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Reporter john glenn will be remembered for his many roles in american history. He was a warrior in battle. Our first astronaut to orbit the earth. One of our most successful political leaders. He added oldest person in space to his roster of achievements. I cant help but stand here with a sense of deja vu 40yearold of deja vu. He was bo. Reporter he was born in ohio. After the japanese attacks pearl harbor, he signed up for the Aviation Cadet program and became a marine corps pilot. Long before senator john glenn landed in our nations capital, he served in world war ii, flying 59 successful missions. Fire yeefars later, he was read to fly again, this time over north korea. After serving in korea, glenn attended Test Pilot School at the Naval Air Test Center in maryland. Here he gained Early National recognition by setting the transcontinental speed record from los angeles to new york in three hours 23 minutes. By the late 1950s, the u. S. Manned Space Program was just being conceived. John glenn was selected as one of the first seven astronauts for project mercury. Three years later on february 20, 1962, he made history. Becoming the First American to orbit the earth. Turning around. That view is tremendous. Reporter after a few failed attempts at launching a political career, he ran again in 1974. This time he easily won a seat in the United States senate. He was reelected in 1980 by the largest margin in the history of the state. Political journalist jack germond followed his early political career. My First Impression was when he ran on the primary was that he had no feel for politics. He had a tremendous appeal to people. He was plain spoken. He was a national hero. Reporter senator glenn ran in the primaries of 1984 but bowed out to walter mondale. On january 16, 1998, nasa announced plans to return the 76yearold legend to space, 36 years after he first orbited the earth. John glenns second trip to space took off as planned. In october of 1998. Liftoff with a crew of six astronaut heros and one american legend. Reporter when the mission was over, americas oldest space traveller was given another heros welcome, his second ticker tape parade on broadway in new york city. One of the few legitimate american heros of our time. Too often people say, im at this age supposed to be a couch potato. The thing to do is get out and work to fulfill your dreams, your ambitions, at whatever age. Reporter following his retirement from politics and return from space, he and wife founded the John Glenn Institute for Public Service at ohio state university. They also served as trustees of their ill alma mater. Now to president ial politics. A headline in a washington newspaper today asks whether donald trump is already president . He is acting like it today. The president elect met with families and First Responders from last weeks brutal terrorist attack at ohio state university. The event comes as trump continues his search for the best fit to be his top diplomat. On top of that, another celebration with the supporters tonight in iowa. Peter doocy is in des moines. Reporter it was a few minutes ago that the president elect left the campus of ohio state university. He headed for John Glenn International airport there in columbus on his way here to iowa. He did meet for about 40 minutes with victims of the recent stabbing spree on campus and the First Responders who stepped in to save them. We just saw the victims and the families. We were really these were really brave people, amazing people. The police and First Responders were incredible, the job done in particular by one young gentleman was incredible. Reporter the president elect hosted a pair of potential secretary of state contenders in manhattan. He used to be a big critic of mr. Trump. I think he does not seem to have a grasp of the issues that are facing the nation. Reporter after emerging from trump towers elevators, he sounded like an admirer. I found it to be a very interesting and a very informed conversation. Reporter the other invitation is intriguing. He was at boeing, singled out as spending too much on the next generation of air force i and ford which mr. Trump repeatedly warned against building any more of its cars out of the country. You are not going to have any cars coming across the border unless you pay a tax. Reporter they are stressing ford was the only big American Car Company not to take bailout money. The trump cabinet continued filling up with the announcement mr. Trump was puzner of labor secretary. The businessman regularly advocates against raising the minimum wage. That Labor Department pick followed a night of fighting with organized labor, the head of a union represents carrier workers thinks the president elect inflated the number of jobs saves there telling the Washington Post this week, trump and pence pulled a dog and pony show on the numbers. There are new questions today about whether or not mr. Trump will completely sever with his ties by inauguration day. He may keep a stake. Michael cohen responded this morning. Everybody is concentrating on what he is going to do with the business. They will find out december 15th. Reporter here in des moines, its very, very cold out. Its looking like it will be a warm welcome inside for the president elect who will be joined tonight on the third stop of the thank you victory tour by the president elect and the states governor who the next administration hopes to send to china as the next u. S. Ambassador there. Peter doocy, thanks for that. We are apparently nearing an end to the president ial vote recounts in a handful of states. Wisconsin reports if t is more than 70 complete. Hillary clinton gained 83 votes. A partial recount continues in nevada. Pennsylvanias effort is the source of a hearing tomorrow. They ended that activity last night saying Green Party Candidate jill stein is not eligible to ask for a recount. Environmentalists would like a recount if they could get one on Donald Trumps decision to name a noted Climate Change skeptic to run the Environmental Protection agency. Tonight, why so many are so afraid of scott pruitt. Reporter if today was any indication, the biggest fight facing a trump cabinet pick could be over the choice for epa administrator, scott pruitt. Who is ly allied with oil and gas. Allies who maintain the science of Global Warming is settled despite conflicting evidence tore into pruitt. This is an environmental emergency. We have a person who is not just a climate denier but who is a professional climate denier. Reporter it came after trump met with dicaprio and gore. It was a sincere search for areas of Common Ground. Reporter pruitts pick is seen by many as an antidote to epas overreach and it cost it imposes on businesses. We want clean air. We want safety. We want clean water. Crystal clean water. But we cant give hundreds of billions of dollars away to groups that we dont even know where the money is going. Its crazy. Reporter nowhere is the epas overreach more controversial than in the clean power plan. Its implementation is on hold after a Supreme Court stay. That policy agenda is something that is resulting in the destruction of huge numbers of jobs, destruction of affordable energy. Reporter even present epa administrator admitted its largely symbolic, after she was confronted by a congressional critic who noted it reduce temperatures very small. The value is not measured in that way. Its measured in showing strong domestic action which can trigger global action. Reporter pruitt was among dozens who sued the epa, the agency he will head if confirmed. Democrats plan an assault. We should be prepared to talk about this not just as a matter of bad Climate Policy but as a matter of corruption of government. Reporter one explanation for the outrage comes from this Nobel Prize Winning physicist who has been demonized for noting how stable temperatures have been over 150 year sgls. Global warming has become a new religion, because you cant discuss it. Its not proper. Reporter pruitt is not as vindictive toward his opponents. He said, we call upon them to press those beliefs through debate, not through governmental intimidation. Thank you. Lets talk more about trumps pick to run the epa. Charles krauthammer joins us. I think its fair to say the democrats hair is on fire about the pick of scott pruitt. How worried should they be . They should be worried, because they have overreach now for eight years. And thats about to be stopped in its tracks. All the coverage has been on the fact that he believes x, y or z about Climate Change, as if we have a religious test for office in the country, because as we religion. , Climate Change is a the fact is, we dont care if the guy believes that the moon is made of green cheese. His job is to administer. That means to carry out the law as passed by congress. The complaint of the right of conservatives about this administration, its absolutely trampling the idea of administrators as interpreting the law. They make it up. Thats why the epa has been stymied time and again in the courts led by pruitt and other attorney generals. When they try to overstep. They interpret the law in a way that gives them absolute dominion over almost everything. If it rains on your farm and creates a pond, the feds the epa claims the right to regulate you. Thats going to stop. For folks like you who i think its fair to say doubted whether or not donald trump was a true conservative, when you look at people like scott pruitt at epa and labor and tom price with health and human services, this is shaping up on the domestic side as a very conservative cabinet. Without question. Each of these appointments appears targeted at a specific thing, like School Choice for education, the epa is going to be on the essentially obama taking over the energy industry. He tried by legislation in 2009 and 10 when he had control of the congress with cap and trade. Even the democrats rejected that. He did, as he has done in a dozen other areas, try to length la legislate the regulation. Thats why conservatives are encouraged by these appointments. We share several passions, baseball, politics and space exploration. You and i have talked about that a lot. I would love to hear your thoughts about the passing of john glenn. John glenn was the most celebrated american adventurer of the century. Second only to charles lindbergh. He deserves it. He was insanely courageous. Not just a Fighter Pilot in the Second World War and the korean war. A test pilot in the 50s in the supersonic and space age where Life Expectancy was quite short for those pilots. But here he is the first man to go into orbit. Imagine this. When you are ready to go it was postponed i think 11 times. Your colleagues, coworkers strap you in, shut the door, they go down and they drive three miles, not one mile, not two, because of the fireball thats about you are at the top of the firecracker all by yourself. All by yourself. Your best pals, your colleagues are in a bunker three miles away. That tells you how insanely courageous they were. You do remember, in the early 60s, we were having launch explosions with unmanned flights. Thats why it was such a chance. It seems safe now. It wasnt. I do remember it got scrubbed. That was the word they used scrubbed over and over again because of bad weather on the cape. Finally it took off. John glenn, godspeed. Thank you, charles. One of candidate trumps rallying cries was getting rid of trade deals. Many republicans are resisting trumps ideas how to accomplish that. Ed henry is here tonight to tell us why. Reporter donald trump has not been sworn into office and Top Republicans are balking at his push for a massive tariff on companies that ship jobs overseas. With Kevin Mccarthy warning of a trade war. Paul ryan tried to brush off mr. Trumps tariff more diplomatically saying the focus should be on cutting corporate taxes. The best way to get at this circumstance through tax reform. Reporter the president elect has warmed the hearts of republicans with promises of tax cuts. He is upending conservative orthodoxy dating back decades with a thank you tour that sometimes makes him sound like a democrat. The era of economic surrender is over. The bottom 90 , the working class families have not seen a raise in 20 or 30 years. Reporter mr. Trump is pushing the 35 tariff on com p companies for outsourcing, it could shrink the economy and put four million workers out of jobs and lead to another 3. 3 million jobs not being created. All on top of the carrier deal that also ran counter to gop gospel on free market. We cant be giving special interest fafsvors. Reporter steven moore note olympinoteed he could push through major tax reform and regulatory relief. The president elect has signalled 35 is just an opening gamut to deal with the fact that the u. S. Had a trade deficit of 40 billion. More than a 30 billion trade deficit with china alone. All right . Think were doing a good job at negotiating . I dont think so. Reporter moore who worked on the Trump Campaign but is not involved in the transition notes theres no denying the president elects success so far. Not only did donald trump win with this message, but look at what has happened to the stock market, look what has happened to consumer confidence, look what happened to his approval rating. This is a president who is on a roll. Reporter moore did warn mr. Trump has to be careful a bunch of Companies May now be lining up on pennsylvania avenue here in washington and fifth avenue in new york looking for goodies. Thank you. Up next, will president obama pardon Hillary Clinton on his way out of the oval office . First here is what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. Atlanta, a death of a second south Georgia Police officer involved in a domestic dispute shooting yesterday. Police in americas georgia say the 32 suspect killed himself today as authorities arrived at a home where he was hiding. Reno, nevada, a High School Student was threatening other students is in Critical Condition after being shot by a Campus Police officer. The chief of police says the officer took the action when the 14yearold boy failed to follow his commands. This is a live look at San Francisco from fox 2. One of the big stories there tonight, a magnitude 6. 5 earth quake rocked the west coast this morning. The u. It was centered about 100 miles west of ferndale, california. There are no reports of daniel or injuries. Thats tonights live look thats tonights live look utside the dealt way from like a human fingerprint, no two whale flukes are the same. Because your needs are unique, pacific life has been delivering flexible retirement and Life Insurance solutions for more than 145 years. Ask a Financial Advisor how you can Tailor Solutions from pacific life to help you reach your financial goals. As president obamas time in office draws to a close, there are questions about whether the president who has shattered records for issues commutations. Kevin cork looks at that tonight from the white house. Reporter with over 1,000 commutations, he granted clemency to more people than the previous 11 president s combined. How he handles several high profile applicants could well be his most enduring legacy. Accused Army Deserter bowe bergdahl, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden looking for an 11th hour reprieve before mr. Obama leaves hour. Pressure is rising to pardon snowden who is charged with multiple felonies. The aclu joined by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch and calling on the president to grant clemency. Ask about that suggest last month, the president said, i condition pardon somebody who hasnt gone before a court and presented themselves. Mr. Snowden raised legitimate concerns. It did not follow the procedures and practices of our intelligence community. House democrats has called on the president to pardon about 750,000 young undocumented immigrants who are shielded from deportation under a 2012 executive order. White house officials conceded that the president cant protect the dreamers as they are known from a change in policy under a Trump Administration. The president cannot use his clemency authority to legalize the immigration status of anybody. That is why we pursued the executive actions we did. Reporter what of the fate of Hillary Clinton . Might the president give her a blanket pardon . Much in the way president ford offered president nixon. It would imply there was guilt by secretary clinton. Thats something shes unwilling to believe. Its something the president is unwilling to believe. Its likely not something that i think any of the parties would be interested in. I dont think the president would do it as a result. Reporter interesting conversation. By the way, those immigrant dreamers gave the government a lot of personal information, including fingerprints and the home addresses of their relatives in order to apply for protection. There is concern tonight among democrats that the government under a Trump Administration could use that very same information to deport them. Kevin cork reporting from the white house. Thank you. Congress is trying to get out of town as soon as possible. The one Thing Holding up lawmakers is a spending bill to keep the government running. Republicans are trying to use that leverage to their advantage. Mike emanuel is on capitol hill tonight to tell us how. Good evening. Reporter good evening. That package passed the house 326 to 96. Even though the House Democratic leader voted again it. It would fund the government through next april 28. It contains 10. 1 billion for fighting isis and other overseas contingency operations. It has 4. 1 billion for disaster relief, including money for Hurricane Matthew victims. 170 million for contaminated drinking water, 118 democrats in the house voted for the measure but not their leader. Members will do what they do. The fact is is that its a missed opportunity. Its really kind of sad, because theres so many things that we could do to meet the needs of of the American People working together in a bipartisan way. Reporter two democrats in the senate are upset benefits for retired coal miners are extended four months. They threaten to hold up the senate but dont appear to have the votes. Our friends across the aisle need to face up to the reality that if they somehow prevent us from passing this continuing resolution, it will be on their hands. I hope they will reconsider. They will not be able to achieve the goal they are seeking. Reporter with more than 100 House Democrats voting for the measure, many republicans on capitol hill say manchin and brown lost their leverage. Harry reid is about to end his tenure as the democratic leader in the senate. How is he saying goodbye . Reporter after 30 years here on capitol hill, including 12 as the Senate Democratic leader, it is almost over. Late today, harry reid unveiled his official portrait with some democratic vips on hand, including vicepresident joe biden and former democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in attendance. Today reedoffered advice. I didnt make it in life because my prowess, because of my good looks. I didnt make it because im a genius. I made it because i worked hard. Reporter Mitch Mcconnell note ed their many battles but they tried to keep them professional and not personal. Mike emanuel on capitol hill. U. N. Officials are scrambling to find enough land to shelter as many as 700,000 people fleeing mosul as Iraqi Forces Continue to battle isis there. So far, about 82,000 have left. Refugee camps are near capacity. Iraqs Parliament Speaker says an air strike targeting an isis held town kill and wounded dozens of civilian. A u. S. Military spokesman denies any involvement. Isis is calling on its followers to target American Military personnel ahead of of a visit there by defense secretary ash carter. It comes as u. S. And russian officials continue talks on implementing a ceasefire in aleppo as the humanitarian situation there gets worse every day. We have that story tonight from the Israeli Border with syria. Reporter the sound of prayer and the sound of war. A constant chorus as thousands remain trapped in eastern aleppo. Help may be coming. Translator i can inform you they suspended military operation in eastern aleppo because another one and the largest operation of withdrawal of civilian is being conducted. Reporter 8,000 receive yal n civilians he said. They agreed to meet saturday to discuss the withdrawal of opposition forces. Se syrias government says it controls 75 of eastern aleppo. But they have been stopped in other parts of the country such as along the Israeli Border. You are looking at a village that has been destroyed in the fighting. We have been hearing sporadic gunfire in the distance. Im standing probably a couple hundred yards from the border. Im in an unmanned bunker. I dont want to get too high because of the threat of sniper fire. Due to the violence, israels military has increased its presence along the border here. Syria said Israel Attacked one of its military air bases in damascus early wednesday. Israeli defense minister said that israel acts to prevent syrian weapons from falling into the hands of hezbollah. Israel has no interest in getting involved in syrias civil war, a war that continues to tear the country apart. Our series on the first 100 days of the Trump Presidency continues tonight with a look at National Security. It was one of Donald Trumps major issues in the campaign. Chief intelligence con correspondent Catherine Herridge reports. I hope we have somebody that can say islamic terrorist. I hope they can focus on whats right, not what is politically correct or advantageous to themselves. Reporter these two live 60 miles outside seattle. The legacy of his army Service Includes two bullets in his back and leg. When i went down to the ground, he kept shooting me. He ended up putting another five rounds into me. I still cant shake the phone call. The phone call was the hardest. Sorry. It replays in my head. Reporter married six weeks before the attack, they sort through paperwork. We had xrays done. On two instances, we were turned away because we were told the machine was broken. Reporter as part of restoring National Security, trump promised major changes. How many veterans . The right to seek private medical care when they cant get proper service. My only fear is if they switch to a privatized system, some of the care at the va facilities could be degraded. I hope they focus on fixing the problems. Reporter the act pledges to eliminate Defense Budget cuts known as a sequester and to expand military investment. A pentagon report about maintenance teams taking extreme measures struck a cord. They are flying planes that they go to a plane museum or to an airplane graveyard because they dont even make the parts anymore. Reporter the mannings say ending sequestration should be a priority. Coupled with the va frustrations, it adds another layer of stress. I have had friends that had basically been given pink slips. They were close to retirement. Its a shock that they were booted out. Reporter the president elects National Security strategy is broad. From the war fighter to the border agent, as well as the intelligence professional who tracks the cyber threat, the plan is ambitious and will challenge the established order. This november 17 transition video calls on senior military leaders to develop a comprehensive plan to protect americas vital inf infrastructure from cyberattacks and other forms of attacks. You see an uptick with cyberattacks. I do. It will be a dark year. We will see more destructive attacks, that dismantle data. Reporter elevating the issue is the right thing, but there will be resistance. Theres too much of a turf war between the Government Agencies that are responsible for dealing with cyberattacks. We need more cooperation and collaboration. Reporter immigration is a final component. Calling for a new screening procedure and a stronger border. This week, the house committees republicans chairman prom igsed to draft legislation. We will put in place a historic multilayered Defense System so that drug cartels and terror i have ists dont slip t. Reporter the first 100 days seem like a drop in the bucket for the mannings who are waiting for his injuries to be deemed combat related. Getting the purple heart last year was progress. Now they hope mr. Trump will live up to his tweets. I remembered that tweet of his support back in 2012. Thats exactly why i voted for him. Its not a left or right thing. It should be an american thing. Reporter in washington Catherine Herridge, fox news. Tomorrow we will look at the promises that president elect trump made to drain the swamp in washington and what he could do in his first 100 days. A federal judge denied a defense request for a mistrial in the case of the accused Charleston Church shooter dylann roof. Facing charges of killing nine black church goers in the summer of 2015. The judge said today, a survives testimony about roof belongs in the pit of hell was not a statement on what his sentence should be. Record highs on wall street today. The dow jumped 65. The s p rose 5. Nasdaq was up 24. Donald trump has environmentalists turning all kinds of shades of green with his choice to run the epa. We will talk with the panel about that when we come right back. I accept im not the hiker i was. I even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. But no matter what path i take, i go for my best. 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Start with the nomination of pruitt as epa administrator. He says the debate over Climate Change is far from settled. He is part of several lawsuits against epa regulations on Greenhouse Gas emissions. Your thoughts about this nomination . Its going to drive the left absolutely crazy, which it has started to do. I think theyre going to fight this as hard as they fight anything the Trump Administration puts forward. It goes to the heart of their argument that the planet is warming, cut Greenhouse Gas emissions, we will save the planet, the oceans wont rise, we wont have destruction along the coastline. I understand that. But its like the church of Global Warming has also in the eyes of many completely subsumed the idea that business still has to exist. There has to be a balance between protecting the environment and having business be able to operate. Not unfettered but with some degree of freedom. Does it surprise me that trump picked him . Absolutely not. Theyre going to have to be ready for the hearings and with a responsible approach that we want an environment thats protected. There are people out there he thinks the earth is getting hotter. He thinks the dire predictions of the Climate Change are way over the top. Very respected. Theres intolerance on the other side as well. Steve, when trump met with al gore this week and then you got to remember when he met with the New York Times and said he had an open mind about Climate Change and the paris climate accord, there were some conservatives who were wondering whether trump had gone soft on environmental regulations. With the appointment of scott pruitt to run the epa, was that a head fake . It might have been. Those concerns were unfounded. This is the person you want if you wanted to challenge the epa. Pruitt is a thoughtful Movement Conservative who has been doing this for quite a while. He ran on it when he ran for attorney general in oklahoma. He executed the plan that he ran on. He was creative in using the law to push back on federal regulations that many people, not just Business People but average citizens around the country think go too far, not just on the epa but on obamacare and other things. I think this is the kind of person you want in administration. Its funny to watch this liberal heads explode as this happens. Nobody should be surprised that donald trump is going to nominate somebody who basically agrees with the kinds of things that he has argued. Back when president obama won and he was filling out his cabinet, selecting his top staffers and advisers, the left said, we won. We get to make these choices. Donald trump he won. He gets to make these choices. As part of the trump surge in the stock market, Energy Prices went up. I want to go with you, chuck, to this question of the reaction by democrats who seem to be more upset about this than any other nomination that trump has made so far. Usually, in a transition, theres one person that the Opposition Party looks to knock off, because they cant go after everybody. Is this one . Is this the battle in the confirmation hearinghearings. Theres going to be competition for that honor. Theres important money in the democratic camp from tom stire among others that is that flows in the Democratic Party based on environmental issues. Those people will really be arguing to take a stand on scott pruitt. Here is the catch. There are a number of Democratic Senators facing reelection in 2018 in red states or in coal burning states. Often the same thing. Im thinking about bob casey in pennsylvania. Even someone like brown of ohio who is liberal but a coal dependent state. Those folks will face a dilemma in how to handle the future of the clean power plant to the extent its an issue in this case. Of course, the question will be, do we filibuster pruitt . You will need 40 solid democratic votes to do that. By the way, on the other side theres at least one republican i can think of who might have concerns. Theres the possibility of republicans going to the democratic side and opposing him. This is with the Nuclear Option that harry reid put into affect, 50 votes is what you need. Of course, i forgot to mention, joe manchin of the coal state of West Virginia will probably like this appointment. Its not exactly a straightforward partisan issue. I want to ask you, laura, about another pick that the president made today. That was the fast food executive for hardys. He is an outspoken critic of obamacare. A critic of the minimum wage and administration overtime rules. What are your thoughts about his pick . I think he is going to annoy both sides. He is extremely smart, very accomplished. I think you can make a case for him. However, on the issue of immigration and Foreign Workers coming into the United States, theres a lot of folks out there, breitbart has a piece tonight, that puzder is not good on those issues. He kept wages low at his companies by having mostly immigrant workers. Is he opposed to one of the bedrock ideas that, of course, president elect trump ran on . That is a concern. Ive been getting lots of emails over the last several hours about this pick. We will see how that shakes out. It could annoy both sides. He is a big exponent of automation and the idea that you can save money by having machines, not employees. One of his arguments is, if you make the cost of labor too expensive, people are just going to go do machines in places where they can. We will see how that works out. We have to take a break. Up next, donald trump against Congressional Republicans on the issue of trade. Were going to improve the environment for manufacturing jobs in this country. Were going to take away the advantages that companies have had for decades to take jobs out of the snats. We believe the best way to solve that very important goal is comprehensive tax reform. A sharp difference of opinion between Vice President elect mike pence and House Speaker paul ryan over the best way to stop american jobs from going overseas. We are back with the panel. There is this disagreement, steve, between the trump team which favors the idea of punitive 35 tariffs if a Company Moves out with its jobs and then tries to ship goods back into the u. S. , and the Republican Leadership in congress which is talking about, no, just general tax reform, Better Business climate, cut back on regulations, not trade wars. Where is this going to end up . Good question. I think were likely to see a huge effort by Congressional Republicans to push back on some of the things that donald trump said, but it all depends on when he does this. I mean if donald trump moves early on trade issues, he can make the argument that he ran on these issues, they were one of his signature issues, without a doubt, and that he deserves sort of the benefit of the doubt as he makes his case. I think the question in a broader sense remains are republicans here trying to sort of fill in the gaps that the free market sometimes leaves, whether you are talking about trade deals or talking about just the operation of the markets inside the country, or are you talking about abandoning free markets. I think if it is the former you may actually find some Common Ground between people who have been traditionally free traders like paul ryan and donald trump. If it is the latter and it is a turn away, a sharp turn away from free markets and you have the quote from mike pence last week where he said, you know, we tried the free market in america, has been a loser, thats going to be alarming to republicans who believe in free markets, to businesses and people like me. Let me ask you, laura, because it raises an interesting question. I think there are some people on capitol hill who think that trump really doesnt care about the details and they can set the agenda and they can pass the bills and trump will just sign it, and youre shaking your head. That aint the way it is going to work . I dont think thats the way it is going to work. I think on this issue he believes he has both support on the right and on the left. I know we talk about this carrier thing coming up. You go back to the head of the indiana steelworkers union, the National Steelworkers union as well, theyre in favor of the tariffs. Not just tariffs for the sake of tariffs, but when the market is inefficient, when the free market fails because of a foreign countrys subsidy of countries or devaluing currency or cheating or dumping the things we know china does, thats when president s throughout our history have engaged in selective use of tariffs. I think thats the rub here. Will this make sense in certain cases . Will it be a uniform slapping on of 35 tariff . You could do both things, and traditionally president s have, both republicans and democrats. The idea tariff is a fourletter word is preposterous. It can be a market efficiency maker if employed the right way. On the carrier thing, whether it is 800 jobs or 1,000 jobs, it makes market sense because it doesnt cost, in 1. 6 months i think all of the cost is paid back. Let me get into that because it is not just ceos that mr. Trump is confronting. He also got into quite a tussle today with the head of the local union in indiana that represents a lot of the carrier workers, and he accused the president elect of exaggerating how many jobs in fact he saved. Here first is that union boss. He didnt tell the truth. He inflated the numbers and i called him out on it. Here is mr. Trumps tweet reacting to that criticism from union leader chuck jones. Quote, if united steelworkers 19899 was any good they would have kept those jobs in independent kwana, spend more time working, less time talking. Reduce i assume he is talking about union dues. What do you think of that, chuck . You know, in addition to the fact we now all have to forget this idea theres ever going to come a time where donald trump doesnt retaliate when somebody insults him, we can forget about that. Thats what he does and hes going to do that. He said when they punch, i punch back harder. Thats point number one. Point number two, the substantive point about the union now is to blame for the fact that the jobs were going to go to mexico. Before it seemed like he was blaming the evil company. In that sense, you know, the whole idea, whatever it is, behind his plan to prevent jobs from leaving suddenly becomes all confused. It used to be that these were it was the fault of the corporations who didnt care about americans and didnt care about their workers. Now all of a sudden hes mud willi muddling the picture by saying sometimes the unions are to blame, too. That tells me he has not thought the decision about punishing companies through carefully. What laura says about the legal finding being attacked violating International Law with respect to trade, he has been talking about this or that company gets up and moves to mexico, im going to stop that by punishing them. Laura, 30 seconds. Well, i think the thing thats happening here is hes reacting to a problem in america with jobs going overseas. In this particular case with carrier, whether it is 800 jobs or 1,000 jobs i dont think in the end people care about that. What they care about is that this is part of a plan. It is not the whole thing, it is not a panacea to restore real jobs to america and make the atmosphere here more hospitable for business. Thats what i think he is getting at. I get the thing about the tweeting but i think thats his overall goal. Were not going to resolve it today but i suspect we will have more opportunities. Stay tuned to see how they handle snow in canada. They should be good at it, right . Credit karma . Why are you checking your credit score . You dont want to ride the 13l forever, do you . The doctor said its not contagious. [coughing] credit karma, huh . Yeah, its free. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Finally tonight, winter is coming and if you want a preview we can show you what happened in montreal where they supposedly know how to handle weather on the first snow day of the season. No one was hurt so it is okay to laugh. Hee we go. You can see, look at this. This bus is like a snowplow taking all of these cars into the interse the intersection. Here comes another bus on the bus, and here is a police car. Looks like a different corner, but this isnt good. Now it is going backwards down the street and theres get out of the car. You can hear that. Got a little actuality here. Bam. Roller derby. If you have ever been in that situation, there is no more helpless feeling. That special report for tonight. Im Chris Wallace in washington. Lets put up the flood because i have an exclusive interview on donald trump. We will talk to him in trump tower on saturday. Go on trump force. One couldnt be more excited. Thats sunday, but Tucker Carlson tonight is next. Welcome to hannity. Tonight president elect donald trump on his thank you tour speaking to supporters. Laura ingraham, she will be here in a minute with reaction. Here are some of the highlights. In filling my cabinet i am looking for people who fully understand the meaning of service and who are committed to advancing the common good. I believe were in the process of putting together one of the great cabinets that has ever been assembled in the history of our nation. Do you like it so

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