is that, in fact, combined, well be able to offer some great Cutting Edge Technology platforms and capabilities to the scottrade clients that roger didnt have the scale to invest in. Youll certainly have the scale now. But it does raise the question, ei touched on the outset, what has happened to those days, youre the tax cab guy buying day stocks. Will we ever get back to that or was that unhealthy to begin with . A sign of overzealousness. How do you describe it . I think there are certainly ebbs and flows in the market place and people get more active over time and sometimes less. I dont think this is a structural shift. I think this is just cyclical. Clearly, when you see the mark with highs, what wave seen in the last quarter is the sheer levels of volatilities, both intraday and thats had an impact on the trading levels. Its one of the reasons why we and now combined with scottrade want to branch out beyond just trading to obviously be able to supply more services to the longterm investing constituents. So stick with consumers for the long hall, help them plan retirement, et cetera. Exactly right. Do you think given the timing of a lot of these transactions, your own, including, that maybe, strike while the irons hot. Interest rates can only go uh, maybe sooner than we thought, maybe as soon as december. And that will continue a trend . And then off change in administrations. Whether its a republican one or a democratic one, change is afoot, and that a lot of folks are saying, well, whatever we want to do, lets do it now. Nows the time to do it. What do you think . Well, i wish that transactions came along and they were very thoughtfully timed. But really, you never get to pick your timing. Im all of three weeks into being ceo of td ameritrade. So i would say the timing isnt perfect for from my point of view, but clearly from rogers point of view and the opportunity to participate in the consolidation of the industry, it was part of his decision to sell. And were just happy that we were able to put the deal together to announce today. Hes done a lot of commercials. Hes the face of that firm. Are you going to be the face of the new firm . I dont think so. You dont like commercials . No. Not so much. Okay. Well see how that goes. Thank you very, very much. Congratulations. Thanks for having me. All right, we have a lot more coming up. Wikileaks exposing a lot of stuff going on in the Clinton Campaign. Namely, a lot of namecalling. Enter Elizabeth Warren, campaigning with Hillary Clinton today. You think she could be a thorn in the side of a president Hillary Clinton . We explore, after this. Its endless shrimp at red lobster. With another new flavor you never saw coming. Grilled, glazed korean bbq shrimp. And try as much as you want of flavors like new parmesan peppercorn shrimp. Just come in before it ends. Lots of vitamins a c, and, only 50 calories a serving. Good morning, indeed. V8. Veggies for all. All right. Today, Hillary Clinton was campaigning in New Hampshire with no less than liz warren, the crusading progressive senator. The idea was to get the word out that progressives should rally around her. Now, theres a little bit of friction in this relationship, and something wikileaks has now made clear. Just how much pressure was in that relationship . Jennifer griffin in manchester, New Hampshire, with more on that. Jennifer . Reporter hi, neil. Well, it was a bit ironic to see Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton campaigning here in New Hampshire together. On the one hand, you had the wall street reformer. And on the other hand, you had the wall street beneficiary. The wikileaks, as you mentioned, had exposed what the clinton camp really thinks of the progressive left. Naive, radical, dumb, those were some of the things they wrote in those emails. They were also worried about a potential primary challenge from warren in november of 2014. Today in New Hampshire, it was hard to tell the two apart. Were going to ask the wealthy to finally pay their fair share. Were going to close the loopholes, were going to end the fact that millionaires can pay a lower tax rate than a nurse or a teacher or a police officer. Were going to make big banks pay for the risks they pose to our economy. Reporter heres the hypocrisy. Clintons campaign was built on super pac money. The Washington Post found that donations from 100 of the countrys wealthiest individuals made up more than one fifth of the 1 billion donated to help clintons campaign. Clinton was by far the largest beneficiary of billionaires cash, with 19 billionaires adopted a total of 17 million to her super pac, priorities usa action. Hillary clinton, again, said today, that one of the first things she will do, if she is elected president , is to overturn the Citizens United decision, the 2010 Supreme Court decision, that opened the way and paved the way for these super pacs, which her campaign has benefited the most from. Neil

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