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Rallies. In cleveland the president fired up the crowd. Everything we have created and achieved is at stake on election day, it is. If the radical democrats take power, they will take a wrecking ball to our economy, a vote for republicans is a vote to continue our extraordinary prosperity, our extraordinary journey together. A vote for democrats is a vote to bring this economic boom crashing to a sudden halt. The democrat agenda is a socialist nightmare for our country. Jesse democratic big guns coming up to try to stop trump. Barack obama going after the president and the g. O. P. America is at a crossroads. The health care of millions is on the ballot. A fair shake for working families is on the ballot. Perhaps most importantly, the character of our country. Jesse former new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg dishing out millions on a new campaign add backing democratic candidates. We expect to be called to a higher purpose. We expect to work together. I dont hear that call coming from washington these days. Do you . In fact, i hear the opposite. Shouting and history of sensitive calm reasoning. Pointed fingers and set of open hands. Division incentive unity. We must send a signal to republicans in washington that they have failed to lead, failed to find solutions and failed to bring us together. Thats why im voting democratic. Jesse okay, martha, welcome to the five. Martha hello, everybody. Jesse the closing for the democrats seem to be health care and trump is divisive and racist and that republican closing message seems to be immigration, the economy, and the democrats are unhinged. Any sides making any traction do you think . Martha we are seeing the polls narrow. Its just plus three for the democrats in the latest read of how this is going to go. I think we have learned a lot about polling in recent years, so i think its going to be very interesting to see how this whole thing shakes out but in terms of the messages, i cant help but feel they kind of scrambled to them in the final weeks. I think the democrats were lacking a cohesive message other than resistance which clearly has been their main mojo for the past couple years. Republicans have been having this schizophrenic reaction to it where they think they should be. Folks like paul ryan think they should be focused on the economy. Its a pretty easy argument. The president has done more for the jugular with immigration in the caravan, he is betting its going to help folks along the way and hes probably betting thats ultimately going to help him. Jesse juan, what you think about the democrats bringing out the big guns . Barack obama, joe biden, mayor bloomberg dropping millions in the last week. What do you think . Juan i think its good news for the democrats, especially bloomberg is a former republican. People have a clear sense something is wrong if you get bloomberg absolutely saying the message that comes from this white house is one of division, hatefulness, fingerpointing, as you saw in the ad. What you see is that this picks up on something that we are seeing right now in the polls which is the plurality of voters. 40 say they want to send a message with their vote tomorrow to oppose donald trump, 41 say they want their vote to put more democrats in positions to be a check on President Trump. I also think a lot of people looking at the advertising president Trumps Campaign is utilized, the one about the caravan in particular, the one that had a man who been accused of killing people as a centerpiece and somehow representative of everyone in the caravan, you you have seen people pulled out because its a racist ad. For the most part, democrats have run on the issues, especially health care. You are saying that more and more people are saying its about who we are, as you heard former president obama say, its about who we are as americans, and who do we want to be . Our character. Jesse definitely bringing up character in the late hours of the campaign. Dana, juan said you can get a read on what people think. Im not so sure. I think we have nate silver, famous political prognosticator, giving a very wide stretch of possibilities about what could happen tuesday. Lets listen to him. Our range which covers 80 of outcomes goes from about 15 democratic pickups all the way to the lowtomid 50s. Most of those are above 23 which is how many seats they would need to take the house but no one should be surprised if they only win 19 seats and no one should be surprised if they win 51 seats. Those are extremely possible. Jesse its like the weatherman. Tomorrow is going to be 80 and sunny but its a possibility could be cold and rainy. Dana i think its easier to predict the weather than election outcomes. Even if the extremes, like the republicans hold the house or the democrats we fit with 50 seats, both of those, theres a chance, smaller chances, probably going to be something in between, i do think that the gubernatorial races are super important. The republicans have dominated in the states for so long, like maybe 12 years. Politics cycle. Looks like the republicans are going to lose several governorships, and the ones to really watch i think, if youre thinking about President Trumps reelection, florida and ohio. 2020 you do the census and redistricting and it will have a big impact. Jesse greg, one day to go. You look very excited. Greg i am thrilled and cold. I feel like the democrats are cramming for a final. They are hopped up on ritalin and coffee. Economic boom, gdp, wages, jobs, all those things, almost the destruction of isis. It will take some time. Progress with north korea. We are seeing progress on trade. We are seeing two justices on the supreme court, keystone. We have forgotten about keystone. We are rebuilding the military. There is consumer confidence, optimism, worker productivity. Any one of these singularly as an achievement to something you can run on. The problem with trump as he has too many good things. All that the dems have his hate. They are the party of hate. They dont just hate trump. They hate everyone who supports trump, and thats what you have to remember when you go to the polls. They actually despise you. Its kind of sad. In a weird way, its a tribute to trump. He is like a super villain and he is bringing out bloomberg, obama, biden, celebrities. They are like the super friends. They have to get together to fight this one guy. Hes basically, i dont know, lex luther and they are all robin. Jesse what does it say about the Democratic Party right now when they have to bring in so many heavy hitters, a president who just left office two years ago coming and campaigning this aggressively and this partisan lay against his successor. Not necessarily unseemly but its never really happened to this extent. Does that mean the democrats are so threatened that they have to come in with the heavy artillery this late . Juan he has the bully pulpit. He is the president. He can do things like send troops to the border for no reason. He can make an issue out of no issue in terms of the caravan. Its a threat, its an invasion, pull the children in the house. Its madness. I think what you are seeing is the number of Top Democrats willing to step out in an unorthodox fashion because they see this as a critical moment. I noticed in a locked of ads, both on the republican and democratic side, people are saying this is the most important election in our lifetime. Greg they dont have a message other than we hate trump. Juan that is ridiculous. Greg if they dont get a blue wave, they are going to blame the white russian. Juan what is health care . Isnt that an issue . Jesse up next, much more on the battle for control of the house. Bill hemmer is here to break down the key tossup races that could shift the balance of powe power. [ slurping ] act your age. Get your own insurance. [ child babbling ] aah oh act your age. Get your own insurance. Act your age. Hello im an idaho potato farmer. Did you ever notice that the very first bite of every great meal is always the potato . Thats why it should always be an idaho potato. Only genuine idaho potatoes have the perfect taste and texture to get your meal started right. Whoa. Hey look, its huge. Oops, gotta go. Hey, wait. Come back. [ready forngs ] christmas . No, its way too early to be annoyed by christmas. You just need some holiday spirit thats it this feud just went mobile. With xfinity xfi you get the best wifi experience at home. And with xfinity mobile, you get the best wireless coverage for your phone. Youre about to find out you dont even know where i live. Hello see the grinch in theaters by saying get grinch tickets into your xfinity x1 voice remote. A guy just dropped this off. Hehehehe. Dana welcome back to the five live from fox square. Polls tightening in critical races that will decide which Party Controls congress. Where do things stand before voters head to the polls tomorrow . We go to bill hemmer. He is at the billboard with the latest on key house races. Fox square looks great. I think you guys look toasty. [laughter] heres what i want to do. Well go house first and then sign it and then the president s travels. We can do that in the next couple minutes. Heres, lets start with the house and try and give viewers a sense of what we can look for early in the night, 7 00, eight a 8 00 east coast time. Dividing the country into regions. The midsouth, if youve been watching tv for the last three days, in all likelihood if you are paying attention you have heard about kentucky, Congressional District in the city of lexington, the suburbs and rural areas. Andy barr is the republican. He is getting good challenge by the democrat, firsttime candidate. Why is it considered a tossup . Based on all the indications we are getting right now, mcgrath was running a pretty good campaign. We get an idea a little bit after 7 00 as to how the folks in lexington, kentucky, are feeling and if andy barr does well, well, i will show you a few other districts where if you go 4 for 4 on the republican side, its going to be a long night and a really close battle for control of the house of representatives. The second one i want to show you, in addition to the kentucky sixth, is North Carolina 2. You probably may have not heard a lot about this and theres a reason. It might be likely republican but let me give you an analysis and you can make up your own mind. George holding is the incumbent, getting a pretty good challenge. A new tool we have, who are these voters, who lives there . Who votes there . The census data gives us a pretty indication they are fairly wealthy. 8,000 above the median average of the country. 70 have a College Degree or better in the racial breakdown, twothirds white. 20 black, 10 hispanic. We are going to watch this race throughout the evening. If republicans hold, it would portend good things for the g. O. P. The third area i want to show you is here in georgia, specifically georgia 6 and georgia 7. Karen handel won a special election a couple months back. The suburbs of atlanta. Georgia 7. If republicans go 4 for 4, early in the night, i think were going to have a very interesting race in the house and in all likelihood a very close one for control of that chamber. Those are the four im looking at early in the evening. Dana since you are nice and warm inside, we are going to make you stick around and put you through your paces. We will start with questions around the table with martha maccallum. Martha hello, bill. Good to see you. One of the questions i have is which races we might not know about. Some of these could be prolonged over the course of the next few days. California and we know doesnt even count all their ballots until a week later on the absentee. Mississippi could go into a runoff, right . Speak a very good question. Poll closings may be gives us a better idea of how we can analyze it. At 7 00, i mentioned kentucky. Georgia, virginia as well. Through the night, 7 30, i mentioned North Carolina. Good races in ohio and West Virginia as well. 8 00, a lot of data is going to come pouring in. Missouri, pennsylvania, florida. 9 00 a little more further west, 10 00. Still interesting. Nevada, montana, iowa. 11 00 is california. Martha, there are at least eight races on the house side were watching. Seven of which are in areas where Hillary Clinton did very well two years ago. She won the district and the republican won the house either. Talking with the decision desk today, stirewalt and the smart brains, if the house is not closed will be able to make a call earlier. If its close, the california thing could keep us up very late tomorrow night. Well have to see how it turns out there. Dana jesse watters. Jesse i think personally the key to the midterms is going to be the hidden trump vote. The people that shocked the world in 2016, dont really talk to pollsters, are they going to materialize when trumps name personally is not on the ballot . I dont think pollsters know either and thats why see such large spreads. You see cnn has plus dems 13. Rasmussen has plus 1. Thats why people are hedging. They dont know. Your instincts as you see the landscape right now, is there anything that you see tomorrow that can give you a sense of what way those hidden trump voters could go. Its a great question. Its why they play the game. I cant answer it right now. As we cover these stories, the campaigns that go on for as long as they do come of the data points stick in your brain. The president is still traveling, turning out great numbers. This and how we ended up in 2016, reds trump and blew his Hillary Clinton. Think about where he went today. Ohio, he was a winner there by almost eight points. Two years ago, hes also in indiana, the northern part of the state, fort wayne. He was the easy winter by points over Hillary Clinton two years ago in the hoosier state. Missouri, same margin. And then he concludes the night in missouri, a county he easily won with 76 of the vote. Why is he doing it . He has said for weeks that the midterms are base elections and thats when he is banking on. Think about these data points as he gets information throughout the night. Dana greg, 45 seconds. Greg martha took my question. Juan bill, it is its also a weather map . Turnout is so key tomorrow and what we are hearing is you could have rain in georgia, West Virginia, wisconsin, ohio, indiana, michigan, minnesota. I love the coat. You look handsome. Juan thank you. They say that we have a chance for a record turnout. Weve had our record early vote. Im asking about the weather. It could be a record midterm. East coast is going to get some rain tomorrow. Now i feel like a weatherman. Two states are critical. They dont have early voting, thats virginia and pennsylvania. Its a good question well see how it goes tomorrow. Dana bill hemmer, thank you so much. Excited to watch you tomorrow night and get that information. Up next, a struggling red state democrat calls out his own partys mistakes ahead of tomorrows election. Details when the five returns live from fox square. 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Ford was delayed until the end did not read well at all in a lot of the country. I wish they had handled it differently. I think it hurt the brand. If i lose, i think it will just be because, you know, the National Democratic brand is a problem in general for me. Juan what we have here, dana, Phil Bredesen, very popular governor in tennessee, saying that in a national election, he thinks the democrats and im using his language, have drifted from their corporate how do you see it . Dana hes being honest. Might not be the message democrats on the left want to hear. If you look at candidate recruitment, Phil Bredesen, to be willing to run statewide in tennessee, and experienced governor, wellliked but in a state where President Trump won by 19, 20 points. Its going to be very difficult for democrats to win in any of the senate races going forward. President trump has played this well. He trust his instincts means going to follow them and he looked at the map bill hemmer showed us where the president is going these last few days are in states where Senate Democrats are endangered. The difference is, to see what happens in 2020. Theres no Senate Democrat up for reelection in 2020 in a state where President Trump won. The travel and the message might look different. Juan greg, i i want your head to blow off. Jesse stop with the violent rhetoric. Juan im trying to greg, Claire Mccaskill in missouri saying shes not one of those crazy democrats. Joe manchin saying i didnt like the way we handled kavanaugh and he voted for kavanaugh. What do you think about it . Greg first of all, whats his name, bredesen . Whatever. Now he speaks up about kavanaugh. Would have been nice if it was during the time that he actually said something. What did he say . I dont remember it. Juan he voted for him. Greg forget that i said that, hes a great guy. Vote for him. I think it would be healthy for the democrats, what happened to the republicans, a challenge to their orthodoxy. That will happen in 2020. Whats the democratic orthodoxy . Identity politics, grievance theater, who was more grieved. Ultimately these people will eat themselves alive. Thats why they need a new message and they need a message of unity, bringing america back together again. The, what happened with kavanaugh is a perfect example of the stalinist end game. This is where identity politics will take you in the individual becomes subservient to the Political Party because as nancy pelosi said, to achieve a political aim, Collateral Damage is Collateral Damage. The Collateral Damage is the individual. Kavanaugh was the innocent individual that was thrown to the fire to achieve a political aim. If the democrats actually confront that problem, they might actually have the white house but i dont know if they have the guts. Juan what do you think, jesse . I am struck by the idea that you had democrats kind of saying lets not go too far. The president have been saying these are radical democrats. Theyre going to let criminals in the country. They want open borders. Here is a guy saying we dont need to play hardball with President Trump. Jesse its a good point. I think the democrats do well when they appear moderate and stick to College Table issues like College Tuition and health care. When they talk about inclusion and fairness, and where they get into trouble is when they start demonizing people and dividing. Is it possible for democrats to be proworker and be procapitalist . Can the Democratic Party be prome too movement and also for due process . Can the Democratic Party b for diversity but also be against open borders and not be so antiwhite . So far they havent been able to strike the balance. Right now the president comes out with an extreme position and they automatically go to the other extreme. Abolish i. C. E. , impeachment, socialism. I dont think that brand place because right now and it always has been a center right country in america. When you look at the polls right now, the president and his party, the American People agree when it comes to the military, jobs, economy, kavanaugh, and even when it comes to the caravan. A new poll outs, 51 of hispanics support sending troops to stop the caravan. 65 of all americans wanted to send troops to stop the caravan. The president knows where the center of the country is, the democrats have to be disciplined enough emotionally to create a contrast position which is not in venezuela. Juan really . I am glad you are so moderate interviews. I dont think democrats are antiwhite. Jesse sometimes you hear things about you want a border wall . You must hate mexicans. That kind of positioning turns a lot of white workingclass voters off. Martha if Phil Bredesen were to win, he would be the first democrat senator since al gore intimacy. Its been quite some time. I think he is sending a very similar message to the one you pointed out from Claire Mccaskill who talked about crazy democrats. Claire mccaskill has said i dont think the caravan should be allowed into the country. They are sending almost a clarion call to the rest of the party saying you are not where we are and you are not in a place where we can win. Juan do you think in fact its legitimate for democrats to say why are you guys always pulling back while trump is punching hard . Martha i think President Trump has gone a long way with a lot of people he referred to as forgotten men and women. Places like rural tennessee in rural missouri. They feel recognized by these candidates and as you say, bredesen saying we have to become the party of labor. We have to reidentify with workers are we going to be in big trouble. Juan texas congressional candidate and decorated war hero dan crenshaw has a message for nbc after Pete Davidson stroke on saturday night live. Thats next on the freezing the five. So a tree falls on your brandnew car and totals it. And as if that wasnt bad enough, now your insurance wont replace it outright because of depreciation. If your insurance wont replace your car, what good is it . Youd be better off just taking your money and throwing it right into the harbor. Im regret that. With new car replacement, if your brandnew car gets totaled, Liberty Mutual will pay the entire value plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. I think it will fit. Want a performance car that actually fits your life . Introducing the new 2019 ford edge st. Capability meets power. In the first suv from the Ford Performance team. The new 2019 ford edge st. Martha welcome back to the five come alive from fox square had fallout over saturday night live and Pete Davidson mocking former navy seal and war hero dan crenshaw for wearing an eye patch. The texas congressional candidate responding to the controversy. They probably should apologize, but that doesnt mean im going to demand an apology. I dont want to demand an apology thats hollow and empty. What passes for humor these days is not what used to pass for humor. I think thats a big tragedy in all this. Why cant we just be funny again . What happened to comedy in this country . Martha he served five tours of duty, two after he was blown up by an ied and lost his side. He almost lost both eyes. Miraculous recovery, he regained the site in one eye. Pete davidson, you would imagine if hes a normal hood being is feeling a lot of remorse. But i liked about the statement was when he talked about, i dont really want a hollow apology. Greg i used to like crenshaw, i met him. Not anymore. What happened to comedy . Why do you watch the greg gutfeld show . His response was perfect and infuriating. We have to stop ruining peoples lives over mistakes. We have to stop mobbing people online because they said a bad joke. Everyone has to be like crenshaw. If we forgive, we lead better lives. We get the adrenaline rush from chasing people down online and making them feel back, forcing an apology, forcing them to resign. Whats infuriating about his response is that it will only come from that side. The left will never do it. We have talked about joy behar, we have talked about joy reid. We talked about alec baldwin. Nobody here ever demands an apology or says they should be fired. We just say they made a mistake. When joy behar criticized christians. None of us that she should be fired. We have the ability to forgive. None of those people are going to give us the same allowance. The moment jesse, you screw up, media matters will be all over you. Jesse thats a good thing. Im never going to screw up. As a matter of fact, i think you should be fired. Ive been trying to get you fired ever since i came on the show. [laughter] martha he said that he wanted the snl producers to get together. Pick a number, a million dollars, your favorite veterans charity. Dana the night after this happens, he was at the folds of honor event doing a fundraiser for them which is a worthwhile thing. The thing i wonder about is nbc, its not like this joke wasnt in the teleprompter. Its not like they didnt have a graphic ready to go. Its not just Pete Davidson who said it. I also think, but i would agree with greg on this, im so tired of people calling for others to be fired. Its just, you dont have the responsibility to fire anybody. Thats their job and you can express their your outrage butp demanding that they get fired. Martha speaking of joy behar, she said she understood the joke because his father died during 9 11 and he takes the dark view of real life and tries to bring something comedic to it. Jesse he is a dark guy, thats pretty clear, Pete Davidson. Going through struggles in his personal life because he just had his engagement broken off by a pop star. Maybe he was trying to selfdestruct. I dont know. I dont think it was that bad of a joke. He was comparing the guy to a hit man. Could be worse. There could be a lot worse insults. Greg that wasnt the insults. Jesse the insulting part was he goes oh, yeah, i guess he got it and war. That was an off prompter throwaway line. I did that was okay. I dont think the joke landed the way he thought it was going to land but do i think he needs to be fired . No. Martha juan, what do you think of the apology thing . Requiring people to apologize, requiring people to be fired. Juan i was curious listening to my colleagues on the five because they are all in selfpreservation mode. They dont want anybody criticized. I take a beating on twitter every day. [laughter] dana you are not alone in that. [all speaking at once] juan i love the art of forgiveness because i am a christian than im big into it. Im with greg on this. I think its a matter of his sense of humor and its not the best humor because i have such reverence for our veterans. But i must say when you stop and here are some of the rhetoric that comes from you know who about people whove been prisoners of war and he doesnt like greg chris rock . [laughter] juan no. Greg he made the joke first. Juan i think it is dtd. I think he has that awful things people say its just a joke. Jesse saturday night live will make fun of veterans but they wont make fund of democrats. Dana they are telling me that we have to go. Martha coming up, this amazing video and the midterms next on the five. Greg winter vacation footage of Michael Avenatti chasing down alec baldwin. Its tape of a mama bear scaling a mountain with a baby bear close behind until the baby bear loses its footing. As the cub gets close, down it goes, and it keeps trying and then it goes down and down, down. Looks like cnns ratings. The cub gives it one last try and makes it back to mom. I think this is cute, even though both of them would rip you to shreds given the chance. They are adorable. It raises an important question, why am i showing this video . Am i that bored with politics . Yes. Its a parable of persistence in the face of failure. It is about you the viewer who every day has to climb over mountains of selfappointed experts telling you absolutely nothing. Polls, predictions, bad haircuts. Midterms are like the super bowl for the uncoordinated. Or maybe this was just a desperate analogy so that i could use the video. I like bears. Even the mean one, named bret. Juan gosh. You would imagine that bret baier is a little upset about what you just said. Greg he is no snowflake. Have you seen his biceps . [laughter] dana, does this video create any special meaning for you or are you mad that it took attention away from jasper . Dana i washed this last night. I was so nervous for the bear that i had to fastforward. Just to make sure it had a happy ending. It was 3 minutes long. Jesse this is what i would call a huge television risk appeared on the eve of the biggest Midterm Election of my lifetime and greg is showing animal videos. Dana and making fun of his colleagues. Jesse the way i would describe the parable is trump is the big bear and he is trying to pull the house, little bear, over the finish line against all odds. Look what happened. Dana perseverance. Greg the big bear is trump and the little bear is the antitrump media that cant keep up with all of his achievements, a mountain of achievements. Jesse thats a stretch. Juan jesse. He was trying. You have to give greg credit. Greg made you smile. Juan it did. I loved it. Jesse i thought it was unbearable. Juan look at that. That is a grisly joke. I think what we have here is an example of perseverance. I was thinking i wonder if trump is going to build a wall. [laughter] you are going to pay for it, is that right . Jesse mexico. Juan maybe martha will pay for the wall. I martha im not going to pay for the wall. I will tell you what i like about the video. It sort of a metaphor of tough love. The mother is standing there. I look at it as a mom, just standing there. Come on. She doesnt run down and help. She could have pushed him up. Then he gets to the top and she doesnt go you did it she just goes yeah, lets go. Dana i dont think she went down because she knew she was so heavy she wouldnt be able to stop. Greg body shaming the bear, dana. Dana she was appropriately sized for the winter. Greg that is true. Dana great monologue. Greg thank you. Shall we move on . Coming up, one more thing is next. Ahh. Where are mom and dad . saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico goin up the country. Love mom and dad im takin a nap. Dude, you just woke up im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. We really pride ourselves ton making it easyautoglass, to get your windshield fixed. Teacher lets turn in your science papers. Tech vo this teacher always puts her students first. Student i did mine on volcanoes. Teacher you did . oh, i cant wait to read it. Tech vo so when she had auto glass damage. She chose safelite. With safelite, she could see exactly when wed be there. Teacher you must be pascal. Tech yes maam. Tech vo saving her time. [honk, honk] kids bye tech vo . So she can save the science project. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace time now for one more thing. I wanted to tell the audience that greg has a man satchel. Im man enough to have a satchel. I want you to see winston. A dog who has a love for the blues. He is deaf, but he loves to play along when his owner plays the blues. Think about winston. Viggo scratching his just remember, if you go to vote. Org, you can check your information, find out where you are supposed to be tomorrow. Democrats, the election is wednesday. Juan . You know that tomorrow is election day. Women are going to play a huge role in deciding the outcome. It caught my attention when i saw 146 years ago today, susan b. Anthony became the first woman to cast a vote in the usa. Of course, it was illegal. She was arrested. And she was find 100. She refused to pay. The 19th amendment gave the boat to the women 100 years ago and there is a Record Number of women, 107, in the u. S. Congress. In 2016, with a woman running for president , look at what happened to her great grave site. Women are going to be very excited when ivanka is president 2024. How many cheeses can you name in 20 seconds . In Milwaukee Bucks fan was put to the test. She did pretty well. Lets listen. Marscapone. Buffalo. Smoked whipped cream cheese, cottage cheese. Brie, feta, monster, colby jack, colby. Colby jack greg, i know you are not allowed to eat cheese. Thats actually a hate crime where i come from. Are you triggered . Im triggered by cheese. I have to go to the background. Did she win . What yes, she did. One thing i learned is when a phrase in sports gets overused, it gets picked up by political analysts, like this one. Leaving it all on the field. I have heard this every time they talk about President Trump. I said that saturday night. It means, just say he gave 100 or all of his effort. Thats taking something from a schoolteacher, though. He gave it 100 of the like, thats taking it from teachers. How about 110 . Can you give 110 , dana . Can i, personally . Was there a deficit like tha that . You have a deficit . I wrote a book once and the title was keep your eyes on the prize, someone said to me that if you got a nickel every time that was in the sports page, youd be a rich guy. Martha . So mine is julian snark, wearing an outfit ive worn often myself but i was not wearing it for halloween. Shes a retired mom. She put cheerios in her hair. The best part of this is jillian is 1 of 9 children, so she know knows. She helps them take care of the youngest five, so thanks to julian. That was for halloween . Its like an adorable, beautiful girl and she put cheerios in her hair. We missed that part but i thought, is this too late to do a hollowing story, and i realized today i brought my halloween candy and gave it to my staff. Tomorrow night, we have laura ingraham, we have a bret, we have martha, and we have shannon bream. Huge show tomorrow for the election. Very important election. There will be no bare videos. Set your dvrs, never miss an episode of the five. Special report is up next with bret. Bret tell greg id like to talk to him after the show. This is a fox news alert. I am bret baier, we are coming to you live from americas collection headquarters in new york, right now, we are 24 hours away from the start of our special election coverage. Most of tuesday night will be focused on the balance of power. Republicans control the u. S. Senate right now with 51 member members. Democrats have 47 47 plus two Independent School caucus with the democrats. 26 Democratic Senators are up for reelection, states which President Trump won in 2016 giving republicans a chance to add to their slim maj

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